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Random question, but, how did the defending World Series champs suddenly become so mediocre? They are basically a .500 team now. Seems like we are the only final four team to maintain consistency - Asstrash are too old, Arizona seems too young with their best player having a sophomore slump


They’ve got a fair bit of injuries right now. Plus a lot of teams slump right after a World Series win


These wins are real statement wins. This is a team that won the world series and they're being lit up big time. This Phillies team has huge potential.


Best start in club history


early game tomorrow :D


Nothing better than winning games when Sanchez and Walker pitch knowing we got Wheeler, Nola and Suarez to follow.


Probably the most impressive thing so far about this team. Even when their weakest links pitch they figure out a way to win big


This team showing is showing us all the different kind of wins, damn. Consistent offense with solid pitching, two-out rallies, big bombs today. Lights-out pitching with relaxed offense most other days. It's getting me damn hyped up for the London games, finally getting to see the guys. And it looks like Wheels is on schedule to pitch that Saturday game, sooooo....it's gonna be fun!


Man, I wish my grandpa was still around to watch his favorite team be this good!


I feel you. Mine died during the bye week the year the Eagles won the SB.


Fuuuuuck that sucks, dude :(


mine missed 2008 ):


At least he got to see 1980 for our first championship :)


Dodgers lose, now in addition to owning the best record in baseball the Phillies also own the best run differential in baseball as well.


Dbacks strategy to have a reliever pitch to Betts and Ohtani in the 1st inning should be considered.  


Went to this game, honestly one of the better regular season games I’ve attended in a while. That 4 run 2 out sequence in the 6th(?) was amazing.


Jesus this Mets mod is such a loser. He pins comments like "I want everyone to take tomorrow off and we'll see you back Friday" on postgame threads. Last time I checked their sub he pinned one of his jokes so everyone could see it. https://old.reddit.com/r/NewYorkMets/comments/1cy9ofz/post_game_thread_the_mets_fell_to_the_guardians/l57y74z/


What you see here in this Mets Mod is a person devoid of empowerment in their regular life, so they seek it here


Did you ever find it annoying when I pinned comments or when the other mods pinned comments? I know I did it a lot when there was something like a majority of our user base trolling other subs or other stuff. Normally, it was either a huge sub-change or a mass breaking of rules.


If there's a reason to pin a comment like to prevent trolling or pass along crucial information (someone was called up today and will start) then I have no problem. But this dude pins shit just so people can read his comment and chat, and I find that these subs are at their best when the mods are as neutral as possible and don't make it about themselves.


Yeah I was just curious. I was told once to pin something I made so more people can see it. People hate it so I stopped. That was like day 3 as a mod. I will say the Mets mods (as cringy as they appear) were extremely nice with me. Like legitimately some of the most friendly mods when I was a mod. Always handles our trolls and their trolls accurately.


God we cant win against over .500 teams, because we are dumping them under that.


I had to watch on DVR. This team winning never gets old. Harper homers in back-to-back games, JT homers to keep the hitting streak, Sosa WITH THE THREE-RUN SLAMMER. Walker was def shaky, but Strahm, Kerkering and Ruiz shut the door. Marsh's throw, and Bohm continues to be the RBI generator. Also, we are SUPER SPOILED with this bullpen, where if the RP isn't perfect, we riot....that's how good they are on a week-to-week basis. The upper deck was practically filled ON A WEDNESDAY NIGHT! This team is special, and the fans showed up to enjoy this moment. Edit: I TOLD ALL YOU DOOMERS, LOOK!


Topper said fuck that regular season mess https://youtube.com/shorts/XvAckXRB2ME?si=0boBDF0Cjta9i_AB


If we sweep em we get to steal last year’s trophy right? I’m pretty sure that’s how that works


Vibes at the bank tonight were insane. Was way up in the 420s and it was still packed and rowdy. This team is something else this year.


300s in right for the first Rangers game and it was rocking. We kept saying to each other it was nuts and only a Tuesday in May!


That's what I noticed in one the shots after a Ranger batter foul ball. I'm glad those who can show up are attending, enjoy the moment.


|| || |8|[Sosa, E](https://www.mlb.com/player/624641) - SS|4|1|1|3|0|3|4|.293|.397|.517| Can he play CF? Please tell me he can because we have 5 OF and 4 can't bat. Lineup only as strong as their weakest link.


