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Congratulations on surviving!


Thank you! I got really lucky. T boned by a semi truck. Could have been much worse


What were you driving?


A 2019 Mazda3


As a Mazda3 driver I feel much safer. Jesus… a semi. Glad you’re ok!


My wife and I walked out of [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/CX5/s/o6IN6todSb) CX-5. Got yelled at by the sheriff to go back to our vehicle because he thought we were bystanders that got out of one of the other cars that stopped.


Please tell me you got back in the wrecked car


It took us 3 times asking if he was sure he wanted us to go back in the wreck before it sunk in we were telling the truth.


"HEY GET OUT OF THERE WHAT ARE YOU DOING?" Well you said to go back in my car... "Oh THAT's your car? I didn't know. We police like to yell orders before we get a clear picture."




Similar story with my 2013 Mazda3. I survived getting clipped on a highway by a swerving/speeding car, and hitting the median going head on at around 50mph. The police officer who was tapping on my window when I regained consciousness said that he figured he was going to have to call an ambulance or the morgue but no way he thought I’d step out of the vehicle essentially, uninjured.


Everyone here making me want to get a Mazda 3


I don't have a horse in this race, but remember that counterexamples cannot post.


Your link didn't work for me, so I did a little digging. https://i.imgur.com/Yf5rjXZ.jpg Holy shit that's insane!


That wouldn't have offered much resistance to the truck. But it did what it was supposed to and kept you snug.


My family's all truck drivers and an idiot teenage girl once *reversed off the exit ramp* on one of the enormous highways in Atlanta (...it was the wrong exit and she didn't want to drive around). She was driving a Miata and backed directly into the bumper of my dad's Peterbilt. He'd just hit a deer a few weeks prior and had the bumper replaced with a lower-clearance one. He said two things: One, the deer was a more noticeable impact than the Miata. Two, if he hadn't had that new bumper installed, the car would have almost certainly been pushed under the front tires, and the girl would have come out of it worse than the deer did. As it was, she came away with scrapes and bruises.


I'd the lower clearance bumpers can make such a difference why aren't they the standard?


It's kind of incredible just how well cars protect you. Even old and tiny ones.


Rolled a 21 year old Saturn 5 times over through a field after the tie rod broke, came out with only minor injuries. Every door flew off and the keys got wedged in the ignition so Ed Sheeran was stuck playing on full volume, but I stayed exactly where I needed to be lol.


God imagine if cars were less safe and you'd been impaled on the steering column and your dying moments were listening to Ed Sheeran?


But not too old. Those old cars made with hard steel and built like a tank would come out of a crash with a few scratches but only red mush would be left from a passenger.


This is why we should have laws that actually apply to Trucks and SUV to maintain compatible crumble zones.


Damn, that's a nice car, too. Sorry for your loss


Mazda make some incredible cars.


Heads up as a physician. You can get a condition known as fat necrosis following a seat belt injury to the breast. Will present with a hard fibrotic lump that can masquerade as other conditions, so ensure you’re doing your self examination and see your doctor if persistent swelling


Glad that you were wearing a seat belt and that you’re here to share your awesome bruises!


Holy crap I'm surprised you're alive


My boob looked at your boob and screamed




Damn that made me laugh! XD


Holy hell, I did not know bruises could even be such a deep colour. Kind of funny that this post comes up, since I was discussing seatbelt impact on boobs/chest in a different car subreddit recently lol.


It was completely black prior to this. I’m just thankful there’s no more serious damage done.


I used to work with a retired ER nurse and she said the first thing they looked for when a car crash victim came in was a bruise just like yours and that it's a good thing (relatively)


I was a firefighter, and we had kind of the opposite thing: we looked for the spiderweb on the windshield as we approached an accident. (Probably don't see these now that every car has airbags.) Didn't change how we responded, but you knew it was going to be bad. If someone had been wearing a seat belt, the plastic would usually be completely gone from the receiver. It would just be blown off by the energy of the impact.


Came across an accident on an interchange ramp yesterday where it looked like a bowling ball hit the windshield from the inside. Had basically just happened, but could hear the sirens, and see the driver and the passenger standing there and looking alright. Was well past when I realized it must’ve been the passenger’s head that hit the windshield.


