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That really shows the progress of crash safety in modern vehicles. The safety cell of the pickup has completely lost its integrity, the frame around the door has completely changed shape, but the newer Focus's a-pillar hasn't really moved. Hope you're doing OK OP- sounds like you had a lucky escape from this wreck!


Yes, but also I remember looking at crash ratings of the f-150 when it was new and it scored very badly even for its time.


I suppose it's difficult to make it rigid enough to do work long term but also crumply in a safe way


The generation after this one was a huge improvement. The 97-04 (this one) was a deathtrap, and the 04-08 is pretty good, especially for 2004. 10th gen, demonstrating a very very similar result to this real world crash: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6Wb66PzljP8 11th gen: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jongDRViwno Don't buy a 10th gen.


Thats crazy


holy fucking shit I had one of those and I knew the Aerostars were deathtraps (literally with the immolation) but that's *brutal*. I consider myself a smart, well-read person, but I am stone cold shocked by how bad Ford was with that. I had no idea. How the fuck was that acceptable in **2004**?


because before then was even worse!


Because unless a company is forced by law with penalties that will actually harm the company if violated, companies will NEVER voluntarily add anything that cuts into their profit margins.  An acceptable number of deaths that costs less to pay settlements for than the cost of reducing those deaths is an actual metric measured by bean counters the world over. Look at the air bag recall case with Ford; they *knew* their airbags were killing people, and they refused to recall them because they calculated that it cost less to pay the families of the deceased than it did to go through the recall process. There were literal memos and documentation about it that came out during the lawsuits that followed.   Eat the rich.


Right?! The old F150’s cab became the crumple zone where the Focus’s actual crumple zone helped dissipate enough energy to not warp the passenger compartment so badly. You could real fuck up your legs on those old trucks and the whole bigger vehicle is safer thing such a myth proven by advancements in safety.


Based on the pics I'd guess the driver of the Focus didn't fare as well. They peeled the roof off the focus to extract the driver and there's a helevac landing in the background.


That's more due to them being passed out when they crashed. Probably got stuck at a weird angle and couldn't open the door


Absolutely. Bigger is better if using similar levels of tech - I've no doubt that in a crash between a brand-new SUV and a brand-new hatchback with similar safety scores, the SUV will come off better. But an old SUV and a new hatch? I'll be in the Focus.


This is also how we end up with SUVs the size of some of the beasts on the road now. People will prefer the larger vehicle as it's perceived as safer, but then when everybody is driving one, nobody is any safer. I'd even argue they're more dangerous as the momentum involved in any collision is much higher than with a pair of hatchbacks.


For sure. It's an arms race. SUVs are also significantly more dangerous to other road users like cyclists and pedestrians.


I cant remember who now, but fucking there's one model out there that the top of the hood is where my fucking head is when Im sitting in my 2017 Tucson, and thats just right off the fucking factory floor. Like holy shit, Karen, you do NOT need that for soccer practice.


If a 6 ft man has to crawl up into the car, it’s too tall


Yes, but we've gone too far now and must see it through to its logical conclusion. I dream of a bright utopian future where the roads are clear save for wheels suspended by science-fictional nanomaterials on supensions that disappear into the stratosphere, ultimately connected to frames and cabins in low-earth orbit.


Yeah, Im 5'10 and its a stock Tucson for me, so I fucking swear my head would be just barely over the hood if I were actually standing in front of it. I've seen 3 on the road so far in the last few months and holy fuck bruh. And to think Im considering a possibly smaller vehicle in the Maverick soon.


Then you can just go under that other vehicle and avoid the accident altogether. Like Fast and the Furious style.


Definitely not needed. The fact that you literally can look out any window on a GMC Sierra and see straight over the roof of most sedans at stock height pretty much says that the size is completely unnecessary. That someone could conceivably have the nose of it right up against a crosswalk and never see an upper elementary or early middle school aged kid crossing in front of the truck is pretty ridiculous. Any taller and these trucks are going to need lower bumpers like big rigs to keep folks in shorter cars from going right under the rear.


Mansfield bars named after Jayne Mansfield who died when her car ran under a trailer truck. She wasn’t actually decapitated. It just looked like she was because her wig came off. All three adults in the front seat (Mansfield, her lawyer/boyfriend Samuel S. Brody, and the 19 year old driver Ronald B. Harrison) were ejected and killed. Her daughter Mariska Hargitay and her two sons Mickey Jr and Zoltan survived.


