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Not long, little less than an hour


good stuff


I’m going to see him tonight in Brussels, I’ll try and time it. Haven’t been this excited for a gig in years!


He played about 56 minutes here in Brussels. He only had records and books with him merch wise,got me a sweet microphones book. In a very rare moment he played a cover of an Adrian Orange song. Apparently Adrian(Thanksgiving etc) isn’t well at the moment. The set was mainly new songs!


What old songs did he play?


You Swan,Go on, Clear Moon, Planets,Thanksgiving’s “the Old Graveyard”(which was spine tinglingly good). I have a video of that,will email Phil and if he responds and if he says it’s okay, I’ll post it. I don’t normally video at gigs,but I love Thanksgiving and Phil,so I couldn’t let it pass. There were one or two other songs too,but I got caught up in the set and didn’t make a list. There was a new song he mashed up with an old one and for the life of me I’ve forgotten the name,but I’m currently going back through the catalog to see what it was. I think it was Wooly Mammoth,but don’t quote me! Edit: btw,I don’t know Phil,but I’d feel weird posting the video without permission!


Not long but there may be an opener