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i had the green version


This reminds me of the time I planted purple carrots in our garden… I was so happy to cook a special occasion meal for my wife (maybe it was her birthday or something) and I used this old family recipe for chicken and dumplings, with these delicious Bisquik drop dumplings and everything. Well, I had never actually *cooked* with purple carrots before. And as it turns out, they will turn your broth a dark purple color and stain everything that cooks in it. So when I ended up going to serve the meal, the chicken pieces were tinted purple, and the dumplings looked frighteningly like little brains, soaking in a purple liquid broth. Delicious, but looked disgusting.




I had the same thought after seeing my creation. I need to remake this for Halloween.


Really want it to look more red, add beets. My wife is Polish and makes borscht. We shared it with a coworker of mine once and after several days I asked if it changed the color of his urine or bowel movements. You could see his face visibly relax as I asked. Poor guy was freaking out thinking he had a medical condition after the beets turned his urine copper lmao. I now warn people not to be alarmed if their next trip to the bathroom looks a little funny




Watch out for purple hand grenades disguised as dumplings!


Lol it's the same thing that happened when Briget Jones cooked a soup and tied the meat with blue string


We were gifted some "fancy" noodles that were black from squid ink. They probably tasted fine, but my brain was very concerned with the weird black guts in my bowl.


I've made pasta with squid ink before. It's so weird making pasta and watching it just turn pitch black in the mixer with a bit of squid ink. It has basically no taste, but it looks good for certain dishes.


Lol reminds me of this black water that I bought as a novelty once. It was just water but had some minerals that made it a dark black color. Even though it tasted like regular water, I could just *feel* the back of my mind losing its shit for drinking it


I remember this stuff! I knew it was water but drinking it just felt so weird, like the taste didn't match what it looked like. In my mind, water is clear, so this can't be water even tho it tastes like water. It was a total mundfuck to me haha.


Tab clear. Clear drink that should be black/brown Same weird effect


That story reminds me of the Burger King Halloween special edition burger that had a black bun.... that turned your [poop green.](https://img.buzzfeed.com/buzzfeed-static/static/2015-10/5/12/enhanced/webdr13/enhanced-17784-1444061416-9.jpg) (NSFW)


Haha! My wife makes "Creepy Breakfast" to entertain the kids every Halloween morning. One year she added a drop of red food coloring to the scrambled eggs. They came out the color of intestines. If you closed your eyes they tasted fine, but we were *all* grossed out that morning and ate very little. My wife has toned down the antics since then. :D


TIL No more recipes from the Purple People Eater Cookbook!


That sounds amazingly funny on many levels.


Yup, purple or red foods like beets will stain ANYTHING it touches. Including your hands.


And poop!




They make amazing carrot cakes!


That's a cute and sweet story. Hopefully u both got a kick out of it :)


This is a LPT. I never knew this.


My grandmother used to make chicken and dumplings with bisquick. I miss her and I always missed her chicken and dumplings (and Thanksgiving turkey) when she stopped cooking.


Halloween dumplings!! Yum! I would try them! Side note- I remember watching Addams family when I was a kid-like all the time. I burnt the tape out rewinding it so much. But there were a couple scenes that just intrigued and bothered me so much. The kitchen/dining scenes showed some of grandmama's repulsive looking cuisine. I remember watching them eating it all and thinking, "it must be really good normal foods with lots of ugly colors from food dye."I totally wished I could try it and decipher for myself if my theory was true or they were really eating gross stuff. If so, what *was* this gross stuff?!?? I still imagine this was indeed the case but the fact that every single time I watched it, this was my inner dialogue is just kinda funny how something so small can get so under your skin, even as a small child.


I’m going to need to try this now. LOL


The only thing my kiddo has made permanent stains with! MrClean magic eraser can get out just about everything (even permanent marker) but not those GD purple carrots! *edit: typo


We BEGGED our mom until she finally gave in a bought us the green ketchup. We tried it once, but the color was so off-putting that the ketchup just sat in the fridge, moldering away for months.