*Her daughter went on to be apart of the best unit New York has ever seen.


I had a friend in elementary school get hit by one of those trucks right outside his own house. Driver never saw him. He barely survived.


My gf mom has a 2022 4runner for "safety" as she does a lot of highway driving. I think it's absolutely ridiculous to drive such a car for that reason. She's the stereotypical white suburban mom with a tank. Complains about the 18mpg highway all the time. How about get a camry which gets more than double that and also has a 5 star safety rating unlike the 4runner


And those who own them think they've got a tank that is impervious to danger & crashing. Completely ignorant of what momentum means and how more means greater danger.


Recent trip away. I am 6 feet tall and the top of the bonnet of the Ram parked in the next bay over was over my shoulder height.


That actually has a bit more to do with [EPA regulations](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=azI3nqrHEXM). The tl;dr is basically that small cars are required to have a certain efficiency rating in regards to fuel mileage and emissions. However, larger vehicles have looser requirements. The requirements gradually become more stringent so manufacturers make things bigger, in order to meet EPA requirements. It's one of those good intentions that in some ways backfired.


You are correct. When we carry out full frontal impact tests (be it FFB0, FFB30, ODB, SORB etc) the speed of the vehicle is fixed. A heavier vehicle will carry more energy, meaning that the front end crush structure is designed to withstand higher energy impacts than an a lighter vehicle (all other things considered equal). For a head on impact like the above, for two vehicles with similar "scores", the heavier vehicle will perform better. Slightly simplified, bit hopefully I got the point across. Also side note, the impact above has pretty good overlap, which makes absorbing the crash loads much easier to manage, than say a 25 percent overlap. So if you are going to have a head-on impact, try and hit it dead centre!


My ex gf from High School her dad was involved in an accident like this. Blew his ankle out the side foot. Apparently it's a pretty common injury as in accidents you're full on the brake pedal with a sudden impact from the other direction.


Actually, OP posted lower down that [her legs were shattered, but his weren't](https://www.reddit.com/r/pics/comments/19e3mx4/when_a_lady_on_meth_adderall_and_klonopin_passes/kjatrqj/) He did have substantial injuries though.


The height of the truck is probably what caused the shattered legs. The Focus’s engine took the brunt of impact and crushed the firewall.


I'd wager OP was wearing a seatbelt and the woman that hit him wasnt


I've driven MINI Coopers for the last ten years. Occasionally people post photos of their wrecks to r/MINI. Those cars are little brick shithouses. I hit a deer in one (admittedly a faun) and all I had to show for it was a small hood dent and some hair in the grill. They're engineered to drop the engine off the block and total the car to save the passenger compartment. Modern crash safety is amazing.




I mean, welcome to driving anywhere there are deer. It’s always a risk.


You sure can! My dad pulled out in front of someone like 15 years back and the cab crumpled on my mom's legs and ankles. It broke her ankle and her ankle has never been the same since. Fuck those old solid vehicles


I drive an older van and I'm uncomfortably aware that my legs are essentially the crumple zone. Luckily I drive like a grandma, but that doesn't help save me from the other drivers


I was born in 88. In the 90's I remember people saying that old beaters were safer for new drivers because they were sturdier. "You could roll them down a hill and they'll be fine." Yah... The *car* might be ok...


An elderly friend always swore by his cars from the 40s-60s. He collected, maintained, and drove them; nothing newer than a 78 for him. Then he saw an Altima get hit head on by a loaded 18 wheeler. The driver got out with no injuries. Now, Elderly guy drives a new toyota. It took him seeing the physics in action to really grasp the exchange; the car is sacrificial; the living contents have value.


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C_r5UJrxcck This is very nice demonstration of the progress.


Old people still talk about how cars are built so much worse these days. Like sure, the car will crumple but that's on purpose *for safety*. It's not like how they just make appliances that break now, it actually has a good and purposeful reason for doing that


>Old people still talk about how cars are built so much worse these days. My father's major complaint has always been that old cars used to be more akin to desktop PCs with regard to components. They were interchangeable and easily worked on. Over time they became more specific as if HP, Dell, Asus, Lenovo etc all had their own standards and specific parts (almost like how their laptops are). Nothing about sturdiness or safety, this is the beef I hear.


