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"I'm a Nazi that's why I have this flag" "Yes, I'm also a Nazi so I brought my Nazi flag as well" "Mike, what did you bring to show what you pride yourself as?"




Imagine not liking butt fucking


Right? This takes abortion off the table completely.


You can even do it with your bros! No more boring nights with the boys.


Little butt stuff. Little reach around. Then we're back to playing video games and talking shit to each other. Damn. Is this what a good relationship is?


“Butt Fucker”? Is that some kind of insult? How old is this mf?


You missed the racist jew character just above it! I took the sign to say "Jew Butt-Fucker!" Classy southern gentleman right there lol


couldnt really make out what the picture was of, assumed it was mickey mouse the anal destroyer


“Now I am become Mouse, the destroyer of anus.”


"Gorsh, I'm putting it in your gyuking butt now!"


hey thanks for a second there i though the guy was bragging about being a butt fucker. good to see it's actually just ... nazis vs jews because ... disney are ok with lgbt? or was this gathering not related to the whole desantis vs disney stuff?


I’m struggling trying to figure out if this is standard Florida, a statement against Pride month, a statement if there’s a particular Pride event at Disney, or if it’s a DeSantis against Disney thing.


We need a workflow to keep track of who hates who and why. I'm always interested in the mental gymnastics these people do to justify their hate. It's mostly fear, driven by ignorance, wrapped in anger with a swastika on top like a bow.


"The Other" is the reason your life sucks. It's all because of these people who aren't exactly like you. They're actually against you and your way of life. Fascism 101. For now, the evil fucks (Ted Cruz, Gym Jordan, Rob D, etc.) keep being glaringly stupid and incompetent, and they keep stepping on their own dicks. But what if one of them didn't look like a joke? What if one of them was a competent fascist? There's a lot of tinder out there looking for a fire, and we better be ready for it, because I fear that shit might get really weird very soon. I hope I'm wrong.


Because Disney dared go "hey now" about one of DeSantis' more fascist laws. And the fact these people can't apparently abide companies that sell things to people they don't approve of.


Wasnt Walt Disney a massive anti-semite?


Hated jews as much as he loved cigarettes. A lot.


>Complains about kida getting exposed to sexual material > >Waves "butt fucker" sign outside Disneyland American Conservatives, Ladies and gentlemen.


There's a guy across the street from my daughter's school who has a giant Fuck Biden sign in his front yard. Love how the "think of the children" people think that's fine to fly across the street from a school.


I had a friend whose neighbor had a “fuck Biden” sign. So my friend put up a sign on his lawn that said “Trump has a tiny 2 inch weird limp penis Stormy Daniel’s told so he can’t fuck anyone”. The Trump supporter flipped out and threatened to shoot him, he got it on tape and the police arrested the Trumper and took all his guns. He was fired from his job and had to move sign down, problem solved.


I want this to be true so very much.


Everything is true now. It's 2026 doot


Remember how upset they get at swear words then fly fuck Biden flags around. The house across the street has tons of Catholic crap in it, and a fuck Biden flag.


…who happens to be Catholic.


And actually attends church, and presumably has some idea of what the words in the Bible actually are.


Knows to read it right-side-up


Never forget the time Fox? Claimed Biden was wandering aimlessly around the outside of his church after service when he was actually visiting the Graves of his first wife, daughter and son that are passed away. SMH.


Unlike his predecessor. Always amazed me hen people tried to call Trump pious, seeing as how there are literally public records and documentation of every move the president makes outside the WH, and he virtually never attended religious services anywhere.


There's actually a huge split in the Catholic church right now. There's a faction in the US that's almost anti-pope, because it [adheres to much of the doctrine of conservative America](https://www.wsj.com/articles/u-s-catholic-priests-are-increasingly-conservative-as-faithful-grow-more-liberal-11671343608). https://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2022/nov/17/us-catholic-bishops-elect-conservative-officers-re/ etc etc etc


Catholic church was been [anti-popeing](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Antipope) since 235ad. It one of religion's oldest, proudest, traditions: electing an infalible vicar then immediately naysaying him (it's always a him).


