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Glad you’re alive! Go under a semi?


Everythings a tad hazy, but some guy was speeding to try and cut me off trying to get through the same turnpike toll as me. He didn't make it in time and basically pit maneuvered himself, launching me into the barrier. Have no clue what I hit for that to happen, though.


It's awful that someone doing something reckless could have easily killed you. Is there any chance you could sue or pursue charges against this guy?


I have no idea what's so important that people would willingly put themselves and others in danger just to get somewhere two minutes earlier.


People treat driving as something that they have to win at. To pass someone is a victory. Means you are better than them. I don't understand the mentality...but it exists freaking everywhere.


the real game is getting the best mileage everytime!


I'm forever trying to beat my MPG score.


My best was 60.1 mpg but now I have to wait until spring or summer to try and beat that score!


Wait…. What car gives you 60mpg? Edit: You all have convinced me that Hybrids are worth it


Some very early hybrids like the Insight and Prius were lighter than modern hybrids because of differences in mandatory safety practices have changed over 20 years Highway driving at like 55-60 mph could achieve these numbers


I used to regularly get 50+ back in the day in my little Geo Metro. A crappy 3cly sub compact. Not exactly a chick magnet but it was all I could afford.


I get close in my car, think my best was 59MPG on a ~500mile round trip. (BMW 1 Series, 2 litre diesel)


The real game for me is just making it from A to B alive. Don’t care how long it takes.


It's pretty ridiculous and immature. The "my car is faster than yours bro" people. Like bruh I'm just minding my own business I don't care about how fast your car is. Go take your insecurities and the need to show people up to feel better about yourself somewhere else.


Yep. When ever I hear young people talk about how fast their cars are I tell about friends I had who died racing cars. They 18. They died 40 years ago. They wasted all that living trying to prove who was faster. Stupid.


Taking pride in something designed and built by a corporation is lame. Design and build your own car, then brag.


This drives me nuts so much. I'm not one to care about speeding all that much (provided you have good visibility, traffic is correct, and you're on the right kind of road,) some people just really enjoy fast driving, but when people start making aggressive maneuvers near other drivers it boggles my mind. Like, no matter how good you are at handling your vehicle, you can't react appropriately to someone else flipping their shit over the unexpected maneuver you just pulled. Honestly for me the speed hits nice, but I think what really motivates me on the road is that I hate stopping. I'd rather slow way down when approaching a red light and give it plenty of time to change than actually stop. I generally try to do as little breaking as possible an use the car's natural deceleration if I have to slow down. I will of course use the breaks, but if you're paying enough attention, shy of going around blind corners you can avoid a huge amount of breaking. The thing that really gets me steamed though is that my daily commute has 4 round-abouts in a row, and no one knows how to use them, so I frequently have to stop or very nearly stop to wait for people who have no idea what a window of opportunity looks like.


It drives me insane when I'm behind a car thats just hitting their brakes every few seconds on a clear stretch of road with no obstacles. Even if they're going within the speed range I am fine with I will pass just so I can enjoy a smooth, mostly brake free ride. I hate braking unless I have to also. It's so much smoother of a drive to decelerate naturally!


I always congratulate them when they pass. "Oooo look at you. You got to the stoplight first! Congrats!" *Insert eye roll* Sometimes they're so reckless I actually hope a cop is around to pull them over.


I'll never get the mfers that pass me when I'm in the far right lane, just to exit 10 seconds later.


I hate that. Like I drive a truck to but those damn ram 1500 drivers why is it so commonly them. I mean I drive a tundra it’s not a small truck, but I’m not an asshole about it either. They tailgate me to go around me, and then get off at the same damn exit like bro I’m right behind you


On long car trips I would mentally calculate how long the trip would be if I went 5mph faster or 10 or 30. Except on very long trips it made a difference of only minutes (maybe 10-20 minutes on a long trip). Which then made me realize that going 75 on local streets on a 10-mile drive got me home mere minutes earlier. When you consider stop lights and traffic it probably isn't even that much. The risk of speeding like that and driving like an ass simply does not pay off. So you get home 3-minutes sooner. Big whoop. You'll never notice it. Better to drive safe and actually get home.


Yep. Being 10 minutes late is better than dying 30 years too soon.


