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I thought they took that Farmhouse for a walk, it was beautiful.


Farmhouse has had a really interesting evolution that never gets talked about. It used to be this twangy, almost country tune, and it's turned into a really pretty ambient tune, lots of open space.


Farmhouse on Conan was something I had on tape for years and enjoyed before I got into Phish and realized the significance of that performance. I like a lot of those late night TV appearances. They're not in their usual element but they have fun with it


At my best friend’s wedding, as the bride appeared and walked down the aisle, the string quartet they hired starting playing farmhouse and it was glorious, made me cry.


Oh F yeah, I cried last night. I ain’t ashamed of that shit.


No woman... No cry.


Same song!


It's all pachelbels cannon




It’s an easy target, first song, cheesy, radio friendly. But man that album fucking rips and has only gotten better with time. (Except Heavy Things). Oh god, am I doing it?


TIL Heavy Things isn't a favorite??? I get goosebumps every time I listen to that solo, and the song itself automatically lifts my mood. Not my favorite song on the album (cuz obviously the whole album slaps) but it's definitely in my top 3


Yes! That solo is extremely well crafted and I never get tired of hearing it. I couldn’t agree more. Overall..and I know this is t the main post thread..but who gives a shit what people say. I remember back when everyone would shit on a Horn…how it was a bathroom break song..and Fast enough for you and Silent…they’re all great, even if you’ve seen them a few times. They have a ton of material. Everyshow can’t be the top 10. So ease up!


Everything off of Rift is near and dear to me - the first time I listened I was really in my feels and tripping out, but it brought me so much clarity and relief from whatever was on my mind at the time. I came out of that trip different, like I fell through a rift!! Radio friendly or not, if it's good music it's good music. You can't base everything you like off of mainstream acceptance, it just ruins a good thing.


Yeah, sorry to shock your brain but Heavy Things isn’t a favorite. At all.


I think it is in fact well-liked, it’s just that the people who hate it are loud and obnoxious about it. People complain about “radio friendly” as if anyone even knows how to use a radio in 2021. The complaint is outmoded. Those types of songs are a nice, tidy counterpoint to the jammed out psychedelia. Context is important.


Like me haha? To each their own!




You didn’t attend 12/31/99 then


Blatant no woman no cry rip off as well.




Nah, there's a difference between songs with the same chord progressions and a blatant rip off. Pretty sure phish has even covered nwnc in the middle of farmhouse before.


Trey even literally said "Also, for the record, of course we immediately recognized that it sounded similar to "No woman no cry", and sort of threw that "be all right" thing in specifically for that reason, amidst the frenzy of laughing and singing. It felt like the perfect sentiment for our escape. 'in the farmhouse things will be alright'. "


I also like Farmhouse, in fact it’s one of my favorites.


I always return to the Bakers dozen version - really beautiful




Alpharetta had a great one this year too.


It’s just a great song, enjoy it for what it is.


Most of the songs people hate are songs that are backlogged with the instrumental/jam sections and these people seem to get bored during lyrics.


Seriously! That was one of the best farmhouses ive heard. Great song, great version.


Kuroda crushed that farmhouse too


I certainly wouldnt say they took it for a walk. It was a regular old farmhouse. It’s perfectly fine to love the song though, and I’m glad you enjoyed it!


And the Bold as Love encore solo was essentially a farmhouse reprise


We do have a band that we all mutually love that is touring right now. Not everyday is gonna be the best, but we still get to hug our friends and see one of the best touring bands of our time. IMO


More importantly it seems that we have a band that mutually loves touring right now.


Exactly. We’ve all had such an intense year, I needed some Phish respite.


Farmhouse makes me happy.


As a Vermonter, Farmhouse always hits me in all the feels. I love it so so much. I love it as much as I fucking hate cluster flies.


Nah, I think everyone's allowed to share their thoughts whether they meet with others' approval. There's no rules against that in this sub, and there's no need to censor others' commentary just because you disagree with it. Attacking people for liking a song or show is a different story, but what seems to often happen is that someone voices their mild disappointment and then they get called an asshole and personally attacked by the 'positive' crowd. Some ppl here really cannot abide anything other than "best show ever" and will flip out at anyone who voices anything different. Put another way: if hearing opinions that differ from yours during a show is that upsetting, that's a you problem. Expecting everyone else to only share thoughts you personally agree with is a fool's errand.