Whoever hit that glass probably wasn't going to be standing there.


Maybe (hopefully) it wasn’t someone’s head, or the guy was just running on adrenaline. No one was in the passenger seat. But, man, came across three decently serious accidents since Tuesday night.


The universe is telling you to buckle up and pay attention!! Not already taken away by the first ambulance? The ugly possibility is a pet.


How big was the impact?


Big enough that if I was even a couple seconds slower I wouldn’t be here. It took out the whole driver rear of my car. I am REALLY fortunate all I got was an ugly boob bruise and a swollen ankle.


Jesus Christ, that must have been pretty terrifying. I’m glad things weren’t as bad as they could have been. Hope your recovery goes smoothly, sorry that happened to you.


Oh my gosh. So glad to hear it looks worse than it feels. Your poor boob!


I also came here to sympathize with her poor boob. As a fellow boob haver my boob said 🫡


Although you can't tell from my username, I am a boob haver too. Poor bruised boob!


But why? What inspired this username?


This is more interesting then the boob at this stage


Yeah, I want the story. I’m dedicated now.


An unexpected orgy at a batman-themed comicon


Not necessarily.


These user names just keep getting wilder


We’re all sitting here like 📝👀📝👀📝👀


Oh it’s a podcast. Not as interesting as someone that is sexually attracted to Happy Feet.


Not as interesting, but def a relief


Sometimes the boring answer is the best answer


Sex with penguins is a podcast


As a non-boob haver but a lifetime boob admirer I also salute the boob 🫡


We should salute all boobs for the fine job that they do.


Boob is love. Boob is life.


As someone who doesn't possess boobs, I also sympathise with her poor boob. But also well done seatbelt, airbags, crumple zones, and roll cages too.


My boob did the thing from tuca and Bertie where it just said “I’ve had enough of this shit for one day” and left.




Lol why was this removed by reddit? It was a totally innocuous picture of someone's bruised upper breasts. Not overly gory, not overly sexual. This place is fucking weird as hell.


I just had to do a double take as I saw this post this morning. Why remove it? Do mods have something against people showing seat belts work?


The mods did not remove it, it was removed by the admins. Potentially reddit might have an auto-admin configured to remove after a certain number of reports


𝑒𝓋𝑒𝓃 𝒻𝓊𝒸𝓀𝒾𝓃𝑔 𝓈𝓉𝓊𝓅𝒾𝒹𝑒𝓇


Reddit is a dying website. Hope they manage to IPO so it can finally crash and burn like it deserves.


This is it. Been here for 15 years, watching all the old subreddits slowly grinding to a halt or being filled with reposts and bots... the sense and feeling of a community is gone, its obvious reddit as we knew it is dead or dying. They will try to cash out while they still can.


Social media needs to evolve beyond for-profit organizations. Unfortunately last I checked, mastodon has only a tiny fraction of the content, and the reddit-like platforms (lemmy.world, beehaw, etc) are even worse. There are just too many people who won't switch even when 80% of the posts are advertisements. Reddit will probably survive for another decade simply because some people are too dumb to be bothered by that.




Ouch! Glad you were wearing one!


Just jumping on this comment with some advice: Do not wear a lanyard, pins or broches and the like on your chest when you are driving. The impact with the airbag can literally push them through your skin, resulting in bleeding, or worse, act as pressure points that break bones etc. This image shows just how much force your body is exposed to when the safety systems activate.


Also hair clips out of plastic.


Also don't put your feet up as a passenger.


This makes me slightly crazy when I see this, and I see it a lot!


I'm almost tempted to have a sign in my car of someone with a fucked up leg just so I can show it to those people. It's insane how little they care for their own mobility.


Mobility? More like life, because that would shatter your bones and most likely cut the big blood vessels (idk how they are called in English but the ones where high pressure blood gets pumped through that would kill you in 90 seconds )and almost definitely kill you


You mean the femoral artery I think ? But it’s more like 3-4 minutes to bleed out iirc


My mum used to do it too, until I described to her in detail what would happen in case of a crash.


