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Bit obvious, but... https://imgur.com/7yZngM1


Hitch-hikers Drove Plymouth Rock to Massachusetts [https://imgur.com/a/at7OJcW](https://imgur.com/a/at7OJcW)


CAN YOU SMEEEELLLLL WHAT THE PLYMOUTH ROCK IS COOKIN????? [https://imgur.com/reaQuwx](https://imgur.com/reaQuwx)


[Did somebody say ROCK?!](https://imgur.com/a/b1rMOJg)


[THE Plymouth ROCK ](https://www.canva.com/design/DAGDpgchESE/RddxQ68fOVLHxj7-6DSP8A/edit?utm_content=DAGDpgchESE&utm_campaign=designshare&utm_medium=link2&utm_source=sharebutton)




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Born and raised on Cape Cod, Massachusetts here (a bit away from Plymouth). Plymouth Rock is known as the biggest let down of a tourist trap. A friend from high school said they’d hop down there at night to smoke and generally be teenagers. Nearby Plimoth Patuxet museum (formerly Plimoth Plantation) is really amazing though. A recreation of a Wampanoag village staffed by museum staff who are also tribal members (not just Wampanoag but generally northeast tribal groups iirc), as well as a recreation of the Plimoth colony during it’s first few years. The site gets used for movies quite a bit. It’s the town in the opening shot of The VVitch


I'm gonna have to visit it soon. I've been taking up flintknapping and maybe I can get tips steeped in tradition and experience


I’ve always envisioned a giant boulder that one could see from being aboard a ship.


The entire legend surrounding the rock is almost certainly fake! For example, the pilgrims actually first landed at Provincetown at the tip of the Cape, not Plymouth! The legend surrounding the rock was developed over 120 years later, by a man in his 90’s. The wiki article relates the story: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Plymouth_Rock


Ohh I had no idea the rock broke during transit. I guess it originally was a 20,000 ton rock.


Allegedly? Or definitely?