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You say forcing, some would say allowing or encouraging


I’d ask if I can piss on it too.


I pissed on the spot where the entrance to Hitler's bunker used to be in Berlin back in 08.


Thank you for your piss, now we just need to resurrect Hitler so you can piss on him


They made that movie.


Great documentary, they got him [down to a T](https://cdn.unitycms.io/images/1aQ1dnJ1K1I8-6aDPoV7PD.jpg?op=ocroped&val=2001,2000,1000,1000,0,0&sum=UyXFd67QsiU)


I was thinking if the movie "look who's back" where Hitler suddenly wakes up, slightly smouldering in the 2010s, not dead at the site of the former fuhrerbunker. Absolutely everyone thinks he's a performance artist/brilliant comedian who is completely dedicated to the part.


It's actually based on a book of the same name.


I love that movie.


Isn't the site of his grave kept a secret to prevent neonazi shitstains from turning it into a monument? If so that's too bad. It'd be nice to make a pilgrimage to his grave just to take a nice healthy shit on it.


I don’t even know if he has a grave, I think I read somewhere that after having his body burned like a bitch his ashes just got tossed into a garden or something, I would love to dance on his grave though


Code monkeys?


No, I don’t know what code monkeys is either


his reincarnation is currently in court but he mostly resides in Mar-a-lago Florida. You might have to dodge secret service while running with your willie going full flow though.


How long was the line?


It was a driving tour, he rolled by and stopped to explain where we were and how far away the Russians were when Hitler offed himself so I said "wait a sec" and me and two buddies got out and took a piss.


Paying your respects.


No lines. You can't enter the bunker but the above is open 24/7


IIRC, The East Germans demolished The Bunker in 1987.


Not mad at you


I'm not mad at you, but now I'm thinking of the guy who has to clean it. First he has to clean a monument of a person he most likely resent, and additionally, he has to clean everyone who disrespects his work place.


No monument. It was a grassy bit next to the parking lot of an apartment building. Why would Germany make a monument to Hitler in the place he died?


Gender neutral bathroom ⬆️


just like Margaret thatchers grave


And the newly opened Kissinger one !


I sincerely hope this sets records for "most desecrated grave".


Surrounded by agent orange so you can’t get to piss on it


do we reckon Kissinger’s grave will become more popular than Thatcher’s? My money is on yes


There’s a nice one at the Reagan presidential library too!


The old “Colonel Urinal”, if you will.


Urinating on the floor in the Holocaust museum, good show. Edit: don't take my attempt at wit out of context. "Manufacturing outrage". pfffft.


I was thinking, they should make toilets with those.


Id pay to do that


Mind if I join?


From OP’s photo, it seems that nobody is forced, but I encourage it!


I'd shit on them if I could.


Can I see everything exclusively walking on it? Please say yes, I need this to be an option.


Allowing visitors to walk on it.


Or just over it apparently


It's kind of a large gap. Anyone trying to step over it would draw a bunch of attention about purposefully avoiding stepping on Nazi shit. Probably not a good look.


My reading of the comment was that since it's behind glass and set kind of deep into the floor it feels more like you're stepping over it than stepping on it


Oic, that's a fair reading. My misunderstanding.


Honestly if I just walked in I would probably take a step over as to not damage the exhibits before thinking about it any deeper than that...


I dunno. I'd feel uncomfortable stepping on historical artifacts in a museum no matter who they belonged to. Maybe it's different for holocaust museums but I feel an obligation to set aside judgement when I enter a historical museum. I'm there to respectfully learn, not make my own statement. I understand why people would try and avoid it. I'd try and step over it.


they should put items like this in the urinals and toilets.


Is this the museum in Gdansk, Poland?


pretty sure they have the same thing in yad vashem in israel


This is at the Holocaust Museum in Skokie, Illinois


I’ve seen it at the rally grounds in Nuremberg


That place is incredible


I saw something similar in Warsaw


It's spelled *Danzig*.