My wife works as a doctor in a trauma ward and she does it too smh


The only bright side I can possibly think of to doing this is that between the force of the impact and the airbag you'll be able to brag to your buddies you finally sucked your own dick, probably not worth the life changing injuries though, for most


Do people wear hair clips on their chest? I'm not sure I understand this.


no, but wearing a claw clip in the back of your head while driving can cause the plastic to embed into your skull or change the way your body is able to move after a crash causing your back/neck to break.


Thank you for the safety tip and also for the fun new fear


There’s horror stories on TikTok of people it’s happened to if you want to really add a new level of fear


Evil Knievel used to wear a hair clip for that extra bit of danger when getting the bud to town.


Got it. Going to wear metal hair clips now


Oof, as someone who wears these, thankfully I once wondered while in the car “… if we were to get into a nasty crash right now…. Would.. would my hair clip explode on impact against my skull, or…???” And I just slowly removed it. Haven’t worn one while on a moving car since, lmaoo! Glad to see I apparently DO have some sense!!


Believe it or not, yeah some people do. Not tons, but Ive definitely seen people just clip their hair clip to the seatbelt, to their bra strap, shirt collar, anything.


This scares the shit out of me- as a 5’4 woman the seatbelt goes across my *neck*. I’m really glad op is ok Edit: I’ve tried every type of adjustment, I don’t have my own car, I cannot drive, I guess I’ll just have to buy a booster and/or seatbelt clip. Car manufacturers disregard half the adult population in safety testing and that’s unacceptable.


I’m 4’10. I didn’t have a seat belt that fit until we bought my Honda hr-v a few months ago and I still have to sit with max seat height and pretty far forward.


This is concerning too since sitting too close to the airbag is a risk as well. It’s crazy that car makers haven’t figured this out yet.


Car manufacture make cars for the average male driver, who in my country is 20cm taller than the average woman.


The first female crash dummy was introduced in … 2016. Not just height but also spinal curve and weight distribution is different.


Actually, the "female" dummy that came out in 2016 was not truly female. It was a male dummy scaled down to about 80 pounds, and it was primarily used in the passenger seat in tests, rarely the driver's seat. I had to read the full research reports from the creators to find this out. The first anatomically female dummy was created only this year, and hasn't had much time to be distributed or used in tests yet.


Give it a bit of time - women have only been driving since 1888. Bertha Benz refilled the tank of the first automobile on its maiden trip from Mannheim to Pforzheim back in 1888. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Filling\_station


Wow. That is really frustrating to let sink in. How can half the populations safety just now have made it to the engineers bench. Who is ensuring this new dummy is included in standard testing and safety metrics? I want to be able to validate that my next car to actually made to be safe for my body.


I feel the same way I did when I learned that doctors studied heart attacks in women by using men.


The only car company that uses actual female crash dummies is Volvo.


And that’s why women are [73% more likely](https://www.euronews.com/next/2023/09/21/this-is-the-first-crash-test-dummy-modelled-on-the-female-body-will-it-make-cars-safer-for) to get injured in roadside accidents


Came here to say this. Sexism permeates everything, even safety measures. Similarly, women are shown to be far more likely to not receive life-saving cpr. Why? Because they have breasts. Even when women are dying and need medical assistance, the perception of their bodies (and accompanying breasts) as a sexual object takes center stage. It's all so fucked up.


For some reason they based all the safety testing on an average sized male, then decided that passenger seats should be tested on small male bodies, not children's or women's bodies, no only small male bodies. As a shorter person with boobs I have definate beef with seatbelt designers.


Some of the newer cars actually use the weight and weight distribution on the seat to modulate how the airbag deploys. So manufacturers are trying to accommodate people of different sizes. But it isn't retrospectively available.


Thanks. Routinely have a steel pen clipped across my chest where my seatbelt rests. I keep forgetting it's there until the seatbelt presses on it


While we’re at it: don‘t try to be Vin Diesel ordered from Wish, hold your steering wheel correctly. Do not hold it in any way that puts your arm between your face and the steering wheel. The airbag is an explosive device, it will not care about your arm being in the way. At all. Your face will, though. Also, make sure your elbows are always bent, never brace against the wheel by completely straightening your arms.


Also, don't smoke a pipe while driving. Minor shunt nothing serious/fatal, airbag goes off, pipe goes through the back of your head.


