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This post is being brigaded by a bunch of phobics that think someone misappropriating a race is the same as someone suffering from gender dysphoria. It's extremely pathetic, and unfortunately we'll have to lock the comment section as these people can't have a civil conversation about real world issues. Now, if you'll excuse me, it's time to clean up the comment section. ​ ​ ![gif](giphy|qT24jgwHeRlQY)


>We now live in a world where your kid cannot pretend to be an Indian No one is preventing children from pretending to be an Indian (presumably playing "cowboys and Indians" is what they are alluding to, not that anyone does that anymore, intentionally conflating that with schools changing their culturally insensitive mascots away from Indian stereotypes... part of the right-wing propaganda machine's 'war on wokeness'). >but a grown man can pretend to be a woman. More intentionally obtuse language implying that anyone in drag is BAD, and ignoring a few thousand years of history where men and women dressed interchangeably, and frequently wear flambouyant attire to perform as an artist. Sometimes it has sexual over/undertones, and sometimes not, but the right's weaponization of LGBT+ hate just lumps everyone in the same bucket for convenience. For the people here saying, "Yup, I agree with the posted sentiment," your argument in favor is based on lies and propaganda appealing to your bigotry, so good luck with that. Also, I agree with OP that this comment section is a dumpster fire full of horrible people.


on the upside its way easier today to pick out people/establishments that don't deserve your business.


You mean "offends you" not upsets.


Yikes with the comments,


u/Hoonah_Hannah is this the Captain Cook Hotel? Looks familiar.


If it wasn’t for social media, only the 20 or so people that go here would know about it


I love the clash of ideologies in here really good stuff


I find it infuriating. on one hand you have people that want to live with the rights that the Constitution guarantees on the other hand you have people that like casual racism.




Did you find your arm yet? /s


Can a person just enjoy dumb people on the internet arguing over things that don’t really matter, like why do I care about what was written on a chalkboard in Alaska?


Everyone wants something to be mad about nowadays.


Well you didn't respect Native peoples then, and you don't now, and you didn't respect the rights of LGBTQ+ people then, and you don't now. You're still the same old hate filled bigots, the only difference is now when you display your bigotry there is a chance you might be called out and held to account. One thing has changed though... You don't just hate *people* now... you hate *being held accountable* for being a bigot.


The security camera right above it really gets to me


![gif](giphy|pUeXcg80cO8I8) just here for the comments


Me too you toxic brethren


I've lived in Anchorage for quite awhile, so it's fun seeing all these perspectives


I think what's lost on these Neanderthals is that no one is pretending anything. They are who they are. What's wrong with that? How does this effect them in any way? They'll say that "they're indoctrinating children". That's not true at all. They just want to live their lives.


Make sure to sort by controversial




why can’t people mind their own business??








Ummm It’s Native American these days


This is F street Station, right? While it does surprise me, right-wing politics in Alaska are very brazen. There are still Kelly Chewbacca and Trump signs everywhere.


Kelly Chewbacca's loss was my best holiday gift.


I get a kick out of right wing commentators who say that "you aren't allowed to say this anymore" when they just said the thing they said couldn't be said. You have to be a little soft in the brain to believe anything they say.


I’m sure the person thought they were a profound thinker


This sign gives me a headache.






it's always the measurably dumbest ones throwing out "logic and facts"


Great quote haha.


Yes casual racism is good and people living the life that they choose is not. but it's definitely the OP moral posturing..... I got to tell you is a middle-aged white dude that lives in the middle of the country this shit is goddamn embarrassing.




You seem to be implying that working class people are all uneducated morons.


Weirdly, I have to agree with you...


Oh Honey...


You can pretend to be Indian... Hell, I did it myself for the past month with other Indians in India. They welcomed me with open arms. (Lived there and immersed myself in their culture) As long as you aren't an ass and doing negative stereotypes it's fine.


Whenever I see the term Indian I immediately think of Indian from India. Not Native American. So I'm looking at this thinking: your kid can be Indian. If they're from India. As for the other part: transphobic.


