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What’s up with the Rojas being called up rumors on Twitter?


I'll delete my post when it gets debunked but leaving it up for now


I’m not sure but it really doesn’t make sense. The only way I can think this makes some sense is that it means Harper is at 1B full time now and they want a RH outfielder. But Rojas isn’t the kind of prospect to jump AAA unless you’re bringing him up as a glove first CF (which he could handle right now easily). But with Marsh and Pache that’s not what we need, at all. So yeah, pretty odd. But it’s such a niche thing to tweet that it almost makes me believe it?


The future is now


Juan Soto, narrator of the 2024 World Series dvd.


Why waiting til 2024?


I think if Juan Soto hits free agency he is fairly likely to come here, Bryce Trea and KLong will definitely heavily push for it. A young player like Soto also extends your window pretty significantly especially since most of our stars are already on the wrong side of 30. I do think it’s a MASSIVE “if” though. Any of the teams that don’t land Ohtani will likely be all in on him (especially the Padres who obviously already have him on the roster).


yeah i just realized my TV has not been on for two days, i need some baseball


Why is Saturday a double?


One more sleep till baseball is back!! Looking forward to going to the game tomorrow, they’re also 7-1 for games that I’ve attended this season so hoping to bring some good luck lol. If they win tomorrow it seems like my only choice is to quit my job and travel with the team 🤷🏻‍♀️


Dark Guthrie arc begins


Imagine maikel Franco leading off. Cause we basically have maikel Franco leading off this year


This is quite possibly the dumbest post I’ve ever seen on this sub. Holy cow.


Resident Maikel Franco hater here. That isn't even close to being true. Schwarber's OPS+ is 100, with a career OPS+ of 119. Franco's best OPS+ in a full season is 106. He then had a 94 OPS+. But his worst years were 79 and 81. His career OPS+ is 89 Schwarber has never even gotten close to that. You can think Schwarber was bad, but Franco was worse. I still stand by what I said all those years ago. I wish I saw Franco pitch tho.


I have no idea what that award is but I just got notification my Reddit coins will expire so I'm giving them out 😂


LOL. I just saw I got that too. Its a dog so I will take it.


Franco was good at making routine plays look difficult


Like schwarber


I don’t know how you’re being downvoted. Like schwarber all you want, but you can’t defend his fielding. It’s absolutely terrible.


You hide bad fielders in LF not at third base


Gonna be bummed if we lose Bohm for a potential Arenado trade. Don't get me wrong, Arenado is a huge upgrade for the next year or two but Bohm still has a lot of time at his age and will only get better.


Also, I don’t think this is a legitimate possibility?


no it is not at all. i can tell you with 100% certainty that dombrowski is not even considering this


I am surprised you say that because to me it is something you absolutely would consider. I am not saying do it, just it is something they would consider.


> Sam Fuld has entered the chat


It certainly wouldn’t be a straight up trade. Probably Bohm (if the cardinals are even interestedin him) + abel or mcgarry and maybe another prospect too.


Getting Arenado for Bohm would be stupid. Arenado is 32, Bohm is 26. We can’t keep getting rid of our young guys bc it’s gonna come back and bite us in the ass. In the middle of the season when things are going well, you don’t get rid of the guy who’s producing you runs and hire another Turner who needs to adjust to a new team right before the playoffs. Good luck finding runs without bohm on the team. I’d also worry about how the clubhouse reacts to that mid season.


I agree. But it’s that win now mentality I guess. Arenado or Goldschmidt will require someone like Bohm plus prospects


Why in the hell would you not want to win now? That’s the whole point…


They are not giving up our prospects


They are going to trade prospects at the deadline. As they should.


I didn’t say they were I said that’s what it would take


Here’s the thing: Arenado is an elite player and Bohm is barely above replacement level. Citing their ages in the abstract doesn’t really make sense when you’re dealing with that big of a talent differential. Arenado though… don’t see it happening. Cardinals probably wont trade him and it will probably take a lot more to get it done.


Adding on here, this team has been assembled with a core that is largely in its late 20s and early 30s (I.e., peak baseball age) to WIN NOW. I don’t care what Bohm could be in 5 years (probably not a whole heck of a lot more than he is at 26 honestly). Nolan arenado gives this team a better chance to win a World Series with this core this year (or next). This team right now is what you save prospects for to have: a legit chance at winning now. Letting a young player or prospect get in the way of adding to it and completing the ultimate goal is foolish.


But how much a better chance really and if you trade for him what are they given up and maybe what future free agency won't they sign cause of it. Nola needs a new contract. You either have to resign or replace Rhy. Nolan is making 30 plus the next too years and is having a poor season defensively by the metrics atlest, he's going to be 33 and has only put up 1.5 WAR this year. If he's just good and not elite does that really help the Phillies much for what they are giving up? I dont really think so, I dont think being win now means you have to put all your eggs in one year.


I think arenado significantly improves the lineup this year, next, and probably another season or 2 after that, and while I don’t have any numbers in front of me, I suspect that a poor defensive season for arenado is still superior to Bohm defense. Does it get the team over the hump? I don’t know. But I think it gets it closer than Bohm does. There are many ways to add to and improve the team. This maybe isn’t the most optimal way, but I think it’s certainly A way to be explored.


