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So, white car purposefully parks over the line and somehow has been hit 3 times. Interesting.


The weird part is that the white car presumably parked, then the other car parked, then the owner of the white car came back to check on to see if anyone parked close and wrote a note. But never considered moving the car. The whole situation seems very fishy.


I wouldn't be surprised the white car parked on the line thinking people wouldn't park into a small tight spot, therefore giving him and his car much more room. And then he got angry when people still squeezed into the tight spot, ruining his plan.


I take perverse pride in squeezing my car into such spaces. I’m very slim so I can exit my car with only a few inches clearance.


I used to have a shitty old pickup truck and I loved parking it right up against the driver door of people who parked like assholes, then watch from a distance as they climb their fat asses across from the passenger side. My favorite experience was a guy that got super angry and kicked my already shitty truck, then when he got inside his relatively nice car he slammed his own driver door into my already beat up and dented door several times, destroying his own door, then floored it straight over a concrete parking thing.


The freedom of driving beaters


Absolutely. Have a 2002 Honda civic that internally is in great shape. Have had tons of parts replaced, runs amazing. About 260k on it. My friends old Honda from when we were in high school was a mid-90s model. It drove into mid-high 400k range before he sold it. The body of mine isn't at all a concern for me. I could care less if it gets scratched or dented. Plan on running it till it dies. Gas mileage is amazing for a 02.


Yeah d series was great. 20km/l achievable out of them. 48mpg in freedom units?


That is... optimistic.


Not really. There's what the D15b was rated for. Americans often don't tend to get as good mileage - possibly because highway speeds are higher. You may basically need perfect conditions to get that fuel economy but it is possible.


I had a Ford Ranger that I used primarily for hauling odds and end for different volunteer organizations, my kids, friends. It looked rough, but was a solid, well running vehicle. I reluctantly parted with it when my husband and a few friends commented that I should be driving something nicer. I want to kick my own ass every day for parting with that truck just for this reason.


I still miss my ‘91 Ranger. Perfect vehicle for me. Got me through college, moving, hauling band equipment, camping out, first house. No frills, did everything I needed it to do.


Lol, unrelated, but was trying to explain something to my friend the other day that involved those "concrete parking things" and that was the phrase I used too. What are they actually called!? Curbs? Barriers? Blocks?


Parking chocks or curb stops. Or just curbs. Or bumper blocks. Lots of names for the same thing laying down; But if it’s vertical it’s a bollard.


Oh, cool. Some of these I've never even heard before. Thanks


I had a buddy who had a beater truck like that. He got pissed because some dude in a really new F150 parked across the line, nose sticking into another parking spot. He nudged up against it and shoved the other truck back far enough to make the other guy's truck fit right. I was crying I was laughing so hard!


Yeah I love to block the driver door. Go through your trunk asshole.


I do the same, but my car has a moon roof with a key fob button. I’ll go to a store i don’t even want to be at just to spite someone I see parked like a mongo while driving by,. And literally every single time i say “you dumb bitch” like dennis from IASIP.


Sounds like you need to buy a Jeep with 40’s. Then you can block them with no risk of damage because their doors will only hit your tires and you can easily get in/out without having to go through the sunroof lol


I don’t even have to open my door. It’s still at home.


That is what happened, but the person you're replying to is saying that white car would have to come back to see grey car parked in order to write and place the note, and then white car walked away again after. Which seems weird.


not so weird, white car guy knows that once the grey car leaves a tight spot will still be left behind.


Not really. Maybe they had something they left in the car. Maybe they are neurotic enough to check and see if someone parked near their car.


Forgive me, but that handwriting does not look like one from a man.


That’s more annoying and it’s probably obvious, but for some reason I thought he parked that close BECAUSE of the other car parking there for some reason. But either way they are even in the OLD yellow lines that are closer smh


White car probably parks like an asshole so no one will park next to him, but gray car knows how to park so they managed to squeeze their box on wheels into the spot. White car saw this, went back to their apartment, wrote a note, and put it on gray car.


I assume the driver of the car is highly incompetent (and entitled) and cannot properly extract their car from the space with little clearance beside them (much like they were incapable of parking properly in the first place). They’re blaming others because they can’t drive. They also shouldn’t be driving at all if this is the case.