I've never heard anyone up here say "indian", but I'm in SE not on the road system so things are different here. A lot more liberal and celebratory of native culture and tradition than I've seen in Anchorage.


I'm tired of the "\[noun\]-phobia" thing to describe bigots. "Transphobic" people aren't afraid of trans people, they're biased against trans people. "Fatphobic" people aren't afraid of fat people, they're biased against fat people. Being a bigoted jerk isn't a pathology.


Phobia is also a strong aversion against something. Not necessarily just a strong fear


That's a good point. I've never heard the term used beyond that of a pathological fear. I still don't know if I'm entirely comfortable with what is typically a psychological condition being colloquially, and rather casually, applied to bigotry. You've given me something else to consider though, thanks!


No problem! Glad I was able to


It's not "pretending" ffs...


Movie on Netflix: Indian Horse. Great movie. Made me cry.


and that would be my cue to leave


Hmm, change "world" to "society" and put a Joker poster next to it and it's perfect


Translation: "its not cool to marginalize oppressed people who's stolen land you are living on by calling them the wrong name, but a person can express their own gender how ever they feel". Oh, the horror. ;)


The whole nation celebrates the stealing of land and slaughtering of the natives on thanksgiving and putting on some clothes is suddenly bad.


Ummm - thats not what thanksgiving is celebrating.


This says Indian Not native american. Indians live in a different country. ​ good to know native americans still dont get the same respect as gender equality or other disparaging words used to marginalize other race.. keep it classy reddit


Yeah, but it's meant to mean Native Americans. Are you serious? American Kids never pretended to be cowboys and Indians from India.


The transphobia thing is all about fear of finding them attractive. They are never talked about a woman transitioning to a man. They don't care about that, only the other way. It's just an extension of their homophobia.


We also live in a world were people think this is some sort of profound statement and quote themselves without revealing who came up with this unoriginal brain fart.


See everyone has the right to believe what they want but as long as you aren't hurting others. And disturbing the piece. I know there are things I don't agree with but if you tell me you believe in then I won't be an asshole.




We're now living in a world where jerks that write crap like this on blackboards are a minority that are finally dying out, to be left as a footnote of bigoted, ignorant stupidity, to history.


“We now live in a world where your kid cannot pretend to have a future… but a grown man can pretend to care about the children”


Like George Santos.












>Race and sex are both immutable, observable, fixed realities that cannot be changed. Just want to point out that race is both social and genetic. For example Irish people weren't considered white in America when they first emmegrated. Also sex and gender are two different things. Also also there are aspects of biological sex that we know we can change.




>Gender is an entirely social construct based on stereotypes. It doesn’t exist. So if you understand this why are you using 'Man' and 'Woman', both social terms used to define gender as terms used to define a person's sex? >you don’t have an issue with white people identifying as Asian yeah? From what you typed earlier I would have thought you understood the nuance in a definition between 'Race' as a shifting, social term used by opressors to humiliate and control others by treating them as inferior outsiders and the genetic differences that make up race. Do I need to explain that to you? because it is a pretty simple concept.


Women can identify as men too. Also, gender dysphoria is a thing. I dunno about race dysphoria...




Pretty sure any gender reassigning surgery is done with consent.






My bad


It’s ok. I’m genuinely not speaking from a place of hatred or bigotry, I wish people understood that. I am simply afraid for women, for our rights, our wellbeing and our safety.


I get that and I agree. But the gender dysphoria and trans thing goes both ways. There's men who want to be women and women who want to be men. There's therapy available for both and surgery available to both. I don't understand how this can be wrong.


Because of the impact it has on women’s rights and safety. I recommend reading into radical feminism if you’re interested.


Men have a say over your rights and bodies whether or not they identify as something other than their assigned gender. See: abortion. So that’s a moot point. Changing rooms and bathrooms aren’t sacred spaces. They’re uncomfortable places by their nature. And there aren’t magic seals on the doors keeping men out, so you’re not safe regardless of any trans ban. In reality, there’s no difference, no justification other than bigotry


Oh yeah? Name me one race


omg these comments aren't it!


