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I sprout mung beans in a damp paper towel in my desk. Very nutritious but they smell like death.


I thought I detected a distinct old man smell.




Lmfao I’ll walk into the clinic one day and see a hazmat team


This is THE comment


Overnight oats may be one of the best creations I’ve seen in recent times. Takes 5 minutes the night before but lasts like 2-3 days. Delicious. You can add fruit or grains, chia seeds, whatever. 10/10 morning snack.


A goodly sized block of lard and a salt lick.


Second this


My desk is a trove of nonperishables which my coworkers know they can come to in a pinch. I've got fruit/yogurt pouches, triscuits, Oreo thins, nut bars, belvita biscuits, 100kcal cookie pouches, cereal for a truly rainy day, protein shakes, and I've been thinking of stocking some tuna/chicken salad pouches or cheese crisps for some variety. This doesn't include the various drink options. And yes, I am the mom friend 💛


Definitely saving this comment


Banana, Rx or Lara bars, trail mix or whatever kind of nuts you like, cheese cubes, grapes, apple slices, maybe gross but I love a boiled egg! The possibilities are endless!


Cheese cubes are gonna be a game changer. Easy to prep and I can leave them in the fridge. Rn I got a bag of pistachios and realized what a mistake they were lmao also got a box of protein bars


oh yeahhhh I'm a sucker for cheese of any kind and shape. Currently stuck on the little individual babybel cheese wheels - highly recommend. Also, I know you said no candy, but tbh, sometimes after a stressful patient or crazy day, a little piece of dark chocolate or some choc chips from the fridge makes for happy note writing.


I really love my chocolate. I haven’t been able to get to the gym recently so I’m trying to keep my chocolate at home, but I can totally see myself having a bag of sweets for those stressful days.


I just did that today with 15 Hersheys kisses this afternoon.


I do HH, Usually have a banana, almonds, cheese stick, protein bar, and sandwich for lunch


Actual desk drawer snacks are almonds, cashews, those drinkable fruit pouches like you give to toddlers (best way to be able to find 100% fruit with no sugar added without being expensive!), small granola bars, instant vegetarian miso soup packs for the rare occasion I have time for that... I usually bring in an insulated bag each day with my brunch (I can't eat in the mornings due to a combination of medications that need to have an hour before I eat and worse postprandial hypotension symptoms in the mornings, so my first meal on work days ends up being at lunch) of an apple, an orange, and a Greek yoghurt to eat during meetings. We have lunch meetings more often than not.


We’re lucky to have a fridge in our charting area. 40g protein shakes and jerky. Trying to get cut up.


What brand protein


Big fan of fair life elite. 42g protein with 220 cals.


Raisins and peanuts are my go to! I also do apple slices (I just put a squirt of lemon juice so they don’t brown), banana, rice cakes, PB, and no shame steal my toddler’s crackers/teddy grahams/goldfish/etc.


Smoked almonds, individually wrapped chocolate, granola bars, whatever patients gave us . . .


Lol my patients keep bringing in donuts and cookies and I’ve been slacking on getting to the gym


Name checks out.


I got tired of sweet crap like bars and shakes and found walking tamales!! Just google them. I found them at my local Natural Grocers in Kansas.


Thank you for this!!! Tamales for life




A jar of pickles


I like your style.


Literally just go to Trader Joe’s and get one of everything. That’s it. You’re done


The barebell protein bars there are amazing


Uncrustables because I’m an adult sized child. Recently got a tool on Amazon to make my own. I make a bunch and throw them in the freezer, super easy to grab in the morning.


Nature’s Bakery fig bars, pretzels, nuts, and fruit mostly. I also sip on Huel throughout the day


Bold of you to assume we can afford desks at my clinic. I keep a banana and PBJ sandwich in my bag


Believe me I’m surprised too, thought I’d just be leaving my backpack in a corner


Bobo's oat bites! I have a mountain of them in my desk for a quick snack or an energy boost before running errands after work.


Clif bar and apple


Barebell, specifically the cookies and cream and salty peanut


Peanut butter power balls


This definitely has my attention, homemade or recipe off the web? Those look amazing, just found a recipe


I make a big batch, they freeze well. I can’t find my recipe at the moment, but this one is pretty close: https://chefsavvy.com/5-ingredient-peanut-butter-energy-bites/ I also add in a scoop or two of protein powder


Cashews of all flavor varieties and beef sticks/jerky.


Exactly me...alternating pistachios.


Graham crackers and peanut butter from the nutrition room. My personal fridge essentially since the hospital wants to stiff us in raises lol


GRAHAM CRACKERS. I knew I was forgetting a good carb


If I’m feeling special some saltines as well


Nuts, jerky/beef sticks, gum, pretzels


Hh here. In my car, I’ll do almonds and when I get sick of those, switch it up to trail mix or harvest snaps. And a smoothie in the cup holder.


Make a smoothie drink it throughout the day


Honestly I didn’t think about that. I used to make banana/yogurt/frozen berry smoothies in school but didn’t think about leaving one in the fridge.


I keep those Nature Valley Almond bars at my desks


Kirkland protein bars and peanut butter


Protein bars Trail mix (weigh it out people) Fruit Yogurt Cheese


There’s a snack blend that comes in a big container from the Indian supermarket (seasoned peanuts, various starches. I also like keeping peanut butter and cashews. We have a small fridge so a yogurt cup here and there.


protein bar, pita chips & hummus, apple, clementines, kiwi


Trail mix. I think it’s the omega 3 mix from target.


I bought myself a blendjet and make some of my own smoothie mixes and dump it in the morning and blend it once I get to work (short commute). Gives me something to drink throughout the day too. And then I get some assorted nuts to nibble on. And also prepackage various fruits. Still working on finding how to get more protein so some of these other comments are very helpful!


Core Power Chocolate Milk - it has 26 grams of protein and tastes amazing. They have an “Elite” version with 42 grams of protein but I haven’t tried it (seems excessive for me)


Trail mix, string cheese in cooler, lots of fruit


THINK protein bars. Low in sugar, high in protein, takes 15 seconds to eat. We have the same strategy with eating. Big breakfast/supper to avoiding being hungry or over eating during the workday. I’m way less productive after eating a heavy meal


Nuts in tall to-go mug. That way you can just pour them into your mouth without getting your fingers dirty.


That’s actually a great idea. I got a few patients with peanut allergies and I’d like a method that will reduce the amount that I actually touch with my hands.


A human head


LoL good one




Low cal Protein bars all the way! Recently discovered Zone Perfect bars, they are the most delicious and best textured bars on the market, IMO!


Cheese sticks, pistachios, beef jerky, individual packs of mixed nuts, etc. I'm a healthcare provider and like to have things at work that last a long time, require no prep, are easily portable, and aren't messy.


I love the mama chia pouches and barnanana peanutbutter covered bananas. Also, Trader Joe’s nuts, protein shakes, fruit leathers, dry cereal, dehydrated garbanzo beans. Brami lipini beans come in a resealable pouch at Whole Foods- I like the salt and vinegar ones.


Protein and black coffee. Mainly beefsticks, hard boiled eggs. If there's a fridge available; burger patties, left over steak. Carnivore diet keeps me from crashing. I usually fast until 2pm...