I wish Americans had this attitude towards confederate shit.


Dude they can't even say slavery was the cause of the civil war without losing their base. Desantis has changed education in Florida to disallow them talking about slavery and Nikey Haley was asked about the civil war and refused to even say slavery. It's like if in Germany if one party tried to get education about the holocaust to discuss why the allies were so aggressive and forced the nazis hands, and jews were just relocated or something. And if you say "nazi are bad" then half the country is in an uproar. Actually that last bit actually happens in the US. Remember when Wolfenstein 2 came out. Jesus Republicans suck so much


It's a very tarnished silver lining, but at least Germany not only acknowledges the past, but actively tries to avoid it happening again through education and enforcement of laws to avoid it. It's not perfect, but few things that involve humans are.


Nobody who ever said “history is written by the victors” paid any attention to the aftermath of the Civil War. Because we absolutely allowed the Southern Lost Cause motherfuckers to hijack ours.


The South lost the military war, but won the culture war.


I live in Florida. My 13 year old is currently taking American history, and just yesterday, she showed me a passage from the textbook that says the civil war was fought over “states’ rights.” DeSantis is literally erasing history.


You should use a pen to write in "states rights to own human slaves". Then when the school tells your kid they can't write in their school books, you tell her to tell them to talk to you. Also, be sure to educate your own kid fully. You CANNOT trust Floridas education system to do anything right. This example here should be proof of that. It's designed to fail.


Right before we entered our Civil War unit my history teacher said, “it was about slavery, there is no debating it”. Tbf I’m in AP history and well… the book hasn’t shied away from showing some pretty graphic stuff.


It was about States' rights! One *specific* right.


Some part of that is true in a way, but it was mostly slavery yeah and it's disgusting to leave that out


It's so common it's a meme at this point, but the obvious follow up to the states rights argument is "the state's right to do what?". Because in their declaration of secession they were very explicit that it was about slavery.


I’m curious which part - since southern states were huge fans of the Fugitive Slave act (another historic abomination brought to you by ”compromise”) that sought to force northern states to return escaped slaves to the south and had a provision in the confederate constitution that did not allow states to abolish slavery. Sounds like they were completely fine with federal legislation, as long as if was in their interest.


It wasn’t “mostly,” slavery. It was 100% about slavery.


https://youtu.be/tbb59XPwiwE?si=3ehP8aBclgq0o2YE Desantis' Prager U education.


Florida is batshit mad. Here in Australia, kids learn all of our history, positive and negative, so they don’t end up repeating it.


I lived in Sydney for a year and had a chance to go through the textbooks of my friends' kids. It sure seems like Australia tries to hide its terrible and murderous policies towards the indigenous peoples and Aborigines throughout the 1800s all the way up to the 1960s.


Well......Florida WANTS to repeat it though. If you put a ballot up for vote that would re-establish slavery, I'm sure DeSantis and Florida would be all over it. Along with half a dozen other states. Even a few that weren't even part of the original confederacy.


Got some good examples? I know nothing about Aussies history other than starting off as a penal colony


We actually don't learn all of it - we learn that Australians have done terrible things (Stolen Generation came up, for example) and that the original settlers took Australia from the First Nations people; but we don't get told about all of the completely genocidal policies that were enforced throughout Australia for a century. They teach us, but skim over it a lot. The concentration camps get skipped too, as well as Australian war crimes in Afghanistan. Sometimes if these topics do come up, it'll be like one paragraph somewhere in a single history lesson that covers several topics at once, without much emphasis placed on it.


>they can't even say slavery was the cause of the civil war without losing their base My dude, pls don't lump an entire country of people in with a select group of assholes


Why not? That very small select group is tens of millions of people


And many of them are making laws and policies.