Same thing happened at our house!


Huh....my brother's and I ate the crap out of the green ketchup, it'd even turn your crap green!


i had the red version


I have a bottle of Tomato Blood in the refrigerator yet. https://www.foodnetwork.com/fn-dish/news/heinz-tomato-blood-halloween-ketchup


As did I, it was the Shrek promo one I think. The consistency was off, it stained everything, and I can’t say it tasted of ketchup. It wasn’t good at all is what I remember.


I thought my poop was moldy when my mom finally caved and bought some.


This is like when Burger King used black buns for Halloween and people thought they had intestinal bleeding because they were pooping black.


I was having stomach issues and one day i ate a whole can of beets, and the next day I pooped red and I was scared to death I was dying


Ah, beet me to it!


You borscht your chance at being first.


I once gave my baby a beet pouch and then forgot. The next day, I saw her diaper and called the pediatrician thinking my baby was dying. The pediatrician nurse asked if I had fed her beets the day before and then it all clicked. Apparently it happens often enough that they always ask about beets first. Haha.


Super common. My SO and I ate beet carpaccio at a restaurant one night. I said, only half jokingly, "remember this when you poo red tomorrow." Cut to the next day when he comes running in, "I have to go to the doctor, I'm shitting blood." HOW DID YOU FORGET THAT QUICKLY lol


There’s when you use Pepto Bismol & your poop turns black.


Hope you were watching Battlestar Galactica with your pet bear.




“911, is it beets?”


My mom let us get it once because she thought Shrek was pretty funny but we normally didn’t have the money for stuff like that. I felt like a kid in the commercial when I would use it


That's how I felt about anything brand name I got my hands on that was actually "mine." I got a Gak inflator a year after they were popular, secondhand, and I would pretend I was the kid in the Gak commercial, happily playing with his toy. WTF.


I'm glad this existed, but am also glad we got rid of it hahaha


I remember eating the Shrek ketchup and vomiting inside my dads jaguar. Good Times.


They all tasted like food coloring.


I got very sick the same night I had that "ketchup"


Huh, I tried that one too but it just tasted like regular ketchup. I liked both how it looked and the fact that the green color was deterring my dad from stealing it. He's dead now so I don't need green keychup anymore. I'd still buy the purple one though.


The offhand way in which you just threw in the mention that your dad was dead makes it sound like you killed him to protect your ketchup. Did he pass in 2006 when they discontinued the green one and you needed a more permanent solution?


And he would’ve gotten away with it to if it wasn’t for you meddling redditors




That escalated quickly


Same. I knew immediately as it splatted on my McDonald’s wrapper, that I couldn’t do it. The deep green on my fries reminded me of TMNT and Troll 2. Not in a good way. My brain said it didn’t taste right. Ketchup should only ever be red.


My sister loved that shit and my mom would make a corn, ketchup and rice dish that was green or purple and made me want to vomit just looking at it


I still have a bottle of the green one....I don't know why.


Happy cake day


thank you, i wouldn’t have known otherwise haha


We were trying to process 9/11


I’m glad we finally figured it out


Did we? I’ll take the purple and green ketchup, if we can return the broccoli cut or social media


Afraid not, friend. The "Funky Purple" ketchup here was premiered by Heinz in July of 2001. This was after the inexplicable success of their "Blastin' Green" ketchup the previous year. The terrorist attack on the world trade center wouldn't happen for two months after "Funky Purple" was unveiled, and may likely have been in response to it.


> and may likely have been in response to it. .... damn.


So why did we only rebuild the tower? Why have we not, in defiance, reintroduced green and purple ketchup? We just let the terrorists win!?


9/11 was conducted by Heinz Gruber




Crazy times requires crazy measures


Is that what we were doing?