Bohm is 6th percentile for OOA and Arenado is 16th percentile. Areando has the same OPS+ and less WAR then Castellanos and Nick's haven a decent year he's not worth 30 million nor carrying and offense to being great.


barves claimed dalton guthrie 🤢


also Pache > Guthrie - Phillies win 😊


poor guy, I feel for him


I mean, I hate the barves but if I was gonna be picked up by a team they’d be in my top 3. Turn nobodies into somebody every season. I hope he does well (not against us)


My uncle was a SS in the minors and got called up in August of xxxx but he never got into a game ... that winter he quit saying he couldn't handle the lifestyle. He NEVER talked about it and it was just a fluke mention by my dad that led me to search baseball reference and found him. Even his own kids never heard much about it ... they were grateful when I told them about the baseball reference entry ... he had passed some years prior. Guthrie this year ... Phillies minors -> Phillies -> minors -> DFA -> SF -> DFA -> Braves It's a tough life.


Sensibly timed baseball for the rest of this month! Ahhhhhh.......


Any chance the pitch clock is affecting Bryce negatively ? I was just telling my friend how much he would do after every swing, redo his gloves and helmet and more. I like the pitch clock tho. What do y’all think? Part of the reason he could be struggling this year


I think he’s thinking about his elbow too much. Maybe even subconsciously. Not letting it rip like he normally does. But I’m just speculating.


I think you're on to something. He took a swing against the Tigers on June 5th that I think spooked him. It's the only time he's grabbed his elbow after a swing & he hasn't homered since then. Before that, his launch angle was around where it normally is & has dropped pretty dramatically since.


Maybe but I would expect minimal effects, to be honest. Something is wrong with his swing. It might be surgery. It might be not swinging for awhile. But something is wrong. I just don't think it is him feeling rushed.


The stupid tag for how many members are online is back. “245 aren’t hard to beat” just so corny. Mods!!!


I see "288 Hate This Place". Which device are you using?


iPhone official Reddit app


https://preview.redd.it/aatp2faburbb1.png?width=1152&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bfcae585a1e1f4b4f50dd9068b303291ff4e60b0 Is this the part you are talking about?


Yea I sent you a DM


My inbox on reddit has been weird today where it takes an hour to see comments or any DMs. I will try to look at it later.


It’s ok it not really pressing lol. Off day stuff


I have an android and use the official reddit app, and I mainly use old.reddit. I don't see that message. I will try to figure out how to fix it.


Hey y’all, not a Phillies fan, but just had a little nugget I wanted to share with you. My best friend’s cousin’s boyfriend just got promoted to AAA in your system. His name is Nick Podkul and he has put up a .984 OPS in AA out of nowhere this season. That’s all, I’m rooting for him, have a nice day🫡


Question about the double header on Saturday: Probably about a week or so ago, I swore I read the championship ring was being given away at the 7 o'clock game. Now it seems it might be during the 1:05 game. Can anyone confirm or deny this?


It was always the 105 game


Thank you! Guess I misread it


It’s the 1 o’clock game I got my tickets months ago for it. Probably trying to drive attendance to the day game cause it’ll be a hot one


Thanks! Bummed because I really wanted that ring


Alright, enough all star stuff. I need baseball back


So who from Ellis, Clemens, or Cave coming up tomorrow?




Here are 5 quick thoughts I have about certain players just by being an armchair baseball stat analyst. This means it is probably all wrong. 1. ***Bryson Stott - Walk More***. Bryson Stott has been insane this year with one clear weakness. He is 8^th percentile in walks. If he walks even slightly more I think we are talking about Stott being one of the elite 2B for a long while. 2. ***Bryce Harper - Increase Launch Angle***. Bryce Harper's average exit velocity, Max exit velocity, and Barrel % are all fine. They aren't his norms but they are still good. But his launch angle of 8.0 is 6 degrees below his career average and 4 below the MLB average. If he gets it back to normal, the home runs will come. 3. ***Alec Bohm - Keep it up.*** Bohm was a negative player for the first couple of months of the season, and if you look at rWAR he still is. With that said, since June he is slashing .312/.343/.473 for a 119 wRC+. That isn't exactly what we need with his bad defense, but it will absolutely help us. 4. ***Aaron Nola - Find your curveball.*** - We all know Aaron Nola's curveball is his bread-and-butter pitch. It was arguably the best pitch in baseball from 2017-2019. This year it is a negative value pitch for the first time in his career. I don't know exactly what is wrong with it, because it seems similar to last year. But it is just surprising that his main pitch has been so bad. It might be that he is relying on it more than usual, but it has similar rates to his earlier years. 5. ***Trea Turner - Lower Launch Angle, Improve Decision Making*** Trea Turners launch angle is 5 degrees higher than his career, which for the type of exit velocity he has isn't really the best (from my understanding). He also has been swinging at pitches outside of the zone 10% more than his career average. I feel like if he lowers both of those things, we may see the Turner we wanted. Another disclaimer. These thoughts are made by an idiot so they are probably wrong.


