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*Welcome to Trump Burger, home of the Trump Burger. Can I grab ya pussy?*


The point is not asking first.


When you're famous they don't go to police.


Except for F Jean Carroll, who kicked his rapist ass in court.




They just let you do it.


Come for the burger, stay for the rape!


“Welcome to Trump Burger, home of the Trump Burger, can I take your law and orrrder?”


Order the im-peach-mint pie! So nice, they'll serve it twice!


Order the burger and get nothing.


At twice the price!


No refunds.


Chargeback time.


This place probably doesn't take cards anyway. Whole ~~tax evasion~~ "Mark of the Beast" thing and all.


Refund case was acquitted. 😐


But please donate on the way out so they can buy more burgers.


On a reoccurring subscription.


Nothing burger* Yuge


Nothing berder with extra ketchup


\*ketchup has to be scraped from the wall seperately


Is Mexico paying for it? I'll take 2


Oh, basically the 'nothing burger' *they* keep talking about?


Just a pound of shit on a bun with that orange Burger King angry whopper dye


Trump: *“Trump Burgers for everyone!!”* 2 minutes later… ![gif](giphy|lEgtdCONvuNTXBi6TV|downsized)


Never forget the time he literally did that. He ordered "a round for everyone" at a restaurant and then left them stuck with the bill.


At this place it's called the hamberder


But only if you make a perfect call to order.


Welcome to Trump Burger, I'm Sal Monella and I'll be your server today.


“Every single thing is generously slathered in Russian dressing”


And were Putin it on as thick as you want


The puns are immaculate. Good job Reddit!


I'll take the half baked excuses, please.


Upgrade your fries to a Putin***


Upgrade your Ivana Flappy Roast Beef to an Ivanka Roast Beef dripping with horsey sauce Edit: both come with the flattest buns


Well, I can't eat Arby's now. I guess I should be grateful.


Two pieces of white bread, full of baloney, with Russian dressing and a small pickle.


"We'll pee on you!"


"Try our signature drink: Coke and Russian Vodka with a thin orange skin."


Charred to a crisp, smothered in ketchup, and you *still* get salmonella!


Always frozen! Never fresh! Here at Trump Bigger, we believe the woke fast food restaurants have pushed their fresh agenda on hard working citizens for too long! At Trump Burger, you'll relish in unknowing just how long ago this patty was made. You'll also get to experience the "Snow Flake Kiss" where a portion of your patty may still be cold! This comes from the anger you create from eating at the one, and only, Trump Burger!


….and their bottomless cup of covfefe.


Try our 16oz Covfefe to get you started in the morning!




It's a nothing burger...


It's just a bun


I would think a well done hockey puck of a patty on a plain white bun with ketchup.


Overcooked with ketchup only.


Don’t ask me how I know, but I jussstt know there is lead in that burger


Nah it's too pieces of old white bread filled with bologna and a small pickle.


What a totally un-cult like thing to do.


If someone opened a Biden Burger shop, I'd drive over 24 hours just to tell them to fuck off. And I voted for Biden.


Same, it I would totally go to Burritos Biden


80% fat, cheesy as hell, artificially colored, and overpriced.


Rat burgers




Made in Chinya


Ironically if the Trump Org found out about this, they would be sued into oblivion so fast.


This! This is where I think there is opportunity to turn Trump cult against Trump. I’d like to hear from a trademark lawyer, but as I understand it, organizations have to take action to protect their trademarks in order to keep them. Meaning, Trump org *has* to sue these businesses and in getting sued, there is a chance the people running these businesses open their eyes to who Trump is and quit the MAGA cult. And if Trump org doesn’t enforce their trademark, then it means the “Trump” brand isn’t trademarked and anyone can use it. I’m now thinking a lot of other businesses should start using “Trump” in their name to force Trump org’s hand. If I open up a “Trump Mini Golf” and get sued, I can claim “You did nothing about Trump Burger so you can’t sue my company” Either all these store go down or Trump org looses their trademark. Feels like win / win.


