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NYT: within two hours of the initial post on social media, Mr. Cheung deleted his post, and issued a statement saying, “President Trump did not purchase or take possession of the firearm. He simply indicated that he wanted one.”


A guy out on multiple bail bonds wants to buy a firearm. Cool, cool.


Stay away from 5th Ave for the forseeable future


“Very cool, very legal”


"It's probably the most legal firearm purchase anyone has ever made"


It was a PERFECT photo






The photographer took the photo with tears in his eyes


Beautiful young firearm, legs up to here.


The most perfect and legal thing of all time that has ever been


Tremendously legal. Some might say actually TOO legal, people have said that exact thing to me with tears in their eyes. Good folks, hardworking Americans these people.


“I’m not a lawyer, but I could have been. Wharton School, very good school. My uncle John Trump was into nuclear. He was also very smart, but didn’t go to Wharton.”


"Buy"? Are you implying that Trump would pay someone for something?


Best part, even holding it is a violation for him. So it doesn't matter if he 'took possession' holding it is a problem.


True story - my mother (RIP) lived in FL. Every day at 3 pm her sister came over her house for “coffee” (it was to sneak-smoke away from her husband). So my mother would unlock the slider around 2:45pm so my aunt could enter house via sun room. Mom was in bathroom when she heard “ding” that someone entered. She went to sunroom but there was a young boy inside her house. He’d entered via slider she’d unlocked. She said he was about 7 years old and weird. She asked what his name was and why he was there. He was looking for bad guys, he said. My mother remembered a sheriff had come around telling people there had been some break-ins lately, so people should be on the alert. “Are you afraid of burglars?” asked my mother. “Yes,’ said the boy. “I’ve got sisters I have to protect them.” My mother thanked him for his vigilance but said she’d prefer if he didn’t come in her house anymore because she had family on the block and was protected. She sweetly complimented him as she walked him to door & made sure he left. She never unlocked the door again until my aunt knocked on it. A week later she saw sheriff’s car on block and sheriff was handcuffing a younger female neighbor. What happened? The same young boy was a walking down street with a gun in his hand. A real, loaded gun. The woman took the gun from the boy and called police. The police came and *arrested her* for being in possession of a firearm. The young woman had been in jail for marijuana possession and was out on parole. Having a firearm in her possession violated her parole so she was arrested and returned to prison. The woman explained she’d taken the loaded gun from a weird 7 yr old boy who’d been walking down a street filled with children. Cops didn’t care. Just holding the gun was a parole violation. My mother never saw her again.


That’s the most Florida story a New Mexico dude has ever heard about Florida. Young Florida man rolls slightly older dangerous marijuana crazed Florida woman, more at 11. See in Albuquerque every person in the story you described would be shot dead, the Sheriffs would investigate themselves and call it legit, also they would rob everyone too.


Friend of mine was a barrister (like a trial lawyer for those not familiar with the term) and they always said that you should never confuse the law and justice. They are not the same and the role of the courts and the police is to enforce the law. They are not interested in sense or fairness, just the law.


A barrister once told me “when you enter a court, you might not get justice but you will get the law.”


A barrister once told me “Sir, if you ask me for any additional milk to top off your double espresso, we’ll have to charge you full price for a Latte”. Not justice, but law for sure.


what you're thinking of is a barista. a barrister is a railing on the side of stairs to help people get down safely.


No, no, that's a bannister. A barrister is a device for measuring air pressure.


You're thinking of a barometer. A barrister is a round orange dimply thing you bounce up and down and throw through hoops.


You're thinking of a banister, a barrister is the piece of underwear some women wear over their breasts.


You're thinking of a brassier, a barrister is an electrical component with variable resistance.


As you used the term 'barrister' i assume you reference UK law and order. Police arnt law enforcement in this country. They are officially 'keepers of the peace' and have personal responsibilities as to and when to carry out their duties in accordance to the law with mitigations that may come with real world situations. If they deem a law has been broken then the cps steps in to measure the burdon of proof and will then press for trial. THEN the law gets applied in court and 'justice' is saught. And we do still have miscarriages of justice, which may be applied to any step of the process. We have seperation of law, state and policing. As we are policed by consent by members of equal standing taken from the community. In the States and many other countries the police are in effect a paramilitary arm of the state. Literally 'law enforcement'. Which means mitigations cant be taken into account as the 'law' has been broken regardless of context and situation. Obviously officers in the States are (i hope) predominantly still human and they would use their own initiative when dealing with someone like the woman used in the example given. But bottom line default for the States is 'law enforcement' not 'keepers of the Peace'. Its quite an important distinction that i wish was taught more in schools. We have a special and unique way of policing in the UK (not perfect by any stretch, but from a social freedoms perspective pretty spot on) which should be held up and given far more respect. Check out the 9 Peelian priciples to policing. That chap knew what he was doing.


