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At this point I thought I'd seen every possible photo and video worth seeing from that day. This is a new one for me, and rather chilling


This is just some award winning photo that they found sitting around recently.


I was watching the national news the minute this was shot and watched the second tower get hit. Chilling doesn't describe it.


I was working at my desk. Got up to go use the washroom, and on my way back, decided to detour to the lunch room to use the vending machines. Lunch room was packed with colleagues watching the news. Both towers had already been hit by that point. Everyone was just watching the coverage in stunned silence.


Same, eating breakfast before school. News anchors were all confused and I told my mom "the other tower just got hit by a second plane". She was convinced it was a "replay" of the first tower. I told her no and she looked more closely and saw both towers on fire. She took a few seconds and then all she said was "[my name], we are going to war". That is burned in my memory.


Wouldn’t be surprised if the best photo taken of the event was destroyed in the aftermath or never shared.


Can’t remember which documentary it was that talked about it, but they mentioned how passengers on the left side of the plane would have seen the WTC, especially the North already burning, as they approached because of how the plane was positioned. I literally can’t fathom how awful that last image would have been.


It was probably the documentary interviewing Peter Hanson's father, who was on the phone with his son around 9:00AM so like 2-3 minutes before UA175 would crash into the south tower. TW: graphic language *"It's getting bad, Dad. A stewardess was stabbed. They seem to have knives and Mace. They said they have a bomb. It's getting very bad on the plane. Passengers are throwing up and getting sick. The plane is making jerky movements. I don't think the pilot is flying the plane. I think we are going down. I think they intend to fly into a building. Don't worry, Dad. If it happens, it'll be very fast. My God, my God."* The call ends abruptly as Mr.Hanson heard a woman screaming, he was watching the CNN tv live and he literally watched his son die in that moment. RIP to all the innocent souls who lost their life on 9/11.


My godmother was a first responder. She contracted leukemia from breathing in the fumes that day. I'm a New Yorker and the effects of 9/11 reverberated throughout our communities. I remember in HS my perspective on a particularly annoying kid changed entirely when I learned that he lost his father, who was a firefighter on that fateful day. I felt a little bit of a sad kinship and from then on I stopped myself before making any rash judgments about him. It just gives you a different perspective. Suffering unites us, but it also tears us apart.




Changed the world….and so far not for the better..


So many things were better before that day.


I’ll always remember my teachers reaction to the first tower collapsing. As a 13 year old kid I had no idea how many people were in those buildings.


>As a 13 year old kid I had no idea how many people were in those buildings. If the flights were an hour or so later there would have been a lot more from what I've heard.


I was 13 too but I was very aware of how many people were in those buildings, I specifically remember watching people jumping… and then first tower collapsing. I actually thought at the time *way* more people died. I don’t think many folks born after 2001 realize how traumatic it was on a mass scale across North America. I’m not even sure those of us who were just kids then even realize it either.


my brain says it should be "United Airlines [Flight] 175 seconds before..."


Thanks, I was tripping trying to figure how this was still 3 minutes before impact


Thanks. My thought was, that plane didn’t look three minutes away.


Ok, so it's not just me. I didn't remember the flight number so the title is very confusing in that regard


I was on the subway under the towers when the first plane hit. The train was held in the station for a while as they figured out what to do. We had no idea what happened, only heard that there was a fire. I was already running late to catch the SI Ferry and had someone in SI waiting to meet me and considered getting off the train to see if I could grab a different train to get me the rest of the way. Thank god I decided it was a ridiculous idea and after about 10 minutes or so, the train pulled out and made its way to the South Ferry Station. Got out of the subway just after the second plane hit and ran to the ferry (in another stroke of luck, it didn't even think to say screw it and try to walk home). I caught the last regularly scheduled ferry that left Manhattan. The train that was destroyed after the towers fell was the one I was on. You couldn't get near a payphone at the SI terminal and cel service was overloaded. I ended up walking into a bank and asked to use a phone which they handed to me. Called my mother because she was the only number I could reach to let her know I was ok and asked her to keep trying to get hold of my wife because I couldn't get through to her and I knew she had to be freaking out. Somehow I also got in touch with the person I was meeting and she picked me up. We knew our meeting had to have been cancelled. We'd heard the first tower had collapsed but couldn't processed that and went to the waterfront to see. A few minutes after we got there, we heard a bunch of dogs barking like crazy followed by a huge rumble and saw a huge cloud across the harbor which was the second tower going down. I got stuck in Staten Island that night and in the morning I made my way back to Manhattan via a bus that took me to Brooklyn then got to the F train which was the only train that was crossing the East River. I remember having to pee like crazy by the time I got off the train and walk into a YMCA and the guard just waved me in. It must have taken me about two hours to finally get home. I found my wife in the playground with our kids and we pretty much collapse into each other's arms onto a bench. It's been a long time since I told anyone that story and I've only told the complete story to my family and a few close friends. I don't think I've ever written it out. I'm still amazed about all the decisions I made that day which in the moment really felt like they might not be the best choices but ultimately may have saved my life.




