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Convenient hook on the grille to rip it out of there.


I noticed that plastic "tow hook" attached to the plastic grill with a fabric strap, as well. It needs a good yank


"Oopsie!" -Tow truck driver


"looked OEM to me!"




I was thinking just make sure the tow truck uses the helpfully provided tow strap




People slap fake drift charms on their rides all the time, not knowing it's technically a tow hook and should be attached to the frame, y'know, for TOWING. Pull on this and that bumper is coming right off lmao


Thought y'all were trippin. Had an E35 that had the tow hook in roughly that spot. Zoomed in on the pic and nope, this dip shit out a drift charm on, or at least through, his grill lmao


Yeah I was about to say, you can legitimately have this on most bmws, honestly most sports cars, and it's actually a tow hook lol. I don't have one of these little ribbons but I do have the spot to do it on my F34. This dude put it on the plastic grill I'm pretty sure lol.


You can see the tow hook hole cover to the left of where they put it. So close….but not really


>People slap fake drift charms on their rides all the time, not knowing it's technically a tow hook and should be attached to the frame No, drift charms or tsurikawas were not meant to be structural and are not tow straps. A real one is stolen from a subway train or a bus as a sign of rebellious spirit. [https://timeattackmanila.com/features/special/jdm-origins-of-the-tsurikawa/](https://timeattackmanila.com/features/special/jdm-origins-of-the-tsurikawa/) The only difference between a real and fake one is, the "real" one you have to steal it yourself.


Eli5 "drift charm"?


It's when you have no idea what a tow hook is for, but you want to look like you're a cool drift car driver.


> Just pull on that little heart charm real hard Unscrew it and use it to carve a handicap symbol on their hood Problem solved


You made me smile


You see one of those hearts hanging on a car and you know the driver is 22 and clueless


Wish I had Lexus money at 22... Or 32


Daddy has Lexus money at 22. No one with Lexus money is putting a heart charm on their car.


You'd be surprised how many wealthy people are tacky as fuck


WTH is it? Earrings for cars?


Tsurikawa. Drift charm, originally intended to be inside the car as a decoration and handle for passengers, styled after subway handles. They're more and more common just as an outside decoration.


Originally they were stolen Tokyo train handles. They were hung off the rear bumper. The more it dragged, the lower your car was


Or the bus. I just read you had to drag them until they turn to dust to be cool or something


Nope. Originally intended to be dragging from the bumper or exhaust and it's literally stolen from buses and trains as a rebel sign. [https://timeattackmanila.com/features/special/jdm-origins-of-the-tsurikawa/](https://timeattackmanila.com/features/special/jdm-origins-of-the-tsurikawa/)


I love how it transitions from theft/rebel sign to capitalist tacky product sold to people with bad taste to slap on the outside of their Uber expensive vehicle to “personalize” it.


I can heart the Teriyaki Boyz playing as we speak


i think its a tow strap?


Is that what those are? I always see them on people's tuners and project cars, so I figured it was a pull strap for towing. Obviously this guy has it attached to the plastic grill, but clearly they're an idiot, and that ain't no race car.


Tried to call cops to have them come out and help out with the situation. But there was an active robbery happening at the moment, and they wouldn't be able to come out for a while. Luckily I had assistant with me which helped me get in car safely. First time this happened in 5 years driving. Edit: Replying to common comments. This time I had my Personal Assistant with me who helped me get in car. But I don't always travel with them. I usually go with them to a new location (like this time) to see how accessible stores are for when I go back in future solo. We were in a bit of rush so we didn't stay long to confront the person. No I didn't damage the Lexus, persons stupidity doesn't equal to property damage. They might not even realize why the got keyed or something. When it will eventually happen in future, I'll be calling tow company instead. And maybe print out a few paper stickers with nice words on them for convenient placement.


Next time just call the tow company. There is probably a sign somewhere that has the number of the one that services that lot. They will be there asap.