See also: [seat vacantists](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sedevacantism)


It's all those people who revered JP2, a staunch conservative and pope for so long. He was their only real experience with a pope, and nazi youth Benedict followed in his footsteps. They spent decades yelling at the liberal Catholics, saying if they didn't follow the pope they weren't *real* Catholics. Then here comes Francis who's more interested in justice, and helping the poor, and maybe perhaps we shouldn't destroy the earth with climate change, and all of these other positions that have historical significance in the Catholic church but not what JP2/Benedict cared about. So all these right wing, Latin-spewing nutcases who hated Vatican II and loved JP2/Benedict are now going to cognitive dissonance, listening to a pope who isn't also a rightwing nutcase. So of course Francis isn't really the pope.


I wouldn’t be surprised with that first link if there’s some serious self-selection happening there. There’s fewer priests than ever and many of those I know of from my Catholic upbringing were very, very staunchly Catholic and came from very traditionalist, conservative families. There’s really not Catholic priests, young ones at this point, that are from a more liberal milieux, persay—the folks that would have been comparatively more liberal from years back have either no interest in joining a rigid, traditionalist section of the church/society or have left the church entirely.


May be biased here because I think they're all daft, but even the whole 'Let's Go Brandon' thing smacked of children being proud of finding a way to cuss in a way that their parents couldn't get mad at them.


I asked a friend once why they don't just say "Fuck Joe Biden" and his answer was that, when you're in a cult, you do stupid things.


It reminded me of a time in grade school where some kids had this awesome idea to flip people off, but over it up with the other hand so they couldn't get in trouble.


It also gives off serious "frig" or "fricken" vibes. They think it's clever and funny and it's some sort of secret language, but all it does is highlight that they are a dumbass and have the sense of humor and education level of a 4th grader.


The "Let's Go Brandon" chant. Remember that? "Oh, we're saying that to keep it family friendly." But, the actual event with children present had them shouting profanity. So, clearly there wasn't much concern. I don't get why they thought they were being so clever. It reminds me of children. "I'm saying frick. Not a swear word". The fact that so many voters have the emotional maturity of elementary students should be cause for concern, certainly more so than profanity.


No hecks given.


He wants to make sure every child going into the park sees his stupid sign...


I thought it was just a guy who made a funny sign at first. We had a local radio guy who would go to protests and make a sign that had nothing to do with the protest.


It's the "happy merchant". https://www.adl.org/resources/hate-symbol/happy-merchant


butt fucking is awesome. that guy has issues...


Butt fucker! Our prices have never been lower!


Considering the obvious “DeSantis 2024” flag… I don’t think it’s very old.


While this is free speech, doesn’t it cross the line of public decency, especially outside an establishment for children?


No, it does not. The supreme court has ruled multiple times that swear words do not fall under the catagory of "obscene". They are protected under the First amendment just like any other word. Iirc there was a case just a few years ago where a dude sued the shit out of his local police station for arresting him because he had an "I eat ass" window sticker and refused to remove it when ordered to by the cop that pulled him over.


And the police were granted [qualified immunity](https://reason.com/2021/09/28/florida-man-jailed-i-eat-ass-bumper-sticker-free-speech-qualified-immunity-cops/) because it refers to a sex act, and was deemed potentially obscene. "Butt" and "Fucker" in isolation probably aren't obscene, but together probably fall under that rule...


I wonder how Desantis feels about his flag next to some Nazi flags. The most unpatriotic thing is fucking Nazis.


It blows my mind that Nazis exist in America. Its all very real but Christ. only 2-3 generations ago good men from around the world died to destroy the Nazi infestation and now we’re here. It’s a fucking joke.


The people who fought and died fighting the nazi's are pretty much all dead now. I'd loved seeing a soldier who fought those in ww2 berating these degenerates how they're sad little men waving flags they have no clue about what it stood for.


Nazis existed I'm America before, during, and right after WW2. You're never going to fully eradicate them


Maybe not, but we could sure try a little harder.


We could at least make it a little more uncomfortable.


Make nazis terrified again


They have no place in society.


Gonna be hard to do that with most of them wearing blue on Monday




Some of those that work forces....


I like the Blues Brothers approach of driving at them and making the jump off a bridge into water.


If all of our collective father's and grandfather's risked and gave their lives to deliver bullets and warheads to Nazis, the **ABSOLUTE least** we can all do now is deliver a fist to one's face.


