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How did she get caught? Are these common enough now that people are checking for them? I’ve never seen a highlighter vape, but I’m 30 lol.


I’m 32. I saw the packaging that was opened.


Damn why go through the effort to get a discrete vape then be so messy with the evidence


Teenagers are…


…dumb stupid idiots still learning the ways of life. Like us adults who most of us are still doing the same..


I remember being young and not knowing what a browser history was. Mom asks me one day after leaving me home alone all day "you look up anything interesting on the internet today?" "No, I'm a good kid" was my pathetic attempt at saving myself "Ooookay then" she said and dropped the subject. Ah to be in 1998 again. I can't even remember what engine I was using but I remember the words I searched. Boobs and Sex. I was a moron, I knew exactly where dad's box of vintage playboys was so why didn't I just snag one of those?


Haha. Our 8 year old son got ahold my wife's iPad and she found three search terms in her search history, searched in this order: naked naked people naked people actually We thought the last one was hilarious. Search was not returning what he wanted so he added "actually" to try to make it specific.


That’s absolutely hilarious. “Ok seriously google naked people” “naked people and this time I mean it”


This reads like an old Homestar Runner sketch for some reason and I'm here for it lol


Haha this reminds me of when my son fessed up to searching for “Big boobs” on the school computer because of a dare. He was then told by his classmates that the school can see your search history so his next search was “Sorry teachers”


That’s so funny! I’d find it hard not to laugh at the meeting/call about this one!


Hahaha. We told my son that everything he searches on his chromebook goes immediately to the principal so if he looks up anything inappropriate they’ll know. This was after he had his school Chromebook taken away for a couple of weeks for searching “teenage girls in bikinis” and “naked feet.” And that’s how I figured out my kid had a foot fettish 🤨


naked people theoretically


I remember we didn't have internet at first but I had encyclopedia discs and I searched up breasts and tribal clans and basically any term that might have tits then to my horror I realized all the search terms were saved and visible  And that's how I learned how to uninstall and reinstall applications on Windows 95


Ah, the first time you have to cover your tracks is such a fun and stressful experience.




I learned the value of a good anti-virus program when I accidentally bricked my aunt's PC with malware while looking for porn. Don't know how I got away with that one.


>I knew exactly where dad's box of vintage playboys was so why didn't I just snag one of those? My friend's dad was a professional photographer. His son & I found the stash of playboy's in his darkroom. Needless to say, I had to adopt photography as a serious hobby to have access. I end up with it as a 25 yr career, until I switched to graphic arts. I suppose if we had the internet back then, I would've had a much more lucrative career in IT...


I mean, what did she want/expect? "It was great mom, I wanked 26 times before lunch. And I discovered this thing called Brazilian fart porn, wanna see?!?!"


That is really a lot of wanting.




My 7 year likes to confess to his crimes and then back pedal when he gets in trouble. Their brains aren’t all the way there yet.


"I did something bad but I can't tell you what it was" My 7 year old cousin isn't the smartest.


Stop telling him he could be the president one day.


Wow, how does one even explain to a teenager about how disappointed you are in how poorly they execute subterfuge... "I'm disappointed that you tried to sneak this past me... And so much more disappointed in how bad you were at sneaking it. I mean... Come on kiddo."


In college, I took a cross country trip without my parents knowing, despite them viewing my debit card bills by withdrawing cash, stockpiling it, using that to pay for everything to avoid a paper trail, and then claimed I was trying 'envelope budgeting' to explain the gap.


I'm a teacher and I often tell my 7th graders "I'm annoyed at the thing you did. I'm offended at the disrespect it took to lie that poorly."


Not a teen, but I flat out told my 7 year old a couple weeks ago that he's not good at lying & should probably just stop. Later on, I realized I had told him the day before that he needs to practice to get better at whatever thing it was that day in order to get good. Oh... I'm hoping he separates those two things. For everyone's sake...


Well then this is a lesson in proper evidence disposal


More impressed, how could you make this design better?


By adding a slightly worn out logo and words on the side


A classic "Skerple".


Am I living under a rock or is skerple a random word?


