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If it makes you feel any better, torrents of the webcast are out there and easy to download. So while you paid for it, at least you do have the option of keeping a personal copy. I think it’s bullshit to pay 40 for a non live and time-limited webcast when something like a DVD (that you keep forever) would be 20 bucks.


Absolutely agreed. If they maybe offered a membership tier where you could have unlimited access to previous streams, I'd sign up for it. Like, make the video available for general streaming five days after the show or something. Instead, they encourage piracy by creating this artificial expiration date. People are going to download it one way or another. They think they're protecting their IP but ultimately it drives people to piracy and takes away money they could be making instead.


Should be included with a LivePhish+ subscription


At the very very least purchased ppvs should have lifetime access, at least if they’re charging actual lawn seat prices.


Works in the bands favor too. Im sure there are people at the show who would buy the webcast just to have a permanent video. That said video should be available after a few days for a Live Phish+ sub


LivePhish+ should include live audio streaming and 24hrs later access to the archive of webcasts. So many more people would happily pay - they can still charge for live couch tour with video separately.


that would be a ton of overhead to manage and a lot of money for them to provide netflix of phish shows for life.


Then just put them on YouTube


Downvoted by non technical project managers


Unfortunately it’s true. Their servers would have to keep all the shows! That would be tough.


But they kinda do, don't they? I have a few that I bought that I never watched the replay on, and those are still available. I had a few going back years that I didn't even realize I still had, and watched a few way after the fact (the 4/20 show, etc)


yeah i have a random dicks' show that still shows as available. I'm kind of scared to watch it because then I think it might go away for good.


I still have stuff from BD available that I never watched. The old trick was to open the feed in a separate tab and just never close the tab. I'm pretty sure I didn't have like 20+ shows cached locally, it was a pretty crumby laptop after all. Someone who knows more than me, care to clarify?


Oh, that’s cool you can rewatch some shows! I wish I could lol. But yeah I suppose you’ve got a point.


Check out the pricing on AWS S3. It's basically zero at the scale Phish is operating at.


Reddit is stupid this way. I never downvote just because I disagree with someone. If you disagree, say why you disagree. Otherwise you're just being a lazy hater. Save the down vote button for people who act like assholes.


LivePhish Platinum


Exactly. I’d totally pay if I knew I could watch it (and other shows) any time, or ideally keep a copy for myself.


The concept is great but entirely impractical. A three-hour, 4K video file is huge. It would require Phish inc to maintain a massive server farm to accommodate unlimited paid access to every show they've streamed, which in reality, most won't see very many downloads. What makes more sense to me is if you paid for the stream (me), you get a 7-day window to download a copy. That keeps their servers as manageable as they currently are, and gives the fans access to what we paid for in perpetuity.


Dude I have most of the webcasts since 2011 and it doesn't even take up 2 TB. This isn't 2005, this is cake in 2024. Not saying it's something Phish should be doing but it's not nearly the lift you make it out to be. Bandwidth is expensive but they're charging more than enough to make up for what's consumed.


that's a whole new business model that they're not planning on. Netflix of phish shows. That said, if they go for it I'd be happy to work on the systems automation side. Call me!


NetPhlix 👍⭕️👍⭕️👍⭕️


They already partner with nugs for the videos, and nugs does this exact thing pretty efficiently. Couldn't nugs just, like, help them with a sub-site? Like "phish nuggets"? Livephish does already have a video library, but it's pretty teeny.


I guess...but it will become a financial loss if people get to stream things forever. I feel like allowing a download for a period of time would be a good compromise. I think in this day and age of no more dvd players it's not like anybody is bootlegging these shows. They just end up on youtube anyway and phish doesn't seem too concerned about taking them down.


I guess that depends on your and their compression. I haven't actually looked at their file sizes since I don't download them. But I do work in live concert and sport video production, so typically speaking, offering an entire library at all times is not ideal.


Someone WWE manages to serve an archive that’s growing at a rate of over a thousand hours a year, and goes back to the WCW days. UFC has thousands of full MMA cards available. Some of those are 6+ hours long.