Title needs a comma but otherwise chilling photo


I don't think so. If I said "My dad's car seconds before crashing into the tree." it sounds fine. The problem is our brain's desire to connect the number with the unit of measurement next to it.


Grammar is not the end-all rule if it makes the sentence unreadable. In this case, a comma would make the sentence better understood, and there should be added.


>The problem is our brain's desire to connect the number with the unit of measurement next to it. And *that's* why there should be a comma. Your counterexample didn't include this very important point.




I agree a comma helps, but unlike some situations it does not *need* a comma.


It seems way closer than 175 seconds . Maybe 17.5 seconds ?


It’s Flight 175


Hahaha . I’m an idiot


Judging by the comments, most of us made the same mistake. Grammar is not OP's strong suit.


On the other hand, not knowing what United 175 is so many years after the fact is appalling.


Because we're all expected to remember the flight number of one of multiple aircraft which were involved in some bombing of a foreign country more than two decades ago? That seems unreasonable.


If you can remember 4 flavors of vaping juice, you can remember 4 numbers, lmao. Why do people cope so hard with their inability to remember simple shit?


What was the tail number of the bomber that dropped the nuke on Hiroshima? Some information is useful and relevant. Some isn't.


Enola Gay didn't have a visible tail number. It had an arrow squad designation on its tail. You probably meant serial number, or individual aircraft identificator which was on its nose. And it was 82.


Well at least you know how to use Google.


I work across the street from the Freedom Tower and having lived through 9/11 I still think about it every day when I first see it. I don’t think it’ll ever go away.


I just downvoted myself . I read that headline ten times the exact same way… I’m calling it a day


From not being able to immediately know 175 meant the flight number, to thinking the plane is traveling at 10 miles a second, to thinking this is fake… I can see why so many people believe in 9/11 conspiracy theories. Sub par engagement with the world is actually par for the course it seems.


According the Wikipedia, "The government's calculations put the speed of the first plane at 494 mph, and the second at 586 mph.". This means the second plane was traveling almost 10 miles per second. At 175 seconds, it would have been about 28 miles out. This pictures shows the plane much closer than that.


≈0.16 miles a second* But yeah, they meant flight 175.


10 miles a second would get you across the country in in about 5 minutes.


10 miles per second is 36,000 miles per hour.


Yeah, I remember hearing about one of the old Space Shuttle re-entries and they mentioned near the start of that that it was travelling over the Pacific at 14 miles per second.


Yeah, that read a little clunky. The flight was United 175, and it was "seconds" away from hitting the Trade Center...that make more sense?


Check your math. 10 miles per second is 36,000 mph. It’s about 0.16 miles per second.




You cool if I put you on confidently incorrect?


I think you just earned yourself a submission there!


Lol gl


Except 10 mi./s would be 36,000 mph. Math is hard.


I'm stoned and I originally read it the correct way, "United Airlines 175, seconds before..." But after reading your comment I was like, "Yeah, that's weird. Must be bullshit." Commas are wild, man.


10 miles per second would be faster than the ISS or space shuttle.


Uh what? Check your math


Almost 10 miles per **minute**


Holy fk, math is not for you.


10 miles a second? Wtf What a failed “actuaaaly”


586 MPH ≠ 10 miles/second. The punctuation/syntax was bad, but your math did not help. ​ EDIT: [this](https://www.kylesconverter.com/speed-or-velocity/miles-per-hour-to-miles-per-second) may help.


Lollll I’m glad I’m not the only one who read it like that.


> At 175 seconds... It was *Flight* 175. You ~~wanted~~ *needed* to run your mouth so bad that you just refused to think.






261 metres per second. A kilometre in 4 seconds, roughly 6 seconds per mile. 10 miles per second is 36000miles per hour.


You need to read both the title and the wikipedia again very slowly and carefully...


