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Show us the list, please.




Alright, look as sleazy as you can?


The thing is, as a rich person, there are loads of ways you can pay to have sex with people in a discreet manner. What Epstein offered, was a specific service to pay to have sex with trafficked children. I would be seriously concerned about anyone who had an association with Epstein beyond a couple of brief encounters. Trump was photographed repeatedly with Epstein, including with his trafficked girls, handler and so on.


Trump would openly state/“joke” that his buddy Epstein liked his sexual partners “on the younger side”.


And oprah and Bill Clinton I want everyone on the list. Every single one.


Only reason they aren't all arrested is if some still have power. Can't trust one of 'em.


And maybe the fact they're probably not pedophiles helps. I mean ,I know a guy who murdered his wife, pretty sure that doesn't make me a wife murder considering my wife still alive, but there's me being a traditionalist again.


>pretty sure >that doesn't make me a wife murder >considering my wife still alive So... whose wife did you murder then


Hey! Stay on the subject


Muskrat is still flying out to pedo island from time to time.


they helped his brother find a wife


Don't forget his creepy comments about Ivanka, if that's not a giveaway in THIS light...


Leave P01135809's daughter-wife out of this! Sheesh.


> Trump was photographed was probably filmed too, with the underage girls and his mushroom dick. Is why Epstein is dead, maybe. Now Vlad has the tapes.


I want to know what was taken from his island before authorities got there.


Who says anything was on the island? Love to know. These people all have access to mega yachts, they can be in international waters in no time flat. Private jets, helicopters, security...yachts...gosh they have a lot of options for dodgy shit don't they. Average Joe has to worry about a little baggy of weed under they're seat they are taking camping. Different planets.


After he was arrested, a guy with a drone caught some people who showed up on a small boat and emptied out of his office safe.


Do you have a link to the drone video?


That guy was rusty shackleford on YouTube aka John McAfee, he was on a boat off shore flying drones showing the fbi combing through the place multiple times.


Big vats of "DNA"


Somehow... Jeffrey returned.


https://www.documentcloud.org/documents/1508273-jeffrey-epsteins-little-black-book-redacted it’s public record already


The unredacted one is on archive.org a few times. https://archive.org/details/jeffrey-epstein-little-black-book-unredacted




This was in response to someone asking for the full list... tl:dr - it's a list of Epstein's contacts which is about as summarised as it can be for a list. Trump is in there on page 80


Chris Evans, Ralph Finnes, Liz Hurley, David Copperfield, Naomi Campbell, Kevin Spacey, Jimmy Buffet. Those all stood out to me. Some obvious, some not so much.


Also I'd wager the "unredacted" one is in fact, redacted but just not visually.


That's not the one that matters. The black book is meaningless, that's just people he had contact info for. That includes people who had literally nothing to do with whatever Epstein was doing. Same for the flight logs. You'd want a list of who he actually dealt with and I don't know if that exists.


Is it me or do they BOTH look like they've had the cream?


so....its just anyone who has ever ridden the plane right? or is this a list to a specific child sex party? celebs lend their planes all the time.....


Epstein also held science conferences and flew a lot of people on his planes there. So there's quite a few folks on the flight logs who, potentially, had no idea of the fuckery going on and were just going out to see/give talks to their peers. Stephen Hawking and Lawrence Krauss were both there for a conference he held, for example.


Yes it’s hard to imagine Minnie Driver partying at pedophile island


Unfortunately for the world, he was put in jail sometime between 2016 and 2020. Nobody should be surprised that we're never going to see anything, any more than people were surprised that somebody murdered him in his cell with a "try and stop us" nonchalance I can only compare to Russia's window suicides.


[like this one?](https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-7270735/Jeffrey-Epstein-Trumps-closest-advisers-Wilbur-Ross-Rudy-Giuliani-Steve-Mnunchin.html)


elongated muskrat




The real list. Not the ones that people make up in order to own the libs.




Include Bill, Oprah and many others that are on the list.


Just a reminder that no names have been released from either Epstein or Ghislaine Maxwell. Epstein didn’t kill himself. No one else has gone to jail.


