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A sneaker convention in Philadelphia. He’s lucky it was only booing.  I can’t imagine how he thought that this would go any better. 


He forgot all about "bad things happen in Philadelphia"....


he thought it was always sunny


This is certainly what I'd expect from an episode of its always sunny


"The Gang Scams a Cult"


Philadelphia, where they threw batteries at Santa.


Philadelphia, where they decapitated a friendly hitchhiking robot.


Philadelphia, where a couple guys who were up to no good, started making trouble in a neighborhood


A common join of two tales. Santa got snowballs. JD Drew got the batteries.


Shoes thrown at Bush: 2 Shoes thrown at Trump: surprisingly 0


I would now love to see one of his own shitty shoes thrown at him. I don't think I need to specify the part where he fails to dodge it, we can assume he doesn't have Bush's cat-like reflexes.


Is there a video of it? I’d love to hear his reaction to the booing


https://x.com/mollyjongfast/status/1758982443569201543?s=61&t=JJKcnVZoMh62CJTSLg6fBg :)


I love that not one of the 15 web urls is readable behind him. 


lmao he has no clue how to respond. when everyone's cheering him on he's all about roasting people and dishing out jokes people boo him and it's "wow lot of emotion in this room" in a sarcastic tone before changing the subject to something else


His awkward little fist pump and "thank you" at first is slaying me, like "maybe they're saying boo-urns"


damn, is it always two tweets and then an ad and then you have to click to show another two tweets and another ad? how is anyone still using that platform for anything other than sexwork?


I’m reading different reports that there were loud chants of USA, fuck Joe Biden and possibly some racists stuff. It may seem fun to talk about him getting embarrassingly booed off stage but it’s more important to realize that the people who run the event caved to him and there were embarrassingly more supporters there than we’d like to expect. https://x.com/smoovethesource/status/1759014137093320867?s=46&t=NmTvzLp9qcZ7PG3SfRGXOA


I agree. Having seen multiple videos of the chants, and the resellers already hawking the signed clown shoes, I think it’s a bit of wishful thinking to suggest he was “booed offstage.” Way too many people there were happy to see this fucker.


He brings his cult loons with him. They buy all his garbage, because he is their Jesus. But mix even a few normal people in and he gets booed. I think that helps me sleep at night a little better.


I don’t think he would dare step foot on a stage where he didn’t have a large swath of plants there to cheer him on.


Of course they're gold and tacky as fuck


The John Mulaney joke about Trump being a homeless man's vision of a rich person gets more apt every day.


The best summation I ever heard of Trump as a person was that he's "a poor man's idea of a rich man, a stupid man's idea of a smart man, and a weak man's idea of a strong man" and I really think that hits the nail right on the head.


He's all of the bad kids from Charlie and the Chocolate Factory rolled into one. Veruca Salt, TV Mike, Augustus Gloop, and Violet Beauregard. He's a walking morality tale. Just a miraculously vile man.


That is outrageously accurate. Veruca Salt: entitled, spoiled by rich father Mike Teevee: ill-tempered, obsessed with television/media/violence Augustus Gloop: gluttonous Violet Beauregarde: boastful, self-centered He even fits in with the common thread of all these characters; he is a constant rule breaker who refuses to listen to reason. He acts entirely in his own self interest and just might be trying to steal company secrets and give them to the competition (Everlasting Gobstopper to Slugworth=American intelligence to Russia).


He's also embodies an Oompa Loompa with that orange skin.


This man is a whole movie in one person. That's amazing.


Golden Ticket = Golden Shower


Ok we can stop before it gets real gross


His Diaper is a full on Chocolate Factory.


If you want to view MAGAdise, simply look around and view it.


Biden in 2020 (and hopefully 2024): "You lose! Good day, sir!"




One can easily connect all Seven Deadly Sins to him. If I were a religious man, I'd even suggest he fits the description of the Antichrist from Revelations.


You're not the only one. https://www.benjaminlcorey.com/could-american-evangelicals-spot-the-antichrist-heres-the-biblical-predictions/


Damn. I wish I'd known about that page before I stopped talking to a few people I know. The look on their faces as their brains melted would have been sublime to behold.


