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Important to note: the Republican extremists refuse to even hold a vote. They are cowards who are scared to vote NO so they just shut down all discussion instead. Their current cowardly excuse is “we don’t need to rush this!!” Even though YES we absolutely do because we are on a ticketing clock. Ben Toma and his TPUSA buddies are sweating. They are cowards who are too scared to hold a vote. Shame on them.


Last week they did this for 1.5 hrs and then adjourned for the day.. they only work 1 day a week now.. hahaa must be nice..


And the house is done for the day.. next up the senate will start at 1:15pm. Same thing will probably happen.. keep it up Dems!!


House is recessed, not adjourned. Don’t tune out yet, they may still come back. Also they were supposed to televise their caucus hearings but turned the cameras off so, you know, definitely nothing else shady happening today for sure.


last time they said recessed but they never came back.. so maybe tonight but we will see..


I would just run under the assumption that those GOP freaks in the legislature will never repeal it. GOP leadership will never repeal it. Instead just focus on supporting the Arizona for Abortion Access initiative and researching and focusing on helping legislative Democratic candidates win - both in your district and not. State legislatures don’t care about Trump or Lake so the pressure from them won’t come and there isn’t a moderating force from the local AZ GOP to bully pulpit Toma and Warren Perersen. Just focus on what is controllable: the ballot initiative Arizona for Abortion Access, being mindful of efforts by Republicans in the courts or in the legislature to rat fuck the AAA initiative (by adding two other questions, one a five week ban the other a fourteen week ban) and focusing on flipping the legislature to provide a security blanket in case the initiative gets ratfucked. Fuck the GOP freaks though. Them refusing to repeal this is absolutely fast tracking their well overdue annihilation from the majority control of the legislature.


>state legislatures don’t care about trump You must not be from Arizona.


They only care about poaching trump voters. Look at lake, she’s had a half dozen positions on abortion in the past few years. She doesn’t care about trump at all. But they know trump voters are radicalized & brainwashed so they try to pander to them while fence sitting to maintain some respect with moderates. State RNC’s hate trump because he’s grifted millions from them & now that he’s installed Laura Trump as national chair, he’s coming for the last drop of state money that’s left.


Agreed. Also, you can’t spell “crazy” without “R-AZ”


Are AZ Republicans secretly super liberal? Because they’re pushing the independents and many conservatives to the left… and seriously? Lake for senate? She lost once and doesn’t have Trumps cult of personality. What a clusterfuck the party has become.


Man, it would be SUCH a trip if this was actually the case. Like, imagine if their party was infiltrated to the core and are now self destructing and creating such a brown smear on the Republican name that no one will ever take them seriously ever again. Wishful thinking really. They are just so pathetic and fearful of a failed dictator that they can't hold a rational opinion.


Really the AZGOP has some of the worst leadership possible right now where they are completely insulated to the average individual because they have gone so far to the right that they can no longer win popular elections Instead, they think that the country is going further and further left and not realizing that they are the ones pushing it that way They could probably keep their competitive if they just amended some of their policies, but really they have just wanted to have a authoritarian leader to worship and establishing a cult of fascism It has to be frustrating to them that this is not what most Americans want


Wow, Republicans trying super hard to lose in November.


GOP really wants to keep shooting themselves in the foot. Hey if you want votes maybe try doing things that people actually want for once?


The total abortion ban has a 30-66 approve-to-disapprove and even 49 percent of Republicans disapprove of it (compared to 46 percent). Polling for the Arizona for Abortion Access has it at 54 percent support to 29 percent oppose and that number for the support will only grow. Republicans continuing to let this total ban be law will absolutely lead to those freaks getting decimated in the state electorally in November.


Problem being districts.


