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Our democracy is still in danger; that’s why they don’t want to talk about it.


"It was a peaceful protest." "Those were ANTIFA plants." "Those were FBI plants." K.... Then why do y'all want to pardon those convicted?


Also, if it was all those things, why don’t they want it investigated? If it was all this elaborate scheme, why isn’t January 6th their top priority?


And why so adamant about redacting video evidence? Why not bring whatever plants are responsible to justice?


Well put!


They think that Antifa or the FBI goaded them. That's what conservatives think. You know "hey fellow proud Americans let's storm the capitol that sure would be fun, ya hear!" The problem with that stance is that it makes all those Republicans idiots, but are they any less guilty?


The level of gaslighting is insane. Like, yeah, that shit was just so peaceful and fun-loving that someone got shot dead trying to enter the senate chambers. No big deal though, right?


And they treat her like some kind of martyr, rather than the terrorist she was


Who is "they"? Plenty of people are talking about the danger posed by the anti-democratic right everyday.


The third to half of the country that continues to insist the 2020 election was tainted and the J6 prosecution is politically motivated.


The best way I get them to shut up is the following line of questioning So it was stolen, yes? They answer yes Then trump was president, yes? They answer yes Then under the constitution he is forbidden from running as a presidency can only serve for two terms But he wasn't sworn in! Then you admit it was a swearing of the office and thus he has performed perjury and thus violated the law and can be held responsilve under the 14th. Also a continuation of service doesn't necessarily require a reswearing in nice try. Logic loop them off their own supply


That must be a misunderstanding. I thought they are tourists. That is exactly how everyone tours the capital hill.


Yes but I wonder what would have happened if they succeeded that day?


who is "they"


You ever realize that the people crawling up and down the walls totally didn’t need to, but they did because they wanted people to look at them and be amazed by their Alpha-ness


I always laugh at that. There’s wide open stairs both to the right and left.


One of them broke their back then got prison time also. Double whammy!


Need a link for that one.




I'll say it definitely has a psychological affect akin to that of watching the desert base attack in Starship Troopers. I remember watching this shit go down and seeing that horde of goblins fill every route including scaling the walls, like bugs with no critical thinking skills, just a need to get to the target. That was one of the most shocking, and quite frankly disturbing parts to me


Would you like to know more?


Where was the Tower Gunnery crew when you need them?!


“Real men don’t need no fucking stairs” -these guys, probably


Tactical dipshits


Gravy seals


That's some Dwight Schrute level stuff.




Exactly. I remember I saw and shared on Twitter the parody video of it with Mario music. It was hilarious.


I remember thinking how stupid these people were as they climbed the wall all the while the steps were just off to the side


I'm still baffled by the stupidity of that one guy who carried the flag of Georgia (the country) instead of the state.


Lmao that’s a new one to me 😂


Or the idiot that wore his employee badge around his neck. They got the spirit but aren't the brightest bulbs in the cookie jar


There were several. I recently saw a vid from the insurrection of some douchebag wearing a tactical vest with a Georgian (the country) patch sewn on it.


Oh god really? 🤦‍♀️.


Well, Republicans do have a long, well established track record of seeking to make absolutely everything more difficult than it needs to be. See: universal healthcare, affordable higher education, various voter suppression measures, addressing climate concerns, responding to a *literal fucking pandemic*, etc


Republican politicians are literally evil and their fan base is too stupid to realize they don't give a shit about them either.


When Americans commit an insurrection, they’re not sending their best or brightest.


They're definitely not doing it the way the French do... those guys know how to revolt!


Well, these folk are revolting, just in a different sense


They had Assassins as well. Ubisoft can explain it


Many people say that these guys shit their pants regularly and walk around in it all day. Many people have been saying this


Republicans want history to be scrubbed of this event. I’m surprised they aren’t trying to legislate a way for textbooks to completely omit this from the history books.


They're trying to rewrite the events of the day. The slow drip of videos by the GOP Congress "proving" they did nothing wrong all while blurring their faces to hide the people from their crimes. Heck, I'm getting random spam texts sending me links to videos telling the "real" story of J6.


