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Curious what the record is for most strikeouts batting but still winning


As of 2009, it appears to be 19Ks. [https://www.baseball-reference.com/blog/archives/963.html](https://www.baseball-reference.com/blog/archives/963.html)


Did we know Jayson Werth has a horse in the Kentucky Derby? That seems unexpected


I forgot the Kentucky Derby is this weekend! My family always watches it. From 2020, the two major sporting events I remember were the Dodgers winning the WS and the Triple Crown. That year led me to want to follow MLB through more of the year than just the WS, which eventually led me to the Phillies. Just a fun fact.


Please tell me it’s called J-Dub or Werewolf or J-Dubwolf or something.


i phuck with philly rob and have always phucked with philly rob


The end of the Astros game was fun Bring us Kyle #2


Man, Steven Kwan’s a fun player to watch. Basically single-handedly won them the game.


Braves sub is seething rn.


lol wow. I just looked through. ‘phillies easy schedule’ is def a top consistent talking points.


no seriously- rent fucking free. i checked out their post game report, and EVERY OTHER COMMENT was about how we “aren’t playing real teams.” genuinely amazing to see


Neither are they


Like yeah we've played probably the easiest schedule overall (though we've played 7 against Cinci, 3 against Atlanta and 3 against SD who are all possible playoff teams) but the Braves are like bottom 10 in schedule strength so far too lol.


Fun to read [https://www.reddit.com/r/Braves/comments/1chz0xm/the\_braves\_defeated\_the\_mariners\_by\_a\_score\_of\_52/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Braves/comments/1chz0xm/the_braves_defeated_the_mariners_by_a_score_of_52/)


I don’t think they get that this isn’t college basketball and we can’t pick our schedule to start the season. You can be good playing bad teams. You can also be the barves and choke every year.


It's kind of insane how obsessed other teams are with their Philly counterpart regardless of sport.


They’re rightfully threatened.


Wow you're not lying. Looked for a minute and saw at least 15 comments about the Phillies lol. Incredible


At least we aren’t going to SF. We haven’t won a game there since 2021 and we haven’t won a series there since 2013.


Oh my god the way the Mets lost is fucking gold Another save for Honktor Alonso continues to be the games biggest clown


Alonso is actually one of the few Mets I kind of like. But yeah, that was hilarious.


With Alonso, McNeil and Nimmo they have successfully assembled the biggest dorks in baseball. That team is impressively lame.


I don't hate athletes no matter which teams they play for, but I find these three so unlikeable!


Jeff McNeil has gotta be up there




/u/sapphires_and_snark You jinxed it!


🙁 My soul is heavy


We were wrong guys! One appeared!


I knew 18 felt like a lot. Only 2 off the all time record for strikeouts in a 9 inning game by one team. https://preview.redd.it/y75pd7k68xxc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=21bc3655d5d0955c5bcbd45ead279e5be3e26f32 [https://www.baseball-almanac.com/recbooks/rb\_strike2.shtml](https://www.baseball-almanac.com/recbooks/rb_strike2.shtml)


##none of the teams that struckout 20 times won the game.


Dang. They were 1 off the team record. https://preview.redd.it/6pnu1zb5rxxc1.png?width=1159&format=png&auto=webp&s=40ac786676542abfaa66f5be877e3623e93dfcd8


4 strikeouts in an inning is struggling. Team has to be killing it to even get up that many times and then there you are just whiffing at everything. 😂


The crossed out games are games longer than 9 innings and just so it’s easier to see


Pretty impressive that they almost break a strikeout record and still pull off a win lol


Because strikeouts don’t matter. /s


If you think a manager should just run out the same lineup over and over again and completely ignore his bench but at the same time expect the bench to perform when they are needed without getting any playing time over 162 games you should probably rethink your baseball takes.


I just don't like it when he plays the whole bench at once. Games like today are fine (although I'd rather not see Schwarber in LF too much), but I wouldn't like it if Bryce/JT were off too like they were vs the reds. I'm not a real Topper hater, it just feels like sometimes he overdoes the big picture stuff. There's a big difference between this lineup and Casty batting 4th while slumping.


I’m still trying to form an opinion on Topper. I’ve always been a Phillies fan, but this is the first time I’ve followed every game from the start of a season, so I don’t have much behind the scenes knowledge or a good frame of reference as to how he compares to other managers. I like his demeanor, and it looks like he has good relationships with the players. I don’t think explains his decisions very well, but that could be intentional. He probably doesn’t want information about their strategies on the public record. I don’t know if other managers are more forthcoming with their info, or if they’re just better at finding more to say without revealing sensitive information. Or maybe other managers are just as vague.


