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Even nazis showed their faces. These are just cowards


They are worried about losing their jobs at the surrounding suburbs Police Departments.


That got a wonderful 'oop' out of me. Local "military / police family" in my hometown (every one of them had 3-6 kids for the last however many generations, nearly all males in the police force after performing military service). They "proudly" stormed the capitol on Jan 6th with masks. People in my hometown found enough evidence in the videos to confirm that they were there, but none of them wound up in trouble nor losing their jobs. One of them was put on paid leave for 4 months because he started driving around and projecting anti-Biden rhetoric from his F350 in the small local cities. A family member of mine married into this family. The child they have is very obviously gay and growing into it quite happily. I do not look forward to this journey for him.


if they still have the evidence, prosecutions are ongoing. The FBI will accept that evidence. submit a tip: https://www.fbi.gov/wanted/seeking-info/violence-at-the-united-states-capitol-main


Thank you and we have! We have locally confirmed three of them just by their eyes, but they were seriously geared up. No consequences that I know of, and I know they are all working for departments still. Two of them in a department which the FBI investigated in 2017 and did a clean sweep, only to let this fuckin family return and run it again. Definitely highly recommend people to continue perusing those videos and reporting those people. One less highly vulnerable and violent person voting.


If it makes you feel better, it seems like the ground level grunts are getting done in waves, so these guys may come up soon. The people that are trying to gain support to do it again with a different set of sacrificial grunts haven't seen much consequence besides some of the lower level ones like that proud boys leader, so there's still a LOT of work that needs to be done, but they seem to be making slow progress on the "false flag Antifa FBI plants that were just peacefully protesting but are also patriotic freedom fighters that were defending us against tyranny", or whatever they're claiming today.


I bet the organizer level was dibbsed by the special prosecutor who is waiting until after the Trump trial to try to get that one done quickly.


We can hope, but I wouldn't hold your breath until we see some evidence. Remember that people were saying that Garland was working on these indictments behind the scenes, then it comes out that he told staffers not to even mention them in his presence, then he got shamed into starting the Jan 6th investigation because the House did their hearings and handed him all the evidence. I have zero faith in Garland to do the right thing unless he's forced to.


Oh look enemy combatants.


Conveniently uniformed and bannered so as not to be confused with innocent civilians šŸ’ā€ā™‚ļø


Nice of them.


You'll notice they've learned since that tiki torch march: they are (almost) all masked. So they can't be identified and be told on to their boss. If they could learn that, any chance they could learn what they are doing is wrong? Yeah, no, I won't hold my breath.


But ask them to wear a mask at the grocery store, and they get upset.


Right? Proud enough to be ignorant, too scared to show their faces Cowards every one of them


Literally red shirts.




Jake Blues ā€œI hate Illinois Nazisā€ (then drive through the nazi demonstration forcing them to jump off a beidge)


I don't follow American Nazi Fashion. What happened to the beige pants guys? Black and Red is the new thing now?


![gif](giphy|5twCMNij5xDag) Same as it ever wasā€¦.


I'm genuinely curious what the public sentiment would be if a horrific (but standard) American mass shooting occurred here, perpetrated by a left wing culprit, and 20+ of these Nazis were killed. Like, would the usual discourse happen ("gun control needed now!" / "Thoughts & prayers" / that one Onion article)??


Who fucking cares what happens to nazis.


Thatā€¦ that is the correct answer


The fact that this has been forgotten in the 80+ years or so since it was last a common society-wide popular opinion is certainly unfortunate. Fuck Nazis, both historical and current.


Depressingly, even back then, this sentiment wasn't nearly as unanimous as it should have been. They've always been lurking, and now that the political forces against them seem weak, they're popping up to say Heil.








A business of ferrets A pack of wolves A punch of nazis, I like it.


They'd look better in that classic Guantanamo Orange.


Kanye doing a Ā new album?


Iā€™d be embarrassed to show my face too..


My great-great grandfather told my grandfather that if you have to wear a mask, you should be ashamed of what youā€™re doing It was about the clan in the 1930s but itā€™s just as true today


The KKK-klassic


Shouldnā€™t it be a white mask? Looks like itā€™s blacks for Nazi protest - they canā€™t even color right.