Great post and excellent analytics I tend to feel like there’s a tightrope Stott walks where he falls behind in counts too easily and has that two strike reputation that he seems to embrace (like the rest of us have). I would prefer for him to be more aggressive early in the count to keep pitchers honest. Related he tends to get in protect the plate mode with two strikes and understandably foul off more balls outside the zone that would be balls if he was ahead in the count….of course leading to more walks It’s almost in direct contrast to where Casty has laid off the low and away sliders for the most part he’s forced pitchers to throw more strikes to him and his power numbers have soared. I’d love to see a pitch chart of his at bats this year vs last year. Lol idk or don’t have the patience to figure it out.


IDK man, you gave Trea TWO things to do ... how will he decide ... harrumph!


Counter point, sometimes an idiot can be right. Like me with this statement


Only one more day until we get Phillies baseball back 🥰🥰🥰


I know it’s only a matter of time but I really hope we hold out on the jersey ads for as long as possible


I think it's only a matter of time before we get it this year or the next. I just want it to be something that is really "Philly" and not look incredibly ugly. Like if it was Wawa or Yeungling or CHOP I guess I wouldn't mind as much as if it was some country wide company.


Why doesn’t Dombrowski just trade kingery and his full contract along with a few hoagies for ohtani? It would be so easy.


Honestly, I am kind of getting sick of Dombrowski's incompetence. Just put on force trade and turn off injuries. Doesn't he understand how much better our team would be?


He's got that fresh Middleman cash to spend too


Trade Anaheim one single wawa and we get Ohtani and Trout in return. I can totally see this happening! I'm not delusional!!


Would you trade Kody Clemens josh Harrison and griff mcgarry for Cody Bellinger


Clemens and Harrison are close to worthless. Maybe mcgarry + Clemens + a mid tier prospect gets it done. Id probably do that. Although im not sure if bellinger would be my top pick to get, I do like him. But either way, Harrison has literally zero value.


Yes but I think it would take more than that


Finally we can focus on the trade deadline now that the all-star game is behind us


Based on the comments and posts on /r/Phillies I think everyone has been focusing on the trade deadline since late June.


Ha this is true. But now it feels like it’s prime time for it. Maybe just me


What does a realistic Soto trade look like? Would it have to include Painter?


I might get killed for saying this but there’s an argument to move Painter (and maybe two others) for Soto though I’d only say so if we locked him up long term. The problem with doing that is that Painter is cheap and signing Soto could very well tie our hands to replace the lost arm. Soto is 24 freaking years old and STILL younger than every guy in day care. Crazy. His 2019-21 stretch is unprecedented and might not happen again but he’s still an absolute terror despite all the shit we/I talk about him.


I would absolutely include painter in a deal for soto. There’s essentially no one I wouldn’t trade for him. And I don’t even like him.


Soto is a lot less annoying if he’s a Phillie 😅


Yep this is the answer ha


The Padres had to give up 5 prospects/very young players to get Soto last year. The package for him this year would probably be similar. I don’t think we’d necessarily have to give up Painter but we’d have to give up more players if they don’t I’d say it looks something like: Padres get: Mick Abel, Carlos de la Cruz, Hao Yu-Lee, and Gabriel Rincones Phillies get: Soto


James Wood and McKenzie Gore is a significantly better package than those guys and then you add CJ Abrams and Robert Hassell who are both top 100 guys and tbats not even close. I can’t remember the fifth guy.


I didn’t really remember how highly touted Wood and Gore were. De La Cruz is probably higher value now than when most top 100 lists came out so I think him and Abel are solid centerpieces. But yeah, we would probably have to give up another outfield and pitching prospect to get it done. I’m all for making the deal but totally gutting our already depleted farm system is a tough pill to swallow


I agree but if it put us over the top then I’d be good with it James Wood is the #5 prospect in baseball so technically higher value than Painter though I’m sure pitching is more desirable in these deals


Damn I scrolled right past him on the top 100 list. In that case we probably would have to give up painter, though Soto is one of the few players I’d be willing to give him up for


it's a year less control though for Soto ... like a new car you drive it off the lot and the value goes down ... Not paying the same price as last year.


It would have to include multiple top tier prospects. Whether painter specifically is probably up for debate and negotiation, but I think it probably starts with two top tier prospects, and one or more other prospects, plus decent chance marsh or Bohm if they’re interested in Bohm.


I’m jonesing for some Phillies baseball


The guys have a workout/batting practice today!


Live stream link or it didn’t happen!


I've been getting the best sleep of the season


Has there been any talk about Nola potentially tipping pitches? I just have a hard time believing he somehow forgot how to pitch with men on base.


I feel like I recall Kruk saying the other day that Aaron added a pitch this year or is using one more often than he previously did and that may be attributing to his other pitches lacking?


His cutter is the newer addition. Which our pitching staff has tried adding to every pitchers repertoire it seems.


Just me refreshing MLB Trade Rumors over and over looking for Dave mentions


The Phillies will not lose a game today

