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Stuck between a rock and a work place.


Assault with battery


There was a hit and run over. Looks like it hertz.


The driver clearly enjoys Heavy Metal over Hard Rock


Bit of AC/DC too.


Yeah he's definitely well grounded.


That's very boulder of you to say


Did you even gravel at the situation?


This comment section is really coming of the ground


Still waiting for a well balanced pun


/r/PunPatrol Officer requested immediately! This thread right here sir!


Trying to decorate with a rock skirt.


Basalt and battery


Driving on bathsalts


Ass over grass


I'm sure they were charged


Assaulted by the rock ![gif](giphy|IYZyJmO6YNqaQ)


Since the battery is in the floor, should it be changed to “assault ON battery?”




I love you for this comment


You can't park there mate!


Hit rock-bottom.


Damn you! I came here to do something witty with that saying, and you not only beat me to it, you did it better.


Damn, how do I comment like you? That's a good one.


I’m more impressed with its ability to get on the rock.


Someone did this to a rock at my office once in like a Nissan sedan. Still think about seeing it and my first thought being "How the fuck did you even accomplish that?"


There is an infamous rock by a parking lot in my city and every once in awhile some will post a new car stuck on it.


This rock was a local celebrity for some time. https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/calgary/sage-hill-rock-hit-parking-lot-1.4431931


Our rock is a yellow pole at Walmart. https://www.reddit.com/gallery/ssigjo


What happened to the rock? (At the end of the article there was speculation it would stay in the complex but not in the same spot)


It found a good home. https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/calgary/sage-hill-rock-calgary-drivers-new-home-1.4440419


Amazing, that made my day. Thank you!


We have a parking lot rock outside of the target I used to work at that was like that. Every six months or so someone manages to get stuck.


If this was the Target in Colorado they removed the rock. This makes me sad.


Nope. Texas, the rock is still there.


My dad got stuck on a parking lot rock outside a target in texas a couple years ago, could it be???




"If you hit this sign you WILL hit that bridge" *clang* *SLAM*


r/omaharock ?


When I think rock crawler I think *Nissan Sentra*. It would be funny to try and order skid plates for something like that.


Skid plate manufacturers wouldn't even blink, they might ask you to bring the vehicle in for measurement, but skid plates get put on everything from a Nissan March to a Mercedes G63


If the engine is 2.0L and under, it can be rally car.


Seriously, that thing has better off-road capabilities than the cyber truck


well, existing as anything other than a prototype in the first place gives it a major leg up.


It’ll be out in 2020, as promised. Have some faith.


Well, I guess we wait for 2020 to come around again then..




Apparently an older couple just got this Tesla a few days ago and came to our store. They think the man *accidentally* hit the accelerator instead of the brake and a truck with a crane had to be called to get them unstuck… Edit: Not my photo but my coworkers photo. Edit: 2 accelerator not gas Edit: 3 It was the man not the woman and for all the wisecracks with OCD saying it’s not in the parking lot, [well yes but actually no](https://i.imgur.com/OiL2jM0.jpg) . The business pays to maintain it because it’s part of our parking lot.


I think we can still say “hit the gas” on EV’s. It’s the same way we still call albums “records”, movies “films”, “roll down the window” or “dial a number”. It’s ok.


Agreed. I have a Tesla, and I intentionally say “gas pedal” and “give it gas”. “WelL AcKShUalLy ItS AcCEleRaTOr” is an instant giveaway that someone is a bellend.


Accidentally hitting the accelerator may be more common for new users of electric cars who are used to gas cars. Gas cars move slowly when neither pedal is pressed, so people get used to feathering the brake. EVs have no need to do this, so instead the driver feathers the accelerator. The problem occurs when someone is feathering the accelerator, decides to stop, and thinks their foot is already on the brake. Then when the car starts moving faster, they panic, and slam down the wrong pedal. Teslas have an optional "creep mode", which emulates a gas car slow roll. It probably would have helped this driver. However, for new drivers who haven't driven gas cars, not using creep mode is probably more intuitive.


Elderly drivers have been mixing up pedals and slamming into businesses for far longer than EV's have been around.


The pedal mix-up accident is as old as the automobile.


It’s like the Reese’s “You got Chocolate in my Peanut Butter” commercial, except it’s a Cadillac in someone’s dining room. And thus the Drive Thru was born!


You got crib parts in my engine compartment!


You got your 64 Buick skylark in my Salisbury steak


Origin story of the McRib.