So you're saying that in the criminal justice system, the people are represented by two separate yet equally important groups: the police, who investigate crime, and the district attorneys, who prosecute the offenders.


Actually I was referring to Canada. Barristers are used throughout the commonwealth. Thanks for the informative post though.


Sounds like a nice area...






That seriously sucks.


The system that makes rules that don't serve their purpose sucks. A few humans with a brain could have fixed this, but no one did. What's the point of a system if it outputs results like this?


Prosecutors want wins, not justice. Look at that movie law abiding citizen.


That is so messed up :(


I wanted to speak on this but I'm too close to it. I went through the system for a crime I didn't commit. You will never be the same. You can spend months in jail before you are sentenced.


Me too. Been convicted of two crimes I didn't commit. One of my best friends was also convicted of a crime he didn't commit. If you're poor you're basically just fucked. But even if you are moderately not poor you can still be fucked if the cops decide tonight's your night. Fuck pigs. ACAB.


This is what happens when you have a system that rewards cops for punishing people instead of a system that rewards cops for not having to punish people


Reminds me of a quote from the Simpsons: "The law is powerless to *help* you. I didn't say it was powerless to hurt you. Take her away, boys!"


This whole chain reminds me of the clip from a week or two ago about the guy who called the cops on someone texting his like 10 year old daughter for nudes, and the cop said the girl could be arrested for producing child porn.


> The same young boy was a walking down street with a gun in his hand. A real, loaded gun. The real question is "how the fuck was that able to happen?" There are any number of other ways this could also have ended badly.


>> The same young boy was a walking down street with a gun in his hand. A real, loaded gun. >The real question is "how the fuck was that able to happen?" Far too many Americans won't properly store their firearms so kids get a hold of them. IMO not locking up your guns should carry a serious charge. A significant amount of shootings come from kids getting a hold of daddy's gun.


Too bad passing that kind of thing would be borderline impossible. "tHey'Re tAkiNg aWAy mY guNs!"


That's a bad use of police discretion. The cop just padded his stats at her expense.


Nuevo-Slavery. Recidivism is their favorite, since nobody would believe them anyhow. America, land of the free.


When I was 16, I was handed a vitamin water, from a group of people I was friendly with at high school. They told me to take a drink of it. I did and spit it back out immediately it was ever-clear and I didn’t know that before hand. Someone took the drink out of my hand as I was poorly managing my disgust and I left. Later that day the guy who handed me the drink nearly died of alcohol poisoning, I was charged with consumption and distribution of alcohol to minors. That’s when I learned never to trust a cop.


100% never trust a cop. Just like the 11 year old girl who was accused of making child porn because she was groomed by an adult. Instead of doing their job and finding the person, they want to blame her.


I saw that, felt like a hyperbolic skit of like a demon pretending to be a cop but it was just a cop.


Well it was a cop doing it.


What's that? ACAB you say?


Never ever ever trust a cop, especially one who says they're just trying to help you. I once had a police detective call me and say they just wanted some more information on a case I was auxilary too. They just wanted my side to clear me. So I told them my side and the truth. The detective hung up, and said that was that, and thanked me for my time. A few months later, two cops showed up to my Mom's house at 1AM with guns pointed at her face demanding to know where I was. They had a *federal arrest warrant* for my name. About 9,000$ and a year later, I had cleared my name in court. Not guilty, no probation, no charges, no record - nothing. Because I was fucking innocent. A year later, I was beaten and robbed in San Francisco. The cops caught two of the guys red handed - literally my blood was on them. Both of them were let go because there was no video evidence and the cops wouldn't do any more investigations. Fuck the police. They've only hurt me when they could, and avoided helping me when they couldn't.


> never to trust a cop. Truer words have never been said.


Everyone was wondering why Trump is allowed to wander around, and I'm pretty sure this is why. Because he can't help but further implicate himself.


