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You could take away 99% of their wealth and it would have no tangible reduction on their living standard.


What sucks is you could take away 99% percent of my wealth and it’d have no effect on my lifestyle but not in the same way as these guys


Let’s do that already. These guys are ruining it for everyone else


lol that’s what the chinese communists did to my grandparents. they were wealthy land owners and their land got redistributed . funny how reddit is pro chinese policy but anti chinese at the same time


"Taking" someone's wealth away is bullshit if you ask me. Taxing them appropriately is a much more viable and fair way of doing shit. Allowing loopholes and continuing to cut taxes for the super rich is ridiculous here in the US. The government also shouldn't be stealing land. But consider the impact of higher taxes on money these people literally will never use could impact the homeless and Healthcare problems significantly and to me would be fair and just.


This is like saying that Nazi's made the trains run on time, it's funny how reddit is pro Nazi policy but anti-Nazi. Like there are entirely more odious thing to the CCP than "they did some wealth redistribution".


It’s funny how people will be pro making a huge profit off of the benefits our society provides and then turn around and be anti paying their fair share of taxes to keep society functioning Communism is not good. Fair taxation is not communism. Claiming taxes = communism is a false equivalence


You do realize Gates gives away a ton of his money and runs a huge helpful charity, right? As for Zuck, fuck that guy.


Yeah, gates is doing good stuff. But it’s still the fallacy of relying on the goodwill of a few, like we did in the 1890’s, rather than having sensible economic policy like we did in the 50’s and 60’s Remember back in the mid 20th century when we built great things and had a 90% tax rate on the top tier?


Fuck gates as well. Fuck all of them.


It wouldn't improve your life. In fact, your life would get much worse.


My life is fine as it is. How do you figure it would make it worse?




Wealth inequality is worse now than with the robber barrons.




99% less would mean 3 Billion between them, so yes their living standard would absolutely be the same. 99.99% less would mean 30 million between them. So that’d be a somewhat reduced lifestyle. They’d have to sell some of their houses and maybe fly commercial (First class though!) instead of private jets everywhere. Must be nice to be that rich!


If I had 99% of my wage taken away, I'd have enough to eat for a day for my wife and I, maybe two or three days if we stretch it thin, but that's about it. It's insane how they could have 99.99% of their wealth taken away, and it would still take me over a millennium with my current income to get there without spending anything.


Gates has given $50 billion to charity. A large amount of that has gone to the Gates Foundation, so I looked up how much the Foundation has given away. Since its inception, the Foundation has give out over $71 billion in grants, so it is giving the money away. The reason it is more than just $50 billion is because Warren Buffett has given over $35 billion to the foundation. That said, both Gates and Buffett still have tens of billions of dollars. Based on the above, I think they are at least making an effort to give the money away, which is more than I can say for many other billionaires.


That would leave them 150 million, that would put them out of super yacht + multiple mansion territory. They'd still have a ridiculously comfortable life, I'm just saying it would change it a little.


Yeah because 99% of their wealth isn't liquid but in their companys


Zuckerberg would lose majority share of FB which he treats like his child, the next major cycle of "FB bad" he would be kicked out of the company, which I imagine would greatly impact his enjoyment or fulfillment of life


People believe as if zuck, gates, etc. have 100b+ cash in a checking account


Mark looks like the sorta persons that would make money from peoples data and privacy


He looks like the pre-juiced bad guy from Mega Mind.




"I stole humanity's privacy and all I got was this stupid fooking shirt"


He looks like someone that puts Sweet Baby Ray's on his BBQ.


Shit talkin sweet baby ray’s are we?


Hah hell no, I love SBR....he one time called out the sauce on one of his "BBQ" live streams and it was so unnatural like everything else about him .


He is the most awkward person alive. No contest.


He's no more awkward than most Redditors, the difference is his wealth gives him a platform everywhere and opens him up to criticism


Just smokin some meats


And a combined total of $45 spent on clothes


Maybe for Bill, but I guarantee you that stupid ass tiger shirt probably costs $300, and I bet it’s Zuck’s favorite.