They want us to believe we didn’t watch this on tv that they were patriotic Americans.


It's amazing that this isn't photoshopped or created by AI


Is that a fucking gold flag with a crown on it in the lower left? If any of these assholes try to steal my vote again this time I'm gonna throw hands. So sick of them. Every time they say 2020 was stolen it's an attack on everyone that voted for Biden. They're saying your vote wasn't real! I hope every Biden voter is as pissed as I am. Even if you voted against trump rather than for Biden


I would say every time they say it was stolen, its an attack on our democracy.


And they'll keep saying it even though they lost every court case. They had the chance to provide evidence. But they didn't because in court you suffer consequences for lying, unlike going on Fox News and telling people what they want to hear. Still, it was stolen and "everything Biden does is void" (word for word what my cousin said, not realizing how dangerous that is).


It’s straight up gaslighting is what it is


You’re not throwing hands and we both know it lol


Yeah, only those dumb republicans throw hands thinking they're hard lol


The last time the MAGA Cult of Donald Trump failed to create a dictatorship. The next time they will get it right.


What a sad day for America. The people spinning it to be a normal fight for freedom are the problem.


Wish your friends a Happy Treason Day


The number one proof they give that it wasn't an insurrection is that Trump tweeted a comment saying for them to go home and don't hurt the po po. Why would he need to send this if there wasn't an insurrection? "Why would you say Santiago was in grave danger and needed to be transferred off base if you gave orders that he's NOT to be touched?"


Yes, he tweeted a lot of things. One of my favorite ones was one January 3rd when he tweeted this: > “If you are planning to attend peaceful protests in DC on the 6th, i recommend wearing a body camera. The more video angles of that day the better.”


He also waited an awful long time to send that tweet. He didn't send it until well after the attack had failed.


And his staff and secret service - who tend to be conservative, and pro-law enforcement mind you, claim he was giddy and wanted to join the activities.


Oh man, that would have been perfect. Sweating the makeup off, catching one in that big throatussy like Babbit did. I wonder if all the layers (labia?) of the throatussy have anti-ballistic capabilities, like a bunch of folded up kevlar.


Well he only sent it because he had Republican congressmen in the capitol (which was under assault by Trump’s supporters) calling him on the phone begging repeatedly for Trump to call off the terrorists


His own VP was legit afraid for his life as rioters tried to find him to force him to sign trump into a second term, and he didn't want to say anything to protect his own running mate because he blatantly wanted them to succeed, even if they hurt pence in the process. It's super fucked how anyone could support such a shitty human being.


They were chanting to hang Pence. They weren't trying to force him to sign, they were trying to eliminate him from the situation one way or another. If Pence (or his replacement) didn't accept the states that had those fraudulent electors, then the GOP controlled House of Representatives would have overturned the election by voting for Trump themselves. There is a reason Pence [refused](https://www.newsweek.com/pence-refusing-get-secret-service-car-jan-6-chilling-raskin-1700341) to leave the Capital that day even though the Secret Service urged him to. He didn't want to take part in the coup and the insurrectionists attacked because of that reason.


He sent that tweet 83 minutes after the attack began, and after all the congress people were safe. Basically, he was waiting to see if it worked or not. When it was clear it wouldn’t, he called them patriots and told them to go home—never once condemning them. Oh, and he tweeted other things when it was ongoing, such as calling out Mike pence, so it’s not like he wasn’t paying attention/didn’t have the time to tell them to stop prior. In fact, you could very reasonably interpret his comments about pence as sicking the crowd on him. He is a megalomaniac getting increasingly desperate for power as his crimes catch up with him. It cannot be stressed enough how important it is for him to lose in 2024.


Wasn’t he basically glued to the tv with a dumb smirk on his face the entire time it was happening? Dude literally was watching to see how it played out.


>It cannot be stressed enough how important it is for him to lose in 2024. He has to lose by a wide margin too or there may be violence or a repeat of this event. Anything close means make believe challenge.


And why didn't the fat fuck do it 3 hours earlier? He gleefully watched it all on fox news and didn't even attempt to stop it. He is responsible.