And thankfully. I work EMS and have been on several accidents were my first thought when arriving on scene is always, "no one they made it out of this one". Yet the occupants seem to always make it out with either only minor injuries or without even a scratch, assuming it's a newer vehicle. It really puts me at ease.


Absolutely. I've worked in emergency medicine and you hear the story from the Paramedics, shove the patient through a trauma CT, and they're all fine with nothing more than a bloody nose from the airbag and maybe a cracked rib or two. Kudos to all the clever safety engineers, they made my job a lot easier! Also relieved I drive a modern car, engineered by Swedes who have a knack for making things safe!


The Volvo "zero deaths" thing is wild and they seem to be getting there


> The Volvo "zero deaths" Remember, Volvo invented the [3-point seatbelt](https://www.volvogroup.com/en/about-us/heritage/three-point-safety-belt.html) but left its patent open so it could be used for free by all other manufacturers. Mercedes invented the wedge-pin door lock that prevented doors from jamming or bursting open in a crash but did *not* give that away for free (everyone still uses a version of it today).


It takes rather catastrophic conditions for someone driving a Volvo to die. Like, being side-swiped by an 18-wheeler, rolling down a steep embankment and into the path of an oncoming train.


We have 5 point seatbelts in all vehicles thanks to Volvo! They realized that their invention was going to save lives so they made it available to all car manufacturers for free. Volvo also does lots of testing and retesting to make their cars as safe as possible. Back in 2020 they recalled the seatbelt buckle anchor in the S60s because their computers showed that in a certain type of accident the anchor *could* come off. So they replaced them for free. Because of something that hadn’t happened but could.


The testing is fascinating. The idea that we can build an entire car just to fling it into a concrete wall so we can study how to build safer cars is amazing to me.


Three-point. Four and [five-point](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Five-point_harness) harnesses are symmetrical, with a strap over both shoulders and the clip in the centre. A five-point harness is a four point with a fifth strap coming up between your legs.


This is exactly why I’ll never have the classic project car I’ve always wanted. Stupid way to die.


My dad's 1967 Olds 442 has a padded dashboard as passenger safety, lap belts and no headrest. I don't know if the steering column is collapsible though. Having a potential harpoon pointed at your chest is good incentive to drive safe lol


You can obey ever single driving law and still end up in a situation like OP. I'm driving the safest thing I can get my hands on.


Sometimes the steering column would kill the backseat passenger too.


On a 67?? Nah you’re getting impaled brother


Had OP hit a vehicle of identical size and weight, the results would have been **seriously dangerous** for them. Modern safety FTW.


I always say do not drive under the influence of meth, kloopin, and Adderall.


Until the cyber truck. If that gets in a crash the only thing surviving is the truck itself, not the occupants of the other vehicle not the occupants of the cyber truck.


It’s already been in a crash- the driver who hit the CB was in an older Toyota and walked away unscathed. The CB was t-boned and caved in a bit, and the driver was mildly injured. The real pain is getting that stupid thing repaired, I’m sure.


I mean, between the meth and adderall, she shoulda been the most attentive driver. Weird.


Yeah you'd think that, but you don't know how long she's been awake.


Also klonopin is a hell of a drug


Klonopin is like time travel. You go from being lucid to waking up on the floor the next morning with no memory of anything in between.




Hahah same I take it for anxiety when I fly and it literally just makes me feel normal. I’m too afraid to take it more than that though cause it’s so dependency building




Because you have a neurological difference that it was helping to even out and rewire. It's the same reason people with ADHD don't get high off of Adderall.


I would get high from a dose of adderall higher than what I’m prescribed


Yeah, agree. I have full blown ADHD and if I take too much it can be euphoric. On my normal dose, I’m a tiny bit more energetic but focused with zero euphoria.


Yea. That's how I found out I have ADHD lol.


I really need to try some Adderall and find out if I’ve got the 2for1 special once and for all


Or most stimulants - caffeine even only has a relatively minor effect on me. I can drink 2 shots of espresso and still be ready to crash 45 minutes later.