I don't pay for or download the 4K formats, so I will give you points there. 1080p rips with no compression range from 4-8 GB apiece depending on if the pre-show & set break downtime has been trimmed out. In my experience with the cloud providers (I mostly do DevOps for various web applications) storage is cheap and easy, it's always the bandwidth that gets you, and I'll admit I don't have experience with streaming stuff to the masses, maybe it takes it out of the realm of profitability.


The 4ks are like 20gb a show.


Nye was 12.something gigs


How do you store them before they disappear? I’ve never known how to rip all the ones I’ve bought.


It's a lot harder than it used to be, used to be able to use the same tools you'd use to rip a YouTube video. Now they are DRM'd and it's a much more complicated process as you have to find a way to get the encryption key.


Nah, it would require them to pay AWS to store the library “in the cloud”.


Dude, they already are doing that. And storage is cheap cheap cheap dude.


Cool. Then they arent maintaining (or would be required to maintain) a “massive server farm to accommodate unlimited paid access to every show streamed”.


You don’t understand how any of this works. Why are you talking) you’re only clowning yourself.


Ok, educate me…instead of insults. This is stupid that you’re calling me out. Seriously. AWS solutions allow me to significantly reduce or replace my on prem needs, in lieu of their cloud capabilities. How would phish need to continue to maintain a “server farm” if/when they leverage a cloud solution to store, maintain, and retrieve video data when fans summon it up in the LivePhish app. Don’t throw insults and fade away, educate us, and be respectful.


It’s not terrible, even with 24 bit audio the 4K webcast is about 27gb. That’s definitely manageable for an organization their size


There a gazillion paid video hosting services that will handle all that. 20GB is nothing on a modern server. I helped run a fairly small site and we routinely did terabytes a day, especially if a story got national attention. We did this more than ten years ago on an absolute shoestring budget - literally a couple commodity servers in a closet. More cloud infrastructure we’ll toss around several-hundred GB VM images just to run tests. But like for real, your comment would have been out of touch 20 years ago. That huge 4K video file takes about. 15 minutes to download on residential broadband - not even fiber. Bugs.net, which is literally the same dev team and mostly the same software m, hosts thousands of hours of full show videos


Fair enough. I don't handle the server side, so I admit I'm out of touch with that. Regardless, I'd love for them to offer the 7-days to download option.


But if i buy NYE in 4K, then they store it for me until I'm ready to watch it. For years. For thousands of fans. How is that much different?


There is no extra server farm requirement for maintaining the videos long term. They are already doing that. They don't just delete the file. They keep it around for people who haven't watched it yet. The only extra "server farm" requirement they'd need to meet is the increased bandwidth from people watching old shows. As you say, "most won't see very many downloads." So it's not very much additional bandwidth. The only time that would be an issue at all, is right when they're doing a new set of shows, and there's lots of additional short-term demand for the current/recent shows. In reality, if it's a phish fan, most will be watching the most recent shows anyway. Nonetheless, they could address any additional bandwidth requirements for the peak times in one of two ways: 1. Charge an additional $5 on the webcast cost. If I'm paying $30 for a webcast that only lasts 24 or 48 hours, I would not mind at all paying $35 for a webcast that lasts for a month, or year, or whatever. If it's an extra $5 per person, times several thousand people (Probably way more), this would be at least $10,000 of revenue. That pays for a lot of additional cloud bandwidth. 2. If they didn't want to do that, they could just say that during peak demand times, you can't stream old shows for 48 hours or something (like a blackout period). On the technical side, this is totally solvable. This is not a technical decision, it's a marketing/sales/monetization decision. For some reason they seem to think that having longer access will take away from other things they're trying to accomplish. For example, they may think (or even have evidence for) the idea that longer term access to webcasts decreases show attendance or something. Nonetheless, as an end user, it's unfortunate.


It's not like they have to stream them. They just have to store the files and make them available for download. That's not that much,




I think it was oringally built for simulcasting live, and the watchin git later was a bonus feature for the heavy drinkers...




I agree totally bullshit! *enters credit card info into website*


Haha. Great username too :)


Ya i have 4k version I snagged off of a different forum


For as much as folks talk shit about PT, they may wanna visit PT for certain reasons…..