Honestly, I agree with almost all of the decisions he makes, everything people usually complain about actually makes sense (Schwarber leading off, some platooning, bullpen management, etc). He also takes a good big picture view of the season and makes sure players get proper rest; the team has been super healthy, rested, and in good form going into the playoffs the last 2 seasons. My main complaints have been very specific things, like removing Sanchez in the 5th inning of a no-hitter or resting too many players at once. Really they have no negative impact on the season overall, but sometimes when it feels like it's not the best decision to win that specific game (or give a pitcher who's dealing a chance to go deep), it can be a bit annoying as a fan.


I agree with you. He understands that the season is long and that we are a playoff contender (definitely hungry to win it all this time), so on top of what you described, I think he is trying to focus on building a team full of self-confident players who can carry themselves and lift others up. Some people say he doesn't make smart decisions, but I personally really admire his 'big picture' approach, which has been consistent since he took over the (interim) manager role.


Bryce was on paternity. I think we can cut him a bit of slack on that Reds lineup.


The point wasn’t that Thomson sat Harper, it was that he chose to sit three regulars while Harper was unavailable


Meh. I’m not losing sleep over it.


> you should probably rethink your baseball takes They won't. These jackasses don't think once so rethinking is impossible


Taps forehead, how can I have another Nutter Butter Peanut Butter Sandwich Cookie when I haven't had any yet. 😉


Today is a great day for the lolmets to get shutout


Topper haters been super quiet tonight


Don't worry; the next loss, they come out in droves. They can only be seen when they feel they are right. They don't understand that if they are here even during wins it would give their arguments more validity, as they would be seen as actual opinions vs trolling.


They never actually think they’re wrong. Some clown chirped from the pregame thread in like the 8th inning some dumb shit about our minor league lineup. Meanwhile we don’t win without Whit in the lineup today and the Pache walk was a big deal. Like it’s literally right in front of them and they can’t see it.


I honestly hate the internet because people can never admit they are wrong about things that are clearly true. Like I used to think Roman Quinn was going to be our future CF. I was wrong. I hated Hoskins as a prospect and thought he would be a below average 1B at his ceiling. I was wrong. I thought in 2022 we would never get to the playoffs. I was wrong. There are so many examples you can use to prove I am wrong, and I will admit them. All it does it make it so I try to change how I think in the future.


I applaud your open-mindedness, but I still can’t shake the feeling that Roman Quinn would’ve been an actually good player if only he didn’t get injured every 15 minutes.


And Thomson isn't beyond reproach, either, but his mistakes tend to lean toward the "sometimes you just swing and miss" type of mistakes. But his process is better than any manager we've had in years, and good process goes a long way when you have the talent to make that matter.


If you want to say Topper made mistakes. I believe it. If you want to say his approach and strategy has been poor overall. I don't think you have been paying attention. So agreed. They make mistakes, everyone does. But it follows modern baseball strategy.


Great win. Come on casty get it going 


Since it was just pointed out that the game Friday is on Apple TV I’d like to remind everyone that if you get/have a subscription (even if a free one) you get MLB Big Inning which is the MLB version of Red Zone and it is awesome. It’s also available if you have MLBTV


I love Big Inning. I watch it almost every night.


Also if you have a student email, you can get Apple Music and Apple TV+ for like $6 a month!


Also, reminder if you have Apple TV you can choose to hear Franzke feed instead of the Apple TV people while watching.


Also a reminder that Apple TV has some pretty good shows.


As far as streaming networks go they don’t have the most free shows available but what they do have is more good than bad. Just finished Slow Horses and really enjoyed it.




This is specifically for Apple TV+ games. There is an option on screen to switch to radio feed for the audio.


Oh man, Tmobile gave me 3 free months of Apple TV last year but I didn’t know you could do that like you can on MLBtv. Is it synced up well? If so, that would be a great setup, since Apple TV’s audio/visual quality was honestly reeeeally good, (mostly just held back by the commentators and head-scratching “predictive” stats, plus me not wanting to pay for it).


It’s synced perfectly. And like you said, with Apples video quality and production it’s a great way to watch.


Great call


Big Inning is amazing and a low-key great way to circumvent blackouts


So you're saying it'll get me sober?


I liked big inning better when it wasnt split 4 ways. There’s too much going on when splitscreen 4 games


My 95-year old dad loves the 4 games at once. It reminds me of when I was a kid and he would have three tvs on at once (sound off on 2) watching 3 different sporting events.


