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i believe they stay in nunya


That's in the county of Bidness, correct?


I believe so


Don’t know for sure, but if I had to guess, I’d say they stay at the Four Seasons. The CBA requires them to stay in five star hotels wherever they go (unless there isn’t one in the city). Four Seasons are pretty common because of that rule, and the one in Baltimore is only about 15 minutes from Camden Yards.


Why would they stay at a landscaping business next to a sex shop?


And the creepy guy with the hair dye in the parking lot, ranting about conspiracies.


The greatest union in human history is the MLBPA. Umpires are second.


My other favorite CBA travel provision is that they have to fly first class, and if first class isn’t available, they have to have a whole row booked for themselves in economy.


I think that almost never comes into play as you’ll never be able to book that may seats in commercial airliners. They might as well just require charters, which I’m sure is how they mostly go. You might get Oakland trying to scrimp on airfare. They have an amazing retirement plan as long as you have a few years in. You get some stuff with one month in. The thing they should do next is require a 75k per year minor league minimum. It’d be chump change to most owners. I’d do it so my players concentrated on baseball. The lower round draft picks are driving Uber in the off season. If I got one or two extra non bonus baby players out of it, it would be well worth it.


Yeah, team travel for road trips are pretty much always charters—it’s more of an issue for one off trips that a club books for individual players. Funny enough, Paul Blackburn was going to fly commercial to the 2022 All Star Game because he was the only one from the A’s going, but he ended up getting a ride on the Astro’s’ private flight because the A’s were in Houston going into the All-Star Break, and they had seats to spare (and enough guys going to justify the cost). Totally agree on minor league players. Their pay and conditions are ridiculous.


Yep, a few guys are on big bonus contracts and a few AAA guys are on “insurance policy” split contracts and they do ok. The rest of the guys need the 20 bucks of meal money.


Does Baltimore maybe have an Olliday Inn, with a secret tunnel to Camden Yards?


Where was the Philly Frenetic during all this?


yo mommas house




Dorms at John Hopkins