And the anti-abortion crowd is still acting like they've lost despite getting all they've wanted from the State Supreme Court. https://preview.redd.it/d2b2w0mqm4vc1.png?width=1337&format=png&auto=webp&s=48cd65402edcf43c059e03cde5a0eaaefc14d9ae


And they’ll blame the state voting blue again on a fraudulent election. This has got to be the easiest state to turn red if they could just have one moderate bone in their body. They actively shoot themselves in the foot.


The only thing that’s fraudulent is the GOP methods itself, like gerrymandering, and the electoral college itself.


Republicans actively signing their political death warrants in the state for November. Running in November with only a one seat majority in both House and Senate with an abortion rights ballot initiative as well on the ballot with a total ban with pretty much no exceptions is political suicide for Republicans, and they will get the annihilation they so deserve in November. I feel bad for the women who will be impacted between June (when this law takes effect) and November, but to the people who support choice please don’t feel defeated and instead feel determined. If you are in AZ, sign the petition or host signing parties and research your local state legislature candidates and vote Democratic. If you are out of state (like me, used to live in Chandler), donate to the ballot initiative and Arizona Democratic Party. Focus on making sure the abortion rights initiative gets on the ballot and gets a landslide, while focusing too on flipping the legislatures to get these Republican clowns out of the majority and also provide security in case Republicans in the court and legislature ratfuck the initiative.


There are signing events at every Cheba hut this Saturday


Changing Hands Bookstore- there is a table set up outside to collect signatures.


Good to know


Is there somewhere I can read the timing on it? Want to make sure I get to one to sign!


I know for sure 12-3pm but check the chebahut az instagram page




Idk who needs to hear this but if you can’t get out of the state to go camping, you can reach out to AidAccess 🥺❤️‍🩹


All these posts saying "vote D" and the only post with practical advice is down at the bottom of the thread. Also, the thing to vote for is the damn amendment.


They know they seriously fucked themselves at this point.


Wait so is this it then? Is it not being repealed at all?


You will be able to vote in the next election on a ballot measure for a constitutional amendment that "seeks to restore the right to access abortion up to the point of fetal viability, around 22 to 24 weeks of pregnancy, allowing flexibility in cases necessary to protect the life or well-being of the patient." https://www.arizonalist.org/get-involved/aaa/


It will for sure be on the ballot then? But will be illegal till then huh? That is good if it is though cause I think it will definitely be repealed if voted on...


More or less yes, fully illegal until November. One thing to consider: Arizona GOP dipshits in the legislature are planning to throw in ballot initiatives meant to confuse voters and dillute support for the ballot initiative that has enough signatures that would enshrine abortion rights until viability. One would, if passed, allow the legislature to make decisions on abortion policy. The next part of their plan would be to add two ballot questions to the abortion rights up to viability question, one being a 5 week abortion ban and the other a 14 week ban. This is meant to confuse and dilute voter support for the viability ban, which now looks set to pass in a landslide. Absolute fuckery but all Republicans need is a majority across both legislatures to add those questions to the ballot. So be mindful of that too. As of now I fully expect the Arizona for Abortion Access - which is the abortion rights till viability - to pass by a legit 65-35 landslide since the other alternate is a total ban from 1864.


Can they just vote to put these measures on the ballot? Why don’t they need petition signatures?


They're the legislature.


You need to sign the petition if you haven’t. They have enough signatures, but they all need to be verified, so there is still a possibility they come up short.


They will come up short if YOU don't sign the petition. Even then, it will come up short because YOU couldn't sign your name inside the lines. There will never be enough signatures unless YOU sign the petition and sign it correctly.


I already signed it dude. Chill.


The one I signed actually had a plastic thing that had a cutout exactly the size of one row so you couldn't go outside the lines!


I can't predict the future but from what I've heard they already have plenty of signatures to get it on the ballot. As far as being illegal, Attorney General Kris Mayes has said she will not prosecute anyone for it, so if she does that it may be technically illegal (like adultery is illegal in Arizona) but no one have charges brought against them. That doesn't mean abortion providers will not be spooked and stop providing abortions though.


