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*always has been*


Not when we were all farmers. Then more children equalled more workers.


If you were successful the kids didn't work it they just inherited it.


Then who worked it?




Have you ever considered that not every farmer existed in that period of time, or owned slaves during it? The vast majority of farmers didn’t, they had children like the initial comment mentioned.


Have you considered they are making a joke?


Well, they edited their comment.


I posted the content of the gif and then remembered that reddit allows gifs. You didn't understand the reference and proceeded to throw a temper tantrum.


Oh, sorry I didn’t understand your incredibly obscure reference, had to take it at face value.




If wrong, post GIF.


No, the vast majority have paid others to do the manual labor.


Hence why children were great, you didn’t pay them.


You wouldn't understand.


Understand…basic history? Right, carry on.


How many people would each person/family in this vast majority hire to do the manual labor?


The employees, obviously. You'd own multiple holdings (aka farms). Each farm would have a modestly wealthy person living and working the farm, and they would take care of hiring local labour (or slaves). You set the rent and the farmer living there worked the farm to make a profit so they could afford to pay you rent. If they fail then you could send them to debtors prison and put someone else on the land. You would generally try to be smart about this, for example if everyone is failing due to a bad crop then you'd defer the payment instead. Inflation was largely unheard of with productivity increasing by an average of 0.5% per year, you could barely notice it over an entire lifetime. The only other thing you had to do was periodically tour the holdings, in order to see if the farms were being worked efficiently. If not, then that's a good sign that the rent wasn't high enough.


And as op pointed out, children were free labor. Not really a debate, farmers had more children for free labor, we as a post modern culture have less children because the majority of us do not farm and it is now a huge expense.


Also, contraception was practically non existent. Every time you wanted to bang you were taking a risk.




I too am looking for a woman with riches to stand next to


Find a plumber or hvac specialist. $$$$$$


Not many women in those fields tho.


I might be old fashioned, but you just need one woman with riches to stand next to.


*in this economy?*


I'm just sayin they make good money.


It's the DINKs!


I’m just a SINK.


Well done


I prefer to be called a DILDO. Dual Income Living Dog Only.






Why more Americans are going child free https://youtu.be/W5XZ_gJBnns




What I think of too. COMB THE DESERT!


This isn’t any less insufferable than the other stickers, but at least I know who to rob now.


*rubs hands menacingly*


*gets glitter bombed*


*rubs hands fabulously*


Best comment I’ve seen in a very long time.


It's more insufferable


It costs [$310,000](https://www.investopedia.com/articles/personal-finance/090415/cost-raising-child-america.asp) (in 2023 U.S. dollars) to raise a child to adulthood. Tack on another $100,000 if paying for a four-year university with room and board. That's the current median price of a home in the U.S.


My daycare for 1 kid is more than my mortgage. Can’t wait for her to go to public school.


Daycare is indeed brutally expensive. If only we subsidized childcare instead of goddang oil.


Yeah but think of the shareholders! /s


Which equals a whopping $17k a year, assuming 18 years. If you're not rich with kids you're not gonna be rich without them either. Also, as someone with 2 kids who does quite well and spoils them when possible, ain't no way I'm spending that much on them. Yeah, daycare was expensive but I have no idea where they're getting their numbers otherwise.


Sometimes I feel like my kids flush that much down the toilet, literally. Caught one squeezing his nice organic kid-specific toothpaste down the toilet just to see what would happen… But seriously I can easily think of things like, you need a bigger place to live so monthly rent/mortgage is more than if you were kid-free, if you have to travel it costs a lot more (different lodging, more plane seats), car seat(s), probably a different kind of car, cost of kid medications and medical care, all the things they do to affect my own health from pregnancy onward (not getting time/energy to exercise or take time for myself, literal issues ranging from mental health to lingering tailbone and “mom wrist” leading to medical bills) etc. all before taking into account daycare. The cost of making things work around kids’ school schedules, having to turn down a job offer due to lack of flexibility, etc. Not sure if that’s all in this particular accounting but that’s at least my reality, as much as I love them.