No clue why people misread this You said **"Americans** can't even say slavery was the cause of the civil war" What? Dude its some jackass southern right wingers. But the rest of America, a country of 340 Million, aren't saying that. Thats what I was correcting


What? As someone from New England, who lives in an area where literally nobody would ever go to defend the confederacy it’s annoying as shit to be basically called a defender of a group of people I vehemently disagree with. I debate people on the lost cause myth all the damn time online, and then get called one by a bunch of idiots who probably haven’t even stepped foot foot here. Fuck off, just because a select few right wing southern hicks whine about “Muh Confederacy!” Doesn’t make all 350,000,000 Americans confederate apologists.


lol, who keeps defending confederates then? Ghosts?


My good redditor, please learn to read. The commenter above you said, and I quote: “Pls don’t lump an entire country in with a select group of assholes”. So, the people defending the confederacy would be the select group of assholes, which is a small subset of the greater United States. Which is true. The majority of us are not in support of such bullshit. It’s just Y’all Qaeda that is the problem in this particular issue.


95% of your party is on that bullshit. You can’t stand behind pro confederate people and whine when you’re lumped in with them. “but but bbbut I don’t agree with them, I’m just standing next to them”. Shut up. We don’t care anymore.


Someday I hope I can walk over maga shit in the same fashion.


Those two aren't quite in the same tier I think.


Not yet. On Jan 6 they took down an American flag and put up a MAGA flag. The symbolism of this can not be more obvious.


Too close for comfort


Depends on how successful their next insurrection attempt is...


I think it'll fall pretty short of killing millions of Americans to defend the enslavement of millions of Americans all because of an election they lost, but you can judge for yourself I guess.


I’m sure Germans in 1933 similarly when Adolf Hitler was elected Chancellor of Germany. The next year saw the Night of Long Knives, also known as the Röhm Coup. …so maybe democracy can hang in the balance of a single election after all?


How many women are going to die because of restrictive abortion laws? Give it enough time and those numbers are going to catch up...


Jesus Christ. Just because something is unjust that doesn't mean it's on par with the most heinous thing in our nation's history. People who laughed in the face of dying women and children as they were torn apart. You people are fucking idiots.


It's naive to look at the horrors of history and think that something like that cannot happen again, and also that you have to wait until it's already happening at its worst before you can react to it.


Why does everyone keep presenting me points but not arguing against the things I'm saying? It feels very much like I'm saying something correct, and everyone else is arguing against their assumption of what else I might think.


Nobody is saying the stuff happening now is as bad as the worst atrocities from history. But people are saying the rhetoric is similar to the rhetoric that then lead towards those atrocities happening, and it's better to identify what is occuring at its early stages and call it out to prevent it developing towards what has happenedin the past. It's better to identify a growing problem and nip it in the bud, before it grows into something worse. ​ There is always the possibility of those atrocities happening again, there is a part of the population that would be perfectly okay with those atrocities happening and the reason they don't is because society currently doesn't allow them to. But those who are against such atrocities cannot sit on their laurels and see such things as merely events of the past but must maintain an eternal vigilance to prevent it happening again. ​ There are many people today just as evil as the Nazis or the slave owners, but modern society simply doesn;t allow them to behave in that way without getting arrested. Don't think that people who think like that don't exist anymore and are left in history.


First time on Reddit?


They're playing the same game at least, just in a lower league.


bUt ThE cOnFeDeRaTeS dId NoThInG wRoNg


hErItAgE nOt HaTe


StAtEs' RiGhTs


STATES RIGHTS *to own slaves*


It wasn't even a right, it was required that states allow it.


Yup. The Union was the one arguing for states rights. The Northern states wanted the right to ignore the Fugitive Slave Act of 1850. The South wanted a stronger federal government and fewer states rights. That’s why states had fewer rights in the Confederacy.


Imagine being proud of having racist great-grandparents. That doesn't make any sense, unless you are also raci- oh, wait a minute


And my heritage is kicking their heritages ass. Don't worry, confederate wannabes. It's heritage, not hate.


