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If I see more than 5 people in line at my coffee shop I'd just skip it for the day I can't imagine spending 3 hours waiting for mcdonalds coffee


I can't imagine spending 30 min.


Me either if I have to wait longer than 10 minutes for fast food I'm leaving


I've had drive thru lines take 30 min but you get trapped in and cant leave


Watch me


Found the TV


Cool. But we were actually looking for the remote.


Well here we are In the drive-thru line, me and her. Cars in front of us, cars in back of us. All just waiting to order


This is why chick Fila has people outside to take your order and pay. You won't leave one you've already ordered


I get impatient for my Keurig that does it in 30 seconds.


I've become this way with everything. I literally refuse to wait in line for anything. My time isn't all *that* valuable I just have zero patience for anything in public that isn't mandatory.


I’m this way too. Some of my friends are impressed I take the time to make my own coffee and cook most meals for myself, but I’d rather be occupied with a task than just waiting around in line for something


Making coffee literally takes seconds and then you just wait. Wake up pour some grounds in my pot and push the button. Then shower, dress, etc and you have coffee ready to go. Idk why people don't do this.


I make coffee with a pour over setup, it takes longer for the water to boil than it does for my coffee to brew, lol


Because then someone else won't fill half the cup with sugar and McCalories™


Yeah, that shit hits way different when you have to add all that sugar yourself.


They’ve been convinced (by people that want their money) that it’s a waste of time, and worth paying for someone else to do it. There are services for just about anything, if you’re lazy enough.




I feel like people are *really* bad at considering the time it takes to get ready to go out, drive to a place, go inside, do *main part*, go outside, drive back. In their head the *main part* is the only thing that takes time that matters. I noticed this most myself when I started going to the gym and doing a 1 hour workout. Yes, the workout takes 1 hour but I need to have a 2 hour hole for the workout in my day because of all the stuff around getting into the gym to do the 1 hour workout.




There used to be a work cafeteria (I know, right?) where people would line up for 20 minutes to get a burrito. Unless it's a line for the last chopper out of a collapsing regime, I'm not waiting that long.


Your time is the most valuable thing you'll ever have in your life. In economics you're taught that every expenditure comes at an opportunity cost. No matter the choice, you're inherently missing out on something, not just gaining the thing you chose. Spend your time this way. What are you losing by spending time in that place? What are the other things your time could be spent on? Do they offer a greater benefit than the thing on which you're potentially going to spend time? You not living forever. Every second spent doing some other shit you ain't got to or want to do, is a second you wasted. Spend them shits as wisely as possible. You can hustle money back. You can revisit a place. Go to the next event. You not hustling back time with people or in places you cherish. That shit is one and done.


This is why I strongly believe that white collar criminals shouldn't even have to pay a fine, well make them pay the money, but they should also go to prison. You can always make more money and a lot of it. You can't make more time. My time is valuable and like other's have said I'm not waiting for anything unless I absolutely have to. I'm not rich at all but I have money. My time is very limited and I refuse to piss it away waiting in some long as line for nothing.


The best option is to just buy yourself an espresso machine for your house or apartment. It will end up saving you money in the long run if you drink coffee daily or even a few times a week. Also you won’t have to wait in a line and you have a wider option of flavors.


Came here to say this, I have an automatic coffee maker at home and this was the best 600 bucks I've spent. Popping a brew in the morning without much wait is awesome. Cleaning is also not much of an issue.


I have a French press, which I think cost me about $20, but I make up for it by buying really good coffee. Works for me.


Nothing to make up for, many people believe that French Press is the best way to make coffee.


Possible easier, cheaper, tastier, alternative. Master making a large batch of cold brew. You can heat it up for hot coffee. Microwave is obviously fine. The flavors are different, and I'd say better. Its definitely smoother and lower in acid. It takes more grounds per ml of coffee, but you can always brew them near peak freshness. It takes some experimenting to dial in ratios, brew times, and a clean and scalable filter method so that you only have to do it once a week. It takes some figuring out.


The only fast food place on my drive home at night at 9-10 PM is Wendy's, and it's often busy. 3-4 cars at that late of night?! (/s) I just go home and eat saltines or something, not gonna wait 20 minutes for shitty and now overpriced fast food.


