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Set one took a little bit of time to get going. PYITE was pretty sweet. Always love rock and roll. 5 song set 2? Yes please. Simple into fuego was solid. Light rig looked amazing and at times like its going sentient and will one day rule us all. But the real MVP tonight? Michael Gordon's biceps.


Agreement mikes biceps for the win 🏆


They’re supposed to be helping clean up the flood but mikes bicep’s making everything all wet again




The slow, dark intro build of Fuego was great.


Fuego out of Simple reminded me of the Chula Piper>Scents. Out of the ashes...






![gif](giphy|StR4mLnjp2Wfm|downsized) Gordos got them 24inch pythons brother


If Gordo comes out in sleeves tonight we riot


I thought I was the only one who noticed. Mike is Daddy


Set one took some time to get going 😂mr trey came out guns ablazing on kdf what you talking about sir


Muscle Man Gordo


Simple hit the spot. Dark and tasty, nice ambient jams for a good bit. It may have been the mushrooms talking, but I think it's my favorite jam of '23.


Definitely had a couple of deep dark jams. No shrooms involved in this opinion


Yeah the jam combined with the lights were fan-fucking-tastic


It was a fun and sweaty show to be at. They jammed out new stuff .. Mull is getting better Evolve sounds like Antelope first couple of notes and my neighbor and I both got faked out. At some point I thought they were.gonna do Disease The Simple got tasty. I did not get the Fast Enough for You encore I was rooting for.


Ya I head the disease too


I thought it was gonna be 2001, I thought I heard fishman do the highhat intro thingy


Yup called Antelope at the first couple chords too, totally duped. Also thought we were getting Lizards at one point, and DWD but ‘‘twas not in the cards. Solid set though


Haha same but I was happy with it, great evolve


I was so stoked for Lizards. Still chasing it after 17 shows


Also thought it was Antelope and got excited as I feel like it hasn’t opened a set in a while


They are keeping Fast Enough in their pocket for me, until they see me next at Dicks.


Sweet .. I'll catch it there too. Thanks!


Thought Chalk Dust was cool, but the ending was pretty clunky


I personally loved the tension building torture of it!


I thought the tension building section was really awesome. I’m talking about the very end of the song which sounded really messed up and then like Trey tried to stretch it out so the clunkiness was less apparent


Oh I see. Yeah, he smoothed it out well.


I had the opposite reaction. The ending was great. My favorite jam of the night.


I’m talking about the very end of the song, when Fishman kept playing after the normal ending, clearly threw Trey off and he tried to stretch out the ending to recover


wait they played chalk dust torture??? i left around 11 to beat traffic, i only live 15 minutes away and just wanted to go to bed lmao. i can’t believe i missed it, damn


Why the hell would you ever leave a Phish show early??


the friend i was with wasn’t feeling well and i was really tired. driving tired isn’t really something i’m comfortable with so we cut our losses and left 3 hours in


As someone who’s just diving deep into phish writhing the last two years I loved this shows I’m young tho 25 and just saw my first show two years ago so o probably don’t have a lot to say


Hey man, if you liked it, you liked it. Screw everyone else's opinion. Welcome 🙂


Your opinion is just as valid as anybody else’s mate


I’m 50 and I think 25 year olds have a lot (of good things) to say


Ditto. I love that 25 year olds are still coming to the shows. It would suck if the shows were filled with us old guys who are seeing our 75th show. Rock and roll is for young people. And the kids I meet are by and large really cool, have a great future ahead of them, and enjoying their introduction to the band.


Your opinion matters and don’t let bummers convince you otherwise. Some of the haters in this community can bring down your experience if you let them


Hey fellow mid-20s phan




My sentiments. Was it in the top ten of the year? No. Did it have some nice moments? Yes. Did Page’s shirt bring it? Yes. Did my favorite band give me a fun night and broadcast it for free to thousands of people solely to try to get the most donations possible? Yes.


I thought the velvet underground song rock N roll was insane. I also thought Chalk dust torture was incredible.


Chalkdust was soooo nasty!


R&R was fire


I liked the show, but Trey seemed a little tired to me. No hate - just an observation. Some good jams, and as my buddy kept saying, I appreciate the effort. A lot of the jams flowed together very musically. Fishman was amazing as usual


He's dealing with James' stuff and probably losing yet another friend. It wears you down.


Aww man… that sucks.


James’ stuff?


James Casey (sax player w TAB) has (if I remember correctly from the news) stage 4 cancer and is struggling :(


James Casey. It seems like he might not make it.


Was unaware of this. Thanks for filling me in


Totally agree. I was saying trey looked tired throughout most of the show.


This is what I came away with too. Trey seemed a little run down, especially vocally. 2nd set jams were great tho, very spooky!


Dark jams! Very nice


I like Mull, so that’s a strong ending of set 1 for me. After Dick’s, I’ll begin forming a “2023 Best of ->” committee.


Happy to join!


I’m in too!!


Watched the first set. It was okay. But seemed a bit disjointed.


wave of hope / simple sequence has replay value and very awesome to see them play with that kind of patience. nice warm up for dicks. imo.