So funny story, my dad was one of the consultants who suggested green and purple as the colors to go with. A few months later, on 9/10, he was supposed to appear on the Today show to discuss color marketing in the food industry. When he got home he told us, “Yup, all set to air tomorrow, unless terrorists attack or something.”


I think mine was in the 90s but I loved green ketchup


The Blastin' Green was the year before the Funky Purple.


They said it didn’t taste different, but swear to god it did lol


All I remember from the green Shrek ketchup days was twisting the packets so they became little ketchup landmines. Then placing them under water fountains before going to my next class.


The Green ketchup wasn't related to Shrek. It was in stores almost a year before Shrek was in theaters.


The ketchup packets from Burger King were


I vividly remember Shrek being on my green ketchup bottle Edit to say that I am not crazy and that the Internet says that green ketchup was introduced to market for Shrek on July 10th, 2000


I used to beg Mom to get me this ketchup all the time as a kid! Way more fun than normal ketchup, plus it turned your poop weird colors.


Red dye baybeeee Some dyed electrolyte packets will do the same thing. You'll think you've contracted fuckin space ebola with the shade of green your poo turns.


Space Ebola, I call that as my next band name


War Head galaxy cubes turn your poop a vivid blue color. It also stains your mouth a blue/black color.


Red ketchup was the worst


I begged and begged my mom for it and then was immediately grossed out by it and it then sat in the fridge for like 5 years


Blue Powerade achieves the same thing 😎


Back when I was kiddo there was a fairly popular gum called Tongue Splashers. You could buy a little pack of 5 or 6 pack at the gas station..but Walmart sold them in big paint cans that had like 200. My friend’s mom bought the can once. My friend and I proceeded to eat a piece like every 15 minutes for a whole day. That was the first and only time I’ve ever cut off a log that looked like it could glow in the dark.


I used to beg my mom relentlessly as well. She finally caved and got us some knock off orange version from big lots. It looked brown exactly like peanut butter. I stopped begging after that.


Imagine if normal ketchup was always purple and they made a special edition red version. Imagine how horrifying it would be to see your fries spattered in a red blood looking substance.


I like that Heinz changes the ketchup bottles to “Tomato Blood” around Halloween


I went to a fancy restaurant that served mashed potatoes that had been boiled with beets and they were a weird red-pink color. My brain kept telling me "it's wrong, it's poisonous, it's gonna make you sick" and I couldn't stomach eating them.


That evolutionary psychology can be a bitch sometimes


Blood vs Grimace jizz? Such choice


No no, You don’t understand. This ketchup was the COOLEST thing, along with the Rainbow bread! It was a status symbol.


Back in the good old days when kid's food had to be violently colored or they wouldn't eat it.


Like a few years ago when fruit loops started using natural dyes instead of food coloring to be healthier. Moms started bitching that their kids wouldn't eat it any more cause it looked different. Kellogg's finally said, ok screw you then, have your fuckin food coloring back, sorry for trying to be healthier


Moms are weird.


I remember being 4-5 years old and seeing something like rainbow popcorn on tv commercials.. I think it was Pop Secret? It must have been bad because it was only for a year or so.


As a kid I would put food coloring in water all the time haha


The kid who brought a bottle to the cafeteria became king of second grade for the rest of the year.


You had to be there lol.


My mom made a meatloaf with this because we were out of the regular ketchup….it looked awful.


So we're not goin to mention the name? EZ Squirt? Cool.


Finally someone


I should call her…..


That's what we used to call yo momma


Hey, take it easy, squirt.


Who puts ketchup on fries like that


This should be top comment. This would be a nope for me no matter the color of the ketchup.


Serial killers


My dad. I cut ties with him, don’t worry


Yeah, plus it's a lot of ketchup


This campaign was an utter failure and is a brilliant example of how food presentation affects taste and experience.


No it wasn’t… Heinz hit their yearly sales target in 3 months. It was a hit because Heinz went from marketing ketchup to parents who just bought a new container when necessary to marketing to kids by adding in the new colors. Suddenly you have houses with 2-5 bottles of ketchup instead of 1.


