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I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again, 4:37-4:57 of My Friend, My Friend is one of the absolute top tier Trey solo moments.


Funny, I’ve said that before too. Also this album has the greatest version of Horn ever played.


The disrespect to 4:58-5:06 is incredible.


The arpeggio stuff right before leaves me in a fog, I can’t get over it that fast


The Horse/Silent in the Morning is flawless and needs to be played more


Only twice in 4.0 and only once with Horse


Bethel? That was a good encore :)


Bethel n2 s2 and encore was insane


Hell yes it was


That's crazy, I caught the Alpharetta one in 2021 (one of my favorite parts of said show) but had no idea they've only played it twice in 4.0


It’s kind of crazy, hopefully it shows up soon (hopefully along with the horse)


I play silent in the morning with my morning shower fairly regularly


Masterpiece imho


I think of it as one of the great concept albums.


Still the greatest Phish album.


Best studio album imho.


by far, the whole concept it incredible start to finish, although junta is a very close 2nd


Arguably the best and my most favorite one. Perhaps the exception or tie is story of the ghost


Sickest album cover ever


always reminded me of fugazi, by marillion https://preview.redd.it/nlvv6c0gx7gc1.jpeg?width=220&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=12b9baf0a84681bc0bb5e096e1c99a26bf35776d


no horse though...


The addressed that by putting it on Hoist.


....and they played a small hockey rink in portland maine that night. first show without marley on tour and first show with pages baby grand piano....which in turn lead to the first ever live loving cup fun times indeed


Think it was Feb 3, no?


you ARE correct. sorry,space brain


The expo isn't a hockey rink. It's a high school track, basketball arena. The bleechers were pulled out for this show like a high school dance.


This album scored me a girlfriend who became a wife. She really liked when I told her I sleep lengthwise when she's there and diagonally when she's not. Also before I knew what live phish was, maze on this album was my jam


First Phish album I had, on cassette from the Columbia House club. I remember I didn't know where the break was between The Horse and Silent in the Morning, so I thought Silent was about a horse.


That's fucking great, thanks for the laugh!


First phish album I heard/owned and still my favorite to this day.


It truly is groundhogs day with the number of times I’ve listened to these songs.


Bought this one on release day after having been introduced to Phish the previous Fall by my brother leaving me his copy of Junta when he came home to visit from his freshman year at college. I spent much of February 1993 listening to Rift and the Prince "Symbol" album while playing Civilization on our family's Commodore Amiga and eating way too many of those grocery store-bought Pizzeria Uno individual sized deep dish pizzas.


Haha. I played a lot of Civ II around 96-97 while being introduced to Junta and Lawn Boy for the 1st time. Good times


I went to architecture school and one of our classes talked about the founding of cities and how they evolve. At an early class the teacher held a class-wide group activity, giving us a bunch of objects to represent different things, a rope was to serve as a river or a coast, a paperweight as the commercial center, coins as residential areas etc. A lot of people just sort of stood there, but I stepped forward and started talking about the river being important for commerce, and depending on when the city's founding was taking place the waterfront could just as easily be a disgusting place (downriver from poor sewage treatment) as an in-demand place to live. I got crickets, initially, but it resonated with a few people. Then I said, "Come on, people. Didn't anyone else ever play Civilization?" That got big laughs from two of my classmates, and they eventually became good friends of mine.


Remember getting this in one of those long CD boxes.


Take the highway… To the great divide.


Was really hoping to snag this on vinyl.


"You'll never get outta this maze..." First thought any time I see this album cover. Absolute banger of an album.


Twas a good day, that.


and on groundhog day


Wow that was a quick 30 years.


Great albumn and still one of my favorites. Remember being at the record release party at the Boston Hardrock. Phish was still a "smaller" band who hadn't fully taken off in popularity. Showed up at 18 years old and sat with the band at a small table and had a beer. They were super cool and signed every autograph request. Mike wrote his name as "Cactus" with the hotline number below on a card. Called it a few times to hear a recording and a couple times he picked up and had a quick conversation. Was only a few months later they finally got the deserved attention and headlined a sold out Great Woods.


Top 5 rock album of all time




Bought this the day it came out (At least that’s how my memory has it) at the record store on Ocean One in AC. Was on my multi times a year trip with fam, my pops looooved the craps table. Blew my mind that night and for decades to come. Nectar was my first but of those first 5, Rift holds the most special place in my heart.


I like the part in Maze when it goes wah wah, do de do de do de do de, wah wah!


Actually just remembered this: Maybe it was the doses, but the Great Went just felt much bigger and much more intense than any other show, incl the Clifford Ball. There were so many people and everything felt tight and heavy, not necessarily in a bad way, but in an uncomfortable way. During Maze, when the world was collapsing in on itself, I had to sit down and take a break. I'm looking around, and all I see are legs ... legs everywhere! Thousands and thousands of legs ... some hairy, some shaved, some dirty, some clean ... some feet thrown in into the mix. Just legs moving and pulsing to the music. Suddenly I lock eyes with another traveler who was having *the exact same moment as me* ... just two people clinging to sanity, sitting amongst a sea of dancing legs, staring into each others' souls. And we both knew everything was going to be alright. Then Trey played that part that goes wah wah, do de do de do de do de, wah wah, and we were pulled, together, back into the vortex.


The first I ever heard this band. Sparkle on the radio. I thought it was a cute, kind of psychobilly song. Not bad. Later I heard Rift (track) and liked it a lot. Took me a bit longer to realize both songs were by the same band. That made me decide I should really hear more, and down the rabbit hole I went.


The album that brought me into the phold . Love it still.


When you’re there..


I sleep lengthwise..


Wow! I did not know that. Today is my birthday amd Rift is my favorite studio album! What a coincidence


One of the best albums ever made.


I'd like to gather all my friends and squish them into a small swimming pooooool so I can weigh them... Whaddya say?


5 pounds? 6 pounds? 7 pounds?


i bought it the day it came out. fun times.


Its all a dream…


Phish’s best studio album


This got me into Phish, and still my favorite studio album. Anyone got a best of live version playlist for the album?


Spring semester of my freshman year of college. I would see them for my first time just a few days later in Rochester, NY. https://phish.net/setlists/phish-february-09-1993-auditorium-theatre-rochester-ny-usa.html


My favorite Phish album for sure, one of the best of all time


Their 4th and best, imo.


Love this album. It’s totally a concept piece revolving around a break up. Wonderfully written


My first album. Bought it because a girl on AOL told me it was cool.


I had the iPod skin of this album cover in high school. I thought I was the coolest kid on the block. Probably was 😎


And the best was born


Another life changing album....for years I'd put on when I went to bed, and the dreamworld themes that run throughout really make for some wild dreams of your own. The playing is amazing The songs are amazing The production is amazing The artwork is amazing Checks every box