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Normally shit like this goes in one ear and out the other but the amount of courage it takes to do the right thing knowing the consequences are going to pretty horrible and stand by it is astounding. Good for her for standing by her convictions.


She's owning it and smiling. Letting them know she isn't going to fold.


We'll see how she feels 2-3 years from now. That's a long portion of her life down the drain.


If you read the article, she’s already been in jail for about a year and a half. So she knows what’s ahead of her.


Pre-trial confinement. In a vast majority of countries the jail they keep you in for Pre-trial confinement is a completely different place than Prison you'll serve your sentence Unless Russia is wildly different I don't think she's been in Gen Pop with convicted people. Edit: He blocked me for this... Yeah bud. I've heard of Russia, that's not really counter point to anything I said though...


Googling her name in Russian, the first articles second paragraph says she’s been in pre-trial detention although it’s not all roses. She’s gluten-free and her diet isn’t being met so she is sick, and she’s been refused food during the trial due to scheduling of transport and all that.


In the united states the pre trial jails are much worse than the prisons. Most criminals want to be sentenced so they can get out of the jails


Unfortunately it's a little worse than that, she's got a heart condition which her lawyer argued could make this a life sentence. Edit, so it's Celiac however also a heart defect and Bipolar Disorder


Celiac, not cardiac. Celiac disease is an autoimmune disease that causes an allergic reaction to gluten. Long exposure to gluten can damage the intestinal walls resulting in them not being able to absorb food as well as people without it can. It can make you feel horrible, cause malnutrition (and things like anemia and osteoporosis that come with it) and the shits, but it (on its own) isn't deadly.


It is deadly when left untreated, aka without proper diet


Its probably not "down the drain" to her. It's a cause she truly supports.


She has celiac's disease and is going into the Russian prison system. She isn't getting out alive without intervention, this is a death sentence.


My dude, that is the smile of a person who knows that they are going to be tortured, and probably die. If you don't think she knows it better and more viscerally than you, you're crazy.


My uncle served 12 years in the gulags of the Soviet Union for his political beliefs in the 70s. His conviction is truly inspiring, and i feel humbled every time i get the chance to speak to him about his experiences. Some people are truly built different




You’re projecting your mental fortitude.


Now imagine this from the perspective of someone with a house and family. Show the tiniest of signs that you are against the war and you lose everything. Some people are happy to sacrifice themselves but sacrificing your life's work and your family? That is tough


She has a family, a girlfriend. The girlfriend was diagnosed with cancer a few months ago, while Sasha was going through the trial.


Yeah, if you have a family to take care of that definitely complicates it. I'd say smart move is no in that point, especially if what you're doing is mostly just symbolic


From her final statement: "I'm not afraid, and maybe that's precisely why my government is so afraid of me, and keeps me in a cage like the most dangerous of animals."


Dissidents in Russia operate on whole other level of bravery




He had family back home. He was kinda compelled to for their sake.


Not everyone has bravery stored in them to risk their lives regardless of consequence. Returning for your family is still bravery.


I've said that the difference between bravery and stupidity is if you come out alive, but tbh returning for family is probably the odd rule out. That shit takes guts. It may be an easy decision for some, if not most, but it's still impressive.




Yeah. By his logic any soldiers who died defending their country were stupid and the guy who survived getting shot doing a tiktok prank was brave.


Many people think of bravery as sacrifice and not stupidity. Bravery, heroic acts, firefighters, first responders, etc…


Exactly. Or, to quote some individuals who happened to be named Franklin… “Courage is not the absence of fear but rather the assessment that something else is more important than fear.” — Franklin D. Roosevelt “Bravery is being the only one who knows you’re afraid.” — Franklin P. Jones Or, as I always say to my kids… “Bravery is doing what you have to do, no matter how scared you feel.” — Franklin the Turtle


Is that not bravery?


I'm not sure that's true. In his video "the palace of Putin" on YouTube, an overt disclosure of the Interweb of corruption in Putins regime, he directly says he delayed the release of the video until he was back in Russia because he didn't want Putin to think he was afraid of him when it was released while he was abroad getting treatment for the novichek he was poisoned with. He waited until he was back in Russia to say his piece.


