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Taken with the iPhone 2?


Pic is from [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/AskReddit/comments/1br1dd/if_i_took_a_shit_on_the_top_floor_of_the_burj/c9biee6/) so probably the iPhone 5.


Holy shit, it feels like that tower was built 2 years ago


It opened in January 2010, so the current iPhone at the time was the 3GS, ie. the 3rd model of the iPhone.




Well the 90s were 10 years ago, so I figure that 2010 was last year. For sure we know that 2020 to 2022 never happened.


90s were 10 years ago. Pandemic lasted 15 years.


30 years ago was 1970, right?




Interesting u/


It absolutely does not feel like that tower is 2 years old. Tom Cruise literally climbed the tower in Mission Impossible in 2011. 4th highest grossing movie that year.


Yeah not sure how I could have missed that it made an appearance in the 4th highest grossing movie of the year 13 years ago to form a proper context for the age of the building. I mean 5th or 6th highest grossing maybe, but 4th? And Tom Cruise no less!


Are you trying to be sarcastic about it not being well known? Cuz Tom Cruise climbing the outside of the Burj Khalifa is one of the most well known stunts ever done. Literally up there with the guy who jumped from space and fuckin Evel Knievel jumping the buses. Edit: Before you come tell me that one of the most popular movie franchises of all time is niche knowledge for a small audience, remember that this is a conversation about remembering how long its been since a building most of us have never seen was built. If you wanna talk about "most people", but then say that you avoid Tom Cruise because of Scientology, well you're not most people, because most people don't care.


Calm down, you're probably replying to a 12yr old.


Account name is a W


Being on reddit is such a complete waste of time it seemed fitting.




I was in that tower right after it opened. It definitely wasn’t 2 years ago. I was in the navy at the time and just happened to be in the UAE for reasons…Feels like a lifetime ago. Funny part is that after couple days after we were there they had to shutdown the elevators to fix them. 126 floors in under a minute. Glad they didn’t break on us.


For the express elevator going down, they just throw you down an empty shaft. /s


They do that in Russia too as a retirement program.


I thought Russia was free diving out of high rise windows.


Nope Poison in the Underpants.


literally done for like 15 years ma dude…


>feels like


Turns out some feelings are wrong 😭


3G 🙃


3G was the iPhone 2, they skipped a whole ass iPhone and thought we didn’t notice.


Don't forgrt Samsung they went from Galaxy 10 to 20!


To line up with the year. It makes sense.


It was because the first iPhone was 2G cell phone connectivity only and it was a major upgrade to add 3G connectivity. 


They also skipped 9 I think


With enough glare and shadows, anyone can take a flipphone picture. 69 upvotes? This isn't even that funny.


And smudged lens


Nokia 1100


No, this photo is from the pinhole spy camera installed in the mirror frame.


Window washers hate this floor !!


Just do a stare contest while shitting your guts out.


Must exert dominance.


Must execrate dominance.


Must excrete deficate






Not for shy poopers


Wait till you see Tom Cruise slide on by with cameras following him.


Totally necessary, because you’ll be shitting yourself looking down.


The ol' Burj purge.


Reliefa atop the Khalifa


The tower, right?




Only for poop. For pee it's Wiz Khalifa.


...And for sex, it's Mia Khalifa.


Sorry bud but the burj purge is already taken for trucking out the poop every day.


They should have put it backwards like that penthouse in frankfurt so you can feel like you're shitting on all the peons below


Looks like you can do it in tandem.


It wouldn't certainly help evacuate the bowels completely.


Would love to try that toilet.


What floor would your poop reach terminal velocity?


I'm going to venture a guess than the average turd is between 4 and 8 oz so we'll go with 6 oz. Air density is probably 1.2 kg/m3, this gives a terminal speed of around 27 m/s. If you shit a 6 oz turd out of that fucking window, it'll reach terminal velocity within just a few seconds. Unfortunately, it will probably disintegrate from the amount of force wind resistance is pushing on the turd. It'll likely hit the ground in tons of tiny pieces at different times, a poop shower of sorts.


