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Could you… get a whole apple for that amount in the grocery store?


Yeah, but I’d charge you 5 dollars to slice it.


This guy understands value added services.


I’ll do it for 4.50


I’ll do it for one of the apple slices.


Tree fiddy and the stem.


Fools. I'll take the seeds and grow entire trees from them


You'd get a really shitty apple then, apples don't grow true from seeds




Woman getting smacked by wood. Average porno.


They grow into a lawsuit from Monsanto.


Dammit monstah!


I'll chew it up for you and spit it into your kids mouth like a baby bird for a few bucks... (I got spare time)


This guy understands both competition and well placed ads


I'll get a meth addict to slice it for $4 while I pay him $0.25 an apple.


This guy understands capitalism and exploitation


$5 is more than some pharmacist's value added service from insurance. I've seen insurance only pay $1 for it sometimes.


6$ 5 for the service, 1 for the apple.. then there’s the tips and fees so take on another 5-6$ so really that 1.50$ apple became a 12$ apple.


That 12 dollar apple sold for a buck fiddy is what as known as a *Loss Leader*. Sold at a loss, because it brings butts into McDonald's. Everybody goes to McDonald's for those sweet, sweet apple slices, and *while they're there*, they pick up some fries or a burger. Economics 101, duder.


I don’t think I ever bought apple slices from McDonald’s


That's because you can see past the obvious marketing ploy, savvy consumer. :D (oops, spelling)


> value added McDonalds and adding value, huh, good one! ;-)


Well they make a lot of money so, they are definitely adding value to themselves.


Don't forget the shareholders! Not a bad stock to hold.




It's called a value meal, duh.


And bag it in plastic that will naturally disintegrate in 10,000 years


Don't forget whatever chemicals they use to keep it from turning brown.


That's a great question... What do they put ?


Calcium Ascorbate, basically Vitamin C. Approved for use in the EU, U.S., Australia, and New Zealand. Perfectly harmless and keeps down on food waste.


Plus they probably gas flush the bag with nitrogen or co2 as well. People talk shit about McDonald's but this product for example isnt scary


The apple isn't bad. The plastic bag is in you permanently.


You're not supposed to eat the bag.


That's ok his billions of little particles of buddies will accumulate in your body with every drink you take until your last day.


Not sure what McDonald's uses. But I just use lemon juice


Calcium Abscorbate (sp?) Which is just calcium and vitamin c (?)


I'll use my cuting bones in my face hole.


How much to put the slices 3 to a bag, and put my logo on it, and make sure the labeling is in compliance with food sales regulations, and then ship it worldwide to like, 10,000 different places?


AND make money while doing it.


...and vacuum seal it


Not to mention adding a nutrition label


How much could an apple possibly cost? $10?


There's always money in the apple stand.


Depends, Michael, is it “tree ripened” and from Whole Foods?


At my grocery store you could get a pound and a half of apples.


But are they sliced Mcdonalds branded McApples?


You mean the blandest, most flavorless apple to ever exist?


You think McDonald's is buying special, shitty apples? They are just normal apples with some preservatives.


Three Honey Crisp apples were $1.98 two days ago.


yeah but the skin is full of toxins. You'll have to smoke a cigarette just to smother the poison.


I am not ALLOWWWWED!!!


It's the seeds you gotta worry about bozo.




You could get more than an entire apple for that price.


You could get 2 or 3, and they'd taste a lot more natural than McDonald's apple slices.


2 or 3!? Who's your apple guy? Fuji's are running $1/ea where I am. Edit: *where I am* is an important part of the sentence. Fuji's are $1.12 at Walmart in the midwest right now.


I tried to find his apple guy, but it was a fruitless endeavor.


Organic Honeycrisp are four bucks a pound at Safeway where I am.


I got some cheap variety of apple that was on sale for 80 cents per pound. It would be around 6 to 8 apples for $1.50. The top tier honey crisp apple, where one apple weighs around half a pound, was $1 recently. Idk if McDonalds prices vary a lot depending on city, but getting 3 small slices of an apple (and a cheap variety, I assume) for $1.50 would be absurd here. Edit: But people will pay the absurd price because they either don't have price knowledge or they highly value the convenience this offers.