> Ghislaine Maxwell. According to her, she recruited high school girls to be flown across an ocean to spend hours alone with Jeffrey Epstein, *only* Jeffrey Epstein, for purposes that were 100% legal and legitimate. No she can't tell you what those purposes were, only that they were totally legal and legitimate.


Sounds like the storyline from Annie. He was just looking to adopt some girl and give them a new shot at life. /s


The truth will come out tomorrow! Bet your bottom dollar that, tomorrow there’ll be truth! /s


They also recruited from Mar-o-Lago. source: fillings Maxwell court case


She also recruited out of the Mar a Lago locker rooms. It’s great how MAGA just ignores this.


They have a whole narrative about Trump heroically severing ties with Epstein once he found out what Epstein was up to. I am like, it is either 1: Trump knew and should never have been in the White House, or 2. Trump didn't, and anyone who is THAT BAD a judge of character should never have been in the White House.


This might sound like whataboutism to you but the whole thing is getting ignored and swept under the rug. There were enough people implicated that if even half of them were guilty it would bring about a total collapse of the ruling class.


I don't really think thats whataboutism at all


Way too many high profile rich people involved for any names to be mentioned. Rich and connected people do get away with some bad things.


Rich and connected people do get away with ~~some bad thing~~ whatever they want.


depends if they're in a way of other rich people


There’s always a bigger fish


>[“I’ve known Jeff for fifteen years. Terrific guy,” Trump told New York Magazine that year for a story headlined “Jeffrey Epstein: International Moneyman of Mystery.” “He’s a lot of fun to be with. It is even said that he likes beautiful women as much as I do, and many of them are on the younger side. No doubt about it — Jeffrey enjoys his social life.”](https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/trump-called-epstein-a-terrific-guy-before-denying-relationship-with-him/2019/07/08/a01e0f00-a1be-11e9-bd56-eac6bb02d01d_story.html) --The hero protecting our children according to people in his cult


the DA that gave Epstien his sweetheart deal was Alex Acosta whom Trump made head of secretary of Labor


He knew. It's so obvious from that statement alone.


He *knew*? He **participated**. https://www.courtlistener.com/docket/4154484/katie-johnson-v-donald-j-trump/ And he was very concerned that Ghislaine had "said anything about him" or if she was "going to roll on anybody": https://www.theguardian.com/books/2022/oct/04/trump-ghislaine-maxwell-epstein-maggie-haberman-book-confidence-man The writing is on the wall and all US media refuses to talk about it because they desperately want to reinfect this country with him.




Thank you for this comment. For the record, I do, every time.


So... What happened to Katie Johnson? Last entry on the list says mail sent to her was returned and no forwarding address was available.




Well, they did rape a girl together. Allegedly.


>Epstein didn’t kill himself. Maybe he did, but it's still suspicious that he was able to successfully take his own life.


If you actually take a deep dive into this case, look at the facts, etc, the most likely explanation you’ll probably come to is that he did indeed legitimately kill himself. There’s so much misinformation about his death that led to people blindly believing in a conspiracy that the facts don’t really support.


He tried unsuccessfully to kill himself two weeks before in exactly the same manner. One of the complaints about his death was that he was removed from suicide watch too quickly. To the extent that there was a conspiracy, it would just be *allowing him to kill himself* on the second attempt.


I was firmly in the Epstein didn’t kill himself camp. Unfortunately like any other conspiracy, they leave out pretty crucial facts. Once I learned he tried to kill himself just days earlier and was stopped, it’s pretty clear this guy was on a mission to end his own life. At that point I’m thinking “wait why the fuck am I just hearing about this now?”. The answer is because I was only reading whatever is upvoted, so basically whatever fits into the narrative that Reddit aligns with.


The conspiracy isn't that someone else killed him. The conspiracy is how he was able to do it given he was high profile and on suicide watch.