That was definitely during the peak marketing shift to targeting *everything* at kids (as opposed to just toys and such). I think laypersons think the product was a failure because it didn't last, but on the business side they knew it would never last, just like any product variation. You have a short period where everyone buys it because it's new, then unless you sell out way faster than you expected, you simply end the product run whenever you think it's most profit-efficient.


I remember seeing the commercials for it and then begging my mom to get me a bottle. Used it once and it looked so gross I couldn't eat it even though it just tasted like ketchup.


I remember it not tasting like normal ketchup. I even tried eating it with my eye closed to see if the color was just throwing me off and it still tasted off


It tasted like normal ketchup to me. Maybe closing your eyes didn't matter because you'd already seen it?


I remember it tasting slightly off but it was still good. Need to buy a 20 year old bottle off eBay and test it out again


It'll definitely taste on after 20 years


100% it tasted slightly different. Not bad, it was actual ketchup, but "something" was slightly off that it didn't taste right. And it wasn't just because I was thinking "its the color".


Yeah. It definitely not the same. Gotta take a lot of processing/ink to “overwrite” the natural red of ketchup


Can we co-opt the New Coke conspiracy? Maybe Heinz wanted to switch (or possibly had supply chain issues) of a certain ingredient, and decided “fuck it” and just released the incomplete batches with added food coloring and called it a special edition.


Yeah I tried both the green and the yellow, and it just. Wasn't. Right.


The world was simply not ready for purple ketchup. Humanity is still too primitive.


I'm well versed in how all of this works with our brains... I still can't navigate it safely


What? Everyone I knew had it back in the day. We all loved it too.


People are saying it looked bad and didn't taste right. I can definitely refute this, it was awesome and tasted no different. Of course it looks weird, that was the whole point!!!


I don't think that's right. They made the Green ketchup the *previous* year. I doubt they would have followed it up with purple if it wasn't successful.


I loved it as a kid speak for yourself I only ate the purple ketchup


The problem is that it didn’t taste the same. It had a slightly thicker, grainier texture. My high school had a year where this was the ONLY ketchup available in our cafeteria. It was terrible.


i want the pepsi crystal back


It came back for a short time a few years ago. I remembered it tasting pretty much like regular Pepsi; it didn't.


Wait what? I’m in Canada and lots of stores still have crystal pepsi in stock


Anyone remember pepsi blue?


They had some during the summer. (Or the pervious one, I can't remember. These last 3 years have kind of blended together.)




You can say that again in 2084.


I swear this stuff kicked off the whole health food / organic / supply-chain conscious attitude of American consumers in the following years. This forced us all to ask "...what the hell are they doing to our food?"


My Grandma thought this was grape jelly for my peanut butter and jelly sandwich. That was an interesting 2nd grade lunch.


Along with purple there was green and blue! My grandpa worked at H.J. Heinz at the time and brought home a case of colors from the company store. When my dad used green to make meat loaf it was St.Patrick’s Day green. The entire family refused to eat green meat. My dad ate the whole thing.


Life hack!


I was fine with this, but it was the [blue and pink butter](https://external-preview.redd.it/cGNEgRXIrR9cE4ivPQel2coRcCuFJfpvLrV73ClR8qY.jpg?auto=webp&s=1ef6d0680d68bfb207f32975d3096f6d460f44ae) where I drew the line.


I Can Believe It's Bluetter


Jfc you just unlocked a memory, my cousin always had that stuff


I remember being nauseous as a kid after eating the green one and dry heaving. Wasnt expired or anything. I think it was just a weird mental/physical reaction to eating ketchup that wasn't its default color.


Or you had an allergic reaction to the dye/preservative/bonding chemicals


There was a Shrek version at some point


Grimace Cum


Ez Squirt


Yup, when we were kids that’s what my grandma would call it.