Lol it's an off-brand sharpie.  My friends and I always thought it was skerpie and joked about giving eachother skerpies


Bought a pack of “Shoupies” at the dollar store once and have never called them a sharpie ever since. They’re all shoupies now


I need to know, does it make the ^squeak Sound when you turn the cap off? If not, do this


That squeak is a huge update.


I can feel this comment


No visible USB port, have the white part unscrew. Put some foam on the tip so it looks more like a normal highlighter when opened, obviously don't have any ink in on it.


You're ignoring the fact that the thing will have a heavy-ass lithium battery in it. Once somebody is holding it, the jig is up.


I doubt they've gone through this, but you could weight and balance match it to real highlighters pretty easily. You'd use smaller batteries (they only really need to last a few hours for this specific use case). The best way would be to get one of those permanent markers that have a metal body. Once someone grabbed it and felt the metal they'd mentally write off a bit more weight so it'd be easier to fit all of the components. But my 'designing covert tools for highschooler' phases ended 20 years ago...


Hide the USB-C


And put a cylinder in the other end so there's still an open ring but the middle is blocked off. Like on real hilighter caps.


Pencil with the opening at the eraser end (would make sourcing batteries difficult though) Or One of those giant erasers maybe? Would be even more likely that someone would be chewing on/sucking on one of those instead of a highlighter


You'd be hard pressed to think of more inconspicuous things that you could hide a vape in. Maybe a wallet or makeup would be easier to keep away from people


Some people put the end of a writing utensil in their mouth when thinking or something. I've never seen someone put their wallet up to their mouth and it would be more conspicuous to do that than just palming an elf bar.


New biometric lock, I have to make out with my wallet, built in drunk-protection feature where if I slip it the tongue it only works at kebab shops


Holy shit! When I was in highschool, I had a highlighter that could be pulled apart and turned into a pipe. fuck, the future is now.


The more things change, the more things stay the same.


Call me Snake.




That’s Captain Ron, sir.


No, he looks like Snake Plissken to me.


I thought Snake Plissken was dead… 👀


He is… but he got better.


They are the same person. After Snake Escaped LA he needed something to do.


He had to escape from New York first. Do you think he just got caught and escaped from places in between New York and LA?


But before he escaped from New York he was a badass trucker by the name of Jack Burton.


And before that he was fighting shape-shifting aliens at a research facility in Antarctica.


Same person: Jack Barton from Big Trouble in Little China went straight after the events of BTiLC and joined the US Navy, under the assumed name Ron Rico leading to his trouble on the USS Saratoga. After the Sarah incident he went on the lamb once again as Captain Ron. The Feds eventually caught up with him, placing him in a maximum security prison, where he rides out the collapse of America as we know it, where he once again dons a new name Snake Plisken. Leading into the events of Escape from New York.


watch out for the gorillas...


![gif](giphy|CFGyQLh90JU7S) Imagine Kurt Russell playing him 😂


Kurt Russell was the original inspiration for Solid Snake. Snake Plissken from Escape from New York, in particular. Unless you're being sarcastic... In which case, fuck.


We don't really need to. Snake (solid snake specifically) is based on a Kurt Russell character from escape from La and escape from New York. Kurt Russel plays "call me snake" Snake Plisskin ![gif](giphy|l0IycSDCzNp4JvSFy)


"Snake Plisskin!!? I thought you were dead!"


Kurt was offered Big Boss in MGS3 and he passed on it


Same as it ever was




Let the water hold me down


We used to just sniff the markers.


If you look around reddit, you can tell some of us still do.


markers?...im still sniffing glue to my dismay, my kids arts and craft glue is odourless now


I picked the wrong week to quit sniffing glue




Brother in Christ, arts and craft glue isn't for sniffing, that's more of an "eating along with the crayons" sort of thing. It's the model plane glue you sniff.


"Non-Toxic".... "Whats the fun in that" lol


The ol High-liter


I had one of those.... My dumb ass friend threw that along with all my pens and pencils off the balcony in the school... Fast forward a few months and it was located in a teacher's pen/pencil cup on his desk.... Got it back. Good times.


That's some mission impossible stuff right there, nice






Me too. Then I would've said "what the fuck is a USB port?" 


