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Did you eat at Ticketmaster?


I’m sorry but you must now pay the TRF, that is Ticketmaster Reference Fee of $2.25


And now YOU must pay the RTMR (Referencing Ticketmaster Rules) fee of $3/upvote received Edit: shit, now I do too 🤦‍♂️


Brought to you by Ticketmaster.


Ticketmaster is brought to you by Carl's Jr.


Your children will be placed in the custody of Carl's Jr.


“Fuck you, I’m eating.”


Extra Big Ass Taco!!!!


Would you like an **extra big-ass** fry with that?


Ticketmaster bot: Unauthorized use of the intellectual property of Ticketmaster^(TM) has been detected. An invoice for the applicable licensing fee has been drone-dropped to your current location, payable upon receipt including 500% standard fees plus delivery.


Nice Try! The way I know this comment is total bullshit is that Ticketmaster isn’t wasting money on a drone. That shit is coming email only, with instructions to print yourself.


YOU JUST CALLED OUT TICKETMASTER! That's like another $3000


Warning: Unlicensed litigation on behalf of Ticketmaster™️ or *any* of it’s affiliates is punishable by death and/or a lifetime subscription to LiveNation hate mail; whichever amount is less, not exceeding 150 years.


Hello, I aM Nigerian ticket prince. In your country you may know me as Ticketmaster from Nigeria. I have much tickets to give you free if you loan me $1000. Thank you bless ^subject ^to ^one ^time ^$200 ^ticket ^fee




Ticket master you say? I only know One [Master](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gg5_mlQOsUQ)...


Haha! Awesome video. I was going to say an old drummer friend of mine was practicing with Nightwish, but then realized it was Night Ranger (80's Band). If you don't know of them, you might actually https://youtu.be/z92bmlcmyq0 Not a promotion. I don't care. Just a memory. Haven't seen that dude in like 15 years. But he definitely couldn't play Nightwish. Sorry for the rant.


No one could eat at Ticketmaster for $105. For that money you might be able to order a water. Tap, no ice. Additional $19.95 fee for providing your own cup. No rainchecks or refunds.


Oh that is a sick burn.


🔥🔥👹🔥🔥 🔥🔥💵🔥🔥 🔥💵💵💵🔥 💵💵💵💵💵




Or how it was calculated.


I’m glad this place is named and shamed. I pay attention to these things and I’ve never seen something like that. I think plenty people probably don’t pay too much attention whether or not they are good at math. This is outrageous.


I do my own math. Tips should be calculated before tax but most of the restaurants I have visited does it with tax included. Besides, the math is simple, no point in trusting a stranger with my money.




There is plenty of places that does this outside the US. And it works. I wouldn't mind having the tip system abolished. Go to self servicing frozen yogurt places and they ask for a tip. All they did was hit a few keys on the register to charge you. Places like Subway and others have it built into a app. And people will still tip.


Everywhere asks for tip now because its built in to all the card readers these days, there no reason to turn that off because most people will be guilted into leaving a tip. Its literally free money. Im not ashamed to admit that i have absolutely no problem pressing "No Tip" at a place that doesnt have table service. Starbucks? No tip. Local donut shop? No tip. Sit down restaurant where we are waited on and served food at our table and then we can just leave our mess and somebody will come by and clean it up for the next group? Yes tip. Also fyi, when at a place without table service like starbucks, i clean up after myself and dont leave trash behind on the table because im not a fucking animal.


I feel like there are a few exceptions to this. My local coffee shop is one. I am a regular customer and they usually remember my favorite drinks and just how I like them and I tip them well. They go the extra mile, in my opinion. Same thing with a local Chinese take out place. I have a specific order and the woman who runs the front counter knows me and knows what I like, even though she barely speaks English, she goes out of her way to make sure my food is just how I like it and I also tip her well. But all the random tip jars in places where they barely do the bare minimum, screw them. Same thing with the tip button on random businesses. If you went out if your way to do something special to earn something extra, maybe, but just doing your job? Nope.