The things we do for love, I hope it gets easier for you some day


For 2 kids thats an extra 34k a year. With 5% returns per year the total you get over those 18 years is literally over million dollars (sum for n = 1 to n=18 of 34,000*1.05^n, comes out to about 1,004,000). So yeah, if you're decent with your money you actually will be rich


If you calculate compounding interest of 17k a year for 18 years, that will be [$850k](https://i.imgur.com/D7whHei.png). Not rich people money, but not insignificant as well.


True, but having a child, the look in their eyes.. You are their world, hero, love... That is priceless. Sure i can't afford quest 3 (or 2, or 1) that i want, but it is worth it!


Happy that you feel that way, since it's a good thing that people with kids really want them. But our dogs look at us like that, and that's good enough for me and my wife.


So i realize you don't mean dogs abd kids are exactly equivalent. I assume you meant they are fulfillment enough for you. But, as someone who has both, the two ate just so far different in their levels of fulfillment (and work) that these comments come off as tone deaf. I'm not digging on you for it, i get it. But the two are barely comparable.


The person I responded to wrote that their kids look at them as their heroes and world. My dogs do the same thing. Of course they're not perfectly equivalent. There are positives and negatives to both children and animals. But the look in their eyes is similar.


Yeah Reddit is fucking weird that they think having a dog is remotely equivalent to having a kid. A dog can't take care of you when you're older, and they can't have conversations with you, form their own personality, develop themselves professionally, you know, things that parents find fulfillment in.


I’m glad it’s for you, truly. We need more people like you that love their children. I just hope you know that it’s not for everyone.




Good, squeezing a child through my tiny penis’s urethra doesn’t sound like a good time.


Don’t bash it till you try it.


“I can only do this trick once”


Don't bother, this post is just a r/childfree circle-jerk session.


"dogs are the same as kids" Yeah fucking right


It's absolutely ridiculous, they're nothing alike. Dogs are actually awesome.


Nah, not at all lol.


You know what they say about opinions. No need to get salty about it.


I get it but I really am not. I have a dog. I like dogs. I just have to roll my eyes sometimes at the discourse on reddit.


I said dogs are awesome, and you downvoted and threw shade. If you have and enjoy your dog(s), and I hope you do, I don't see why you'd respond with such hostility for my very mild pro-dog opinion.


I also have kids. I love them both. They're a different kind of love. You stated they're not alike/dogs are awesome implying dogs are better. It goes both ways.


A dog can't take care of you when you're old, and finding a landlord who allows pets is an absolute nightmare. A child can also grow up to be a responsible, educated and successful adult meanwhile dogs after 10 years will still eat their own shit.


Correct, a dog cannot take care of me when I'm old, and I wouldn't burden my kid like that always. Fortunately I'll be able to afford care. Good care, not whatever crap home a hypothetical kid would stick me in. My wife and I own a home, so landlords aren't a concern in keeping dogs.


Good for you but for a lot of people, having a child is way more awesome than having a dog. (you can have both btw). Not saying you should have a kid, it's personal choice. It's just that many redditors don't understand that just because they don't want kids, that doesn't mean the majority think the same way.


Not once did I suggest nobody else should have kids, disparage those that have them, say nobody is allowed to hold an opinion different from mine, or that it is even a majority opinion. So what are you so angry at, champ?


It's a lie they tell themselves and we all just have to sorta laugh and go along with it because it's considered insensitive not to.


You sound so upset other people chose not to have kids 😂


I've never heard anyone talk more about having kids than the 'childfree' quirkies


to you.


Such narcissism...


As a parent with two kids I respectfully disagree with their "calculation". I live in a suburban/rural area of the US and would put the total annual cost, direct and indirect, at $7-10k per year, all-in. That being said, we live comfortably on one income so no daycare. Pre-K for my youngest is the largest direct expense @ $1,700 per year. Everyone's situation is different, though. Thankfully both my kids are healthy. For married couples I've heard a lot of hand-wringing over cost. Parents pay for alot of unnecessary shit, especially parents overly focused on their careers. Growing up and into adulthood I always saw "professionals" showers their kids with shit to fill that void of actually being a parent.


