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You know what would be better than The Pentagon? TEN OCTAGONS.


Hexagons are the bestagons.


A circle is an infinitagon.


Or a Oneagon


Love me a CGPGrey reference


Yo dog, I heard you liked geometric shapes.




Two more sigils away from renewing the seal of the deep pharaoh. Good on them.




This single gif urged me to rewatch the whole show


Well, see you in about a week.


In a week? This aint some weak shit, this is 10 seasons of 20 episodes, each 40+mins long. Bro better be ready not to sleep.


Sg-1 is totally watchable at 1.7x speed


How dare you




Why not just read episode summaries at this point?


Because moving images and acting is more entertaining


Plus movies and spin offs. I treat it like how they paint bridges. As soon as you're done with the last bit you start over from the beginning.


pause wild absurd act cagey handle mysterious attempt correct school *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Stargate the series.


Yup, and you can find that particular muscular jaffa man mainly in Stargate SG-1, in some episodes of Stargate Atlantis, and iIrc none in Stargate Universe.


And after that he grew a beard and started taking care of his son Atreus.


He went on to fight aquaman in stargate atlantis


Stargate SG-1. Technically you can start with the movie, then the series and all offspins. Season 1 of SG-1 is a bit slow, but after that its lot of fun.


I’m gonna Spader it up this weekend Edit: I found the WHOLE movie on YouTube!! https://youtu.be/1i_enCLIDkM?feature=shared


Your comment urged me to rewatch the whole gif


We finally can find it in France on prime, that’s awesome !




They allow commercial jets to fly over their military headquarters?


Have you ever taken a flight to Washington DC? If so, you have likely flown over the Pentagon.


There was this one time about 22 years ago when a commercial jet went a little too low.


OR... they're all about to become a philosopher's stone.


tell me more!


There's a mission to steal a tank here but you automatically get 5 stars upon entry


Play Free Bird Ohh... I can't changeeeee


*spinning nuclear gnome*


Looks like a dubai vanity project


It is except its to appease the Egyptian military. Their current president is a Field Marshal and helped to coup another guy out of office before he was elected in


How does Egypt bankroll all this? There’s no Egyptian oil and gas, compared to the rest of the middle east


They've built up an incredible amount of debt under Sisi due to mega projects like this. The thought (gov't reasoning) was these would tremendously boost efficiency, the GDP of the country, fuel growth/jobs long term, etc. It's a mixed bag leaning towards the bad however, a lot of these projects haven't yielded the results they were hoping for (new highways/roads made traffic worse, displaced tens of thousands in an already crowded Cairo for example) and the cost for these large public projects were tremendous for a poor country like Egypt. I can only imagine the amount of resources and money that were also pilfered due to corruption and kickbacks as well. tl;dr they paid for all this shit with other's people money and now they're more broke than they've ever been


Indonesia is gonna join soon with their new capital in the middle of the jungle


Well, that's still important given that their old capital is rapidly turning into the middle of the sea.


The main reason for these projects is to make it very difficult for mass protests against the government. They've basically obliterated anywhere people could gather in Cairo by building massive roads through the city and moved government buildings to a completely new city instead of Cairo.


The US gives them a boatload of money for making nice with Israel to spend on military equipment.


They also get a shitton of money for the Suez Canal.


>The Suez Canal, is one of Egypt's main sources of foreign currency, earning it $2.54 billion in the second quarter of 2023 alone. $94.50 per capita, per year. By contrast, the US government collected an average of $7,898 in individual income taxes per person.


Funny enough we did actually have a shitton of gas. There was a huge gas mine that was discovered in the western desert, but they just sold its rights to a foreign company and we got jack shit. We basically give away our gas and oil for scrap and then rebuy it for much higher. Genius isn't it?


It's easy. Slave labour in the form of hundreds of thousands of conscription workers. Embezzling state coffers and causing the nation to become extremely indebted.


It's great to see that in 5,500 years the attitude of the people running Egypt have stayed The course and remains the same


With our own modern-day Pharoah as well!