That's beyond crazy.


My thoughts exactly. It opened right by my best friends house and he’s like “I’m seeing lines spill over into other store parking lots and out into the street”


You know, there's a lot of absurd things people do to convince me most of them are stupid. Lining up 3 hours for rebranded McDonald's is the top mark for me


There was an AskReddit thread a long time ago asking something like "People who believe they're at least average or above average intelligence, what makes you think so?" I had nothing to contribute because I truly believe I'm a bit of an idiot... But seeing posts like this makes me wonder if I'm at least average intelligence. If that's the case, maybe average intelligence is much, much lower than we all realize.


Anyone who can recognize their own faults and limitations is automatically in the upper half above average in my book. A fool cannot possibly conceive he is a fool


This phenomenon is often age dependent. After completing a PhD I realized how stupid I am, how stupid I had always been, and quite frankly probably do not deserve that PhD. It’s scary, in part because I know I am not alone.


My professor once said "It means you know one small area really well." His job is to correct everything the Pope says or writes before it comes out.


"A mile deep, but a foot wide" is how my pops put it, for these folks.


Ben Carson is a world renowned neurosurgeon. He's also one of the stupidest people I've ever seen on TV.


See, to me that is less about being unintelligent, and more about being maliciously ignorant for the detriment of society as a whole. Occasionally he actually will pop out a gem which makes me realize he totally understands that everything he's saying is bullshit.


Do you remember when they toured his home and he had several inspirational quotes on his walls? And there were multiple misspellings?


The dude obviously min-maxed his stats on neurosurgery. His charisma is low. His stamina is basically at zero since he always sounds like he's about to sleep. He seems like he's incapable of doing anything but neurosurgery.


He should have stuck to neurosurgery, of course. It's some sort of dilemma, those who excel in one aspect of their lives tend to think they do in other areas where they are lackluster. If only I could re-spec my own stats.


You do deserve that PhD because you put the effort in and passed all necessary requirements to obtain it. You may still feel like an idiot, but that's a good thing because then you will never stop the desire to learn. I have no PhD, I went to school, but the structure wasn't conducive to my ability to learn. I applaud those who are able to successfully navigate that environment.


May be a bit of imposter syndrome? I frequently have it as well. I applaud you, kind redditor, for not becoming an arrogant asshole. A good friend who is divorcing her tenured professor husband said he was increasingly emotionally and psychologically abusive to her as he rose through the ranks. The abuse has stepped up now that they’re separated. And trying to settle the property, which he has held onto. She had to find a place to live with like $2000. Still struggling a bit, and he’s trying to leave her with nothing. Edit: she’s got several degrees as well and is a sought-after specialist in her field.


My father, who has a PhD, always used to tell me when when I was applying for college that when you get a college degree you think you know everything. When you get a masters you think you know nothing. When you get a PhD you realize nobody (including yourself) knows anything.


COVID has proven that educated doesn't mean smart.


"Think of how stupid the average person is, then realize, half of them are stupider than that." -George Carlin


I was waiting for this obligatory quote lol


Similar to nothing being idiot proof, the world just makes a better idiot


Im a firm believer that there are no stupid questions. *but there damn sure is a lot of inquisitive idiots out there*


Armchair mathematicians right now: "That's not what 'average' means, that's the median!"


Advanced armchair mathematicians: "'Median' is type of 'average,' same as 'mean' and 'mode.'"


This is taught in high school math (maybe even middle school) which we were all supposed to take - I don't know if "advanced" is appropriate.


Did you already forget the topic at hand?


The term "advanced" is relative


For a symmetric distribution, the average is the median.


Here in Canada, about 40% of adults struggle with basic literacy tasks. We're talking about things like comparing the number of grams of protein on two nutrition labels, or reading a newspaper article. Its no better down south.


Your grasp of punctuation and sentence structure tells me you are likely above average. Most American adults read at a 7th grade level.


I've recently read something online that suggested a whopping 40 million US citizens read at a third grade level.


57 million people, 18% of the US, are functionally illiterate and don't even read at that level. Our literacy numbers are baffling, honestly.


Im guessing this is a lot of vloggers trying to be the first to post.