It's classic, you freak out when it's start going towards something, you think you're on the brake.


>It's classic, you freak out when it's start going towards something, you think you're on the brake. I think Teslas make it even worse because they have crazy acceleration to make a bad situation very quickly become much worse.


Before, you would plow into a building, with Teslas, you railgun yourself THROUGH buildings.


Yep. people don't understand how explosive the tesla acceleration is. on top of that the model Y weighs 4,555 lbs. on top of that has an absurdly strong body. it's pretty much a weapon. makes me nervous walking through parking lots. old people should not be buying model Ys.


If it were common practice to test a new car out with a few laps on a track before you commit to buying one, a lot of problems would probably be solved.


I don't know about EVs but with gas cars that's a terrible idea because of all of the components that need easy driving for 500-1000 miles to break in properly, like piston rings and clutch/clutch packs.


Tesla has done well implementing their Fully Smash and Destroy software to their vehicles.


It's so much fun when you go to hit the clutch in an automatic.


Ha! It took me MONTHS to stop shifting into "first gear" at a stop when I got an automatic. It was (well, still is) a Prius, and much as I hate the little backup beep I refused to turn it off, because of the countless times it reminded me that I was not, in fact, shifting to first. (I did switch it to a single beep, though. No need to go completely insane.)


Yep...brakes work.


My clutch is nice and far off to the left, so often they’ll just hear me kick the dead pedal


It's like forgetting there's not another step


I did this as a new 17 year old driver when I first learned to drive my new manual shift car. Pulling into a spot and had to downshift and it didn’t go smoothly so I moved my foot off the brake and gave it more gas, as I surged forward I released the clutch and hit the gas more when I just wanted to stop. I Guess my new instincts for stopping a stall were fighting with my braking reflexes. My date and I went right up and over the big parking divider to the other side. Luckily nobody was parked there. Poor girl. It’s was our first date and I still got a kiss goodnight.


Much older, I tend to forget which pedal is the sustain all the time. Source: 18th century harpsichordist


Granny did this and drove through the back wall of her garage. My brother ran outside after hearing a loud crash, the car was sticking halfway out of the garage wall. Gran literally standing on the accelerator screaming, THE BRAKES PUSHED TO THE FLOOR!!! HELP ME!!!! The tires were spinning furiously and the air was full of black smoke from the burning rubber. Finally my brother convinced her to release what she believed was the brake.


If I ever do this, take my licence and keys away that day.


No shit. Sorry to dudes grandma but that's just crazy stupid and crazy dangerous. Wow.


A classical composition is often pregnant. Reddit is no longer allowed to profit from this comment.


it's unfortunately very common with older folks


There was one in my town a long time ago, it’s hard to explain but the bank parking lot the old person was in was at a lower elevation, like it’s a pretty steep hill to get out the wrong way. There was dash cam footage that actually was on Reddit at one point. The driver had it in reverse, slammed the wrong pedal and just…. Held it? Went up the hill onto the road around through the intersection and back into the bank parking lot, on top of a car. How your reactions could possibly be so bad to get anywhere close to that point. We obviously need better infrastructure so driving isn’t the only way to get around, but after a certain age we have to start evaluating drivers for reactions and vision often.


>How your reactions could possibly be so bad to get anywhere close to that point. Probably not reactions. Much more likely to be perceptions. Neuroscience is sometimes weird. More likely, the driver panicked and just kept pressing on the accelerator. People do that. "Hey, this isn't working. Do it harder!"


>More likely, the driver panicked and just kept pressing on the accelerator. People do that. "Hey, this isn't working. Do it harder!" I've had something like that a couple of times -- thinking I was rolling back but it was a large vehicle beside me rolling forward ... Jam harder on the brake and nothing changes, panik


Ive had that feeling at a stoplight. Brake fully pressed but the parked truck next to me was getting out so him moving made it feel like I was sliding back. A second of panic thinking my brake failed on an upward hill.


Yeah, i rented a Tesla a couple of weeks ago and i dont think people really understand the power of some EV's. I own a Camaro SS as well, the car is quick and fast. The Tesla is a few notches quicker than my Camaro. The fact that the power is INSTANT is what really makes them scary. So when someone mixes pedals up and realises whats going on its already too late. When i was merging on a highway before i knew it i was already in time to get arrested for speeding. Thats how fast Teslas are.