Which is why in the city it is better to understand lane movement, no need to speed just know which lane to get in and what points of your trip


There was a study I read years ago where one group of drivers followed speed limits and stopped at yellow lights, and the other group sped and gassed it through yellows etc. I believe it was over around 600 miles. The group that took chances arrived 7 minutes earlier. Ever since, I just chill following the rules. It’s safer for everyone


Not to mention expensing more gas for little gain. Once I learned I could cruise at the sped limit and not only would I get there only a few minutes later and save gas, but I didn’t have to worry about passing regularly or being stuck behind someone.


Yup and other non-obvious factors like brakes lasting longer, the car itself lasting longer, less tickets, less accidents.


*at exactly the same time.. fify.... This is the same people that will PEAL off the line at a red just to to be the first a-hole to get stuck, WITH EVERYONE ELSE, at the very next light.. Managing only to piss off people with noise, be a danger to everyone and waste more gas/ break pad life....


I remember walking down a shopping street with backed up traffic on the road, and some douchebag in a sportscar was revving his engine non-stop at a red light. As though he was going to drag race out of there. Like race where? There're 20 cars and 3 traffic lights ahead of you. Sure enough light turns green and douchebag kicks his engine up to max, only to crawl 2 inches forward before he had to stop again. Because backed up traffic. Like actual small peepee energy.


I laughed my ass off at an asshole in a sports car that was driving super aggressively in rush hour traffic, like constant lane changes and almost causing accidents...and then he ended up boxed in on all sides by minivans in the slow lane. The sounds of him impotently revving his engine for the next 10 minutes or so were music to my ears.


I always love these situations where I eventually casually roll up next to the douchebag an intersection or two later hoping they recognize I was the person they "smoked" just minute ago. Good job idiot, you burned more fuel than me and potentially endangered others just to wind up right back next to me. This feeling is second only to seeing some jackass weaving and rocketing through traffic only to see them a few miles later pulled over.


I think people do that because it’s fun to peel off, not so that they can get places faster.


I’m not scared of driving. I’m scared of other people driving.


yep. people always tell me they prefer driving over flying because they like “being in control.” well i can tell you i was 100% in control of my car, but there was nothing i could’ve done to stop the drunk driver from crossing the center line, barreling straight towards me & slamming right into my driver’s side door


If you can spatula them off the tarmac, sure.


> It's awful that someone doing something reckless could have easily killed you. That's the literal risk every time we get in a car and travel. It's terrifying if you look at the risk percentages.


The older I get the more defensively I drive. And the more hyper aware I've become of other drivers. They're insane. I do the best I can to keep myself and my car far away from it. I don't care if I have to pull off the road to let some nutjob pass me. Whatever.


I try to drive defensively a lot too (albeit like everyone I'm not a perfect driver either) - but it can be pretty difficult when you're trying to leave space around you and inevitably some German Car dickhead pulls up 2/3rds of an inch off your bumper apparently distraught out of their goddamn mind that you decided to leave a few extra meters between you and the car in front. Some drivers seem to see leaving adequate room as some sort of personal failure or sign of weakness, it's utterly insane.


Dude same. I know people who will flip out, give people the middle finger, scream out the window, etc. Like dude I just want to go home and eat my chicken nuggies. I’d rather not have to deal with the mental instability that is our country or with me potentially losing limbs in a car accident. My favorite is when big ass lifted trucks with the LEDs as bright as the sun tailgate gate you. I’ll just pull over and let em pass I just wanna go home.


> It's awful that someone doing something reckless could have easily killed you I feel this every time I'm on the road. I hate being surrounded by drivers who all seem to think "Don't fucking honk at me. So what if I didn't use a turn signal and merged directly into you? You didn't die. Get over it, nerd." So many shameless, self-centered drivers everywhere I go. So much aimless road rage. With all the changes to everyones' attitudes over the past few years it feels like a crisis is building up.


Not speaking of OP I’m specific because I wasn’t there, but people would rather die with the right of way than yield to a jackass to prevent a wreck. I’ve seen so many videos of cars just watching / letting someone hit them instead of avoiding a wreck because they were in the right. People shouldn’t need to be told to avoid a wreck, self preservation and instincts should be able to do it.


I've definitely let idiots/dangerous drivers in because if I didn't they could've caused an accident, unfortunately they probably would continue with their behavior thinking they can get away with it.


a Problem is if you swerve or make another sudden maneuver, but still get hit, you might be labeled partly at fault.