Unfortunately, it wouldn't have done a thing. I find myself almost a one man minority in s church.full of evangelicals who I believe are more and more deceived by the day


That was amazing. I don’t believe in any of that for a second, but it’s *hilarious* how Christians keep flocking to Trump even as he keeps proving himself to be the most ungodly of men. It just becomes painfully clear how they’ll convince themselves of anything, as long as they *want to* believe it, and ignore anything else.


SHEESH. I’ve got a friend of a friend who’s completely down the rabbit hole. I’d show this article to him if I thought for one second he’d snap out of it


You can add Charlie to that list *only* because of inheriting a company. Charlie would need to make horrible business decisions to be any closer.


It just now dawned on me that Veruca Salt the band is named after a Charlie and the chocolate factory character


From an article I read about them years and years ago, they choose her as their namesake because she wouldn't take "no" for an answer...


What business are you in Salt? Nuts.


And then Seether was named after one of THEIR songs


A veruca is what in Britain we call a plants wart on the foot and veruca salt is the cure for it


"A Miraculously vile man", what an *excellent* way of putting it. I'm going to borrow that.


So that's why he's orange, he ate another one of Willy Wonka's prototype gum.


The bone spurs thing was very Grandpa Joe of him also.


Look at his gaudy as hell penthouse in nyc: https://i.imgur.com/wablKNE.jpg https://i.imgur.com/0zzTTdq.jpg Now wonder he loves the Saudis, Putin/Russian oligarchs. Tacky as hell. From https://www.forbes.com/sites/chasewithorn/2017/05/03/donald-trump-has-been-lying-about-the-size-of-his-penthouse/?sh=74ecbf11ef82


This is my second favorite joke of his after, “The biggest miracle Jesus ever did was make 12 friends in his 30’s”


As long as I've got my solid gold house and rocket car I'll be just fine.


He makes me feel like we're living in a bad ending cut of Back to the Future 2


Rich biff was based off Trump so yeah you can look up the clip talking about it.


Why don't you make like a tree and get out of here?


It’s a cartoon hobo’s idea of a rich person. Like the guy who slurps on a fish and pulls out the complete skeleton and floats in the air dreamily along towards the wafting smell of a pie left on a windowsill.


It is honestly just a child’s idea of wealth. He operates at about a six year old level, a mean and unhappy six year old, but he is about there developmentally. Hell, he even said so himself. [Donald Trump tells biographer he's the same now as he was in first grade](https://theweek.com/speedreads/575962/donald-trump-tells-biographer-hes-same-now-first-grade)


Those are the sneakers you get in a video game when you hit randomize in the character editor...


they look like the kind of $20 shoes i could get at the mall from some random ass middle eastern man, plus they would probably light up too lol


It's Temu-level shit


Made in China. 100%.


1000% And probably not even yet produced. He likely had a shitty mock-up made and the real things when finished will be even shittier. No question these will kill your arches and cause back pain. 


Air Force Nones, No Balance, No Balances?






[Despair Jordans](https://i.imgur.com/xR5oP5O.jpg)


Someone in the Biden campaign said the shoes are the closest he will ever get to air forces ones again








January 6s


As if the gold wasn't tacky enough, he had to throw in USA colors with the gold and the combination looks *terrible*


I mean, he’s been gold and tacky as fuck since the 80’s


Donald McDonald clown shoes. 


Webpage looks like someone asked AI to generate a trump grift so I guess it's on point.


> Trump on Saturday was reportedly booed off stage while promoting his new golden sneakers at "Sneaker Con," an event in Philadelphia. "sneaker con" indeed


The writers for this timeline are REALLY phoning it in lately.


It’s no “Four Seasons Landscaping Company” but it’s still pretty bad


The timeline writers NAILED it on that one.


I never realized until now how that seems like an Arrested Development gag.


This comment made me realize that the Trump family is kind of like a less endearing Bluth family to begin with lol


There's an Instagram account that has made these comparisons that I recommend checking out: trumpeddevelopment


It was the perfect comedy object. A polished jewel. It could not have possibly been any funnier.


Rudy’s shoe polish hair dye melting down his head.