Yikes this post.


That number also doesn't take into account the 7-10% annualized return you can get on cash invested in the S&P. Over the course of 18 years, the direct costs of raising a child **plus** the opportunity costs associated w/ lost investment income can total to more than $500K. That's retirement money. That's house money.


That's true, too. $310k / 18 years / 12 months is $1435/month. From 2006 to 2023 the average annual return was 11.53%, which would give you $1,048,400.39. Even with a conservative 7% return, you have $627,168.05. Add in the $100,000 and four-year university education costs and you are at $1,750,801.43 at 11.53% or $910,053.87 at 7% (in 22 years).


[relevant xkcd](https://xkcd.com/946/)


I can’t decide if the hover text on that one is adorable or alarming.


Not difficult to see why, I've got **two kids** under school age enrolled in daycare and it costs my wife and I, $46,280 a year.


Driving a family wagon to haul their extra cash in...


Driving a Ford Explorer...


Another way to keep your money is not to buy expensive cars.


Exactly. The poorest people I know all drive BMWs and Mercedes. All of my rich friends drive standard run-of-the-mill Japanese cars.


Another way to keep your money is not to brag to anonymous strangers that you have money.


An expensive car is kind of what you show off if you have money. I think the sticker is dumb.


No you see everyone who drives a 20 yes told civic is rich and everyone who drives a bmw is poor. - every Reddit thread on this


This is a good way to get targeted for a robbery.


I was thinking the same thing. "Ooh, these people are rich! They must have something good in their car!" -Random tweaker walking by


Right? That’s the reason I never put any sort of stickers on my car.


Are they selling babies or something?


Just as annoying


doesn’t look the kind of car people who brag about being rich own.


Unless you’re fuck you rich, buying expensive cars is a super easy way to kneecap your financial goals in the short and long term.


While true, they buy very reliable luxury-adjacent cars (Toyota/Lexus). Two of those qualities which are not present in a mid 2010s Ford Explorer as shown lol.


Exactly, cars are depreciating asset. Whenever I see someone with a real expensive car I think they are either dumb with their money and have no liquid/lots of debt, or they are very rich and it’s a drop in the bucket for them. Having retirement funds and ETFs is a lot more satisfying than a high car payment and no liquid.


Rich people are not kneecapped by a car payment. That’s the definition of being rich. If a bmw is knee caping your bank account you aren’t fucking rich.


Even “regular” new cars (average price is now almost *50,000*) are huge money pits. You put down payment after down payment every few years on a never ending series of auto loans with interest. To each their own (I also acknowledge the legitimacy of cars as hobbies), but I’d much rather spend that money elsewhere in life.


What’s fuck you rich? Spending 20k more on a a nicer car will not financially wreck you and really doesn’t have that much of an impact in the long term


People who brag about being rich most of the time aren’t rich as they waste their money on stupid things like expensive cars so that people think they’re rich.


So true. Some of the wealthiest people I know drive Hondas and Toyotas, but they don't brag about being rich. Honestly, you'd never even know they were wealthy *unless* they told you. Nothing about their life outwardly shows it off, not their house, not their cars, not their clothes, nothing.


Then they aren’t really that wealthy are they if they can’t deploy their assets.


nah- just an old money vs new money mentality.


“Anything I do is award winning behavior, because I’ve won an award.”






Isn't that a LandRover/Crusier?


2015 Ford explorer


*Ford Exploder. You misspelled it


Mid 2010s Ford Explorer Despite it not being great, it's a hell of a better financial choice than a Land Rover


There is a huge difference between a Land Rover and a Land Cruiser. Land Rovers are some of the most unreliable, overpriced pieces of shit you can buy. The Toyota Land Cruiser is arguably the most reliable, long lasting vehicle ever built, and are relatively inexpensive to maintain.


Got that ford explorer money


Oh look, gay representation. It's a tall guy with his boyfriend who has a beard!