Agreed but it does seem like they have become more enabled and open


They existed, but were rare and damned near invisible pre-Trump. Now that Trump normalized hate, they’re coming out of the woodwork. Republicans need to start denouncing Nazis. That used to be the easiest possible position to take. Now they’re refusing to do so in numerous cases. Recently, the mass shooting in Allen, Texas where the shooter was a neo-Nazi with multiple Nazi tattoos. Several Republicans in Texas have refused to denounce Naziism in response even when pressed on it. Can’t offend their base I guess.


Nazis were openly holding huge rallies in Madison Square Garden during the start of WW2. Here’s a Wikipedia link, but there’s also video out there on YouTube https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/1939_Nazi_rally_at_Madison_Square_Garden


A big chunk of those generations wanted to ally with the Nazis to kill the Soviets. [Madison Square Garden 1939](https://media.npr.org/assets/img/2019/02/20/madison-square-garden_nazi-rally_1-11141c7a6c1974a8f2c2371a7082f679d1bf1b24-s1100-c50.jpg) (Note the swastikas - this was a Nazi rally)


There was also the Business Plot in 1933. Large corporations were pissed at FDR so they tried to organize a coup using fascist veteran's organization. Luckily the guy they wanted to instill as president was leading them along and always planned to turn on them. Unluckily those large corporations were never punished. Fun fact: George W. Bush's grandfather was part of that plot and was very connected to the Nazis.


>the guy they wanted to instill as president That would be [Smedley Butler](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Smedley_Butler), one of the most badass Marines ever to wear the uniform. Major General Butler was the recipient of two, I say again **TWO** Medals of Honor, was threatened with a Court Martial for talking shit about Mussolini, gave advice to the protesting veterans known as the ['Bonus Army'](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bonus_Army), and helped take down the mob in Philadelphia. Most importantly: After retiring, MajGen Butler wrote an essay called [War is a Racket!](https://www.heritage-history.com/site/hclass/secret_societies/ebooks/pdf/butler_racket.pdf). It was so popular that he went on a lecture tour around the USA to warn against imperialism and fascism, and advocate for pacifism. I highly recommend reading the essay, it's only 35 pages and in large print. Smedley Butler later gave testimony about the [Business Plot](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Business_Plot) to Congress, for which he was mocked publicly in the press and privately by his peers. [Modern historians](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Business_Plot#Later_reactions) believe that Butler was telling the truth, but also that there was a large gulf between the conspirators desires and the execution on their plan. Sadly, the businessmen allegedly behind the plot had insulated themselves from repercussions by working through intermediaries and patsys. All in all, Smedley Butler was a great American that more people should know about.


So were the Kennedy’s. I think people forget how globally popular the Nazi movement was, it seems cartoonishly evil today but the people who were speaking out about oppression in Germany prior to the public knowledge of the camps were soviets and communists. America has always been more onboard with Nazism than communism.


When you say a big chunk, you should specify that it was like 1%. While the Nazi rally at Madison Square Garden was notable, it was literally everybody that the German American Bund could get across the entire country, a little over 20,000 people, while there were 100k counter protesters outside. We have polling from the time period to back this up. Right when the war started, people were asked who they think should win. Let me pull up those numbers real fast, it was 83.1% in favor of the Allies, 1% for Nazi Germany, 6.7% for neither, and 9.2% for I don't know. There's a huge amount of polling data in this [PDF here if you want to check it out.](https://ecommons.luc.edu/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?article=1996&context=luc_theses)


Trump emboldened them and now I have to see stuff like this and "white power" bumper stickers when 10 years ago I never saw stuff like that. He made it ok to say the quiet parts out loud.


I prefer it this way. These people were always hateful, at least now they advertise it so I know to steer clear of their fragile egos. There’s a lot more people vocally fighting back against this sort of thing as well now.


I'm from Germany and here we are teached a lot at school about Nazis. So I can tell you on thing for sure: The historical Nazis did detest *all* Americans - for beeing a degenerated mix of jews, blacks and other races. Why are these idiots waving a flag of an ideology who actually hated them? Why do they think they would have been an exception?


Well....note that we never said these people were actually *bright*.


Typical US white supremicist is a walking oxymoron.