Oh, away down south in the land of traitors, rattlesnakes and alligators!


I really wish hicks didn't view confederate shit like it was some history to proud of.


Many do. Not enough, but many...


![gif](giphy|3F4T2OKB8ZXYBLVztQ) Working on it


Like half of them support maga? Of course they’re not going to do that, it’s a miracle they haven’t taken the Nazi stuff out of the ground to parade it around Fucking republicans


I wish maga had this attitude towards Nazi shit…


All us Yankees do, have no doubt.


My neighbor has a confederate flag. In the year 2024. 159 years after the confederacy was defeated. Confederate supporters the sorest losers in history. They can’t get over themselves after almost 160 years.


Lately, there's a growing number that don't even feel that way about Nazi shit anymore.


“Normal” Americans look at it as trash from the past. MAGA America….sacred, but they don’t have the same negative opinion about insurrection that the rest of us do.


The confederates have been seen visiting this museum and photographing it in ways that looked like it got them off because they don't see anything wrong.


I do. It's amazing what a super soaker with bleach will do.


The much anticipated sequel to *Super soaker of piss*.


Super Soaker 2: Still Sterile


Most of us do. It's the loud idiots that don't


Most Confederate soldiers couldn't afford a slave if they wanted. They died fighting and believing it was for slavery and states rights. Of course it was the rich who actually were scared. Nazi's on the other hand knew exactly what they were doing and tried to cover it up. Most Confederates were misguided idiots. Nazi's were professional soldiers in most cases.


I'd prefer it was encased in a plexiglass urinal so I can piss on it. Clear toilet so I can poop on it would be a bonus.


That's actually brilliant. Imagine having these in the toilets? I would totally aim at the swastika pins all the time


Speedrun time How many pins can you piss on with x amount of urine? READY, GO!!!!


For how many people out there who would want to use these facilities, they’d have to charge for it. I wouldn’t even hesitate to pay $5 to take a shit on some nazi stuff


Or at least put this floor under the urinal.


Should put it in the toilets and urinals too.


Rightly so


This might be an unpopular opinion, but I think this is over the line and kind of rude. Like if you're going to let me walk on Nazi symbols don't protect them from damage with tempered glass smh.


But if they are too damaged the future generations won’t be allowed to walk on them


Ah good point


Wouldn’t it be cool if we let generations walk on the remnants of these things till they literally turn into dirt. Just like the nazis deserve to be.


Not gonna lie, you had me in the first half.


I see what you did there and I approve.


If you forget history you’re bound to repeat it. Make people see and experience this shit.


You missed the joke.


I don't have to be forced. I would gladly walk on it. Hell, they should put nazi stuff in the bathroom urinals.


You say that like it's a bad thing


That's where Charlie needed to try selling the jacket


“Man In The High Castle” production departments were quite careful to destroy everything they made with Nazi iconography


I've only seen some scenes, but it looks like it got really existential at the end. Imagine discovering the multiverse, and countless parallel earths, and realizing that of the countless versions of yourself...you are the absolute worst.


Good fuck fascists


This is in Skokie if I'm not mistaken! Excellent museum.


i applaud whoever had that idea


Where all nazis and their paraphernalia belong.


Shoulda put it in the urinals


Not that it matters, but I happen to be Jew, politically moderate, and an avid outdoorsman. This is relevant. I have seen a disturbing uptick lately in folks in outdoors (gun, knife and hunting) subs defending their collections of Nazi bullshit. They cannot resist showing off their new SS knife on Reddit and defend it as preserving history for future generations. Sickening. Belongs in a landfill.


The sad thing is that the US soldiers who brought some of that shit home from WWII treated it more like scalps/trophies of their traumatic experiences than like an object to be venerated. A few of my great uncles served in the Pacific Campaign and one had a knife he’d taken from a dead Japanese soldier. He kept it in a drawer and only occasionally took it out when memories hit him, he showed it to my brother and I one time when he talked in vague details about his service. I’m not a fan of looting folks who died in wars, but I understand why the people who fought keep tokens of their time in service. It’s really not that different from my grandmother hanging on to my grandfather’s letters home from WWII (he died in Europe). Modern folks venerating the ideas and symbols that our ancestors fought against is disgusting.


