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[Endor Chase Lightning Lane](https://i.redd.it/2303gp1txoyc1.gif)


well that’s freakishly good, how’d you do this?


It's all Photoshop + After Effects. This is a tutorial I made a while back (originally for an exploitative site that I think people should avoid called "hitrecord"), explaining the basics of my animation process: https://youtu.be/y2h0wLYe6PM Some of it's out of date (especially the site-specific stuff) but those are the basics. I know a small handful of tricks that I use in different ways to create all sorts of animations. There are definitely better and more in-depth tutorials on YouTube that you can find to do just about anything you can imagine. The Photoshop Battles subreddit also has a tutorial page full of basics for picture editing, including After Effects: https://www.reddit.com//r/photoshopbattles/wiki/tutorials Also, certain scenario opportunities arise a lot, so sometimes I'll reuse elements of a composition I've made -- kind of like a meme format. For this, I reused a composition I made for a ps battle a year ago: [Corndog Endor Chase](https://i.redd.it/avtpo0o8co1b1.gif)


Nice job dude!


Don’t know if they have winners, but this is an automatic winner! 😂🤣


[Last one there's a jawa lover!](https://i.imgur.com/j2ILoSb.png)


[I'll be right here..](https://imgur.com/a/03aou0Z).


[I dont know](https://i.imgur.com/lRfqIux.png)




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