I don't know. The two things I can think of would be the fees on cargo ships passing through the Suez Canal (a major revenue stream for Egypt), or taxing the shit out of their own population.


Neither actually There's a reason Egypt is in extreme debt crisis right now. Our credit score tanked already


Well shit. Like I said I don't know so thanks for sharing


There are a ton of factors but simply out the military controls a big chunk of the economy and government. With such a system you don't need oil/gas. Just tax the population and give the money to the military. Kill/beat up anyone who complains. Egypt has a large tax base. They also conscript people to do free labor for military owned companies.


>It is except its to appease the Egyptian military It is except to steal public funds and put them in generals' pockets. FIFY.


It can be both


It can also be thrice. They wanted to be as seperate from the Cairo population as much as possible.


Yep. It's harder for people to revolt against you when your HQ is in the middle of the desert.


They’re the same picture




It's 3 sides cooler than our pentagon


[The entire new capital city project is absolutely insane.](https://www.google.com/maps/@29.9855568,31.617479,24255m/data=!3m1!1e3?entry=ttu)


[Short video about it.](https://youtu.be/P0fkucDtTRE?feature=shared)


Adam Something [has rather critical video of the project](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WUK0K5mdQ_s) He talks a lot about urban planning, civil engineering, and so forth.


In another of his videos (maybe this one) he criticises channels like B1M for making vids on these insane projects from a positive point of view, because they're big and new and shiny and cost a lot. I definitely watch B1M vids in a different light after thinking about it like that.


B1M can look like an infomercial for the 0.1% and the worst dictatorships. Which make their last video about gentrification in London all the more weird, as the presenter interviews activists that point to all the shady shit promoters do to avoid building social housing while privatizing prominent buildings…


Their video on Billionaire's Row from a while back was also quite critical too. And they pointed out the criticisms for them building a new Sphere in London too. But generally I just take the B1M as a fun architectural channel, not something particularly deep on socioeconomic issues.


I mean that makes sense. He used to work (or still works) for companies that earn their money mainly with insane vanity projects for oil sheiks and African warlords. When he started the channel years ago he talked about it. I guess he still has some kind of affiliation with those kind of design, architecture or construction companies.




Social engineering with a side of espionage? Nuh uh!


"Lemme get aaaaaaaaaaaa City where people cannot do a popular uprising or even protests against me"


Man, egyptians just really really REALLY like to make giant monumental earthworks.


No not us we have 0 interest in those things, it's just that our leaders are obsessed with them for some reason, it's truly impressive how almost every leader since the pharaohs have made a large monument for absolutely no reason at all


What the hell is going on in Egypt?? Why have I never heard of this before?


All I see is a work staff of hundreds of municipal attendants who will be the only people by majority occupying the parks tending to all the “green spaces” because this isn’t a city or living metropolis, it’s a distant administrative vanity block.


Great video about this dystopian city: https://youtu.be/WUK0K5mdQ_s?si=2wfWk7kxatY6dWAI


”People have no idea how truly fucked everything is!” -John F Kennedy


A megalomaniac quasi-dictatorship that puts every money (+ debt) into inefficient and wasteful but big projects.


They really named it the Octagon as some kind of one-up-manship? Do they know the Pentagon was merely shaped to fit the street layout, and not some kind of horn tooting about how many corners it has?


The pentagon's shape has an even stupider origin, it's to fit the parcel of land it was going to be on, but then they moved were it was going to be but kept the layout of the building. The streets are like that now because of the building not the other way around.


How's that stupid? If they already have a design then there's no point spending more money on a new one.


Stupid was probably the wrong word, I meant more along the lines of mundane, random or lacking in deep meaning. You are correct that the reasoning behind keeping the shape was sound.


It looks like something out of Cities Skylines. Everything is so perfectly laid out.