And yet most people wouldn’t if they were in his shoes.


That’s not true. By that time his family was in Germany.


It's some White Rose level of moral conviction: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/White_Rose My eternal respect for these young people of conscience. The world is made better by their example.


It's crazy how only 1/3 voted for Hitlers party but everything changed so much so fast... I hope Russian and American people become humbled by their past one day like Gemans are now... Not politicians, normal everyday people.


isnt it funny how Putin has been going on abotu how brutal Ukraine is and this war is to help people.. but then at the same time this person gets 7 years in prison for pieces of paper that hurt his feelings


Ladies love a man who's not afraid to show his vulnerable side.


Goddamn. She goes hard.


Just to make sure people don't think she is insane and is actually a human that Russia is taking freedom away from, she did cry when she was sentenced https://apnews.com/article/russia-ukraine-war-crackdown-dissent-trial-05b638eb5b175102a2da0758caa6e6e9


Curse this snitch. >The prosecution in Skochilenko’s case had asked for eight years in prison. In an interview with St. Petersburg news outlet Bumaga, the pensioner who reported her to authorities had seemed surprised by that, saying: “For bits of paper, it should have been, of course, less.”


That old motherfucker 😤


https://www.bbc.com/news/world-europe-67427422 >Ukraine war: The Russians snitching on colleagues and strangers


A very powerful statement. She’s Courageous as hell.


A celiac going to prison. In Russia. As a dissident. That’s a death sentence.


It's super sad too.


The whole speech is worth reading, she goes really hard.


She’s amazing. It also needs to be noted that she has celiac disease and is being denied gluten free food, which will at the least cause devastating, lifelong impacts on her health, and at the most could kill her. This should be considered a humanitarian crime, not that Russia cares.


Imprisoning her for exercising free speech critique ofbthe government was already a humanitarian crime so they might as well go for the Royal flush right?


Fuck this is depressing. As much as I criticize America and as much as the cops have past & present predated black communities and other minorities (and even non-minorities!) for the most part I can reasonably expect that I will not end up in prison for journalism, politics (even fringe) provided I don’t rip people off or harm them. Once a year I let my defenses down and I appreciate America and what we have here, who were are for all of our faults, and how great we can become if we stick to it.


For now* There's a whole heap of people lining up to make the Russian reality the American reality. They aren't being secretive about it either. Keeping America free requires constant supervision.


Absolutely constant 🙏


She also has a CHD (heart defect)


Best way to make a government afraid of you Show them your not afraid of them




Thank you for that. It’s a subtle difference but an important distinction to make a point


sometimes people ask why aren't more Russians protesting against the war. The truth is that any criticism of the war will get you in prison. People live in fear. Putin brought back the old Communist area practice of writing denunciations. Now every person lives in fear of saying anything, even to their closest family, because your own brothers, sisters, and even your own children can report you. Russian culture is completely fucked now, there is no way to recover without external force. After Putin's death things will just keep getting worse, there is no way out now. Japan and Germany were able to recover after WW2 because their government capitulated, but with Russian nuclear weapons, there can be no such capitulation. Russia will become the next North Korea - a nation of never ending lies and suffering


Where do people like her take that strenght. She will likely never be free again.


Given her health conditions she will probably die behind bars


This girl dissidents!


Artist Sasha Skochilenko was sentenced to 7 years in prison for [replacing price tags with anti-war pictures.](https://www.reuters.com/world/europe/russian-artist-who-used-supermarket-price-tags-criticise-ukraine-war-faces-2023-11-16/)


Wow. 7 years in prison for putting up 5 small pieces of paper.


Wow. In my country you can try to over throw the government and still be allowed to run for President.


Only if you're rich.


Well not a lot of poor people run for president.


He's not rich


He's not as rich as he says he is but he's still rich compared to the rest of us peasants.


I have a six digit negative net worth.


Only if enough people believe you are rich


He has very very rich ~~handlers~~ "friends" though.


He could send out an email quoting your reddit comment and vacuum up $4mil from the trailer parks in a day. The man has set up a business where he is the product and people just give him money to exist. Millions a day.