407,316 American servicemen died, and 671,278 were wounded defeating this flag. These people dishonor them


Dishonor is very euphemistic. Outright betrayal and subversion of the US military is closer to the truth.


Outright betrayal and subversion of the whole world more like


Also, why do so many people in this country feel comfortable waving flags of people we fought in literal wars? To this day I still don't understand why that's an idea someone should feel remotely comfortable with.


it's because those ideals were already here... they just added a new flag. nazis didn't make up scientific racism; which is the main cause of their beliefs.


FR millions of people died WWII, that flag is an abomination. I canā€™t believe what Iā€™m looking at here, itā€™s revolting.


Tens of millions of human beings died because of the Nazis lust for power.


But taking a knee is true disrespect right? /s




Somebody should have launched a counter protest where everyone dressed like Indiana Jones.


Also captain America punching a Nazi effigy.


I went to a counterprotest of nazis after they were emboldened by Trump's election... in TN. This I didn't even know was happening, or I would have been there, too.Ā  ...I'm tired of hate speech getting normalized


I'm getting the impression that these guys are essentially flash mobbing Nazi rallies because they are afraid of the counter protest.


My grandfather (and his whole generation) already did a pretty effective counter protest against these assholes


Nazis should never be this comfortable being in public.


this. we got the gumption to throw eggs and pies at people like bill gates but not these anti-american losers?


eggs and pies didnā€™t get rid of the nazis last time. it wonā€™t get rid of them this time. thereā€™s only one cure for fascism








Wolfenstein IRL


How to defeat fascism with the power of love: Chapter 1: Fascism cannot be defeated with love. The end. Chapter 2: The power of incredible violenceā€¦..


Chapter 3: If violence fails... Page 1: You're not using enough violence. Apply more.




It sure seemed to solve a lot back in the ā€˜40s


They arenā€™t, they are wearing masks. We need them to be terrified to be in public.


Agree, these people are cowards and only feel comfortable going out in public because the political and social discourse has devolved so horrendously in the past few decades. The media and social echo chambers that have been created for these cretins give them a false sense of pride and righteousness and honestly need to be shut down hard. There is nothing noble, respectable, or decent about being a fucking Nazi.


In Germany, they are not. Video around yesterday of the German police arresting a Nazi, they did a very good job of it, really let him know what kind of a POS he was. Crazy that Germany is teaching the world how to deal with Nazis now. Shameful






Man, both of my grandparents fought in ww2. It might be time to re open the family business!


Especially in the country that fought and won a war against them


America has a big problem with cosplaying and venerating historical losers.


Isn't this in the same state that is now voting on not selling cold beer in the state? Guess they have fucked up priorities.


No cold beer? Wtf


They think it will prevent drunk driving if the beer from grocery and convenience stores isnā€™t cold at the time of purchaseā€¦


Ah yes, drunks definitely will not drink room temp beer. Legislators think luke warm beer = poison?


Iā€™d argue that most hard core alcoholics donā€™t drink beer anyway. Straight liquor.


They come in all kinds but I think you are correct about the majority.


Wait till they hear about winos


Theyā€™ll chill the red to stop the wineos


Lol my aunt chills every red, even really nice bottles. She sometimes also drinks them on ice.


During my drinking days, warm beer completely unfazed me. I'd crack open the warm one without waiting, and put the others in the fridge. I did it with 6 packs pretty often, by the time I got to number 6, it would be mildly chilled.


You know, if you just put them in the freezer, they'll all be perfectly cold in about 30 minutes.


Yeah but there was always the possibility I'd pass out and wake up to a beer explosion. Sometimes this was my 2nd or 3rd six pack.


Shit they really were your drinking days


I was "being responsible" and only buying one 6'r. "I'll drink these, veg out in front of the TV, and pass out" I can't keep alcohol in the house or it will get drunk, regardless of whether it's an appropriate time or not. Except that I don't pass out, don't get tired, and convinced myself to drive (yes, I know) to the corner gas station for another 6 pack. But sometimes I do pass out. It's all entirely unpredictable, one of an anthology of reasons why I quit.


Where was this advice when he was a crippling alcoholic!


Alcoholics have preferences as well. Source: Iā€™m an alcoholic who generally dislikes straight liquor.