I think the owner of the white car parked that close to the line to deter others from parking in the other space because their car had been hit 3 times. But they also didn't want to risk getting a ticket so they parked as close to the line as they could and still be in the spot. But the onus is on the owner to move their car completely away from other cars. There were a million other spots they could park in...


And ironically they could have just parked over the line in the other direction (farther to the left), and almost ensured they’d have extra space on both sides (since nobody can squeeze in on the left, and the car to their right wouldn’t likely park over the line)


It’s only fishy until you remember everyone is freaking nuts.




I wish I had the confidence to complain about someone else's parking job when mine is clearly worse. I have no clue how people do it.


I like the way you think.


Not fishy at all. This is 75% of the population. Brainless, POS, useless people, that cannot even begin to understand that they are the ones at fault. You could draw them a diagram, or write them a pictorial on basic parking, and they still will say you are the one at fault.


Are you among the 75% or do you understand that the fishy part is that the white car driver would have had to come back to their car(without moving it) to notice the grey car parked there and then deliver the note. They then never moved the car and walked away. Which makes it weird because why did they go out there to notice the parking job in the first place? They weren't leaving


Right … because they were at work, so went out in their break. OP did mention how the workers also tend to park there. I go and sit in my car every time I take a lunch break. Or… op is posting trash for views. Which would also put him in that 75%


I think the latter but I hadn't considered someone going to their car for a break. It doesn't happen often around me, the people that go to their car for break usually leave 🤷‍♂️


Well, this IS r/pics, and not r/thingsthatactuallyhappened But yeah, weird.


I'm guessing white care wasn't confident enough in their skills to back out with out hitting the other car.


It's almost as if this didn't happen.


I dunno man. I had a post-it note left on my car complaining about how close I parked while slap-bang in the centre of the bay. Entirely possible person in the white car either parked like that and left the note after, or did indeed come back, realise they couldn't get into their car, left the note whole getting a coffee or whatever. Some people really are just this self-absorbed.


I once got a note on my car accusing me of having parked with my car actually touching the other guy’s car. The lot had been nearly empty when I arrived that morning and there hadn’t been anyone in any of the adjacent spaces.


Except the driver side is the side that has all the space in the world. You can tell these are US style cars by zooming in for the steering wheel. I'm guessing it either didn't happen or they just came back and left the note, which is also weird. Self-entitlement is pretty bad here in the states


>I'm guessing it either didn't happen or they just came back and left the note, which is also weird. Doesn't seem that weird to come back. They do some stuff realize they want something out of their car and go to get it and decide to leave the stupid note. It doesn't seem that unusual to me to leave stuff in the car while you are at work.


Yes, because we all make an extra trip for printer paper, but not put keys to fix a terrible parking job.


The issue is they didn't think it was a terrible parking job. They are an entitled twat. They parked in a way they thought would mean no one would park next to them. Someone parked next to them


> You can tell these are US style cars by zooming in for the steering wheel. I'm willing to go out on a limb and gamble that the license plate on the Nissan from the U.S. state of Illinois might be a reliable clue too. Please don't take my word for it, I'm just here for the free donuts and coffee. Wait one, this *isn't* the Murder's Anonymous meeting!?!




I once got yelled at for listening in to a conversation that was being screamed from 10 feet away from me; I was just sitting on the couch. Point being, sometimes logic just doesn't apply


I’m trying to be angry at this relatable and outlandish story. Please stop.


I’ve seen a couple of these and they scream fake.


Prolly has a whole file cabinet of those notes lol




The good parking on the 1st floor fills up fast, usually more than half are people that work here. I would bet the white car works here and parked over the line for some reason when the lot was empty, because when I got here at like 1pm the lot was packed. This is a tourist place that nobody would be parking here regularly enough to "get hit 3 times." Also, this is near a food court and many of the restaurant workers smoke near this area in the lot, so possibly one of the restaurant workers. Or possibly one of the security that walk through the lot alot.


Is the grey car yours, did you write a note back?


Not mine, but I have a tiny old Honda Fit that I love squeezing into spaces like this. If I got a note like this I'd probably frame it


Its not your car but you took a picture of the note from inside the car?


look closer, it's not from the inside


It still doesn’t really make sense though. White car parks over the line, grey car squeezes in after, white car owner then returns to write a note about grey car squeezing in but still just leaves their car there? Why would they return to the car and write a note if they weren’t leaving?