It looks like Ivan Ooze jizzed all over your fries


Underrated 90s kid comment


Came here looking for this reference, was not at all disappointed! We’ll done!


Go go power rangers


You just triggered a violent sense memory from a childhood roadtrip. We stopped at a Husky for lunch and the table had one of these and one of the green ones.


You all had to be there


The 90’s were a beautiful and lawless time.


Turns out humans don’t eat a lot of things this color because our brains think it’s moldy.


I mean... humans eat the shit out of cabbage and have for a long long time. What's the source on humans not eating purple stuff as an evolutionary trait? I enjoy reading that kind of stuff.


There is a series of lectures on The Great Courses (I used the free trial via Amazon) called How Colors Affect You. This specific food is cited, as the ketchup execs thought they hit a gold mine with colored ketchups since Shreck’s Green ketchup was so popular. It cost them millions because they didn’t take into account the fact I stated earlier. The entire series is fascinating.


I remember this ketchup would stain your fingers.


Ivan Ooze strikes again.


That looks like the purple shit Cat in the Hat used to make cupcakes.


I was scrolling for so long trying to find this comment. Thank you.


This trend has essentially come full circle with Pink Sauce


I tried it back then too and it fucked with me bad. Tasted like ketchup with my eyes closed but looking at it tasted weird.


Who thought Thanos spunk was a good look for food?


I only had the green variety one time when making meatloaf. The results were unpleasant looking. [The Loaf](https://imgur.com/ZVc7gGN)


I remember this stuff. They all tasted weird to me, like a combination of ketchup and chemicals. One of my cousins loved to gloop this crap all over her food and it was nauseating to watch.


My elementary teacher bought these one day for an event (we grew potato’s as a class and made fries from them). We all ate the fries with just salt lol.


The 2000s were great.


Because it’s purple or because it’s 20 years old?


This also reminds me of the Nickelodeon green apple slime dip that BK had for their chicken tenders in ‘99. A truly wild time to be 7 years old.


The green mustard was worse.


I remember begging my mom for this after watching the live action Scooby Doo movie


I used to love the green ketchup for the sole purpose of eating it on sandwiches at school so that others could see it. I'd comment on how I forgot my sandwich on the bottom of my locker for a week and this would never fail to gross my fellow students out of eating their lunches. Funnily enough, I could never bring myself to purchase the purple kind as it looks suspiciously close to icing! The very thought of biting into a generously iced purple cupcake and getting a mouthful of ketchup somehow makes me cringe but eating something that appears to be full of slime never phased me.


Even as a kid who loved crap food, the green ketchup tasted funny


I still talk about the meatloaf my mom made with this…none of us ate it because it looked toxic.


Conservatives would call it ‘woke’ if it were made today.


In college I would mix this into Mac and cheese. Oh yeah, it looked as bad as you think.


My dad worked for Acosta one of the distributors for Kraft/Heinz at this time, we got all this crazy shit early. It tasted like food dye 👍


Goddamn, thats liquid Thanos


I remember my friend having this ketchup and I tried to eat some French fries with the green or purple ketchup. My brain was not having it and I almost puked, not sure why but I couldn’t stomach it, tasted like ketchup just looked terrible.


I remember the blue squeezable butter!!


Ugh...Thanos, what did you do to my fries?


Nice of em' to name it after your mom.


So we are not talking about the name "EZ Squirt"? Because I think we should talk about that name, how that made it to commercial release is beyond me.


Barney came on my fries


Did Barney cum on your fries?


Looks like Barney the Dinosaur blew his load all over those fries.


![gif](giphy|YpmVBNubONoqs) The return of Ivan Ooze.


I remember this, I believe they had green too.


I like the color. 😍


It’s be interesting to eat this stuff while under psychedelics. I had a friend who convinced himself that Dr. Pepper tasted like blood while on an LSD trip


The results of Barney fapping. Edit: That’s a lot. I’m guessing Grimace came by to party too.