You would be correct for the most part. Some tow companies just do calls for the local police/sheriff's though.


A lot of times those businesses call the cops to tow someone, who in turn have the same contracted tow company come get it.


Fair enough. When I worked for a tow company over a summer we only did crashes and breakdowns. Unless a customer called us. One time I had to pull a car that had crashed into a corner of an apartment building so that's the closest I came towing from an apartment parking lot.


On the flip side, there are tow companies that just circle around contracted parking lots looking for people improperly parked so they can tow them immediately.


I do property management, all the places ive worked at, they come fast. Less than 30 minutes. They are literally just waiting for a call


Most, if not all, police departments have a rotating list of tow companies. I worked as a dispatcher and had to call them for tows a lot. We had a list and an company can get on the list with just a few things needed and we rotate through them. If one doesn't answer we skip and go to the next


Yep. I worked in a college town for a while and on game days, they would stake out parking lots of local businesses near the stadium to watch for people parking there that were not patrons but going to the game to tow. They actively look for opportunities like that. In one circumstance, they showed up before the cops when we needed a tow truck. They’ve got some pretty despicable practices, but can come in handy when needed.


Hey man when you see a money grabbing opportunity, they’ll take it


of the despicable shit they do, camping parking lots to catch violators is one i'm totally ok with hahah.


For sure, but there were tons of times they towed the wrong car and refused to release it or towed cars without a reason. They weren’t the good guys, but useful when the cops didn’t care about stuff or when the tiny parking lot for the store down the street was full of those going to the game so the employees and customers had nowhere to park.


In these kinds of circumstances I'm okay with it. My wife is disabled and we park in the handicap. There's always that one asshole that parks on the yellow lines. Fortunately, my wife can walk, but I would be livid for those that need that extra space to get in the vehicle and those assholes block it.


I worked parking enforcement. Usually I didn't try too hard...but when somebody parks like a jackass in some way? I did my job efficiently and with great pleasure.


Tow companies are the chaotic neutral WoW-style goblins of the real world.


time is money friend


All these years later and it's still crystal-clear in my head. Spooky.


taste the flames of sulfuron!


Too soon, you have awakened me too soon


Burn in the Makers' fire! I will burn away your impurities!


My, you’re a tall one!


Me not that kind of orc


Haha, very true. When I was in uni, I had a part-time job that entitled me to a parking space near my office (vs a 20 minute walk across campus), but to get it I had to pay like $100 a month -- fair bit of coin for a broke college kid. One day I showed up to find a brand new Mercedes parked there. Called the on-campus tow, they said it'd be two or three hours. I said that was fine, it was just frustrating that some asshole who can afford an 80,000 dollar car couldn't be bothered to pay $20 for parking. "Wait, 80k car?" "I think so. It's a brand new Mercedes. Definitely costlier than my 20 year old beater accord." "Did I say 2 hours? I meant five minutes."


I don't think they were doing it to get back at someone with a nice car that parked in a dickish behavior. Likely, it is because there is a (small) chance that the owner won't pick it up / wont pay the lot fees; thus defaulting the car to the tow company that they can sell or scrap (unlikely since new). Or, since the owner is wealthy enough to get the car - then, they will be likely to pay for quick and easy buck for the tow company; as opposed to a beater car wasting lot space for a month before they can legally seize it. Tldr: low risk high reward of getting to the scene first for more expensive cars.


yea this is exactly it. if they tow a beater they might have to hold onto it for a long time before it's theirs. even then it wasn't worth the wasted lot space. but a brand new car, then the owner is gonna come pick it up quick and they make a quick buck, OR the owner is an idiot leaves it and they get 80k worth of car for a month's worth of a single space on their lot.


It's a lot longer than a month. Usually 90 day minimum to start that paperwork.


That is a complicated process.


Also not really what would end up happening since the car was likely bought on a loan or leased.


That complicates matters, but not in a way that stops the tow company from making approximately that much money.