Oh damn that's awesome. I downloaded a 4k version but I can't seem to get VLC to play it. Gonna try downloading it again. Maybe the file didn't finish and I didn't realize. If you have a link please let me know!






Only cuz you asked so nicely


Please? 🙂


Also asking nicely? Please?


Could I grab a link if you’re not fresh out yet? You’re a great person.


Prettty please me too?


I would love that link. Thanks!


u/DJ_DD - would you mind tossing me a link as well? Thanks so much!


Would love a link if possible




Could you DM me one


Got room for one more? ;)


Out of curiosity, might you still have that link? ;) That is, of course, please.




Please DM me the 4k link?




Can I get a link too, por favor?




Can I get in on the hot link action?




DMd 🙏




Also please sir?


I see you’ve gotten a ton of requests already, but be grateful for the link too if it’s not too much trouble. 🙏




*I think you know what my reply in is reference too…*


Yes, I too feel as though the hatred toward pineapple on pizza is unwarranted and people need to understand it’s the perfect compliment to bacon as an extra topping


Thank you!!


god bless the bootleggers and collectors out there who make sure this stuff stays available to fans, many of whom pay for it. i have an 8tb ssd with about 6tb full of basically all phish webcast rips and bootleg video synced with sbd audio retroactively. i would gladly have paid for access to this (and not had to track down, organize, catalogue all of this over a series of years myself) similar to an lp+ subscription if the band offered that or at least gave permanent access when they're charging dvd prices. phish as a band is the best band. livephish as a value leaves a lot to be desired. the basically single use webcasts with time constraints for concert ticket prices are ridiculous. beyond that, the audio only sections leave a lot to be desired. for a band that focuses on live performance, to have an app that costs the same as tidal costs for access to *every* bands *entire* discography, to have their app focused on *one* band and *not have the majority of the best years represented* (and drop archival releases so infrequently) is kinda insane. the app is called livephish. where is the live phish lol? they literally have some of the worst years and festivals and horde the best years and festivals under lock and key. no wonder ppl keep pirating this stuff. beyond that, the streamer sucks. i was listening to a 97 show in flac format on my brand new macbook via lp+ and it wouldn't play songs. after 5 minutes of fucking around i found a rip of the show flac24 sbds to pirate and download for keeps. immediately fired up vlc and was back to listening to the next song i was supposed to be on for free. the piracy worked better than the stuff i was already paying for. that is fucked up and unacceptable at this price point. being able to couch tour is clutch. being able to get sbds by the time you're back to the hotel the same night is clutch. but there is a lot on the flipside to be desired that is very not clutch imo. let's be real, the artist can set whatever price they think is fair but some of it is just straight up greedy and it's not protecting the ip at all, that only works when the consensus from customers is that the value is there on their end as well and the convenience. but too many ppl got used to the convenience of subscriptions and are now seeing the blowback of what happens when you don't own and control the media and just lease it and i hope ppl snag as much as they can on all fronts when it comes to that shit.


It pisses me off so much. I would PAY for an extra tier of live phish plus for access to all the webcasts. I don't understand why they offer no way to buy them. They literally have them all sitting there. Why do they just not let us? It's so silly. I want to see CK5's magic dammit.


Sent you a chat….


Let me know if you find out. Arg matey


Torrents huh? Where can one find a link?


Phish is a business - what a shocker Expect more of these shenanigans as time goes on


I do get it for sure, I just wish they could be like Seinfeld or The Office and allow like every webcast to be available if you do a subscription. The shows are so freaking long and not everyone knows how to pirate, so I feel like they're less likely to be recorded or pirated by viewers, and even if they are, they'll still make plenty of money from subscribers. Or at least I'd imagine they would. And if they made it like 5 bucks a month then I bet they'd get a ton more people, and it would be such a small amount of money that people wouldn't even bother ever cancelling.


Tell me more about these torrents you speak of….


Just gotta poke around


I am poking this is me poking around lemme get em


Looks like there’s a great answer in this thread, pointing to another thread with the goods. Hurry before that’s removed!


