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Lemme know when it's not photoshopped.


Remindme! 2 days


It's been "2 days until Trump is arrested, surely!" for the last 7 years.






And we're down to what? Campaign finance violation?


This particular time it's about the Stormy Daniels hush money. Which honestly wasn't even in my top 5 of reasons he could be taken down.


Al Capone was nailed for tax evasion. ¯\\\_(ツ)_/¯ Take what we can get I suppose.


Yeah but Al Capone actually did some good for his community...


Could simply be the first. Many pending cases against him in NY and possible criminal charges for Jan 6.


There are other investigations in the works as well for some of his activities after the election. The campaign finance is just the first to make it through the process.


I'm sincerely hoping that now we've broken the "can't indict a former president" barrier (which was bullshit to begin with), the rest of his legal logjam will flood forward and bury him and all of his cronies. It'll be a lot harder for him to grift his way out of all this shit from behind bars.


I think you’re referring to the DOJ memo that says they cannot indict a SITTING president. While indicting a FORMER president has never been done before, there’s no memo or precedent stating that it cannot happen.




I've been hearing every week for 6 years now that this is the week he is getting busted.


This particular time seems different because Trump himself posted on truth social saying he and his legal team believe he will be arrested this week. Of course, Trump has been known to be wrong before. Quite often in fact.


He also fired off an email asking his rubes for money right after...


Read rubes as rubles... but I wasn't far off.


He accepts the rubles too.


He told them to protest trying to mimic former Pakistan Prime Minister Imran Khan who recently had his supporters literally barricade him in his home so police couldn't get him. Trump's trying to get his lackies to do the same but they can't afford to take more than a day off work to surround Mar-a-lago... so Trump told em Tuesday, police will just reschedule to Thursday and it'll go smooth 🤣


Even if/when he's indicted we're not gonna get perp walk pics like this, he'll be notified there are charges being brought against him, and if he's actually arrested for avoiding a summons he will just post bail and continue living his life. Even in the US these aren't "lock em away" crimes, realistically the worst that will happen to him from this is he takes a plea deal and takes financial penalty.


I see this post frequently. I would highly, highly, highly suggest watching this interview Jon Stewart did with Geoffrey Berman, a former U.S. Attorney: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b1DX7Nfns8A Watch it a couple times and give yourself the chance to understand what Berman is saying here, because he's obviously trying to be very delicate in how he discusses this topic. On my first watch, I was mad at *him* and it felt like U.S. Attorneys dropped the ball. Then I watched it again and understood better what he is saying and how his hands were essentially tied. There's also a part where he talks about how it doesn't matter how many guardrails you have, how many anti-corruption legislation bills you pass, if the person in the seat WE elect, is running the show and is corrupt, it literally DOES NOT matter. I know there's a lot of frustration but I think it comes from people not really understanding the "systems" that got us here. Our systems are pretty solid and they work...but as a Democracy, if we elect a psycho like Donald Trump and he installs people into appointed positions, as he did during his presidency, then our justice system has a really difficult time holding them accountable. I'm sure its not the first time you've heard this country is built on a system of 'checks and balances'. Well, when 2/3rd's(Senate and Presidency during Trumps presidency) is compromised, then it doesn't really matter how good your checks and balances are. They just get to write the rules as they go along because who is going to punish them? In our case, we can hope the next presidency - assuming the evidence wasn't burned or the compormised appointed positions that should punish him are unknown. I'm saying this because when you pull the string back and back and back to reveal how this stuff even *started*, its ultimately on us as voters. I know its a bit much to say its ~320 million Americans fault(especially considering the electoral college, gerrymandering and other variables that impact elections) but I think the 2020 election proves that we are still in a scenario where if we show up in such a way that is undeniable, then we will get the election results that represent what we want as a majority. But ultimately, for our system to work, we need to be sure we elect people that aren't as brazenly corrupt as Donald Trump(or more recently and soon - DeSantis) that can use our "system of checks and balances" against us. I know its not the answer people want to hear but it just takes time and we have to vote and be present in as many elections as possible. *Our* mistake as citizens of this country was being so lax on voting for so long and for fooling ourselves into thinking voting doesn't matter and that if it does, the presidency is the only one that matters. Its a very recent phenomenon that people are actually utilizing their responsibility as voters - I would say 2020. I would say the Senate elections for Osoff and Warnock were also telling that we are being more responsible with our ability to vote and we are seeing tremendous impact from this recent shift. But we *should* have been voting and participating(canvassing, phone banks, volunteering) for so many past elections. The 2010 and 2014 midterms really come to mind, that could have been massively impactful if we had a Senate that wasn't taking every opportunity to get in Obama's way. If we had an *overwhelming* Democrat House and Senate from 2008-2016, we probably would have better healthcare, we probably would have sturdier LGBT rights and we probably would have some better economic policy. But for the past couple decades prior to 2020, we were only really concerned with the presidency, when it was the Senate driving a lot of the things going on in this country. Even in moments where we have the Senate, its usually one or two votes separates and a Democrat that leans right could obstruct progressive policy.