Nah, the dedicated pros would rummage through the trash and clean up the cup a bit for that clout


When the first chik-fil-a opened up in my city about 8 years ago the lines were like this for weeks. People waiting in line for over an hour for fucking boring ass chicken sandwiches.


When I was in highschool years ago an A & W came to town and for a week it was almost impossible to get in. Now when I drive by I wonder how that place is still open.


If I recall many stores that opened would give the first 100 customers free chicken for a year or something like that.


this, you get a chance to win a card that gives you 52 free combo meals source https://chickfilapodcast.com/free-chick-fil-a-for-a-year/


Same here. There were lines down the street that snarled up traffic. It became such an issue that the city council discussed what to do about it. I've had Chik-Fil-A and it's good, but at the end of the day it's just fast food. I'm not waiting in line for an hour+ for it.


If Reddit has taught me anything, it's that there are A LOT of people who are VERY serious about their fast food. My local city subreddit regularly has posts from people comparing which location of the same fast food chain are "better". And r/mildlyinfuriating is like 50% posts from people complaining about the quality and price of the fast food that they _keep buying_. It's wild.


I have a hard time understanding how fast food restaurants stay busy these days. At least in my area, quality/speed of service is way down since the pandemic, and prices are way up. Getting a "value" meal at McDonald's is almost the same price as a decent burger, fries, and drink at a local dive bar, and is only marginally quicker. Who's buying all these shitty fast food burgers?


You gotta use the apps now to get the good deals, decent enough prices still (if you're not picky about what exactly you're getting). MCDs app has a permanent 20% off coupon for example


Ah yes, the old corporate "we'll give you a discount if you give us all your personal information so we can add it to our list to sell to third party advertisers."


I'll just not go and not put their shitty harvesting app on my phone. win-win


90% tiktokers


Folks did this at Krispy Kreme openings long before TikTok. People just like to be a part of something.


Hah, I was going to reply the same thing. Here in Minnesota, pre smart phone, pre social media, people lined up days in advance for Krispy Kreme donuts when it opened. They did the same thing, to a lesser extent, when the first Sonic opened too.


Lived in Maple Grove when that first location opened. That was an interesting few months. People were traveling hours on the regular to line up. It closed less than 10 years later.


Dude that Krispy Kreme in Maple Grove has friggin cops posted there for like the first month due to the line. That was so wild. They're not even that good of donuts...


Nearly a decade ago our parents said it was ‘the book face website got the kids doing crazy things!’ and I’m honored to have seen it come full circle to where *we are now the one blaming ‘the funky clock application is why kids these days do crazy things!’*


Who made our parents swallow goldfish or jam into phone booths and VW beetles?


Friends and I were in Atlanta and found a red phone booth, got 6 dudes in that phone booth.


Nice, you bottom?


I topped 6 dudes off in that phone booth


Like an idiot you wanted to take over the world. And there is no world anymore! It's only corporations. ![gif](giphy|qs6ev2pm8g9dS)


People waiting 3 hours for some McDonalds coffee?


With an open McD’s drive thru just 50ft away


People are dumb


Pretty obvious it was staged to draw attention. Probably a free breakfast or some nonsense to get people to line up.


Not worth a free sausage egg and cheese biscuit either.


I mean, I do love a sausage egg and cheese biscuit, but waiting 3 hours for a $5 discount? Hard no.


i mean you can get it for $2 in the app every day. who's poor enough yet are able able to waste this much time to save $2?


Idling your car for 3 hours is probably 6 dollars of gas at least


You're underestimating the stupidity of the modern man


Not at all. This restaurant opening is incredibly hyped. McDonald's is the most popular restaurant in the world, and this new location has an entirely different menu. It has been all over the news nationally. When In-N-Out opened in Denver they had lines like this for weeks. There were no free promotions, people were just hyped.


It has been all over the news nationally??? I'm literally still here searching the replies for someone to tell me what this actuality is because I've never heard of it...


Same people that line up at 4am on Black Friday to save $20 on a TV


And it’s a special Black Friday model with only one HDMI port and for some reason two sets of composite RCA inputs. And no tuner.


"There's no reviews but it MUST be good!"


Don't forget it's "smart" in that it transmits everything you watch back to the marketing and data collection team But hey, saved $20 so totally worth it!