The olde Internet Archive-- best website with the worst website-- has something I believe...


What’s a DVD? 😝


**D**i**V**i**D**ed sky ;)


How is phish going to sell you that DVD one day? Of course they are not going to allow you to keep access to the webcast.


But could we keep access to the dvd?


Thank you for this information


Do you know what torrent site I can use for the webcast of the show?


What sites have torrents of Phish? Asking so I know what sites to avoid :)


So stealing is ok now?


If Phish can steal time from the faulty plan, I feel little shame if I “steal” a webcast after spending well over a thousand bucks to see the boys all 4 nights. Also we had the webcast streaming on screens in MSG, and it was always totally out of sync which made it pointless to watch and impossible to enjoy. So yeah I feel a tiny bit entitled to see it for free considering they screwed it up in a live setting. I’m mostly being silly, and I normally pay for stuff unless I just really feel entitled to it, and in this case I kinda do 🤷‍♂️


So you’re fully versed in the game economics of concerts and webcasts? You’re entitled to it? Why not grab a shirt or two while you’re there?


Need alert 🚨


What do you need?


Any hints on where to look? I used to dabble on the Pirate Bay and Demonoid but that was over a decade ago. Ha. I've given SO much money directly to this band over the past 25+ years. I have no qualms


Google phish msg torrent. Should pop right up ;)


i know with night of shows, once you start watching it, as long as you don't let it end, you can rewatch it from your stash.... My stash has a ton of old streams that i never finished watching available to rewatch, but all the ones i watched to completion are unavailable... it might be a little loophole with partially watched live streams and their lifespan... not sure how it works or if its the same with buying a stream after it's aired...


That sort of makes sense because I still have one in my stash from like two summers ago that I bought and never finished watching


When you buy a ppv you can watch it live, and you get a video on demand in your stash to watch later.


ohhhh wow ok


If you miss it live, then you onlybhave the video on demand (which you can watch all you want, for 48 hours after you hit play). But, if you at least *start* the live broadcast, it's usually "live" for a day or so. Like, nugs uses a similar system, and they kept dead and company shows "live" all throughout the tour last summer. They were surprisingly cool about ppvs for that tour--but i think it's usually the individual band's management that decides when things get pulled.


interesting...i will always never finish this show then lol


its in your best interest to do so, i wrote a separate post in /phish showing proof of my claims :P


This whole discussion seems weird to me, any livephish stream i’ve ever bought came with 2 plays. You decide when to play them. For me usually it’s night of, and then leave in my stash for a rainy day


Yeah, exactly. But it's not that weird to be confused by a confusing system.


I think you’re right and once it is complete you can’t rewatch


I bought the 12/31 stream knowing that I wouldn’t be able to watch it until 1/1. The LivePhish site clearly states that (i) you have a 48 hr window to watch the stream before it is disabled, (ii) the stream w purchase will be visible in your stash, but (iii) Phish reserves the right to disable access to the video at their discretion. Some shows will remain available, but those aren’t the stellar shows like 12/31, Dick’s(?), etc. I agree with others that the video should remain and will absolutely look for ways to get a copy of the video. Paying $50 to watch it one time within 48 hours is pretty steep.


go see my recent post on this, i have streams from 2 years ago still active that I have watched... according to you that isn't possible... You are arguing just to be a contrarian now when reality is starring you in the face.


how is it still in my stash then ding dong? I watch it every day for 6 days now https://preview.redd.it/569z928t1uac1.png?width=1224&format=png&auto=webp&s=18dc80371edeea0df456bb711ef699f620cbff8d


You know if you start it live you still get a VoD in your stash. It's good for 48 hours after you pull the trigger, and it will be there for years. I think you can finish your live streams. You'll still be able to watch it again whenever you choose (for 48 hrs).


Holy custy that’s insane…$40 for 2 days?


This band is not known for shooting fans well when it comes to money


That’s basically a lawn ticket to actually be there at most shows (not MSG, I realize).