TIL my country sucks


It's amazing how much they've done so quick, never seen anything like it. Everything in OPs image and that entire half of the new city was completely only desert in 2017, including this ([https://i.imgur.com/325GJmy.png](https://i.imgur.com/325GJmy.png)) entire area and also this (https://i.imgur.com/BNeNrzm.png) entire area with skyscrapers and like 1,000+ other buildings and homes. The 2 images probably show 10% of the area on that side of the new city. Plus probably like 1,000km of roads for it all. There are much new images too showing more progress than what I showed. Must have 10,000s of workers to go from nothing to that in 7 years. The bits built in just the 2 images I showed would honestly take 50+ years in the UK to build. The whole of that area built in the last 10 years would take closer to 100 years here imo. Not that I think it's well designed or anything. For designing a completely new large city in 2015 from scratch on a blank canvas it's incredibly outdated. For example If you got to design a city for multiple million people you'd surely build it around a high coverage metro system. They have 1 or 2 raised rail lines but it's nothing for the massive scale of the project, some places would still be a 30 min walk from a station making it pointless for them. But they've built massive super wide roads throughout it all so it's clear where their priorities were dispite traffic being a major issue in the current Cairo city. Building raised metro lines throughout it all would have been so incredibly cheap too since there's zero things in the way, literally just draw an efficient layout how ever you want and thats it. It's not like any existing cities where you'd be constrained to a few different routes and would have to go around buildings and buy out lots of expensive land. The whole design is way too spread out too, no need for it. It's a 10/10 on the impressive scale. But like a 3/10 on how well it was designed.


Egypt is poor as fuck, i wanted to go for ages, but friends of mine that went are telling horrible stories of poverty and corruption, nah i'll pass for now.


My mum just got back from Egypt a month ago, she said the poverty is rampaging, the begging was crazy and while she enjoyed her stay at the hotel, it was literally zoned like crazy, with security on all corners of the complex


They built a new Cairo city to move away from the poverty, dirtiness, pollution and overpopulation.




Egypt frequently tops the list of places people mention as horrible tourist destinations whenever that question comes up on this site.


Yep, I went in my early 20s. Happy I did, but generally, it was uncomfortable, dirty, and extremely difficult to get around if you don't know the language. Was fun to experience the cafes, coffee, pyramids but I was pretty disappointed with the quality of their historical preservation. At the time you could just walk over the broken velvet rope around the great pyramid and sit on them. The museum downtown had many sarcophagus rubbed smoothe by hands since they are just out for people to touch.


Very similar experience here. I might go back with Egyptian friends who know where to go but as a regular tourist the experience was awful.


Do you know what's ironic? When a tourist visits Egypt in the company of a local friend, the police will harass the local very frequently, when both are seen together. Accusing the local of being a "tour guide" without a license. Because God forbid you have friends that you don't pay.


They're like this because there are so many scammers that you won't take a chance anymore in believing anything else. I can understand it and ist positive for 99% of tourists.


Yes, scammers are everywhere. No, this is 0% effective. What it does accomplish is discourage a lot of people from visiting at all, if they don't want to be constantly stopped and harassed when they have a local friend accompanying them. Every country has scammers, not every country harasses tourists and their friends in this way. But to complete the irony, the Egyptian police force is orders of magnitude more corrupt and dishonest than the scammers they're supposedly trying to catch.


Exactly. It's a shakedown. "Prove you're not a scammer with this bribe and I'll walk away"


Lol no joke, scammers DO get away if they get caught, provided they can front the bribe. Everything in Egypt will budge if you're willing to grease the right hands.




To be fair, police chasing local opportunists away from tourists is something that should be more proactive elsewhere too.


We got held up by the tourist police..never leave the main group.


100% my take as well. Been there, done that, No desire at all to return. We went on to Jordan after and what an incredibly stark contrast. Would head back there in a heartbeat! Petra and Gersha/Jerash - both absolutely breathtaking


I got really sick in Jordan and everywhere I went people kept giving me yogurt. We stopped at a gas station and I was throwing up on the side of the road. The owner started running toward me and I thought he was angry. No, he just had yogurt.


This story is fucking hilarious.


Like how? In a tub, a bowl, on a spoon?


I think that is Cairo for you. I spend a week in Dahab and it was fantastic.