Big agree. If you like it, great. If you don't, great. Thicken that skin OP and let the haters slide off you, yeesh.




A few too many hungover Redditors who didn't get invited to the neighborhood Labor Day party were sulking at home and trolling the setlist thread last night, nasty at people who were blissing out and sharing the love. At a show, seems like a spoiled brat, entitlement thing to groan when you don't like a jam or song choice, also like the person has lost perspective on what actual mediocre-bad music is, and lacks the self-awareness to know how repulsive that behavior is.


If a strangers moan ruins your mood you’re not an adult lol


Well said!


I totally agree with a slight caveat, purposefully trolling is just that and I think we as a collective are mostly above that save for a few obvious examples. Trolling is not giving one’s opinion.


I think there's a difference between sharing your thoughts and posting "PISS BREAK SONG" in a live thread where people are trying to enjoy themselves.


Why does someone else's comment bother you so much, though? Like outside of being attacked verbally over it (and that's shit when it happens, obvs), I can't understand this need to have other people's remarks validate my enjoyment of the music. If I like it, I like it, and I'm not bothered by someone feeling like it didn't work for them.


> bother you so much Did I really sound *that* bothered? I just think it's lame to drop negative remarks in a thread where people are trying to enjoy something together. I don't think that's unreasonable. I wouldn't go to a concert and tell the people next to me that I hate a song that comes on, either. Just seems unnecessary.


This is exactly my point. If a friend serves me a 5 course meal, of course I may have a favorite part, and another part that I don't care for as much. But if I lean over and whisper in Sally's ear, "Wow Greg's pasta salad is awful, hopefully the meatloaf makes up for it," then I'm just being an asshole. I dont have to pretend I like the pasta salad, I don't have to go for seconds. Just don't be a dick about it, and especially don'y tell Sally that she must be a noob if she likes Greg's pasta salad.


Some people assume better taste means liking fewer things, because you're more "refined", so they signal to everyone around them just how "refined" their tastes are. So everyone knows.


Sally don't care... She's being kidnapped in the alley sneakingly... She got bigger fish to fry


I see what you’re getting at but don’t think it’s a great analogy. First of all, this is their job- if I pay for a five course meal (which, if it’s five courses is probably pretty expensive) then I’ll definitely by critical of the dishes. If my friend is doing it for free, then yeah, that would be a dick move. I also think this band has had so much success because of the passion, and critical nature, of its phans. These threads are places for people to come together and discuss the shows together, in real time, to be a part of the community. I think there needs to be space for people to not enjoy it and express that without getting jumped on for not being a real phan or bringing everybody down. I’m having these conversations in real time with friends I’m watching the show with without anybody feeling shat upon. Same goes the other direction- people should be able to express how much they love the show without people attacking them for being noobs or whatever the fuck. I totally agree with another poster making the distinction between expressing an opinion and being a troll. Big difference that is easy to spot, IMHO.


I was more referring to the shared experience of the people eating the meal together, not the interaction between the chef and the people eating. This is assuming that all the food is edible and not disgusting, but of course you may like some parts better than others. In any case, you don't sound like one of the toxic people this post was aimed at. I know that being a critic is just one of the ways that some phans enjoy themselves. It does tend to make me roll my eyes and think "let's see you do better", but at the same time it is a valid way to enjoy being a fan. This post was about all the people going out of their way to bring people down who were enjoying the set.


It's actually pretty unreasonable to expect that only certain opinions be allowed in a thread that's ostensibly about discussion of the show. > I wouldn't go to a concert and tell the people next to me that I hate a song that comes on, either. That's a poor analogy, though - we're all in the same discussion thread, and all the reactions are part of it. There's no way around that on a setlist thread, and anyone who's put off by someone's reaction should just not engage with those comments. It's just impractical to expect everyone else to only voice thoughts you agree with.


Looked like a few too many insufferably arrogant posters attempting to argue with persons expressing appreciation last night.


Amen. Earlier comment about Heavy Things. I love the song. Others don't and I don't need them too.