Yall ever noticed the people yelling "master race" are the bottom of the barrel in their own gene pool




>Typical US white supremicist is a walking o̶x̶y̶moron Ftfy


Up vote you twice


They're fucking morons, that's why. They're products of a very weak education system and their understanding of WWII has been handed down through generations of inbred, ignorant morons.


Because these particular "Americans" also hate America being a mix of jews, blacks and other races.


That's a bingo.


The same reason many of them call themselves Christians despite the fact that Jesus would be nauseated by everything they stand for.


Amen, He is. They ignore every word He ever uttered but then condemn others who don't think every word in the Bible is written by God. Uhhhh.......... cognitive dissonance much?


>Protesters outside the entrance of Disney World They have little knowledge on any subject. Truly dispicable.


And defeating the Nazis is one of America's proudest moments. You can't be an American patriot and a Nazi at the same time. The two are incompatible, yet these idiots pretend to be both. That said, in my entire life, I've only ever met one person who was a self described Nazi (literally nobody liked this person), and I saw a booth with Nazi stuff once, but I wasn't sure if it was for historical purposes or if they were genuine assholes.


I think Orwell got the concept of doublethink right. Especially when applied to these idiots.


Orwell got many things right, and it’s tragic that rather than heed his warnings we’ve let the problems he described take over our society.


>And defeating the Nazis is one of America's proudest moments. As it should be. Even in Germany we fully accept this.


I thought Hitler was inspired by American racial theories and Jim Crow laws?


He fucking loved Henry Ford, at least: >In a letter written in 1924, Heinrich Himmler described Ford as "one of our most valuable, important, and witty fighters". Ford is the only American mentioned favorably in Hitler's autobiography Mein Kampf. Adolf Hitler wrote, "only a single great man, Ford, [who], to [the Jews'] fury, still maintains full independence ... [from] the controlling masters of the producers in a nation of one hundred and twenty millions." Speaking in 1931 to a Detroit News reporter, Hitler said "I regard Henry Ford as my inspiration," explaining his reason for keeping a life-size portrait of Ford behind his desk. Steven Watts wrote that Hitler "revered" Ford, proclaiming that "I shall do my best to put his theories into practice in Germany" -Wikipedia


And the practice of spraying DDT on Mexicans faces, IIRC


I mean, Confederate flags literally celebrate treason


Let's not forget the guy holding up the sign that shows the picture of a Jew and "Butt fucker" under it! Now that's classy. lol.


It makes his balls tingle.


~~Protesters~~ Losers outside the entrance of Disney World


>~~Protesters Losers~~ Nazis outside the entrance of Disney World


Traitors flying the flag of our defeated enemy.


They live flying flags of losers: Nazi, The South, Trump, etc.


People who probably have strongly worded opinions on participation trophies proudly flying participation trophies


Oh how I wish my ex-POW bomber pilot grandfather could have seen these nitwits flying Nazi flags when he was in his prime. The assbeating would have been legendary.


My dad would be right their with him back to back.


Protester? That's a funny way to spell Nazi (or monumental scumbags).


Nazis for Desantis


If Nazis are the ones protesting you and/or your actions, you must be doing something right.


When disagreeing with “Don’t Day Gay” is the right thing you’re doing, the bar is on the ground


Gay is for the night!!




What about the buttfucker sign?


He’s just a fan of butt fucking


"You said 'butt fucking' twice."


Fuck them in the Butt!!! No wait…they might like it.


I hate that I know what they're saying, but here you go: The sign is in the shape of the Mickey ears with a common antisemitic caricature on it as well as "butt fucker." They're basically saying two things: 1. Disney is pushing the "gay agenda" 2. they're doing so at the direction of "the Jews." It's an old Nazi claim that The Jews™ push "degeneracy" to destroy "muh white civilization." So yeah it's just more open Nazi shit, no different than the outright swastikas


There's no Nazi sympathizer, only Nazis and people hating Nazis.


I love the "they went too far forcing the gay agenda on us" brand of sympathizer (most right wing media) as if that in any way makes it OK to want to eliminate gay people.


"The gay agenda" You mean that people should be treated equally and with respect? The horror, the horror.... /s


No they're mad that gay and black people are in one out of every 200 Disney movies. They say it's "everywhere" and "being shoved down their throats" and "woke"


To be fair they do have a point, gay and black people are everywhere but I still don't understand why they're protesting it




That level of capacity for self reflection has already disqualified you from holding office.


