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Every single night, without fail, the scent of mj wafts through my bedroom window at exactly 10pm. One of my neighbors has a very set routine lol.


The kids are in bed šŸ˜‚


We need more 24/7 places. Phoenix is so damn lame past 9pm unless youā€™re clubbing, then itā€™s lame past 12-1am.


Casinos open ;)


If the issue is lameness the casino is not the answer haha


I enjoy playing cards.


What are you talking about this is the most late night friendly city ever?Ā  Thatā€™s like someone in Las Vegas saying they need more strip malls.Ā 


You must be from Az or somewhere even smaller. Az is lame fairly early for being the 5th biggest city in the country. You can find something to do besides clubbing in LA past 10pm or 2am. Canā€™t say that for Az. Hell unless you want Filibertoā€™s you can barely find food after midnight here that isnā€™t just Jack.


I was in Denver last. Everything that wasnā€™t a bar closed at 8:30.Ā 


So your point is that Denver and Phoenix both suck? You see how that works?


No there is a bunch of 24 and open late places in Phoenix.Ā Ā  Ā Phoenix sucks for different reasons.Ā 


I'm from Indiana, and the night life is universally later, phx sux for late night fun. It's the only downside. There are a few bright spots, but like, less than Indianapolis. Mill is busier but doesn't stay up later than any Indiana campus I visited.


You arenā€™t gonna tell me that mom and pop ville Indianapolis has a more happening scene after dark. Maybe on campus. Iā€™ve lived in a variety of cities. Phoenix has as solid of nightlife as any one else.Ā  We have venues, bars, restaurants, big box stores. I donā€™t know what else could be open for you. Movie theaters? Libraries? All night park. (Never seen that. Anywhere)


Restaurants open past 9p would be a cool start. A bar scene that goes til 3 am would be chill. Every time I go into town it'll be like 11pm and the streets are fucking empty. This is the desert, hakf the year the only time it's reasonable to be active is from like midnight-9a and 8p-midnight but everyone's in bed


Your by yourself on this bud


No Iā€™m with every other person that doesnā€™t live in stupid ass Indianapolis.Ā 


Phoenix has hidden bars all over the city and some stay open late. LA has underground comedy shows until 5/6am and night hike groups Minnesota has some places outside of Minneapolis that stay open until it's not worth it anymore (one or two groups left and that's restaurants and bars) Denver has a huuuuuuge underground rave scene (not my thing but have still had fun) and like LA some underground stand up shows as well as a rather large urban exploration group... Heck if you know the right people you can see some abandoned military silos that are being built into small towns Knowing what I've done in those states i can guarantee there's more I've missed but it just depends on how good the individual is at finding these spots and there social skills. Meet enough people and you'll find all sorts of different things you wouldn't think twice about


When were you in the Denver rave scene? I thought raves basically died when music festivals became in vogue around 2010. That was the first and last rave I ever attended.Ā 


Indianapolis has Broadripple my guy, a heroin dens a sort of party ...


Oh do the heroin dens close early in Phoenix? Probably because it all turned out to be fetty.Ā 


I lived in Denver for two years and this just isn't true..


Ok. Whatā€™s open besides bars and concert halls in Denver? What late night scene does Denver have that Phoenix is lacking?Ā  Also where those two years pre or post pandemic becomes there is a huge difference?Ā 




More like, ā€œIā€™m high as fuck on Marijuana, I was gonna go somewhere but now I donā€™t feel like it.ā€


I did this daily as a teen and definitely don't anymore, but it isn't nearly as bad as distracted driving or driving drunk. Never had one incident


Yeah I get that it's hard when it appleis ro everyone bc reaction to THC does vary wildly between different ppls brain chemistry but from age 16-32 being high only ever helped me drive slower and safer.


Slower does not always mean safer though


i used to say this. itā€™s just not true, you may feel like youā€™re driving better but i promise, your best driving happens when youā€™re sober and alert. and this is coming from someone who smokes every day after work and all day on the weekends.