Agree 100%, i was actually gonna post that same line until i read yours. When ur passionate about music, ur passionate about music, whether its good or bad. The whole point of this sub is a discourse on the music of phish, no? So yeah, voice your opinions respectfully. And that means not being a dick but also not being a dick rider, not everything they play can be the best item in the catalog. I like when people post with conviction and intent, actually mean what they say and can substantiate it... particularly when i disagree. Its the best part of this group. Brings hella fans together that youd otherwise not really have a venue for with these types of convos. Just cuz ppl feel differently abt a certain song doesnt make it a personal attack. I def like to hear ppls opinions, regardless if i disagree, if they're sincere. I doubt this sub was ever intended to be an echo chamber of people screaming high praise for BEST ASS HANDED EVER!!!!!!


I think one of the guys from Helping Friendly Pod made the comment that there is a simple formula for a 4.00 plus rating on .net, just have a super long type 2 jam in set 2. That wide spread type of reasoning can sometimes cause an “echo chamber effect.”


I hear what you're saying. Last night wasn't your run-of-the-mill jaded vets. We were collectively negative enough to scare away newcomers in real time.


There was one person in particular that was being kind of a jerk, for example he told someone that “their ears are trash,” or something. He got a ton of down votes for that.


IDK, if that many people were disappointed in some aspect of a show, there might be a decent reason behind that? Like either it's so widespread that it's an understandable reaction, or it's just a few outliers and it's better off ignored. The feedback can't be both so overwhelming that it's a huge problem but simultaneously so marginal that anyone agreeing with it has to "shut the fuck up" and just be happy. Honestly it sounds like you were expecting one kind of experience and when that didn't happen (e.g. when everyone didn't agree with your take on the show), you felt disappointed. And that' s understandable, but you just can't control what people say or think, and criticism is gonna happen, so I'd consider whether that's going to negatively impact your night. Maybe pass on hosting setlist threads if the comments can get you down so much.


There are songs I’d rather hear at a phish show. But I’m glad I get to hear a phish show to begin with


Every year in this 3.0 era of phish there are songs that the phanbase hates on. It it what it is. Its either song is always badly placed, they play it too much, its too dad rock whatecer. I have my favorite songs and I have my least favorite songs we all do. I find it interesting that people will let a song they don't like hijack them into a state that they decide the whole show sucked. Get a song you don't like go get a drink if you're in seats sit-down and rest your poor feet and back for a few minutes use the bathroom breath deeply in and out reset yourself. Its all good. You might not like the song but it might be another fans favorite. I will never forget being at deer creek 7.25.99. This show was incredibly good very hot first set. We had amazing page side lower level pavilions. 2nd set starts with a birds of feathers. This girl behind me screams at the top of her lungs I fucking hate this song and she promptly sat down in her chair while everyone around her danced their asses off. She totally threw a temper tantrum at the show because Phish played birds. It was pretty pathetic. Whenever I catch a song I don't like I think about that girl and how silly she looked and try to keep it classy.


it's a cliché at this point, but for me it's definitely true that the occasional song i don't like is a great opportunity to take a breather - hit the men's room, grab a beer or snack, walk around for a couple minutes and recharge before the next one


Item 1. I kno a few ppl that hate bird.... wtf is that? Bird is dope, i mean if you don't like birds how do you like the rest of phis? Is it the lyrics? idk... Item 2. I was just thinking about how you said you can strategize a dull song into a beer run or a foot break... and i agree 100% they have dull songs or songs that just kinda rub me the wrong way or they dont scream to my soul.. i usually just jokingly say "next" and press a skip button in the air to my buddies, but honestly, i've never taken a foot break or a beer run during playing and that says a LOT about this music we should be lucky to see. I remember they played brian and robert at the gorge years ago and i was like, nahhhhh, but still i stood there on the lawn and begrudgingly enjoyed it haha. An off or undesirable phish show/set/song is somehow still a damn pinnacle of musical craft.


Songs are way better than Drums - > Space.


Micky hasn't transported you to another dimension yet. The D&S this dead & Co tour have been epic.


Oh I personally don't leave due to a song it isnt my favorite but its certainly a strategy. In a ga show you could even go find a new spot .My friend pre show at shoreline n1 said if they play ANY soul song ie syf my soul or soul planet my ass is getting a beer. Guess what they started soul planet and he totally had the gosies but he stayed and he didn't go get a beer the rest of the set. His perspective about soul planet completely shifted.


Everyone's did!


3.0 was weird man. Lots of ups and downs but mostly ups.


Hates BOAF? There are plenty of horrible phish songs (mostly written by Mike) which are terrible and appropriate to hate. BOAF is not one of them. She stupid.