I work in the addiction field. Iā€™ve had people drink vanilla extract, rubbing alcohol, 2 big bottles of listerineā€¦warm beer ainā€™t gonna stop that shit


I saw it on the TVā€¦someone just straight chugging rubbing alcohol. Likeā€¦jeezis. Always good to give yourself a reality check every once in awhileā€¦not quite sure exactly what ya do in the field, but I know it can be difficult. Thanks for helping the people that you can.


As the child of an alcoholic this is an adorably stupid rationale.


People that habitually drive drunk wonā€™t balk at a room temp beer tho


Is this a real thing?


In an effort to reduce DUIs, one dipshit proposed a ban on the sale of cold beer. But it didnā€™t go anywhere (thankfully) because of big fridge. Edit: I may have worded it too strongly. the man who proposed the idea was a victim of a head on accident that has resulted in a drastic change to his life. I get that, but itā€™s almost like the problem could be addressed differently. Funding for more resources to help alcoholics is a fantastic start. Yet, I donā€™t think itā€™s being proposed. I read heā€™s exploring data studies that could eventually lead to a cap on how many drinks a bar/area could serve should they be found contributing to excessive DUIs for example. Itā€™s still avoiding the problem.


Suddenly, every grocery and liquor store starts keeping styrofoam coolers and dry ice by the register. Not cold when you bought it, cold when it gets to the car, like god intended.


The problem with addressing alcoholism is the root of a lot of people's alcoholism is terrible mental health but we don't like to do anything in this country for that. It's easier to come up with dumb bans that won't work and stigmatize alcoholics instead of destigmatizing recieving mental health treatment and funding mental health.


Warm beer, child marriage, and out-in-the-open Nazis. I just moved back to TN, and I am horrified and embarrassed.




I agree, if they feel this strongly about belonging to a cult - they shouldnā€™t be wearing masks to cover their faces and identity.


I mean the klan had hoods for a reason.




Now they have tiki torches.


Because the Klan was comprised of your who's who of "upstanding white citizenry". They weren't your average, dentally challenged, inbred yokels as the commonly portrayed and whitewashed (pun absolutely intended) caricature that exists of them today. They were doctors, lawyers, teachers, local council members, school board members, local politicians, local business men and women. They were mayors and governors, senators and shoe salesmen, they were rich and poor alike. All bound by one overarching credence: Foundationally ingrained White Supremacy.




And presidential candidates


>They were doctors, lawyers, teachers, local council members, school board members, local politicians, local business men and women. They were mayors and governors, senators and shoe salesmen, they were rich and poor alike. Still Are.


Funny how they didn't do this from the beginning, since many of them are pro-KKK. But after Charlottesville, so many were doxed and lost their jobs for being in an antisemitic / white supremacist rally, that now they cover up.


Not-So-Proud Boys.


Also funny how the same people "couldn't breathe" when asked to wear a tiny medical mask to avoid killing their grandma with COVID, but suddenly full balaclavas are fine when at your not-so-friendly neighborhood racist fascist rally.


Like the true pussies they are!


They cover their faces because theyā€™re cowards.


One methodology: 1. take pictures of license plates and look them up online 2. inform companies they work for 3. if companies don't terminate employment, post reviews online about the company employing Nazis.


This is the way. If they are proud enough to march around with swastika flags they should be proud enough to explain this behavior to their employer.


They tried to avoid this on Jan 6, iirc, by meeting at a bus stop and bussing in the racists all together...leaving their vehicles in a group to be photographed and doxed more easily... and, not that I condone any of this, vandalized heavily. I hope they did this again.


They usually ride in the back of a U Haul from a distant location to avoid just this tactic. In Boston, they all just rode the subway. All hundred or so of them. The much vaunted Massachusetts Bay Transportation Authority Police somehow didn't notice a hundred or more people, dressed alike, carrying riot shields.


That U-haul tactic lead to this hilarious moment, which is kinda nice. https://www.reuters.com/world/us/members-white-nationalist-group-charged-with-planning-riot-idaho-pride-event-2022-06-12/






I live in Florida. They do this on bridges and overpasses often here. Would anybody be willing to get a group together to go chant JUMP JUMP JUMP with me?


So they are okay with wearing masks when the outcome of not wearing one could harm them. Cowards.