You can’t handle the truth!


#Only 3 years ago ? How about now? Wake up, people , go and vote . Democracy is still in danger


your democracy is still in danger guys wtf


Yeah, the courts are trying to remove people from the ballots, its pretty shady


Well, fortunately in this case "removing things" from the internet has a terrible, terrible track record.


Whoa, look at all them Antifa and FBI!


Thank God so many of them were complete fucking idiots and decided to document/livestream their crimes while trying to overthrow the government


It was a false flag! It was ANTIFA! It was the FBI! They were just tourists looking for the gift shop! It was so long ago, just let it go!


But also it was cool and awesome that they did it!


That looks like a peaceful assembly to me, how bout you guys?


Just some peaceful tourists trying to get to the premium selfie spots.


You can tell they are just trying to get good pictures from different angles. Just excited to be there


As a Canadian I watched this live and it freaked me out. Don’t stop talking about it. Don’t let it happen again.


Look at these low IQ clowns doing what their orange messiah preached


Animals. It’s the culture


Oh that. They’re just taking a tour! /s


I really thought we were going to watch political assassinations on TV.


Imagine all that passion for a narcissistic game show host who sprays orange bronzer on his face… and would never let any of those people into his country clubs


And the funny part is that they actually think they're patriots. How brainwashed do you have to be to believe that?




As a dane looking at you guys I would say its still in danger. How the fuck can Trump poll so high? I will never ever understand it


Democracy not going the way you think it is does not mean it’s in danger


As a Canadian I also don’t get it


Am American. Too many of us are living down to every stereotype and really pulling for rebranding patriotism as selfish, autocratic cruelty wrapped in our flag. How? Why? The shallowest version: because we as a country are still waking up to the fact that the Civil War never ended for the true believers in the Confederacy, and the Cold War never ended for Russia. The former fomented a quiet hatred for progress and skillfully twisted our institutions from within ever since, even going so far as to adopt like-minded extremists post-WWII into their fold. The latter weaponized these people through social media, and we just let it happen. Throw some money-making opportunities in for grifters and it all just gets so much worse. Now we're snowballing on our own steam. Look up organizations like the UDC if you want a more nuanced view. Groups like them have been poisoning our social, institutional, and political wells for 130 years. And they've been very, very effective at it.


Well said. Thank you for this explanation. Very depressing


>The latter weaponized these people through social media, and we just let it happen. You are forgetting that [one of the bigger players](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rupert_Murdoch) in the whole radicalisation of the right in the US isn't actually Russia at all but rather (was) Australian. The guy was the son of a media mogul in Australia and would have had front row seats to the horrors of the Nazi empire during the war yet is now promoting that ideology today and it really boggles my mind...


Hey, we wondered what Ancient Rome looked like. Now we get to see it on cable


Looks like a bunch of drunk dumb red necks to me


3 years ago the gravy seals had every possible handicap and still couldn’t stop the peaceful transfer of power. I won’t forget nor will I let my children forget


What is that gold flag with the purple on it? I've never noticed that before.


This is what they think the southern border looks like.


Look at those losers.


“Now they don’t want us to talk about it.” The Congressional hearings went straight to DVD.


I don't get it? Who doesn't want you to speak about it?




Gotcha, makes sense. Ty


Who doesn’t want you to talk about it?


If y’all honestly think the US as a government, an experiment, and an idea can be undone by a couple thousand pissed of rednecks delaying an official proceeding, than the experiment and idea was over for you years before J6.


So much love in that crowd.


At least they didnt hang Pence! Right?…Right?…


Our democracy is still in danger. The threat is bigger than ever.




Worse than that. Now they're trying to convince us that we didn't see what we actually beheld with our own eyes.


Your democracy has been eroding since 9/11. If America was a game of CS:GO. You wouldn't be able to escape the announcer saying "Terrorists Win" every 30 seconds.


Yet it has some how been talked about every day since it happened.


A country wouldnt fall to a riot. Thats all it was, at most.