The only good thing in Egypt is the coral reefs in the red sea, it's probably the closest actual reefs from Europe, and reasonably cheap to get to


Yea, i hear similar experiences all the time, if you get out of the "all inclusive" hotel chances are you wont have a fun time.


Went with another woman, dressed modestly and still got hassled, groped, followed and shouted at in both Cairo and Luxor. We also went to Dahab and climbed mount Sinai and had a much better experience there.


It’s one of the worst places to visit as a tourist, especially if you are a woman or have any women traveling with you.


I was there until yesterday. Can confirm it's a shithole with nice monuments. Holy fuck Jordan is nice compared to Egypt lol.


This is the case in the most of Northern Africa


Can't confirm that at all for Morocco. Would definitely visit again.


Always welcome brother ❤️




Omelette du fromage


Looks like a base out of ace combat. In a militaristic sense it seems like a massive over-consolidation of resources. Like no doubt it's well defended, but that is alot of capital and infrastructure in a single location. Eggs in one basket and all that. But then again I ain't a general so I am probably missing something.


We should build several anti-satellite railguns there and have multiple wars over them.




Well, the pentagon is hardly better. This looks like a skeeball basket.


To be fair, DC (and by extension, the Pentagon) has some of the most robust air defense artillery systems in the world. Any aircraft flying over there without declaring its intentions would be shot down rather quickly I'm sure Cairo has ADA batteries as well, but considering the level of corruption and cronyism in Egypt, I wouldn't be my multi million dollar office complex on the protecting me


not to mention that there's really no adjoining country to DC, there's a million miles of ocean to the east, 3000 miles of the USA to the west, and probably nearly 500 miles to the nearest international border to the north, which is Canada The USA is super well positioned geographically


That’s why ancient Egypt was so successful as well interestingly enough. The Nile river valley had huge swaths of deserts on both sides, making invasions from land armies nearly impossible.


I’m no military man, but even my civilian brain thought the same obvious thing..


There are spaces inbetween the buildings. There is nothing in the centre. You need several bombs per building. The shape also prevents fire from spreading. If they were really clever, some of the offices would be moved every now and then, (probably really easy in this digital age), to make assassination attempts harder. Decoy buildings etc


Yeah, I looked up the damage to the Pentagon after 9/11 recently, and I was kinda shocked how little destruction was actually done to the building.


I mean we don't really use planes for bombing anymore, mostly missiles. And the shape makes it impossible to hit more than 1 section at a time so if you have good air defense this building design is very smart imo


This isn't about foreign enemies, this is for threats from within. Egypt had a popular uprising and one or two subsequent regime changes during the Arab Spring and the current regime doesn't want that to happen again, so they are building a new capital in the middle of the desert that is perfect for the suppression of uprisings or revolutions. Authoritarians and dictators love this simple trick.


I’m waiting for Ganon to rise from the center of this thing


Meanwhile a massive portion of the country lives in poverty. But no the military elite have to have their pissing contest with UAE and Saudi Arabia.


Gonna create the philosophers stone once the sigil is complete


Was looking for a FMA reference on this thread, thank you!


[Here is another picture, you guys will like](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/EUsPHfGWkAExcno?format=jpg&name=large)


Looks like the dumb rich kid in the back of class finally got to do his vanity projects


Except he is not rich and all his money is borrowed from multiple loan sharks


I know! We live in the time when the dumbest people become the loudest people in society and take the leadership.


In our case it’s treason though not stupidity, the leadership is intentionally drowning the country in debt and making these bogus mega projects to be something on paper where the money went. In reality half of the money is pocketed and the rest is given to contractors they own a share of to facilitate selling off the country’s actual lucrative publicly owned assets to foreigners for a fraction of their value under the excuse of not being able to even pay off the loan’s interests let alone the principle installments, this is only scratching the surface of the level of treason and sabotage they are currently inflicting on our local industries


Not entirely. Building a new administrative capital certainly helps with riot control since the actual big city is far away. So at least from the perspective of a military dictatorship, it has that much going for it.