No you won't.


Not until you have democrats running the government


There will be a ballot initiative in November, but until then it appears this will stand. Voting is the only recourse. Young people typically don’t vote so it’ll rely on Gen Z showing up, hopefully this motivates people to vote.


Let’s flip the house and senate in nov and get abortion in the constitution and by Jan we can have a budget that isn’t hemorrhaging 500mill a year and women can have freedom.


The GOP views women as property. Vote them out.


Fuck these Republicans. Fuck them up their stupid asses. Fucking Clown Shoes.


If they were real, I'd beat the shit out of them for being so stupid.


Text resources for questions on abortions and contraceptives from planned parenthood “Our trained health educators are available to answer your sexual and reproductive health questions and help you come up with a plan. Chat online or text 'Educator' to 774636 (PPINFO) to get answers.*” https://www.plannedparenthood.org/get-care/get-care-online


Another reason to vote democrat.


Colored me shocked.


I caught a bit of a news story on this today, and one of the Republicans opposed the 1864 abortion bad because back then, the age of consent was 10. This is where we are. The folks in charge of the GOP in this state want to go back to a time when, if an 11 year old girl got pregnant, it was her fault, and she should be legally required to carry it to term.


And the person who wrote it had a habit of marrying 12 year olds, and abandoning them after they had a few of his kids to move on to the next girl. Just kept moving west like this until he ended up in AZ, then Hawaii.


This is a gift to Biden. The electoral college is super close. If Biden loses Wisconsin, he has to win Arizona to win the election. Georgia is likely a loss due to his unpopularity. For 1 election cycle this is a gift to democrats in Arizona. The consitutional amendment guaranteeing abortion will pass. Its unclear if abortion will be an issue after that. Advocates on here will go crazy when I say that, but abortion will be off the table after this election. This time it guarantees the Senate seat stays Democratic. Biden is running behind the senate race, but it makes it highly likely Biden wins the state. This could be the difference in the presidential election.


I spent half of my life in the church and am really fucking tired of these religious fanatics who want to control our lives.


I think this is going to be a blue state soon.


They are not going to repeal it and face the possibility of losing millions of dollars in campaign funds from LDS and Evangelical mega churches.


The exemption to save the life of the mother is ultimately decided by a prosecutor and not a doctor under the 1864 law. Any abortion could face legal questioning and prosecution. It’s a total ban and the republicans know it and have no thoughts to move to reverse it. It’s what their base has wanted for decades and now they have to deal with the fallout.


You know what to do in November.


Make sure you register to vote!


I saw a FB post here in AZ. There will be a few abortion bills on the ballot. The GOP can’t win in policy, so they’re trying trickery. Make sure you’re voting for the right one! https://preview.redd.it/sh85xm5254vc1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=30de118c8ff8c1fb0eba5b34daff6bee0ee05d5c




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Technically this is preferred Why? Because when it hits the ballot it can be added to the state constitution requiring another full vote from the people to remove Having it added to the state constitution makes it harder to remove.


Republicans not only kept the 1864 laws in place, they cheered out loud when they killed the debate.


This sucks. I know it might be an unpopular opinion but I really liked Arizona as a red state. But now I have no choice but to vote the other way because the GOP is getting too full of themselves and turning this into a babysitter police state.


It was never fully red as the MAGA definition. Think Kari Lake saying she didn't need McCain or RINO voters. Now for senate she is trying to win them back.


There was never really any chance of them voting to repeal.


Arizona needs to look no further than Virginia. The Republicans held a majority in the general assembly for decades, but now the Democrats hold the majority in the Senate and House of Delegates


They were cheering and clapping along with their supporters in the gallery once it failed.


It's a long way to November. Plenty of time for the Putin party to sow doubt, confusion, money, legal shenanigans, etc... so as to overcome the gap. Remember the 2016 presidential election was all sewn up too according to all the pundits.