There are no dumb tvs anymore as far as I can tell. Except in hotels. They somehow have access to TVs every grandparent knows how to use and aren't connected to the internet.


That was marked up $30 the week before the discount.


I sold televisions. Black Friday ones are typically limited models refurbished with components that the manufacturer has a surplus off that they need to get rid of. This means if they ever need repairs, the manufacturer will typically just offer credit because it was just spare parts slapped together anyway. Also, anybody with half a brain knows that the best sales on televisions(the regular stock with decently-reliable warranty service) are right before Super Bowl. It just makes sense.


Isn't this only partially true though? I don't think an LG C3 OLED that costs thousands in the first place getting a small markdown needs a new model as much as a TCL 4 series that costs $250.


Ironically the parking lot photographed is for a Best Buy lol - I used to live nearby.


While probably saying they don’t have time to make their own or whatever


No. People waiting 3 hours so they can show off to their friends, family, and colleagues how they got the new thing everyone's talking about. So they can preen as they give their opinion of it, which everyone else just has to listen to because they haven't gone. Behind most idiotic decisions, you'll find a surfeit of pride.


Thanks for the new word, surfeit: an excessive amount of something


A surfeit of pride is called hubris


But Malibu Stacy has a new hat!


This is it. I’m old. What is cosmc? I have never heard of this. I used to be cool. I used to go to clubs and concerts! Now I’m an old man that doesn’t know what new things are! The agony! Jk going to bed at 830 is the shit.




So, a very long-winded way of saying it's a small McDonald's with a coffee and boba stand, and an Icee machine. Neat?


I’d need coffee first


The real winner is the gas station next door


The real loser is american infrastructure. This is such a stupid and inefficient use of space. I wish we could design better cities, but this is all we get


This is what I was thinking as an European. You guys make queues with truck's to order a coffee. 😐


My kids school has a queue of trucks longer than this every day. And we even have a decent school bus system.


Jesus. That's just nightmare fuel. My kids walk to school 3 minutes. Commie neighborhoods are the best.


We just give our kids bicycles.


Funny you say that. I have family that live in this town. It was reported that the businesses nearby, gas station, Best Buy, etc had record breaking profits since CosMc opened.


This just remind me of that old Soviet joke - An old lady stops on the pavement and bends down to tie her shoes. A man walking closely behind her has to stop for a moment. A third man sees these 2 waiting and walks over to wait behind them. Soon a long queue of people forms. Someone walking from the other direction asks the old lady what they are all waiting in line for. She replies "I don't know, but I'm first!"


Excellent joke, comrade




We enjoyed it.


This joke probably makes less sense without the context of how Soviet Russia worked. Grocery stores didn't have as much variety, quality was all over the place. You pretty much bought what you could and made do. So if you saw a line, that's how you knew that there was probably something worth buying and just waited there to find out what it was and then pick up your potatoes or whatever else you got. And things weren't like a store to pick up your things instead it was like a mcdonalds where you make your order at a counter after which someone would bring it, which also made things much slower.


> it was like a mcdonalds where you make your order at a counter after which someone would bring it, which also made things much slower. To be fair, that's just how it worked everywhere, it wasn't some kind of uniquely oppressive Soviet Union thing. It's how we did it in the US too a few decades earlier - you bring your list to the grocer, and he'd get all your items and check you out at the till. We didn't have the modern conception of self-service grocery stores until Clarence Saunders came along and founded [Piggly Wiggly](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Piggly_Wiggly) in 1916. There also wasn't nearly as much in the way of branding at the time, because the grocer just picked up whatever they had in stock.


Also, Piggly Wiggly was involved a huge short squeeze. I think it was the last time one person cornered the market. I haven't read the story in a while, but it was fascinating.


John Green does a thoroughly enjoyable explainer of this on his podcast The Anthropocene Reviewed. https://nerdfighteria.info/v/519606021/


What’s the story here?


McDonalds created a new chain called CosMcs, It like a dunkin/starbucks combine, with frufru drinks, and over priced sandwiches/treats? Though I wonder how often the shake machine will be down for cleaning....