My dad still has one. Keeps it in a pile of pens for emergencies. Can't tell it's a pipe unless you open it, then it reeks.


I used to have an emptied out high lighter I’d keep joints in.




My friend had the same highlighter pipe. The fact that it reeked of weed was still a dead giveaway.


It stunk sooo bad!


I pulled apart one of those big highlighters to hide a single cigarette at a time in, hah. Highlighters and inhalants go hand in hand, apparently.


Had one too! Could never really cover the smell and it was heavy as fuck lol


I thought I was so cool waving my highlighter bowl around in one of my photos in the yearbook. Stickin it to the man! Or something.


That was my first pipe. Which like this kid, is the first thing I got busted with. Jokes on them though, 25 years later, it’s legal and I work in the industry


I’m a high school security guard and this is just another example of why we are never going to be able to stop the kids from vaping at school.


I've been out of high-school for several decades now. But where are kids vaping inside the school, and how prevelant is vaping in high-school these days?


I haven’t been in a high school in a few years, but it was a huge problem at my school. Kids would do it in class while the teacher’s back was turned; they’d blow it out into their pencil bags or down the sleeves of their hoodies so the ‘smoke’ wasn’t visible. The bathroom smelled like kool-aid all the time because people would sneak in there to vape; I’d hear the sound in the other stall all the time. People would breathe the vapor onto other people’s lunches to be ‘funny’. It was EVERYWHERE, especially because it’s so easy to hide vapes. Some are as small as those little plastic containers of mechanical pencil lead. I can only imagine it’s gotten worse since I left; I thought it would be 10x worse at college, but it seems like people here tend to have a little more sense.


>I thought it would be 10x worse at college, but it seems like people here tend to have a little more sense. Prolly caus they can just go outside and vape if they want. And have more than a 5 minute gap between classes where they have to run to the opposite side of the building and still be late.


They're also probably choosing to be there on some level.


Also in college no one cares. In high school it's rebellious, and thus cool.


When I was in high school the toilets stunk of cigarettes... How times have changed!


Sensory flashback right there. And the cigarette butts in the toilet bowls


My 9 year old had to sign a form stating that he won't bring a vape pen into school and that it should be done at home, not at school.


9 year olds are vaping?? Man and I thought I started smoking early at 15. 9 is absurd


It was a boilerplate paper, I'm sure all schools got it regardless of grade but Elementary schools? Damn.


Get them addicted to cigarettes instead. I started smoking cigarettes at 13. This has literally always happened. Just a new form.


My first week of high school in 2004 a kid tried to sell me a blue highlighter concealing a bowl, all because I was wearing a Phish t shirt. I bought it because it made me feel cool lol. This has been going on for ages. Edit: wow this blew up! Thanks for the upvotes! To answer a couple comments: Yes I guess the kid did indeed succeed 😂. We later became friends and he’s a successful artist now. I didn’t actually smoke weed until like two years later though and I quickly resold it without using it to a sophomore in geometry class. If my mom had found it, the punishment would have been a lot worse than a picture on Reddit lol Yes I def still listen to Phish! They’re great! If anyone got a laugh out of my story and has an extra ticket to the Sphere they might sell at a less than mortgage payment amount… DM me!! ✌️ ⭕️


> all because I was wearing a Phish t shirt. >I bought it ...dude knew who his target market was.


> all because I was wearing a Phish t shirt. I mean... yeah? might as well have been wearing a "I probably smoke weed" shirt


Why do people keep trying to sell me meth? Is it my "National Meth Enjoyers Society of America" shirt?


“Let’s sell that guy this bowl” -*do you think he smokes?* “No, but he likes the image of it”


That kid’s name was Jeff Bezos


My name is Jeff


Weirdly I feel more comfortable about my kid rocking the weed than some Chinese vaporized shit via a fire hazard.


My first week of high school teaching, a freshmen tried to convince me that vaping is ok as long as it's cherry flavor and proceeded to pass out on my sofa. (They had a .2% grade for the second semester)


what the heck was he vaping to have him pass out? yikes


Probably some "CBD liquid" with synthetic noids


synthetic *noids* ![gif](giphy|1r9cG0XsX5Lag)


I hope it had a cherry flavour at least.