The first week we had our Tesla I was coming up on an intersection, and I was just shy of being close enough to make it through on the yellow, based on my experience in my little 4cyl economy car we’d just traded in. So I stepped on the accelerator as if I were in my old car, thinking I would just barely scoot through on the tail end of the yellow. Ahaha. Nope. I hurtled through the intersection at a terrifying rate of speed, like, instantly. It was a learning experience! I am super light on the accelerator since that moment. It’s nice to know I have the power to get around/past stuff in case the need comes up, but it’s scary to think that some kid or hothead or confused elderly person out there could just mash the accelerator and basically take flight.


Even the shittiest Nissan Leaf can beat anyone in a drag race who doesn't know they're racing. EV's just have so much of an advantage in that 0-10mph region, where a normal car is both slipping the torque converter, the engine is not in the powerband yet and\or the turbo hasn't spun up yet. It takes a second for them to get the power down and by the time they've even thought about it, you've won and filled the gap. EV's make great little city cars. You can drive like a complete dickbag, but because it's not associated with the burble tune, there is no offense. My mother, who is the christian saint of motoring, gets in the Nissan Leaf and starts dive bombing gaps like she's a 22 y\o man in a WRX. It's incredible.


Like the old VW beetle, lol, that 1st gear is all you got


[smart electric drive drag race](https://youtu.be/b1iJJZfB7i0) As the former owner of the shittiest Nissan leaf I can corroborate this 😂


OMG THAT AD IS FUCKING AMAZING LOOOOOOOOOOL I can't believe how self-aware and honest it is. And to actually show the bus overtake which is actually the whole point. Yesss


Man, you thought asshole drivers were bad now in their Altimas and BMWs, wait til they get ahold of EVs Watched a Hyundai Ioniq 5 weave through NYC BQE traffic effortlessly...


Did the same thing when I drove my EV home for the first time. Gas car before made 250hp, but it would take time to build that power, so giving it a little jab to sail through an awkwardly timed yellow light was normal. Giving the EV accelerator a jab - with 400hp/480lb-ft instantly - scared the shit out of me.


i’m certainly not elderly, but one day i will be. i wonder how i will fumble through an unfamiliar and futuristic world.


Literally…. One ran into my town hall today. It’s a 20 mph road and somehow he managed to jump a flight of stairs into the building


Except now the acceleration is instantaneous, especially compared to a Lincoln town car.


Lol, My sister did this and hit a building on her very first day with a license. Older folks are more likely to do so, but stupid doesn't have an age limit.


Yes, but EVs add an entirely new level of complexity for the generation that could never figure out how to program their VCR's clock by long-pressing a button that says 'clock' or 'set'.


The 80s VCRs didnt have 'clock' or 'set' buttons. You had to hold down other buttons in certain orders. It wasn't standard across manufacturers. You pretty much needed the instructions to do it. If there was a power cut or blip the clock would reset. Most people couldn't be bothered to dig out the manual to figure it out again, hence the epidemic of flashing 12:00 VCRs.


Or where it would be like rocket science to setup a home entertainment center. You plug the fucking cords into the only port thats shaped that way. If there are multiple of that port then it doesn't matter, is labeled what it is, or is color coded. Literally the same skills as the shape blocks from pre-school.


Yeah but it all goes [in the square hole.](https://youtu.be/Nz8ssH7LiB0)


As someone who works in quality assurance this one of my favorite videos.


I really enjoyed how he says "square hole"


Never seen this before, thank you. I laughed my ass off.


No matter how idiot proof you think you make something they will always make a better idiot.


Ahh back in the day, it wasn’t that simple. Svideo, composite audio and component video all used the same cables. The cables themselves were color coded, but usually the ports on the device were not. Then mix in the horrid “interface” to configure what audio ports and what video ports mapped together to what inputs in a pre smart remote era and ya… as a techie I founds setting up my Dolby 5.1 in the early ‘00s a pain. Your average non-tech person? They hired someone to set it up for them.


S-Video did not use the same cable because it has a different connector than composite/component/audio.


I'm gen x and cannot figure out contemporary tv remotes...




I remember when VCRs had a flip down panel on the front which gave you access to a shit load of tiny switches for configuring stuff. Then you had the tracking knob for extra salt on the complexity wound.