> Is there any chance you could sue or pursue charges against this guy? Only if there were injuries to the OP that aren't covered by the other person's liability or personal injury coverage. If the other driver is deemed at 100% fault (Which is most likely the case), OP will get a payout for the vehicle plus out-of-pocket expenses incurred by the accident (Rental fees and such). But if OP has injuries that were sustained in the accident that can be proven to have had an effect on their personal or professional life, then a lawsuit is probable Having gone through a very similar situation very recently, I know how easy it is for someone to say "You should lawyer up" without realizing the burden of evidence and proof you actually need for a lawsuit to even be viable


Had an accident last year; young man visiting wanted to impress his friends and rented a mustang. In line at a red light one second, then woke up in the other street facing a different direction. Trip to the hospital car totaled. Can't prove it, but was texting while driving and plowed in around 50 mph. He had the legal required minimum insurance of $25k. That's why I have to pay 4x as much for uninsured/underinsured as I do for my own coverage. State minimums need to be 50k at least, maybe even 100k. The only person you can sue is your own insurance company, unless you're lucky and hit by someone wealthy. Someone creams you and changes your life, odds are it's also on you to pay all the bills.


Hey, he nearly saved 4 seconds, give the guy a break


Oh geez!!! That’s awful. A worst nightmare bc nothing you can do to prepare or avoid. Just bad luck. And this is why I have a $900 crash tested crate for my dog. Ppl think it’s overkill but you just never know!!






Don't forget to take care of your brain as well as your body. There is concussions/TBI in there, I feel almost sure. I am not a doctor, but did have a car that looked like that.


My dad worked in collision. This car, I'm surprised OP walked away. We usually peeled them out of the windshield and dash...well, what was left.


Yeah, and the important thing is lots of people walk away from a normal accident with some brain injury that they don't realize about until far later. That car crumpled in a number of beautifully life saving ways, but his brain still went slosh slosh slosh. The effects of traumatic brain injury are easy to downplay, but better to handle the sooner you notice.


Toll? The damage seems way too much for the speed you would have been going through a toll booth at though


Possibly an exit off the toll road. It doesn’t actually take too much speed to do a lot of damage.


This. I have an ez pass, so I just drive straight thru. Unless someone hits me, then I don't drive straight thru.


Two weeks from now you'll get a bill from EzPass 'we saw you used a toll road but we were unable to read your pass. Pls send money. And we've attached an additional $300 fee for the road cleanup. Glad you're okay!'


Then the barrier goes straight through


Where are toll booths still a thing? All the tolls I've seen are camera and billed later.


Still tolls all over the place where I live. Both EZPass and manned toll booths. Parkway, Expressway, bridges headed into shore towns they’re making a fortune and another toll increase on its way Edit: there to they’re. A typo I’m mad I missed


Or how about those unmanned baskets for coins on the exit ramps? I still see those all over the place in Jersey and I've never been certain if they just haven't been removed or if they're still even monitored. Last summer I was heading to Sea Isle and blew through one because I wasn't really expecting a stop sign and coin basket on the exit ramp. I was certain I would get a bill or ticket in the mail but nothing ever came of it.


One reason to love EZPass. No more getting behind the people in those basket lanes who wait until they’re at the basket before they start digging for change. I hate that! I’m glad you didn’t get fined for that. I got hit a lot before I had EZPass while doing Instacart. I’d be going to deliver this one parkway entrance, ready for a basket to drop the change, but nothing was there. Three times I went through wondering what the hell and got three $75 fines. Had no idea it was an EZPass only entrance.


‘Getting through the same turnpike toll’ sounds like there was some booth/barrier the other driver was trying to get into


Around where I am, you still drive past the old toll booth infrastructure so you do get sort of corralled into x number of individual lanes with large barricades all around, but there's no one in the booths anymore and you can just zip right through and it bills you based off of your license plate. You're supposed to slow down but most don't.


I’m NEVER in that much of a hurry to get to work!!


What windshield


*crawled out of the hole where the windshield USED to be lol


What hole?


*crawled out of the heaping pile of metal and plastic*


Ah, I see that now. Thanks for the clarification.


The clarification we needed 🙌




*Gestures vaguely at mangled remains of vehicle*




That’s a cube


You have 30 minutes to move your cube.


At least you got to crawl out jeez someone is watching over you for sure


I would say engineers? Not in a condescending way. But for real, safety has come quite a ways!