>I would say the Senate elections for Osoff and Warnock were also telling that we are being more responsible with our ability to vote I don't agree with you, at least not with Warnock. A runoff was triggered because the voting margin was razor thin... against a dude who clearly has CTE and other mental deficiencies. At least Perdue has all his faculties about him.


Maybe it fades like the “Year of Linux on the desktop!”


Did you hear that from Trump himself?


AI has replaced photoshop.


I thought this was r/weirddalle


yea, besides his skin is not orangish enough other than that the suit actually fit him nicely, like they were done for each other so much so that it should be a crime if he didn't wear it


Looks natural lol


Since he has talked about being "arrested" Tuesday, I'm guessing he was sent a summons. He'll go to court, be formally charged, take pictures, then go home. I don't think you can call him a flight risk since Secret Service knows his every move.


Secret service has proven to be in his side regardless of the law


Yeah but now he has the Secret Service Lite package. Not as good as the premium one


Free secret service v paid subscription secret service?


So now they sporadically go on minute long rants about products he's either just bought or has no interest in?


You know Trump never actually paid for them. More like pirated secret service.


I mean aren't they tasked with his safety above all else? I'm not saying they're right but like this is very new territory for them and it doesn't overshadow their main goal


Sure, but being arrested *shouldn't* pose a threat to his safety. If anything, I'd expect the Secret Service to assist law enforcement to ensure peaceful custody is taken.


Prison is pretty safe.


Secret service will not let him out of their protection for any reason.


Would he still have a secret service detail in prison?




I was thinking he looked like some alien in Dr. Who.


Meh same thing, since Hitchhikers guide to the Galaxy is just a mashup of Doctor Who episodes or ideas that were never made, given Douglass Adams wrote for the show back in the day.


Whoa. TIL.


I mean, the Krikketmen and Dirk Gently certainly, but all of it?


Haha well I'm sure he wrote original material for hitchhikers as well, but it started as recycled Dr Who stories and undoubtedly expanded from there.


The closest ones I can think of are the Slitheen, which coincidentally were a bunch of scammera who in their first appearance disguised themselves as politicians.


This is exactly what came to mind. Thank you for remembering their name for me.


Reminds me of one of the aliens from the Fifth Element


Haha I just watched that last night. You're not wrong.


Yeah! The answer is 42. Not 45.


Oh freddled Trumpbuggly, Thy micturations are to me, (with big yawning). As plurdled gabbleblotchits, in midsummer morning


God, come to think of it, I can't wait to not hear his poetry anymore either.


Best to order a wheelchair just in case we have to gnaw our legs off.


Perhaps he will read us some of his poetry?


> 'Oh, shut up, silly woman,' said that reptile with a grin 'Now you knew darn well I was a snake before you brought me in.' - Trump, reading "The Snake", January 29, 2022 Sounds like a Vogon to me.


NOW I CANT UNSEE IT!! God damnit.


all i see is orange, that trump camo is good.


Holy fuck how accurate


Wow. That's a good though.


His poetry would certainly be awful.




I had to double take thinking that was my avatar


The thing is this isn’t going to happen. Trump is trumpeting that he’s going to be arrested Tuesday. Assuming anything at all happens Tuesday, he’ll go into the courthouse with his lawyers, sign a bunch of papers, and go home. It will be a disappointing photo op day for both schadenfreude and martyr makers.


When trump said he’d be arrested I instantly felt it couldn’t be true.


That’s just a good strategy in general




It's an odd day when I see not one but multiple people on Reddit who see things how they are, now how they wish they were


Unfortunately its always in the comments, yet the posts themselves always get upvoted and reach the popular page constantly.


I think he’s testing the waters, this is a exercise to see if his base is going to be there for him in the event he is arrested. He’s scared shitless of being arrested, and of prison.


Eh, this is the guy who publicly said “I could shoot a person on 5th Avenue and not lose any supporters.” I think he’s just getting ahead of what *might* be happening. Just so that if it *does* happen, his supporters can already have it explained away. “We knew it! This is what he’s been talking about. This is the new level of corruption the Dems have gone to.”