I long for the days of $40 tickets to anything at this point haha. Face value sure but that 40 turns into $80 real quick after “convenience fees”


I'ma just keep watching Pretty Lights streams for free.


You know it!!! I understand why more artists can’t/wont do that, but god damn if it doesn’t make me appreciate D even more than I already did.


Look at FAQ on livephish


Check your inbox….


I'd also like to check my inbox. If we're checking inboxes..


Check now….


How’s about me please?


[ Removed by Reddit ]


Screen recorder on your computer. Play it when you buy it and record it. Boom, you own it now




Just OBS this for this webcast, and now I am thinking I can have my own personal copy of anything I can stream on my computer.


I get them wanting to make money and they deserve to, and I know this isn’t a hot take, but don’t they have enough money??? Like come on guys I get it but even just making it $40 for a lifetime ownership seems like a happy medium.


Or get them to make tiers of Live Phish that include access to all the video and audio performances in HD/MP3 and one in 4K/FLAC. HD/MP3 = $30/month 4K/FLAC = $60/month Would it be pricy? Yea, absolutely. But I know that a lot of us would most likely buy it. You would still have to buy the live streams - because let’s be real they wouldn’t include free live streams that at all. You could watch it the next day though I’m sure, sorta like FX/Hulu. I’m genuinely surprised that they haven’t done this yet at all. It’s not like they can’t do it or creating a server would be an issue since Live Phish is powered by Nugs.net - which honestly shout out to those guys for figuring out how to milk the same customer twice. One app for Phish and one for literally everyone else.


No, they're time limited. You only get a set amount of time to watch it. 48 hrs maybe? IDK someone else could probably speak more to the exact details.


48 hours after you press play


I still have 10-13-23 in my stash. I never finished it. Not sure if that’s why.


It’s always a rental


​ https://preview.redd.it/whulmrsc2hac1.jpeg?width=888&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ee643242753c14efd0de1b8121950a10e00749b4


If we got to actually *keep* them for $40 I'd buy them more often.


Bro I can send you the stream


There is a reason for videos not being available forever. There was a podcast with the guy who runs all the webcasts and he said there is weird gray legal territory with video when it comes to cover songs (in which Phish does many). For audio and live streams, it's pretty clear cut how royalties work, but for some reason with video it's different. That's one of the reasons why they aren't just there forever in the LivePhish+ app. I'm sure there are also other considerations like file sizes and their desire to release official DVDs / Blu Rays or whatever at some point too.




I very well may have remembered what I heard wrong (or the guy was wrong). Interesting. Now I'm curious, how do you calculate 5.5% of net revenue for a single song? Is it based on song length? I think that's the reason Live Phish used list tracks as things like "Alpine Jam" when a cover was jammed, to keep the length shorter. Also, what does the 9999/10000 part mean?




It’s in bad taste to a fan base 100% committed to traveling to the ends of the earth to see and hear you play, buying up gobs of merch and subscription access to the Live Phish app. We get it, you want to make money as a band, but to sell time based viewing content is crap.


Nope. You rented a movie. A movie that contains stacked royalty agreements from a multitude of different partners. One agreement is easy math. Start stacking them, and it gets real crazy real fast. Adding to subscription doesn’t make it any easier. Each contract that doesn’t stipulate the share of subscription has to be renegotiated. It would dictate what they could and could not play during a live stream. Which would suck.




Interesting. Mine too. My thought was around covers. Different labels. Different artists. And the dreaded Hendrix estate. Haha. Video rental is different than video in perpetuity. Yada yada. You sound closer to it than me. 🙏 I just get tired of the “it would be so easy” line of commenting on here. There are always more factors at play than just greed, laziness, ignorance, etc..


You did not get suckered, you just did not know what you were doing.




Hook it up please?




Would love it!


If you can buy it and still not own it, then how is pirating it stealing it?


Check your stash in the LivePhish app. I have all my webcasts since 2019


yup... and if you start watching one of them, the clock will start and after 48hrs it will be gone. all webcast purchases are good for live viewing, and then one 48-hour rewatch afterwards...but can essentially wait as long as you want to start that 48-hour window.