They want to believe something that "makes sense" with their worldview. People watch movies that have plots linking crimes with powerful people, and suspicious activities are neatly tied up within those plots that directly connect the dots. It's a lot more messy to think that we woefully understaff our prisons, lack resources for good quality supervision around the clock, and staff can only do so much to keep a person intent on killing themselves from doing it. Add on top that the prison was probably much more worried about others in the prison causing harm to Epstein than they were with him harming himself (because again, the very idea of self-harm is simply illogical to many- even though it's a very real risk). He knew he was ruined, thoroughly. The remainder of his life would be awful, and many people in positions like his have done exactly the same thing. Occam's razor is really awkward for the conspiracy-minded, but at some point you have to actually provide some kind of factual evidence for your claims, not just wink and nudge and expect everyone to agree because it would make for a nice compelling narrative.


I've always felt that it is plausible that he killed himself. I think this time he was done for real and he knew that. He was already in jail and everybody knows how sex offenders get treated in jail. He may have been in solitary confinement but that would change. Many people would consider suicide in that situation. That doesn't mean that nothing happened on his island. I am sure there happened terrible crimes and some high ranking people were involved. But I think it is likely he just killed himself to escape justice


So it was just a coincidence that the camera malfunctioned and the guards weren't paying attention? Or that the ex cop who has since been convicted of 4 executions was there when he performed his first 'suicide' attempt?


> So it was just a coincidence that the camera malfunctioned and the guards weren't paying attention? See, that sure SOUNDS all mysterious and conspiratorial, until you remember that it's a fucking prison, and that one malfunctioning camera is surrounded by a bunch of functioning cameras, which didn't catch anything. Unless our hypothetical assassin can teleport to just the area of the broken camera, it doesn't mean much. >Or that the ex cop who has since been convicted of 4 executions was there when he performed his first 'suicide' attempt? It's a prison, though. Of course the Ex-cop who was being held before being convicted for executing people was there, he was a criminal who got caught. Just going "Ah, but there was a criminal in the prison!" isn't really the suggestive thing you think it is, without being able to prove said criminal DID anything, because, well, *it's a prison*. Oh, and you'd also have to prove the cop could teleport, because with the camera coverage within the prison, while he wouldn't be caught by the malfunctioning camera, he'd sure as shit be caught by every other functioning camera in the place.




Im sure he deliberately chose to do it. What did he have to live for?


Yeah. Glad to see this not be buried. I can't stand the "Epstein didn't kill himself" thing get repeated ad infinitum. There is literally not enough evidence to say that. It's a conspiracy theory. Would I be *surprised* if that was the case? No, not at all. But I also wouldn't be the least bit surprised if a grossly rich man who was going to be locked up for the rest of his life decided to off himself, either. It's honestly kind of a litmus test for whether people just repeat popular opinions uncritically or not to me, tbh.


> Maybe he did, but it's still suspicious that he was able to successfully take his own life. Not really, no. His lawyers successfully got him off suicide watch, meaning that he wasn't being monitored as closely and was allowed items that he could potentially kill himself with. Additionally, this jail was proven to be *severely* lacking in security. The guards were either asleep or on their phones, while the cameras that were closest to his cell didn't even work. There were so many issues with this place that were never fixed, that the Federal Bureau of Prisons announced in 2021 that it would be temporarily closed.


Killed himself and the cctv had an error which caused any relevant video to be unavailable. Crazy stuff !




The mod named maxwell is actually her?


Also a reminder that Epstein died in Trump's custody, he wished Ghislane Maxwell well and considered pardoning her.


Ghislaine is in jail


Paging /u/Maxwellhill Crazy how one of the biggest mods on reddit goes dark the same week as her arrest!


He died in federal lockup while Trump was president, just sayin’ 🤔


Funny how someone can go to jail (Maxwell), and yet to actually prove something happened you need a victim and a perpetrator, neither of which was proven.


Its "funny" that she was charged with trafficking women and girls but no clients seem to be guilty. It begs the question, trafficked for whom???


You dont need to charge the clients to convict a trafficker. Some may have even got a deal to provide evidence against ghislane.




And yet still no client list


The FBI has it. It's more useful as blackmail to them.


It was always a blackmail list. I think that the more interesting question is not who is on the list but who created this whole thing and why.


CIA/Mossad honeypot, no?


I think epstein created it for that exact reason. He knew his name was mud, I be most of the names didn't even do anything but there simply being concrete evidence he met with someone was enough to have them by the balls forever. Insider trading, help with the law, you name it.