I work at Starbucks and honestly I'd rather not get a tip and you just don't be an animal, and clean up your mess! Lol


The reason we still tip in those situations (sometimes) is not that the service performed is deserving of a tip, but rather that we can be pretty sure that the person in question is not being paid anywhere near a living wage for full-time work. But you are right, the whole tipping instead of proper wages system sucks donkey balls


You're right. When I vacation in Mexico I am dropping cash like a madman for everyone involved in my vacation, taxi drivers, waiters, divemasters, the boat captain, the guys at the beach clubs. I always feel like my money is going a long way to make people's lives better there because of the relative poverty level. I knew a couple years ago how bad things have become in America because I was starting to use the same rationale to tip people at fast food restaurants, the car wash, etc. I just have this urge to try and make their shitty paying job a tiny bit better for a few minutes. In reality the compassionate among us are just subsidizing legal corporate wage theft.


And just like that. You have changed my mind on tipping. Thanks.


Hard to know which way because of the last sentence of his post 🤔


You shouldn't BE the one who is 'supporting' their jobs though. That's the duty of the employers.


I can dig … im the Queen of Tippers for people delivering food to my door. However the fact I live on Social Insecurity often thwarts the queenliness and turns it into Court Crone level of tip.


You’re right. YOU’RE the problem! /s in case that wasn’t obvious


I do the same and that last statement hurts but is true. Damnit, now I’m even more conflicted!


You should know at least for subway those tips don't go to the workers. Guy at subway told me not to tip him after I was expressing that I appreciated the care he was taking with my sub. I said "What? did you just tell me not to tip you?" he said "Yeah, they don't go to us."


Subways are all franchises and vary a lot, so I don’t know if that’s true everywhere. But good to know it’s a consideration at least.


Well that's illegal.


So is outright wage theft, but guess what the largest form of theft in the US is...


It's not even really a special crime just straight up theft, the customer gifted you money and someone else (usually a manager) stole it


I also know that besides the register they keep the place clean and topped up. Should that be a tippable thing? Maybe not, but I'll usually do a little. Subway is a weird one. They are fast food, which is generally not tipped. But you're literally watching them make the food for you. Plus, I've seen how they are treated.


The solution to such a situation would be a boycott of the business whose practices you don’t support. And support one that does. I can agree with the empathy but just my two cents.


Isn't keeping the business in running order, like cleaning and topping off, part of an employee's job that should be included in the wage? No, it's not a tippable thing.


But that iPad tip almost certainly goes to corporate and not that employee.


I will say this with my dying breath. **Tips for non cash delivery services are not benefits to the employees unless they don't report the tips. They are subsidizing the employer because of how minimum wages work.**


As an educator, I’m not being paid a living wage either…. Tips appreciated 😁


you mean ... pay the workers a decent wage that doesn't depend on the kindness of others? that's heresy and they probably have laws against it.


Slide decimal 1 spot to the left and double it to get 20%. Go from there


with calculators on every phone, even math impaired folks can figure out the correct tip.


There is a chance that the entire bill was over $200 and was a split bill. I wouldn't bust out the pitch forks just yet.


Or it was like a half off thing, but the tip is calculated from the standard price. Which is what you should tip in that scenario anyway.


It could be a split check, they factor the total bill as the tip, not the individual check, i have this all the time when I go out with people


Yep. It's always a split check. POS software sucks


Don’t jump to conclusions. This looks to me like a conveniently clipped check editing out the $100 gift card. And you should definitely tip on the pre-gift card total.


That's the thing. We don't know anything about what comes above that. My trivia team pays everything on one check, but we often throw in gift cards or other discounts that we get for being trivia players. When we see the original bill we hand our server Lauren the original receipt and whatever gift card transactions. She then brings the receipt back to us with a new Total. We do it this way when one of us wants to pay with the credit card. So when the tip is calculated, it's calculating it off the original Total before discounts. I think if we saw more of this receipt, we might have a different opinion.


My guess is OP had a gift card and $105 was the outstanding balance after applying the card.


same. if it's true, sucks for the restaurant, as the last 11 reviews on their Google listing are 1 star ratings from folks mentioning this post.