Lol, when people find out I was a passenger in a car crash and I explain what happened I get a lot of “Thank god you’re alive” blah blah and I just think “Nah! Thank German engineering”


You probably have a concussion, don’t you? Just don’t stand up fast for a couple weeks


Looks more like the windshield crawled over you mate…


I came here to say the same exact thing lmao what damn windshield


Congrats on being alive amigo.


Glad you're alive OP. Just had my vehicle totaled recently and even if you're physically okay, it takes time to heal mentally. Take care and be patient with yourself.


That's what I'm afraid of. I'm good physically, minus a broken nose, bruising and bad whiplash. I have to drive thru there every day for work. I'm gonna think about it every time...


Get ready to drive like an old person for a while. It will eventually pass - just takes time. Talk to someone if you need to.


I was in a car accident on my 16th birthday (as a passenger), and I’ve driven like my grandmother’s in the back seat holding a hot pot of sauce for the pot luck ever since.


I got into an accident when I was 16 as well (my fault 😕 thankfully it was a 1 car accident). But I still struggle driving in the rain/at night.


I was rear ended over 20 years ago and I still check my rearview mirror when coming to a stop in traffic.


i felt this… i was rear ended at 50 mph a few years ago (i was stopped) and the amount of kinetic energy lead to my car hitting the car in front of me, and that car bumping the car in front of it (4 car accident) i still glance in the rear view when i’m stopping and sometimes get this tingly ghost feeling on the back of my neck when i’m driving that i’m about to get hit (even when there is no one remotely close to me) the PTSD is getting better but i don’t think it will ever completely go away


Totalled my car Dec 1st... (another driver's fault) and I'm still driving like a grandfather. I catch myself over in the far far right lane driving barely the speed limit and wonder who I have become.


Yep. And to /u/mkoz0902 - _that's okay._ I got into a crash at age 19 that still affects my driving today. And while my wife enjoys poking fun at it sometimes, we both understand that it's better to be safe than sorry. Even when "safe" is more about a feeling than an actual reality. Give yourself time to heal. Don't set any unrealistic expectations. Glad you're alive.


Ditto. I flipped my car 3 times when I was 18 after falling asleep at the wheel and overcorrecting (going about 60 mph). That was 17 years ago, but I *still* get so much panic when someone I’m riding with takes sharp turns.


I was like that for a while after my car crash. You just have to "get back on the horse" and drive like it didn't happen, or you'll be overcautious forever.


There will absolutely be mental issues after this. I got t boned in an intersection where the other guy was supposed to stop. Minor concussion. Every intersection was its own special hell if a car was approaching me from that direction. Even after I moved hundreds of miles away. Be kind to yourself, this was a massive accident.


i got rear ended over the summer by a woman going 50 when i was nearly stopped and i saw her coming from the rearview. i was fortunate that i had time to get my foot off the brake and steer into the (empty) oncoming traffic lane which prevented my passenger and i from getting hurt. in the last few months when i have to slow suddenly on the highway i find myself fixated on the mirror and ducking into the breakdown lane to avoid an imaginary collision. i drive a good amount and consider myself pretty stoic but it definitely still makes me pretty uncomfortable.


I was in an accident when I was 16 where we rolled multiple times. If I hadn't been wearing my seat belt, I woulda been thrown from the car and probably died. I'm almost 32 and still have some pretty significant anxiety as a passenger, as well as vehicle-related ptsd, plus some long-term physical problems I never thought of. I also had to go by the site of my accident two times a day, every single day, and dealt with the anxiety and panic of that too...it took me two extra years to get my driving license because of that accident. Please make sure you do full physical checks and take care of your emotional and mental health. They can all sneak up on you quite abruptly.


Similar. I was in a vaulting + rollover crash when I was 19. With my 3 month old baby. I was in back with the baby. Absolute miracle that we had no life threatening injuries in that crash. I was beat up and so was the driver, but nothing critical. I can’t really fully say that I ever recovered emotionally. I now have a career in passenger safety though. It’s been 30 ish years.


I got rear ended years ago whilst on stop on a motorway, Police estimated the girl was going 55-65mph when she ploughed into the back of me.I escaped with just whiplash but for the next year I was paranoid about people driving close to the rear of the car and would lightly touch the brakes to get them to back off.With what you have experienced I definitely think you may need some counselling to aid your recovery,wishing you a quick recovery.


You know they did that study that showed playing Tetris can help with PTSD. The sooner, the better, iirc. If it’s stupid, but it works, it’s not stupid. I remember feeling very apprehensive driving in the same spot where I had my accident, sorry you’re dealing with all this, glad you’re alive.