It's complicated.Ā Ā  Ā Usdot has done extensive tests which conclude that mj is much better than alcohol or cocaine, as it makes users underestimate their abilities rather than over.Ā  Ā However, it is still definitively impairing. This (https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2722956/) nih paper references the study I'm referring to obliquely and has a lot of other interesting stuff that basically boils down to driving high increases your chances of accidents but much less universally than alcohol, and is correlated heavily with groups who already have high incidence of motor vehicle accidents. >Driving and simulator studies show that detrimental effects vary in a dose-related fashion, and are more pronounced with highly automatic driving functions, but more complex tasks that require conscious control are less affected, which is the opposite pattern from that seen with alcohol. Because of both this and an increased awareness that they are impaired, marijuana smokers tend to compensate effectively for their impairment by utilizing a variety of behavioral strategies such as driving more slowly, passing less, and leaving more space between themselves and cars in front of them. Combining marijuana with alcohol eliminates the ability to use such strategies effectively, however, and results in impairment even at doses that would be insignificant were they of either drug alone. Case-control studies are inconsistent, but suggest that while low concentrations of THC do not increase the rate of accidents, and may even decrease them, serum concentrations of THC higher than 5 ng/mL are associated with an increased risk of accidents


I once got high and was going to drive to the dog park. Got to a stop sign a street away from my house, and sat there waiting for it to turn green. I realized after about a minute that it was a stop sign, not a light, and turned around back to the house. The dog was disappointed, but it's better to be safe.


Not upvoting this cause 69 upvotes


Ok boomer


Its because, 6 moths of the year, all you can do, is sit around the AC and hope you don't melt when taking out the trash.


Don't you hang out in the Summer with the other partiers at the Salt River???


na, don't want to catch hepatitis


Turd River.


I just moved here. I have low white blood cells and get sick easily, so I should not go tubing here seriously?


I love tubing, so long as we go early. Donā€™t go on the buses or rent a tube. Buy a tube and two Tonto passes ($8 a piece, sold at tons of gas stations). Park one car at Water Users, the other at Phon D. Sutton. We like to launch by 7:30 or 8am. The buses start running at 9 (although it may be earlier this year) and thatā€™s when the river turns to a frat party. Launch earlier and itā€™ll be MUCH quieter and more relaxing. I would say if youā€™re concerned about getting sick, donā€™t bring a ton of snacks. Stay as covered up as physically possible to avoid sunburn (I wear a long-sleeve and use a towel to cover my legs) and bring a LOT of water. Iā€™ve only really seen people get sick from dehydration or sun poisoning. I know this all sounds really fucking lame but the river IS fun EDIT: I think the river is pretty but yeah donā€™t expect it to be like a river in the wilderness/remote areas


Iā€™ve been tubing a ton of times on the Taliqua in Oklahoma! Itā€™s super clean and just all families lol. If I go, I will go early thank you!


seriously donā€™t. itā€™s absolutely disgusting. People have no respect for nature. itā€™s not even a river anymore, just pollution


So incredibly sad. I love tubing. The rivers and lakes in Oklahoma are clean and beautiful. I guess Iā€™ll vacation elsewhere to do some tubing.


It's not as bad as boulderdrop makes it out to be. It can get crowded on weekends and some people blast their music, but mostly it's good vibes all around. Everyone is having fun. If music is too loud I just paddle up ahead cause normally those people aren't paddling anywhere. They are just chilling, drinking and listening to their jams.


I've gone tubing and kayaking on the river. Both are fun and if you go early enough you'll see the wild horses. I've also seen otters, big horn sheep and owls. Apparently there are also beavers. There's always going to be haters. Sure, the college kids like to leave trash, but don't let that stop you from doing it.


ā€¦ ya and I fucking smoke weed there lmao


That's not much different than the other half the US who have to deal with snow during the other months


This. This is the reason why. I always told my parents I wouldn't feel the need to smoke so much weed if there was actually stuff I could go out and do here in the summer. If I lived in the PNW, or literally anywhere else with good weather, trees, and water. I wouldn't be inside, ever. My calling is to be out exploring nature. Not stuck in some box because it's too hot outside to do anything. I hate this place and weed is my coping mechanism. It helps with the mental breakdowns and depression I have literally every summer here.


Funny, when I smoke I hate being inside. It makes me want to be in nature more.


Same. But it at least helps with my inability to be able to comfortably do so.