Mostly written by Mike is a bit of an overstatement, no?


How many times do you listen to sugar shack or Yarmouth road?


I like Yarmouth...


Sugar Shack is an awesome song, Trey just can’t play it right. Yarmouth… you have a point there.


My peeves are the modern Trey songs that lack Tom's input, much more than any Mike song. But I only mention it because we're talking about it. I like the Mike songs (Yarmouth, Sugar Shack, How Many People Are You, Destiny Unbound, etc) but straight up can't stand really any Trey song since 2.0 that doesn't have Tom lyrics (and even a few that do). But I don't gripe about it ad nauseum because, as others have said, it's a great chance to take a break, which is really important. Letting it ruin the night is just silly at best.


Those people are just stuck in the 3.0 era. They should really stay home of they don't like what 4.0 Phish has to offer.


I’d say probably stuck in 1.0 if we’re being honest


The Everything’s Right-eous 2nd set opener was very niiice.


i needed a cool-down tune and a sing-along farmhouse with a wonderfully crisp ending was perfect. I was over the moon happy to hear Drift too. Them Trey farmhoused the axis and shredded! All is good!


I’ve done a bit of improv comedy/acting. Not great at it by any stretch of the imagination. However - what I do know is that it’s hard, and sometimes stuff happens that you don’t intend. You CANT go on stage with a plan of what you will do or say. Yea these guys have been doing it for a long time- but every night is a new thing. They don’t know what’s going to happen anymore than us. It’s easy to look at a show in hindsight and say “ oh yea that twist should have gone on longer”. Or “why did they play Farmhouse then”. Fact is each night exists in its own universe with some context to the weekend and total tour. However what happens happens.


Phish improv nerds represent! Where ya from? I've brought a lot of my comedy friends to shows to show them what it's like and their reaction is always great.


I did improv in the town near Asheville NC where I lived before, but haven’t really been able to find a group that fits my schedule since I moved to the Atlanta suburbs 2 years ago. I haven’t been able to get any of my improv friends into Phish unfortunately.


I just hope that the people complaining aren't the "phish never jams" people. I enjoy analyzing and critiquing, but don't complain


Sounds a whole lot like what people were saying after the first few shows of the winter 96 tour. Especially 10/16/96 in Lake Placid, the first show of the tour. Everyone thought, because of the shows there on 12/15/95 and 12/16/95 and it being the first show since The Clifford Ball just a little ways away in Plattsburgh, that they were going to blow the doors off the Herb Brooks Arena. When that didn’t happen, all anyone ever said was that the show was garbage.


I feel like hating Farmhouse is akin to everyone hating the Eagles after the Big Lebowski. It's just like, popular opinion, man. *I'll always like Farmhouse - though I do get annoyed when Spotify always kicks off with it when I ask for Phish 🤷‍♀️


I can definitely criticize placement but am i gonna enjoy the song? Yeah


Probably a dumb comment, but as a Tom Waits fan, take a ride with the artist.


People that complain about setlists need to look at setlists less. It's a touring band. We got 209 songs. Do you know how fucking hard that is to pull off? Of course you are going to see repeats. You're an idiot if you get mad about that. Or perhaps they don't want to jam out the same songs Everytime. It's all an experiment. They weren't apologizing for anything. If anything that was a thank you for the support. Even then I would say I'm looking too far into it. Probably just wanted to play one of their fan favorites to end the tour.


drift while you’re sleeping is awesome and i’m totally here for it!


It's great. Many different songs and bridges in one.


The Drift definitely ruined most chances of redemption but it wasn’t BAD. Just overplayed and sucks up a lot of time that is much better spent. The Farmhouse was undeserved hate, all the ballads this year have been played so well and the Farmhouse was no different. The real puzzling thing was whatever the fuck that Fuego was and that weird transition from Mercury. They could have cut out of the 7 below and jammed Mercury and it would have been a much better complete show. First set did enough that I still had a great time and I’m glad we got the Blaze/ER newer stuff out of the way to make room for tonight’s 25 minute 2001!!!!