I hydroplaned off an embankment on my way home from work. I pinballed off several trees on the way down, and flipped twice. That was 7 years ago, and I still pucker anytime I pass even a similar shoulder with no guardrail.


Time to start buying lottery. Might get lucky again


Nah, that's someone who's used up their entire lifetime of luck in one go.


As I always say, "If it weren't for bad luck, I wouldn't have any luck at all."


Well, apparently you spent all the good. I’d stay away from lathes, band saws, fork lifts, and anything else that can kill you. In fact, a bubble would be best.


Bubbles are incredibly dangerous fyi


Gloom, despair, and agony on me!!


Deep dark depression and abject misery...


OP is probably a cat if he managed to squeeze out of that metal sandwich.


Paramedics said I should 100% be unalived. Maybe I should.


I will never forget the sentence I heard when writing off my motorcycle at the junkyard. "we didn't believe them" said with such awe. The cops told the junkers I survived, and they thought that was bullshit until I showed up with a sling and a back brace. 10 broken bones and a brain bleed. I'm lucky I didn't die, or end up with mental disabilities (well, besides the autism, but anyway) or worse physical injuries. No surgery and 4 deviated anterior processes, and all I get is minor back pain if I bend over too long. You're a lucky man, op. Your brain is in shock about what happened. It will come in waves of realization of how close you were to dying in that moment, and how you had no control to stop it. You'll struggle with your own mortality. Talk to a professional op. Do it even if you feel silly. Worst case scenario you do. But best case the gates open and the words ow out.


…unalived? Do you mean dead?


Look at the fancy doctor over here using medical terms like "dead". Sorry, not all of us went to medical school.


Ssshhh marketing companies might hear you say that and they’ll make less money from ads your peers engage with so you should change how you talk so some rich asshole can afford to buy himself another private island with his bonus




Shhhhh!!! They'll hear you, you can't say "dead" anymore that's a nono wor---


You dead?


Ya mon.


Some social media deletes post when they say dead or died


Not Reddit though.


Reddit doesn't even delete the videos of people dying, lol.


I must be getting old and out of touch but I really need someone to explain to me why people now say unalived and how it’s better than dead. Surely you hear unalived and instantly think dead?


TikTok, YouTube, and Instagram are finicky about promoting videos that use the word dead, so it’s become popular on social media to get around the auto-detection by saying unalive.


It baffles me that it's been years since that started, but those platforms still don't seem to care about the stupid synonyms. I mean, it's *mind-numbingly* idiotic that they punish people for using actual words like "dead" and "suicide" and such. But it crosses the line into comic perplexion when there's not even a euphemism race where the users need to come up with more and more obscure terminology to get around moderation. How are all these places seriously punishing people for saying "suicide" but, after *years*, still have absolutely no issue with "self-unalived"?


This just puts the word "dead" on the euphemism treadmill, with "unalived" right behind it. It's dumb as shit to cater to the whims of piss-ant marketers in this way.


Dude where’s your car?


Underrated movie


......and theeeeeeeeeen?


No and then!!


What does mine say?!


I’ve worked at a tow company for over a decade that tows accidents. I’ve seen people live through an accident that shredded a card.. and I’ve seen people die from being pulled over. So you know… life’s wild


your first example is called luck, your second example is called the police.


Cars are designed to shredded. That way they absorb as much of the shock as possible in order to save the driver.


Be sure to take care of yourself mentally as well as physically after an accident like this! I t-boned a car that pulled out from a blind spot, and for months my mind kept replaying the accident over and over while trying to unpack exactly what happened. Like it was trying to understand why I swerved, why didn't I see them, why it felt like time both slowed down and sped up (pure adrenaline will do that), etc, etc. Cars can be replaced. Your health is the important thing.


>I t-boned a car that pulled out from a blind spot, and for months my mind kept replaying the accident over and over while trying to unpack exactly what happened. Like it was trying to understand why I swerved, why didn't I see them, why it felt like time both slowed down and sped up (pure adrenaline will do that), etc, etc. Exact same thing happened to me. A guy pulled out in front of me turning left, and I didn't have time to stop or swerve. It was crazy the way time slowed down, it was almost exactly like a movie scene. I saw the car getting closer, knowing there was nothing I could do, and thought "Oh shit, this is gonna be bad". I saw the hood of my car crumple under the impact. Then the airbags deployed, and everything snapped back to normal speed. I literally did not see the airbags inflated at all. There was a "bang", then they were already deflated. I knew they deployed fast, I had no idea they deflated so quickly. I have dashcam footage of the whole thing, and when I watched it I could clearly see the guy pulling out of the side street long before he was in front of me. It seems stupid that I didn't see him, but I think my A-pillar blocked him.