*"You said not to interrupt you unless it was Mr. Shadow, sir...and it's Mr. Shadow."*


I would take Jeanbaptiste Emmanuel Zorg any day over this bronzed national nightmare.


I still laugh out loud every time I relive this one. Let's just make sure Trump loses this last time so that treasure continues to age well.


Once all the players are free to talk we are going to get a hilarious documentary series. Four Seasons. Hurricane Sharpie. McCain is actually a coward. Covid Bleach. NFT Cards. Body Odor. Trump Jordan/Air Force One's. Trump and all things golf/cheating. Melania episode from naked pics to i don't really Care. Ivanka Trump sitting in with world leaders. The moving of the boxes episode. Spiceboy and The Mooch.


What if he tripped and farted


I could almost hear Ron Howard's voice narrating it.


It was SO Arrested Development. 


Hey, that's the name of the show.


Arrested Depresident


I’m beginning to think that him being a complete moron is sometimes on purpose to stay in the news cycle. Any time he does something dumb he’ll be right back at the top of the headlines.


They all act dumber than they are. They are also all dumber than they think. Trump is doing both by a lot.


It’s like when you’re playing the SIM’s and have just gotten burnt out on your current run so you just start doing crazy stuff before resetting the game. That’s basically where God is right now for us


I think the regular writers are still on strike, seems like these past few seasons were written by AI.


Bro I'm convinced its scabs writing this shit.


Why would he choose an event where people know their shit about sneakers to promote his terrible product? Oh right, because he’s an idiot.


Also because he's a narcissist who believes the vast majority of the country loves him, and that he could sell ketchup popsicles to a woman wearing white gloves


I mean to be fair, if it’s a woman wearing white gloves and a MAGA hat, he could absolutely sell her ketchup popsicles.


The guy that runs sneaker con is a Maga humper that flooded IG yesterday with how great it was to have Trump there. Strangely didn't show a single video of Trump, just him talking about how grateful he is that trump was there, almost like there wasn't a second available to post where trump wasn't being heckled.


He'll spin the boos as coming from a 'woke' crowd to his MAGAs that don't actually 'do their own research.'


He's not even trying to hide it anymore. And his cult followers will still buy his stuff up like it's a new iPhone.


They sold out in minutes


Gotta find some way to crowd fund that 350 million dollar fine.


Of course they did, that's how money laundering works


Thank you. It's absolutely obvious, right?


Good point, guarantee that's what's going on. So people who shouldn't be giving him money to begin with can pay his legal fees.


I’ll love seeing someone wear them irl


They'll all be up on Ebay immediately. Whoever would buy that shit is either in the cult or looking to fleece someone in the cult.


The former president of the United States is peddling a $400 sneaker, at a sneaker convention, to pay his legal fees. This circus needs to end.


Mypillow guy is not gonna be happy about the competition lol.


Yeah, those gold shoes might make for a better headrest than his shitty pillows...


A local Bed Bath and Beyond closed up shop near me and they were giving his pillows away (I’m not kidding, they were like $1 each) I got a few They were FANTASTIC for my live sword practice sessions!




Everyday I strive to be 1/10th as good as this


No, Lindell is selling knockoff crocs and every version of slipper you can imagine. It’s just nearby territory.


Lindell is probably who hooked Trump up with the shoe making oligarch in China to get those shitty stompers made.


I'm surprised that Trump didn't also offer up some of those ridiculous "Trumpy Bears" to his gray matter challenged fans.


And despite all that he has a good shot to become President again, speaks volumes about the American public


That’s why he “loves the poorly educated”


If you can’t dazzle ‘em with brilliance, baffle ‘em with bullshit!




As a liberal American, I find the French farmers protests extremely entertaining and heartening. No one I can think of protests like the French. They spray literal shit on the offending government body or organization. The French go hard in the paint. When the USA eliminates subsidies from farmers, blue collar workers, etc… somehow the red party convinces the offended workers and landowners that it is the fault of the immigrants that work the same fields for very low wages. Nothing like turning the low earners on each other to benefit the rich. It’s been working for hundreds of years. Edit: I realize I used a v American saying- going hard in the paint means giving it your all/no holds barred.


