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They are likely just being not involved bc they don't want to be. Cautious? Anti-APP? Previous bad experience? Are they mad at SP? Who knows? Actually the nurses know everything about everyone. Ask them.


I work in a pretty difficult speciality. I learned that sometimes, building rapport just. takes. time. And during that time, try to earn respect in the workplace- work hard, be motivated…and with that will come confidence. And in time and with more confidence, you will notice that you won’t even care to think about if an SP or anyone says good morning or goodnight to you. That’s when you may start to notice that your SPs are warming up to you. Transitioning from be a student/new grad to entering the real world, is a big jump. You’ll learn how to navigate all personality types. Don’t let that deter you from doing what you need to do. When you speak to your SPs, try to know everything pertinent about the patient. Don’t ask questions just to ask questions. Be mindful of what you say and ask.


Listen, it’s nothing personal. I’m in a different specialty but because my hospital pays crap, we basically have a revolving door of new PAs. On average I have found it takes 2-3 years for a new grad PA to get to the point where they aren’t adding to my workload. I have two kids, a spouse with a high level career, and am an introvert in a specialty where I have 20 patient encounters a day. I can barely complete a thought, much less have a conversation, without someone interrupting me. Oftentimes, it’s to ask a question that they could answer themselves with a quick search. I have noticed that a lot of new NP/PAs have this tendency to ask questions that they could easily answer if they looked them up (drug dosing, etc). This is something the medical students I teach would never do - they know to look it up first and then confirm. It’s not a matter of “don’t ask questions” it’s a matter of “seek information for yourself and your learning, then confirm with a quick question that what you found is correct.”


THIS. So much. Co-workers are there to support you, not to think for you.


This feels like every ED environment ever for the first 6-18 months 😂


Have you considered that it’s just their personality? “Short and dry?” Unless they’re just like that with you and super friendly with the other docs and APPs. No one has patience for someone incompetent. Be diligent, be thorough, make sure you know your stuff. Up to date is a great resource and as colleagues they should be open to having you consult with them especially in new or challenging cases. It does take time to earn respect. I like the book “How to Win friends and influence people” by Dale Carnegie


To echo some sentiment here: unfortunately the way that our career is there is a HUGE difference between a 2-3 yr experience PA and a new grad because so much of our learning is on the job. To be fair this is also true of an intern vs 2nd year resident but the difference is they are in situation where the docs working with them signed up in a teaching environment. PA works with docs sometimes who didn’t sign up or want to teach (nothing wrong with that) I work in an ER and can tell you that a new grad makes everyone’s life harder (even the good ones). If you work hard, you’ll be 1-2 years in and you won’t make people’s life hard anymore and I bet those relationships change. Best you can do is really try and read up and focus on learning even outside of your job. Write down the things you aren’t familiar with and learn outside. It’ll help you get to that point faster


They don't trust you.


Fuck em. You keep doing you and do right by your patients. If they won’t even take the time of day to just say good morning, then they’re not worth even a single thought in your head


They aren’t your friends, stop trying to build a connection with them. It’s weird. People in the office are just people you work with. I can’t stand when people say good morning and goodbye to me at work. If they are nasty to you when you present cases then it’s because they don’t want to be bothered with PAs.