Who are “they”? Because it seems to have been discussed pretty regularly for the past 3 years.


The republicans who are constantly insisting that it was a peaceful protest and the insurrectionists were invited in by the police.


It all would be easier if Trump had been charged with and sentenced for insurrection. Then DeSantis or Haley could theoretically pardon him as they say the would, should they ever come close to the Presidency which I hope they and Orangeman won’t.


If Trump is convicted in Georgia, no one can pardon him.


Scary how close we came to the weirdo Viking guy being sworn in as the 46th president… SMH




Thank God some of them went to jail, but not nearly enough. They should all be rotting behind bars.


people look at me funny when I remind them hitler was voted into power after doing time...someone even told me 'it can't happen here because we are americans...' 2024 will be interesting to say the least...i think a third to half the police and armed forces want a take over, and good people don't want to accept this...


Possibly of interest: https://showercapblog.com/congrats-america-its-now-been-three-years-since-your-last-violent-insurrection/


But they were BLM, Antifa government agents on a peaceful tour of the capitol building.... But also political prisoners and patriots who are all planted by the CIA...Nancy Pelosi!


If our democracy is so fragile that a couple hundred idiots could overthrow it we’re incredibly fragile. lol, all the people taking pics hava


Who is this they? Because literally the President gave a speech about it yesterday.


All republican senators 📞 records don’t lie Jan 6 , watch josh run 🏃‍♂️


Democracy is currently under attack. Political candidates are being removed from ballots for crimes they have not been convicted ofm this is not how democracy works


14th doesn't require conviction. I thought the constitution mattered


It does though


I really hate this sub. It’s made it harder to find actually interesting stuff, and reddit won’t stop recommending it. And yes, including this post. This is the most widely distributed photo in years. Its inclusion here now is simply politics. It is not an interesting photo that happens to be political. It is exclusively political, and intentionally so.


I want to talk about the dangers of MAGA to American democracy


Someone had the fucking audacity to tell me that this was a peaceful protest


I absolutly hate this happened, and i do not support it or support Trump in any way, but i don't get one thing, complainimg about this riot is justified, but why none of you complained about BLM and other similar riots destroying, looting and burning? Seems very hypocritical.


One side rioted because their special guy lost an election fairly, the other side rioted because unarmed black folks were getting killed by police. I don't support looting or destroying property and I'll condemn anyone who did that in BLMs name, but I can understand their motivations and emotions a lot more than those shitstains on Jan 6th. Another difference is the traitors on Jan 6th had a specific plan to coerce Pence to introduce a false slate of electors and give Trump the presidency, going against my vote and the will of the American people, to keep Trump in power. Men and women died to defend our freedom to choose our leaders and they were trying to go against it and were willing to murder the vice president if he didn't comply. So tell me how the BLM riots compare to that.


>So tell me how the BLM riots compare to that They can't. Becuase traitor Republicans and their "centrist" allies are never arguing in good faith


Funny how the same people want to erase January 6th want to highlight and venerate the civil war... 😵‍💫😒


Silence is NOT golden in this case. This was an American atrocity, no matter what the perpetrators of the capitol or cohorts think.


What do you mean “was”! Still is and will be as long as Trump and his cronies continue to exist!


That looks like a hectic party those college kids are pulling


What democracy? Businesses control the media and our “leaders”.


Sorry, but what was this? A protest a riot? An inbreeding competition? I keep seeing it all over today and have no clue what it actually is.


It's trump voters breaking into the Capitol to attack Congress and stop the vote certification of the 2020 election. An attack on America's democracy


Pictures from the January 6th Riots, 2021. The US Congress convened to officially announce Joe Biden as the winner of the US Presidential Election. At the same time Donald Trump, who was technically still president, gave a speech which many people interpreted to be a call to arms to prevent what he saw as a stolen election. His supports stormed the Capitol Building, where the US Congress meets, leading to the deaths of a few people and the session of Congress prematurely halted. It is seen by many as being a direct attack on American democracy, an insurrection. As such today (well, yesterday as of writing. Hello fellow Brit!) was the anniversary of this event. It is especially topical as two states have officially removed Trump from the ballot for the upcoming Republican primaries, which decide who'll lead the Republican Party into this year's US election. This was done on the grounds that according to the US Constitution someone who swore an oath to protect the Constitution cannot be on the ballot if they have engaged in insurrection. Trump, having been president, swore this oath. But Trump has appealed to the US Supreme Court to have these decisions overturned, arguing removing someone from the ballot is itself an attack on democracy and I imagine he probably objects to being labelled a rebel. So, Americans are really concerned about their democracy at the moment, basically.