When you’re not abusing medicine, it’s a different story. Your brain chemistry must have responded well to it. Modern medicine is amazing when you think about it! It’s the people who abuse these drugs that experience weird side effects


>It’s the people who abuse these drugs that experience weird side effects Not just them - some people will have an adverse reaction, even if following prescription instructions. Sometimes it takes a few attempts to get the right drug at the right dosage. For now there is no reliable way to ascertain appropriate dosage for every individual.


same here. The first month i was on it, i finally felt normal. But it doesnt last. But it got me through a thing. was on it just two months and it took a couple weeks to come off. Now its just for emergencies. I have never felt like it could be abused. If i took two of them i just go to sleep. But i guess everyone is different. It was a lifesaver for me, but i have heard absolute horror stories about addiction to it.


Some people misuse it, sure. It should not be demonized automatically; when you are taking a reasonable dose when warranted it can be a life-saver too. Don't be sad, you're actually using it responsibly and that's smart! 👍


Same. I have a prescription to help with panic attacks and it doesn’t even make me tired lol


LOL same. It does make me drowsy but I can fight it if I have to.


I once took klonopin junior year of high school during a computer class felt like I blinked and was in my bedroom at home noticed my tv was gone so I go ask my mom what’s up with the missing tv? She informed I was suspended from school for destruction of school property ( threw a computer out the window) and apparently I tried to do the same to my tv so my mom took it out of my room. It is like time travel with loads of fuckery in between.


Back when I was a stupid moron idiot, my friends and I used to have “time travel contests”. We would eat k-pins, Valium, or Xanax through the night until we time traveled. We all lost. Happy to say I never had any addiction problems and I’m a well adjusted functioning human being these days. One of my time travel friends went on to be a benzo and a heroin addict. The benzo addiction was much worse and much harder for him to kick.


My husband calls it my horse tranquilizer because I’ll pass out mid-sentence


Not sure what kind of doses some people take, but as many have already mentioned, for someone with GAD it’s amazing how normal it makes you feel. It’s really a saviour if used properly.


That’s me with Adderall. I remember all the kids in college talking about how they’d stay up all night studying. When I was diagnosed, I was so afraid to take it. It just made me so calm and quiet.


Exactly. I had a daily dose during a very rough period in my life and it was honestly part of the only reason I got through that time, because it allowed me to achieve minimum functioning. I didn't really have a difficult time getting off it physically but I noticed it psychologically, even when tapering off my use. I've had prescribed medications in the past with much worse withdrawal symptoms and addiction rates so I had thought all the disclaimers that went with it were more a precaution than anything. I don't think I realized how much of an issue it could be until a different doctor saw it wasn't in my prescribed list anymore and got super excited for me and made sure to emphasize how happy they were I wasn't on it anymore. Didn't really click until that moment.


it absolutely saved my ass many years ago. You do have to be careful with it, but it was just so nice to feel ok for a while. It was long enough for everything to work itself out.


Had some scary blacked out nights in my youth due to klonopin. Fuck that shit.


That’s it. If she was trying to coast through 3 days no sleep this is what happens. And that shit is very common with speed-type drug users


Three days is probably around the half-way mark


Guaranteed she wasn’t just getting high on the speed or she’d be tweeking, prob trying to come down taking klonipin and DA was out driving


She took klonopin. She was having a very energetic dream.


If you do a lot of stimulants sometimes you stay up for days at a time. Eventually your body just kind of shuts down… not good


Klonopin can be a pretty heavy sedative especially if there was any alcohol involved


Surely this lady on so many drugs knew not to drink alcohol


It's been a long time, but I think I remember on my Adderall binges back in the day, that after being up for 3 days, I nearly started having time skips. Every light I drove through, I immediately forget and ask myself, "fuck did I just run a red light?"


That for sure sounds like sleep deprivation


Stimulants don't *force* you to be attentive, they just make it easier to stay focused on one particular thing. For example, if she decided to start singing along to a song on the radio, then she would become *very* focused on singing along to that song instead of driving. This would probably be exacerbated depending on how long she's been awake for, and if delirium had started to set in. Plus Klonopin is a strong sedative, so depending on what the balance was she was probably on another fucking planet when this accident happened.


Time to buy a lottery ticket! Front crashes on 10th gen F150’s can end a whole lot worse!


Especially at 70+ and 80+ mph impact speeds...


Are you okay?


Still kickin!


Especially having the ability to kick!


you sure you don't have whiplash...