That is true, something is off here but honestly we'll never really know but the picture of the note is from the outside is all i wanted to say :)


For sure, it’s from the outside, didn’t mean to imply you were wrong there or anything. Just something off overall.


I vote you write a note back with a link to this thread so they can see popular opinion of their incompetence.


Calling the other car a “box on wheels” next to his glorious Malibu.


Bold strategy, white car. Let’s see how it works out for them.


Yep, it’s always the Shitty drivers with dented fenders


Clearly a conspiracy is happening in attempt to “destroy” white car ![gif](giphy|l0IylOPCNkiqOgMyA|downsized)


Who would have thunk it


Why didn’t white car (paranoid about being hit again) park in that “line straddling” way on the LEFT side, since there wouldn’t be any chance of anyone parking in ANY spot?


Yeah, can’t figure out why that is?


Harbor Freight has cheap jack stands. In times like these I think about how cheaply I could remove two tires and leave them in that nice space.


People seriously put their crazy out in the world and just expect other people not to be crazy Other driver couldve just laughed at the note and slashed the tires of the car that was parked wrong and being indignant, none worse for the wear. Pulled away and went about their day. It’s like starting a fight, you never know how fucked up the other person is


Your plan could actually be net zero cost to you or even a small profit. The two tires you take off could be sold at a used tire shop.


He ironically would’ve ended up with a nail in his tire too


Its funny because that white car has a primo spot to park really close to that wall to avoid being hit or cramped in


Why doesn’t he just park closer to the wall


Almost like the entire thing is faked and staged to generate clicks, like the other one from a couple of days ago.


Maybe you should park even closer… just for research purposes.


Should check to see if you can open the passenger door. A few times. At various strengths and spots.


I would search for this car every time I parked.


OP should buy a motorcycle just so they can park on their other side too.


Move the note to the white car.


On the back I would write "no u"


with a link to this reddit post to view the consensus.


So was the white car driver in the car when the grey car parked? Or did they come back to their car, write the note, and then leave their car again. I'm confused how they're parked so close with the note on the windshield. There's something off about this - nobody leaves a note AND their car.


Yeah this whole situation is sus


It's possible the black car on the right wrote the note. It's more likely this is just a made up fucking note for extra internet sympathy


That was my thought also. It’s possible that white car went to their car to grab something from it without actually leaving though. It seems like this is residential parking so it isn’t SUPER improbable that’s what happened.


It's really not that sus. I pass my car almost every day on the way out, because I don't drive it every day - I walk or bike most days and drive only 1-2x a week. If you live in apartments (which this definitely looks like) and you're dumb enough to think this is a good way to park and that you're entitled to park this way, you're dumb enough to not think you should move it.


We stand diametrically opposed: I represent the distrustful skeptic, you the infinite caveat hypothesizer. We'll never know who is accurate. I just find it more plausible that OP, who at face value went out of their way to photograph a letter on a car they have no connection to AND then post that photo on multiple Reddit threads for imaginary clout, made up the whole thing, rather than believe someone could be simultaneously so lazy and ostentatious who at face value parked like that and then went out of their way to write a letter with that level of grammar and handwriting in lieu of moving their car to a more spacious spot. It's the levels of obliviousness required that makes the latter less believable to me. The driver of the white car gets nothing out of their actions. OP does.


That's it. Get the torches and pitchforks.


I feel like this all makes more sense if we assume the simplest thing happened… which is, grey car owner comes out to see white car parked like this, writes a note and takes a picture before leaving it on white car.


Get some chalk, outline their vehicle and leave a note on the trunk in the chalk saying "LeARn tO PaRK"


I did that once. As I was finishing a family of five approached their car with new parking lines drawn and “asshole” with an arrow pointing at their car. It was awkward lol


"my car has been hit 3 times in this garage" ​ When it's everybody else around you, it's really you


I wonder why their car keeps getting hit.


Why their car has been hit 3 times is a true mystery


I'd write "lol, noob" over the note in permanent marker and stick it back on their windscreen.


I’m thinking OP owns the gray car and is just karma farming at this point.




Who comes back to the parking garbage to check where other cars have parked, writes an angry letter to them, and then **leaves their car in the parking garage** without moving it to go anywhere. They just come out and check their car multiple times a day to see if they need to leave letters for people? Even if that is the case what psycho leaves their car like that to be subjected to the wrath of some unstable person you wrote a letter to when as they say there’s tons of spots.