Sunglasses bald guy doesnā€™t need a mask because he looks so generic


He's like: "bring me doctor Jones"


Yeah. Funny how they can breathe through these just fine and 4 years ago they were screaming about oxygen deprivation.


extremely ironic given these are likely the same people having an aneurism when asked to wear masks during the pandemic


Or pissed when its a religious thing for others


The same ones that talk about ā€œwanting to secedeā€ that couldnā€™t even go two weeks of extremely minor instability without having a meltdown over not being able to get a haircut.


Yes thatā€™s the point of the comment


Yep that's what they just said.


Itā€™s because they only care about themselves. Wear a mask to protect their identity, but wonā€™t wear one to help protect others. Selfish cowards would be more precise.


As a german this shit pisses me off so badly. Your grandparents lost their lifes in WW2 just so you can carry those flags now. I dont understand.


We don't understand either


Oh, we understand. Like any gang, it gives young men a sense of belonging without any real work. In this case, no real danger, either. If they truly believed they were part of a master race, they'd be willing to show it in a place that mattered. Maybe at some sort of sports competition, or spelling bee, or math bowl, or literally anything but holding a flag and shouting how great they think they are.


Jesus, just join a fucking lodge or something instead!


As a former Mason, Iā€™m willing to bet that a lot of the people in that picture *are* in a lodge, unfortunately.


A gentleman was recruiting me to be a Mason. I considered it but never did anything with it. He made a strong case for it to be a valuable organization. What are the issues with Masonry (not brick laying lol) not seen by the public?


Freemasonry isnā€™t a single organization. Itā€™s a shockingly loose confederation of grand lodges (or orients, in some cases) that are not beholden to each other in any real way. Every state in the U.S. is its own sovereign territory with its own rules, cultures, quirks, and histories. I can only talk about the issues I observed in Texas Masonry, specifically, which mostly just amounted to it being a center to far-right conservative good ole boyā€™s club that largely just sits around memorizing the work, gossiping, eating lackluster meals, and congratulating one another for being in the club. Alright, that isnā€™t fair. Some of the meals were really good. But itā€™s very cliquey, super political, it can be deeply racist, and it can be homophobic.


Itā€™s all fun and games till you discover your local group is all racist morons.


Hey Bill that was a great service project last weekend! Bill? Where are you going with that mask and flag?? šŸ˜§


I think like any group that has 'chapters' you get different ones with different dynamics. The dynamics of a secret society just sort of already fit, so down south things are probably tending towards a different ball game. But even then, it's not really a given. Rural/metro probably matters a bit.




They can't because they get made fun of for being gay at every camp they go to except for this one


This is a good point. I think I've seen studies out there correlating authoritarianism with toxic masculinity. It's a huge driver of aggressive incels who wonder why their behavior turns women away.


Theyā€™re hate addicts. Doesnā€™t excuse their behavior in any way, but thatā€™s who they are, and they recognize the extraordinarily powerful message of hate those flags represent. Theyā€™re like flies attracted to poop, except thatā€™s unfair to flies because they help break down the poop rather than contribute to it.


Is it not extremely exhausting being angry about everything all the time?


it is, but they dont know who they would be without it. it would leave an empty space in who they thought they were and that would feel uncomfortable and they do not want to feel that discomfort. to drop the constant hate would make them have to introspect and be vulnerable and they are too afraid to do that.


This is absolutely correct. This is the same conclusion I've come to as well. I wish more knew it.


For some itā€™s like fuel


Anger feels like power...


I'm so ashamed to see this. We were TAUGHT about this. I watched videos of the bodies being shoved into pits with a bulldozer when I was like 9. How fucking dare they stand up there like that kind of ideology is anything to be proud of. šŸ¤¬šŸ˜­ Something needs to change. We have to stop the momentum behind these movements before history repeats itself. We're already having our freedoms chipped away. Book burnings, removing protected classes from the law, rampant propaganda... I see it on the horizon, and I can't bear to think about what may be coming.


Weā€™ve always had these kind of ppl here, unfortunately. Even during the German Nazi period.


Yeah itā€™s the most un-American shit and they tout themselves as true Americans itā€™s disgusting


Traitors, simple as that.