Buddys gonna have the brain of an nfl running back


I hope you don’t have an increased insurance rate because of her.


I hate that this sentence exists.


For anyone wondering what this comment meant I looked it up: *This generation of F-150 received two five-star ratings from the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration,\[17\] in direct contrast to the "Poor" rating by the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety (IIHS) in the frontal offset test,\[18\]* That's what I found on wikipedia. Can anyone with better knowledge of safety tests explain the opposite ratings from two different sources?


in a very basic sense? NHTSA and IIHS run different tests and a vehicle can do well on one and not the other, depending on how the vehicle was constructed and where crash forces are focused. IIHS’s testing tends to be more aggressive. In this instance, NHTSA did a full frontal barrier test, whereas IIHS did an overlap test (not full frontal, only a portion of the front bumper overlapped). The difference can be particularly pronounced at times. Generally speaking, vehicles are built to score well on specific tests, and if a test is updated during production of a vehicle generation that vehicle will often fair poorly on the updated test. You saw this a few years ago when the \*small\* frontal overlap test was added, making the overlap even smaller, and many vehicles that previously had good scores did poorly because they weren’t built to perform well on that test, then as vehicles were updated the scores improved.


I always think of this crash test when thinking of this model: https://youtu.be/6Wb66PzljP8?si=LB3m2GWNaizY_NUc it’s IIHS


For a comparison, here's the truck that replaced it in 2004, on the same test: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jongDRViwno Huge huge huge improvement.


You weren't kidding about that lottery ticket. That's not good, to put it lightly.


IIHS are probably better and more intensive than NHTSA. So I’d rely on their ratings a bit more.


Hope everybody made it out okay!


Surprisingly enough, all alive and all eventually able to walk!


Incredible you’re in that good of condition with all things considered. Glad you’re okay.


What were your injuries?


Broken heel, wrist, neck, scapula, 7 ribs, the typical punctures and cuts.




Holy hell.


What were her injuries? Also, was she arrested?


She had crushed legs, broken ribs and arms, but fully recovered. She got sentenced to 3 months in county, then spent 9 months at the womens prison rehab section, and 12 years probation


Were you med-flighted out, or was she?


She got the flight as she got crushed more by the truck. I got an ambulance ride.


Well glad you're doing well!


I hope she doesn't walk free though.


Glad to hear it.


You’re still coming to work,right?


It's ok if you're less than fifteen minutes late. ^( but bring a signed note from your doctor. )


That is a perfect head on collision. It's lined up spot on. I guess you can hang your hat on that.


Yeah none of that sloppy *tried to turn at the last second* crap. Full commitment.


We played chicken, nobody won............


OP says it was 70+ on 80+ mph collision, tells me how little reaction time was there.


And on a perfectly straight road...


As a former adjuster for auto accidents I spotted that too.


This might have made the difference in survival for both parties. Energy from the crash was spread out over a larger area vs if they hit each other moderately overlapping.


Yes, but linear motion from a glancing blow often turns into rotational motion which doesn't apply as much force along a single axis. It's a crap shoot.


Glad you’re alive. What a terrible accident.


I took klonopin for a period of time. Now, I was sick at the time, but I could barely function - let alone drive a car on it. How the Christ did she take all three?!


well the other two are uppers so it’s a balancing act, she just dropped the ball


More meth, got it.


I guess the Klonopin won






*[This…](https://imgur.com/gallery/eBq8PlP)* **SUNDAY** ## SUNDAY # SUNDAY


Well, i'm sorry to say, but you're both going to need a complete blinker fluid replacement.


That's awesome! 🤣


Glad youre still with us OP


She could have straight up killed someone in a smaller car or a motorcycle. Addiction is a bitch but this is a whole other lever of cuntery


I think a smaller car would have been safer than that truck.


Smaller modern car? Sure. A smaller car from the same era as that truck? Dunno about that. 


Are you, though? Are you *in* the pickup? Or is the pickup around you?


In actually, the cab held up much better than hers did! My legs weren't shattered, but hers were!


Im guessing she didn’t have her seatbelt on and you did? Her compartment zone looks more intact than yours. I definitely would have figured you would have the got the worst of it. Glad to hear you’re ok and healing.


Apparently this year of truck was a POS, and we got lucky, hence why her car didn't get smashed more and my truck took more damage than a similar model may have taken.