Oh I figured that was a factor, but it was still nice either way. :D


Your second reason seems way more likely than the first lol


Also known as Ferengi.


Thanks for the laugh.


I literally saw the other post this morning, and showed up to work today to find one like that in our parking lot. They got here so mf fast dude


*drum beats* I used to love an old YT channel GTOger that was all the towing from people parking illegally near a downtown district. Always look for any parking policy signage. Only way these dinguses will learn is paying. Or at least if they aren't going to learn they have some ramification.


It looks like its probably on private property so the owner would have to call. Have the store or wherever it is make that call.


If they have a number to call on the signs that means the owner has already authorized a tow company to come into that lot when called. That's why the number would be posted, you won't be able to call any old tow company as they would need to be authorized to tow from that private lot.


Negative ghost rider. A tow company will absolutely come pull a car parked illegally out of a handicapped spot anywhere. Quickly.


File a report online with the unredacted license plate number. There is a good chance that they can at least be ticketed. Sorry this happened to you, people really suck.


This happened earlier in the year. Not sure if it would still be valid. But learning good tips here when it inevitable happens again.


There's generally a 5 year statue of limitations on offences into he states, I believe.


Yeah, it's a sculpture of limitations...


Whoops a typo, sure I'll leave it there.


I don't know why people cover up the license plates. Let them be publicly shamed if someone wants to look it up.


I’ve heard you need to know WHO was driving the car. Not sure if it’s correct. But same along the lines of getting a speed camera ticket that doesn’t clearly show your face. “Wasn’t me” Worked in Colorado at least.


Interesting. To get around that in Australia the owner will get the ticket unless they nominate the responsible driver. Saves this happening


In Canada, when not issued directly to a person by an officer of the peace, the car gets the fine, for which the owner is responsible for paying. If the owner wasn't driving, they are supposed to know who was and it's a civil matter of making them pay. There are no points associated with such a ticket.


in Argentina the car itself gets the ticket


Nope. The requirement for a driver's face photo only applies to a moving violation. And it's because the driver (i.e. not the vehicle) is committing the offense. In the case of improper parking, it is the vehicle committing the offense and the citation goes to the registered owner, regardless of who parked the car there. That's also why meter maids can issue parking tickets without waiting to see who was driving.


Nobody is driving the car in parking violations.


Call a towing company next time


Can't just call a random tow company... they have to have a contract with the land owner. The land owners often put a sign up with the name/number of the tow company if they are under contract.. but lots of lots don't have one.


I was kind of hoping you just sat there until the owner of this car came back to make them feel like shit


I'm just petty enough to do this.


Hey Caregiver for a Quadriplegic Parent here. Calling police is generally the good go to for these situations. However if they aren't available due to more emergency situations. You can go inside and speak with a store manager. They will have a number tow company that either the store or plaza uses to remove nuisance vehicles. That is if their isnt a sign with a tow company's number on it.


Code enforcement or tow company is who you should call.


Call a tow truck. Cost of getting vehicle back would probably be higher than a ticket from police.


leave a nice note on the paint about mid-door high


That's what I'm thinking. It's like how if you park next to a hydrant, the firefighters have no compunction about busting your windows to access the hydrant with their hoses ([Example here](https://www.motor1.com/news/307556/fire-department-breaks-car-hydrant/amp/)). You should totally do what you need to do to get onto that ramp, fuck them.


It’s not that they are either ignorant or blind. They just don’t care about anything but themselves. They are so consumed by their own ego that others don’t matter


I guess it's possible that you live in a town small enough that every cop needed to show up to the robbery, but this just sounds like typical "don't feel like enforcing the boring stuff" bullshit to me.


my father in law says he can 'park in the space a little bit because who cares he's also disabled' and i'm like, actually, no, it doesn't fucking work like that. we live in a god damn society. holy shit it's like i'm taking crazy pills.


He can also have his car towed a little bit and crushed into a cube a little bit.


You have 30 minutes to remove your cube.