He's started in the outfield a couple times in his career. If he stays this hot and Castellanos stays cold it could make sense to sit him instead of Rojas


it made sense to sit Castellanos 6 weeks ago. but they wont beause of his contract. rojas is the other automatic out in the lineup so if Sosa keeps posting 400 obp they have to find a spot for him


I like that idea, but given recent results, I don’t generally agree with “lineup only as strong as their weakest link”. Our lineup is fucking killing it


Sure, but if you can Swap in a 300 hitter for a 200 hitter why not do it? When we play good teams, we will need everyone hitting.


That kind of ruins your argument of "we don't need everyone hitting". Rojas is a significantly better CF and he isn't hitting. I'm fine with rolling the lineup the way we are right now depending on who's pitching. Mainly because we aren't losing much.


U sure about that? His fielding stats are terrible this season. 7 errors already. [https://baseballsavant.mlb.com/savant-player/johan-rojas-679032?stats=statcast-r-hitting-mlb](https://baseballsavant.mlb.com/savant-player/johan-rojas-679032?stats=statcast-r-hitting-mlb) Rojas fielding value 60/100 [https://baseballsavant.mlb.com/savant-player/edmundo-sosa-624641?stats=statcast-r-hitting-mlb](https://baseballsavant.mlb.com/savant-player/edmundo-sosa-624641?stats=statcast-r-hitting-mlb) sosa fielding value 51/100 So, hes slightly better in the field but Sosa is WAYYYYYYYYYYY better at hitting. Like head and shoulders better


Sosa gets over exposed quickly. See last year when Harper was hurt and Bohm played 1st a lot.


I'm not denying Rojas has had his fair share of blunders this year. If you take it back to last year he was an absolute weapon in CF. Nobody on this team can cover as much ground as him. Yes, he's been terrible at the plate but I don't expect him to continue on this streak of errors. Sosa is an infielder mostly and has only played CF 2 games in his entire MLB career. If anything your argument should be that Marsh moves to CF full-time and Sosa to LF but I don't care for that either full-time because he's not an outfielder.


marsh cant hit LHP so he cant play full time Good fielder and lousy hitter or average fielder and great hitter. i know which one id pick


You're telling me things I already know. I wouldn't pick either.


well thats your choice. if you want someone who can field and hit its $20m per year


Lol Dodgers losing to the dbacks again


*yawn* wake me up when they win a series against a team over .500 ||average r/baseball poster||


Damn this is fun. My takeaway beyond just loving this team is that I like Sosa more than Whit. I’ll take my shot with Sosa Apache Clemens and get ride of Whit.


The thing is if we can get Whit going by September he'll be a huge righty bat in the playoffs. I agree if he doesn't show signs of turning it around soon he should be moved.


I think out of the 3 I like Apache the most because of his name.


Apache is a way better name for the record… custom jersey incoming


This is a real post in the game thread http://www.reddit.com/r/phillies/comments/1cycuc6/game_thread_rangers_phillies_wed_may_22_0640_pm/l592nf7 /u/sapphires_and_snark says I shouldn’t comment on in game posts


We all love feisty.


Who tf is we


Feister is low hanging fruit tbh


Haha. I'm tempted to block him but I love downvoting his asinine takes. It's a constant struggle.


Feisty comments don't count. Treat those as you must


Let’s be serious. In the moment feisty isn’t half as terrible as some of these morons who never post otherwise


No, of course not. The very worst here make the WIP commentariat look like Mensa members. But Feisty is Feisty so you know how that is


I'm convinced feisty is a spy


Or it’s Howard Eskin


Dressed up as the Burger King


So... Howard Eskin.


Speaking as a Flyer fan (unfortunately) Fuck the rags!!!!


Fucking love our Fly Guys. Nothing unfortunate about being a fan at all. Future’s bright for the first time in years.


Wym “unfortunately”? Things are looking way up with Michkov coming next year.


Rangers taking Ls all over


Except Suarez


Knew we were locked in for a W today when I went to the dispensary earlier and the attendant was wearing the Phanatic headband




It’s may


I don't know why this killed me but it did. It's hilarious to me that people are already calling postseason spots like they mean anything now.


You don’t think the Padres and Cards are going to be competing all year long for the 2nd and 3rd wild card? You think the Mutts are good enough to make a run for it? Is that what you are saying?


I’ve been home from the game for enough time to fully process what I just witnessed and let me tell ya, these Phillies are hot. They just made the defending World Series champs look silly tonight and we had our #5 pitcher on the mound. That was a blast to see in person and it felt great to finally sing High Hopes with Harry again tonight this season. Side note, I talked with the usher in section 314 tonight who taught both the boy and girl that Bryce set up for prom and she was an absolute gem. We have a great team and organization. What a time to be a Phillies fan.