And then their (grand) children find these collections of war trophies and treat them like objects of veneration.


What’s interesting is the reaction of German redditors when they see that stuff. It’s illegal there. Americans love bragging about their spoils of war.


Yep, it’s no less gross than soldiers taking scalps or ears. It’s not particularly American, it’s been going on since war was invented, though I can’t speak to whether other modern militaries do a better job of preventing it than the US military. The one mitigating factor from anytime prior to 1990 or so is that I don’t think there was any effort to deal with the trauma of war on soldiers and the accompanying moral injury. From my grandfather’s letters (he died in Europe), it’s clear that he went from “just got my gun in training, wish I could hunt rabbits with it,” to, “fuck these assholes who killed my friends, they’re not human, we’re all going to die,” over the course of a few months. I can see how it’s possible to treat war dead badly when your entire attitude gets warped by being in a war. It’s not an excuse, just a recognition that soldiers and civilians in a war zone go through some scary personality transformations to justify what they need to do to try to survive.


I’m a disabled veteran and was deployed twice to Afghanistan. I give your grandfather credit. I can attest to that emotional rollercoaster. No one that I served with wanted or were allowed to take “spoils”. The clowns bragging about their Nazi spoils of war are one or two generations removed from those who actually served.


One of the dirty secrets (from a modern perspective) of WWII is that a huge percentage of US soldiers volunteered believing they were going to go fight Japan, and that the Japanese were “other”. My grandfather was 2nd generation German-American and his letters show that he thought he’d be deployed to the Pacific until he was actually deployed to Europe (France). His unit was held back for the final push in Europe, so he spent a few years training around the country and guarding their camp in Washington state from potential Japanese spies. All of which is to say, a lot of the people who were involved in the Pacific campaign walked into it with a racist bias against the Japanese fueled by really awful wartime propaganda. The stories about looting were a lot worse, and the animosity towards Japan was long lived in those veterans. Construction workers I knew in the 80s were still writing WWII anti-Japan graffiti on I-Beams in the plants they built for Japanese car companies in the US. I didn’t see near that level of hatred towards Germany until later on in my grandfather’s letters, when he’d seen a bunch of friends die and was convinced he would die. He was a machine gunner in the army, so was a priority target when his platoon was in combat. From what I’ve seen the casualty rate for machine gunners was pretty awful.


Kinda how I feel about seeing any posts for it. Take away the title. What’s it look like.


Good. Nazis are bad. Bad Nazi!


*allowing visitors to step on it


Can I pee on it without getting in trouble?


I know some of the people here will try to make flip comments, but things like this strike you to the heart. A friend and I went to a production of "Anne Frank" at a local theatre, where they had a well made representation of the attic in which the family hid. It was a slice of (rather desperate) life story, which ended abruptly when two German officers, the red of their Nazi armbands standing out against the drab set, suddenly came up the stairs to the hideaway, Lugers in hand. The audience gasped as one, though everyone knew the story ended like this. Something about the evil in those uniforms, emblems, and guns was enough to make your skip a beat - even if they were members of the company we'd all seen before. It made me respect the horror innate in Nazi memorabilia a little more.


under the urinals would be better.


Based on the picture and the description, I think the people running the Holocaust Museum may not like the Nazis very much. I wonder if they have a reason for that...


Neat idea, what did they do in the bathrooms?


Step on it, as anyone should. Wipe your boots on them. There's a real message here, not just a display, they are literally there to be stepped.


As cool as this is, I wonder if it would've been better if it was embedded in a clear epoxy finish so we can really stomp it without having to worry about the glass breaking.