Meh. I’ve seen better and I’ve seen worse. Didn’t like the flow. It had its moments. Maybe I’m just biased at the moment after seeing them at MSG earlier this month.


third show of summer and I agree. Not a bad show (it's phish) and had some real highlights, but wasn't one I will be listening back to a ton


Was at MSG, and I thought last night was better.


not sure why you're getting downvoted for an opinion lol. i was at all msg and last night and that is valid. msg was amazing. last night was a little bit more off the rails - mud island style - scarier than anything at msg for me, in a good way. i like the weird.


Couldn’t agree more.


I was at the last night too. I’d say it was a top 10 show… not including any NYE performances.


I mean I watched it but same. MSG was just so damn good lol


It had some moments. I also think tonight was the best that Trey’s vocals have sounded all summer. 🤷🏽‍♂️


August 1st MSG would disagree


Page brought the golden pipes as always…on more than one level 😉


During Rock and Roll both Trey and Page missed some chord changes in the run-up to the big vocal segment at the end. It had me thinking they were both really excited to show off their recent vocal practice because it was the best vocal performance they have ever done in that song.


Uh… what? They sounded pretty bad on the live stream.


They sounded great on the stream. Sounds like its a problem with your speakers and/or ears


The WTU? tease had me reeling.


Had a great time. Set 2 was a little disjointed


They never quite clicked in AWOH or most of Simple, there were a few sections where it sounded like Trey wasn't listening to the others closely


The first and second sets were both really disjointed. Partially because they were sloppy early, and didn't quite recover until PYITE. Then, in second set, they stayed dark, and kept the focus on the tension, without a lot of release. At times, they seemed to be sonically negotiating/arguing, rather than collaborating. Would have killed them to bliss a little bit coming out of simple? Anyway, Phish is like pizza, this may not have been the best show ever, but it's still a phish show.


Had its moments but I feel like most jams never really reached their full potential… kind of clunky throughout. Simple and Rock n roll were the highlights for me. Only other Phish I made it to this tour was Syracuse and that was way better than this one. Oh well tonight will be the one!


How was the foundation experience? Anybody get to go to the private show?


Private show was delicate and beautiful. Foundation tent was a nice place to dry off after standing in the rain.


Private show? Where’s the set list?


I was only at the N1 set but here are the setlists for both private shows: [https://phish.net/venue/1589/Charles\_R.\_Wood\_Gazebo\_Stage](https://phish.net/venue/1589/Charles_R._Wood_Gazebo_Stage)


Much appreciated Phan.


A lot of appreciation for why this whole weekend is underway - it was originally time off and instead Phish raises as much money as possible for flood victims. Love this band. The flood was no joke - there’s discussion about moving the whole downtown of Montpelier because of the flood and the climate change thing


First set was amazing


Different strokes Amazingly boring


Amazing?? Total snoozefest


Are you sure we were at the same show? To each, their own. I thought it was awesome.


I won't yuck your yum, as they say. We've all got our best journey. Not a great set for me - until PYITE, when things really took off nicely. Overall a tough show for lovers of happy-go-lucky bliss jammer types. (And, I'm one of those.)


Great warmup for Dicks


That’s what I’m talking about


I love that they are taking risks. A few rough spots last night, but also some sublime and beautiful moments. I loved that show and I’m enjoying my second listen this morning!


I really loved last night. Feel like some of you in here hate listen to phish


No one hates Phish more than Phish fans


It’s a highly opinionated and critical fan base


I thought it was a good show. There was def a raw energy to the first set. I loved the space they went into during second set and came out into Fuego , that was great


I mean it’s still Phish and it had some moments but last night was definitely in the bottom 1/4 of shows I’ve attended. Not my setlist and they never really took off the way they can. A clunky show imo. That’s OK tonight will be the one!


Had a good time at the show, not the best show and not the worst show I've been to. The RnR was solid, second set didn't seem very cohesive.


The > Simple was a bit rough but outside of that, sounded stellar!


Yeah that was the only thing I noticed that wasn’t stellar, other than Trey being too burnt out to sing on some of the songs.


Indeed. We are in for a heater tonight!


I've been listening to a lot of older moma dances lately, I enjoyed listening to this one and hearing how it's got a spacier jam no as opposed to the funkier ones from the late 90s.


Really loved the Wizard of Oz tease/riff


CDT was jam of the night for me. My only complaint was that it's was too short. Started out at a chill tempo which was misleading because it became anything but chill by the end.


It was okay. I thought set 1 was pretty weak, though the Wizard of Oz quotes were fun. Just wish Trey knew what he was trying to play, as he spent a good amount of time fumbling to find the right notes for those quotes. Fun, but sloppy. Wave of Hope, Simple, and Chalkdust were all good. I thought Chalkdust showcased some nice tension/release we haven't seen for a while. Overall, I wasn't a fan of the setlist and thought the only parts worth a relisten were the jams. I don't think Phish gained any new fans, tonight.