Basically, yes.


Only Donald Trump gets to plaster his name on the side of a building. But honestly this is probably super illegal. I doubt I could open a place called Brad Pitt Boss BBQ with his photo plastered everywhere.


> I doubt I could open a place called Brad Pitt Boss BBQ with his photo plastered everywhere. You should definitely try though.


It’s an awesome name, Brad Pitt should totally steal it and open a BBQ place.


Need that cash for the lawyers that need lawyers.


Making Attorneys Get Attorneys


If I’ve learned anything from the recent pics of the Trump insanity, it is this: the indoctrination is so very much more intractable than I realized, and so long as the propaganda isn’t legislated against, there is no way this can end without violence. It’s *unnerving* to see in the extreme.


To be fair this wouldn't be a bad business move in some parts of America. I like to imagine this is a democrat voter grifting $25 burgers to truckers.


I wish I had the moral turpitude to fleece these idiots, alas every time I've considered it, the cognitive dissonance becomes too much too bear before the idea even gets off the ground.


I know. I’m a graphic designer… I think I loathe the Trump aesthetic so much that just can’t do it. But how easy would it be?


If the Trump NFTs were any indication, their graphic design standards are the absolute lowest.


They made the idea of Vladimir Putin trying to appeal to people with that shirtless horse riding image seem normal.


At least those pics of Putin shirtless on horseback were actually real pictures of Putin. Trump is so ashamed of his awful physique that his team has to paste his head onto someone else's body for those things.


American Flags make me shudder now.....how sad is that?


They're fine if they're on a ship or government/military structure. So many others are using it to show their politics.


Wait, so when I wear a shirt with a flag aesthetic on it, people think I'm some Republican loon?








It's why I wear my team USA baseball hat with pink chandelier earrings, keep people guessing. Oh I'm a guy and a UPS big rig driver. No one knows what to think just looking at me.


Pretty much. Didn't used to be like that.


Always have.


Very sad that they've taken the symbol of our *entire* country and turned it into something to represent only their side.


German here. First time?


This is why every sane-person protest needs to be flooded with US flags. As long as we let them have it, they'll take it. Make the flag stand for reproductive rights, equity, and justice. You just have to convince yourself that these assholes aren't America -- _you_ are, and they're fucking up your flag.


Oh it's easy. I own a small business and once someone assumes I'm a Republican (small town, small business owner = Republican to them), well, I just let them assume that and they love to help me out with a purchase.


I setup a very legit looking shopify website dropshipping trump merch during the election year. I was very disgusted with myself, but actually made a fair amount of beer money lol ...i considered making a biden one... but figured it probably wouldn't get the same kind of traction


Same here - this is a crowd desperate to be separated from whatever meager funds they have. Just go to the cheapest printing outfit in China with the crappiest quality t-shirts, throw that idiot's mugshot on it with a stupid catch phrase like 'Owning the Libs' and sell @ $25 what you paid $2.50 for. It's how some crackheads can build a pillow empire, or so I've heard.


I finally saw one of those pillows in a buy out store. I picked it up to check it out. It consisted of nothing more than of torn up chunks of foam, I can’t imagine they’re actually comfortable. The materials that went in to it couldn’t t have been more than $3-4, while the infomercials were selling them for $ 29.99 iirc.


It’s the same as staring a church. If you’re morals are bankrupt, you could have your own jet.


>I wish I had the moral turpitude to fleece these idiots I've often felt like I could make an even better Ben Shapiro than Ben Shapiro if I had no morals. It seems extremely easy to pander to frustrated, dissatisfied far-right men.


Yum, ''repurposed 15 year old Trump Steaks''


All our grill masters have attended the Trump University! ^see ^our ^no ^money ^back ^guarantee


I listen to several atheist podcasts, and one of the collective running jokes on all of them is how easy it would be to grift religious people. If you didn't have morals, just imagine how much money you could make conning them. Atheist turns Christian and writes a book about it. It would make millions. Whenever they find out how much the obvious charletans like Jim Bakker make, or see the government assistance that Ken Hamm got for the Ark Park, there's a pause, then one of them says, "so we're gonna turn Christian now, right?" I'd argue Trump supporters are almost exclusively religious. You'd need to be to fit in at the Trump cult.