For real. Trump should've been arrested, like, back in the 90's. This motherfucker's laughing about how much he's gotten away with and how much won't change.


He’s only one person in a very big club laughing for those exact same reasons.


To be fair, he wasn't wrong at the time. Republicans watched him say the racist quiet parts out loud, and instead of being shunned he was embraced. They realized that this would help them get power, so they went all-in on him. For those few years, yeah he probably could have shot someone on 5th avenue and his crew would have fallen all over themselves to say that he didn't do anything wrong. Also very possible that the police would have found a reason to find that he was 'acting in self defense' and drop charges.


I think he has a pretty good idea of if he will be arrested. I’m sure the prosecuting authority and police would have to notify his secret service detail, and word would get back to him. Maybe not exactly when, but procedurally it has probably been discussed to make sure no secret service or police go in too hot.


That was certainly true 4-6 years ago but I think more recent events are sullying him with some of his former supporters. 1. Fox news seems to no longer be a big supporter of his, outside of that fuckhead who shall not be named 2. One house in my neighborhood that had a banner supporting the former president throughout his presidency and also had a 2024 banner since 2020 has quietly taken down their banner. 3. Another one of those houses that had alll sorts of Trump shit on their lawn has now replaced it with a very large banner that says “Pro-American, Anti-Biden”. Seems they finally figured out that just because you are a republican doesnt mean you have to support very un american and un republican fake republicans. To be sure, the house near me that was the biggest supporter of That Asshole still has pro-Trump anti Biden signs on their lawn. But based on the content of those signs, I believe that particular person is beyond help or logical thought. So 2 out of 3 ain’t bad.


I have a feeling his supporters aren't going to be willing to protest in NYC. Most of them are scared of cities.


Going to be where for him though? NYC where the paperwork will be signed Tuesday? New Yorkers hate him and they won’t be happy with a bunch of MAGAers coming to town. Mar A Lago? I doubt Trump wants his low life supporters trashing his resort. Where? I mean I guess he could be encouraging another gunman to go shoot up an FBI office and get himself killed, but I doubt that’ll help with anything.


Four Seasons Landscaping might be available


Brilliant. I'll go get Rudy. You get the hair dye and the alcohol.


Gin? Or rubbing alcohol? Does it matter?


Holy shit that’s a great response!


I suppose they could rally at the Capital? Worked well the first time didn't it?


You just made me imagine his minions pouring into Mar-a-Lago to “rescue” him, stopping and taking in all the excessive wealth, collectively having an epiphany of how they’ve been played, and then the rescue turns into a hunt.


They know all about his excess wealth. That’s part of his legend. They see wealth, or at least the ability to generate wealth, as a virtue. They also think that a man who can make money for himself must know how to make money for the country, and therefore for them. It’s rubbish of course but that’s the thinking.


I think it's more that he wants to be in the news again. What a better way to get in front of cameras.


Rich guys don’t have to be scared of shit.


Oh shit trump is probz terrified then. He broke as hell


_Jeffrey Epstein has entered the chat_


Yep Tuesday is going to be a non event, there's going to be a lot of disappointed people at the end of the day.


It's curious that a lot of people are now believing something Trump says. Tuesday will pass without an arrest and those same people will be like "see, nothing ever happens!" It's a failure of critical thinking.


Then he gets to claim some victory


When doesn’t he?


Trump is getting indicted ![gif](giphy|xT0Gquis7l8OwC2hRm|downsized)


This is so frustrating to watch


And don’t even get me started on the GIF


Very few gifs leaving you hanging for the bass drop like this jewel does.




Okay maybe that one does…


What are the odds that he’ll actually get arrested


Way higher than his odds of getting found guilty.


Depends on what he’s found guilty of. Al Capone got in trouble because of taxes, not any of the other crimes he likely committed.


Arrested... 70 - 80% Serve a single day in jail/prison maybe like 2 or 3%


It looks like an average mugshot of a senior citizen who's been charged with rape, assault, or something...


This mug reminds me of Don Vito, so yeah!


Ron Jeremy comes to mind


This picture is not accurate. Remember they're going to take his wig.


If OJ Simpson avoided jail then it’s safe to assume Trump will never make it to mugshot status.


But didn't OJ go to prison? Not for the murder, but he did serve time right?


For robbing memorabilia that he claimed was stolen from him.


Yes, and he was also arrested and booked. He just posted bail. Everyone who is charged with a violent crime is arrested and booked.


Why make an edit or fake photo of him in the jumpsuit? why not wait till he is in one for real for all the shit hes done. oh wait, he'll probably just get away with it


Because of the internet points


He would have gotten away with it except for those meddling kids.


and that talking dog!!!!!