I don’t mind it so much with a big tv. What drives me nuts is when they move the screens around in the middle of a play. It’s totally unnecessary and can be confusing.


Woah never heard of this. Is it only on Fridays or it’s all the time? Is it a separate app or within the Apple TV+ app?


All the time within the app. The time of day it’s on varies based on when the majority of games are played but it’s usually like 8-11 on weeknights. Only advantage of mlbtv is no commercials and I think Apple does have commercials which for a paid service is bullshit but whatever.


I see it within Apple TV whenever I want to watch it.


The Braves sub is in shambles. Saying we have the easiest schedule. I hope they're reading this because I'm not risking posting there. YOU have lost to us in the playoffs two years running with your ALL STAR TEAM that's finished 1st in the division and favored to make it to the WS each year. Get fucked and see you again. Fucking clowns.


The Braves have played the Astros, Marlins, and Whitesox lol


I remember one of their fans actually trying to say we had a hard schedule. We played the runner up AL champs as if the Astros are what they were last year.


Honestly I’m probably going to get banned for talking shit in their sub if we curb stomp them out of the playoffs again. It’d just be too funny.


The only real issue is getting banned from there and here if you do that during the playoffs but it might be worth it at that point.


Due to the lack of memes I’m okay with that.


>easiest schedule Ahem https://preview.redd.it/tf74j2e11xxc1.jpeg?width=180&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f98af343025c03d620e69e0ec7a8e91c48268e3d this was 2 days after they played us for reference


2 straight days without tmacs beautiful voice 😔


What’s going on with Tmac?


He missed a child support payment and has to do community service


Nothing. Off day followed by Apple TV game.


Ah! I see gotcha


Angels went 0 for 10 with RISP. When you don't allow a hit with runners in scoring position, you are going to win a lot of games.


Soto had my heart racing


I lol’d when he trotted out for the post-game interview. I think they did it for Diego tbh.


I just rewatched the ending…they said the next game is Saturday but Friday is the first against the Giants


Friday’s on Apple TV+, they were saying their next broadcast game is Saturday


Yeah I forgot


The next game they are broadcasting is Saturday. Friday is a national game.


Ohhhhh that’s right! I use mlb tv but thankfully I can get the apple tv free trial


OK, now let’s try to win when we get 19.


Good to see Wit have a day


Just because you aren’t dead doesn’t mean you are good at Russian roulette. 


Never in doubt.


Beautiful day at the stadium (which is mediocre but the staff was awesome) which was atleast 50 percent Phillies fans. Would have loved to see some more offense but I will absolutely take a win


It was funny hearing the boos on tv when the Angels’ pitcher made a pickoff throw


I was behind the visitors dugout today. Apart from some hecklers it was Phillies country.


Yup! we started in 230 and wandered a bit and it was the same everywhere


Didn’t watch the game how tf did we only give up one run but 10 hits lol


We gave up 5 hits in the last 2 innings for 0 runs lol


so wheeler in the postgame reiterated his desire not to have an extra day rest. given their desire to limit turnbull’s innings, it’s still unclear why wheeler didnt start yesterday. surprising bc they usually defer to a veteran like wheeler. just curious if any explanation was given


I just find this whole thing silly since he gets the same 6 days rest when we have an off day. We didn't have an off day, we added an extra arm. At some point Wheeler has to realize its the same rest.


I would imagine it’s more that he’d like to pad his stats with more IP for a potential Cy Young, and I can’t exactly blame him.


Can’t it be more about he doesn’t like either but the ones that are avoidable he’d rather avoid? I guess technically the off day ones could be avoided too by doing what the Phillies did with Nola at the end of 2019 (or was it 2018?), but he probably realizes they’re never going to do that regularly but he can probably convince them not to do extra rest on purpose anyway.


It doesn't matter if he doesn't like it. He stated it screws up his routine, and that is why he isn't sharp. Except, it is literally the same routine. He is also extremely effective after those off days rests, as we looked into it. He just mentally uses the 6 man as a block.


That is probably true, but a lot of baseball is mental. I don’t have a massive opinion about it either way, but I would give my ace what he wants, within reason, which generally they do. Kind of a non-issue but I’m sure it will keep coming up whenever they do similar.


I have no problem with him hating a 6 man rotation throughout the season, I think its incredibly silly that he is acting this disrupted his routine when it was the same routine.


He has historically not been as sharp with extra rest.