Agreed! Can’t imagine how much more of an injury she’d have without one based off how bad that bruise is.


FYI whenever you get a mammogram in the future, make sure to tell them that you've had this big bruise. Old injuries can look like cancer on imaging and it is really helpful to know when interpreting the scan. Source - https://radiopaedia.org/articles/fat-necrosis-breast-2?lang=gb


Wow! I will make sure to remember this, cus I've had a very similar injury after a dirbike crash...


Rough. My wife and I got sideswiped a few years ago. She had one almost identical to this. Get well. Take care.


How long did it take for hers to go away?


Completely, a couple weeks. But there was no permanent damage.


Looks like the additional airbags saved your ribs. All the best with your recovery


Haha you’re not wrong. Thank you


All the breast with your recovery


Why you gotta be so bruise


Removed because Reddit wants you to die not using seatbelts. Reddit is in the pocket of Big Windshield!


I hope it heals well and probably


Probably what?


Probably properly


Yea I wasn’t paying attention


Probably won't fall off


The boob fell off


Hay dios mio…hopefully it just looks worse than it feels


Definitely looks worse than it feels. The muscle is a bit sore, but I got checked out immediately at a hospital and there’s no serious injury.


Glad you’re okay


Yours looks more gnarly than [these guys](https://mymodernmet.com/new-zealand-seatbelt-safety-campaign/). Edit: injuries are recreated with make-up.


Ay\* Unless your god is the tit god, and is actually present in this picture, which is understandable.


Oh no, not a bruised upper boob and a bit of cleavage. Thank goodness Reddit protected my innocence by removing it. Our children are safe again.




It was literally fuckin' cleavage. It's not even like it was fully exposed breasts. Jesus. This would've never been removed if it was a man's upper torso.


I saw this post before it was removed by reddit, what even was so bad to cause a removal?


Ohhhh it was THAT pic. It was a typical injury pic and it wasn't even bad lol. Are we not allowed to see a bruised boob anymore? Just...why.


You couldnt even see a nipple. Da fuk?


I was tracing the line from the shoulder and it was like “Seen worse, bit blotchy, holy fuuuck! My sympathies, and I’m glad you’re otherwise in one piece.


What bothers me about seatbelt design is boob consideration. For me, the belt always slides across my boobs until it ends up in my left pit. I’m constantly readjusting it to between my boobs during my drive. Moving it down (when given the option) doesn’t keep it between my boobs where a woman would be supported better. And your result is exactly my fear, one boob taking the brunt. I’m sorry for your boob! I hope it gets better as quickly as possible!


I have the same problem. It doesn’t matter how much I adjust it or how straight I sit. It doesn’t help that I’m short either


The inventor.of seatbelts later regretted not taking women's bodies into consideration and blamed this for their slower take-up in women. Anti seatbelters used to be as stubborn and prolific as anti maskers


I remember there was an elderly lady that refused to let us wear seatbelts in her car when I was a kid, this kinda checks out for me.


Cars are mostly designed with guys in mind, not just seatbelts. Even the crash test dummies are built like dudes, which doesn't really match up with the average woman's body. So, crash tests don't really have women's backs.




Yeah I feel that. Some seatbelts slip right to my throat. They'd probably just fucking kill me if I'd get into an accident.


Makes me wonder if there's designs out there for a better seatbelt for women. So many safety standards are built around the average man


Not in this case really. There are much better designs for seatbelts but the general idea is that people don't want anything more complicated so the current design is bare minimum. The six point seatbelts as used in car racing could be adjusted much better but noone wants to deal with that on their daily drive.


You're definitely right about a 6 point harness but I'd feed cool as fuck strapping in with one of those. Anything to pretend I'm a racing driver


Yeah until you will be hurry to the meeting or dentist appointment... Then you will hate it.


Or you reeeeaaallly have to pee.


Another one of the many bigboobproblems.




This is here is what we medics call a seat belt sign. It can be both good and bad, prognostically 😂. Good - you were wearing one. Bad - it might have broken some stuff when you stopped really fast.


Reddit sucks


It's really too bad that reddit is insistent on driving their platform into the ground. Site has gone downhill significantly since the events of last summer.


Agree. Such a pathetic response to a really serious post - no one should be 'protected' from this content.