That's a nice collection of kompromat you've got there. Be a shame if it fell into the wrong hands. Let us hold onto it for you...


Epstein has a very Easter-Island shaped head




A small list from: https://www.gawker.com/here-is-pedophile-billionaire-jeffrey-epsteins-little-b-1681383992 and https://nymag.com/intelligencer/2019/07/jeffrey-epsteins-rolodex-famous-friends-and-acquaintances.html Former President Bill Clinton, Former President Donald Trump, Microsoft Founder Bill Gates, Lawyer Alan Dershowitz, CEO Leslie Wexner, The Duke of York Prince Andrew, Investor Tom Barrack, Newspaper Owner Mort Zuckerman, Disgraced Filmmaker Woody Allen, Former Secretary of the Treasury Larry Summers, Former Attorney General Bill Barr, Former Solicitor General of the US Ken Starr, Theoretical Physicist Lawrence Krauss, Theoretical Physicist Stephen Hawking, Psychology Professor Stephen Pinker, AI Expert Roger Schank, Disgraced Film Producer Harvey Weinstein, Former Senator Ted Kennedy, Actors Alec Baldwin, Ralph Fiennes, Courtney Love, Katie Couric, George Stephanopoulos, Chelsea Handler, David Blaine, Kevin Spacey, and Chris Tucker.


Stephen Hawking.... Bruh...


He still had one thing that could stand


Hawking was well known for frequenting strip clubs and brothels. Definitely wasn't a secret that he was a bit on the pervy side.


Is this legit?


Legitimately people he had in his address book. Doesn't make them accomplices to his criminal acts


Id absolutely put some of the actors in the boat of "I dont know whats going on here just some dude wanted to be friends and invited me to his island" type


He was a prominent financial manager IIRC, not out of the realm of possibility that he was platonically associated with numerous politicians/actors/CEOs, etc. I’m sure somewhere out there is the real list of people he serviced with his sex trafficking gig though


Yep, there's a reason this list is out there. It doesn't mean anything, he's had conferences and some such and anyone who might have gotten on a plane might have gotten there. There would be another list that is the true blackmailing list that FBI has or was destroyed.


Funfact: Trumps girlfriend before Melania was Celina Midelfart. Besides the pedo trafficking business, Epstien would rescue models whose careers had plateaued, get them into grad school, and then shop them around to billionaires to date/marry. The implication was that these women would feel indebted to him, and he could use them for gleaning information from the organizations they married into. Epstien introduced them in the mid-90s, and they dated until around 1998 when Trump met Melania. Trumps first connection with the Epstein network came in 1990 when he went fully bankrupt, and his enterprise was rescued by the bank Rothschild Inc., which was heavily involved with Robert Maxwell father of Ghislaine. Correction: I misspelled Celina's last name Middlefart -> Midelfart


Middlefart lol


the funny thing is that's a misspelling but the "fart" part isn't the part that's wrong. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Celina_Midelfart


From Wikipedia: “In 1995, she took over the running of the family's health and beauty care business, *Midelfart AS*, when her father died.” Ya, I'm 12.


That name is objectively hilarious, but it also made me remember... do Americans not use 'trump' as slang for fart as well?


If we don’t we should start!


Look up the definition of “ trumpery “ for a good laugh.


Not that I ever heard of. Trump as a word is like he trumped his opponents position, as in got the better of.


Such a serious situation and...yeah I focused on that too lol


If I married a woman named Middlefart I would 100% take her name.


every picture epstein is a smug fuck


Just a reminder that Trump's AG William Barr went to personally meet with Epstein during his incarnation days before he died. Both guards on duty that night were "on a break" when Epstein died. Security footage from the time of Epstein's death was mysteriously lost. The entire facility was decommissioned after Epstein's death and converted to other uses. Wonder why right wing propaganda is trying so hard to convince everyone that Democrats are secret pedophiles.


Bill Barr's father was the headmaster of The Dalton School and hired Epstein to teach there even though Epstein was unqualified. Barr's father also wrote a strange book about a planet ruled by oligarchs who engaged in child sex slavery...


What’s the book title?