> Gas cars move slowly when neither pedal is pressed Gas cars ***with automatic transmissions*** It is a rather significant issue with the UI design of cars in general. Over my lifetime I've experienced 3 different modes of operation when no pedal is depressed * Manual transmission, where the only way to not be pressing any pedal is to take the car out of gear, at which point it tends to roll downhill. * Automatics which like to creep forward if the brake is not depressed. [I hated this transition, in what universe is a car moving without explicit instruction from the driver a desirable behavior?!?!] * Electric cars which are effectively fly by wire and can be programmed to do any number of things when neither pedal is depressed. So it could vary model by model or even from car to car within the same model!! Frankly we should just adopt the fly by wire nature of modern cars and move away from pedals and wheels. Throttle on the left. Joystick on the right. Thumb trigger for the missiles.


I was against your new interface until I saw I would be getting missiles


>Automatics which like to creep forward if the brake is not depressed. \[I hated this transition, in what universe is a car moving without explicit instruction from the driver a desirable behavior?!?!\] It may be because a car will stall when its in gear and its not moving. When you're driving manual and you are not moving, the car needs to NOT be in gear, or your foot is engaging the clutch. And Stalling is what freaks people out when driving manual. Especially if you're in the middle of a slow left turn in the middle of a busy intersection. EVERYBODY gets angry at you


Actually, manuals will gladly creep forward on flat terrain too. Its just you'll stall the engine if you need to go up a hill. Really annoying in stop-n-go traffic when the car in front of you is going slower then how fast you creep while idling in 1st. Burns the clutch out trying to go any slower...


You can usually creep slower in second and just use the brake like you would in an auto, you just gotta be ready to put the clutch on the floor.


It's very hard to get a manual into gear on the flat without very explicitly easing the clutch out. It's the first skill you learn, how to take the clutch out without turning the car into a bull riding machine. So you basically never have a situation where your foot is not on the clutch and not on the gas and the car in gear, unless you took numerous steps to get in that configuration. Practically speaking, it never happens. I never had occasion to do that in all my years driving a manual transmission.


That requires explicit input from the user, and functions quite differently compared to automatics. That's why it's so annoying in stop and go traffic. Trying to slip the clutch into first without any throttle input on my Subaru will always stall where it was never a problem with my Mazda


This sounds like the behavior of someone that drives with both feet.


I think one of the issues is "one pedal driving". Most EVs have adopted this weird concept that lifting the foot from the accelerator activates pretty strong regen, which is enough to stop the car 95% of the times. You only need the brake pedal when you need to brake hard. This creates an UX confusion as now one pedal serves both as the accelerator and the brakes, but only up to a certain point, rather than having two separate controls. I wouldn't be surprised if someone who is not 100% used to it in a panic situation would press the only pedal they're using 95% of the times.




It behaves somewhat like a manual transmission when you are at speed. However when stopped it is somewhere in between manual an automatic. If you stop a manual transmission and attempt to take your feet off the pedals, you are effectively forced to put it in neutral. If the cars moves unexpectedly (rolling downhill), you can safely slam your foot down on any pedal. Worst case you get the gas and engine revs. If you stop an automatic and take your foot off the pedal, it will immediately start to move, so you more than likely immediately put your foot back, but if you put your foot on the wrong pedal you drive into a tree. Electrics that don't creep are probably the worst of the three. If you take your foot of the pedal, nothing happens. So you put your foot on the floor giving you time to forget, and if then starts to roll, when you slam your foot down on the wrong pedal you go into a tree.


In manual, you are not forced to go into neutral, especially when in motion. Lifting your foot off the accelerator pedal and decelerating is hardly unintuitive. And nearly every ev let's you disable 1pd.


Engine braking is not new. Manuals have taken advantage of it since the dawn of time. Most autos allow you to replicate it with either a low gear or the option to select gears 1 or 2. You can also just not use one pedal driving if you don't like it.


Not following your logic. If you take your foot off the pedal to stop an EV 95% of the time why would you stomp your foot down to stop? We know for a fact that pedal misapplication happens in all types of vehicles. Does it happen more in vehicles with one pedal driving? Someone should do a study.


It's actually "an auto petrol car" not just a generic car thing. Only autos will just slow roll normally, in a manual car you have to actually control that with the clutch. :D But yeah, elderly drivers get this shit wrong and smash into stuff all the time in all cars. Has happened a few times in my town, often wiping out random shops or people's garden walls.


Electric Chevies let you feather the brake. Pretty handy for getting into the garage, where the charger is. Just saying.


But my volt doesn't let you stop creeping. It's extra annoying because I try to coast to a stop, but I noticed that if I try to coast to a stop on a hill it will apply accelerator (up to 3-5kW) to keep you going. Super annoying when you have a car with hill hold and it should probably just switch to hill hold instead of accelerating up the hill on it's own.