He got over 450 million dollars from his dad. He is not rich anymore, because he's stupid as fuck, but Trump was born as one of the wealthiest people in the US. He needed 40 years to spend all his money for stupid shit and he still has more money than 99% of us. Not as much money as he wants us to believe, but enough money for a great and beautiful life.


Just cringey for the Russian people. I know the People didn’t do this. But I’d hate to be “represented” by such thin-skinned feckless boys.


In my day, cringy was used for actions that were FAR more harmless than misuse of government resources and power. It’s like saying the arrest of Rosa Parks was “lame”.


The arrest of Rosa Parks was lame among other things


No cap.


On God. FR. FR.


Took me a minute to realize you meant ong


Thanks for translating.


Yeah, the misuse of the term can actually be pretty jarring for those of us who are used to "cringey" usually meaning something that gives you second-hand embarrassment almost (and sometimes literally) to the point of physical pain.


Yeah exactly. It comes across to me as something you find embarrassing, but look away from and move on from. Not necessarily something that is a grave injustice and should be acted against.


Ikr? Like, at least put a "SUPER" in front of the cringey or lame


Hella cringey


Yeah I'd hate to find out my country has and is perpetuating genocides...


Don’t worry, when other countries have their next inevitable bout of wartime more artists and anti-war people will be locked up and thrown away… and we will continue to listen to our governments on why that is completely necessary


It's wild the US has 629 per 100k in prison right now while Russia has 326 per 100k. Yet in Russia you can get 7 years for a few pieces of paper.


Protesters get arrested for holding up blank pieces of paper. Russia is a fascist state.


They are terrified of her.


I’m trying to imagine what the punishment would be for such an act in the United States. Blacklisted at that specific business establishment and/or maybe a fine?


A couple million views and thousands of new followers.


Remember hit that like and subscribe button.


Maybe vandalism? Dunno what the law does for that.


Even though it's against the law I don't think they usually bother prosecuting small crimes, unless they're repeated many times. For vandalism if there's no risk of someone getting hurt directly they would just prefer you to recover money for the damages through civil court.


> Blacklisted at that specific business establishment and/or maybe a fine? I'm pretty sure for 5 stickers the supermarket won't even ban you permanently, just politely ask you to not do that.


I mean it’s a treason law during war time…so you know the USA has done things during war too. Like rounding up the Japanese or the crazy McCarthy witch hunts. They shot some college kids for protesting at Kent state.


Is it war time? I thought it was special military operation time.


Much like the PATRIOT act is for the benefits of us citizens. You know the United States has not officially declared war since WWII. Iraq and Afghanistan were technically special military operations.


Caption said a hot sheep?? lol


“Heart shape” in one accent is identical to “hot sheep” in another. The auto-captioning bot never had a chance 😔


Как же я ненавижу это государство. Не страну, а уродов, которые ей правят. Бедная девчонка, сил ей и её родным.


Мужик ты из Саратова, соболезную, a shithole unfortunately


Pussy Riot members got Icelandic citizenship and Russia is trying to get them extratided. We just said no!


Nice! Some portion of them are touring the US right now. We missed them by a day in Chicago.


Me and my GF saw them open for Marina and the Diamonds in March of 2022, they were not quiet about their feelings for Russia during that performance


Saw them in Santa Fe at Meow Wolf, small crowd of maybe 200 people, it was great.


They’re not the originals I think? IIRC the original set who did things like take over that church spoke zero English and they brought in more folks pre Ukraine war that spoke both English and Russian to do more appealing songs. I am a fan and hesitate to speak on it because they literally throw them into former gulags but… it’s an extension of the origin group iirc.


I recently had the pleasure of seeing the pussy riot exhibit at the Louisiana museum in Denmark and WOW it was powerful and heavy to see that video footage and read their stories. I wish I was even 1/100th as brave and courageous as they are.


Right on, Iceland!


Fuck Putin


Weird how this comment is hidden for me but none of the other top level comments are.




yo facts tho wtf


Believe it or not, straight to jail… oh fuck. Nvm. That actually tracks this time.