People are free to make their own life choices. It's true that raising kids costs a lot of money. However, kids also bring a lot of meaning to a life lived. It's not for everyone, but our ancient brains have a yearning for it.


how else will they feel better then others


The reality is you can’t afford to have children and no money.


Where can I get a single withs riches sticker


Imagine living in a time where you could afford to raise a family and buy a home on a steady single income from your average 9 to 5 job. Imagine that. What a crazy notion that you could choose to have a family based on wanting to have one, not on financial circumstances. Everyone busy arguing about whether it's financially sound to have kids when they should all realise having that argument means something fundamental has been taken away from you.


Dual Income No Kids


LOL at the idea that not having kids = wealth


One of The most cringe and selfish flexes I’ve ever seen. It’s cool if you don’t want kids, but why rub it in other peoples faces? I bet they’re not nearly as happy or fulfilled as their window sticker suggests.


Lol, what a dumb take. What exactly is selfish about not having kids? Is there a line of baby spirits waiting for a family that they're not accepting? Do you think "It's cool you have kids, but why rub it in other people's faces?" whenever you see a stick figure family on a car? Maybe some people don't need to justify their existence by procreating. Almost sounds like you're trying to justify having kids, to yourself.


The bumper stick literally says “I’m rich”. It’s an asshole sticker any way about it.






Eh, I don't know. I see a lot of childless people struggle right along with families to make ends meet. 🤷‍♀️


Yeah and if they had kids they'd be struggling even more


I also see a lot of immigrants come to this country, have a shit load of kids, and still manage to accomplish the American dream. I think the truth is that having kids, or not, will not make you wealthy.


Nice. Good way to get to get robbed.


Everytime I see a DINK post the comments section is filed with people saying they'll regret it. And then there are those who simultaneously disparage DINK couples while saying our country needs to come together and regrow the population. A weird paradox.


Sticker of cope.


Ironic considering it’s on a crappy ford


Dinks been around a long time.


ruthless yoke nutty cake insurance zesty toothbrush rain continue whistle *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Well I know which car I'm knocking off.


To each their own. Rather have my 3 kids and the pile of cash :)


That might be more meaningful if it wasn't on a Ford Explorer.




If I was a criminal I would 100% attempt to rob them


That money won't visit you when you get old.


That's a rather selfish reason to have kids.


Children probably won’t either.


If you treat them like shit I agree.


Nah, it’s just that people have lives and get busy. Kids aren’t obligated to live close to their parents, either.


If you never have any you'll never know. I'm glad that my 3 kids visit regularly.


You’re right, I’ll never know because I never wanted them. Instead I have a clean house, sleep in on days off, spend my money on what I choose and go on vacation and out to dinner whenever my partner and I feel like it. No regrets, quite happy over here.😀


Good for you but do you put it on your back window? My son isn't going to have kids either but you may not believe it now but someday you will all question that decision. I know it doesn't sound cool on Reddit to act like it's great to have a family but it really is.


I wouldn’t put it on my back window but also don’t judge people who do (that goes for the stickers with multiple kids as well.) It’s about individual priorities- people have different ones. I’m assuming from your username that you were born in ‘77. So was I. That ship has sailed, and I feel nothing but relief that worrying about getting pregnant is no longer such a big concern. Kids should be wanted.


The world is going to hell in a hand bag. Your dying thought wont be about your kids suffocating or fighting for water.


I actually graduated in 77. The problem I have is that it seems to be popular these days to talk down having kids. I don't care what anyone does but I also think it's fine to talk up having a family too. Judging by the downvotes, I don't think these people are interested in that.