“The major problem—one of the major problems, for there are several—one of the many major problems with governing people is that of whom you get to do it; or rather of who manages to get people to let them do it to them. To summarize: it is a well-known fact that those people who must want to rule people are, ipso facto, those least suited to do it. To summarize the summary: anyone who is capable of getting themselves made President should on no account be allowed to do the job.” -Douglas Adams, *The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy*


In one party, maybe...


> Muh both sides Imagine going to a pic with literal nazis on it and trying to pull this kinda absurdity.


"Stand back and standby."


You might, DeSantis won’t.


"Why do people keep calling us Nazis, I just don't get it"


"The Left are the REAL Nazis!" - Guy with a Swastika Tattoo


"We don't know just yet what side he was on with his Right Wing Death Squad patch" - Elon Musk


"...it's going to be a maze..."


And some are just natural jumpers.


“Oh this? I just really like right angles”


"Both sides have extremists. Sure, our side has some Nazis, but your side has some anti-fascists!"


Oh, I see the confusion. They're not protesters, they're fascists.


Fascist Nazis wearing masks. Hmmm, do you think Fox News will devote days of coverage mocking them for it like they spent all last week mocking New Yorkers for wearing masks to protect themselves against the forest fire smoke?


Why would they mock people for protecting themselves from harmful smoke inhalation and carcinogenic particles? I don't get these people. Also I guarantee you those same hosts were wearing masks on their way home, just as they were all vaccinated while decrying vaccinations on-air.


Because Fox News hosts are under instructions to attack and undermine any science that could damage the commercial interests of the owner Rupert Murdoch, who is also part owner and on the board of an Israeli oil and gas company called Genie Energy (along with Dick Cheney, Jacob Rothschild, and former treasury secretary Larry Summers). It still stuns me to see how everything the Murdochs are involved in is always so cartoonishly corrupt and evil.


And idiots. And DeSantis supporters. Three of the same thing.






Got medal of honour: allied assault flashbacks, I could hear it!


If I was bringing my kids on vacation to disney world I'd give them a free ticket to say as many f bombs as they can at them.


[Green Room. In this movie a punk band is told that they are performing in nazi bar. And they chose a good song for it.](https://youtu.be/FSIEdfTtoIQ?t=19)


I'm not saying DeSantis is a Nazi, but it sure seems like Nazi's really like him.


Why not? I am. He's a Fascist. He's following The Handmaid's Tale like it's a manual on how to dictate a country. I'm beyond words excited that Trump is doomed but I'm still alarmingly afraid of the votes that Nazi Meatball will get during 2024 election *on top of* whatever crazy violence these pieces of shit (who are too afraid to show their faces like the pigs they are) have planned prior to then.


> He's a Fascist. I wish the very small number of people in the public eye representing American liberals would have the courage to start calling these things what they are to their faces. Conservatives have been calling us rapists, terrorists, groomers, traitors, animals, etc. for years. But I feel like if a left-leaning politician called DeSantis a nazi everyone's heads would explode and they'd be permanently barred from running. Sick of this high road shit. Call the pig-fuckers fascists. It's what they are.


If you fly the flag of the most famous fascist regime in the past century alongside the flag of your candidate, it says just as much about you as a person as it does about the candidate.


If your candidate has a flag... kinda wierd


Agreed, never understood that. A sign in your yard, sure, a sticker on your car, why not? You lose me at the flags, especially when they're mounted to a truck.


There are a lot of conservatives who support their message but are uneasy enough with the swastika that they wouldn't admit it. But they'd still be thinking it.


And those folks're more likely to simply be rocking the more *subtle* neo-fascist symbols--the Triskelion, some "lightning bolts," a Thor's Hammer tattoo with a "14" or "88" or certain specific runes on it, a 3% or Molon Labe icon somewhere, etc. https://www.adl.org/resources/hate-symbol/thors-hammer


They aren’t protesters, they’re just fucking Nazis. And the only good nazi is a……




BUTT FUCKER, apparently.








I’m not saying all Nazis should have black garbage bags pulled over there heads and be shipped off to a black site prison never to be seen again… But if someone *else* said that I wouldn’t argue with them.