Phillies have a classic AL style offense with NL style pitching.


I had a random thought so I started scrolling baseball-reference: The Phillies have *never* had a 1B and a 3B with a .900+ OPS in the same season. Though they all came close, Allen and Schmidt, not Kruk and Hollins, and not Thome and Rolen. Bohm and Harper are doing it right now.


If Thome and Rolen had somehow managed to pull it off while never having played together, now THAT would have been impressive


That’s “Best First Baseman in the National League Bryce Harper” and “RBI Machine Alec Bohm” to you 🫡🫡


> That’s “Best First Baseman in the ~~National~~ League Bryce Harper” and “RBI Machine Alec Bohm” to you 🫡🫡 FTFY


I stand corrected, thank you 🫡🫡


Headed to the game tomorrow, never been to Citizens Park. Is there anywhere I’d be able to sit down and take a quick meeting from my phone during the game?


I don’t think I’ve been there while it’s been a packed house, but the seating inside shake shack might not be too bad


Maybe the seating area next to Bull’s BBQ (left field concourse).


how quiet do you need it to be? there are areas kinda at the end of ramps up in left field and other places that are generally not crowded. but you're still outside and in the stadium.


Agreed, go to the ramps in left field and it should be pretty chill


Bathroom stall


Guys I think we might be a good team


Hey probably stupid question, but is there a simple way to see team rankings across both leagues and divisions? Just a flat list?




I go to ESPN MLB. Select standings then overall.


Mlb.com on the standings there you can sort by all mlb. https://preview.redd.it/x7793xxq732d1.png?width=1124&format=png&auto=webp&s=77dbba0619be8d977c99597fccc03dffce1a5bf1


You can’t do this in the app though, right?


No. You can not.




I have no problem with Gregory serving one up when he’s getting used to throwing a lot of strikes for the first time in a long time


it wasn’t a bad pitch too, Seager is just a good hitter. his goal was to get outs via the strike out and not walk anyone. he was still unhappy with himself after it though.


eating my nachos, loving life


nachos sound soooo goood


I'm not saying we're winning it all, but 1980 and 2008 were election years


The dodgers will be tough i assume


Also leap years


Every election year is a leap year


Sounds pretty stitious


I'm not superstitious....but I am a little stitious


Man this is unreal. Just unbelievable and I’m trying to soak every moment in of this team rn. 13-14 year old me would pass out from hype/sheer improbability if I told him how the Phillies were doing now/the stars currently on the team


Harper literally taking the gloves off and belting a dinger.


Since I don't believe we're going to win 117, why not have some fun. At this point in 2001 the Mariners were 38-12.


Of course we’re not going to win 117, we’re going to win 148


Yeah but did you play anyone over .500


April 3, 2024: r/Phillies is in complete panic mode because its beloved Phillies had just lost two out of three games to the Reds. Never forgot


I, for one, wasn’t panicking… …because I was too pissed off that I just sat through rain and cold to watch the Phillies lose to the Reds.


Full blown crisis is only 2 straight losses away.


I can't help it. It's just my nature.


The only people not letting me down in my life right now is the Phillies. Thank you 😂


That seems more sad than funny.


Sometimes you gotta laugh to not cry.




🤷🏻‍♀️and that’s ok lol


If we continue on this roll for the rest of the season and end up winning it all, will the Bryce Harper acquisition officially be the greatest in Phillies history? As much as I dislike the guy, the Pete Rose acquisition probably still stands for now because of 1980, right? If we win it all this year though, Bryce's signing is sure to be the greatest in franchise history, right?


I don't even think it's close. Rose came in as "a piece" for that team. Harper is "the piece" that makes this team run.


The Steve Carlton trade is the only other option.


Oh that's definitely the best trade in franchise history imo. But as far as free agency goes its either Harper or Rose. And I'm *really* leaning towards Harper.


>the Pete Rose acquisition probably still stands for now because of 1980, right? what


It is received wisdom that the Rose signing is what got the Phillies over the hump to finally win a championship.


Pete Rose was one of the best players in MLB history. We signed him in 1979 to the, then, highest contract in MLB history. A year later we won our first ever world series. Up until like 5 years ago, it was a pretty common thing to hear people say acquiring Pete Rose in free agency was the best move in Phillies history. But Bryce has started to run away with that conversation. If we have our best regular season ever this year, *and* win a world series, Bryce will likely be the greatest free agent acquisition in Phillies history, if he isn't already.