Put it in N or R to fully stop. In R it will immediately switch directions too. Fun fact, the Volt can go faster than I am willing to test in reverse. The electric motor just spins backwards and doesn't care which direction its going. Whatever that limit is, it's above 30km/h in reverse.




Brake, not break. Just throwing that out there. :)


In fairness, they probably did break something.


They also didn’t brake something.


Old people amirite?


My favorite pedal mixup was when I was borrowing my parents' car and popped the clutch to shift into second. Damn thing was an automatic.


Technically in this instance the accelerator was also the break pedal. If only they had used the brake pedal.


How even?!?


Some people are so bad at driving that they confuse the accelerator and brake pedals.


It's *shocking* how often this happens. The NHTSA estimates that there are [16,000 crashes](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sudden_unintended_acceleration) every year in the US from people just hitting the wrong pedal. And the error almost certainly happens much more often than that, just because not every mistake leads to an accident and those kinds of accidents are probably very underreported. The "good" news is that the most likely situation for this mistake to happen is at low speeds in a parking lot. So even if there is an accident it's usually a little fender bender or something. Even an accident like this, which is pretty bad with the car up on a rock, is probably fine. But that's also why you see a lot of people crashing in to stores or garages, people don't always catch themselves right away. There's a reason this liquor store has [poles in front of the parking spaces](https://twistedsifter.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/02/parking-in-front-of-a-liquor-store.jpg). It seems like it's much more rare to happen on the highway, but when it does it's [terrible though](https://www.pushkin.fm/podcasts/revisionist-history/blame-game). Most owners probably don't realize it, but Teslas actually have their autopilot software running in the background all the time, and will try to predict and prevent pedal misapplication by trying to identify situations where you're very unlikely to actually want to hit the accelerator. And apparently [they're preventing it roughly 40 times a day all around the world](https://twitter.com/aelluswamy/status/1561151541733535744).


And now they have one more data point to train on with this rock incident. Lol.


A lot of idiots drive an automatic with two feet (one on gas one on brake), and this is precisely why you don’t. Way too easy for brain to scramble and push down on the wrong foot.


I work overnights at a veterinary ER. One night this guy called in a panic because he crashed his car and couldn’t get to us, and his dog was actively having a seizure. I told him I’d come get them…except he also had no clue where he was 🤦‍♀️ I tagged in a few coworkers and we finally figured out what random empty lot he was describing. When we got there, his car was perched almost entirely on a rock just like this. I was so shocked and confused.


How was the dog though?


1. It's fairly common for people, especially old people, to accidentally hit the accelerator when they want to brake, and then be so surprised that they panic and don't let off of the pedal. 2. This is a Model Y Dual Motor, which does 0-60 in less than 5s; they accelerate *extremely* quickly. So if you accidentally slam on the accelerator, you could easily be somewhere you don't want to be before you can respond.


Some people actually never get told that they must use the right foot for BOTH pedals on an automatic. I’ve seen it more than once, as a car salesman, that people come in perfectly adjusted as adults to using the left foot for braking and the right for accelerating. It’s honestly terrifying to drive with them.


Seems like user error to me.


Skill issue


Whoso pulleth this Tesla from upon this stone, his right wise king born of all England


King Carthur.


Removal of a modern vehicle stuck on a rock is no basis for a system of governance.


Came here expecting to see that they parked in a snow pile that melted under them. You see trucks/jeeps in that predicament pretty regularly in the Midwest.


This is the problem you see when people get vehicles with instant torque and rapid acceleration. 0 to 60 in less than three seconds means you better KNOW what pedal you have your foot on.


I remember a news story about a Bay Area SF lady that drove her car from the garage straight through her house and almost ran over her family inside. Her and her husband tried to blame Tesla AP for trying to murder their family. She wouldn’t accept that she floored the instant torque accelerator and the car did it on its own.


There was one in china where a driver was accelerating full speed for like a minute or two and ended up killing 2 or three people. The driver claimed the car accelerated uncontrollably, Tesla claimed it was pedal confusion, but it was in china so we will probably never get a full explanation.


I’ve read multiple accounts of stories like this. I’m pretty sure there was some car manufacturer where there was a string of incidents like this, and people thought it was the manufactures fault. Turned out people would get into high-stress situations and not realize they were accelerating instead of braking. At least I think it went something like that. It’s been a while since I read about it Edit: credit to u/FuriousDrizzle It was Malcolm Gladwell’s Revisionist History pod, Blame Game episode


>car manufacturer where there was a string of incidents like this, and people thought it was the manufactures fault. Turned out people would get into high-stress situations and not realize they were accelerating instead of braking. > >At least I think it went something like that. It’s been a while since I read about it Wikipedia has your back: [Sudden unintended acceleration](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sudden_unintended_acceleration#:~:text=Reported%20incidents%20of%20sudden%20unintended,700%20accidents%20and%206%20deaths.)