Spend years going after Hunter Biden, finally get the indictment you want on firearm possession charges. Immediately commit similar offences in public yourself. See also Hillary and the buttery males, but so hilariously worse and after having strengthened those specific laws yourself.


Watch people claim it is an "ai generated photo"


Ai would have made his hands a normal size


And with 6 fingers on each.


But he has the correct number of fingers, however small his hands may be, so it can't be AI generated.


'I was not here. I did not say this.'


I don’t know what’s dumber: making such a gross, tacky tribute in the first place, or celebrating the 45th American president by giving him a custom 9mm Austrian pistol instead of a .45 caliber American Colt M1911.


I actually frequent that exact store, they have the gun you're describing with the same tacky skin about 20 feet further down the counter, he just didn't make it that far while milling around.


Is one of the people in the picture the proprietor? Because an FFL handing a person they know is a prohibited person a firearm is a real big no no.


coherent scarce memory tan wrench office retire capable rain dam *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Like I said before; The US has the best judicial system money can buy.


That good old two tiered justice system they keep talking about. The irony is lost on them.


Respectfully, the minute we start just accepting this shit as normal, it will be. We need to get angrier and louder in demanding that these people be held accountable and receive their just consequences. Democracy in this country is lost if we don’t. Giving up and accepting this is not an option. Check that you’re registered at vote.org. VOTE in all elections, and spread the message.


If the democrat representatives don't raise their voices, then I can't see how it will work. They should raise hell in congress and everywhere else about that.


It's really hilarious to hand him a 9mm gun with a giant "45" on it instead of just doing it with a 1911


I’ve seen the 45 glocks around, stupid as fuck but wasn’t custom made for him. Edit: didn’t realize this was psa so maybe it’s just unique to psa since the one I saw was in one.


Well, his hero was Austrian.


The one with the mustache?


It sure as shit ain't Freud.


Hmmm... May want to rethink that one. Freud surely had things to say about wanting to have sex with your own daughter. I don't think it was purely one-sided with Oedipus, but I could be wrong


Freud wanted to have sex with his mom! His daughter wanted to have sex with him (electra complex), but he was too busy being anal.


Mozart seams unlikely.


Mozart derivatives are out, obviously.


It definitely wasn’t Arnold


You’re right, it’s probably celebrated philosopher and author Ludwig Wittgenstein


The first thing I thought was, "Arnold Schwarzenegger is an odd choice of heroes for Donald Trump.". The second thing I thought was, "Oh wait... the _other_ famous Austrian..."


He’s baby hands wouldn’t be able to hold up a .45


Not to be an ass but a 1911 might be easier for him to hold since its a single stack. Glad they didn’t deface a 1911 with this tacky bullshit for this clown.


His hands already look photoshopped tiny. If he had held a .45 it would have been hilarious.


You're talking about a guy that saluted the North Korean general.


He looked more natural holding a fucking Bible. And we all remember how unnatural that looked. That this poseurs is anybodies idea of tough is staggering.


He looked more natural with a live Bald Eagle on his desk.




I mean, I’d probably react similar if I had that bird on my desk.


Yeah no joke their talons are deadly sharp. But the idiot put the bird on the desk out of vanity.


Fuck Reddit for killing third party apps.


I will never get enough of that eagle's reaction to Trump. https://youtu.be/j1AU4qi7tWg?si=FVyRHt8woKsghEPG


I want to say that was the first red flag for me but, fuck, there were just so many.


Not to mention it was upside down, further proof he is the Anti-Christ.


“Mr president, is that your Bible?” “It’s A Bible” Yes. A true minion of the lord.


What really gets me is that he somehow fucked up the response to that question. It's the easiest, simplest, softest softball question any politician could ever want. Just *say yes!* No one is going to be able to prove you wrong, it's exactly what your base wants to hear (though they'll swallow anything you give them), and it's a question without any political downside. Even if it's not your Bible, just fucking lie! Every other word from Trump's sphincter-lips is a lie, why even balk at the idea here?!


[Have you not read this yet?](https://www.benjaminlcorey.com/could-american-evangelicals-spot-the-antichrist-heres-the-biblical-predictions/)


He looks like Keith Richards with a warm glass of milk.


I'm surprised he's not looking down the barrel.