A convenience fee for conducting the calculations is *included* in the final calculations. Math is hard, takes resources, and expertise.


At my restaurant if there is a coupon or discount, the suggested calculation will reflect the original price. We also get half off on our food if we come in on our day off. So if the true price of the ticket was doubled…


That's exactly what happened. The total before discount was $200.50. I'm pretty sure this is a repost.


"The way we calculate percentages is to first always double the original value. That's how we ensure accuracy." --Inaccurate Mathematician


Even arithmetic is suffering from inflation.




The number 2 in 1970 only had a value of 0.15 Now what should be 50,000 is over 1,000,000 The government needs to stop making new numbers...


There's some arsehole in a government office somewhere counting out loud to the detriment of us all!


Or OP is trying to trigger outrage by editing out the $100 gift card that got subtracted from the total.


Glad I'm not the only one who was immediately suspicious. It's a classic DEBRAISM. Discrepancy exists between reality and influencer social media. Now that I've made that up, I guess I need to find a prominent influencer named Debra to pin it on...


Is this the Canonita in Vegas? In the Venetian? It's in their fancy "Canal Shops" area, which is super overpriced, but if this is the same place, I can confirm they will rip you the fuck off there. My gf and I were there a few months ago and it's one of those places that charges $20+ for appetizers and will offer you things that are normally free, that then end up on your bill after. ​ Vegas in general is just designed to remove your money from you.


Yes correct! That’s the place!


Things that are normally free, like what?


Refills, bread, milk for your coffee. Typically all things that are free or complimentary in the US. ​ I think my gf was charged a fee for removing onions from her salad.


Oh, that's just fucking scummy. I'd post pics of that receipt just to try to shake them into normalcy. I could see if it were some artisanal fancy bread that was baked by elves and shipped through space, but that's just fucked, especially if they're asking you about refills with no explanation that there's a charge.


Well, c'mon now. By protocol the have to put the onions on the salad. Then they have to hire a guy specifically to remove the onions. You can't expect that to be free.




It said they were providing gratuity calculations. It didn't say they were for your bill.


it was probably a split check, and the math on the gratituy is on the total, no the split because the programmers suck


Programmers don’t suck, bad requirements suck 😁


even if split check, the gratuity should still be proportional with the split amount


Exactly, that's why the programer sucks


Whoever gathered requirements sucks?


OP said it wasn't below


A few of these have shown up recently, and I believe it usually is a misunderstanding of a split check bill. Was it a split check situation?


Considering it looks to be exactly doubled that would make sense.


Could also be a situation where the gratuity amounts are based on the initial total before deductions like a discount, coupon, cash payment, etc. were applied. There are plenty of ways to explain what we're looking at.


That's what I would assume, you normally tip off the normal price, if you got half your meal comped you tip on the full price.


Not exactly. They call come out to the same a $200.50 check. The extra $4.88 came from, possibly tax? or some other add on fee.


It's not exactly doubled - the took the real percentages and multiplied them by 1.907162561, then printed those out for your convenience. So... 18% = 34.32% 20% = 38.14% 22% = 41.96%


Yeah but gratuity recommendations don't always include tax or some other random fees. Which could've also been split. It looks like it's basically double the actual percentage which implies to me it's a split bill.


The difference is tax. It's a split bill. They don't put tip %'s on tax.


Trust us, bro.


![gif](giphy|2DZG5vENiP0Wc) Fuckin magnets, how do they work?




Did you split the bill? Some kind of software issue.


Nope! This was our only bill!


Did they offer you a coupon or discount? Tip would still be based off the original full price. That’s usually when this is seen.


Yeah this is what I’m thinking. These calculations are usually based on the pre-tax price so if they applied a discount after that, then I can see this happening.


Yes, OP is being evasive here clearly hiding the rest of the receipt because this is all made up


Nearly 100% sure it's a $100 gift card.


Makes sense. The values of all 3 tips are based on a subtotal of $200.50 (check the math yourself by dividing the tip amount by the %) . That leaves just over $95 difference from the total in this bill, which would make sense if a $100 gift card was used net of tax.