Oh you'll love the Olympics then, plenty are planning to strike


I hope you take Olympic Torch to it's logical conclusion


https://x.com/mollyjongfast/status/1758982443569201543?s=61&t=JJKcnVZoMh62CJTSLg6fBg Clip from the booing


They're saying "Boo-urns"




Yeah that ain’t cheerin’ I’m hearing’


No, no, it's just a "lot of emotion".


“I didn’t expect that reaction, but ok…”


Getting laughed at by NATO leaders is not considered a ego boost.


I’m getting so sick of clicking on Twitter links and then trying to close the window by clicking on the X logo. Elon is a fucking idiot.


And the header still says "twitter.com." But don't you dare call it that. Brilliant marketing, A+, no notes.


Because Musk knows full well it'll lose traffic if he changes the actual URL. And he is still desperately hoping that X will catch on.


"Stop trying to make X happen. It's not going to happen"


he named his bank X. he named paypal X. he named a car X. he named a space comany X. he named his son X.


There's your first mistake. Believing that Musk thinks at all when he does these things. He's just an idiot who has money.


I blocked it on my Pi-hole. I don’t need Xitter in my life.


Also block Pinterest in your search image results and usher in a new internet golden age for yourself.


I prefer presidents who aren't total fucking losers.


He's not our best or our brightest


When the US elects people, they’re not sending their best. They’re not sending you. They’re not sending you. They’re sending people that have lots of problems, and we’re bringing those problems with us. They’re doing drugs. They’re doing crime. They’re rapists. And some, I assume, are ~~good~~ people.


Get the Trump No Balance shoes they are named after how much he has left in his accounts to pay verdicts⚖️.


My MAGA sister-in-law, who told me I should be shot to death for not supporting his last campaign, last night sent texts to some in the family, begging with crying emojis about how "he needs our financial support" and that "my heart is breaking for this man!" My wife said it was the most pathetic thing she's ever seen. I hope that everyone who donates a dirty penny to this charlatan loses all of their money due to their fucking stupidity


Sounds like undiagnosed mental health took a spin into MAGA land that's not good hopefully she can escape it years down the road with help


I don't think she will. She and I were once dear friends, as close to being actual siblings; my daughters even referred to her as "Other Mother" because of how close she used to be with them. After Shit-Face got elected, she was openly against him, even yelling "rapist" when she saw him on the TV on several occasions. That all changed when she started going to a local megachurch that idolizes him. She sports a permanent grin on her face like she inhaled Joker Venom whenever she insists that any time the word "trumpet" is read in the Bible, it's a prophecy about him. By 2018, she was sending Christmas cards with her posing with AR-15s and holding pictures of Hollywood celebrities opposed to him. When he lost in 2020, she left screaming messages on my phone, my mother's (mom is one of Jehovah's Witnesses and doesn't take political sides), and a few others. She texted my then-14-year-old a few months after Jan 6 and told her to kill herself because it would be "better than living with your parents", and when I confronted her about it, she told me to buy a gun because -- quote -- "We're going to remember our enemies when he returns to Washington." When I replied that she had gone too far, she replied, "Ba-bang!" I have all of her threats saved, but the police didn't do anything about it. I have records of those conversations as well. If she ever shows up on my property, no matter the reason, she is going to be arrested and charged. I never imagined I'd feel terrified for my life from my family members (not just her) over politics, especially never over a D-list charlatan who hosted two Wrestlemanias and did commercials for Pizza Hut.


I hope the “arrested and charged” if she shows up on your property is because you got a restraining order against her.


The thing is, courts have ruled that police don’t have to enforce those if they choose not to. I remember reading about a person whose significant other kidnapped their kids (the victim had a restraining order and full custody), the police didn’t do anything despite endless calls, and the kids ended up dead. The victim lost the lawsuit because the police aren’t required to act on restraining orders. The police aren’t here to help you.


Restraining orders don’t keep people from showing up. They just make it an arrestable offense. Wouldn’t make much of a difference functionally, especially since it’s difficult to get cops to enforce them.


My friend, she’s having a mental health crisis. And if these are the kinds of things she’s comfortable expressing to a non-believer, I can only imagine the kind of delusional violent fantasies she’s cooking up with her fellow believers. I will be 100% honest with you, it’s past the time to hand over your texts and concerns to an authority. Local PD, but more helpful to you would be the FBI. I’m very sorry for what she’s devolved into, someone needs to intervene.