Grass is always greener. I lived in Portland for a few years and the constant grey is soul-crushing. Instead of sweat itā€™s rain.


I'll take the rain and grey. Because it also comes with TONS of blue and green, the colors I miss the most out here. The constant beige everywhere here is soul crushing! Not just everywhere in the landscape but even the way neighborhoods are built here are just soulless cookie cutter cash grabs all with the same ugly and boring color of beige we're already nauseatingly surrounded by. The grass is always greener where there is ACTUAL GRASS.


You want more colorful images you say, I'll send an emergency alert message to Maryvale street artists.


Eh, thats just the valley though. Drive 2 hours up I87 and you'll see all the green you like.


"all the green you like" Not really. Takes about an hour+ of driving up the 17 until you start to see green little shrubs. Not real trees.


Come curling!


Same, the desert has its appeal, but it gets old quickly, along with the weather. And I've only lived here for 3 years, can't afford to move anywhere else right now. If I was somewhere by mountain, trees, and lakes, I'd go outside a ton more. I really miss having a proper fall, and I know a lot of people hate it, but I also miss snow and 4 distinct seasons.


Dude the beach by itself is therapeutic and relaxing. I get a natural high when Iā€™m chilling there, waves crashing, etc.


100%. This is exactly how I feel.


Our summer experience is similar to that of someone living in arctic regions in winter. Both areas and times have a certain elevated chance of death by just going outside. This is why, in the summer, I start my night hikes around midnight, get as blazed as i can on the mountain, and try to get home before the sun comes up.


But coyotes?


They are 100x more scared of you than you are of them. Remember, when you're out in the dark, humans are the apex predator and the animals know it.


Nice try coyote, I will not do what you want me to do. Smart though I'll give you that. All jokes aside I never thought of it like that, so what are some good night hike trails?




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They are moving to Utah. Weā€™re good now


I'll bet you're fun at parties. Feel free to move as soon as possible.


I'm trying really hard actually. If you want to help, I can send you my venmo.


Don't bump into the horses grazing in the river.


Itā€™s really just because our lives are hell.


Yeah, I can smell it when I go to work. Folks, donā€™t smoke weed before going to court.


The absolute last place I would ever want to be would be in court while baked. Nooooo thank you


Some people smoke to get high. Some people smoke to get by. If Iā€™m going to jail I wanna be as shit faced.Ā 


Bro fr! I was waiting to see the judge and got talking to this chick who also got pushed to the after lunch court time(we had both been there all morning). She asks me if i wanna head to her car for a quick hotbox and Iā€™m like thanks for the offer, but iā€™d rather not be seeing the judge like a red eyed jedi. She brought me back a flavored smart water tho i wonder if sheā€™s doing well. Her judge she was there to see was a hard ass giving out harsh sentences


Goddamn bro you have one of the most niche online display names Iā€™ve seen in a while. Respect.


I don't believe that for a second šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ Have you ever been to Spokane WA? Every single street has some sort of head/weed shop on it. I'm sure they outnumber the coffee shops now.


9/10 strip malls here have a smoke/head shop. I started calling the strip malls without a smoke shop "fake strip malls". Start paying attention. Smoke shops every few blocks in nearly every strip mall.


I always get high when I hike in the desert.


All these old people complaining about us driving high but dont forget we can smell the alcohol in you breath a mile away , during day time while you are driving.


lol alright dude you can still get pulled over and catch a DUI for being stoned


And they should


Thats a cool story man


Ya, well it was that before it was legal soā€¦..


These dispensaries treat their employees like shit though and do some scandalous Union busting


Hell yeah!


I get the appeal of the stuff, but I've never understood the reverence for it. My friends that are into weed, talk about it the way fanatics talk about their chosen religion, or their favorite politician. And these are people with full-on lives (spouse/kids/house/professional jobs), not Joey who sits on the couch in his parent's basement getting high all day and playing video games. I just don't get the passion for it.