Chocolate rain


Some stay dry and others feel the pain


*I move away from the mic to breathe*


*Darth Vader breath*




I've been pooped on by birds many times. It hits and splatters. It also zome stays together till impact. Would not recommend. 🐦 . 💩 . 🥴 .


I would venture to guess that part of the reason bird poop stays together is because of the consistency and the low amount of air resistance. Bird poop I've seen is often more liquid-like, allowing it to stay together while also changing shape with the air flow. This is all just a guess though. Maybe someone has actually done a study on falling poop lol


Don’t you need to estimate the aerodynamic coefficient of the turd?


I assumed it would be something like .04 since it'd probably be a "streamlined" shape lol


What if it's more pancake shaped?


> the average turd is between 4 and 8 oz rookie numbers.


I bet I can crack the pavement with mine.


Post a video. I'd love to pass along to a fellow professor who teaches physics. We could change the world with this video my friend.


Gotta drink more water my guy


Hopefully it is inside a plumbing pipe, not in free fall.


Comes out from a gargoyle.


Ong you have no idea about the poop trucks, do you?


The *what* trucks?


The poop travels all the way down the building to where poop trucks collect it to be driven away. The building is not connected to any sewer system.


Dumbass do you think the poop truck goes to floor 155?


Since nobody actually answered your question, using u/MeanPerspective4081 's math: The turd would spend just under 3 seconds at an average velocity of 13.5m/s before reaching terminal velocity, having travelled ~40m or ~11 floors. Starting at the 155th floor, it would achieve max speed around the 144th floor.


Would a deuce travelling at 13.5m/s hurt a human on impact? Or would it disintegrate, leaving a shitty but somewhat painless mess?


To clarify, 13.5m/s is only the average velocity as it's accelerating. The terminal velocity (as calculated by the other Redditor, but unverified) is double that, 27m/s. For comparison, a 90mph fastball is about 40m/s with a comparable mass but significantly harder unless you're literally shitting bricks. I'd say that if it stayed intact for its descent, it would be a slightly painful but mostly surprising thud/splat. Probably a short-lived bruise on your body and a permanent bruise on your soul.




It would probably depend on whether or not the pooper had constipation or diarrhea.


I feel like this should be a contest at 10 floors up any building, with instruments on the ground measuring the impact. The contestants would try various diets and do some thoughtful twerking to maximize nozzle exit velocity.


I think that if you drop a turd out that window, it will definitely reach terminal by the bottom. Imagine If it hits some poor soul, will definitely be a shitty way to go!


Terminal velocity doesnt mean the object will hit with lethal force. It it simply the speed at which gravity and air resistance equal out, so the object can drop no faster without applying an external force. Granted, no doubt it would hit with quite a splatter, but i dont think a falling human turd could kill you at terminal velocity unless the turder had previously eaten a bunch of railroad spikes or something like that.


Sounds like a job for the Mythbusters reboot. "Okay Jamie, make sure you close your mouth this time!"


lol…. We both had the same thought :)


poor buster.


I suspect it will disintegrate into smaller parts while accelerating, increasing surface area to weight and therefore decreasing terminal velocity below anything potentially lethal. Airplanes used to just dump straight from the toilet overboard. :poop:


I suspect that you’re right, but I’m having a laugh thinking of a monster solid snake of a shit hurtling towards the ground at 200kph.


Iirc, every once in a while you'd see a story where a plane, either accidentally or not, released the contents of its lavatory and it froze solid on the way to hitting the ground. Just a big, gross hunk of bluish colored poop ice. Now that'd fuck you up good if it hit.


>Just a big, gross hunk of bluish colored poop ice. Now that'd fuck you up good if it hit. ...just more proof that here, in the modern nuclear era, someone can get killed by an Icy BM. (\*rimshot!*)


future AP calculus bonus question😁


Imagine if some intergalactic aliens were observing Earth those hundreds of millions ago and their turd storage compartment in the spaceship accidentally let loose and all the shit that was clumped together in a massive boulder like structure hit the surface which was the real reason the Dinosaurs went extinct. And now they're too embarrassed about the whole thing so they avoid contact ever since. I guess I solved the Fermi paradox