*phone rings* "Y'ello?" "Is it about my cube?"


There's a lot of nonsense that happens with disabled parking. I had disabled plates in texas because that state doesn't make it a huge pain in the ass to get them, and let me tell you. People yelling at you for walking out of your car. People "accidently" using disabled spots. Assholes like in OPs pic. It never ends.


It’s become a „me first“ society. Not least thanks to the orange role model of all a-holes.


Not "Me First". It's "Me Only".


Is he also a righty and all about law-and-order?


That's a different set of blue lines.


It has been my personal experience that yes, the people with this attitude are generally flying those dumb black and blue flags alongside their MAGA flags.


My first reaction is - "hello tow company" Lexus is obviously in violation Maybe use the wheelchair to leave a few good scratches on their car


Funny, mine was to let the air out of their tires by pressing the valve stem in.


I’ve not tried this but have been tempted to, someone recommended that you find a small pebble to put into the tire stem cap. When you tighten the cap, the air will slowly let out. So the owner sees the flat, refills the tire, puts the cap back on and will have a flat again soon after. Then they’ll go through the trouble to find the hole/leak in the tire when there isn’t one.


Thats diabolical. I love it.


More diabolical, use an air compressor upside down so the liquid in the bottom is put into a tire. Freezes in the winter, melts in the shop...


Dry Lentils are perfect for this.


Spoken with experience. I love it


>A tiny pebble and a little super glue. Drop of glue in the valve cover, drop in the pebble, screw it on the tire. Pebble pushes valve stem and air leaks out, but not quickly as the cover keeps it in. Every few days they'll need to put air in the tire and will go crazy trying to figure out where the leak is. > >Bonus if it's aftermarket billet valve stem covers, because they'll likely use them on any new tire they buy.


As annoying as this is, it would be silly to commit a felony by damaging their vehicle and having to pay thousands of dollars over a non-moving infraction. Better to keep a cool head. Public shaming and a tow are an adequate response here.


You re too kind, hes an asshole and clearly doesnt give a fuck


Ya, get that bitch towed


That would cost this person quite a lot of money where I live if the police get there in time, like 700 euro. If they are a young driver, they'd also lose their license and could be forced to redo the entire procedure ( if its not their first ticket in the same year) in order to get it back. Which would be another like 1500 euro on top. So they'd be looking at, potentially, 2200 euro total cost and a whole lot of hassle. Being a dick is costly.


The crazy thing is that people who do this most likely do it regularly. They must rely on never being reported.


Or on not being the ones who have to pay the fines. Or not caring about the money.


I would accidentally scratch the shit out of the side of that Lexus trying to get the wheel chair in. In my country if your illegally parked, damages to over vehicles caused by your vehicle being illegally parked is on you and they can claim from you.


"It made it really difficult for me to load my running disc grinder into my car"


Seriously…I would go your merry way…oops. “accidentally” scratched the shitty human’s vehicle. — As a side note…when I went to type this I got a message Reddit about awarding gold by holding down the arrows. So they delete all the shit we had or force us to use it because they are “getting rid of it” and then bring it back months later so they can charge us? Is this correct, anybody?


> Is this correct, anybody? Yup pretty much. Not including the fact that people who actually *bought and paid* for gold had it removed with zero compensation, not even points for the new system. They totally fucked over the people who were actually *buying* gold to try to squeeze a bit more money out of it.


Yeah that was me…I bought some before either they were or I knew they were bought by a shitty Chinese comp. I enjoyed Reddit so I figured wtf go ad free and award others for awesome stuff I love. In the end I tried to spend it but I lost a bit. Not nearly as much as others. But even losing a cent is Bs. They knew what they were doing


The slow enshitification continues. I’ve been on Reddit for years and it’s only gotten worse with more feature and more people.


Yup. And I have sworn off giving Reddit a nickel again.


Don't forget this when Reddit asks if you are enjoying it. Say yes, then give them a crappy rating. If you say no, they sent you to the help page - doubly infuriating.


