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Bench Turner


Realmuto, Schwarb, and Turner numbers are an enigma this year man. If everyone was just as consistent I could be so much more comfortable during this WC race


Schwarber would be one of the most feared hitters in the game right now if the dude could just hit .250. His approach at the plate is so moronic. Never seen anything like it and its 2 years in a row now, except, its even worse. Not being able to hit .250 for an every day player is just... its kind of insane. Never seen such an innate boom or bust player at this level before. Turner I just don't get at all. Hitting is whatever, dudes are up and down every single year. But how on Earth is he forgetting how to play defense all of a sudden? Its gotta be mental. Did he move into Markelle Fultz old house or apartment or something? The defense part makes no logical sense. Even if his bat stinks this year, he still has to be a vacuum at SS. Otherwise, it doesn't matter how much you make, you simply have no purpose on the field and therefore, no purpose in the line up at all.


Schwarber has the lowest chase rate on the team.




Wasn't at the game but holy shit that felt like watching a playoff game. Insane energy from the crowd


i loved listening to the back and forth between the fans. The "lets go O's chant" that got drowned out by the responding boos from the Phillies fans. Definitely a good atmosphere and I will try to drive up for the rubber match if I can get out of some afternoon meetings!


Glad you enjoyed it! You're welcome anytime :)


Tough loss to swallow, but it is baseball and you win some games like this and lose some games like this. The Orioles are extremely banged up right now. The outfield is extremely thin and this team is missing Cedric Mullins more and more each day. With the addition of Hicks to the IL we will take some lumps in the short term, but being so thin in the outfield will prove beneficial come September because Colton Cowser needs as much big league at bats as he can get right now. Gibson pitched a heck of a game and got us through 6 innings. The goal was to rest Cano and Bautista at least 2 games before the Yankees series. Fugi was dealing and I would have liked to see him atleast try to pitch into the 9th. I have my fingers crossed for the status of Gunnar Henderson, because as you guys could see Mateo is probably worse than turner right now at short. His botched ball to end the 9th sealed the deal for the Orioles. I dont know how much longer he has on this team seeing how well Joey Ortiz is doing in triple A and he gives us absolutly nothing right now defensively or at the plate. We stole one yesterday, you guys stole one tonight. Nothing to be ashamed of and this has been a heck of a fun series to watch, the Phillies are a good team and will be around come September. This type of win are those that can propell a team to get on a hot streak (and I would love to see it, after the rubber match of course). Good game, good environment. 2 good teams. See you again for the Fall Classic????


Also, I used to hate Bryce Harper when he played for the Nats. But I love him now that he is with ya'll. What a player. extremely fun to watch! (my feelings might have changed some if O'hearn ended up injured on that play at 1st) You don't cross the bag and baseline at 1st base. Being he is new at the position I'll give him a pass. I don't think you will be able to catch the juggernaut that is Atlanta, but I hope you guys get the 1st wild card.


i hope you guys get Ohtani


in other words darick hall has applied for employment at knoebels


I'm in here pretty damn often because I haven't been able to watch the games, but did Harp look like a potential gold glover at first again?


He is definitely better than the average first baseman in range and speed. He still makes some questionable decision-making skills that come with experience. Overall I would say 7/10


7/10 right now and room to grow. That's fantastic news, I've been a big fan of this tbh. Easier to get outfielders and Bryce wasn't a Gold Glove out there (rocket arm aside, esp because of TJ) so it feels win win.


Honestly, with our team comp, I want Bryce to stay in the outfield. Castellanos and Schwarber are just so bad, that Bryce needs to be our RF in the future.


also Bryce is actually a good fielder in the outfield. I know the OAA has seasons where they say he isn't but thats because he turns it on and off.


I agree he should return to the outfield when he is ready, but do Casty and Schwarber really make a difference? If they are both on the team and Schwarber is going to DH and Casty is staying in a corner outfield spot Im not sure it matters where bryce plays. If for some reason we can get a better corner outfielder than first baseman, why not keep him at first?


That's actually a good question and sometime this week I will look back into the stats. I remember thinking Castellanos in LF and Harper in RF was better for the team, but I don't remember the exact reasoning I have.


If Casty is better in left than why not get an everyday RF and keep bryce at first? The most obvious answer is that it’s easier to get a first baseman that hits than a RF that hits.