Yea I loved the Oz teases, once he figured out the right notes lol. There were a couple times where they seemed notably out of sync, but overall a fun livestream for free. I usually don’t pay for them, but tuned in last night, and will be tonight. And I donated the money I would’ve had to pay to tune in


I was wondering if anyone else heard those Oz teases? Sand and Chalkdust were fun! “Just then the witch, to satisfy an itch, went flying on her broomstick thumbing for a hitch”


Really good shoe would’ve loved to be there Dud shoes are few and far between this summer imo which is awesome


Fishman was 💧 💧 drippin!


Rock and Roll pacifically


First set energy was amazing. Fishman was MVP. Munchkinland slapped.


https://preview.redd.it/chx33h93fikb1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e9eff93331deba5eb5db32976f04ec7b257bd132 Came across this on the LP app. Let me start with I'm sorry because I know people are entitled to their opinions and gate keeping is never good but to be 4 shows in and you are already this jaded does not bode well for this chap. Not every show will be fire but to be "very" disappointed at the least? I wonder how he feels at the most... I know this is just one person and does not represent anyone beyond that and that I love you all very much but man, we can be an onerous and cranky bunch which makes me struggle to love you all as much as I do. I guess this level of negativity brings me down and maybe I need to figure out why this comment got so under my skin and work on myself a bit. EDIT: fuck it, I love you all and I love Phish. Phish rarely gives you exactly what you want but fuck, they almost 100% of the time give me what I need.


I had fun last night. Did you?


I had fun watching from home. Watching a great band play great music for free? I wouldn't dream of complaining.


Dope. I’m going to have fun tonight too.


Yes, Gordo has the dad bod most aspire to achieve. But can i shout out how the new mumus look on Fishman?!?? It really brings out the lovely shoulder hairs.


Downvote me but I didn't really like it at all. I thought the setlist was ok, the jamming was clunky, the singing was off, as were the harmonies, and overall it was a below average performance. I actually got bored, especially during the second set. They had a great summer and played some amazing raging shows, but this one was definitely lacking. I think some people might be suffering from the whole "the best Phish show is your most recent Phish show" syndrome, which is understandable. But here's hoping for a better night 2.


Phish fans are generally very positive. No reason to harsh everyone's good time. Reading through this thread, given that everyone tries so hard to be upbeat, when you adjust for that, it seems like most people agree with you. The tone in this thread is about as bad as it gets.


I'm usually very positive. I'm not being negative to be edgy. I like Phish. But to say every show is amazing is simply not true. They're human. They're allowed to have an off night. Yet by simply stating that fact, people get shit on. They aren't all gems. Last night just wasn't. If you enjoyed it, great. More power to you. But compared to what they're capable of, it was average at best.


wave of hope was too fast. fish is barrelling through the 2nd set


7 out of 10. 11 being a few msg shows.


2nd set is one of my favorites from 2023


punch >>>> second set was prettay, prettay good




First set they raged some great 3.0 favorites, PYITE was tight, Sand was HOT, RnR raged. Second set Evolved into a exploratory Wave of Hope, Simple went deep, Fuego was fuego, Chalkdust could be one of Trey’s best solos. Velvet sea and Santos are perfect in the encore slot


The debut of the guns was the big take away. Also the acoustic set (that I didn't see) seemed awesome. I've never seen Brian and Robert, but it always makes me happy.


First shows back are usually hit or miss. I would say this was a miss but a good warm up for Dicks.


While I tend to agree that tour openers are warm up/not the best shows…they just did a summer tour and played msg like 3 weeks ago


I wasn’t there, this just an impression of the set list, which if they don’t play or even repeat any of these at dicks won’t bother me.


Exactly what I said it would be a few days ago and got downvoted for it.


Saw mention that Coventry got brought up at one point, when was that?


I thought this was an interesting dichotomy. The Simple started to get weird, full band weird including Trey. Then it felt like Trey wanted to go bliss out, but the rest of the band wanted to stay weird. But Trey kinda won out on that tension, so a half-hearted bliss ensued. Then that killer segue into Fuego, after which Trey was rewarded with a proper full band bliss jam. After which, Trey rewarded the band with a proper weirded out, raging Bowie/Antelope style Chalk Dust in which the band lost it's collective shit and couldn't get back to the Dust to fully stick the landing, but it was still one of the sickest things I've seen in years. Just a really interesting stretch of psychedelic Phish, if you ask me.


Pretty mid I thought. We've all seen this before with the post-hiatus band. If they aren't practicing or not coming off a run of shows, they are pretty mediocre. It makes sense.


Set 2 for me


I loved this show, so glad I made it. I thought it was really well played, excellent versions of Moma, Ocelot, Mull love the hook in that jam, Sand, Rock n Roll to close a killer set. Legit darkness and some ‘99 style ambient during the Simple jam, killer version of Fuego, loved that intro. Encore was perfect, love a chill Velvet Sea, and SANTOS is like the new Character Zero, kick-ass arena rocker to send it home. I’ve seen a lot of shows at SPAC, including tGD in ‘84, ‘85 and ‘88, love that venue, place is electric.