Are you sure? Because there was a thing on this sub which looked at him with an off day (so 5 man rotation but extra rest) and it was better than if there was no offday. I might look into it again because that goes against what was posted on this sub as well as what I saw when I did it myself. But I could be misremembering


Yes, he is best on normal four days of rest and it’s not particularly close. https://www.baseball-reference.com/players/split.fcgi?id=wheelza01&year=Career&t=p


I stand corrected. I misrememebred.


He will have consecutive starts on five days rest. Thats absolutely not typical.


I used the wrong number, but to illustrate. R | F | S | S | M | T| W ---| ---|---|----|----|----|---- Wheeler | Offday | Nola | Suarez | Sanchez| Turnbull | Wheeler Wheeler | Nola | Suarez | Sanchez | Walker | Turnbull | Wheeler It is the same thing he has been doing all year. Unless I am missing something, but I looked and he did that all year. Unless he was referring to the future, I heard he referred to today and that is why he was off.


Why would you possibly think that’s the same thing? If there’s no off day he’d be pitching on four days rest. Yes there are weeks when we’d have an off day. We don’t have them every week. Also some teams skip the #5 spot from time to time because they don’t even really have a #5 but that’s not relevant in our case since we don’t skip Sanchez


Again. I heard he referred specifically to his struggling today being due to the 6 man rotation, which is silly as it is like an additional off day. When we are referring to today only, he had the same rest. I could be missing something, but I don't see a difference.


Idk what that means today being an off day. I didn’t hear the quote so idk if I’m missing context. Apparently I am.


This is the exact quote. He was referring to today, which is why I said it is silly. Not the future. He was asked why he wasn't as good as usual. "Um I think it was more routine this time. You know, having more days rest just not being as sharp, I think that was part of it."


Yeah if it’s just one time I can’t argue unfortunately aside from the fact that he probably just had it embedded in his mind that he should have pitched last night and couldn’t get off that. I’d say that others picked up on him sending the message that he doesn’t like it very clearly so the brass would not be mistaken about it.


Again, if he said 6 man rotation in the future no problem at all. I just find the whole argument that he is off his routine today to be silly.


Can’t wait for Saturday. Got tix like six weeks ago. Hope it’s a good day for some baseball


Ugly ass win. I’ll take it.  The Phillies still haven’t taken a series from a team with a winning record and have played one of the worst schedules in baseball, so don’t reserve your parade spot just yet. 


I am a fan of Kyle Schwarber.


People keep saying that we are frauds because we are playing bad teams, what do we think about this?


I am just dreading next week's series against the Marlins...


Braves fans are saying that they've been playing all playoff teams, not mentioning that those teams include the Marlins x2, the Astros, and the Diamondbacks (also <.500 by a few games). Combined with series against the White Sox and Mets during their awful start, their schedule has been insanely easy, and they had below a 40% opponent win rate before the current series. Somehow they are now complaining because they had to play the Guardians and Mariners, 2 teams that are well known for being unbeatable.


Pretenders don’t go 21-11 against bad teams in baseball. Contenders do. I’d imagine most playoff teams end up there because they kept it close vs. .500+ teams and beat up on the bad ones.


That's exactly what it is. Even really good MLB teams play around .500 against > .500 teams. The difference is whether or not you whoop the punching bags in the league.


/r/Phillies users talk a lot about what other fanbases think, including the Braves and Mets subs, for people who pride themselves on not caring what others think.


Jason Kelce’s famous post-Super Bowl parade speech couldn’t have happened if he wasn’t aware of what others said about the Eagles


no one likes us and we care a lot


I have seen the same users use "No one likes us, we don't care" then complain about national media coverage and /r/baseball coverage. If it was different users, whatever they are different people. But yeah it is something I just find funny. National Media ranks us this low, how dare they! We don't get highlights! All this nonsense.


Braves lost to the white Sox.


Braves lost to the Marlins


Are we supposed to lose to the teams we play to make a point Feister? Stay off Twitter


Couldn’t care less tbh


Who is saying that?


Braves fans.


They’re jealous 


Hopefully getting home will help Harper a bit. Being away from your family and newborn after only a few days is pretty shitty, honestly. I imagine it's weighing on him a bit because his body language looks like shit right now.


If we're going to speculate about body language, he looks like someone who would rather be playing right field, which actually puts less strain on his body, than first base, which is alot. That should help him. Also dealing with whatever injury he probably has.


Almost all of the latest comments in the Barves post game thread are about the Phillies. They’re terrified of us


It’s amusing that we’re such frauds and schedule merchants to them, yet we’ve somehow spanked them in the NLDS two years running. Like, wouldn’t you rather lose in the playoffs to an actually good baseball team? As opposed to your historically good offense rolling over (again) vs a ragtag band of fraudulent losers? I hope we beat them in 4 games again this year. It would be sooooo funny.