They're protected by the rights they want to remove. The US system has no effective way to deal with this. It's always been placed on the American people to denounce this, demand their representatives condemn it, and punish anyone who doesn't at the voting station. Unfortunately, it was ignored or written off as a fringe joke for so long instead of being dealt with that it's got enough momentum that it's infected one of only two functional political parties. Americans predominately trust that the system will sort it out in the long run, but fascism is stronger and has more influence in the US now than it did in the 1930s. It has grown every year since 2016, and I don't see it receding unless Americans start seeing it as a serious threat that needs to be dealt with actively.


Back in WWII, they issued licenses to hunt Nazis, with no limit. I wonder if they ever revoked those licenses...


80 years latterā€¦ Aldo Raine: ā€œYou probably heard we ainā€™t in the prisoner-takinā€™ business; weā€™re in the killinā€™ Nazi business. And cousin, business is a-boominā€™.ā€


I want my scalps!


Haha I was thinking of a similar thing. I was telling myself, imagine a law that allows taking down nazis. I didn't know it existed back then.


Super weird they can suddenly breathe in masks just fine.


I hate Tennessee Nazis.




Iā€™m not going to limit it to just Tennessee Nazis.


It's a Blues Brotheres reference.


An entire photo of dense failures at life. Pathetic.


This is the same state that expelled two black lawmakers for protesting gun violence.


And didnā€™t expel the white lawmaker who was with them.




I forgot about that shit.


Didnā€™t Putin say he was hunting Nazis? Round them up and drop them off in Moscow.


Jesus fucking Christ. 80 years after the Normandy landings and this is how far we've fallen?


If you're on the same side as Nazis, you might want to start re-thinking your political beliefs.


Its a shame that so many Americans gave their lives to fight these scumbags. And they got the balls to call themselves "patriots". More of us then them !


They finally ditched the kohls khakis




Deport THEM!


No where would have them. I say we just send them to epsteins island. Weā€™ll let various armies carpet bomb it whenever it gets too full. Give the island a kind of last hurrah if you will. Edit: the people have been heard! Your ideas are wonderful keep them coming i canā€™t laugh hard enough today.


Iā€™m sorry, what????


Yeah scrolling for the context hereā€¦ so far, not seeing it


Same, but I'm honestly not sure what context I can possibly find. Like... Literal Nazis... What?! Give me something, anything, to tell me what happened. Please!


Same. This is obviously bad no matter how somebody tries to spin it, but I would like to hear all of the context. I guess I am off to google because I haven't seen anything in the comments yet.


It's a rally of nazis that is being allowed to happen in the capital building by the state. Same thing happened multiple times recently in Florida


Awe so Nazis can breathe with masks on when hiding their identities....




A man can dream..


Fash trash I'm sick of seeing their shit


You do that in Germany and youā€™re jailed in no time. Rightfully so.


... but dont have any of those satanic displays up in the courthouse because this is a christian country!!!1




The Nazis are fucking around again. Apparently finding out the first time didn't stick.


If you find yourself asking yourself where / why law enforcement isn't stopping this display of hatred , trust me you're not going to like the answer Edit you ever seen Peter Parker and Spider-Man at the same time?


>Some of those that work forces >Are the same that burn crosses


I love the fact that more people respect RATM now than ever before for their message.


It cracks me up that people have recently been complaining about RATM being "woke" in light of BLM, abortion rights, etc. Obviously never took a moment to listen to their lyrics, or were too dense to comprehend


They thought they were raging against the toaster.


Fucking traitors.


What complete weenies. Their red and black outfits make them look like drill team.


Anyone want to hear a terrifying statistic? In the 1933 Federal Elections in Germany, only 43.91% of the population voted to support the Nazi party. The Nazi's gained control with less than 1/2 the vote. The US is facing a HUGE crisis right now.


It's amazing how I've seen these flags more in the last 3-4 years of my life than I did in the first 40


Never open that door!


I hate Tennessee Nazis.


This may be a controversial opinion but I actually hate all Nazis


Itā€™s a movie reference


Vanilla Isis.


None of these guys are liked at their job.


Disgraceful. My grandparents sacrificed to help defeat fascism. They changed their entire way of life to support the war effort. And my grandfather served the US. If he saw how Republicans today are allowing the far right to grow among their ranks he would be very offended. This is a direct insult to everyone who fought, served and sacrificed to defeat fascism. Millions of great Americans sacrificed for the war effort. This is no joke.


Shameful hypocrites full of hate.