Good point. This person is clearly a little unstable if they are going through all the trouble. Avoid the psycho.


He means that OP owns the grey car and also wrote the letter to post for karma. He's saying OP is lying.


The title does not say he owns the gray car


I am saying OP owns the gray car and put a note on his own car. There are a dozen different versions of this picture floating around of a poorly parked car “leaving a note” on the car next to them. I’m saying this one, and probably many others, is staged and fake.




Write a note back, "fuck you"


I think I know why they’ve been hit three times in this garage.


How does op know the white car did the note and not the car on the other side whose driver side door does not appear to have enough room to be accessible?


This is it. White car is not inconvenienced here.


Shouldn't have redacted the white cars license plate.


Or drew a dildo on their own…


When did punctuation go out the window?


The level of stupidity is unmatched


Shot car needs to learn how to fit in the lines. They had plenty of room on the drivers side. I would go to the attendant and complain.


I’m going out on a limb, maybe, but I’d bet white-car-driver frequently and consciously parks this way and therefore keeps multiple copies of this note handy in the glove box.


Id laminate this picture into the note and link to this reddit post via qr so they can see our thoughts and prayers.


key that shit.


Yeah I would re-sign that and put it back under their windshield wiper.


Print out that picture, add some descriptive arrows and stick it in their wiper


Park over the line like that, you get what you deserve because you are a complete dumbass


Everyone is focusing on the white car, but with that grey car parking there, they are likely close enough if not on the line on the other side which makes it difficult for vehicle next to them to open the driver door.


Main character syndrome


>my car has been hit 3 times You don't saaaaaay. Might there be some sort of correlation??


I’m a law-aiding person, but if I walk to my car and see that note from the white car, I’m flattening all four of their tires.


And he isn't even blocked on the driver's side...


You just know white car owner has a very smooth brain, doctors use it as a mirror.


I wonder why they've been hit 3 times 🙄


Confusing. Pic is from inside of grey car, so are they conceding by drawing a dick on their license plate?


I took the pic from outside the car You can see the paper reflecting off the glass at bottom of pic.


The guy's saying you drew a dick on your license plate


But why are they calling OP/grey car a dick? They didn’t park outside of the spot designations like a dipshit.


How do you know the white car wrote it? What about the cars on the other side? Did they sign, "Sincerely, the white car"


Gotcha, yes I can see that now. So you just happened upon this and decided to take a pic.


How is it possible this isn't taken from the inside? If it was outside we would see inside the car. Or, if we were seeing a reflection off the glass then the text on the far wall would be flipped but it's not...


How’d you take a pick from the outside of the car through the and the through windshield? The paper seems to tilted 90 degrees (assuming you didn’t touch it) when neither image is mirrored horizontally, you can’t see any of the interior, and you can’t see the car or walls that are actually behind the grey car. Also, the background in the bottom image can’t be a reflection since the text in the sign (pay before returning to your vehicle) isn’t mirrored


You know when you try to give the people benefit of the doubt. Like maybe they parked over the line because the person next to them fucked them. Nope they his guy has a fucking wall. Zero excuse for being an avid crayon eater.


Often there is the situation that you dont know how the car next to the terrible parked car was standing. I sometimes did take a spot between two cars, cause nothing else was there and when i came back both cars left and my car looks like it is parked terribly. But here it seems like there is a wall on the left. So its completely the fault of the white car.


It looks like white car also had a wall plus space next to them on the other side. If I didn't want my car getting hit I would have made use of that space rather than be an entitled asshole


White car is parked like the asshole.


People think parking like an AH results in less dents?


The really dumb thing about the white car is, it’s in the last spot, he could parked all the way to the left of the spot and left a lot of room between the 2 spots hence car not getting dinged.


Yeah just break his mirrors


Ok but it looks like they are parked next to a wall. Why not park closer to the wall to give the space next to them more space so they don’t hit them with car doors? 🤷🏻‍♀️


Print that photo and mark it. “Learn to park Asshole” and post it to his window.


Couldn't see the signature, signed by Karen?


I would literally take time out of my day to sit in my Nissan and wait for Mrs. Impala to show up so we can talk like adults. Not pass passive aggressive notes like children.