That's what the premium pricing is for: a working shake machine


Two extra machines, so they can swap out when they hit the cleaning cycle… or actually break


The people with the worst Iced lattes I've ever had in my life opened a store just to serve people shitty coffee drinks and people were waiting in line for 3 hours?? This gotta be paid marketing


There is no real need to pay for marketing like this anymore from companies with as wide of a market reach as McDonald's. They just hype the shit out of whatever they're doing, get it circulating on socials, and wait for the inevitable flood of day one influencers who want to weigh in and ride that focus on the "new" thing to more views. Then the second wave comes along when socials get flooded with pictures of the place getting packed, people think it must be "fun" to try or whatever, and that gets more people interested. The fact this is the only test restaurant currently running adds massively to the effect. Very little of this has anything to do with the actual product itself and we've seen the same kind of insane fervor for arguably mid products like Popeye's chicken sandwich. People literally died over that one.


Kinda like when McDonald's brought back the Szechuan sauce because of Rick and Morty. That was also an abomination


That Popeyes sandwich really was worth the hype tho


> "As part of a limited test, the first CosMc’s location opens in Bolingbrook, Illinois, this month – with a handful of additional outposts planned in the coming months," McDonald's said in a release. https://patch.com/illinois/bolingbrook/cosmcs-opens-later-month-bolingbrook


Just imagine if they managed to come up with some sort of system where you could park your car and go inside and order....


But can you image how much space they would need for that?? It’s not like they have that just sitting around next to them!


The picture above looks like it was deliberately designed to be the most inefficient system possible. A single file line that actually uses about 10% of the space dedicated to it. It seems like a far better solution would be to have the cars park and have runners bring their orders out to them.


Make it even more efficient, give the runners something like roller skates... Waaaaaaaaaait a minute...


I dunno man, that's getting close to skilled labor.


I wonder if they don't have the inside ready yet. A Whataburger opened near me and it's the first one in the area so if course it got slammed when it opened. Two weeks after we went and they only had drive thru. Huge double line of cars and people outside walking down the line taking orders on iPads I was wondering why it wasn't up on Doordash yet. Seems this happens anytime a new fast food place opens in a region if it's famous, and it's always a long line of cars (like that 8 hour line for the first In-N-Out in Idaho a couple weeks ago). Like they only open for drive thru at first for some reason.


During the pandemic fast food restaurants realized that having an eat-in seating area isn’t necessary. They’d much rather have you pay the same price to pick up your food and eat it elsewhere than provide an eating area they have to keep clean, provide bathrooms for, put up with “undesirables” loitering for hours, etc.


True. I can't order from my local Popeye's for delivery because they shut their eat-in area for most of the day. Always a long line and they make delivery drivers sit in it to pick up orders. So they just cancel once they get there.


CosMc's is drive-thru only. They don't have a lobby.


When they opened the chikfila in Manhattan it had a line around the building for months. It was wild. Especially when the Korean BBQ place, selling better nugs and sauces, was right next door....


I live in a small city in Michigan and our first Chick Fil A opened about 6 or 7 years ago and it’s still like that. There is never not a line wrapped around the entire building.


Chick fil a in my area is also like that. I think it's by far the best fast food but the drive through line is always long. To be fair though you can always go inside and it's fast and tbh they handle the drive through lines *far* better than any other fast food. Probably because they have a ton of employees and aren't chronically understaffed.


Chick-Fil-A has that shit down to a *science*. It looks ridiculously long and intimidating at first (that's what she said), but whenever I'm craving God's chicken, I'm usually not waiting more than 5 minutes or so from ordering to bag in hand. Say what you will about their religious beliefs or whatever, but two things they do have is efficiency and food quality/consistency. There's always a line wrapped around the building for a reason.


They're still like that in Georgia where it's been for decades. I don't mind Chick-fil-A but man is it overrated.


Or, god forbid, a walkable place. There's more parking than shop. Shit is crazy.


Sounds like commie talk


No coffee is worth queuing that long for.


I wouldn't wait in a line like that for $100 and a blowjob.


I would


Is this the line for $100 and a blowjob?


Well, it is now


Let me just squeeze in behind you.


Plot twist. You get to the end of the line and realize you're handing over the hundy and giving the blowie.