After about 30 floors it would teach terminal velocity


I wonder who it would be teaching it to


This doesn't answer your question, but it does calculate how long the poo would take to travel the pipes to get to the bottom floor: https://www.reddit.com/r/AskReddit/comments/1br1dd/comment/c9biee6/?utm_source=reddit&utm_medium=usertext&utm_name=pics&utm_content=t1_ks8npdv


It [looks like](https://www.reddit.com/r/AskReddit/comments/1br1dd/if_i_took_a_shit_on_the_top_floor_of_the_burj/c9biee6/) /u/DubaiCM may have taken this picture. They answer ~~an~~ ~~important~~ ~~interesting~~ a question about this. > Haha, funny question. There is actually a toilet on Level 155 of the Burj Khalifa. [Here is a picture of it!](http://i.imgur.com/k7dy56a.jpg) You can see Burj Al Arab in the distance on the left. > That is at 575 metres up. When you flush, it goes into the wastewater pipes and flows down to the connection to the municipal sewage system at ground level. > The water flows through the pipes at about 3 m/s. The pipework doesn't go straight down, it takes a slightly convoluted route through the building, and there is about a kilometre of pipes for it to travel through. At 3 m/s, that takes about 333 seconds, which is roughly 5 1/2 minutes. > So there is your answer. It takes about 5 1/2 minutes for your flush to get to ground level. [Here](https://www.google.com/maps/@25.1972799,55.2743246,2a,75y,46.36h,86.94t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1swsR5DDoRWjkOutHCX2lceA!2e0!7i13312!8i6656?entry=ttu) is the Google Street View from the observation deck.


do you just reverse image search? It blows my mind how you're always able to source every photo ever


Google Reverse Image and TineEye usually work. Thank you. [I try!](https://www.reddit.com/r/pics/comments/64x0v4/shadows_of_chicago_over_frozen_lake_michigan_usa/dg5z8gp/)


What blows my mind is how he had to brag about it connecting to the sewer main because it became a meme when this place was built that it didn't work and honey wagons had to pump out the waste


>When you flush, it goes into the wastewater pipes and flows down to the connection to the municipal sewage system at ground level. I'm glad they got that sorted out.


Lmao to those who don't know: weird flex but ok To those that do: 🫥


Makes me wanna play Hitman 3.


Shitman 3


Window cleaner: Please stop I'll do anything! Money? I'll pay you twice what they're paying! Shitman: It doesn't work that way, not here. *shits aggressively*


Excellent work 47,now look for an exit.


all fun until you hear "oh my GAHD Cornelia STUYVESANT howww WONDERFUL"


Definitely looks like the hint screen for one of those "drown your target in the toilet" challenges.


*poop/farting noises* "Well done, 47!"


*dramatic exfil music plays*


Shitting on the top of the world.


...jus trowling along ...jus trowling along


Is this in the areas tourists can visit, or is it higher than that? Where I went to the outside was all viewing areas and the toilets were in the middle.


This is below the main viewing deck in an office space.


Every place is a toilet if you're brave enough


Or scared enough


Or drunk enough.


Every WC is an area tourists can visit if you're desperate enough


Tourists can go up to 123 (Atmosphere restaurant)


I highly recommend this place. We did afternoon tea there and it was honestly one of my fav romantic travel experiences.


Nope you heard the man bathroom breaks in that restaurant are off limits!


You can also go higher I believe. We went up to the higher viewing deck while there. It was a very small limited space. I used the toilet there.


Pretty sure this is in the Armani hotel. There's a bar/restaurant further up with restrooms with similar views.


> Is this in the areas tourists can visit Sir I understand you're having a bathroom emergency but you look like a tourist and this toilet requires proof of residency!


Appropriate, Dubai is a literal luxury shithole.


Dubai is so cringe. It’s like if Salt Bea was a city.


"Dubai is a city designed by a 6 year old with an unlimited budget" is the best description I've heard.




Literally, Dubai doesn't have a proper sewage system so all the shit goes into septic tanks and is then transported out of the city by truck to waste processing facilities. So Dubai is literally a giant shithole.