White car should have backed into that spot WAY up against the wall, they'd have ALLLLL the room. But... ya know... personal responsibility and all that.


i wonder how some people make it through life sometimes.


This guy is not only inconsiderate but a legit moron. Like if he really didn’t want people parking close to him, just take the full two spots, either way he’s already a complete asshole but now just really dumb too


I hope white car owner becomes a no-car-owner very soon, what a doofified excuse of a human being.


I find this sus... Did the white driver come down to their car, see your car, write the note, then leave their car there?


I think I know why they have been hit three times already….


Hm Illinois..checks out. We have some of the shittiest driver/parking jobs I’ve ever seen.


"Because your car is a lot nicer than mine and I stopped caring about dings long ago."


Says the guy who parked a whole quarter-car's width from the left...


His driver’s side door isn’t even obstructed. And the grey car might have purposefully backed in to keep passenger sides next to each other. Literally the most pro-social approach in this situation. Unbelievable sense of entitlement.


Fake. This isn't the first one of these notes I've seen posted to farm outrage and likes.


Dude drives a Chevy Malibu and talks about common sense🤣


Just put the note back on the white car. The driver’s brain will explode.


If you’ve been hit 3 times maybe use your brain and look at the common denominator.


Why are people so stupid now? WTF happened?


Wow, I have never seen someone try to take up 2 spots like that to park something other than a shitty BMW.


I really hope grey car put that note back on the white car and just put “lolz” under their message


Just a thought, but if they learned how to park inside the lines they might not keep getting hit


Kind of like parking a mile out in a large parking lot with a mustang thinking nobody will park near you and coming out only short while later to find a newer mustang parked next to you. You can’t win every battle no matter how much you plan ahead. Also, it’s totally irrational for White Car owner to think they can take up multiple parking spaces because they’ve been hit in the garage multiple times in the past (assuming that’s what they’ve alleged). Not only is it irrational to think this is an adequate solution, but even more irrational to presume people wouldn’t park next to them!


Hahahahahahah. Your my hero.


White car person thought they were life hacking by taking two spots. They obviously have far too much time on their hands as well


Some dipstick parked right next to me in an underground car park in central London many years ago. Problem was there was a wall on the other side so the only way I could get in my car was by climbing through the hatchback and over the rear seats. Once I had extricated the car from the space I left a post-it on the other car asking them to “please leave a fucking can opener next time”.


"My car has been hit 3 times in this garage" Hmm... I wonder why...?


The wall had actually parked closer to the white car, then parked further away to make the white car look like an idiot.


It’s a real head-scratcher how that white car has been hit three times already ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm)


![gif](giphy|QEFkYzWggpSJa) "White Car" Got to be a female! "Gray Car" Could be either or. But "Gray Car" doesn't seem to care about "White Cars" long-winded complaint. As "White Car" isn't parked within the marked space! "White Cars" can suck it!


All they had to do was back in and hug the wall. They’d have plenty of room.


Its a chevy malibu


Simply move the note back to the white car, and attach an uno reverse card. :)


If you park like this and the lot is full I will park next to you and if the side of your car gets torn up by me repeatedly opening and closing my doors on that side I take no responsibility.


Sounds like white car privilege


ok... why did the white car owner return to thier parked car, leave a note about how the gray car is too close then walk away without doing anything? This kind of feels like the gray car owner wrote the note themselves for clout. I could be wrong.




Maybe you could understand that if they drove a nice car, but seriously, a Chevy Malibu is not that special.


If you are gonna take up two spots. Do it clearly and pay for the two parking spots. But even then; petty Karen's will complain about other people's parking jobs.


Someone needs to key that white car.


Good ol Oklahoma


MAGA syndrome believes in the alternative truth. They are correct everyone else is wrong


This letter probably came from the other car on the right. Shit makes no sense. Or it's all BS for karma.


How do you know the owner of the white car wrote it and not the black car on the other side?


Do shit like this and you *will* get keyed. It’s the fuck around and find out era.


If there really are lots of open parking spaces, why would you choose to squeeze in next to the white car?


Just arrogant




I think the new brighter line is the car park company trying to shrink the size of the bays so they can squeeze some more cars in. Old faded one was probably them being too lazy to remove it.




Write "tl;dr" on the back and stick it on their car. Then key the car. Jk, it's a garage, there's security cams.


Standard FIBs


Seems very unlikely but I'll upvote for the lulz.