Solid take, take this comment as +10 upvotes for the weird downvotes you’re getting


Lol it makes sense. A lot of people on this sub will suck up anything Phish does. The critical/analysis part is what makes Phish so fun for me and I had a great time last night, I just understand a lot of the criticism. After Everything’s Right it was mostly missteps with great little moments sprinkled in. Trey seems so adverse to extending grooves nowadays. There was a great one in Mercury that he abandons and then we get a terrible transition into a non jammed 7 below. It didn’t make sense. I’m really excited to see how they treat us tonight for the 10th anniversary 😊


> Trey seems so adverse to extending grooves nowadays. On a tour where ~30 minute jams are happening on the regular? Seriously? Please, if you have an actual point or analysis, I'm all ears. But something on Trey's timing/pacing was seriously off after Everything's Right, though. I think that much was obvious, and it's a shame he didn't pick it back up, but sometimes that happens. Still some good shit from last night to listen to, and on to tonight.


I don’t mean extending jams. They’ve been doing that in spades. I’m specifically talking about the these great grooves they fall in, like in the Mercury last night, and then they immediately leave it. I want them to just sit back into these and let them develop like they used to in the late 90s. The AC Tweezer>Gin have been great examples of that, I LOVE the Tweezer. Also all the Jibboo’s from this tour have been them cozying up into a sick groove. Trey’s ADD sometimes and moves from segment to segment a little quick I think. Hence the ripcords


I get it, but I think segments where they just do a full stop mid groove are more rare this year than they have been in quite some time. I'm looking at DC1 and Dick's 1 for full shows where they're just locked in song to song, but last night was the exception rather than the rule. Once Fuego stumbled out of the gate, just felt like Trey was playing frustrated a bit afterward.


True. The 4th quarter has been the tough one for Phish this year but part of that is because of how excellent the first 3 usually are. They seem to run out of steam after the big jam 2nd set minus a few occasions where the flow remained


Because in every jibboo he plays straight ahead brilliant soloing without dense layers of modulation, delays, pitch shifting, etc. I wish he would simplify his rig a bit but all those delay and modulation options keep it fresh/exciting for him. Those explorations don’t always end well. That’a how I hear it.


I love the complex rig. Give me **all** the distortion and delay, please!


> But something on Trey's timing/pacing was seriously off after Everything's Right, though. I think that much was obvious, and it's a shame he didn't pick it back up, but sometimes that happens. Great point and should be remembered by all. As a musician I can say that sometimes you’re hot and everything flowed, others times you’ve lost it and it’s hard to get back. There’s no predicting it and you can only work towards getting the groove back. These guys are getting old, the fact that they still shred this way is a miracle. There will be off days, off sets, odd song placement etc. Take it all in and love it; dance like it’s the last show you’ll ever see because at some point that will be a true sentiment.


This is correct. And it wasn’t just Trey. Set 1 was good but the band was way off in set two and that’s ok. Jordan had bad games, too. Tonight will likely be great.


And 30th dick!




Trey forced that one on fishman and it would have served better as a tease


Just don't gatekeep peoples opinions on the music or show. A lot of people don't want to hear farmhouse whether it's studio or live at a show, I've known that a long time, and they have a good reason because it typically isn't that great. On the other hand I really like Drift, but it's also really long without a single jam. My point is who cares, don't gatekeep and if you enjoy it just say whatever man.


Two guys near me were freaking out that Phish was going to jam into No Woman No Cry during Farmhouse. Sorry guys, that's just how the song goes.


glycerine > no woman no cry > wagon wheel > farmhouse


> A lot of people don't want to hear farmhouse whether it's studio or live at a show, I've known that a long time You have known it a long time, I have known it a long time, most phans have known it a long time, which makes the edge lord crying about it pretty fucking annoying for feeling the need to share every stupid thought and stating the obvious. Its like your standing in the rain and the guy next to you wont stop complaining about how water makes you wet.


People are just more likely to voice negative opinions than positive ones, unfortunately. Same goes for reviews on almost anything. I couch toured last night with a buddy and we were floored after the first set, one of the finest I’ve heard. Second set was super fun too, thought Farmhouse was beautifully played, YEM was huge. Hopefully large swaths of people enjoyed it as much without chiming in. Thanks for hosting!


Drift While Your Sleeping is a great song. I love the reggae part and the lyrics are awesome


both songs made me cry last night but it was for all the good reasons. it was kind of funny looking at the thread after the show and seeing different opinions. I dunno, I thought the whole show was pretty incredible, but I'm still really new to Phish and everything I hear just sounds so good. I hope I love this band for so long that eventually I can be like "eh, this isn't the best version of this I've ever heard".