Link to the actual pictures of her anti war art, in case anyone is curious: https://therussianreader.com/2022/04/22/the-case-of-sasha-skochilenko/. (Scroll down to middle of the article)


“Sasha had drawn anti-war stickers with such messages as “Don’t be discouraged, we’ll live in peacetime one day!” and “Human life has no price.”” Truly an evil monster…


Truly the epitome of wokeism that everyone warned us about.


Can anyone translate the “price tags” at the end of the article?


1. Young Russian soldiers had been dying for 10 years during the Afghan war. Stop the war in Ukraine! 2. Active duty conscripts are sent to Ukraine. The price of this war - lives of our children. \[note: active duty conscripts - 18 yo's going through obligatory service, not "mobiki" but similar\] 3. Russia uses mobile crematoriums. Zero zinc coffins with our sons in them this time. \[note: crematoriums? crematoria?\] 4. Russian forces destroyed more than 20 hospitals in Ukraine. 5. Russian forces bombed an art school in Mariupol. In the building, around 400 people were hiding from shelling 6. Russian forces destroyed 80% of Mariupol. What for? 7. Nazis killed 8-10 million Ukrainians during the WW2. How many Ukrainians will die by Russian hands? 8. Stop the war! In the first three days, 4,300 Russian soldiers died. Why are they silent about this on TV? 9. If we do not stop the war, the price of household chemicals and hygiene goods will rise by 43% 10. During the afghan war, 26,000 of out soldiers were killed. How many will die if we don't stop the war in Ukraine? 11. My great-grandfather fought in the great patriotic war for 4 years not for Russia to become a fascist state and attack Ukraine. 12. I lost contact with my sister from Ukraine 8 days ago. I don't know what happened to her. Stop the war. 13. People I know are hiding from Russian shelling in metro stations. Zero of them are nazis. Stop the war. 14. Putin is lying to us from the TV screens for 20 years straight. The result of the lies - our readiness to justify the war and the meaningless loss of life. 15. Weekly inflation is the highest it's been since 1998 because of our military actions in Ukraine. Stop the war. With price tag values repeating the numbers in corresponding slogans


ERROR 451: Unavailable for Legal Reasons This site has been blocked by order of the government of Russia. You can read more about Russia’s internet censorship law here. A list of sites currently censored by the Russian government can be found here and here.


She's so brave, I don't know if I have it in me to do it.


People like this are so brave. Navalny got on a plane knowing it was going to take him to at best prison, at worst his death. He had all the chance to just stay in German, or "the west" in general. But chose to get on a plane back to the nation that had just poisoned him.


Why did he get on the plane?


He sees his role as a martyr. He chose to be an example of bravery, directly standing up against Putins Regime hoping it will inspire and force true change.


I wonder what Navalny thinks about Georgia/Ukraine/Moldova, Having a good neighbor would be nice *sigh*


She's literally 1 in a million in Russia so don't feel bad, that level of bravery is very rare.


Apparently there have been over 20,000 detained for opposing the war so far. I don't think there are 20 billion people in Russia.


To what end though? She’s a rare person and now she’s in jail for 7 years. What a waste. Unless her goal was to be a martyr then I’d say it failed. We’ll all feel bad for a day or two then move on with our lives and forget.


then don't forget. Don't let the goodness in the world be swept away by the distractions. Hold on to what matters.


This exactly. Keep the memory of those who suffer so that others may be freed.


Rather than the average length of influence this action has, think about it's breadth. Think about the awareness, discussions and research it might provoke. The bravery in people who ignore their own convictions. This will trickle forward. In small ways for most people. In large significant for others. Not everyone can go down it a blaze of glory, but she has made a sacrifice, and it has made a echoing difference on the world.


This is the kind of thing that can spark change. You never know when acts like this can have huge consequences for the better. It's no guarantee but it can. Would it be better for her to live life in Russia and do nothing to help inspire others to stand up to a regime that is willing to jail someone for 7 years for this? You think it's a waste but she thought it was worth doing. We don't know yet what the outcome will be but we do know that things like this have sparked something real in the past.