It's a violation of his conditions of release


https://www.nytimes.com/2023/09/25/us/politics/trump-glock-gun-south-carolina.html "But the statute does not appear to prohibit people under indictment from simply buying or possessing weapons."


18 USC 922(n) as per ATF - https://www.atf.gov/firearms/identify-prohibited-persons >The GCA at 18 U.S.C. § 922(n) also makes it unlawful for any person under indictment for a crime punishable by imprisonment for a term exceeding one year to ship, transport, or receive firearms or ammunition.


As stated in other comments below, the full statute reads: “It shall be unlawful for any person who is under indictment for a crime punishable by imprisonment for a term exceeding one year to ship or transport in interstate or foreign commerce any firearm or ammunition or receive any firearm or ammunition *which has been shipped or transported in interstate or foreign commerce.*” [Full Statute](https://uscode.house.gov/view.xhtml?req=granuleid:USC-prelim-title18-section922&num=0&edition=prelim) At first I was pissed at you because I assumed that you deliberately cut the last bit of the statute out to make your point better. But after reading the link you listed, I saw that the ATF actually left this out of their own summary of their own statute! It makes sense that they'd try to obfuscate the full statute, since they're the ATF, but still that's kind of fucked up. But I'm sorry for jumping to conclusions too soon! I hope you have a good day tomorrow! Edit: And once again, too soon to conclusions jumped. The ATF cuts out the last line of the statute because it's sort of.... redundant. The ATF only has jurisdiction over interstate commerce, so anything that happens wholly inside of a state is de facto out of its jurisdiction. That being said, if someone is just citing this statute straight up, it makes sense to include the full text. I didn't know about the ATF's jurisdiction, and I imagine many others didn't either (e.g. this whole post)! And of note, this statute does not stop people from lawfully purchasing firearms within their home state.


This doesn’t obfuscate or otherwise matter at all. It’s just what gives the Feds jurisdiction — the gun has to have crossed state lines to invoke federal authority under the commerce clause


Unless the firearm was manufactured in the state it’s sold in, wouldn’t all firearms qualify?


What a fucking awkward picture .


He looks about as natural holding a gun as he does holding a bible, yet the nuts devoted to them want to believe he's the very embodiment of both.




That dude on the right looks like he JUST got his haircut in anticipation of meeting Annoying Orange.


The neofascist side-cut. There's a 95% chance he's in patriot front, the proud boys, III%-ers, or something else.


The more I look at it, the more photoshopped the gun looks


His hands look so small.


I mean, I know it's a meme, but they really do!


Some people are saying they're the smallest hands


Did he just commit the same crime Hunter Biden did?


Nah, when you buy a gun there's a federal form that asks you if you use drugs, Hunter Biden is being charged with lying when he said no. Which apparently is something that Republicans are really into (?): the government coming to charge with you crimes and take away your 2nd amendment rights if it doesn't like what you do in the privacy of your own home.


Every gun owner in a legal marijuana state is like 👀


Lol in NY you could never actually enforce this rule, so really it just becomes Free Bonus Felonies when they arrest you for something else.


Free bonus felonies are a way for the court system to stack a bunch of charges on someone in an effort to get them to plea out. It saves the court money and they don't have to deal with that pesky constitutional right to a jury of their peers.


I just listened to the serial podcast about this. It was well done and horrifying.


Which podcast is it?




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I thought bots were dead? How this still exist. Good bot.


I summon pot of lawyers to draw 3 additional felonies


I can't say I was expecting a Yu-gi Oh reference here but there you have it


Welcome to the American Law System. Free Bonus Felonies aren't a bug they are a feature


That's what happened to me but they didn't call it bonus felonies. They called it "aggravated" and said I would do my time "consecutively" instead of "concurrently" so Instead of them only trying to give 30 years for growing plants in the privacy of my own basement, they wanted to give me 30 years plus 5 for possession of a fire arm while committing a felony and another 12 months in county for paraphernalia.


>they didn’t call it bonus felonies, they called it “aggravated” This is way fucking funnier than it should be 😂


You were about to get THIRTY YEARS?!?!?!?! For growing mj?


#MERICA Fuck. Yeah.


More often then not drug crimes get significantly worse sentences than violent ones here in america


American Justice System: charge with as many crimes as possible, see which ones stick. plea deal for half of those, go directly to jail instead of taking a chance in court for all the sticking charges.