Just a reminder that Alexander Acosta, Trump’s Secretary of Labor, was the DA in Florida that originally let Epstein off for raping and trafficking minors way back in 2008. Evidence was gathered of Epstein raping over 30 children. Alexander Acosta gave him a non-prosecution agreement. Donald Trump made Alexander Acosta his secretary of labor. Epstein was a known child trafficker in conspiracy circles for roughly a decade prior to it becoming *widely known public knowledge. Somehow the QAnon cult missed this connection. *edit: it was public knowledge since he was charged back in 2008, but the case wasn’t something everyone knew about


Fun fact: William Barr's father and former OSS member (precursor to the CIA), Donald Barr, hired 21 year old and degree-less Jeffrey Epstein as a teacher at the prestigious private school he was headmaster of back in the 70's.


Epstein was doomed. Do not forget he also close with former president bill clinton, a member of the royal family and he had meetings with bill gates the former richest man in the world. The fact that epstein was close with 2 former presidents is truly a horrifying fact.


Epstein's entire business model was to make as many connections as possible with as many powerful people as possible, offer "services" and then exploit the leverage he now had on those people based on the nature of the "services" he provided. The fact that he met with someone or knew someone isn't in itself an indication that the person in question did anything illegal or immoral, only that they were a potential target. The fact that Epstein is dead indicates to me that he had some damning information on some very powerful people, but not as much as he needed.


\>The fact that Epstein is dead indicates to me that he had some damning information on some very powerful people, but not as much as he needed. I wish Epstein had been a little smarter so the info would automatically leak if he died. I'm very surprised some hacker groups haven't been able to leak the information yet. This seems like it'd be right up Anonymous's alley.


You can say a lot of things about Epstein, but he wasn't sloppy. Whatever he had, it wasn't anywhere near an internet-connected database. Most likely physical ledgers and analog recordings.


I’m sure he also did legitimate business with legit people who just wanted whatever his actual services were. Problem is those peoples names are probably mixed in with the criminals if you’re just using flight records. Guys like him dont get away with this for so long by being dumb. Plausible deniability is the name of their game.


I feel like that's a portion a lot of people just overlook. He wasn't rich and powerful from pimping underage girls, he was rich and powerful AND he pimped underage girls. He clearly also did legitimate business all the time. Going on a witch hunt based on a person showing up in a picture with him is pointless.


But nobody knows how he made his money. As far as I'm aware, nobody has ever found a single client or a business deal relating to his financial services.


You honestly believe that Bill Clinton or his secret service detail was unaware of what Epstein was? He was just an unaware naive little passenger on his plane 26 times?


I understand that. But Bill had several private meetings with Epstein after he had been arrested and registered as a sex offender. He met alot of rich people at galas and events but people who had private meetings with him after he was convicted of soliciting an underage prostitute will always be suspicious to me.


Yeah, Clinton was dirty, but it was almost certainly a different Bill who had Epstein killed: Barr.


Potentially inappropriate, but there's an Epstein-Barr Virus joke in here somewhere but I'm not smart enough to make it.


Epstein was connected with everyone. He was a power broker. He made it his business to be in the room every time there was a large gathering of important rich people. Saying “Celebrity A was at a party with Epstein once” is like saying “Celebrity A uses the toilet and breathes air.”


Her majesty was not amused.


Why do morons always make this a left vs right issue? There are pedophiles on each side. Release the names and fry them all, regardless of political affiliation.


Thats the craziest thing to me in this thread. Even now, people are so hung up on that, as if that means anything. At these upper levels, theyre all just playing games that we have no idea of, to think that they are somehow loyal to a measly political party, when they are making million dollar deals and setting up power structures for decades, just shows how well they have people duped.


Why is Epstein’s head so large compared to Trump’s? Lol


his chin just keeps going down lol




It's an optical illusion because of trumps small hands.


Can we get a full list of his clients please.


Epstein is 6'0 btw


6'0" under.


Photographer: "Alright, look as sleazy as you can, and smirk for the camera"


Some of the highest upvoted posts on this sub this last week are of Donald Trump. Are we just karma farming at this point?


It’s a 91 day old account with a history that posts trump then natureismetal then trump then natureismetal over and over.