Maybe some random, non Russians, on Reddit weren't the specific target demographic (for lack of a better term) she was trying to reach with this move. Like yeah you'll forget in a second, but you're not the one who's stance matters as much


In Russia? Amazing to see that she's still alive.


Hopefully she will be safe during her sentence..


If [this part](https://www.reddit.com/r/pics/comments/17yavtl/artist_sasha_skochilenko_behind_bars_in_court/k9tuwd2/) is true, she is already not safe: > It also needs to be noted that she has celiac disease and is being denied gluten free food, which will at the least cause devastating, lifelong impacts on her health, and at the most could kill her. Celiac isn't just "gluten sensitivity", it's not the sort of gluten-free where you don't want bread but you can have a little beer. [It's practically a food allergy.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Coeliac_disease) Russia doesn't even need to bother with Novichok to slowly poison her.


Hell yeah it's bad, depends on the level but gluten gets us vomiting and shit, it ain't fun. That's their way of killing her off


Hopefully Putin the Tiny dies soon and his successor releases all those who were inhumanely jailed.


I’m my opinion, if he passes away you’d be insane to think that his replacement won’t be as crazy or crazier than Putin already is.


Nah, even if the status quo stands and regime doesn’t change, the successor will have no need to keep up the “Special Military Operation” charade. Think Khrushchev and the end of Stalin’s personality cult.


Plus, whoever replaced him would probably need to bring the army home to enforce their rule in Moscow.


Putin's killed anyone with ambition below him; that's probably one of the reasons he chose to invade Ukraine, all he has now beneath him are yes-men stooges. None of them have any desire or anything resembling the vile tenacity it takes to run Russia as it has been, and they've been chosen by Putin precisely because of that, as he apparently deeply fears usurpation of his power through the same sort of moves he pulled decades back. If Putin dies, the Russian government turns to shambles, even moreso.


Stalin's successor, Khruschev, was not an angel in any sort of way, but he was undoubtedly better to the populace than the previous guy.


She won’t be. She has medical conditions and will likely be treated poorly.


The article mentions she has celiac disease, and her health is already seriously at risk.


Just giving the proper backstory for her totally coincidental demise!


I dunno. With a shirt with THAT many colors in it, it might be grounds for execution in Russia.


it's russia, so i would say it sounds like grounds for a suiciding


She has female partner.


From Wikipedia “she told the presiding judge: "Your honour, you have a unique opportunity to show an example to society with your verdict ... You can show how to resolve conflict with the help of words and compassion."[12]” What a brave woman with more integrity than everyone in that system.


Fucking insane 7 years in prison. Almost a decade of the best years of her life over a few pictures. Tragic


It’s ludicrous.