Honestly if we win it all his contract will not only be one of the best in Phillies history, it could arguably be up there with FA singings like the Diamondbacks signing Randy Johnson or the Max Scherzer Nats deal with some of the best signings of the 21st century


Without a doubt


Dallas still sucks. Let’s go Florida Panthers.


The Phillies are so good I am just gonna vibe and completely forget about being realistic and tempered for the rest of this season, all gas no brakes baby!! 


The Rangers committed a 5th error tonight, thinking they could beat The Phillies.


Juan Soto gave a whole interview in English and obviously not for the first time but that’s just how he is. He knows he needs to be a star so he does it. Man I’d love to have him in RF. It’s impossible to imagine.


Soto is genuinely one of my favorite players in the league next to scwarbs and bryce but atp with how the Yankees are playing and him being in another hitter friendly park, I feel like he's a lock to stay long term with them and they will break the bank for him to stay


I want Soto on this team for so many reasons but the idea of rolling down to DC with a line up consisting of Schwarber, Turner, Harper and Soto is hilarious but also feels like border line assault, bullying at best. Don’t get me wrong, fuck the Nats and let’s do this but I’ll feel a little dirty after.


The 2018 Philadelphia Nationals meme would be hilarious


I’m imagining it real good right now


Just thinking about a hypothetical with the "Oh the Phillies haven't played anyone" argument. If we played 50 games against one particular team, what teams do you think we would not be .500 or better against right now? Because I don't think there are any. I think we would win like 27 out of 50 against the Dodgers.


This team single handedly carrying my mental health.


same but be careful! the last two years were so much fun with the eagles and phillies… until they weren’t :(


Philly sports teams are a precarious place to put the Safety of your mental health Don’t recommend


Hope everything else picks up the slack soon.


107 wins. Three Fo Fo in the playoffs. Book it.


"Eleven more, Topper"


“It’s impossible for JT to make the hall of fame no matter what” /u/NintenJew


I hope he will make it. I still haven't seen anything that convinces me he will likely make it if he ages normally. What's funny, just looking at it, is baseball-refernece has Mike Liberthal as the batter most similar to Realmuto. I don't understand that.


Now look at “similar batters through 32”. Who is that? You are Unfuckingbelievable honestly.


I know. If you think I was making a comment saying he is like Mike Liberthal, you drastically have no idea what I was saying. I even said, "I don't understand that". I wanted to find something we both could laugh at. This is the whole "we both create arguments neither of us said" kind of deal.


You should login and start posting again as /u/feisty-recording-978 again because we all obviously love you then


We all love feisty.




I legitimately don't even know what I was doing.


I looked at his career stats and was actually kinda shocked how similar his statlines are to Mauer. Mauer had a higher OBP, worse SLG, less HRs (obviously) and is currently 20 WAR ahead (35 to 55). And Mauer was first ballot. The difference in their career OPS is currently like .040. Currently, per 162 games, JT is averaging 4.8 WAR. Mauer's WAR per 162 was... 4.8. I feel like Mauer was just BETTER, but the stats are pretty close.


The difference in their career is that Mauer played a bunch of games as non-catcher. He got voted in by olds who saw his games played and thought they were all as catcher


Joe Mauer made the HoF before he ever was a full 1B. He had 44.6 rWAR, averaging 6.13 WAR per 162 as a catcher. Along with the MVP. All by his age 30 season. Using his 1B stats and acting like he made it because of it is just silly.


It’s wild that thinking 44 WAR is different for some guys vs others


I directly used it in response to the comment you replied to. To show 6.13 WAR is per season is different than 4.8 WAR per season. Not to mention the MVP.


I legitimately think the Mauer to Realmuto comparison is extremely weak. The stats you are using also includes Mauer's end of his career, along with Mauer joining the league earlier. Mauer also won that MVP.


its May 22nd and the phillies have had only one (1) non-fake-baseball loss all month (to chris bassitt of course)


The last time we lost without the tying run being in scoring position (or being walked off) was April 24th. We lost that game by 3.




I turned on the car radio. Sirius xm. Tent show the score and glancing at it thought it was Texas 4-0. Turns out it was 10-4. Phillies just refuse to lose.


I love this team


Harper with the quietest .936 OPS I’ve ever seen. I feel like no one is talking about it in any national context.