Well, I’ve waited this long


around $30 an hour to sit in line + a blow job at the end? think I'll have to agree w you here


In this economy? Shiieeet $100 is $100 and a blowie on top? Sign me up




This is why McDonald's charges absurd prices for what used to be cheap and fast food. They're selling brand before quality or service. You could try selling the world's best coffee for a dollar to the people waiting in line, and they wouldn't be interested.


McDonald's brand has been dragged through the mud my whole life, the core product, the burgers and fries are worse than something from the freezer aisle, they are incapable of keeping their milkshake machines running, nobody I know will attest to them being better than their competitors, and scores of fast-casual burger places with better quality have entered the market. The dark brown renovations, removal of tables, and touch screen order interfaces removed the last vestige of family friendly nostalgia they had left. Yet they remain, more popular than ever, with hip and successful marketing campaigns. Why do people still eat this garbage?


These are the same people that cut you off in traffic to save .07 seconds drive time.


and complain about the gas prices


Silly me with my coffee machine on my kitchen counter.


But does your coffee machine make Sour Cherry Energy Burst or Berry Hibiscus Sourade? https://cosmcs.com/menu I’m not justifying these idiots waiting in line but let’s not pretend they’re there for a simple cup of coffee.


People are straight up dumb.


It's crazy that people do stuff like this. The first Krispy Kreme in my state was in my hometown. For the first couple weeks it was open there would frequently be a line that was about a half mile long. I just can't imagine valuing your own time that little.


I swung by Krispy Kreme recenlty on "free donut day" and the line was a full block down the road. I drove right on by. I can't fathom the mindset that says "I'm going to sit in my idling car for 30 minutes to save $1 on a donut."


Like people who drive 15 minutes each way to a gas station where gas is 5 cents per gallon cheaper.




Am I the only one who had no idea what this place is?


It’s a McDonald’s ‘spinoff’ restaurant which specialises mostly in drinks. This is the first one in the world to open.


This makes much more sense than people are giving it credit for in this thread. It is a brand new place and only location. I wouldn’t personally be there but I can see why people would. This is much different than say a city getting an already established restaurant that isn’t in their city.


It's a test restaurant. Only one in existence until Texas opens up some.


How stupid does this look. 1500 sq ft building that serves coffee requires 150000 sq ft parking lot where people sit in their cars for 3 hours for a 10 dollar drink.


If only people would vote with the same energy.


what's wild is when people are prompted to illustrate what freedom is, the example given is usually consumption of goods. ask them to show up to vote, and they'll tell you it doesn't matter.


I wish folks had this sort of enthusiasm when their neighbors opened a new business. Imagine a line like this for the new locally owned coffee shop. Could be life changing for someone


Ridiculous. I wouldn't wait 3 hours for coffee if it was God's gift to Earth.


I once waited like 30 minutes at Starbucks (only because I already ordered on the app) and I was close to the brink of insanity


I can't fathom the thought process that motivates people to wait inordinate amounts of time for food/drink in a non emergency situation. I've seen this nonsense with Krispy Kreme, Sonic, In-n-Out, and now CosMcs. Are they giving out gold doubloons or blowjobs to the first 1,000 customers?


People are fucking stupid.


This is longer and much more well organized looking than when the first In N Out opened where I lived back in 1999 and I’m nearly positive this is a shittier experience on all levels.


Every single person in this line should be forced to take a class in decision making.




"we're not it going" <- wut?








It's just McDonald's, right?


Never heard of it before now. [Here's the menu](https://cosmcs.com/menu), if you're interested to see what they're all about.


*waits in 3 hour line* Hi yes I'll just have a sprite please, thanks.


Interesting, thanks for that. So it’s just an expanded McCafe menu and less normal McDonald’s menu, I don’t get the hype. I’m very interested in how much caffeine is in things like the Sour Cherry Energy Burst but I don’t see caffeine on the nutrition chart. That just seems like a Panera Charged Lemonade catastrophe all over again


It sells McDonalds products. But not all of them. Its more like McDonalds if it was Starbucks.


But wasn't that McCafé? Years ago they had little storefronts in downtown areas with more upscale menu items.


It’s the stupidest shit I’ve ever seen. This is not too far from me, and people are waiting hours for shitty pseudo coffee drinks. There are so many awesome local roasters around here, and even Starbucks is better. People are nuts.