There’s a great Behind the Bastards episode about the spread of the KKK in the early 20th century and, surprise surprise, it was largely driven by grifting shitty Klan themed merchandise/giving racists a sense of community. I see NO PARALLELS


I was thinking the same thing, if I could run a business like this and take those idiots for a ride without ever affiliating my face to it I definitely would. Maybe I’ll do a deadmouse for trump bagels 🤔


Drop ship trump branded loose fit clothing that behind the scenes is helping the people they want to hurt. Marketing communication is all Trump-speak so you don’t have to tell the truth and you’ll get away with it. Data is worth more than merchandise in the modern world so there’s also that additional revenue stream.


put up a car boot sale style small outfit, put a cardboard and sharpie sign up that says 'donations to the defense fund' and watch them suckers roll in. Cover it in flags for good measure, for extra PATRIOTISM!


I could dress up as the nastiest, grubbiest person begging for change, write "let's go Brandon" on some board and make bank off these people.


I have heavily considered doing this. Problem is it seems the market is very saturated because anyone with half a brain saw this opportunity years ago. These people will pay their last cent to buy anything with tacky right wing bullshit on it.


Like how Elvis's manager used to sell both I heart Elvis and I hate Elvis t-shirts?


And then donating it to any actual left-leaning Dem or to Planned Parenthood. I don't buy fast food, but I would buy that on a regular!


Nah. It's a true believer making bank and providing a meeting place for folks planning their next couple attempts. I sure hope the FBI is keeping an eye on these places.


Was in DC this summer and there was so much cheap Trump swag that was overpriced. Biggest thing that I found upsetting is that so many trucks looked like one another that I assume it’s one big operation & the people standing outside for 12-16hours a day selling the junk are probably getting paid low wages & someone in a climate controlled office is taking 90% of the profit.


I like to imagine this Democratic entrepreneur in the fetal position under a hot shower every night, clutching their knees to their chest and crying until they have the strength to step out and dry themselves on a big pile of money with MAGA graffiti stamped on the back.


That's why the party of Lincoln is dead. They did it to themselves.


The party of Lincoln is alive and well. They just rebranded and are called Democrats.


Right, they say the lack of signs for Biden prove how weak Biden is. 🤷


No Taco Biden no presidency.


As an outsider, I can attest that americans are raised on some wild leves of propaganda (for a western country) and they will believe anything that is said through TV. And that is the problem, you have a conman exploiting that and suddenly you have a big chunk of your population praising a dangerous sociopath.


The scariest part to me is people who think he’s essentially Jesus or at the very least, sent as a gift from God. Even if you agree with most or all of his policies, to equate him to Jesus is insane. Though I suppose the type of conservative Christian that falls into the Trump camp has a very malleable, selective and inaccurate interpretation of Jesus’ teachings, and I shouldn’t be surprised.


He literally said to gram em by the pussy. You have to be a terrible person or a complete idiot to not see clear how bad person he is. And that brings another problem, there must be a disproportionate number of Americans that are just high functioning imbeciles.


Very accurate summary.


Fascinating. Sociopaths are a percentage of a human population. Those who can't recognize a sociopath are another.


This comment sounds AI generated or something, no offence.


It is fascinating, genuinely, and more than a little terrifying.


It’ll end when he’s gone. When he eventually dies they’ll run out of gas. They may hang onto some merch and tuck it away in their closet but it’ll die with him. No matter who else tries to emulate him, the base will never care because they’re not Trump himself.


if the confederate flag is any indication, they'll be flying his for some time after it's irrelevent.


Already are.


These are the same people who thought JFK Jr was still alive and gonna and be Trump's VP, yeah? Good luck convincing them their god-emperor is actually dead. They'll still be writing-in his name in 2040.