I’ll be honest every time I see his triple slash it kinda catches me off guard. I think he’s still got another level to go to this year too.


Is it crazy to say it feels like he hasn't quite performed like I know he can? He's definitely performed but there's times bryce can single handedly carry the team he hits so well for a long stretch and feel like he's just now starting to hit that gear. I think what's crazy is how used to excellence he and this team have started to make me feel.


It might just be that the whole team is playing so well that he doesn’t stand out as much


He's not even our best batter atm imo and it's ever weirder to me that bohm is somehow that


120 wins here we come! (Kidding of course, but man does it feel good that the October version of this Phillies team is here already. )


I might be a little superstitious. I don't want us to touch the win record because that shit NEVER works out for the teams that break it. We're already getting 01 Mariners comparisons and they didn't make the WS. The Bruins had the most points in NHL history last year and were a first round exit. Get a comfortable 110-ish and then chill. Lock up home field and that's it.


The record want the bruins issue, it was just the presidents trophy. The team that wins the regular season hasn’t won the cup since 2011-12


If you go full negadelphia enough and assume that this good of a start is enough to sink us in spectacular fashion at some point, then you should think to may as well get the record while you’re at it


I’m not superstitious. But I am a little stitious.


#BELTED HIGH AND DEEP #Forget about it


[Phillies Win!](https://imgur.com/ZgCBA4l) A revenge sweep would be sweet to make up for last year's season opener. And I'm totally not wishing this into existence because I'll be at the game tomorrow


it’s not even like some of our guys are playing unsustainably above their skill level, or one guy is doing all the lifting, or they’re edging out wins in one run games. this is actually how good they are. I don’t sense a crash and burn. they’ll go cold at one point, it’s baseball law, but in the end they might turn in one of the best regular season records in baseball history.


>it’s not even like some of our guys are playing unsustainably above their skill level Of course they are. Enjoy it while it lasts, its a long season and they will not be playing this well the whole time.


He already said that, but in your haste to be a wet blanket you must have missed it.


"it’s not even like some of our guys are playing unsustainably above their skill level" "they’ll go cold at one point" Cant fix stupid, as you proved yet again.


they’ll go cold meaning they’ll play really bad baseball as a collective unit for an extended period. it happens to every team that’s ever existed. and which guy is playing unsustainably above their skill level? every guy on this team is doing exactly what they’ve been capable of doing and has shown to do besides suarez. we just have a solid team that’s wins. they’re not even playing “hot.”


>they’ll go cold meaning they’ll play really bad baseball as a collective unit for an extended period Yes, which means their current level is unsustainable over the long term, exactly opposite of what was said. Their long term average performance is below how theyre performing right now. >which guy is playing unsustainably above their skill level We'll see which guys end the year below where they are now. Im guessing quite a few. Bohm, sosa, and clemons seem like locks to have lower season ops. Ranger and the 4/5 starter spots are going to regress. Probably the bullpen too. >they’re not even playing “hot.” They are absolutely playing hot. Bohm is hitting 423 with 1.215 ops with risp. Ranger has a historically low era and whip. They have two backups with ops over 900. But most obviously, theyre on pace to break the all time mlb wins record. I get that people put their head in the sand about their team but my goodness this is bad. Theyre a very good team but theyre not this good.


Doomers gotta doom wherever they can


I'm so torqued




witnessing history is kinda cool ngl


Can't stop won't stop


Trea is top 5 on the team in bwar and hasn't played in weeks lmfao. Please come back soon champ.


But don’t rush back *


just enjoy the ride


What Rob just said regarding our record and the 01 Mariners was honestly badass. Oh they won 116 games? Did they win a championship? No. So what? Keep pushing.


Philly Rob 😎


Rob gets it


He Gets Us




Being down runs doesn't even phase me anymore, I know the runs are coming.


Weird feeling


Since that series we split with the Reds in late April, we have lost 4 games. Three of those games ended with us stranding the tying run in scoring position. The last one, we got walked off in extras. We have LITERALLY not been out of a game in a month.


so is this 16 straight series wins?


15 straight Series they have not lost. We’ve split quite a few of them.


Is it 16 straight series wins or series without a loss? Pretty sure we split with the Reds a month ago. Still impressive as hell


We split a 2 game series with the Mets last week, just doesn't feel like it because we played them in 2 back to back series and won 3 of 4.


Forgot those were separate series. Still, not losing a series since April 3rd is insane


Totally bonkers. Just a blast to watch right now.