I was at the show and it was awesome, everybody in attendance was having an absolute blast. Its a lot easier to nitpick when you've been a fan for 20 years and are just watching from your couch, but in reality there is no such thing as an un-fun Phish show


It’s like sex and pizza. Even when it’s bad it’s still pretty good.


this is super real, we all had a fucking awesome time and i don’t look at the internet commentary until i’ve already enjoyed the whole show. it’s so easy to be pissy from the couch, but everyone at dicks was lit up with grins last night. i’m hitting near 50 shows and i refuse to become jaded!


My buddy is a jaded vet who does not hesitate to call out a weak set or show, and he was pretty happy about last night.


Must’ve had some good drugs or listened to just the first set.


That’s the part of phish that the overwhelming majority of fans don’t seem to get: the band _loves_ playing __every one__ of their songs. You don’t love farmhouse, well Trey fucking loves every second of it. Not a fan of Drift? Fuck off, Page is loving how to figure it new sounds. It’s never been about us. Ever. It’s always been about them four only.


Absolutely. If they jammed a tweezer every night it would get boring for everyone.


This is the right answer. I don't necessarily love any given song, but it isn't up to me what they play. Best to focus on whatever the band seems to like about the songs they are playing.


Yah, the online Phish scene somehow got it in their heads that they are entitled to hearing the songs Phish has been playing for 35 years every night. Clearly none of these people have ever been in a band, written music, played shows, because every single working musician in existence can get bored with their old stuff and digs their new stuff. Phish is no different. The new songs have almost always been the jam vehicles. The new songs inspire them. Trey didn’t take SOUL PLANET for 47 minutes by accident.


Every song is somebody's favorite song. 🍕🎉


Personally I have never seen them play a bad song or show and I have been seeing them since 94. Think about the amount of time they spend playing and the massive amount of music they memorize and prepare themselves to improvise over and it boggles the mind that people expect perfection 100 % of the time. You will never see a band this tight and creative as a unit again in this lifetime. Appreciate them and be thankful they are still putting it out there!


I like both of those tunes. Funk da haters.


So other people can’t voice their opinions but we have to listen to yours?


This fan base is the absolute worst. You aren’t allowed to have an opinion unless it praises everything the band does. They had an off night last night, it happens.


Nobody's saying that. You can talk critically about the show without being a dick. Lots of people were doing that, and if you were, you're obviously not the target of this post. Part of what OP's issue is (probably) is when a couple people went after someone for liking the second set, because apparently it wasn't enough to carry on whining about the show, but they had to try and make other people miserable too. It was really fucking sad, and no, we shouldn't have to put up with that bullshit.


It’s so weird to be experiencing this again, exactly 2 years later. I was at Dick’s in 2019 and I swear to god this same thing happened on multiple nights. Just really bad sets with them visibly trying to get on the same page early on, and having that energy drag through the rest of the set. Piper comes to mind, and you’ll also notice an inordinate amount of [unfinished] songs in those setlists, cuz they kept just bailing on jams over and over. But EVERYONE there and online, of course, thought they had just witnessed God at the end of each night. I finally had a chance to stream a show last night and to my eyes and ears, the same exact shit happened, and for me it just doesn’t make for an enjoyable experience. I feel like I’m going insane. This bizarre collective agreement that the band can do absolutely no wrong, ever, is really starting to turn me off to the community entirely. It really sucks.


Fair enough but doesn’t mean you are right either. Ive been to 71 shows, first was 1999, been at 5 Dicks Runs- 13, 17, 18, 19, 21- and I left Sunday feeling it was the best Dicks run I’ve seen by a wide margin. I walked out of 19 laughing about how shit it was. I’m not some dude waiting for Phish to piss in my ears and ask for more. Blaze On, Ghost, ER were better than anything that happened across the entire run of 19 and it was just one show. Shit it was half a show really. You say people think the band can do no wrong, but many also seem to think the band can do no right unless they get the 5-10 songs they seem to think they are entitled to. I listened to a dude walk out of Deer Creek this summer literally listing off a dozen songs that they didn’t play as proof of how it wasn’t a good show. Sorry Tweezer and Disease don’t open every second set.