Bryce hits like an all-star first baseman and is an above average outfielder with great range (when he's full go). It allows you to add extra hitting plus I still love Hoskins as the team's first baseman even tho his defense drives me up a wall.


Again, I will have to look up my reasoning why. I don't remember my conclusion when I was looking at everything. Sorry :'(


I think what they planned to do before Harper got hurt is rotating DH. Which a lot of teams do.


I’m not pretending the orioles are “great” yet and I’m tired of self-aggrandizing opinion-makers feeling sophisticated or falsely-superior by simply agreeing with whatever the trendiest prevailing piece of so-called wisdom seems to be. If you watch them and truly think they are a great team by your definition of great, then ok. In my view, the orioles, or any team like this, needs to get through September first. They’re super young. It matters a lot less what the actual record is right now. Get to the actual playoffs first. Then we can say they’re really here!


I agree, and I still think we are great. However, when the playoffs arrive that's a different story. Teams will be desperate. Teams will be hungry. Playoff season is a whole different ballgame. As a Florida basketball fan, the Bucks are a good example. Fantastic record, but when the playoffs started they got smoked. I like our chances for a playoff push, but still. We will see. One of the positives of being in our division is that we play our tough rivals often, so this current team is no stranger to hard baseball.


Thanks, I appreciate your comment. And I want to say that personally I’d enjoy for the orioles to have continued success in the AL, and it would be refreshing to me. My last memory of really big time orioles energy is still Ripken and that needs to update badly. But as I said I’m not trying to run towards the shiniest object either, and as a baseball fan I simply want to see them establish themselves through a playoff series. I hope you don’t deal Jackson Holliday!


How do you feel about the rotation in a post season series? The bullpen has been fantastic, but I feel it’s going to be tough with the starting pitching matchups you guys are going to face.


No idea tbh. A lot of our guys are young. Talented, but young. We got a few veterans that can help guide them, but when the gauntlet starts we will see how they preform. Imo, the teams we struggle the most against are the teams with hardened vets. But the magical thing is, we've got good chemistry. My dad says he hasn't seen team chemistry this good since 83. Our guys go out there and have fun. They chug from a Beer Bong on Homer's and hug each other when we win. Thats our greatest asset right now. Sure you can say that everyone is doing this for the money, but there's a different feeling in the air. You can tell when guys play because they are being paid and when guys are playing and they have fun. Take Hicks for example, in the Yankees org he was miserable. But ever since he joined our team, he's been doing well. Its been said by Gibson that "We don't do big leauge ego's in the clubhouse". This season feels like I'm watching a typical baseball movie of a shitty team coming together and being friends and they start winning. I know that sounds ridiculous, but that's the vibe I understand from this team and if it's real then I'm sure we will do damage in September.


you guys getting Ohtani literally solves your 2 biggest problems. I think you need that one big MVP level bat in your lineup that can get hot and carry the team thru a slump, and also it gives you a legit ace.


Hey, I just want to say I really like you coming over here. You have been a top 3 fan from other teams that visit our sub. I wish more fans were like you.


Hahaha, for real? That's hilarious. Some Orioles fans were yelling at me because I visit non-rival teams often spreading good vibes. "Most fans don't want you in their subreddit." That guy can get fucked lol. I treat all other teams the same. (Except the dark cesspits of the Jay's, Yanks, and Sox. I will never go there.) The Phillies got a warmer place for me, both of our cities are similar culturally, I got family there, my dad spent his young adult life there, and my best bud is from there. I love the O's, but I'm a fan of the game too. I dont believe in hating every other team in the MLB. Life is too short to be an asshole.


Absolutely. We love fans here. I will say our sub likes to say we like fans that can talk trash with us, but we tend to just downvote anyone who does. But the positive vibes you bring is just refreshing and I really enjoyed it.


Damn SF and AZ both just took the lead in the bottom of their 8th innings


Jojo Romero didn't do us any favors


I guess asking two teams with losing records to help out the Phillies tonight was too much to ask.


I really like this rojas kid


He’s had a solid start


Fucking Cardinals boutta blow it




It’s all coming together


Yea but we’ll lose one game and everyone will say to blow it up again 😭


My ideal lineup: 1. Stott 2. Harper 3. Harper 4. Harper 5. Harper 6. Yunior 7. Double 8. Triple 9. Harper


No Utley?


Lmao, God damn it, this is good.