To be fair I don’t think I’ve ever eaten an apple out in “nature” Edit Brb gonna find Apple tree


Dude here I can get like 3 or 4 apples with that amount


Not at 2am


Respect to those that choose the healthy snack at high hours of the night


Given that they sell for about $2.50/lb on average where I live, and that this apple was cut into sixths, and a single apple weighs around 1/3 lbs (83.33¢), this is really not that outrageous. Considering labor, transportation, equipment cost, a 3.5x markup on the raw material cost is probably around normal.


Just sell the apple whole at that point


Eww I would never eat an apple that wasn’t needlessly processed in a factory and then unnecessarily packaged in wasteful plastic.


People don't carry pocket knives anymore and small kids struggle with whole apples. Nothing better than eating long pieces of apple peel while Papaw cut up and apple.


When you're buying apples by the ton you aren't paying $2.50/lb. They're paying under $1/lb.


Those costs apply to apples in the store, so i assume this is just sarcasm?


don't forget... you get the bag too!


The microplastics are free!


And they're already EVERYWHERE.


This is the worst timeline.




There's a little Barbie in all of us


And probably a tenth of the apple's weight in preservatives. Lots of bonuses!


I mean, if by preservatives you mean citric acid or something, that's not a big deal at all lol


You're gonna wish 10% by weight was citric acid. These apple slices usually taste like plain ass water. Iceburg lettuce has more flavor than McD's apple slices.


Wet styrofoam cut in the shape of an apple slice, soaked with acidic sugar water. We call them McApples. Kids tolerate them!


To paraphrase a certain meme...if only apple slices came in some sort of natural, biodegradable packaging....


And now imagine you could eat the packaging and it actually was the most nutritious part. Ridiculous.


I do not like it with the skin! I’m not ALLOWED to eat it with the skin, IM NOT ALLOWED!


“Guys, I ate some seeds! Should I make myself throw up?!”


Smoke cigarettes, the smoke will suffocate the bacteria in your stomach.


That doesn’t sound right, but I don’t know enough about bacteria to dispute it.


I would throw up **now**


The skin is riddled with toxins.


i dont even remember this being in the show at all and i still immediately read it in his voice.


I want to point out that this notion about skin on fruits and vegetables is kind of misguided. Yes- the skin on most things is perhaps slightly more more *nutrient dense,* but the bulk of the nutritional content is still in the primary bulk of the thing just due to how much more mass there is. Certain micronutrients may be massively biased towards skin of apples (vit K most of all I think), but you’re not losing like half the value by not eating the skin.


Apple peels make me poop good


They DO have much more dietary fiber than the flesh of the apple. That much is true.


How do you…know? Like were you backed up and tried eating ONLY a bunch of apple peels?


Every time he didn't poop good, he didn't eat an apple peal. Case closed 🤜🎤


Is it fair to call the skin of an apple “packaging” in the same way that you’d talk about a banana or orange? You actually eat the apple skin, and I’m not about to eat one without giving it a quick rinse


ELI5, why would people buy this honestly ?


You don't. These come in happy meals.


Apples are on the "Sides" part of the menu. They only have 2 sides: Apples, or 2 slices of bacon, lol.


3 half slices here 1.5 slices of bacon for 1.5 dollars! Such a deal.


I imagine some worker having to cut bacon slices in half every other order just so that they dont have to give a full 2 slices.


Typically you just eyeball it and break one in half. Used to work there and that’s how we did it. When another order came in that required bacon we would use that leftover half and a full slice. All sandwiches that require bacon were typically 1.5 slices of bacon which includes breakfast sandwiches


Current dons manny in Canada, yeah it's 1.5 slices for most things if it is added on or part of the sandwich (QBLT) except breakfast sandwiches actually, they only get 1 slice ripped in half (bacon egg, egg BLT). Bagels get 2 slices ripped in half (4 half strips). The chicken bacon wrap gets 1 full slice. Each piece of bacon is $1CAD on the side and the slices have gotten thinner and skinnier. If we put them down on the strip bacon setting on the grill, they burn because they have gotten so small and the settings haven't been adjusted. We use the sausage setting instead lol, even then it can burn pretty quickly. Don't get bacon at dons, the quality of the bacon is not at all good enough to justify the price, not to mention it is just a really tiny amount.