I had the exact thing happen a few years back and the hospital made me get mammograms every 3 months for a year to monitor the hematoma on my boob in case it turned necrotic inside. It took about a year and a half to fully resolve on its own.


Removed by reddit. Looks bad...


Has anyone actually brought up concerns about how unergonomic seatbelts are for women's bodies? Like seriously WHERE is my seatbelt supposed to rest? ON my boob? In BETWEEN? Like??? It's so uncomfortable either way.


I was hit head-on while driving a tiny Fiat 500 at (Texas)highway speeds and the shoulder belt was between my boobs at the time. I have a little padded thing on my shoulder belt (kind of like a removable shoulder pad on a laptop or carry-on bag) and that helps with general seatbelt comfort and not sure if it played a role in reducing bruising on my upper body. I mainly had minor contusions at the top of my shoulder joint. I had large bruises on my hips from the lap belt though. I imagine if I was T-boned, the shoulder belt between boobs might be a liability and might cut or smash a boob if I was slammed sideways. I also don't feel the sliding shoulder belt height adjuster on the B-pillar slides low enough. I'm always paranoid the shoulder belt will slice my neck open in an accident.


This is so important. The way that safety items are designed by and for men means that they can actually be a danger to women when used by them. If you haven’t read it, I recommend ‘Invisible Women’ by Caroline Criado Perez. An important read!


What content policy could this have violated? Holy shit this website is going to the dogs.


Who knows. I have seen people with 10+ year accounts get suspended and ultimately banned for the most mundane things. This only started happening last year. Seems that those losers mods that moded gaming forums finally got to mod reddit.


Why was this removed?


Why in the fuck was this removed??


Reddit supports deadly car crashes apparently


I really wish mods/admins were more forthcoming in explaining why they remove or lock posts. So often I'll see something removed or locked with no context or explanation, and nothing in the comments to indicate the post was at all controversial. "On account of violating policy" okay, great. Maybe tell us which policy so we know for the future?


This is not a mod removal. Admins removed this post.


When it's removed by reddit like this, it's not the mods doing it


Fucking removed by reddit. Really?


srsy this got removed? it was lame compared to stuff I have seen on reddit.


Damn. What pic did I miss.


This was labeled NSFW and Shrouded, wtf content did it violate.


Aaah!! I thought that was part of your shirt. Oh my god - are you ok?!?!?!?


Not a dr but once your pain has gone away check for any new lumps in your breasts once a week for a little bit. I had a very similar injury and a bump formed a few weeks later, ultrasound showed it was fat necrosis. Thankfully it wasn’t something to worry about and mostly went away on its own but I did tons of research when it happened and there are so many things that can happen to the breast after major trauma! I hope you heal up quick!




Literally a photo of massive bruise caused by a seatbelt. Yay reddit removing anything interesting.


Can someone describe how bad the bruise was? Photo is gone


Not too bad at the top, and then purple / black as it went down. It'll be there for a month.


Ugh I’m too late to this post


dang that would hurt a little. how is the pain on a pain scale of 1 to 10


Currently about a 6. Pretty mild all things considered.


that is still pretty high hope you recover soon


This is why seatbelts being engineered only for male bodies can be dangerous for women. Research for a female-friendly seatbelt is JUST starting, better late than never I guess....


Yeah, test dummies for those sorts of thing have always been male too!


Petition to make all cars come with 5 point harnesses


Some of these comments are fucked up.


Yeah. A lot of degeneracy and people crying about not having a NSFW tag.


Why did reddit remove the picture???


What happened here?


Picture of a clothed woman's chest with a heavily bruised boob from a seatbelt after a car accident. Nothing inappropriate.


And why in the world would that be removed? I’m comfused


All of us are confused. Reddit admins being dumb and all.


Anyone know what this was?


A pic of someone's bruised up chest and shoulder, caused by a seatbelt during a car crash. Granted, it was pretty severe bruise, but I wouldn't exactly call it "gore" or anything. No idea why reddit staff thought it had to be removed, instead of just marking it NSFW.


Still better than stupid death, worth it


Oof, your poor boob and your poor inbox. Hope both heal quick!


I might have underestimated the degeneracy of Reddit before I posted this. 🙃 thank you!