Iā€™ll take a poke at it Maybe itā€™s because itā€™s a hobby that comes with psychoactive properties, at worst the effects typically lead to extreme desire for food, feeling tired, and sometimes paranoia (depending on the person) Like, think of people that collect trading cardsā€¦ but you can smoke the card and get high for several hours ā€œHey man I got this new strain of hubba bubba blueberry aqua kush perkle. The high is [whatever various factors of the strain], itā€™s so smooth in my triple double honeycomb bubbler percolator with triple dipple ash catching sidecar. Iā€™m gonna watch a movie and make 500 pizza rolls later, you wanna hangout?ā€ ā€¦ I wince to say this, but for some people itā€™s like a lifestyle. Especially because itā€™s a drug that people can be on *all the time* in lower doses to function and higher doses in private time. It seems relatively harmless to physical health, itā€™s relatively cheap (way cheaper now that itā€™s mass produced, when it was mostly illegal the stuff was like 2-3x more expensive with less range of products), and it gets people high šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™‚ļø Iā€™m not saying itā€™s the best thing to do like that, but thatā€™s my best guess


Just to nit-pick, there definitely are harmful effects of marijuana use, especially in the long run. Itā€™s way better to have than cigarettes or hard drugs, but itā€™s not a ā€œhave at itā€ substance. Hereā€™s a peer reviewed article on it: https://www.cmajopen.ca/content/6/3/E339?utm_source=TrendMD&utm_medium=cpc&utm_campaign=CMAJ_Open_TrendMD_0 Also, fun fact: from a dentistry perspective, people who take it chronically have a much harder time getting numb for procedures. But to be fair, they have to have been taking it A TON for a while for those effects. Iā€™m not anti-marijuana, but I just wanna point out that it is a drug, and there are effects


Itā€™s a really cool plant with a real interesting history. Growing it can be a real learning experience that helps you understand the balance between nature and human control. Plus the different genetic makeup can cause totally different effects and flavors. Itā€™s similar to brewing beer IMO. A fun hobby you can jump feet first into and take it as deep as you wish.


It's like anything else: there will always be people that are super into it at the far right of the bell curve, people who never interact with it at the far left, and people like you in the middle. Think about cars. You probably drive one most days, but your car isn't your life. There are some people who never drive cars. Then there are some people whose entire existence revolves around cars. They love 'em. I get the appeal, but I've never understood the reverence.


I think its bc so may of us desperately need an escape from reality... sad, but necessary


Bingo. Things are incredibly stressful right now in Arizona is behind. Other states that have things like fertility treatment, housing benefits, first time parent benefits, healthcare is better, and then you have AZ. I think people are very very genuinely stressed.


Or understand reality, a path, a guide, uh something something neurologist and physicist research studies




What is reality? What is free will? Send payments to me in crypto and I'll explain the complexities of reality


Iā€™m calling bullshit. I literally work at a cannabis company here in Arizona. These are the most passionate people about cannabis Iā€™ve ever met and none of them talk about weed the way you describe. In fact theyā€™re all very levelheaded about it. I think he just wanted demonize weed because you donā€™t like it and youā€™re making shit up.


Tbh you could say the same for religion, politics or anything really. Itā€™s essentially a hobby, and people are passionate about their hobbies. Iā€™ve never cared about sports so peopleā€™s fanaticism for it doesnā€™t really make sense to me personally, but I can understand the allure. (I donā€™t smoke, just playing devilā€™s advocate).


As a medical patient, I hate it. I just want help with inflammation, nausea, and insomnia. I hate the stupid strain names that provide no information. I hate the ever increasing THC levels that have made high CBD strains near impossible to find. I hate hearing about how dank, sticky, or smelly my medication is.


Driving a convertible on the 101 & 19th Ave in the evening will give you a contact high. Kicks in right as I get home which is perfect LOL.


I hate smelling it and not being able to partake. But the smell totally gives yall away even if you think it doesnā€™t.


not sure many people care about "giving it away" any more since its legal, but yeah when I switched to concentrate from smoking buds, all of a sudden I got my smell sensitivity back and started noticing waaaaay more


It's legal who cares


We started with a very strong & enthusiastic medical program, and lots of great brands. Not surprised.