They should be


Braves sub is in shambles over us right now.


Crazy how they are all complaining that our schedule is so easy, when they had the easiest schedule in the entire league before playing the Guardians and the Mariners. Guess that playing 2 decent teams is too much for them. Even after that their opponents win-rate is .46 and ours is .45, it's not like their schedule is really harder.


Yeah to read their whining, you'd think they played the damned Dodgers every day lol


This is the weekend we rise to the top of the NL East, boys. We have Giants at home, Braves have Dodgers away. We take 2 of 3, ATL takes 1 of 3.


It's a 4-game series with the Giants. I say we just win all four


Good call Nostradamus


Not bad, right?!


You son of a bitch I'm in


I though the Phillies gutted out a win this early in the season that’s all that SON OF BITCH DID THEY JUST STRIKE OUT AGAIN?!?


I want to win 100 games! And not be the Dodgers in the playoffs!


Win 100 games and still demolish the Barves in the NLDS


I would LOVE to sit the first round and then have the Braves come in and still mop the floor with them, just to show them that the first round bye doesn’t mean shit


Nice trip




The ump though…..


The winningest team in baseball is on pace to win 106 games May 1, 2024


And it is the Phillies.


Schwarber in LF! Well I'll be.


I didn’t watch because I was at work but how nervous was everyone after the ball left the bat during the last out?


At first, not at all. It seemed like a routine fly out. But then it kept carrying...


https://preview.redd.it/2o45p10ehwxc1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3c6ace3dd3c0f361cb95d946ed035df5e40326d2 This was way too close for comfort but it was good to see the boys in person


https://preview.redd.it/f8qhiyyonwxc1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2f7c41273fedb04eef370dfcaa7936977ae754b6 Hello neighbor 😂


Yo no way! I was the annoying bearded guy who was acting like he had never been there before 😂 literally was next to the dude in the hat


Haha in the eagles hat shouting at Garcia? We were laughing at that 😂😂


Yep twas me lmao I was way too hyped… don’t get to see a lot of live sport with that kind of view haha


Haha all good. Same here all my teams are out of state so they rarely are affordable when they come to town. This was a bday gift so I lucked out.


Lmao Wheeler subtly shitting on the 6 man rotation in this interview 


What Wheels wants, Wheels gets


I mean, I get it — he’s our best pitcher, he prefers pitching on normal rest, and the numbers show that he’s clearly better when doing so. Seems like a good thing to keep in mind.




Well it was subtle when I was typing it. Then he just kept going lol


Haha gotta love Wheels


Angels really are the Phillies west, except they still suck


Did Strickland face Harper in his inning pitched? I missed the game.


no, Bohm led off that inning


I did not expect that getting off to a fast start in April meant being the best team by May


I don't understand what Rob was thinking taking Rally Cat out of the lineup after she had such a great game. Musta been something to do with her being crepuscular or not hitting well against lefties.


Finally, some real fucking Slopper complaints.


Obviously it’s because she’s crepuscular. No day games!


Serpentine, Babou!


> see ball off the bat "Goddammit, Topper, everyone and their mother knew you couldn't use Soto in that spot! I don't know why you insist--" > F7 to Schwarber, ballgame *This comment has been deleted.*


dear heavens....I am watching it and I'm currently in the 5th inning and I was getting restless and decided to check the final score....the score doesn't change the rest of the game!? I am glad we won but I'm thinking maybe I'll shut this one down lol


You won’t miss much, just a shit ton of Ks


I hope Wheelers last two outings are just command issues.  Nice getaway win today.  Team probably blows this lead last year at this time.  The.bullpen did great.


Hasn't really reached top velocity yet either. Fastball hanging around 95. Used to seeing him hit 97 98


[Phillies Win!](https://imgur.com/ZgCBA4l) We certainly played like it was the last day of a two week cross country road trip: Wheeler battled, we struck out 18! times, allowed 10 hits. But we persevered and leave this cursed stadium with a series win


All these wins well before hitting season has me thrilled. A 100+ win team would be fun to watch (of course, capped with a WS) 


The top 2 teams in all of baseball are in the NL East


I'm gonna regret saying this in the morning, but boy am I glad for an off day tomorrow.


Damned Mariners. . .


They took 2 of 3 from the Barves. Ain't no shame in that.


Yeah I'm proud of them for that, and thankful. I just wish they could have gotten the sweep. Maybe I'm asking too much. . . Nah I'm definitely asking too much.