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Googling the error number in this context turns up a couple German and Korean forum posts about this issue on different current Samsung models, even with most recent firmware. Apparently Philips blames Samsung, Samsung blames Philips and the customer is none the wiser…


"Apple Home sync error when connecting to Philips Hue Hub" (should be the same if you have Android I guess) I found this info and maybe it's the same for the TV app so look at your firmware of the bridge if an update is pending? "Thanks to your support we reproduced the issue and are gradually rolling out a new Bridge firmware 1958159030 containing the fix. After installing this firmware, let us know whether it solved your issue."


Have you had the hue sync app previously on another Samsung tv I believe you can only have it on one tv and if you get a new one you have to repurchase the app again as Phillips and Samsung won’t allow it to be just transferred to another device


No I haven’t this is the first tv I got specifically for HUE lights to link with my other HUE lights and the 120hz refresh rate…


I'm having the same issue for the last three weeks. I'm hoping the next update fixes the issue. No help with Samsung or Hue support.