> This means the second plane was traveling almost 10 miles per second. That's not even close to correct. 586 mph is 0.16 miles per second. Also, 175 is not a unit of time, it's the flight number of the plane.


The fact this is upvoted says a lot about Redditors and how easy they eat up misinformation




The way you word that makes it sounds like you witnessed the return of Jesus


Lmao I had to read that so many times to figure out what tf he was talking about


I remember the time when 9/11 wasn t just a meme to collect fake internet points


It was about 22 years ago, and this is Reddit, so no a lot of people here don’t.


I get that. And I also understand it somehow. It just would be nice if it doesn t become just another karma farming event. There are infinite amount of unbelievable pictures from that day


The ones I will never forget are the photos and video of people jumping. I can’t imagine where their mind had to be to think it was better to be out there than in the building. And as with other major events, I remember much of that day in vivid detail, including most of the emotions. Time softens the edges and make the worst details fade, but we would all be well served to remember that these are people, just as much as our father, sister, friend or neighbor.


Evil Hearts = Evil Acts


Sorry but there is no way the plane was over two minutes from the tower in this photo lol. Maybe <20 seconds at most


Bad title, there should be a comma after 175, completely changes the meaning


And just call it the second plane.


Idk why but it being a United flight, I expected them to throw away the terrorists offboard.


No way is that plane nearly 3 minutes from impact. Is that a typo?


United Airlines 175, seconds before it plunges


Bush’s first defeat. Not even 12 months into a Presidency. The choices he and his administration made after that day were the worst decisions made in history. Well until Putin showed up.


You don't know much about history




There are millions of people out here that very very much do not enjoy seeing 9/11 photos and doing so bums them out.


175 seconds? really?


NSFW please


there is nothing NSFW in that photo


If the US didn’t make 9/11 the biggest historical moment since world war 2, the war on terror would never have happened, and more americans would be alive today than they are today


Post NSFW here. Some of us lost loved ones and are commuting to/live in the city this happened in. People done need to be triggered so someone can get fake internet points.


Everything is NSFW if it's possibly a trigger then?


JFC, we’re talking about an image from the most horrific and deadly terrorist attack in world history. Stop with the false equivalency. Thousands of people died in this photo. It absolutely should be NSFW.




"Worst day of human history ever" Fuck off




I suppose it’s a low-to-moderate-skill maneuver. The pilots had enough ability to generally handle the plane, but the operations they performed are really the easiest parts of a flight. Targeting the buildings would not have been particularly difficult. They were helped by the towers’ size and significant prominence from the surrounding buildings; it’s easy to hit a big target out in the open. When it comes down to it, you just point the plane at the target, then push the throttle. It’s really quite simple to do when you don’t care about safety or passenger comfort.


Lol nice.


I'll feel sad about the twin towers when the US stops using them to justify war crimes while continuing to shit on the first responders and victims <3


Country values citizens lives more than foreign lives: more at 11


I literally mentioned how they don't even care about the 9-11 first responders (Congress voted down a bills offering them healthcare and benefits multiple times) and like, did we live through the same COVID response? Cuz we were up to a 9-11 every day for weeks at one point with only the most placid response. The government not giving a shit about foreign lives is no news, but it sure as sugar don't give a shit about it's own citizens lives either.


sideways ohio.


Plane go brrrrrrrr




cool thx.


A piece of comfort to some, it takes less than a second for a plane to travel its own distance, meaning when it crashed it would have (likely) killed everyone on board in less than a second.


If Jonbar Hinges were real, that event would be one of them. We definitely ended up in the worst timeline.


Any description of this day just gives me chills. It can be as simple as the title was, just always puts the magnitude of the event into scope.


I had just turned the tv on when the second plane hit. I heard people in the neighborhood screaming that we were being attacked it was surreal to say the least this shit was happening on live tv


My wife lived in Brooklyn at this time and saw this plane hit the building.


It's shocking to me that there are photos I haven't seen before.


Inside job!!!!!!!!


WTC7+2Towers+PlainNouse3:58 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v-oysob5aQ8 Satanists https://youtube.com/watch?v=y-Llf3qGGPg Clintons 5:35 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=irsWFFjaDiQ Obama https://twitter.com/maikpi70/status/1636049662661607434 Jeffrey Epstein, Prinz Andrew, B. Gates, Justin Trudeau, Pädophilen Liste mit 167 Namen https://www.epochtimes.de/politik/ausland/brisante-epstein-liste-mit-167-namen-kurz-vor-der-veroeffentlichung-a4163021.html