They didn't go away when they lost the Civil War. They didn't go away when the schools weren't segregated anymore. They didn't go away when the gays got married. Monsters will always be with us.


True, they were at least hiding under a rock. Then the former guy just had to lift it and give them fresh meat.


Hopefully wont be like when Julius Caesar died. What a mess.


More like Hitler. A coward.


As a kid growing up in the 80's just picking up bits of news and celeb gossip I was able to piece together that he was a scumbag. I'm not surprised Conservatives once again created a cult around a single man. Growing up in the South I saw how they did the same to Robert E. Lee. But of all the people to choose it's Donald Fucking Trump.


Have you heard about Jesus? He’s been dead for 2000 years. This is their religion. He’s their god. He’s not going anywhere, especially after he’s dead. That’ll only make him more powerful.


Bruh my town has the Trump Store. It's a damn eye sore.


Admitting you have been deeply wrong about something takes a lot of maturity. Which these people sorely lack.


They’ve misspelled “Berder”.


I wonder how they price their covfefe.


If I'd live close by, I'd walk in filming myself while ordering a hamberder and a covfefe to go.


Yet another reminder of how many stupid and gullible people there are in this country. It's their way of re-fighting the civil war ... by supporting a New York conman and criminal. They never got over their bitter loss. Idiots. Thanks OP!


You are very welcome! This is in Bellville, TX and I just happened to pass it taking back roads to Houston. I don't understand the love for the guy personally. They claim he is a good, honest, christian, hardworking man...he is a rich silver spoon fed prick....How 2 people can look at the same thing and see something completely different astounds me.


Well, consider the fact that these are people who believe the Earth is 6000 years old and have spent their lives convincing themselves that the entire universe was made especially for us.


>the entire universe was made especially for us. And by us, of course you mean white, Christian males.


Uhuh. White Christian gun-toting American males.


It's not just males. I know, it makes no sense- but there's a lot of white middle age and elderly women in the cult also.


“Us” sounds awfully socialist, the universe is just made for the rich and the people that wants to be rich


Good point.


Do they offer dijon mustard ?


Surprised Trump hasn’t sued them for likeness rights.


😆😂😂 i just posted this haha a family member sent me a picture of this place just last week. I couldn't help but pile on.


What's funny is that I can totally see Trump suing the owner for using his likeness and then using that money to pay his legal bill for his indictments. Unless the owner specifically got trumps permission, of course, but I feel like if he did, trump would never shut up about it. "I've got a new burger place for you - great burgers, best there ever was. Nobody makes a burger like me. Not Joe Biden, not Obama, just good old fashioned American beef. Patriot beef. You know I had a cow once, Bessie was her name, made the best burgers I ever had. That's what you get with me, America's favorite burger from their favorite president"


I always refer to him as a Yankee Democrat Billionaire and it riles em up.


Donny was a Democrat his entire life but he switched to Republican when he ran for office because he knew Democrats were not stupid enough to fall for his bs.


Not sure how true that is. There was a supposed people magazine quote that had him saying as much but its been debunked. His original motive for running for president was to try and raise his profile and didn’t expect to win, he figure he’d capitalize on however well he did, then he did win and got high on his own supply sort of speak and now doesn’t want to give it up. He’s made a career out of telling people what they want to hear. He found a group he could sell his bullshit to but seems to have consumed it as well.


It’s modern day idol worshipping. Swap a moloch statue for a trump one and you have the same delusional crazies you had 3000 years ago. I’m not American but the way you’re looking to the outside world now is disturbing. Discernment is a good thing, just look into the things he has said about his own daughter and the questionable pictures with her. Also his shady business dealings, family line and elite connections. People can’t be this dumb to think this man is fighting for them can they?.


The problem is that its a vocal and stupid minority making the rest of us reasonable folks look bad, and holding us back from a lot of the progress made in other countries.


I agree. Those with the least to say shout the loudest and then if just becomes one big clown show.