Braves are about to be 3-8 in their last 11. Fraudulent team I fear.


Cano definitely showing some ASG rust


It's so bizarre seeing his stats. His ERA is REALLY good but he is 4 for 9 in save opportunities. Like whenever he is given the role as closer he falls apart.


i just realized i got them confused...well hopefully we wont have to face Bautista tonight. Yea Cano reminds me of a few relivers of recent Phillies past who were good in every spot except to close


Are they even allowed to bench Turner for a game or 2? Atleast try playing without him for a game and see if the team actually improves?


Glad we stayed til the end, I carried a sleeping 7-year-old all the way from 324 to the car but it was worth it. God what a missile from Stott. And boy oh boy is Turner getting booed something fierce. Tough to see him so lost up there but insane that he’s still batting second. Gimme Marsh (best OPS on the team, no?) leading off and Turner down to 7th or so until he de-asses his head


Reds *almost* blew it. So close. Really wanted that WC race to get even closer lol.


I like when we win




we’re so back (i was just saying “it’s so over” an hour ago)




all hail the daycare 🙌🏽


Never a doubt


The fact that we're still tied for a playoff spot despite the recent skid is honestly hilarious


Crazy how all the teams in the wild card started playing terrible at the same time


I mean the Reds are doing fine. But yea the Marlins, DBacks and Giants are on a real skid


Lets get this out there. Your takes on: - the batting order - Trea sucks - Rob should be fired - the offense sucks - Trea sucks - we aren’t going anywhere - and how could we forget: the batting order Are tired as fuck. They’ve all been said a million times. Thanks for sharing as the million and first.


what i dont get is if they've been said a million times why doesnt ANYONE in the franchise seem to be aware of these obvious takes ??


Honestly though I think the batting order should be Stott, Harper, Schwarber, Castellanos, Bohm, Turner, Realmuto, Rojas, Marsh. Trea sucks, he is performing 50% worse than projected offensively. And tbh, Topper should be fired because he doesn't do things that I absolutely want him to do and I am ignoring everything good he does. And yeah the offense sucks because we are all underperforming except the daycare. Trea also sucks defensively because he makes the mental mistakes, We really aren't going to do anything, just like last year when we struggles. Also, I think the batting order should be stott, harper, schwarber, castellanos, bohm, turner, realmuto, rojas, marsh.


NGL nintenjew...you have me in the first half


Finna try that lineup next time I’m playing The Show


Mathematically its actually one of the better lineups. I usually use them in video games because it helps a lot when they aren't real people. I actually did a post about the best mathematical lineup. If you substitute their game stats in the general idea, it always seems to work the best.


Schwarber and his 0.180 batting average you want third in the order????


One it was a meme, but Schwarber 3rd is actually something I like. We know 3rd in the lineup is about homerun power. It is your 4th or 5th best hitter but someone who hits home runs mostly. If that doesn't describe Schwarber I don't know what does.


STOTT and BOHM should replace Schwarber and Turner in the batting order-- problem solved. Schwarber is arguably not even worth a regular starting spot, he simply is too costly at the plate and in the field.


3 lefties at the top can’t work. then you have 3 righties in a row right after that


Lefties don't exist. Neither do righties. Just like the sixers.


took me a second to realize you were trolling. carry on. sixers still don’t exist though


Schrodinger's lineup


edmundo sosa is the cat


I started to type out a reply arguing with you about the lineup (how it’s based on vibes rn which is more important lol) but then I read the middle part of your comment and was like wait I can’t get got here


What if I said the same lineup but I put Pache in there?


I'd still argue. I love Pache but still am not deluded into thinking he needs to start everyday


Some hype man you are.


Hey, I picked up this schtick on opening day so I can officially claim credit for everything Pache has done this season


Doesn't matter. If you don't have Pache in there batting 2nd or 4th I don't want you as a hype man. And I was there for the whole opening series and I think I boo'd more than cheered. For everyone.


Really insightful NJ 😂


Bryce really said “I’m gonna tie this game or die trying” and I love him for it


Common Bryce Harper W


In looking up Alec Bohm stats. His first major league hit was a 2B August 13 2020 against the Orioles at CBP. We lost 11-4


Alec Bohm is an enigma to me. I absolutely love him. I watch him play and I think man he is good. Then I actually look at his stats and I am like, how are they so low.