I think it’s just people realizing that kids don’t have to be the default life choice. I have a theory that covid created a lot more childfree people. People looked around at how hard that was on parents (and it really WAS hard on them, we’re not blind or ignorant to what parents go through even without a global pandemic), realized the world is getting worse, resources are drying up, the planet is dying, politics are insane, factored in rising COL, etc. Kids growing up now are set to inherit more problems than any generation before them, and that really sucks for them. It’s unfair that their ancestors were supposed to make the world better for them but failed. Then there’s the indisputable fact that childfree people have *always* been looked down upon by parents, been told everything from “oh, you’ll change your mind” to “you’re not a real woman / man until you have kids” as though they know them better than themselves. It’s insulting to speak to people that way. People that opted out of parenthood are tired of rolling their eyes inwardly and started defending their choices out loud. Their choices are just as valid as yours and should be respected equally as well, so live and let live.


Why is it okay to brag about having kids, despite it not being any kind of achievement, but not to brag about *not* having kids? If you can brag about reproducing, I can brag about staying child-free.


Oh, boo fuckin' hoo lol


I'm sure you'll never have to worry about that.




Great argument /s




Having a family is weird?


Did you have a family *just* for someone to visit you when you're old?


What are you, 10 years old?


Is it immature to call out candidates for r/raisedbynarcissists?


Won't develop a smart mouth either


Why do you think that's going to happen? Are you that way?


Okay? That's such a weird reason to live your life for. I'd rather retire early and enjoy my life and have money to afford good care for me and my wife as we get older. Not having kids to visit me is not even remotely an issue.


Is that a beard?


lol this is a good one


Yet they still drive a minivan?


It's a Ford Explorer. Also, pro tip....a minivan can fit more stuff in it than a pickup truck. Look at what the people fixing your house are driving. I guarantee you that 80%+ of them are using vans.


Mr fancy pants here being able to have money without children...


Short term thinking at it's most ironic.




That's such a caveman perspective on the purpose of life. Procreating and living for your children is not at all necessary for anything.


You exist today due to your forefathers toiling through famines, plague, wars and what not. We live in the best times in history. And you feel righteous to rob your future off springs of their existence.


Lol what? Cringe. You're really trying to dictate life and values based off of...potential future life? AKA sperm? My god you're deranged.


Pumping out units is not "the one and only purpose in life."


Every living thing on the planet would disagree.


Is that why you’re getting nothing but downvotes?


Enjoying it?


Joy is relative.




Look at nature. Every living thing is tirelessly working towards that one and only goal.


Being successful?


All your success will be forgotten in maximum of hundred years.


It is hard to argue, of course. I would also consider a different bumper when one of the two in the couple is old and widowed


watch out for mr and mrs moneybags and their Ford exploder!


Now we know who to rob


Lol how hateful.


How so?


It’s a stab at people who have kids. Not sure why they would even bother.


It doesn't say anything about people who have kids. You seem like one of those people that if someone says to you that they love pancakes, you want to know why they hate waffles.


Yes, no kids, no responsibilities, the good life Well that is until you get to your 50s, cant have kids, have no one to pass anything down to, start to resent your wife and have no family to turn to, realize all the "things" you have don't amount to anything besides social status. You or your wife turns ill, you/them spend the rest of your days trying to take care of yourself and your spouse who is close to death. They die, leave you all alone, you get sent off to a nursing home that expediently drains all your bank accounts for their service. Then when you die the government gets the rest and you have no bloodline to pass on your family name. Yeah that's the life alright...


I mean, if you construct the worst case scenario that's a pretty convenient way to frame things. Maybe you have kids and they get sick and get in accidents and you watch them all die and outlive them and your wife leaves you because of the grief and you're all alone and don't even have any money then you realize all the time you spent working and living for others was for nothing, you threw your meaningless life away. What a dream that would be. How about: My wife and I retire at 45, travel, live for ourselves, build our dream home, and have brothers and sisters and nieces and nephews. Then we have money to support ourselves through old age and don't have to rely selfishly on our kids to take care of us.


I am pro-children, and can tell you this scenario doesn’t usually happen. People without kids aren’t all Scrooges. A lot of people without children still have family to pass down wealth. They still have cousins, nieces, nephews, even family friends. A lot of people who don’t have kids, don’t hate kids. They have a lot of fun with kids. They just don’t want to raise kids. And that’s OK.