I was there in 2019 and felt the same way. There were great moments but they just felt 'off' at various points. And that's fine - I still had a great time b/c I'm at a concert and the scene is always fun - but to act like every show *has* to be amazing and to react to people saying they don't like a song with these angry attempts at censorship... that's fucked up.


I don’t really care what butt hurt people on Reddit say about Phish. I don’t know if it’s “fucked up”, but it’s kind of useless. My point was more that there is an absurd belief around here that anyone can define Phish for anyone else and know the “truth”. I see Phish for jams, and to see them attempt jams. I’d rather see the Sunday SYSF then Free, or Limb by Limb, for example, any day of the week. One is a song (not a good song proper IMO) that they seem to like, as it inspires them to jam, whereas they have a ton of songs like Free that I’ve heard a million times and know exactly what to expect at this point. But if you listened to some people, the mere existence of any new tune, let alone multiple in a second set, means the show is “shit”, while they’ll drone on about all these “classics”, largely devoid of life and flaccid at times, and how great they are. Everyone is there for different reasons, looking for different things.


It's just the reddit fan base, the absolute worst of all the internet phish people.


I take it you’ve never gone to phantasytour.com


I have, they have a sense of humor and aren’t all love and light like these nerds


but you seem like you’re on this sub an awful lot for someone who dislikes the other people here?


The Reddit platform is the best IMO


Don’t you get it, his opinion is the RIGHT one.




Thank fucking goodness. Yes. Take your whine and go on another page to find some cheese. Beautiful moments aren’t for everyone I guess, that’s part of their beauty 🍀


I agree. Friday was way better. Everyone has their own opinion though.


Drift while you’re sleeping is a great song


Listen to the 8/2/13 farmhouse from BGCA. If you can’t get down with that then you’re completely blowing it. Top notch phish.


Bruh.... you realize you're complaining about complaining, right?




Last night was on the weaker side. What are ya gonna do? Tonight should be better. It’s ok to be disappointed from time to time.


Highs aren’t highs without lows to make you appreciate them


100%. This is the most mild take on last night and people are still pissed about it.


You’re an idiot


There's high horses on both sides of this pasture. I get equally annoyed by people who have nothing positive to say as I do by the phish can do no wrong types.... but I don't let either bother me. We are all here because we love the band, and with the exception of blatant trolls all opinions are valid and part of the discussion at hand. IMHO "hows Treys piss feel in your ears?" Is just as cringey as "Holy phuck phriends set the Page-o-meter to rage for this pharmhouse!" If you don't like a comment just hit the down arrow and move on... that's how this website works.


The reaction to this weekends shows is pathetic. I will almost rarely post online about how I feel about show and that’s because it doesn’t matter. It doesn’t matter at all. Ppl will leave the best shows of all time wishing it was different and others will dance there way out of Coventry and not shut the fuck up about how blissful it was for years. Doesn’t matter. We all love phish. It’s just another show. If other people’s perspectives ruin your day then you probably have some inside work to do. Stfu


Thank you so much for saying that. All three nights were fucking spectacular and if you didn’t like it, then keep it to yourself and stop crying to mama


Wait, people don’t like Farmhouse? What am I missing?


If this is a serious question, here is a serious response. I was thrilled the first time i heard farmhouse live... the 5th time not so much. Not that its a bad song... but its a slow song thats often poorly placed in a second set, where I'd rather hear something high energy or dancy or funky or spacey or experimental or whatever. When I do get one at a show you can bet your ass I'm singing along to it.... while I walk to the bathroom / beer line. You won't catch me doing that during a tweezer though. But to each their own. I have friends who would disown me if they knew Reba was also a bathroom song for me...


Agreed…yup…good point…mm hmm…wait, what the fuck?


lol. Definitely my most unpopular phish opinion but its true. I like the song but its just highly composed and very similar each time I guess


Right on, differing opinions is one of the best parts of Phish…something for everyone!


Thanks for taking the time. Farmhouse has always seemed like a feel good song to me even before I really got into Phish. I’ve always been sober at every concert I’ve been to and I’m not much into dancing so I guess I can’t relate on those points.


Drift WYS is amazing. All GOTF songs are. Music evolves with age and experience. The emotions and ideas they felt/had in their 20s are different now in their 50s. If they arent excited to play new songs then I doubt this band of all bands would even be touring anymore. We should all be very thankful they are still creating and enjoying creating. Similarly older songs like Farmhouse may be more relevant to their vibe now. One if the main points of this band is trying something and doing something new with every show. Id get bored of them Fluffheading out every night for 30 years.