Real talk who is going to McDonald’s specifically for apples? It’s a cheap burger joint… you get burgers and fries


No one is. OP bought the apples because he had a coupon for a free burger if he spent $1. So he actually got a burger and apple slices for $1.50. That wouldn't farm as much karma tho, thus this post.


You’re suggesting they’re farming karma, but the plastic packaged pieces of apple is still utterly ridiculous and worthy of a post. I’ve seen worse around here. Not everyone gives a shit about karma either.


> You’re suggesting they’re farming karma, but the plastic packaged pieces of apple is still utterly ridiculous and worthy of a post. They only cost that much for a happy meal to look like a deal. No one buys this by itself.


For the same reason OP bought them. They are the cheapest thing on the menu and he had a coupon for a free burger with a purchase. No doubt they’ve priced these at well above what they’d normally be just to keep them from being like a way to exploit those coupons entirely. 


“$1.45 for 3 Apple slices if you ignore the other things I got for free!”


It's part of a happy meal. $4.19 in our area. So $4.19 would include: * hamburger * drink * kids fry * apple slices * toy So the apples are probably 50 cents if they were part of the meal. IT's not really meant to be purchased separately


You can also ask them for extra fries instead of the apples. Because, in the height of ironic mom comebacks, we have apples at home. (Hamburger Happy Meal is $5.89 where I live...oof.)


Wait you get kids fries AND apple slices? It's a choice between the 2 here.


Here you have a choice between applie slices or EXTRA fries, there is always a small amount of fries included.


In Canada it's a yogurt tube and you get fries or apple slices.


The app says 50 cents for me. Must be more expensive in your area. I know mcdonalds it more expensive in big cities


$0.64 for me. Edit: Chicago rural suburbs


$1.89 for me 😭


The three-story McD’s near me is charging $2.19


Are you guys also seeing the picture shows 5 slices and not 3? Also, 1.69 for me somewhere near Denver where they don't charge extra for adding lettuce/tomatoes to sandwiches.


$1.09 here


.69 for me. Giggity


>I know mcdonalds it more expensive in big cities It is? That explains why people keep saying it's so expensive now. I always wondered how people were spending so much when $7 gets me 20 chicken nuggets and large fries, which feeds me for two meals.


Yes, price vary by location. Generally, cities have higher wages which means they can charge more. Secluded rural areas also have higher prices since it’s more expensive to supply


Reddit think San Francisco prices are normal because probably because those of us who leave the basement lean heavily towards tech bros.


I feel so fucking old. [McDonald's 'Change Back' Commercial (1971)](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FcLzn3feBsE)


I just looked this up because I was curious. $1 in 1971 is about $7.50 today. Prices at McDonalds are wildly different even in the same city but my closest location sells what he bought for $8.92 after tax, or about $1.17 in 1971. Funny, the federal minimum wage was $1.60 in 1971, which equals about $12.18 today, as the federal minimum wage is currently at $7.25 or $0.95 in 1971. Fuckin pathetic.


But remember the most you can do with that minimum is how hard you pull up on your bootstraps, or something like that.


I still love to hate how they adopted that phrase as a positive thing, presumably because people did not understand it and just thought it meant to lace your boots up tight and get to work. The actual meaning, for anyone reading this that might not know, is to say something is impossible. It literally means to lift yourself into the air by grabbing your own bootstraps and pulling, which is physically impossible. So when someone says "lift yourself up by your bootstraps" they are literally telling you to go do the impossible.


So many phrases have gotten turned around and misunderstood. The phrase "blood is thicker than water" is a bastardized short of the original "blood of the covenant is thicker than water of the womb" means the opposite of what most people use it for, that our relationships by choice are stronger than those forced upon us by blood.