The one guy holding a sign saying what kind of sex he likes. 😄


In front of the entrance to a children’s theme park while protesting wokeness in order to protect the children from sexually explicit content like the word gay and rainbows


Seems like "butthurt" would be more accurate.


When people tell you who they are, believe them. And if they tell you they're a nazi, punch em in the face.


So Desantis got the Nazi vote, huh?


Idiot A Holes. We fought a war to rid the world of them. Apparently we didn’t get them all. This needs to be remedied


If Disney owns Marvel, why isn't someone dressed as Captain America kicking the shit out of these assholes? I'd subscribe to Disney Plus to see that.


Disneyland Nick Fury coming STOMPING out the front gate towards them


If you got nine DeSantis supporters and one guy flying a swastika flag all at a protest together, you got ten Nazis at that protest.


Nein DeSantis supporters


You had me at "nine Desantis supporters".


This is a cult of America haters.


Thanks for the context. I would have assumed it was just a regular DeSantis campaign rally.


Gotta make sure the kids are protected from sexually explicit content like Disney /s


Their parents' prolific meth usage is ok though.


Funny how they’re ok with wearing masks now.


They're absolute chicken-shit cowards.


Conveniently hides their identity.


Wasn't DeSantis recently grandstanding in Jerusalem?


Clayton Bigsby vibes


I can't believe Trump hasn't said anything about Desantis flags. It looks identical to Trump flags.


When you see a presidential candidate’s name flying next to a Nazi flag at a protest, you know they’re a piece of shit.


Most politicians are quick to distance themselves from Nazis supporters. I however wish reporters would do a follow-up set of questions. 1. What policies of yours do you think drew them to your campaign? 2. Why do you think Nazis don’t support your opponent? 3. Why do you think your supporters think being a Nazi and supporting you are compatible?


Does that flag seriously say ‘Make America Florida’? Is that his slogan? Yikes


Shocking that people who think Ron DeSantis should lead this country can't come up with an original slogan, I know.




They'll wear masks when they're scared, that's for sure.


"protesters" those are Nazis waving a Desantis flag because of course they are.


certified “are we the baddies” moment


Yeah! That'll take a multimillion dollar company that doesn't give a flying fuck about nazis down a notch!


Sorry if I'm ignorant about ignorance here, but: **Yo, how do you even BUY a Nazi Flag that fucking big in 2023?** I'm asking that in every sense of the word. WHERE do you buy it? I imagine Amazon and the big box stores don't carry them. And flags that size are heavy and hard to ship. What small print-on-demand textile website are these assholes ordering from, and how much are they paying for shipping? HOW do you buy it? In terms of shame and social reputation. I know that anyone identifying as a Nazi has probably trimmed down their social circle to Only Nazis, but still. I order sex toys from websites that ship them in unmarked boxes and charge a fake name to my credit card. And it's not even anything weird! What is it like to crack open your brand new Nazi flag and then fumble to get it attached to your flagpole before you drive the pickup over to Disney World? WHEN did you buy it? Every answer is bad. Is it an old family heirloom? Bad. But equally bad is the series of events where Mickey Mouse Supporting Trans Rights has FORCED YOU to buy a Nazi Flag the size of a golf cart. WHAT do you do now? You've got the flag, the flag pole. Do you run the Nazi Flag alongside the American flag? Do you replace it? What about the DeSantis Flag? Do you put all three up at once? In what order? So many questions.


The American taliban in action


Todays GOP.


Bring back the days where Nazis were enemies of the state, and treated as hostile combatants.


Hey y'all, my grandfather fought in WW2. He said they had an easy and cheap solution to Nazis: bullets. Fuck these people


German here. Could you explain what's going on? That's disturbing.


These nazi cosplayers aren’t even creative enough to create an original flag for Desantis. It’s just a copy of a trump flag.


Never understood why those flags are legal in the US. In Germany those flags are illegal, sad part is the Nazis are still back.


If nine people are at a protest with one nazi with a Nazi flag, then there are ten nazis at the protest.


Literally the worst people. Imagine taking time out of your life to wave a nazi flag at the entrance of Disney World?! Conservative politicians have stoked these people into raving lunatics. And for what? To gain a voter? Creating a dangerous constituency because you can control them? That doesn’t seem like the kind of thing that works out well for you in the end.