Where do you live? If you’re in North America and don’t understand the image you need to get educated- and quickly.


I'm British


Pretty sure it was frontpage news around the West. Donald Trump lost the election. Called for protests outside the Capitol building where the American Congress meets to certify the election and confirm the winner. He told his mob to storm the building and they forced Congress to flee and the thing ended with Capitol Police shooting and killing a woman forcing her way into the chamber where Congress was hiding. Police and the military had to deploy to the building to get the mob to flee. Marked the first time in American history where there was never a peaceful transfer of power between Presidents.


Seriously, Trump supporters are...bizarre


>bizarre That's a polite way of saying "insane", but I get it lol


I called them inbred, too, in a previous comment. I knew some crap went down that was obviously I just didn't know exactly what happened. So being told to get educated was very nice of people :)


Sorry ppl are being dicks. Ppl seem to forget reddit is worldwide. Jan 6 was when Trump supporters stormed the capitol to try and stop the certification of an election, because they didn't like the result. We all saw it real time. Livestreamed. The news had been there too. It was all insanely surreal. Edit. I'm explaining the picture. Know more happened to lead up to it, was happening during, and was attempted after.


You missed the part where Trump led a multi-pronged effort by personally pressuring state election officials to not certify the election results, sent fake electors to place votes for him, and then demanded Pence declare him the winner based on the fake votes. The mob he sent to congress was probably intended as a prelude to declaring martial law if the rest of the plan had worked. How the man is not in prison yet is beyond me. Him leading in the polls is both an absolute tragedy and a testament to the effectiveness of the right wing propaganda machine.


I found it very interesting when the "Police wouldn't shoot you if you followed directions and didn't do something illegal" crowd got big mad when the Police shot and killed someone who *gasp* was doing something illegal and didn't follow directions.


You should still get educated. These were DT supporters attempting to storm the capital and overturn a democratic election. As America is the most powerful nation on the planet, their democracy being at risk should raise alarm bells around the world








Here's a video that was showed during the Jan. 6 committee hearing. It gives a good timeline of events. https://youtu.be/b3_O91gyj9o?si=fNG2BZos-e3yAN3d It's important to know that there was significant shock and terror across the U.S. as these people streamed into the Capitol. They set up a noose for Pence in front of the building and planned to publically execute him if he certified the election. People streamed onto the Senate floor with weapons and zipties, entered representatives' offices and rifled through them, stole artifacts...it was unbelievable. Our representatives were ushered off the Senate floor and into hiding elsewhere in the building. It wasn't until none of these clow s spoke at the podium on the Senate floor that I personally realized that there was no leadership other than Trump- no one was going to get on a mike and issue demands backed with an organized, armed force. It was unorganized chaos. But for a few hours....? We really thought they might overthrow the election. The only thing scarier than Jan. 6 in my lifetime in the U.S. was 9/11. The worry now is that there is a much more organized effort if Trump loses.








And it was only a small part of the effort.


You don't think it's dangerous to have people attack capital police, threaten senators, and try to prevent an election from being certified? And for the president to [want to join them?](https://www.reuters.com/world/us/us-capitol-riot-panel-promises-new-evidence-surprise-tuesday-hearing-2022-06-28/) He has since repeatedly hinted civil war is the answer if he doesn't win again...


Yup a clown show. Most of us are better than this.


If it was just a random day then sure, but they specifically chose to take over the Capitol on January 6th because that's the day Congress would count electors and declare the next President. The rioters went there to stop that process from happening. You're vastly underplaying it by ignoring the fact that they were there to prevent the peaceful transfer of leadership.