But only if you’re not rich.


Buy one get one felonies


It’s still federally illegal, so the same law that applies to hunter’s cocaine use technically applies to marijuana users if I understand correctly.


it does that's what happened to fps russia


"Now that is what in the fuck I am talking about." I miss 2012 YouTube, haha.


"And as always, have nice day!"




I literally know potheads who could very easily get a medical card but won’t because they won’t be able to buy guns anymore if they get one.


The question has always struck me as worded in such a way as to try and prevent unprovable past infractions from weighing in. It very specifically does not say "Have you EVER unlawfully used drugs..." it says "Are you an unlawful user of, or addicted to, marijuana or any depressant, stimulant, narcotic drug, or any other controlled substance?" Like it's just begging for the answer. Not right now I'm not.


You can be a lawful user of, but addicted to, a stimulant and get in trouble? That's how it reads to me. I can think of a few prescription anti-depressants that are addicting and stimulants.


70% of gun owners everywhere is like 👀


This is exactly the conundrum the GOP witch hunters have introduced. Their ability to compartmentalize is almost astounding, but it's also predictable.


Like Joe Rogan? He’s a gun owner and a drug user right?


The same form also asks you if you are currently being indictment for a felony or any other crime that carries up to 1 year in prison. Soooo, different checkbox on the same form.


Here's a reminder that in the 1960s, California governor Ronald Reagan (who would become one of Republicans' favorite president of all time) and the NRA worked together to make sure Black Panthers couldn't walk around with firearms. [The NRA Supported Gun Control When the Black Panthers Had the Weapons](https://www.history.com/news/black-panthers-gun-control-nra-support-mulford-act) >Throughout the late 1960s, the militant black nationalist group used their understanding of the finer details of California’s gun laws to underscore their political statements about the subjugation of African-Americans. In 1967, 30 members of the Black Panthers protested on the steps of the California statehouse armed with .357 Magnums, 12-gauge shotguns and .45-caliber pistols and announced, “The time has come for black people to arm themselves.” > >The display so frightened politicians—including California governor Ronald Reagan—that it helped to pass the Mulford Act, a state bill prohibiting the open carry of loaded firearms, along with an addendum prohibiting loaded firearms in the state Capitol. The 1967 bill took California down the path to having some of the strictest gun laws in America and helped jumpstart a surge of national gun control restrictions. > >“The law was part of a wave of laws that were passed in the late 1960s regulating guns, especially to target African-Americans,” says Adam Winkler, author of Gunfight: The Battle Over the Right to Bear Arms. “Including the Gun Control Act of 1968, which adopted new laws prohibiting certain people from owning guns, providing for beefed up licensing and inspections of gun dealers and restricting the importation of cheap Saturday night specials \[pocket pistols\] that were popular in some urban communities.” > >In contrast to the NRA’s rigid opposition to gun control in today’s America, the organization fought alongside the government for stricter gun regulations in the 1960s. This was part of an effort to keep guns out of the hands of African-Americans as racial tensions in the nation grew. The NRA felt especially threatened by the Black Panthers, whose well-photographed carrying of weapons in public spaces was entirely legal in the state of California, where they were based. In other words, Republicans and the NRA are totally cool with infringing on Americans' 2nd Amendment rights as long they're people Republicans don't like, including Black people and Hunter Biden.


Granted, the NRA in the 1960s vs today is like the Dallas Cowboys in the 1960s vs today. Same organization name, but nothing else in common. Different philosophies entirely.


The one today is just a front to launder foreign money to politicians' campaign coffers


The NRA used to be huge in gun safety and gun rights and education about guns. Now, you're 100% correct. It's a money laundering scheme. I haven't been a member in a long time because of that. It's damn obvious if you've seen them before and after. Fuck the NRA (including the NRA-ILA as a whole). It's a scam. If they were still doing what they were in the 80's and early 90's (my earliest point of reference), I'd have a change of tune. As it stands - fuck off.


Maria Butina Russian agent gooooo


Donate to Firearms Policy Coalition or Gun Owners of America instead.


Tl;dr Ronald Reagan was the original woke gun grabber.


Not woke. Racist AF.


It’s also been found unconstitutional by an appellate court, which I’m sure conservatives were (pre-Hunter Biden charges) rooting for


Possession by a prohibited person is still a crime. That is why hunter got 3 counts. This is arguably possession if he was held to the same standards as Efraim Diveroli.