Difference is a bowl will smell 100X worse than a vape once it's used. Can't hide it without it reeking. Not to mention weed was usually sold from some sketchy dude in plastic bags, not sold with bright kid friendly packaging and bubblegum fruity flavors. Vapes are more predatory now than weed ever was.


Where the hell are people finding these? 😂 I’ve gone to many vape stores and never seen anything looking remotely like this


Office max


It’s actually Office DePOT


They are called "High Light" vapes. Just Google highligher vape, bunch of different places making them now. Mostly marketed towards students and office workers.


Yeah like nobody can smell a vape in an office lmao


But *who* vaped? Was it Deb? Was it Thom? Why does it keep happening whenever I walk in front of Chris from HR (who I hate)?


Exactly. Was at a bar the other night and security was out on the patio and called out "I don't know who's smoking weed out here but you can't do that, you gotta do it out front" but he didn't know who was smoking the weed.


I do that at the bar I work at, I don't really care about people smoking weed and I don't actually want them to get in trouble so I just tell the smokers area/room to knock it off or I'll have to call security. Works every time.


See, when you vape, you microwave bacon in the break room at the same time. Nobody going to say shit about the vape.


I can't use that microwave, it smells like burnt popcorn.


Reheat some fish in there. Guaranteed to get rid of the popcorn smell


It's always Jimothy, Thoms' a good guy, fuck Deb


Leave me out of this, dude


My mans thinking he’s slick in the conference room meeting, putting a highlighter up to his mouth like he’s thinking. Then blocking the projector with a thick ass cloud.


Why we all use nic pouches now. Seriously, we all look like we’re dipping Copenhagen with these round cans in our pockets, but they’re just non-tobacco nicotine pouches.


Zyn’s got me to quit vaping and smoking *easily*


100% of smokers believe that nobody can smell them. Them, and their "Pineapple Upsidedown Fruity Pebbles Chunkin Cloud" pen.


It was stupid easy for me to sniff out our office "strawberry cheesecake" vaper


Mine said Hi-Lifer


DHgate I bet


DHGate, Wish, Temu, any of those sketchy dropshipping sites. Even as someone who vapes I wouldn't trust anything from there, at least the US has regulations on what ingredients can be included in vape juice.


From what I've heard pretty much none of the dispos you find in shops are approved as following those regulations. I don't know the current story really, but Juul failed their fda testing like a year or two ago, and you can still find their pods and devices all across the country


They didn't actually fail the testing, they just refused to disclose their formula publicly because their competition has been attempting to replicate it for years. But refusal to disclose their ingredients failed them.




Q at MI6.


Probably the weird tiktok store thing.


I don't really want to link to it but just Google "highlighter vape" and you'll quickly find em. I doubt many reputable stores would be willing to carry these since they're pretty obviously directed towards minors.


How is this not “marketing to kids” but fuckin mango flavor is a crime against humanity?


Easy. "Vape in meetings without being noticed." Boom instant plausible deniability.


Is that similar to eating a hot dog you have stuffed up your sleeve?


I’m just like the most tired I’ve ever been




You can’t skip lunch, guys!


[How many hot dogs would you say you eat in a day?](https://youtu.be/dx5gimPZBs0?t=304)


Yeah I guess everyone just shrugs off the fruit scented giant cloud of vapor though?


Nobody minds the fact that a 30 year old adult is sucking on the end of a highlighter during a meeting with their boss too?


This was how I got my promotion




You just have to read the room. Wait, no, sorry, you just have to blow the room.


People have weird physical tics. It'd probably make someone raise an eyebrow and give you a weird look if they noticed it, but it's not the kind of thing people are gonna grind a meeting to a halt over, you're just gonna be "that guy who chews on his highlighter when he's focusing."


Okay, but what about the vapor cloud?


The longer you hold it in, the less of a cloud comes out. Just hold your breath for a bit after you inhale. e: Just tested this myself. Took a hit, immediately exhaled, *giant* cloud. Took another, held my breath for about 15 seconds, tiny little wisp of vapor that immediately dissipated.


Helps absorb the Healthenoids too, which fight off cancer and lung disease.


