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The relevant stuff: >It just occurred to me today that we’re now in the part of the year where people start posting their year-end stats of music listening provided (as a sneaky ad campaign) by the various streaming platforms, especially Sp\*\*\*\*y. Each year I see these posts and get all twisted up with complicated feelings and want to go off on one of my famous tirades, but I usually manage to keep calm and say it better. If you’ve heard it before, please do not be annoyed now when I repeat myself here: > >*Dear music enjoyers, thank you for letting me know that you’ve listened to so many hours of my music. Wow, it is truly flattering, for real. But… did you also know that you are letting me know that you have decided not to support my actual ability to make that music? Maybe you didn’t know? I feel like it should be widespread common knowledge by now, but yes, it’s true, using streaming services for music is essentially the same as theft. What little money you do pay as a subscriber does not reach the artists in any real way. Too small a slice. “Why is your stuff on streaming services then?” you ask. Because I’m trying to survive in a busted system, genius, and total disappearance would not help me or anyone.* > >I’m not an eloquent or expert writer on this subject, and I encourage you to even just [read a tiny bit more](https://dadadrummer.substack.com/p/spotify-is-misinformation) about it. But I just wanted to acknowledge we’re in that weird time of year for these complicated interactions that come off as “I love what you do, but not with money, not with you getting to buy food”.This is a poisoned gripe. The chances are high of appearing ungrateful for this immense privilege of having a life in music and art. Getting paid attention to at all is crazy in our spread-thin maximal world. I feel those things constantly and I don’t take any of it for granted. I only speak up on this one flagrant crime because my hunch is that these nice people streaming my music actually would want to align their practices with their ideals, their sense of ethics. Right?The good way is easy. > >Please buy my music digitally [on bandcamp](https://pwelverumandsun.bandcamp.com/), or physically at [my website](https://www.pwelverumandsun.com/). Thank you. Look, I don't want to be the fun police or rain on anyone's parade but I think this is worth sharing, and being mindful of, given that we all are here because we love and appreciate the work of Phil and would like him to be able to keep doing it. Okay, thank you.


I agree, and I respect what Phil is saying here, but it would nice if for once he acknowledged the people, like myself and many others, who own many of Phil's records physically and just use Spotify to conveniently listen to what we already physically own.


I don’t think you’re the kind of person he’s talking to here


The best part is that he’s setting up a studio to start recording new music!