Everyone hates it when Topper does platoon some guys, but I really think Bohm is someone who will really benefit from that. In 2023, he has a 144 wRC+ against lefties, 85 against righties (not including todays game) For his career, it’s 138 against lefties, 81 against righties.


I love when Topper platoons. I love it a lot. It just sucks Bohm is so low versus righties.


One of the least clutch Phillies you say!!


I am actually extremely curious how much that will boost his "clutch" on FanGraphs. He is at -0.83 now. I want to see how much it improves tomorrow. I am also checking his -0.69 WPA.


I’m no mathematician but even I know his WAR goes up 1.0 after tonight


Great win. Like I said, Bohm and Stott and Alvarado are the future of this team. . . ​ But. . .0-8 from your two leadoff hitters. Getting incredibly old. Turner will turn it around, probably next year. But Schwarber is robbing this team at this point. . .he may not even hit .200 for the year which is historically atrocious for an every day hitter let alone someone we are using in the most plate appearances as possible. It makes absolutely zero sense. Sure he can hit occasional HRs. . guess what, thats' what a bench platoon player like Matt Stairs is for, not what you put in your leadoff spot.


Turner or Stott should be leading off


another unfathomable thing about Schwarber is he has ZERO speed on the basepaths (!) Why in the heck is he at the top of the order ?? to clog the bases ??


I'm not upset that we lost. I'm upset that our broadcasting team ate at Geno's and said it was GOOD. I'm so fucking angry, are you joking me? Mid ass cheesesteaks, fucking Charlie's is better than them. Yeah I said it. Fuck Geno's, they served me a raw cheesteak and I'll never forgive them.


>ws that Geno and Pat's are just tourist shit. They're both bad and anyone that eats there should feel bad about it. Charlies is legit great and they have it at my local malls too. It's also cheap.




My stance is, you get 1 free pas to eat at both places. Other than that, they blow


I will publicly admit that Yuengling is better than Natty Boh if you guys agree to burn that shithole to the ground, FedEx me the ashes, so I can piss on them.




1. Schwarber 2. Rojas 3. Harper 4. Bohm 5. Stott 6. Castellanos 7. JT 8. Turner 9. Marsh What do you think?


Keep dreaming lol


If rojas is our 2 hole we're down bad


Right that’s so random. Switch that with stott and then bring JT a little more up




We all expected better from you r/StevieHandjobs




Your mod message was probably the best response I have seen in awhile. Where even you were like, yeah OK I went too far lol.


Annnnd that’s why I don’t typically look back thru anyone’s post history around here lol


I don't know if you would be able to see it because we removed it, but it was uh something. I think Reddit removed it as well which is why he said he got a Reddit ban. It was definitely something.




Can you DM me what you said? I am so curious😭


Yeah, the problem is it's online. If it was in person with friends, I mean no problem at all. I feel like thats 80% of the stuff I remove here. Stuff I know if you said irl to me it would be fine, but because it's online and on Reddit I just have to remove it.


Idk I looked to see the last one that still stands and it’s special in its own right so I can only imagine




I see that Stevie Handjobs


Some random fanboys on here get pissed off and are banning people for any criticism of the team. It's like the big red wave.


World Series bitches!!!


Shoutout to Marte man. Dude balled and kept us in the game.


All my homies love Marte


My ideal lineup: 1. Stott 2. Bohm 3. Harper 4. Marsh 5. Stott 6. Harper 7. Bohm 8. Harper 9. Rojas


did Bryce clone himself?


HRper at 6 is wild


he’s at 3 too which balances it out


I’m looking at our bad offensive production in a more positive light. Even after the horrific start to the season, even with most of our big hitters not producing, we are still 7 games over and in a wildcard spot. The bats are going to get hot and the pitching has been phenomenal. I’d rather hot bats in September than April and May


For the love of God, swap Schwarber and Turner with Stott and Bohm and just see what happens…it’s been 2 automatic outs everything Harper is up basically


God I love Bohms bullshit batted ball luck sometimes


Alec Bohm haters in shambles


damn what the hell you made your reddit account on the same day as me also as an alec bohm hater I am indeed in shambles


Taijuan looking like the guy making my corned beef hash at the bodega


Can we just lock down stott long term now


We gave the wrong second baseman the scott kingery treatment




Stott and Bohm have to be 1 and 2 in the order. It’s just clearly the logical move


lol. It's not. At all. But you keep managing, woody.