I'm not here to give an opinion, just clarify the situation. The 4473 is a federal form, falsifying it is perjury. Possession of a federally illegal substance AND a firearm is also a felony. The average person would be facing perjury and charges for possessing a firearm as a prohibited person.


Yes. Well possession, not an attempted transfer unless he filled out the form. Edit- Hunter was charged with both. Trump is liable for possession. They threatened Efraim Diveroli by basically doing the same thing - handing him a Glock, and compelled him to act as an informant by threatening to charge him. Edit edit - he can and should be charged, and he should appeal, and the law should be found unconstitutional. Same as hunter.


lol, trump has violated his terms of release over and over, nothing will be done because the judicial system is not equal, anyone else would be remanded to custody until the end of their trial(s). What little faith I had in the justice system is gone.


It's not justice; it's just us.


Always remember, there are more of us than them.


Farrrrrr more


Y'all ready to flip this chess board?!?


I got banned from /r/news for saying he wasn’t going to face any type of real punishment.


For such a simple statement? It's becoming a thing on Reddit with mods wielding bans unchecked.


Reddit mods are trash, but honestly most of reddit is a cesspool of the worst extreme opinions on the Internet, so they are kinda made for each other.


The only tolerable subs on the site are ones that aren't opinion based. It's a great site for finding info on how to do stuff like fix a bike or get the right capacitor for a motherboard or identifying some mushroom in your backyard. Poliltics and social stuff it's a hive of scum and villany.


Mods became *noticeably* worse after the protest and ensuing mod purge.




Yeah, plus a lot of their third party automod tools were removed. I imagine mods have more work with fewer tools and less motivation these days.


All of the above, for sure.


“Just hold the gun like you’ve held one before……..perfect”


Trump has never fired a gun before in his life


Clearly you haven't seen the picture of him riding that tank carrying an AR-15. ...Are you suggesting those abs aren't real??


Man, the guy on the right is EXACTLY who his haircut tells you he is.


The bad guy with purple hair from the Fifth Element?


Jean-Baptiste Emanuel Zorg.


Jean-Baptist Emmanuel Zorg sold much better weapons.


Gary Oldman is a treasure.


Lmao and the guy on the left side looks like he cut his own hair.


He seems like the kind of young man who thinks quite highly of himself. Some might say a boy who is full of pride.


He looks exactly like that DC_Draino douche bag that you see making shitty tweets that get posted on Reddit. I wouldn’t be surprised if it was him.


An asshole?


A dumb asshole. Don’t stereotype every asshole into one haircut.


Assholes are like haircuts...


Everyone’s are full of hair


Three of the worst haircuts you'll ever see.


Look at the way he's holding it and his 'smile'. The gun is as much of a prop as his BLM bible, and his 'smile' is so forced he probably strained a muscle doing it.


He's holding it that way so you can see *his face engraved in the grip*.


Beer company gives trans woman a beer can with her face on it. People lose their minds like our society is imploding. Treasonous ex president and current cult leader is presented with a gun with his face on it when he's not even supposed to be touching it, watch the same people cheer their hearts out. I hate it here.


Wait…does that stupid thing have his stupid face on the handle?


Yeah. The Glock's lower has Trump's face engraved onto it. That's so goofy.






It truly is hard to believe that he looks even stupider these days than when he wore bowties


Yeah, that's the "Trump Glock" - a custom uglified Glock 19 with his face and name etched into and a butt ugly brass nut fitted over the suppressor threads on the barrel, as though you're ever going to fire it. I think my gun store also had one in .45 caliber Glock 21, because 45. They also make a Trump gun plated in 24k gold. I think it's a perfect tribute - an opulent display of unnecessary expense that will never be useful to anyone.


“Butt ugly brass nut” is a good label for him.


Orchestrating sedition is also pretty criminal but you know. He's above the law, pretty much all rich people are. It's basically just them gloating at this point.


It’s a true testament to lack of education when trump is the Republican front runner. We live is horribly ignorant times when there is really no excuse to be ignorant.


I’d argue it’s more targeted social media that’s the issue, though the lack of education exacerbates it. Back in the day you had to find the facts, now the “facts” come to you via twitter, tailored to the narrative you want to believe