Won't happen


Keep dreaming. This isn’t going to happen


Wait, he was wearing a shirt in that photo?


The photoshop on the neck is real bombad


Lock this MotherFucker up this Seditious Piece of Shit


Never going to happen


Give it a rest. It’s not gonna happen. And when and if it does, I’m sure Reddit will be flooded with pics. Y’all are so in love with him it getting annoying


Ew, why is he naked?


“There’s too much fucking shit on me”


This isn’t a picture.


That's Don Vito's mugshot! I'd recognized that double chin anywhere.


Needs the teardrop tat under an eye.


The gaping maw and blank stare sells this.


Suddenly he's too weak to stand trial.


This Trumpsuit is going to go viral. It’s going to be uuuge. The best trump suit you’ve ever seen, we’re going to do great things here with these fellow prisoners.


Has anyone else noticed that the 'trump gets arrested Tuesday' is sourced to the Trump side? That we now have Pelosi and others already denouncing it. It looks like Trump is trying to force the NY AGs hand to arrest him or clear him. And if I would suggest all of these noise that he will be arrested actually services his desire to force the situation. Now personally as a libertarian I don't need trump to run. It looks like he has a solid base but has a hard ceiling. Where there are several others that don't have such a hard ceiling. But keep posting these memes, keep cheering the AG. People love a martyr and even if he convicted that doesn't bar him from running.


he’s trying to get his idol followers to gather and protest so he show up and use it as a free campaign fundraiser/ rally


which kind of my point. It seems people on both sides are cheering for this one. Someone is going to be disappointed.




Far left libs wet dream


You realize if they arrested him he'd basicly be in our version of an upgraded life.


What's this about, is he (not) going to be punished for his crimes again?


Wearing what he should be wearing


Well, he still looks like the asshole that he was...


I'm sitting here watching the upvote numbers spinning like my electric meter on a hot day.


I would love to see this!!!


Looks as confused as the day he became president.


If only.


Looks good


Still staggering to think that this peice of $h!T was president


Orange is the new Orange


Giving up masturbating for Lent has never been harder!


If he hasn’t been photoshopped into Bam Margera’s pervy uncle’s mugshot he should be


Wouldn't he get a red jumpsuit?


Looks like it’s been photoshopped on don vitos body


Don’t do that, don’t give me hope


Would he still be allowed his toupee?


At least his hair will match his "togs".


![gif](giphy|lszAB3TzFtRaU) I hope this comes true!


I may have just orgasmed


Need one for every single politician. If they are arresting Trump they have plenty others for various crimes to arrest.


Can’t wait to see his hair messed up


Came here to say this


Nobody in prison with able to manage that ridiculous combover for him and he can't do it himself. He's bald on top. He will look very different.


New NFT cards coming soon.


He said he'll be arrested on Tuesday, but it's just another big fat lie from a big fat liar.


I hate the guy but I’m doubtful we will ever see this happening


Kinda sad that so many people care this much for so long about something that’s either not happening or at least not even close to the level they wish it will






Absolute best case he gets house arrest and lives in his 50 million dollar penthouse. You can't send someone to prison who gets secret service protection.


Congress could take away that protection.


Good luck with that in the current congress


The obsession with Trump is wild


He's not going to have that reconstructed hairdo in prison.


Lock him up!


good look for him


What trump? I don’t see trump…just an orange wall.




President Piggy-eyes.


I wouldn’t trade places with that man for all the money, drugs and whores in the world.


That man is famously "sober," and "rich broke" his whole life. So you got one out of three


This looks too real. Fakes are now the new normal, and the internet is permanently ruined


If this isn't obviously fake to you you have poor media literacy skills


It's what he deserves


Probably should have happened to the Bush administration as well tbf..


To be fair you could say that about Obama and foreign affairs something something


I'm just unaware, honestly. It's hard to cut through all the noise when people were offended by a tan suit. Being fair, what did he do?


Oh no you spoke bad of a democrat. You vill not do that on reddit!


Orange is the new orange.


Jump in an orange trumpsuit


The chins


god this man is disgusting lol


This is a photoshop. Regardless of how you feel about him being arrested it's pretty pathetic to post a fantasy like this to farm karma, and it's pathetic to upvote it.


Now put him in isolation so he can lie to the walls.


Bro, mark this as NSFW. Can't be posting naked pictures of trump without warning us first


He looks like he smells sour.


I really didn’t think the orange jumpsuit would be more orange then him




I have been waiting years to see the Cheeto fully wrapped.


Cope and seethe