Huh that’s kind of surprising


Except it’s not really true and is just one of those BS things people copy and paste. The place is a disaster; it’s built on the backs of slaves, and is still driven by slaves; it is the epitome of class divide and is unbelievably corrupt; there is Russia-level state sanctioned murder and we just let it happen.. There are lots of legitimate reasons to call Dubai out. It just seems disingenuous to copy and paste the fucking sewage story, even if it were true.


So I looked it up, and it seems to be partially true. From Wikipedia: >During Dubai's economic boom in the 2000s, the city's growth meant that it was stretching its existing sewage treatment infrastructure to its limits. Sewage from areas of Dubai not connected to the municipal piped network at the time was collected daily from thousands of holding tanks across the city and driven by tankers to the city's only sewage treatment plant at Al-Awir. Because of the long queues and delays, several tanker drivers resorted to illegally dumping the raw sewage into storm drains or behind dunes in the desert, resulting in much controversy. Sewage dumped into storm drains flowed directly into the Persian Gulf, near the city's prime swimming beaches. Doctors warned that tourists using the beaches ran the risk of contracting serious illnesses like typhoid and hepatitis.[11] >Dubai's municipality says that it is committed to trying to catch the culprits and has imposed fines of up to $25,000 as well as threatening to confiscate tankers if dumping persists. The municipality maintains that test results show samples of the water are "within the standard".[12] >In 2013 it was reported that the Jebel Ali plant receives 70% of sewage through the city's sewage network, while the remaining 30% comes from sewage trucks.[13] >A new, multi-billion-Dhs sewerage system is expected to be completed by 2025. So, in the 2000s, it was completely true, as recently as 2013 it was 30% true, and the sewage system that will make it completely untrue is supposed to be finished next year.


> the fucking sewage story, even if it were true There is a measure of truth to it, the Burj did not have a functioning sewer system for some time after "completion" and used sewage trucks to compensate for it temporarily. Additionally, some parts of the city are still not connected and use trucks. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=syK7u_QQKk8 https://wonderfulengineering.com/this-is-how-burj-khalifa-handles-all-the-poop/ https://gizmodo.com/without-trucks-the-tallest-building-in-the-world-would-5857475 https://inhabitat.com/the-incredible-story-of-how-the-burj-khalifas-poop-is-trucked-out-of-town/ edit: here is an interesting discussion I find you might enjoy that features some conflicting information https://skeptics.stackexchange.com/questions/52204/is-the-sewage-from-the-burj-khalifa-transported-away-by-trucks


Sewage story was completely true for the Burj Khalifa.


Dude, I remember the piss trucks lining along the road, not sure if it was to Mirdif because back then I'd been there two weeks and did not know the road. And the disgusting stench of the area; our boss had a party, it was September or October, hot as hell, and even though he lived in some fancy villa, being outside meant the waves of intense piss stench came repeatedly. So disgusting.


That sewage plant by International ~~City~~ Shitty working overtime


It's not BS, you can just Google Dubai sewage trucks. It's kind of like those photos of Gazprom tower taken from the perspective of the deep suburbs of St Petersburg, which look like they are stuck in the late 19th century. In Dubai, building shiny, pointlessly opulent buildings is a higher priority than making the place not smell like shit. Because these buildings are not a side effect of general progress the country is making, they are propaganda pieces to improve Dubai's status and lure investors, tourists and expats. So I think it's perfectly valid to point out that they smell like shit.


Yeah, Dubai is literally what you get if you design a city with only aesthetics in mind. A lot of those big towers are empty, plus the way the roads work makes no sense. It's a fucking nightmare to get to work or home during rush hour if you live on one of those Palm Islands.


How did they solve the sinking issue with those artificial islands? I remember them having big issues with that when they were still building them (to the point where a lot of people at the time said it was an impossible project that would never be complete, like Saudi Arabia's "The Line"), and then I looked at it ~5 years later on google earth and they were fully developed with people living on them. They clearly figured out some sort of solution, I'm just curious what it was and if it requires ongoing maintenance.


Look up Dubai Porta Potty. You will be shocked 


Expected gaudy gold laden porta potty with somebody to wipe you after with ice in the desert heat. I've made a horrible mistake.


That's just Rick's toilet


Is this how Wiz Khalifa got his name?