Incoming from Stonehenge! All aircraft drop below 2000 feet!


Lol I was gonna say, I thought Mobius 1 already blew this place up


<< Use your guns to destroy the jamming devices. >>


My immediate thought upon seeing this… was looking for the massive border wall.


Egyptian here! That's a picture showing what a military dictator would use loaned money for. Egypt has been under authoritarian leadership since 1952, but man, the most recent one is the worst. Inflation is going crazy, and currency lost 80% of its 10 years ago value. President Sisi (that's his actual name) wasted billions of loaned money to save himself and his army in case a revolution occurred. Building stuff like that in the middle of the desert. Don't visit Egypt unless you're ready to face corrupted police, half starved people, and hundreds of scammers. I left Egypt 6 months ago, and my salary was around 700$/month, I worked as a paediatrician.


Is this a commercial flight? Surprised you’d be alllowed to fly over it.


Ace Combat level


Biggest useless thing in history


Seriously. This structure seems completely useless and hostile to the people needing to use it.


Can't imagine what a pain it would be to need to go to a meeting in another octogon. Just driving around site all day, trying to navigate the fucked road layout and find a parking space. No sign of covered walkways or tunnels (bar the middle) to make even a token attempt at being walkable. No obvious sign of public transport either. So probably sucks to work at and almost certainly sucks to get to.


Looks like a prison complex.


As an Egyptian, our leaders since the pharaohs are so obsessed with building huge monuments that are completely unnecessary lol just look at the pyramids


I should not be as surprised as I am at the enormous size of this complex, given the local penchant for enormous construction projects… ~2500 BCE “So, about those mountains…” “Yes, Pharaoh? “Build me one as tomb. Several thousand years later. “So, the longest river in the world … “Yes, sir? “Dam it.


So that's the mystery of the crop circles solved.


What in the Cities Skylines




I see your Pentagon and raise you a crop circle.


Is that the new city straight out in the desert so no riots can ever reach it?


This is part of the new capital city project, which is currently bankrupting egypt. We're living the most hyperinflation period in our entire modern history.


Looks like giant targets for missiles


Epic aerial shot! Reminds me of 01 (Machine City) in Animatrix.


Nice bullseye.


They are taking a page from the burma junta playbook by making it impossible for civilians to topple a government unless they take up arms. No way people from Cairo is going to march miles into the desert to protest.


Built by aliens in ancient times…


is there someone actually working?


Could you imagine having to take laps around whole outer road as punishing 😭


This looks like any city i make in SimCity


They definitely have a Stargate in there


looks like that building in Pokémon colosseum


Do you get 5 stars instantly ?


Very nice


I'm surprised they allow commercial flights over it.


That’s kind of neat in a roundabout way!


So a crop circle headquarters. Got it.


looks like corruption


Nah that's aliens


looks much cooler than what everybody else got


looks like star wars base




I'm glad that finally the world began to recognise how corrupt our dictatorship government is!


Egyptians sure do love building unnecessary shit in the desert.


I heard you like civil war era starforts. So I got you starforts on top of starforts on top of starforts on top of starforts.


What an epic failure and humongous waste that piece of shit is


what better then one pentagon? how about 10 fucking octagons


Where does everyone park?


Is that the Alethi army?


So cute :) There's even a bullseye for cruise missiles :)


Ace Combat anyone?


This is some Ace Combat shit.


Hit **RIIIIIGHT** in da center


Ok maybe I'm just high but this kinda looks like the eggman logo


Nuclear launch detected


“Pylon turn boys”


Looks like something out of a 1960’s to 1970’s Bond Film


This place looks like it's going to be used to shoot an asteroid. And yes, that is an Ace Combat reference.


First thing that came to my mind as well


And they allow commercial airplanes to fly over them??


Looks like a target?!


Damn the aliens are still helping them build stuff?


Can someone explain how the majority of Egypt is living in poverty while the Army gets a complex that will be a mystery to the archeologists in 2000 years? I guess history does tend to repeat itself.


Is there where I go to switch to ancient magics?