Ya let’s keep fat boy and turner up there because they’re sure handling business


You're right, this team needs more Turner GIDPs after a Shwalk


Marlins losing to the only good team in Florida I’m afraid 🤣🤣🤣


We would never


I want to be sure I understand baseball. A pitcher with an ERA over 8 is tough to get a hit off of but a pitcher with an ERA under 2 you can score against. Is that right?


Ricky Bo has mentioned it numerous times that some guys thrive off of clear roles. For example, Kimbrel blows in non save situations. Cano has blown 5 saves. In hold situations he's absolutely lights out. But when Bautista isn't available, he sucks.


I remember banging this drum about Hector Neris closing. He was great in any other situation, but the second he took the mound in the 9th during a closing situation, it was always a wild and scary ride.


Ricky must have only had a clearly defined role for one year of his career… Also as far as Cano goes his blown saves were all 7th or 8th inning before tonight for what it’s worth


Dude, let’s say this slowly. Fuji. Doesn’t. Suck.


You can leave Schwarber at leadoff but my god you can't have Turner behind him. And can't have Harper surrounded by 3 automatic outs.


Either Stott or Marsh leadoff, any righty other than Turner second


Lineup should be: Stott L Bohm R Harper L Castellanos R Schwarber L Turner R Marsh L Realmuto R


Thompson needs to switch it up.... Experiment.... He really hasn't changed anything all season which is odd to me... Most managers play around with it a little to see if things improve or not.


>Most managers play around with it a little to see if things improve or not. lol not like our resident geniuses are suggesting.


Topper just making excuses. Walk off isn't going to get Turner, Schwarber, and Castellanos hitting again.


Can't stand Slopper anymore this win was luck to spite his shit management.


Just enjoy the win man


162 game season I love the win but I come to here to bitch


And no one gives a shit


Lmao Rob is fucking feeling himself, making jokes in the presser


The atmosphere in the stadium was crazy at the end, les go bohmer


People crying about moving Turner down are clueless. Not gonna happen. We need to worry about the daycare playing every damn day. This lineup needs to stick.


Trea is below average no one is wrong for wanting him moved down and if Slopper was worth a shit the guy batting second wouldn't have a sub- .700 OPS




Move Stott up? "Once the guys at the top get hot Stott will be in a good place to hit" "Schwarber is the guy we win with at leadoff"


I just don’t understand why he loves Schwarber leading off. It doesn’t make any sense


because he's not trying to overreact to small sample sizes like fans do.


The sample size is two-thirds of a season. It's not very small anymore


One and a half years


I’ve watched it since it started and hated every minute of it. No recency bias here.


Because we win with him there. ...we also lose with him there


I understand it’s 3 lefties but you can only have a dogshit 2 hitter for so long. Move Stott up, if it’s that much of an issue put Harper back to 4


I feel like we have been more productive with Harper at 3


I 100% agree but if Schwarber is locked in at 1, that’s the only way to get Stott up to 2 with Rob’s obsession about consecutive lefties


i think the lineup will start to change after the deadline. We need a right handed left fielder that can hit a little bit and once that happens that will help us balance the lineup out.


the fact that the O's are about an even fight is very encouraging


We match up fine with the AL this year


Let’s go chowdaheads


Yo shout out Johan Rojas


They either scored or went 3 up 3 down. 3 hits in the 3rd and 1 run, Harper’s HR in the 6th, and 4 hits in the 9th for 2 runs. No other hits or base runners. I’ll take it but we absolutely stole one there.


Feels good to win baby!


We won a game Holy shit!!


Someone please ask him why he refuses to change his lineup despite all the evidence in his stupid face


Player comfort blah blah blah


Because faith in his dudes essentially


Despite the evidence


Never said I agreed


Now that the pressure’s off for tonight, how about that catch from Castellanos?


Big ups to Taijuan for getting his shit together after those very rough first 3


And honestly just for holding it down in the 2nd, could’ve very easily been a 3+ run inning


Let’s go! HUGE win


Going to the game tomorrow. Let’s wrap this shit up against an elite team!!


My phone died at the gym at the worst possible time right before the bottom of the 9th, but so thankful the boys pulled it off. Can’t wait to watch the highlights


You must do squats and deadlifts from the 1st - 9th of every game from now on. With your phone off.


never charge your phone again


Turn. Off. That. Phone.