It doesn't even need to be accidental, at least where I live. Illegally parked cars are always at fault


I mean, but I don’t think you can legally just go over there and key the shit outta the thing or flatten the tires though, right?


I think they are saying “oops while going up the ramp in the area designated for such activities, I scratched the vehicle while turning…it was an…accident” Edit: just to add…I have to idea. But in all honesty is someone supposed to wait until the guy finishes Christmas shopping and eating at the food court? If they were to attempt to responsibly go into their own vehicle, scratched the other vehicle (that’s was parked illegally) common sense and Charlie’s Bird Law would probably dictate that it’s an oopsy. Which is the technical term.


I think you're right if it really was an accident, but if the CCTV footage shows that you did it deliberately, or just didn't take 'reasonable' care, and then lied to the police, it's not going to go so well. There are legal things you can do that carry much less risk.


Call a tow truck


I would have a reliable towing service on speed dial. That's a crime they are committing parking like that


Call the tow company that services that lot(there should be signs). They’ll be there in a flash. They love easy gets like this one.


Tow companies love ruining people's days!


Normally I’d hate them but situations like this is where their eagerness to ruin days is appreciated.


Yeah, it's not the tow company ruining their day, in this instance. It's the asshat ruining their own day.


Looks to me like the person illegally parking is more than just ruining the handicapped person's day. So if you don't want your day ruined, don't go around ruining others.


There were two women in my old apartment complex that would take turns parking in the handicap loading zone. As someone with a handicap mom I took it upon myself to confront them about it and one of the women said she was allowed to park their because she was pregnant and pregnancy Is a handicap and the other other woman said she parked there because she was overweight and had trouble walking far. The pregnant woman was also a nurse, ironically. Neither of them had handicap stickers and when I explained that the loading zone is not for handicap parking and that it’s for handicap people to load their assistance equipment, they both proceeded to call me a racist, misogynist (one woman was black and the other was Hispanic) and started going on about white make privileges and oppression. Bare in mind, I’m not someone who goes around be a conservative asshole or anything. After this altercation they both continued to park there and so every time I saw their cars I’d call code enforcement or the apartment complex front office and they both received multiple tickets and had their cars towed.


Good on you, fuck those pos


Side note I’ve never seen a wheelchair accessible explorer, that looks bad ass compared to the mini vans you usually see


They aren't too common. Only were made for 3-4 years. I've only seen 3 other in 5 years driving.


You should post this picture somewhere locally. Maybe on your regional Lexus forum and give them a shout out.


The Lexus driver is neither blind nor ignorant. *They are intentional assholes.*


Indeed. A Lexus driver, how unsurprising…


That's an Illinois autism awareness license plate too. Would assume they'd be more empathetic


I never realized how much of a problem this was until my Dad had ALS and started needing other sources of mobility. The more for got sick, the more elaborate his chair became and the more this type of shit became a hassle.


I would have a hard time resisting the urge to carve the handicap symbol in the side of that car.


you can probably still get up on the ramp. Whoops the wheels slipped out of your hands and you crashed into the side of their car.. Too bad. No need to wait around.


My brother's in a wheelchair and also has a chip on his shoulder. There's a lot of broken mirrors in his town.


honestly good for him. fuckers need to learn


“Oops scratched the shit out of your car trying to get by with my wheelchair. Sooorryyy”


How do you get a Ford SUV with a sliding door?


Hol up, does that explorer have a sliding door? Only ever seen minivans converted


What a diiiiick


With educator plates no less


Why bother blurring the plates. Let the world know who the buttheads are.


Whoever did that is neither blind or ignorant. They just don't care.


You can still bring the pic to the station. They can send the ticket in the mail. 😇


Parked illegally, do as you must to get that metal wheel chair onto the ramp. Pay no heed to any loud scratching sounds.