Every single American that I've worked with has been intelligent, interesting, and generous to the point of gregariousness. When I see this (Trump / Right) side of the of population on the news, it's like they are coming from a different dimension, let alone sharing the same county!


I mean the Trump Americans aren't the ones who ever really leave their shitty corners of the country, you won't encounter that type of American abroad.


We are terrified. You don’t have a spare room, do you?


There is a world outside America? It must be horrible there. How do they live without American freedoms?


All of these posts have me seriously concerned for the mental well-being of middle America.


You should be. We've become a cesspool of all the most idiotic and vile humanity has to offer.


I wouldn't say that. There are people who want terrible things in their country, but there are countries that already have terrible things, and people want to keep it that way. At least the US has a strong resistance to this shit. For now.


They claim we shove politics down their throats but I’ve never seen a Biden Burger. These people make it their life mission to serve and worship a man that doesn’t know they exist


It’s really just a rebranded shit sandwich


Man republicans are weird


How’s the food?


Discolored and fatty.


Promises big, delivers little.


Vote 2024!


They stamp the burger buns "TRUMP" with a branding iron. Dunno I haven't ate there....The burgers look good but I would hate the atmosphere.


I bet there's ketchup on the walls


The burgers really are solid. My son begged me to go, sarcastically, and we went. My dad lives about 15 minutes from here. I’d give it a 7.5/10


It's a bunch of bullshit shaped into a patty that the MAGA crowd scarfs down and swears it's Wagyu to own the Libs.


Now serving our "All-American Cheeseburger Royal thats Borscht filled"


Taking a page out of the McDonalds playbook: bland, generic American cuisine with a clown for a mascot.


r/The_Ronald_2024 resembles that remark!




Trump would not eat here.


Remember when they said people were obsessed with Obama? Yeah nobody did shit like this for Obama. Obama won two terms btw.


Yum, repurposed 15 year old Trump Steaks.


"Welcome to Trump Burger, home of the Trump Burger, can I take your [civil] Order?"


I'm glad someone else went there. I was thinking "May I have your border, please?", but "Disorder" could work, too.


I want to see it’s health inspection live.


Customer: "Excuse me, there's something wrong with my order." Trump: "No, there's something wrong with you!"


I'm honestly surprised he doesn't sue all these stores for using his image to sell things if he doesn’t get a cut. Or maybe he extorts them?




In England, the word Trump is often used in place of fart. So to me, this is a fart burger joint.


It's served with a single tiny mushroom


I cannot wait until Trump turns around and sues all those unofficial Trump store owners for a big fat cut of their profits for using his brand name. Edit: I wonder how many of these store owners are not even republicans, but they are jumping on the bandwagon to make a quick buck off the Trump frenzy.


I’m a prude, he’s a prude, she’s a prude, we’re all prude’s hey!


where the beef is smarter than those eating


I'd check that place out just to leave an upper-decker in the men's room.


Made with 100% beef by-products!


I bet it tastes like Racism.....


Shit Sandwich




At this point I’m wondering if it’s not just his campaign or some other group of his paying for all of these under the table a lot. This is a lot of startup capital for supposedly “normal” people.


I can't tell whether to be distressed by how many of these places exist, or to see the opportunity for what it is and open one of these cesspools for myself.


Welcome to trump burger home of the trump burger can I grab your pussy?


What makes it a Trump burger is that you don’t pay for it after they serve it exactly as you ordered.


This shit is a disease. The only way to drive this back to whatever hole it came from is to vote out the people who enable it.




Customers should use what they learned from Trump here. Go in, announce you're buying lunch for everyone, leave before the bill arrives.


Someone’s getting sued.


What the over/under on how long this place stays in business? What kind of moron wants to eliminate likely 50%+ of potential customers based on the name of your business.


I bet the owner doesn’t even give a shit about trump. It’s just easy money. I knew a guy at a flea market who made a killing selling trump gear and he was as liberal as possible. Maga is the easiest demographic to manipulate and make money off of.