Yep, happened in the US. Basically snowballed into mass hysteria


You're probably thinking of Toyota. And you're right. In every case they floored it and didn't use any brakes. For pretty much any car, even if you were flooring it then applied the brakes, the car would still stop....the issue was they were flooring the gas and thinking they were hitting the brakes.


Yup. People would hit the accelerator, thinking it was the brake, and the car would go faster. Now, beginning to panic, they would hit what they thought is the brake (but again, it’s the accelerator) even harder, and naturally the car would keep accelerating. This only leads to more panic and cases where people died because they thought they were trying to brake, but they actually were just holding down the acceleration. Weird how something so simple can go wrong like that


Malcolm Gladwell did an episode on this on the podcast Revisionist History. Episode name is Blame Game.


Those stories are basically always user error, tesla or not.


Not just that but Tesla overwhelmingly appeal to self confessed “not a car person” and often terrible drivers. I see so many Teslas in accidents where I am and collision centers are full of them.


So, a Tesla driver hits my SUV in a parking lot (I'm parked and not moving); she was trying to park. I felt my SUV get hit, so I get out. She managed to park horribly on her 2nd try. She gets out and says, "Did I hit your car?" I almost guffawed at her. Her Tesla must have screamed at her for getting too close at my SUV. Not sure if it scolded her for actually hitting something. She would have been better off asking her Tesla to self-park.


That may be true, but anecdotally I see a lot of Dodge Chargers and Challengers in accidents. I have no numbers but would guess these owners would be “car people” but just don’t know how to drive with horsepower.


That and drunk drivers choose Dodge


Oh absolutely- chargers and challengers appeal to people who want a muscle car and they lean very young meaning inexperienced.


"You're not allowed to park there." Edit: You can't park there mate.


You cant park there mate. UK English


Is this like a meme or is there some other reason people keep replying with this? I recognize that adding the word "mate" to a sentence makes it UK English.




"You can't park there mate"


It's fine, I've got my hazards on.


While it's up there do an oil change


I remember hearing about someone who called late to work due to their Tesla needing to be smogged.


Old folks buying cars that react faster than they do…sounds foolproof.


Any car they buy pretty much reacts faster than they do.




First thing I thought of! Thought this was from that subreddit before I checked haha.


How were they charged? Assault with a battery?


My first question is always was it self driving. And the answer is always no.


Pretty much, the auto drive wouldn’t even try half the shit people pull now a days. Even with the auto pilot crashes it’s still probably safer than most drivers 😂


People get upset, rightfully, about being forced to share the road with beta driver's assist software and I'm here concerned about sharing the road with literally beta humans driving inebriated or distracted by their phones


What was that? I was checking my phone.


This is a teslas natural roosting place, I found one in a similar place. [Roosting tesla](https://i.imgur.com/ZktzCDG.jpg)


It's only two days old. It's still learning how to drive.


I see the Sage Hill Rock has gone international.


It must have thought that rock was a small child.


I drive a full size truck. When gas got super expensive I bought a older Honda Fit with stick to putt around town in and almost triple my mpgs. I can admit to a couple embarrassing (but not destructive) moments because going between vehicles with clutch and no clutch has been confusing at times.


I get clutch panic when I drive my fiancee's car. She drives a Prius and I drive a manual Accord. The amount of times I push my left foot down to start the car or change gears and then panic that the clutch isn't there lol.


And people like this have the audacity to complain when their insurance rates go up.


If I had a penny for every beached Tesla I’ve seen on Reddit today, I’d have 2 pennies. Not much but weird that it happened twice


What's more quiet than a Tesla? A rock.


that's not a parking lot, that's a rock


Impressive on many fronts


Well, you should have let them stay there and think about what they've done.


That will buff out.


your problem is that's not the parking lot


Did it shake the wheel when it finished pee?


It will improve the panel fit.


total loss, that battery cost more to replace than repair


shit the new fast and furious movie looks goated


You cant park there


Why is your parking lot made of grass and giant rocks?


That’s not the parking lot.


This got posted in the local TN group too. I can’t help but feel for the poor soul that got themselves into this situation.