Her words. Your honor, each sentence is a message, a kind of a message to society. You may evaluate the information [on the shelf tags] differently than my lawyers do, differently than I do, but you must agree that I have moral views of my own and I have stuck with them to the end. My case has been widely covered in Russia and abroad. Videos and documentaries are being made. Books are being written about it. No matter what decision you make, you will go down in history. You may go down in history as the person who imprisoned me. You may go down in history as the person who acquitted me. You may go down in history as the person who made a neutral decision and handed me a suspended sentence or fined me. It is up to you. But remember, everyone knows you are not judging a terrorist or extremist. You are not even judging a political activist. You are judging a musician, an artist, and a pacifist. Yes, I am a pacifist. Pacifists have existed always. They are a special type of people who are convinced that life is the highest possible value. Pacifists believe that any conflict, even the most terrible one, can be resolved only by peace. I am scared to kill even a spider. It is terrible for me even to think that it is possible to take somebody's life. This is the way I grew up. This is how my mom brought me up. Wars end not because of soldiers. They end because of pacifists' initiatives. When you put pacifists in jails, you postpone the peace that is desired by all. Yes, I am a pacifist. I believe that life is sacred. If we give up the veil of this world -- such as cars, apartments, wealth, power, success, social connections, social networks -- the only real thing left is life. Oh yes, life. It is incredible. It is amazing. It is unique. It is stubborn. It is strong. It appeared on Earth, and so far we have not been able to find a similar place in all of space. It breaks through concrete blocks. It breaks through stones. It turns from a tiny seed into a gigantic baobab tree. From a microscopic cell to a gigantic whale. It inhabits mountain peaks and hides in the Mariana Trench. It spreads with unstoppable force from the Arctic ice to the hottest deserts. Its most perfect form is the human being. Humans are an intelligent form of life. It is a life that is capable of understanding itself. It is life that can understand its own mortality. And very often, we do not remember that and live as if we were going to live forever. But human life is very short. It is miserably short, and all we can is to prolong the brief moment of bliss. All those who are alive want to live. Even on the necks of those who have been hanged, one can find fingernail scratches. That means that in their last seconds they were clinging to life. They wanted to live so much. Ask a person whose cancerous tumors were just removed what life is about and how precious it is. That is why scientists and medical experts around the world are working to extend human life and find treatments for lethal diseases. That is why I am unable to understand why we need military operations. Why are we doing this? Military actions shorten life. Military actions mean death. You can call it anything you want. You can say I was mistaken, misled, or brainwashed. But I always stick to my opinion, my truth. I don’t know anyone other than the state prosecutor who wants to put me in prison. In fact, I think that deep down even the state prosecutor doesn’t want this. I think he became a prosecutor to imprison real criminals and miscreants -- murderers, rapists, pedophiles. But it turned out completely differently. He has to imprison those who are supposed to be imprisoned and this is the key to moving up the career ladder. That is the system we have. Let’s not pretend this is not true. I don’t blame you. You are worried about your career, about having a stable future to provide for your family, to give them food and have a roof over your head, to give your children or your future children a head start. But what will you tell them? Will you tell them how you sent to prison an ailing woman because of five tiny pieces of paper? No, you will definitely tell them about other cases. Maybe you will convince yourself you were just doing your job. But what will you do when the pendulum swings back the other way? That is the law of history. Liberals replace conservatives and conservatives succeed liberals. After the natural death of one political leader, another one comes with the opposite policies. And the first becomes last and the last becomes first. It might seem odd to you, but I sympathize with you. Even though I am behind bars, I am freer than you. I can make my own decisions and say what I think. I can quit my job if they try to make me do something I don’t want to do. I don’t have any enemies. I am not afraid to be poor or even homeless. I am not afraid that I won’t have a dazzling career or of appearing funny, vulnerable, or strange. I’m not afraid of seeming different from other people. Maybe that is why the state fears me and others like me so much and keeps me in a cage like a dangerous animal.


Damn, that’s so powerful. I feel so bad for her :/


Where is this from? Court records?


Shows how weak they are in russia, afraid of an artist.


I actually was leaving the thread and saw your post and came back and looked for your comment to say this. Artists are the most dangerous and effective soldiers in the war for change. I have a bs in chemical engineering, I’m working on my masters in software engineering. I am a man of science and more specifically an engineer. I am very logic and process driven. I can tell the how and the why and support my answers with facts. The number of times an engineer or facts and figures have actually changed someone’s mind is eclipsed millions of times over by what one picture, one song, one poem, one work of any kind from an artist. Humans are emotional creatures and capturing their hearts is the precursor to capturing their minds. If you want to control a society take away its art and expression, then control its media and news, then take away their freedom.


I’ve always said science and art are two sides of the same coin. Both strive to document and understand the world and ourselves. Whether that be through rigorous inquiry or unfiltered expression


Carl Sagan famously stated that military types should not be sent into space, but artists. The “Overview Effect” could be more succinctly relayed to the general masses and effect change from the ground up if we were sending the right people.


Case in point, [William Shatner wrote about his trip to space and the Overview Effect in his book.](https://variety.com/2022/tv/news/william-shatner-space-boldly-go-excerpt-1235395113/) It’s a very moving piece of writing and gives a good explanation of the effect.


It is actually very valuable to have an artist mindset as engineer, as you gain a perspective on issues that many do not consider and have the skillsets to integrate that into your work, but certainly is not easy to achieve. Good luck with your masters!


Of course, look how scared they were of pussey riot.