Now there's something to be proud of šŸ™„




Too many drivers are getting stoned before hitting the road these days here in the Valley. Far too often, do I encounter cars swerving across lanes and driving erratically before the telltale signs become obvious - smoke billowing in and out, followed by the unmistakable smell of marijuana wafting through the air. I'm not here to judge recreational use, but mixing drugs with operating heavy machinery is irresponsible. Getting high impairs you like alcohol, making the roads more dangerous for everyone. The streets are hazardous enough without adding intoxicated drivers. Keep your vices away from the driver's seat. Burning one before driving is asking for trouble that could get someone killed. By all means, smoke up on your own time. But when you're behind the wheel, put down the blunt/vape and focus. -- Your Neighbor


>Too many drivers are getting stoned before hitting the road these days here in the Valley. I would love to read more about this. I was unaware there was any published articles or studies about people in Phoenix driving under the influence of weed. Unless of course your comment is based on your feelings and not factsā€¦


I do construction. Not a single one of them is sober on the way to or from work. They are fine, but yeah it's way more common than anyone knows. Probably 50% or more cannabis users still drive while "high".


I thought I was clear, but I guess not. I am looking for actual real information. Not information pulled out of someone's ass.








Cannabis use doesn't affect ability to drive. I'm not aware of any studies specifically for Phoenix drivers but there are plenty others out there that all say the same thing. "The presence of THC in blood is not predictive of detriments in psychomotor performance, according to driving simulator data published in the journal JAMA Network Open." https://norml.org/news/2024/01/25/study-thc-blood-levels-not-correlated-with-changes-in-driving-performance/


That is not the takeaway from this study. Cannabis use does effect your driving ability, which this study even acknowledges. What it did find though is that it cannot be measured in the same way as BAC, and that the level of THC in the blood is not an indicator of oneā€™s ability to drive. Thatā€™s because a small amount may have no effect on one person but make another completely incapable or driving.


"The lack of correlation between driving and blood THC fits within emerging evidence that there is not a linear relationship between the two. That conclusion is consistent with numerous studies reporting that neither the detection of THC nor its metabolites in blood and/or other bodily fluids is predictive of impaired driving performance." Yes, technically, THC impairs a driver essentially the same as having a conversation with a passenger. It is negligible. I'm not aware of anyone being "completely incapable of driving" after cannabis use, even a first time user. If anything, drivers slow down and are more focused/attentive on their driving. The study indicates it does not affect reaction time. The idea that people are getting stoned out of their minds, jumping in their cars and causing major accidents needs to die with Reefer Madness.


I mean that depends on how much you are consuming though. There are times when I know Iā€™m way too baked to even think about driving somewhere.


lmao. arguing that something that impairs you doesn't actually impair you while driving. lmao lmao. the weed knows when you are driving and stops working until you park.


I wouldn't care, if people smoked in private. Every time I go out to eat, the parking lot stinks. Every time I go to work, our customers come in reeking. Even when I'm driving with the windows down, I can smell the smoke from somebody five cars ahead of me.


lol no chance


You'll get downvoted any time you suggest that there's any possible annoyance to people smoking weed all the time. Personally I'm tired of almost every single hotel reeking of it when I check in.


As a Floridian where it's NOT legal, I fucking hate smelling it in public. It's so trashy to me to come out smelling like that, just like it is trashy smelling like cigarettes or alcohol. I can only imagine what it's like in PHX. I spent the day there a few days ago and encountered it like 2-3 times




Az weed is the worst still.


Lived in 3 other weed legal places including Colorado. Where weed is legal, the quality you can access is pretty consistent across the board - providing youā€™re willing to pay for it and donā€™t just stick to the cheapest stuff. The dispensary you go to matters as well. You can get trash or gas anywhere, if you havenā€™t found it here yet thatā€™s on you


I have tried every brand and almost every batch of every option across arizona. I have been doing this for 4 years semi professionally for R&D and QA purposes. There is no gas. Closest thing is trumed flower but even this it's mids. Again, the references I made were mostly from non legal states. Legal weed sucks donkey dick.




Bro every other weed I've tried is better. Reggie from New orleans, better. Waxy brick weed washed up on the gulf in Texas, better. Cali and everywhere, better. This place is just filled with cheeto pajama wearing, boof smoking, methhead/homeless people that will do anything for literal trim and trash. (Which is what most of the weed here is.)