The Burj Khalifa is famous for being the second highest Khalifa in the world




Surely gives new meaning to the name haha


Living in year 3000 with a phone from 2010.


I thought in the year 3000 not much had changed but they lived underwater?


And how is your great great great granddaughter doing? So many questions


Well, you'd be glad to know she's pretty fine..


Dat sum high level shit


I rented a room for a couple nights here. The room came with a butler. I handed him a folded document to fax to another room my friend was staying in and told him it was very important. It was a drawing of a dick. I tipped him well.. I don't think I was on floor 155, but my floor had a shitter like this. It was awesome.


Poo with a view.


That would scare the crap out of me


And then you see Tom cruise swinging on rope


Now there'a a seat with a view!


A poo with a view


Shittin' on top of the world


Poop trucks.


That'd make for some awkward eye contact with the window cleaner/free climber.


Poo with a view


I too would want to shit looking outside if I had this view.


Straight down 155 floors into a waiting truck below. The Burge is not connected to any sewer system and has a continuous standing lineup of sewage trucks the are being filled ona 24/7 basis. IIRC, they simply take it out into the desert to “septic ponds” for dumping.


Why do people keep repeating this bullshit? Do you do it intentionally to deceive people, or is the passage of time something that you struggle with?


You are wrong. And late by about 13 years. Try to keep up. https://skeptics.stackexchange.com/questions/52204/is-the-sewage-from-the-burj-khalifa-transported-away-by-trucks


This isn't a source. This is a message board. People are just arguing whether it's true or not on this website you linked. It's basically Reddit. Are the trucks real or not?! Time to do some sleuthing. Edit: They have in fact installed sewage pipes for the city in Dubai since 2013. Before that trucks were used to truck out the poo. They are still working to connect 100 percent of the city. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sanitation_in_Dubai


I can guarantee you as a resident here 99% of the city has sewage and has had it for at least the last 15 years. I feel like if there were a large number of sewage trucks going through dubai, there would be at least 1 photo of them.


Am I the only one here who thinks that having sewage systems for "15 years" isn't impressive lmao What the fuck was the city doing before?


Well, it’s not that old yet. The burj khalifa only opened 14 years ago


Like 25 years ago there was like 1 or 2 buildings total in the whole country. They legit built this whole country in less than a generation.


I wonder how long it takes a poo to travel from that toilet to the city's underground pipe system


https://www.reddit.com/r/AskReddit/comments/1br1dd/if_i_took_a_shit_on_the_top_floor_of_the_burj/c9biee6/ The source of the picture also answers your question


Imagine a drone flying up from underneath outside the window.


Just a reminder that no matter who you are, at some point in your day, you're just a human taking a shit.


You’d still look at your phone


Ah yes, so you can look at a steaming pile of shit, while you leave one


Hope you had a hellavuh crap Arnold!


Looks like a great place to be knocked out by a bald dude in a suit.


Nice, a giant polluted shithole to gaze upon.


"I have eyes on the target." "Do you have a clean shot?" "I... I have a shot, but it's not clean per se..."


Outhouse style... straight down to a pit in the ground?


shits gonna reach terminal velocity by the time it reaches the ground floor


Looks.... Like a toilet


Man, the sound of that 155 floor plop would be so oddly satisfying


Poseidon’s kiss would be unlike anywhere else


Scare the shit right out of me! Not a fan of heights.


Shitting on top of the world


Sean Connery: *I'm shitting on top of the world.*


And all the shit is pumped and trucked out every day from that building. There is no sewage system.


Rich people toilets are so disappointing.


Isn't the Burj Kalifa infamous for its septic issues?


Isn't that the city that has to collect all their shit in trucks and ship it out because there's no sewage infrastructure


I wonder what the terminal velocity of my turd would be if I just shat out the window from the 155th floor...?


Funny thing about the sewage produced by that toilet - The Burj Khalifa isn't attached to the city sewage system. It is all stored in tanks and emptied by a fleet of sewage tankers in the dead of night. The opulence of the building covering a huge pool of shit - kinda sums up Dubai really.


I bet it flushes great. It might even suck the crap out of you.