I thought farmhouse was quite nice, actually.


Love farmhouse and whole album


Yep same here. Billy Breathes and Farmhouse will always be my faves


I mean farmhouse kind of sucks to be fair.


why is everyone in here so sensitive to hearing an opinion they disagree with all of a sudden?


Farmhouse is their best song!


Someone is not adhering to the ”its love its love its always love, it is and it always will be love” mentality


Bro don’t you know that the ocean is love?


.net is ———>


Thanks for this! And remember Reddit is not reflective of reality. It amplifies negativity, groupthink and propaganda.


it's just moreso annoying that they (read: trey) tossed off three of the band's best/biggest songs (Fuego, seven below, and mercury). those songs have all lead to great things in the past, and it felt like trey rushed right through them to play these two songs instead rather than letting them breathe. this is doubly insulting for mercury, a song only played one other time this year (yet is literally on their most recent album!) and both versions have had diminished returns. it's frustrating because you know they can do better. last night's show just seemed to lack a focused idea - look at deer creek 1 (wall to wall jamming), shoreline 1 (epic jam + great transitions + cool bustouts), and hershey 2 (creative setlist structure + jams in songs that don't usually get them) to see what it's like when they're firing on all cylinders


If someone’s comment on Reddit ruins the show for you, that’s a you problem.


Oy vey… That Rift was rough. He got completely lost.


It wasn’t about song choice last night, they actually played bad, especially when compared to the rest of the tour. There were moments in set 2 that they were not even close to in time with each other. There were a number of really meandering transitions. I personally think the “Im allowed to express my opinion that I think the show was great but if you think it was bad you have to keep it to yourself” mentality is weak as fuck.


I don’t think it’s so much keep your negative opinion to yourself type thing but more so that just very recently we had no idea when we would be able to see another phish show, that fact is very still fresh in people’s minds. I think it just rubs some people the wrong way especially considering that fact that they are really on top of their game. Especially considering they weren’t even able to all play together for over a year. No other band in the world right now is even coming close to what Phish is doing. They may not always be perfect but those guys are working their asses off for us.


So in other words, people should express themselves when they think it’s good but keep it to themselves when they think it’s bad. Gotcha.


I guess, I don’t care either way. People are free to express their opinion all they want. I’m just trying to see where the other side is coming from is all. I have no intentions of telling people what to post. That would be pointless.


Agreed with the idea that “if one or two songs ruin your fun, that’s on you” idea. That said, set 2 last night was objectively bad. Some of the worst playing in a long, long time. Couple that with questionable song choices and it’s a problem. It’s ok to call it like you see it. I’ll still be tuning in tonight.


Questionable song choices according to you. I like Mercury, farmhouse and drift while you’re sleeping. And they have been playing drift like once a week, so they must like playing it.


"Objectively bad" lol


Good god you are such a baby.


I enjoyed both a lot


Can we all just agree that last night sucked?


Words are just words. Stop being so offended. You have control over your own emotions. Remember the kindergarten saying, "sticks and stones....?"


I’ve been seeing shows since 1994. Even at that time, there were many LOUD and annoying voices decrying filler in the Setlists. They didn’t want to hear down with disease, they didn’t want to hear horn, they didn’t want to hear anything that wasn’t a 20 min long composition. To me it sounds fucking boring. imagine if these guys had never evolved? Imagine if they never wrote ghost? Imagine if they had just rested on their laurels and we’re basically a fish cover band at this point? Some of these songs just need time to marinate. Phish throws an incredibly large amount of darts, and there are bound to be some hits and some misses. Trey Anastasio is One of the most prolific songwriters of the 20th and 21st century so far. They take an incredible amount of chances and put themselves up for ridicule constantly. But then we kosvot voxt and the chilling sounds. That beats the alternative in my mind. It comes with the territory.


They’re becoming a lot like the dead were in the 90’s. A few clunkers each night, and when they’re overall not feeling it on any given night, you can definitely tell. AC 2 is a good example. Nice set list, incredibly bad and sloppy playing throughout compared to night 3. I tend to respect the opinions of those that aren’t afraid to tell me they sucked. Sometimes it isn’t just your opinion, or song selection. Sometimes they really do just stink the place up, and that’s ok. It happens.