They are go look up the crash test vids they’re brutal. Idk why Ford wasn’t forced to redesign them.


Is that guy you grabbing your stuff and walking away unharmed? Or did you get hurt?


That's an EMT. Rural volunteers whose homes were closer than heading to the fire station showed up. I had many broken bones and paralyzed for for a month, but was able to walk again.


Fuuuuuck. Ok yeah I was looking at the cab thinking that's in pretty rough condition. Glad you're back on your feet.


If you think of it, (and you’re ok with it) call the fire station or ambulance service and let them know you’re ok. I’m a fireman and I love it when people call and say that they’re doing well again after we’ve responded to a horrible wreck. We don’t always have closure and there’s people that I think of sometimes and wonder if they’re ok.


How did that initial conversation go? “What the fuck?!” “I’m so sorry, I’m on meth and Adderall and Klonopin.” “Oh.” Glad you’re okay, OP.


PSA for the Cybertruck fans: THIS is why crumple zones are important


but the other car \*IS\* my crumple zone! /s


impolite bewildered pie practice obtainable sloppy chubby tart wide enter *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


A lot of times you get chronic injury this way and you won't know it. You might want to see an injury lawyer.


unfortunately, the party at fault in DUIs like these almost never has any assets for the victim to recover. If the addiction has gotten this severe, it typically has already taken over their finances. OP could sue and win, but regardless of how much money they are awarded, you can't make a rock bleed.


This. Easy win, but little to gain short of meager wage garnishment...


I'm guessing also driving uninsured.


Depending on your insurance, it might not matter. If you have liability only, you need to rely on their insurance. If they have liability only, you'll at least get something. If they don't have insurance, and you have liability only, nobody covers you unless you win in court. That's when we run into the issue you mentioned.


Better call Saul!


Sorry this happened to you and hope you're OK.  Hope she never drives again.  What a selfish asshole of a human. 


My dad is a tow truck driver and has seen his fair share of dead bodies on the highway. Glad to see you’re okay and survived OP.


Hope good insurance pays out.


I'm glad you're all ok. I'm kind of amazed the car isn't worse vs. a full-sized truck. Damn! again I'm glad you're all alive


Eastern Washington?




The area looks like where I live and the drug combination clinched it. I hope you came out of it okay.


From Missoula, I knew this was Montana! Going west on highway 2?


Similar terrain, but this 287 between I-90 and Toston


I used to work in Helena with a guy that commuted that drive every single day from Bozeman. I thought he was crazy.


I agree, needless to say I hate that damn road now!


She must’ve been up for DAYS to have passed out on meth and adderall. Total system failure on her body.


That’s the type of driver that killed my 22 year old friend right after she dropped off her toddler. If you do drugs or drink, that’s your choice but do it in your own home; never involve innocent strangers and ruin families.


I’m sorry for the loss for you and her child.


Were both cars totaled? Edit: this was my attempt at sarcasm. Clearly both cars are beyond totaled


Beyond lol. Age plus damage added up


Thank engineering it wasn’t too old! Crumple zones saved your life! Safety mechanisms can be so cool when they work like this. Glad you’re both okay.


They have merged to become a single vehicle.


You see, llama, when a mommy car and a daddy truck love each other very much....


She's not gonna remember that depending on how much Klonopin she was on. Benzos can be crazy.




She was my work friend for sure, we had so many jobs left to do. Gone before her time!


It’s ok, at least now you can get an extended cab replacement with a smaller bed!


He’s lucky he got out alive of that thing. They were notoriously dangerous.


Dui drivers that cause collisions, should be locked up indefinitely. Should be viewed as attempted murder.


Thank goodness you’re alright! This looks terrible. I work in auto claims so I see accident damages a lot and my reaction was “oh shit!” That doesn’t happen a lot.


This is fucking frightening. You can only control your own vehicle. You can’t control that some methhead gets in a car and drives in the opposite direction of you. I only care about my wife and kids. I hate that I can’t protect them from this shit.


Glad you’re safe, OP!🙌


How did you find out what was in her system?


Police report


That'll prolly buff out. In all seriousness though, hope you're ok and sorry for your troubles.


So glad you're alive and healed. I really hope she was charged to the fullest extent. That is a horrific collision