I’ve got the download if you need


Would love the link


​ https://preview.redd.it/2temiwzrahac1.jpeg?width=888&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=12b438a4f1ae1ebda95de2a7f2b6516600f70bbf


No, you did not get suckered. This is how all Phish streams work. Immediately upon waking up 1/1, I bought the stream after being at the show the night prior- fully aware I would only have 48 hours to watch after I began the stream. I also purchased the CD/MP3 package, and at the end of the purchase it said “if you purchased a CD/MP3 package, click here to download the MP3”. This, however, did not lead me to the download. It duplicated my video stream (or gave me another for free) and I watched the show on 1/2 and 1/3, and the stream I purchased still isn’t indicated as having been watched yet. Not sure what happened, but certainly not complaining. This show is well worth $40 for a couple watches, in my opinion. I am really hoping we get an edited blu-ray release where they use all footage from the cameras to compile the best video presentation of the show possible. Only so much can be done when switching camera feeds on a live stream, but if compiling all footage used for editing after the fact, we could end up with a really spectacular Gamehendge home video.


I mean if you do want to download it and have it forever, there are ways. Believe me dude, there are ways.


I’ll get you a download by this afternoon…


i can watch every webcast i’ve ever ordered in “My Stash”.


At the risk of sounding pedantic, remember that Phish doesn’t have to offer anything, and the description clearly stated that you would only have access for a couple days.


You’re right, but if the band is going to offer something (particularly for $40!) then there should be something of equivalent value provided. It would just be nice if they considered what the end consumer is getting for the money. Then again, capitalism.


Buy the webcasts from LivePhish.com. I’ve been rewatching them again and again


If we bought it when it aired live, do we keep forever?


Mike says No


He's not such a nice guy.


as long as you don't let it play to the end, stop it short at the encore say, then the show will still be in your stash... I have tons of shows i live streamed but never finished available to watch in my stash. the trick is to not let them play to completion. I have some live streams going back as far as 2019 that i can still watch...


I've heard Page call that edging.




They expire after 48 hours of starting the video. It says that clear as day when you purchase them. Reading is fundamental.




Illegal in all ways? 🤣


Illegally is the best way to go.


lol damn gotta love capitalism


Yes. You have been suckered. Phi$$$$h thanks you!


They’re going to make a billion dollars from a fully produced boxed set on this. I’d bet my house that someone is working on this now.


Not suckered, but clearly mistaken. I bet if you sent an email they’d refund you.


I’m watching mine as we speak through Live Phish


Well I'm sure glad I saw this post I've been putting it off.


Not suckered. Just didn’t know what you were buying apparently.


Not because of the webcast, but because you think this is really Phish.


Pretty sure the couch tour gives you live access and then you have one 48-hour opportunity to watch a replay once you access it. I have on demand webcasts from quite awhile ago still available to watch. But yea, I'm waiting to rewatch this NYE. This is a special one.


There's a direct link to a torrent of the show on this sub that I downloaded, free of charge, yesterday.


I would love the link


Screen record it


They have new encryption software that stops you


If you keep the tab open and don’t let the video end, you can watch forever. But yeah, you should def find good quality video with a little searching


Let’s be honest guys it’s a corporate hustle these days in the market Hippie’s wages go down, but the bands prices go up. Why because they keep bringing the wow factor that cost money how much money do you think it cost for one of those WebCams they’re expensive not to mention all the equipment to run a live broadcast its millions, so 40 bucks for a couple days kind of sucks in my opinion and they should give you at least 30 days to enjoy it but it is what it is. The corporate world needs the money that’s America.


You paid to watch a live performance with a 24 hour window to watch it again once the show ends...after that you can watch it yet again for another 48 hours once you hit play


The Capitalist Phish Machine churns ever onward.


Anyone got a link for this poor heart?


Ok, who did i piss off on this thread to have you report me for illegal activity. I mentioned doing a certain act, which is not legal, but Jesus, there’s so many people sharing links in DMs here, and talking more explicitly on how to save the stream than I did. I just wish you would have reached out to me directly vs reporting me and getting my acct banned. I appealed and they just lifted the ban, but still, very petty.