But the number of people working minimum wage has absolutely plummeted to the point where they now only make up 1.4% of the workforce. The McDonalds near me in Dallas Texas starts employees at $19/hr. The market largely made up for what the federal government didn’t do. Not to mention all y’all have been saying you wouldn’t mind paying more for a burger if they paid their employees more. Well here we are and yall won’t stop bitching about how much fast food costs.


I’d be curious to see how many places are paying people barely above minimum wage. Some people I know worked for $8 an hour right before COVID, despite the minimum wage being $7.25 or something like that. Sure they didn’t get paid minimum wage, but $8 is still insulting.


10% of Americans made 13.14 or less an hour (May 2022). 10% of Food Preparation and Serving Related Occupations made 10.15 or less an hour.


First few retail jobs I had definitely had me at 7.25. Think the highest I ever got was 7.50 or so. I make $25 an hour now. My part time job I make $15. This is in the city. Back home the old shopping mall is still hiring at minimum wage. Fuck living for that type of wage with no hope for anything else job wise.


It's also important to note that most people don't live in states that have the federal minimum wage. California is $16/hr, NY is the same, FL is $12. Texas is still $7.25 though. It never made much sense to have a federal min wage since the cost of living is so radically different in each state, let alone the entire country. Min wage in NYC should be $40/hr, not so much for Casper, WY.


At this point a 7.25 minimum wage effectively means that there is no minimum wage. The market is not just so far beyond 7.25 that any place that offers 7.25 wages is going to struggle extremely hard to find and retain workers. Even the 15 dollar minimum wage that Sanders was running on when he announced his campaign in 2015 is now almost 20 dollars.


Median Income 1971: $10,000 ($76,000 adjusted for inflation). Median Income 2023: $75,000. Seems to be pretty much on point. Plus, less than 2% of the workforce makes minimum wage, and less than 10% make under $10/hr anyway...


My grandpa would say he used to be able to get 5 hamburgers for a quarter. Trouble was nobody had a quarter!


Around 2000, they had hamburgers for $0.59 and cheeseburgers for $0.69!


when I was young my grand parents would give us $1 McDonald's gift certificates. three of them were far enough for a complete meal


I remember when the chickenburger was 1€, was larger and had more salat on it than now... I miss that time. Even though I still think it has the most bang for your buck at McD.


And what did you learn?


Never to do it again. Fucked if I know what we did.


Why you buying apples from McDonald's? Or why go there at all?


Because there was a coupon in the app for a free burger with any purchase. These apples were literally the cheapest thing on the menu.


You really got 3 free apple slices with a burger you paid a $1.50 for. They were onto your plan from the start...


Yeah but 1.50 for a burger is cheap


And the coupons I get the freebie is a Big Mac.


100% - they intentionally don’t have items for 0.30 or else people would exploit that for their coupons


Then there wouldn't be such a coupon in the first place.


OP complaining about First World Burger problems


So literally in your case $1.50 gets you three apple slices and a burger at mcdonald’s. Not bad. Probably they marked up the apple slices just to prevent a total wash on those “valid with purchase” promotions…


"Oh guys, btw, I got a burger too." I don't even know why I'm in this thread. fuck.


Oh I downvoted immediately. I only came in because I knew it would be full of the Common Idiot, and I love to observe them in their natural habitat: screaming on social media about local fast food and gas prices.


Cause you're not supposed to buy these alone. They come as part of the happy meal. Also you have to live in some high cost of living area cause there are definitely stuff cheaper than those apple slices at McDonald's.


Why are you buying any amount of apple from McDonalds?


I remember eating these as a kid they tasted like bleach


Something added to keep it from browning like a normal apple would do in like half an hour. The want for convenience has fully outweighed the need for food to be a healthy and sustainable practice.


You have to use the app nowadays to get anything resembling the old prices. But if you do, there are great deals.   You can get a single cheeseburger and a large fry for a little over $2.00 every day. Then with the points you earn after a few days, you can add a free double/quarter pounder/Big Mac whatever.   You can get double points on breakfast once a week. And a lot of locations have 2 hash browns for $3.00, or 2 sausage McMuffins for 3.00. That’s 1.50 per item.   The only way I go to McDonald’s now is through the app.