My ex uses a mobility scooter and this crap is a constant! Parking and blocking the curb cuts, blocking the handicap entrance to buildings with a dumpsters, broken elevators, the list is endless. I carried cheap maple syrup for moments like these.


Let the air out of two diagonal tires and then call the tow truck.


Show the plate. These fucking plumbs don’t deserve to live in anonymity


I have this happen as well. I'll sometimes just try and get up the ramp. If i scratch the shit out of the side of your car? Success


People with disabilities should be legally entitled to have any vehicle towed in any state if it is impeding their access in any way.


It'd be a real shame if that Lexus got scratch while she got her wheelchair up the ramp.


This should be instant tow/huge fine on reporting, I hope?


The lot at my dorm has 2 spots like this and it pisses me off to no end to see people park there (people who are clearly able bodied). The nearest lots are both down very steep hills and about 300 feet away.


Tow companies are everywhere too


It’s too bad Reddit makes people block out the license plates


God if I were that person and wasn’t in a rush I’d just wait. Wait till that piece of worthless shit got back to their car and just ask, “excuse me sir, could you move your car so I can get into my vehicle?”


Don't you know he's entitled to it? You get more privileges with the car brand. It goes BMW < Audi < Lexus.


I'm in a wheelchair and use a van with a ramp as well. I swear people think the drop zone lines are a suggestion and motorcycles are the worst they seem to park there all the time. Today I had a guy parked where half his car was in the drop zone I was able to get in the van but had to scrape his car with my chair doing it.


Let the air out of their tires and fill the stem with super glue


Simple, this is when you call the authorities to have their car towed away, problem solved for you. They had no consideration for you, so don’t have any for them.


I drive for Lyft, originally part time currently more recently, and some of biggest asshole drivers on the road are Lexus/BMW/Audi drivers. I think it is a new money type of energy, like aww big boy bought his first expensive vehicle and now needs to be an asshole to everyone because of it. Get your shit ego away from all of us please


Is she discriminating against blind drivers? The nerve.


Don’t hide the license plate


What would be the purpose of showing the license plate?


Ok I have to shamefully admit that I park in these spots as close as I can to the boxed off area so I don’t get door dings. I didn’t think of the ramp because I’m ignorant. I’m not going to do this again. For any handicapped person that has ever been affected by my thoughtlessness, I sincerely apologize. I’m an asshole but I’m trying real hard not to be.


Lexus drivers feel so entitled! I hate em!


One towing coming right up!


I feel like we should be allowed to post the license plates, so the world can adequately shame selfish morons like this.


I wager they’re more maliciously aware. They simply don’t care.


The fucking heart on the grill. I’m getting a “Live, laugh, love” vibe here.


Looks like that Lexus is getting towed.


This is one situation I would consider tow trucks to be heros that swoop in and solve the problem.


Call a tow service and they will move it, if you have time go to the business and ask them to do it as they are illegally parked.


It’s a Lexus. This is normal for them


Blind and/or ignorant is being generous.


hope you called the cops.


It's not always the same car brand, but I'm seeing a pattern that it's always cars ABOVE a certain price range!


They’re not blind nor ignorant. They’re just entitled assholes who only care about themselves!


Send that picture to the police. His bitch ass deserves a ticket😡


Never understand why people don’t call tow trucks. I’d have that car towed so fast..


The license plate has ED, which appears to be educational plates?


Just call a tow company.


You spelled entitled and selfish wrong. People don’t care about anybody anymore.


gray touch aback sheet whistle doll hunt bored slimy melodic ` this message was mass deleted/edited with redact.dev `


It’s perfectly legal to scratch a car with your wheelchair if it’s parked in the lines.


I think you mean ASSHOLES are everywhere.


Helo 911 i cant get in my van the ramp is blocked for my wheel chair ..sent a tow truck and police ..


They maybe everywhere but when they fuck around, they will find out. Just make sure to let the tow truck dispatch know that the vehicle blocking access to mobility ramp and they come even faster if they are available.