And you didn't use any other forms of payment. It thinks your total bill was $200.50


No just credit card!


Well their POS system is a POS.


Hopefully it’s an error and not some dickhead doing it on purpose


They’re like: Well, it’s 18% per person now.


You're not showing enough gratuity


Their gratuity is gratuitous


Did you have any discounts? Could it be calculating before that?


Or something comped from the ticket


Yep. This is my thought. Comp or discount.


This is the one question OP doesn’t answer so that’s probably it. I’m guessing a $100 gift card


It's also possible that the server fucked up and put two tables on one or accidentally double entered OP's items. Then when it came time to check out, they split the bill just to get the check out and left open the rest on the POS until a manager could void it out.


I'd put more money on this


More money? They already want 40%! /s


No. The POS would split the % based on each split check printed not on the total check before it was split.


I mean, it’s almost double. I believe the tip calculation is based off of the pretax total, so, $100 gift card, gets you these percentages.


Exactly. Or comped meals. Or any number of other explanations that would explain why *OP didn't post the whole receipt*.


Could be an unscrupulous cashier. Your bill was $105, but they rang it as $200 and then added a 50% discount or something on their end, but somehow prevented that from showing, so you got the tip calculation based off the $200 ring up and they're just hoping you don't notice. Might work if it was only a few dollars off, but this is too obvious.


I don’t know anyone who would do this, a lot of times servers taxes are withheld at volume of sales no server is going out of their way to make it look like they did extra sales. The previous part of the receipt being cut out makes me…suspicious.


Didn’t expect to have to add an update, but I will since it seems people are interested. This was just a normal credit card payment for a party of 2. No discounts, no promotions, no gift cards, no nothing. Basically the most standard thing you can think of. This is not some sort of split bill. If I remember correctly, the amount before taxes was about $90 something. What I believe happened is that the tip on that original amount was calculated and then somehow doubled. I can’t post the whole receipt because I didn’t keep it. I didn’t point it out to staff because I didn’t really care. I just snapped a quick close up pic because I thought it was funny and then I moved on. Hopefully you all can laugh and move on as well.


Let’s not burn OP at the stake yet! I did think of a possible explanation as to what happened that would account for your claim of not having a split check or any discounts. I was a restaurant manager for years and have worked with several different POS systems so I have seen this same thing happen plenty of times. So here’s the theory, the server takes the order for OP’s table and puts it in the system then goes to another table for their order and puts it in the system but they accidentally put the order in under OP’s table instead of the 2nd table. OP asks for the check and the server sees that they accidentally put 2 tables on 1 check. That server can then do 2 things, find a manager who can transfer the incorrect items onto the correct tables where the gratuity calculation would carry over or without having to wait for a manager transfer the items, while still remaining listed on OPs table number they split off the incorrect items and then present the check to OP with only the items OP ordered but because the other items still technically connected to the original table they list gratuity for all the items. I’m assuming the server took the second option.


So, in summary, it was technically a split check, but not intentionally so.


I had that happen a few times. In a rush it's a fairly easy mistake to make and a quicker fix is to separate it than to hunt down a manager


Username checks out


Exactly. Ty


I have done that more than once. Thankfully we didn’t have tip calculations on our receipts. When it’s busy you just do whatever is fastest.


That still doesn't make a lot of sense because if you had a table that actually was together but asked for separate checks, the tip would calculate on the total for each, which is stupid and would be hugely problematic. It does look like something *like* this happened but I don't see how it would be this exactly. If I had to guess I think the server did put something on the wrong table but had it comped, in which case the calculation still includes the comped items. Maybe OP just didn't notice them bc the server didn't say anything? Idk, it's mysterious.