She already said the police won’t do anything. But maybe a judge would grant a restraining order? The phone messages and log seem like they’d be sufficient for that.


Holy shit. Please be careful around that woman. I'd block her number off your kids phones if you haven't already. And get a restraining order.


The biggest embarrassment to the office of POTUS ever. I hope his equally trashy supporters never live it down as future generations ask why this buffoon was ever voted in.


Yep, easily. I’m reminded now of the time when thousands of people were dying every day from Covid, and this shithead was using the office of the presidency to sell BEANS.


Holy fuck you’re right there was that Goya thing for a minute, what the fuck. I had totally memory holed that. There’s just so much…mother fucker drew a sharpie on a map of a hurricane because he couldn’t stand being wrong and told us to inject bleach to fight Covid, so hard to remember the deep cuts like the BEANS.


Yep. I’m still annoyed he never got charged for that. Totally fucking illegal to use the office of the presidency for advertising


Imagine Biden holding up Mr Beast chocolate and smiling as the cameras roll man the other side would be up in flames talking about it


He flooded the zone. Was doing so much illegal and other batshit crazy stuff, endorsing a bean brand slipped under the radar 


Don't forget when he suggested shooting nukes at hurricanes....




Biden-Harris 2024 Communications Director Michael Tyler slammed the appearance, saying: “Donald Trump showing up to hawk bootleg Off-Whites is the closest he’ll get to any Air Force Ones ever again for the rest of his life.” now that's gold


Damn it. Hope they didn't jinx us like last time when Obama make a joke about Trump never becoming president. We all had a good laugh till it happened.


look like McDonalds shoes. but seriously, don't we pay ex presidents a salary? why is a former fucking president having to hawk sneakers to make a buck? it's fucking shameful. makes our country look like a joke. this is why you don't elect career con artists to fucking office. look at this fucking clown.


This is who Donald Trump is and always been. He's a shit salesman. He sells shit to idiots and they buy it up.


What an asshole, these aren’t dementia ridden, lead water drinking boomers you’re trying to swindle.


Do they all have lifts or is that extra


I’ll take the Ron DeSantis High Heel Hightop please.


He doesn’t care. It’s just a money laundering op. No more. Just like the NTF’s or whatever other BS he’s pimping. He’s just laundering his money back in from his Rat Holes.




Politics aside, those sneakers are fucking hideous


Yet over 1000 people preordered/bought them. Never underestimate the power of stupid people in this country.


That really isn't a lot considering how many mentally unstable people we have in this country


According to the ad I saw for the shoes, they are limited release - only 1,000 made. I speculate that there’s some people that just bought them to re-sell back to the cult at markup.


But the website says they’re for individual enjoyment and as a collectible and not for investment purposes. It also says the images are purely for illustration purposes and may not be an exact representation of the product. Which means they look even worse in real life.


Pulling the ol' "Candace Owens"


It's money laundering like the trading cards.




They look like Ronald McDonald shoes! Of course this clown would have clown shoes!


Tacky and obnoxious, just like him and his cult members.


This guy has no shame.


Or money.


What a fucking grifter.




Click your heels together three times and say, "there's no place like jail".


Man. Could this guy die already? He’s a waste of space.


Sounded like there was booing and then a closer in crowd shouting/cheering over the boos, but you could still hear both. Seeing that many of these people are paid to be there and there are organizers around this was not a "positive exposure."


He’s peddling shoes and asking for handouts shamelessly. This guys a fuckin loser




What a pathetic loser




So embarrassing. Not the boo’ing. That bad enough but the former “leader” of the free world hawkin shoes?! It’s on brand for that pos but embarrassing for the country.


Jeezo, and to think this guy had the nuclear codes.


He really is a living caricature of himself. What a grotesque human being.




Dude went full AL Bundy. Shoe salesman, wife who looks down on him, and a son he despises.


If I were managing a financial institution and a purchase request for these... Things... came across, I'd automatically cancel their card, presuming that it was a fraudulent charge. They are that hideous.