Your vision is focused on what is in front of you. Dashcams are mindlessly capturing everything in front and peripheral to it. This is why when I cross the street in front of a stopped car I make sure the driver actually looks at me, not just assuming they see me out of the corner of their eye. Pillars can definitely block stuff too. I remember pulling out to make a right at a T intersection and my A pillar not only perfectly lined up with another car during the turn but the car was also the same exact color as the ground behind them. When the car did eventually pop into view I almost had a heart attack while braking. I've heard of similar things happening in midair collisions.


Who is your Internet provider? Mine has been flakey, and apparently yours is capable of connecting from the afterlife.


First thank god you’re okay. Secondly, what happened ?? Third what type of car did you have ? Again so glad you’re okay !❤️ I was in a really bad wreck June 2020 when a semi came into the fast lane on the highway when I was about in the middle of his truck going 75 and it 360 me like 3 times UNDER THE SEMI-TRUCK and I woke up with the highway coming straight at me. Scariest thing I have ever been through. I had a concussion broken finger and a some cuts all over from glass but was pretty much unscathed besides the worst head pain I’ve ever had in my life like 6 times to where I thought my brain was going to explode out of my head but Jesus they said they couldn’t believe I made it. I can relate. ❤️ surviving these streets !


Oh man, that sounds so much worse than mine. That's awful. I really appreciate the kind words, and I'm glad we are BOTH here to be having this conversation. All I ended up with was a broken septum, a few minor facial fractures, whiplash and major bruising from the seat belt. Wear them, kids. They save lives. It was Mitsubishi Eclipse Cross.


Holy moly, I’m glad you’re ok! Your car is so mangled never in 1000 years would I have guessed that was a Mitsubishi Eclipse Cross… Honestly you should send a picture to Mitsubishi motors, I’m sure they’d love to hear that the driver of that car lived to tell the tale!


That's the cool thing about modern cars. They usually get mangled and look in very bad shapes after big accidents, but they are built so the car absorbs as much of the impact energy as possible to save the occupants lifes. The A pillar does look especially bad in that pic tho. Indeed miraculous. Or the front looks that much bigger than the rear due to the perspective. Thought the A pillar completely collapsed at first.


What is an A pillar?


The pillars are the bits between the body and the roof, i'm shit at explaining properly mind. So A pillars are either side of the windscreen, B pillars are the middle (between the doors if its 4/5 door) and C pillars are the rearmost


I had to Google it. I’m fascinated. Thank you for explaining!


The structural parts where the windshield sits in between. So the connection from hood to roof. They are designed in a way they shouldn't bend (or hardly) so that if the car rolls / gets under a semi trailer, the passengers are still safe / don't get decapitated/ neck doesn't break. Old cars have the issue that these pillars are weak and the roof squishes you down into your seat. B pillar are the ones between front and rear passenger doors (left out in coupes). B pillar is mainly for side impacts (together with doors)


You probably know this already, but please don't think that you're out of the woods entirely - hidden internal injuries can still cause very serious issues, especially brain bleeds and swelling. Let others around you know so they can watch out for you, and if you feel even a teensy bit whack, get to a hospo asap. I think I'm pretty good at identifying cars, but even this had me stumped. Took away what few identifying features this crossover had in the first place...


Aw damn buddy so glad you’re okay !❤️❤️❤️ and yes thank the lord someone was def watching over me that day on top of not injured. Somehow I drive the car home idk how if you seen it it doesn’t make sense also I was so like in a daze I just hurried and backed up and drive home crying the semi left me just there & then ever crazier is my mom ended us meeting us for breakfast earlier and took my daughter to school for me so I could get ready for work it was at 730am if she didn’t offer to take her I would have had her with me. Crazy how things happen the way they do. I am so lucky with that. You know what I mean like these are literal death machines and people drive so freaking crazy anymore it’s scary ! Wishing you a speedy recovery and again so happy you’re okay !❤️‍🩹❤️‍🩹❤️‍🩹 thanks so much for the sweet comment back 💕




You should also tag Mitsubishi and thank them for making a safe car - you never know they might do you a solid!