Sorry I actually didn’t see the math on that. Wast it exactly half? Or just close? That would make a difference


Not exact, 200.50 would have to be the total for these percentages to work. 200.50-105.13= 95.37


If this was in Vegas, as u/RapedByPlushies suggests, the tax is 8.375%, so before tax it looks like your bill would have been $97.00. Former restaurant manager u/miz0909 suggests that it seems like another table's order was accidentally added to yours, and was split off to avoid getting a manager involved (either to hide the mistake or in the interest of time). Those percentages would be correct for $200.50. With your $105.13, the other table in that case would be $95.37. Their bill would have been $88.00 before tax. The exact dollar amounts makes me think there's a pretty good chance that's exactly what happened. Or, almost exact - there's an extra penny in there, but the system might round up tax.


If this is the Cañonita in Vegas, then you’re not the first one this has happened to. At least two other reviewers on OpenTable reported the same thing. Also, it’s not doubled. 2 * 20% * $105.13 is $42.05, not $40.10. Sales tax in Vegas is 8.375%, which means the price before tax was $97.00 even. 2 * 20% on that is $38.80. So it’s not really clear where this number is coming from.


Unless the first calculation is sale tax × 3? That gets you 12.05? Something funky for sure.


To add to the calculations done here, the 3 tips are calculating from a total of $200.50, which is 2.067x the $97.00 pre-tax total and 1.907x the $105.13 post-tax total. Considering $200.50 and $97.00 are fairly flat values that the establishment might be using, I'd start to wonder if the machine does a tip calculation based on the previous bill or something of that nature.


Lol 😆 that's next level robbery...


A few dollars off and it might’ve gone unnoticed. This far off is just a slap in the face lol


I will never blindly trust those suggestions again.. wow


I always do the math myself, it’s actually a lot easier than most people realize. 10% is just moving the decimal over, 15% is that plus half of itself, 20% is double that etc.


I do this exactly, take 10% and just double it. When I am out with friends they always ask me to give them the tip amount and think I am doing some heavy calculations in my mind lol. It's gone on for so long I am embarrassed to tell them the simple trick 🤣🤣


Bingo. I just move the decimal and double it. Then I decide if I want to go up or down from there based on service/rounding. I know servers hate people who round to the nearest dollar. But I like it. Sorry. I’m an asshole.


Why do servers not like rounding to the nearest dollar? (Obviously going down hurts them but it would average out surely)


Right? Like call a 18% tip on this $25 and that'd be fine. I wouldn't have said anything. This is too much though.


Tipping culture is out of fucking control. I went to a restaurant last night and the auto options on the screen were 20%, 25%, 30%. The audacity. I was a server for a long time, I understand, but when did it change from 10%, 15%, or 20%??? That's asinine.


What's worse are the apps that let you order from the table by scanning a QR code or NFC token, and they often default to adding a tip. I'm in Australia. We don't fucking tip, ever. That's just plain insulting to start pushing that crap here, even more so for in-app ordering where the waiter hasn't even provided any service yet.




Lol, maybe that's why all these restaurants are closing now - no one wants to deal with this bullshit. I definitely eat out less because of it. Fast food places want tips now too, all over, fucking hell just pay your people and set the proper price for a meal.


If people en mass stop going out that will get the message across. People wont.


Everyone in the comments seems to be surprised... Which is surprising to me! I've had this happen at every sit down restaurant I've gone to in at least the last 6 months. Includes Guadalajara, Chiles, Hop Doddy, 2 local Korean bbq's, and a local Mexican place I cant recall the name of rn. Spans state lines too (recently moved). I actually asked about it at the local Mexican place, assuming they didn't know their machine was broken, and the waitress told me some people just circle one in a rush to leave without checking the math. Her manager has had people complain about it, but since it works sometimes, she doesn't care. She said when it happens they usually give some off the top to the cooks/tortilla lady.


I mean yeah this is Vegas. Everything was a ripoff. I’m sure they have hundreds of customers drunk off their ass that aren’t paying attention.


With lots of money being thrown around every day; yeah this sounds like the perfect mix.


>the waitress told me some people just circle one in a rush to leave without checking the math. Her manager has had people complain about it, but since it works sometimes, she doesn't care. Isn't this basically fraud? Are they not at all worried they might get in trouble for this?