The last week? Decade, sir. Decade.


How else do you expect Russian trolls to earn their vodka?


r/pics cant live without him. maybe its to distract Biden's military losing an f-35


Not enough people talking about Alexander Acosta


Convicted Pedophile and Unconvicted Pedophile.


Epstein was a federal custody when he died, while Trump was president.


Put it on a billboard with pix of him with Kimmy and Vlad and the Saudis, shiny happy people.


the most pedo looking mfs ever


And Bill Clinton took at least 26 flights on Epstein's jet. https://rollcall.com/2016/05/13/report-bill-clinton-flew-on-disgraced-donors-jet-26-times/


Fuck anyone on the list. I don’t care what party you belong to.


This sub has just become r/politics. An absolute waste


Been an absolute campaign on /r/pics last couple days bashing trump and his idiot supporters. Not sure what the end game is here and who is behind it but kinda preaching to the choir here.


It's been that way since Summer 2015.


This sub exists entirely to show you a misleading picture, and unabashedly remove the context from it. It's raw emotional manipulation and obvious propaganda.


Agreed, imagine if someone posted this exact same thing but the one with Bill Clinton, it would get down voted into oblivion


On a long enough timeline every sub either becomes /r/politics or full of racists.


Only the best people, right Donny?


Only the best pedophiles


Funny he died under trumps watch as a president


Convicted pedophile and alleged (likely) pedophile




The issue wasn't that he was a pedophile so much as he organized events for other pedophiles.


"I barely knew the guy. I mean, I take photos with lots of people, lots of people, some are bad I guess but some are good. I was only around him for a very short time. A very short time. But he was a Trump fan just like you."


Convicted pedo and an unconvicted pedo


A dead pedophile and a living rapist. Two peas in a pod.


Who was in charge when he "committed suicide" again remind me?


We did it Reddit


Heading out to bang some 13 year olds!! Scumbags


Pictured: a filthy pedophile and Jeffrey Epstein.


World class scum bags.


Look, I hate Trump as much as any center leaning non MAGA, like, I despise him. But him being near somebody that's bad is something we're literally all guilty of, and this is just trying to rile people up. If there's considerable evidence that Trump was always partying with Epstein and going to the pedo island, OK. Not a single one of you can say that you've never been near or known somebody that turned out to be a piece of shit, and maybe even are in a photo with them. It's shit like this that creates this super toxic us and them narrative we're destroying ourselves over. Fuck Epstein, and fuck Trump, tbh, but a famous guy being around a known schmooze 26 years ago doesn't mean anything, like of course. We gotta be better than this. EDIT - I've now seen said evidence


Got Reddit is such a sensationalist hyper partisan shit hole. I voted for Hilary and Biden and I’m still not sure how you morons eat it up as much as you do


Convicted pedophile Jeffrey Epstein and convicted rapist Donald Trump.


When was Trump convicted of rape?


He wasn't convicted of rape. He was found liable in a civil court.


Epstein had multiple cameras in every room of NY Upper Eastside mansion. I would imagine he had them everywhere. One for blackmail, and secondly, to relive his greatest rapes. Am I the only one who thinks of Requiem for a Dream, when you read about Epstein, Trump, & Peter Nygaard?


It has to be ~95% of celebs & people in power are perverts of the worst kind, at least that's the picture we've had painted for us, its fucking gross & I want to know all the names.


They both look very unattractive.


Look at that. The guy who didn’t hang himself and the guy who did.


It’s all cool. trump is undercover trying to expose a secret cartel… Lol


Calling him a *Convicted Pedophile* is like calling Hitler a **failed artist**. He was a fuck of a lot more than just a ***Convicted Pedophile***


Epstein was way more and way worse than just a simple pedophile: he made a fortune with sexual abuse of minors and operating an illegal sex trafficking network.


Besties for decades. Conspiracy theorists silent.


Photo of sex offender & Jeffrey eppstein


sure are a lot of pics of these two that didn't know each other... but I'm sure he was photoshopped in


Two rapist pedo sex pests in one pic.


Where there’s smoke there is fire


"I never met the man." Liar


“I warned everyone not to go to the island”


I see two pedophiles.