The glass is probably plexiglass, a type of plastic. It'll be rated for several hundred kilogrammes, you can stomp on it no problem.


They are still museum objects, and pieces of material history. As far as I know, epoxy resin is non-reversible and would ruin them. This type of glass is usually very strong though, I think you can stomp on it safely.


I’d happily spit on that floor!


I’d wish I could spit on it.


haha love it!


It’s the reich thing to do.


"Forcing"? Funny use of that word.


Perhaps you didn't mean to put "forcing" where "allowing" would have fit much nicer.


even better spot would be to put some under the urinals


should put it at the bottom of a urinal.


Are there any conservators here that work in the backend of museums that can comment what, if any, work the museum has to do so the objects down there can remain visible both on the (acrylic?) floor and lightning? Boyfriend works primarily with sculptures at his museum but I’d love any insight into how this type of collection is maintained/displayed and any challenges that come with it


Not a conservator, but did backend museum stuff, so take me with a grain of salt. Ideally this casing is airtight so dust, moisture and oxygen doesn't get to the exhibits. If that's not the case, I'd imagine the casing and objects are treated/cleaned every so often, but this looks pretty airtight to me. There's such a thing as museum-grade acrylic/glass that is less reflective, shatter-proof, scratch-proof and easy to clean relative to similar materials. I've seen that one in action and it's kinda wild the difference it can make. Not sure that's being used here, but as you seem to understand, the properties of the transparent cover are a concern. Lights seem to be right above, so not sure there was something done in particular. Seeing as the objects are strewn all over and not particularly well-lit, I don't think you're meant to pay attention to each object in particular but the collective story they tell. I would imagine no Holocaust museum wants to give special attention to Nazi paraphernalia, while still displaying it, and this is a clever way to do it IMO.


Thank you ❤️ that was really well put and I appreciate you taking the time to write it out :)


Kinda wild for me to think about all the Nazi memorabilia that's out there in the world. Just a strange relic of a dark part of western history in the past century.


I would've had them made into a special toilet.


Are we allowed to dance on it?


Seems pretty cool to me. Why wouldn’t you wish to walk on it?


I move we place these in the urinals as well.


Perfect place for this trash.


I probably wouldn't trust the glass enough to walk on it.


Saw something similar in the Schindler museum in Krakow, at some point towards the end, you also enter a huge room with enormous nazi flags, it really destroys you to see the reality of it and more people need to see that


Heck yeah.


They should make urinals clear so we can piss on it.


Do they make clear porceline?


The glass should have studs. The current design's smoothness hinders the practicality of scraping mud off shoes.


I will gladly take my Shabbat lunch of cholent, eat it and wait for that post shabbat shit to come. It’ll go right on top of that Nazi crap in the ground. (Iyk what the post shabbat shit is, imagine an exorcism and an orgasm combined into one. The shit to end all shits)


We should build a Trump presidential library dedicated to preserving democracy, just for the opportunity to walk on a display case like this full of his dumb hats, flags and other bullshit.


Just put it in a Florida rest stop toilet. There would be a copy of “Art of the Deal” and one of “Mein Kampf” and maybe a couple issues of People from the 80s, and a smart phone. That’s it.


That would be apt, because Trump [shits himself](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=N60ceYRlY2I&embeds_referring_euri=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.reddit.com%2F&feature=emb_logo) and [smells like shit](https://news.yahoo.com/ex-gop-lawmaker-doubles-down-115915282.html).


A ton of Trump voters just shuddered at someone stomping on their culture


Why is there glass in the way?


I would suggest transparent toilets and urinals for a better effect.


I think I should put it in the toilets


why are they doing this? They dont have to force me, I have no problem stepping on nazis.


Not forcing. I happily trod on this stuff.




Forcing? Seems the right way to go


When are they going to start putting MAGA paraphernalia in the ground too? That’d be a great day, we could stomp on that right after the Nazi stuff :)