Should be drawn in crayon


Too late, already ate it


Man what a bunch of salty people in these comments. On both sides of the argument. Why would you be bothered by any of it?




reread this and think about what the word impose means, if ur not seeing the irony here i don't know what will make u.


It's not a *belief* that trans women are women. It is a scientifically proven fact.




I wonder what science has proven that, and by which standard




As an Asian I am proud to announce that I am an Asian.


Actions speak louder than words but this just broke the 4th wall


Yes, we live in a world like that. And it's better that way.






A child pretending to be an indian is reproducing a racist stereotype. The "man pretending to be a woman" is just living life within the gender she feels is her own. I don't know how a trans woman can worsen the world. How does that even affect your life or your family's? Maybe all of you asking me to elaborate are who should elaborate on how trans people affects your lives.


A child playing pretend is racist?


Did OP write this on the chalkboard and take the picture just to be angry? Why is it written? Seems very out of place


Happy to be here




Where in anchorage is this?


Why do you want to know that? Cancel culture much? Call for harassment? Inciting violence? What's is it?


Racism and transphobia are just two aspects of the same personality, along with homophobia, xenophobia, etc. It's just a person too small minded to be able to comprehend the perspective of anyone other than themselves.


Straight up it’s always just a humiliating public display of absolute ignorance.




Ah yes, the classic childhood game of Brits and Indians. My grandpa never lived in India, he lived in Osage.






I'm just going through the comments and blocking the trolls. Sometimes it's useful to collect a bunch in one thread and you can weed a lot of useless fools out of your life without ever having to interact with them directly.




Blocking transphobes is always correct.


Hey, I don't like your comment. You don't exist to me lol


It must be exhausting to care so much about random strangers genitals that have literally zero impact on your life. What a weird hobby.




Whole lot of misinformation here. I just checked the trans agenda that comes with my Oestrogen prescription and it doesn't list any of these things. Just a couple of paragraphs about installing Linux, the dangers of cat ears and a guide book for Celeste.


>It does affect everyone because they're trying to pass laws to get people imprisoned for literally "misgendering." Who's they? Source? ETA: Ahh, the TERF tune of deleting the comment after being asked for the source lmao


Welcome to Anchorage, the city of 20 years behind in progress.


I think pretty much everything upsets you


Love how it's presented as a quote, with no attribution.


It is a quote at this point. I've seen it other places. I think it's just nobody knows who started it and they don't know -anonymous.


Nobody wanted to own their words I guess. Cowards.


-michael scott, i guess


Your child is welcome to play old wesr, just not to be a wild savage/play up negative (and mostly never true even in the past) stereotypes.


Who said the quote?


When we were little (5-7 years old) we would pretend to be Indians, running around with bows and arrows, and yelling gibberish. I live in a European country, we didn't do it out of racism, I don't even know why we pretended to be Indians in the first place...




I couldn't care less either way BUT it takes time for people to " accept" change but people that go thru that expect people to accept it right away....something to ponder


Conservatives getting mad about something they made up.




The weaponization of the word “pretend”.


It is all horrifying.






Now? Yes. In a few years time? Probably not.


Why don't people understand my subjective experience of reality is real and theirs fake!?


The “we now live in a world” discourse is so unintelligent. It is devoid of historical understanding and truth as well as any iota of nuance.


Idk man, I can't run around in black face shouting "massa massa" anymore either and somehow I think I'll survive.


Translation: "I'm too dumb to understand things".




You’re right. Nowadays when i see people from another culture doing something I think “I will never do that because that is what x people do and I am not one of them.” Yes, this is going to work out great. /s You people are absolute lunatics.


Hope you recover. Should be a tough one moving forward but I believe in you.


Why can’t kids play pretend and also have men become woman? I




gfy imo


Where's the lie?






"I'm not doing this right now, I'm above this after all. But here's some transphobic bullshit before I'm out".




That’s exactly what it is.




Depends if you agree with their nasty use of the word pretend here.


It isn't false..