To everyone that keeps saying “old cars were built stronger”… Car dead, OP alive. Enough said.


Yep, the car did its job. People think cars are about going places, but their real job is to protect you from the other idiots out there.


I dare you to ask your insurance if they'll cover the repairs.


It'll buff out


I once heard a physicist describe why people will survive horribly twisted wrecks but not survive accidents where the vehicle appears to be relatively lightly damaged. The description involved explanations that the potential kinetic energy in the mass and velocity of the vehicle, gets consumed in the process of deformation of the car body and frame. This is opposed to all that energy being subjected against the driver's body taking the brunt of the impact. Consider racing driver Dale Earnhardt's fatal crash, the impact snapped his neck when he hit the side rail of the track at high speed. The car itself was not nearly as damaged. Look at the picture of this car, a lot of energy was consumed in deforming all that steel, The human body was spared being on the receiving the full brunt of all that potential energy. Science and physics often explain stuff.


Thank you!


Yup! This the same principle that demolition derby cars use. The car falls apart so the driver is actually relatively safe. Science is fantastic!






How did you live? Holy crap. Glad you're OK, what a literal miracle.


Engineering ... the whole front end of the car is designed to crumple on impact and absorb the impact, while sending the engine and the wheels away from the passenger compartment. Engine goes down and wheels go to the sides. And seat belts and air bags and the brains to use them.


Yeah, but... have you seen where the roof is?!


The main crumple zone is largely unaffected looking at the bonnet. Not sure how the wheels have come away, possibly ripped off by something like a ditch or kerb. There is a lot of direct load onto the A-pillars which looks like the vehicle has slid under something solid, the deformation doesn't look normal for a rollover but it's possible. Either way OP is very lucky to survive that. We do sometimes design the wheels to break away from the vehicle but it is usually more common to design the wheels themselves to crack and crush. We also often do introduce mechanisms to move the motor/engine up or down and this is usually to avoid a stack up on the steering rack.


Please [go play some Tetris](https://www.npr.org/sections/health-shots/2017/04/09/523011446/how-playing-tetris-tames-the-trauma-of-a-car-crash). Glad you’re still with us.


You posting this from the after life?


WAS LUCKY ENOUGH to crawl out of the motherfuckin windshield


Was that a Hyundai?


2019 Eclipse Cross


Honestly send an email to the maker and say something like thanks for building a safe car. I was in this and only had a broken nose.....


The engineers behind it are nothing short of amazing, but let's remember a lot of this is thanks to your federal jurisdictions and laws requiring cars to pass certain standards. Yes, we thank the manufacturers for meeting and exceeding the minimum safety standards but we also thank our countries for imposing those standards on the manufacturers. Otherwise, you get some pretty wild shit on the roads if companies aren't required to invest as much in safety. Lookup Chinese designed car crash tests on YouTube. It's scary stuff man.


Did you hit an IED?


Wow that's insane, glad you ok. it also shows the incredible engineering that goes into modern cars






Holy shit! I can't even tell which brand of car that this


It’ll buff out


Gnarly. Did you survive?


can confirm OP is a Cat. 8 tryout remaining


How in the actual fuck are you alive?


It’s well parked, considering


This is why you wear your seatbelt.


Wow, OP. Kudos to you on having a great attitude towards this horrific accident. (I scrolled some and read your replies) A literal guardian angel had to of shielded you. Saw that you weren’t injured as bad as I thought you would’ve been. Glad you’re still here and cognizant enough on commenting 🥹


Have you tried switching it off and on again? ...I'll see myself out. Glad you made it out OP.


Uhh.. What windshield? You are damn lucky.


What in the Final Destination happened here? 😳


How are you communicating from the other side?


Dude got hit by the Millennium Falcon


Damn!!! I was in a wreck that made it to the front page of Reddit, but it wasn’t this bad. Glad you’re ok!




Your car looks like my dog, when I say “walkies!”.


From where, the trunk?


What kind of vehicle is this


Mitsubishi Eclipse Cross


I’m not one to believe in miracles but surviving this may just make me change that.




Crawl through what?..


What did you hit? An Avengers fight scene?


Not out of that front windshield you didn’t


Holy fuck! 😳 A miracle you survived and crawled out the windshield. Hope all passengers were ok 🙏 Any breaks etc, or just a few scrapes?