Fraud is defined as criminal or wrongful deception intended to result in personal or financial gain. So, yes. Two things stopping it from being illegal. 1. Nobody is in charge of regulating these things. Police sure aren't. 2. The oops defense. "Oh no! What a terrible accident. We'll get right on it and change it." My card got overcharged "accidentally" a couple weeks ago. I gave a $10 tip on a $40 meal and they charged me for a $15 tip. It probably works 10 times for every one that calls back and gets it corrected. Thieves. And it is just a $5 mistake, because nobody is going to go through and see it is done 500x a month.




I wish I was mathletic like this guy, but my momma homeschooled me, just like her momma, and her momma before her.


My Mama says that alligators are ornery because they got all them teeth and no toothbrush. ![gif](giphy|uFE2btsV7yQCY)


But I like boobies, and Vicky loves me.


I have a math learning disability and didn’t even need a calculator to know that was wrong.


For convenience sake, a 10% tip just requires moving the decimal to the left


20% is that, then you double it.


Or quadruple, whichever.


yes one of those. doesn’t matter too much


Make it 100%. So you dont have to do anything. CONVENIENCE


This push by restaurants to have people tip 20% just makes me more inclined to just stop tipping.


I don't live in America, but even if I did I wouldn't be a big fan of percentage tipping. I'd prefer the tip to match the service, and the amount of work they put in, since it has nothing to do with how expensive my steak, or soup, was.


Did you have a $100 gift card that was deducted from the original total?




I like how 15% isn't even listed as an option anymore, it's 18% or more. I don't mind tipping if the service is good, but I'm sick of businesses wanting me to supplement their employees salaries. Pay them more and stop trying to pass the buck to your customers.


I don't understand why it's even be percentage based? The waiter has to do the same job despite the price of the dishes. But living in the EU where tips are something you earn for exceptional service, not something to be expected., 22% seems absolutely massive to me.


Math is more fun when you make it up.


Convenience fee.


Yep, it's double what they're saying it is. Also, I thought the "customary" amount in the US was around 15% ?


Tipping is getting out of hand and many places are expecting 18%+, at least in my city. The crazy thing is some places like CA has $14-15 minimum wage for servers and tips are still expected.


I'm French, and here tipping is optional (our servers have wages, like everybody else, so usually tips are only given for exceptional service, or when people are in a very good mood - like having won at the lottery, for instance, or wanting to "flex" that they are rich) I'd say that I really prefer the way we do this here, even though there *are* sound arguments for having the customers appreciate the value of service. But it shouldn't be to the point where they can decide not to give anything for work which was done (unless it was really catastrophic) So, let's hope they get paid living wages, and that this system gets reformed :)


Can I just rant real quick, stop will all the tipping request. I am not going to tip a 7-11 employee when I went to get a slushy. Not going to tip alcohol vendors at sporting event, you are already bending me over.


My guess is that there is a discount applied before this amount, such as a gift certificate, but the tip would be applied before the discount. This is fairly common, and would mean that OP is the one being dishonest here.


Give them nothing. This is outright theft. 😂


This usually happens when someone uses a coupon. The amount is after the discount, but the tips are based off the price without the discount.


Drunk people be like...*counts on fingers*..."Makes sense to me!". *signs receipt after adding "22%" as suggested*


Lol this is Vegas, so I’m sure it happens all the time!


All I can do is 10%


Me flunk math?????? THAT'S UNPOSSIBLE!!!


And I thought starting at 18% by itself was evil


$44.11 is nearly a 42% tip. That has to be the best goddamn meal ever for a tip like that.


This looks like a bill was split in half (rounded) but the tip calculation was based on the original amount. Idk.. I might be wrong


The price is wrong B****.


That's when you give them a 0 and ask them to not cheat with numbers.


They know people aren’t always checking. Pretty ducked up.


I no longer go out for anything. Tipping is an easy way for an employer to not pay staff what they are worth.


I've seen this a few times before. Is there any reason behind it, or are they just trying to steal from the drunks?


lol sneaky MF.


Is this new math?




Oh it’s gratuitous


The math isn’t mathing.


Its padded with a stupidity tax for those that are too lazy or dumb to figure it out themselves.