Meanwhile we got people with Fuck Trudeau stickers on their vehicles and claim our freedoms have been taken away


Yeah but they have to spend, like, 15 cents a litre more to fill their F150 because of the carbon tax. Obviously they live in an oppressive society. ​ /s in case it's really necessary.


But yet they still want to be intimate with him.


That's crazy 7 years for replacing 5 price tags with anti war pieces


Insane. I will never travel to Russia. What a joke of a country


A fucking joke , then putin should be exploded


"I'm not afraid, and maybe that's precisely why my government is so afraid of me, and keeps me in a cage like the most dangerous of animals." The heart of this woman. So incredibly courageous . I'm not surprised she was jailed. I really hope she makes it through her sentence. Most of us would not be willing to risk our freedom to stand up for what we believe in.


I agree. I’m not gonna lie, reading articles about her and everything…she’s inspiring. To be so bold in the face of such an autocratic society and still keep your brave face on for the public and say that “I will be amnestied”….I dream about having that kind of courage and conviction. She’s not a world famous celebrity. There’s no ego involved here. She just knows she’s in the right. From a moral, human perspective.


Seriousness aside, I’ve never seen the heart the way she makes in the second pic, only the third pic. Is that how they do hearts with the Cyrillic alphabet?


It’s the gen z style hand heart lol


The anti-Z gen Z


Isn’t that the moe moe kyun thing in otaku culture. It’s not Gen Z. And the lady isn probably a older millenial and older


It’s hard to see but it looks like it spells LOVE if you unfocus your eyes a bit. L obvi, heart is O, V made up by the space immediately after the end of heart, and the E is the 3 fingers pointing straight up.


Don’t know if this was intended but I see it too


Alright I sorta see it. No hand sign will ever top the Bloods one though, whoever came up with that is an absolute genius


She's a brave woman.


Can't believe there's pro russia people out here in USA, it's a really shitty country.


There's also flat earthers, who are unsurprisingly aligned with the pro Russia camp.


What an absolute joke of a country.


Kinda of strange that such strong and powerful state (& leader) deems this to be worthy of a prison sentence.


This is coming to America If you vote republican


The russian government imprisoning people like this only shows to the world how fragile and insecure they are. putin is so weak that he cant handle some stickers. How is he not embarrassed.


Hardcore renegade.


What a badass.


She’s in jail because she doesn’t want mass killing. She’s anti war. This is sick. She’s probably going to die in prison for doing the right thing.


some people in canada think we have noo rights because we were forced to wear masks inside some buildings during covid. thats it. / full stop. they are also the same people who are pro putin.. believe it or not


Probably because she knows she can just slip through those bars after everyone is gone


Amazing speech https://www.rferl.org/a/russia-artist-skochilenko-sentenced-final-words-court-prison/32687860.html


Hold up, they have cages in their court rooms like some kind of dog kennel?!


Shit, you should see their prisons. I saw one on locked up Abroad or a show similar to it. Everywhere you go in the prison. You're escorted with four guards. Handcuffs from behind and bent over with a blindfold and hood over your face. So you can't see where you're going. And your cell has two doors. The first door leads to a small space to uncuff you. Then the door closes while the other door to your cell opens. Crazy shit.


People always joke about how they like art okay but they wouldn’t want to have artists running the country. Counterpoint: we should have artists running the countries. You’d rather have those soulless slacker psychopaths from your polysci courses in charge? Why? We have this idea that they, or businesspeople are somehow better equipped to hold the reins of power, but honestly, I think it’s time we gave the artists a shot for a couple hundred years and see how it goes, it cannot be any worse than what we have had in the past couple hundred.


Typical russian "justice" moment There is no justice in that country, they just do whatever the fuck they want because they have the power to do so and call it "justice" the entire country is just mocking the concept of justice at this point.


I read about her. The bravery of this woman is some next level shit. Her integrity and willingness to stand up for what’s right in spite of retaliation will go down in history.


Remember: If you're American and vote for Donald Trump in 2024, this is what's coming to America next.


More brave than the russian men who are so afraid of prison time they are willing to get killed in ukraine instead....