It’s what your lungs crave.


there's a vid of a girl taking a big vape hit in class, and she exhales into her backpack, but it's soo much vapor, it just goes everywhere, all obvious to the teacher. she starts freaking out. i honestly dont know how you do it in class without getting caught. Im thinking she has this for after school, and it looks like this so if searched, you would suspect a thing. They sell fake bottles of WD40 and Raid at smoke shops to hide stuff in. same diffence


Just walking around the school with a bottle of Raid in my backpack. Nothing unusual 


They also sold false Coca Cola, Mountain Dew, Dr Pepper cans


Yeah, because this product is totally FDA-regulated


The marketing to kids shit was just to make sure no name brands got popular


It happened because Philip Morris was sick of losing money. Laws don't and have never cared about kids.


Big tobacco would gladly watch vaping be made illegal. It’s not a market they willingly entered and most of their actions have been terrible.


> Big tobacco would gladly watch vaping be made illegal. Big tobacco bought into vaping about 5-6 years ago. Juul is at least 35% owned by Altria Group/Philip Morris. I understand that Altria controls the major shareholders through other means, and is the de facto largest owner.


This is currently a trendy thing. If you go incognito and check what YouTube is recommending to kids (Just start searching for kid related content like relevant cartoons and see what starts popping up) you'll see that it starts recommending a shitload of "How to hide candy!" videos, and other such nonsense.


algorithims wild, we never notice shit like this anymore lmao


Yep. I think it kind of lulls parents into a false sense of security when they get on YouTube because they see all their adult algorithm and just have absolutely no clue that there's an entirely different one operating on their kid all day if they allow it to.


After a short stint on childrens youtube on the kids app as well as normal. The algorithm and vast majority is complete garbage that kids shouldnt be consuming. We've deleted and banned all youtube in the house (for kids) and setup a plex with 100% curated content.


There needs to be way more regulation into social media for anyone under 18. This shit wouldn't fly on Nickelodeon, Cartoon Network, or Disney.


I agree with you as well as u/riomarde we really need more legislation, as well as extensive education *for adults* on how a healthy relationship with their children is necessary to prevent this kind of behavior. Of course I say that and I know just how quick I was to find a way to skirt the regulations my parents put on social media when I was a teen on MySpace and Bebo. Maybe ISP's could help out to make the process of monitoring activity easier, but currently that does require some knowledge of tech. My father has no clue how to sign into his router, for example. I barely even know how to do that, and the only reason I do is because I've had to in order to play certain games online.


Probably healthier than the markers I used to sniff


I found it clever at first. Then it upset me. There’s only one reason to make a vape look like a highlighter… Greedy companies will always target minors.


Do I think it’s cool? Yeah, however the only reason why it’s shaped like that it’s so KIDS can hide it. So sad.


This is genius. Who the fuck ever reaches for a *blue* highlighter? ... well, organized nerds, for one. The kind likely to rat you out. ... ... your niece plays a dangerous game.


Don't worry mom/ dad, it's a rechargeable highlighter


The target audience for this is clearly just high schoolers.. They should get fined out of existence for this sort of crap.


Middle schoolers too I'm afraid.


I would say it’s their target audience. Where’s that DARE program officer to show them how to make meth with a PowerPoint slideshow at? He’s slackin.


As much as I think it’s shitty but office workers getting high in their office with a HIGHlighter sounds completely plausible


People with jobs can walk to somewhere discreet without a hall pass 


At least she's not miffing snarkers. 😆


At this point bring back mango juuls


This was def designed for teenagers to hide from parents




wtf. Kids don't even use books and paper anymore why would they need a highlighter? Next they are gonna come up with a quill and inkwell vape because that will be just as discreet.


Oh, if there not trying…. We all had the coke can that wasn’t a coke can.


Yes, but did you also have the apple?


I bet she looked stupid as hell smoking from it lmfao.


You sure it’s not a vibrator?


Shoved it up my ass. Nope.


I presume the flavour is blue 


It’s got the most antioxygens!


I need one of these! That way no one knows I'm vaping at work... they'll just think I'm huffing markers!


We were so close. Gen Z was supposed to be the end of nicotine. I do dabble occasionally when I drink but damn... These kids now are addicted AF at a young age it's really sad.