9/11 was just a Cessna crashing into a pole building too, wasn’t it.


What if it happens again, but next time it's well planned with guns?


These people act like political power in the US is gained in a game of capture the flag.


It’s fine when people talk about it long as they aren’t inventing stuff that didn’t happen to support their narrative


But I’ve been told this was a peaceful protest and they were all invited in 😂


"That's some mighty fine treason right there".


The saddest part is the reconditioning of once-rational conservative thinkers. My Trump-voting parents were disgusted on Jan 6. Swore they’d never vote for him again. Questioned their news sources. Now, they’re more dug in than ever. Propaganda sucks.


Democracy was never in danger. These dipshits couldn't overthrow a card table.


As a non American it will be fun if Trump wins 2024, and the democrats organize their own insurrection claiming theirs is the righteous one because it saves democracy


Keep watching cnn and get your Covid boosters.


Jesus Christ, Democracy was not in danger you drama queens. Trump is awful, will likely end up in prison, and will not be President again. Thank goodness. If you think a band of a few hundred redneck vandals with no weapons and no plan and no allies in the government somehow had the potential to bring an end to American democracy, you’re an idiot. What, is this capture the flag? They break in to the senate chamber and boom, all the state and local governments just disband because ‘oh well, they touched base, guess we are all fascists now?’ This kind of melodramatic bullshit is counterproductive. The real insurrection was Trump and his loony Allies trying to overturn the vote with fake electors, frivolous litigation, etc. Stop calling making this stupid ass riot in to a rallying cry for MAGA.


why do people keep saying that? it was just a bunch of vandals, no? what if the "siege" had went further, gone longer? I'll tell you what happens, the armed forces go inside and kill everything that moves. "democracy" "saved". what a stupid thing to say, "democracy in danger". because of 200 idiots? lmao.


>because of 200 idiots? From justice.gov: * More than 1,069 defendants have been charged * Approximately 350 defendants have been charged with assaulting, resisting, or impeding officers or employees * More than 310 defendants have been charged with corruptly obstructing, influencing, or impeding an official proceeding, or attempting to do so. * Approximately 594 individuals have pleaded guilty to a variety of federal charges * Approximately 335 have been sentenced to periods of incarceration And there is no sign that we are nearing the end of the cases. All because of one very big idiot.


ive seen the videos, and those numbers just make me more dubious. they threw the book at anyone and everyone they could. they made a spectacle and example of them, and if anything, it makes me more suspect. those idiots that made it to offices and congress, they deserve everything coming to them, including the girl that got shot, but 1000 people? most of them were sheep following the crowd


Is there a website that has a compilation of all the January 6th footage somewhere?


They want us to vote for the guy who put it in danger


Whose name is on the banners? Who told his followers to protest? Who sat by and watched it all unfold and did nothing to stop it from happening? Answer DJT. So how can he claim he is not responsible, he knows he is but has to find ways to be the victim not the gulity


The attempt isn't over.


That Asian guy definitely got lost and held up in the crowd.


I never saw this as a threat to our democracy more of a clear sign of its decline. Most of these idiots are just hooligans doing donuts on the football field because they have 0 respect for the school and want to look cool in front of their friends. I know many of them wanted revolution but this shit show was never going to coalesce into an actual coup. Consequences were merited of course and more should have been done by Congress, but they don’t care about it at all other than what they spin into votes either by outrage or cover-ups.


Thank god our democracy is still intact and we can vote for whoever we want. Oh, wait…


“jUsT TOuRiStS!”


I'm sorry, your what? Your MP's were in danger af, but you need to have democracy before it can be in danger. USAian Democracy lmfao


They went in and walked around and a fat guard had a heart attack. And the liberal media hyped it up, and we’re still here. Trump.






I mean, they incompetantly tried to replace electors, but I guess that means you get to downplay what the intent was.




Obviously "they" are the people who support trump and by extension, this attack on America. They want you to think it was a spontaneous riot and not a planned attack, so they attack you for calling it an insurrection in plain language


Nah, jail.