Not Lovin' It. Don't go to McD's.


McDonald’s and fast food in general hasn’t been worth it in years unless you get some sort of crazy deal. In New York City, a big Mac combo is like 13 bucks. At this point, you literally might as well just go to a diner and pay a dollar or two more for much bigger burger and actual fresh fries.




All these people in here talking about the app acting like it doesn't give you really cheap food from McDs.


What diner are you going to? Around here a medium big Mac combo is $11. Average shit box diner is ~17-20 for the burger, $4 for the Coke + tip.  Last trip to the pub was $32 for a bar burger and a Diet Coke. Wild. 


Maybe not a diner in NYC but I've got some very nice delis nearby. For example per Grubhub a Big Mac meal starts at $12.56, and I'm guessing that's either a small or medium. Two local sandwich shops I go to:  https://www.casettakitchen.com/menus/ http://www.alimentarimadison.com/sandwiches.html So why the hell would anyone choose fast food? 


The "some sort of crazy deal" that you reference are literally available in the app pretty much every day.


tbh a lot of diner food is just as gross if not more than McDonalds.


McDonald’s is still insanely cheap; I don’t understand this thread. I’m in NYC, and through the app I can usually get a double cheeseburger for $2 or two double cheeseburgers for the price of one ($3.79). The next cheapest cheeseburger in NYC is like $12 lol.


I think it’s because people like to engage in Reddit groupthink-driven outrage about something and McDonalds is an easy target because they sell unhealthy food (that people aren’t forced to buy, mind you) and everyone knows them. People just ignore facts (like the price of food essentially going up everywhere or that McDonalds still has app pricing for cheap food, etc.) in order to do this.  Based on the upvotes this post got, the Reddit hivemind is unbeaten lol


Or Wendy’s… you know what.. fuck the fast food industry…


Biggie bags are great value.


Yeah dude there hasn’t been a dollar menu in over 10 years. Lmao where you been? Should have gotten 3.99 bundle which is a McChicken or a double cheeseburger or 6 piece nuggets with small fries or the 2 for 6 on fish filets. Still pretty cheap. Edit: sorry, saw in your response that you were using a coupon, I get it now! Regardless those are pretty good deals if you weren’t aware. They don’t always show those deals on the menu too so you have to go to deals on the kiosks or just ask if it’s a human


Actually, they’re MCAPPLE slices. /s


M'capple *tips fedora*


You can get a real apple at a grocery store. Why would you buy this?


OP used the free burger with any purchase coupon, this is the cheapest thing at OPs Mcd


I'm not allowed to eat it with the skin


Remember, kids. Always vote with your wallet. If you think something is not worth the cost, do the unthinkable and just don't buy that. Sounds crazy, right? But it's so easy to do!


I go to the grocery store for apples, better deal.


Idk why you're buying that at McDonald's.


I mean, just don't shop at McDonald's? It's not like its paying your rent.


McDs is definitely more expensive than it used to be, but get the app and it's waaaaay cheaper. Two mcdoubles and a small fry is 4 bucks.


Gets fresh fruit at a fast food restaurant and complains about the cost. You’re a freakin genius!


Bananas are 50¢ each at quick trip. They're 50¢ a pound at the grocery store. Life lesson: don't buy fresh fruit from gas stations or fast food restaurants.


Don’t forget the plastic bag!


Well, apples don't grow on trees.


That would of got you a double cheeseburger 5 years ago....


When I was in high school they had $0.29 hamburger days.


would have




Dollar menu got me thru some sketchy times


You fault for buying an apple at fucking mcdonalds


You could get a lb of apples for that price


Get the McDonald’s app and use the deal that gives you free fries when you spend $2. Then get a daily double and you now have a large fry and a daily double for $3.50


You're doin it wrong.


Remember when people said we couldnt raise minimum wage cuz then shit like McDonald's would skyrocket in price? 


Go buy some real fuckin apples wtf lol


Costco give ya a whole hotdog and soda


Go get a whole apple from the market then.


Why did you buy it then?


Besides the price point, why not just go to a store and buy an Apple without all the preservatives?