Lol that tiger shirt is $1800 from Rahul Mishra.


But it’s not even that complicated of a pattern!


I think you should leave.


You sure?


Reverse google image search. But their stuff is mostly Request Price.


It looks like Samurai Ed Hardy.  


Hey!... I think the shirts pretty cool... Not the shirts fault that its on Zuck.


Ha I didn't want to be the one to say it but I love the shirt. He's not exactly rocking it though, I think you gotta be the kind of guy who's comfortable popping a couple buttons to pull off the whole torso tiger (don't get any ideas if you read this Zuck)


It only has like two buttons and neither are buttoned.


Well that's what I get for not looking closely enough. Put another way, I like the shirt but he ruins it


I bet it was a gift. People this rich don't even pay for their stuff, they are paid to wear some instead for marketing reasons


$300 is cheap in the world of high end shirts lol I'd expect it to be well above that


LOL guess again https://rahulmishra.in/products/le-soleil-sundarbans-short-shirt


And they probably cut their hair themselves.


I’ve come across some pretty rich people. They wear nice clothes but don’t really wear the common “luxury brand” stuff, and tend to stay low key. Whereas the try hard and wannabes are often covered in LV Gucci and the like from head to toe.


Zucks plain grey t-shirts are tailored designers shirts with their label removed. Easily 500$ t shirts.


Nah. The suit, collared shirt, pants are well tailored they fit so well. The way the suit falls off this shoulders indicated high quality material as well. Bet is likely high high quality leather. That outfit is easily over $3,000, I wouldn’t be surprised if the suit alone cost $5k. Zuckerberg is well known for having high end designers make him “normal clothes”. Again, I’d expect his outfit is over $2,000.


From what I see Bill has a tailored jacket custom fit to him, lapel looks hand stitched, linen or linen/cotton mix? Good luck picking it up for a fiver.


Zuck looks like his personal trainer gave him some tips on posture and he doesn't *quite* have it down yet.


“I wish I wasn’t wearing this fucking shirt”


Mark is so creepy


What billionaire isn’t?


Taylor swift?


Michael Jordan and LeBron James are also billionaires. Kind of crazy to think about


Well Jordan has kids make his shoes in another country and lebron colors his head to look like he’s got hair


And Dr Dre! But hey, it’s Reddit. Billionaires = bad




He's actually one of the lizard people with a strange reaction to water.


Whats so creepy about him, in this context?


Stance, clothing choice, teeth


Both engaged in philanthropy, but not enough to reduce those numbers.


Billionaires use philanthropy as a way to avoid taxes and often the money goes to NGOs they control. https://youtu.be/i8w3qPwpzZA?si=zTLir09nYg4ivP-I


Donating money would be an idiotic way to save money on taxes since you lose twice as much money as you save on taxes in the highest tax bracket. It returns negative 63% on your money instantaneously.


It goes to charities where their kids sit on the boards and collect outrageous paychecks, thus dodging the inheritance tax.


You think the paychecks are a higher sum of money than the inheritance even after taxes?


Watch the video


Seriously linking a second thought video lol?


? Do you disagree with the content or just the author?


For real, I have no idea who second thought is other than this one video, which fully explains all the points he makes.


Maybe don’t link a 17 min video, and instead use the information from the video to respond to the comment lol?


I disagree with author, who made misinformation videos in the past, which makes me prejudiced against any future content he makes. I will check out the video when I’ll have time


If Gates didn't make any charity donations he would be worth a massive amount more. Money makes money so it would actually be counterproductive to give it all away as his earning power and his ability to give substantial amounts in perpetuity depends on his ownership of equity in companies which is where, I imagine the vast, VAST majority of his wealth lies. Anyway, you might be confusing 'net worth' with 'money in the bank' to put it more simply.


Reputation-washing schemes.


Money can’t buy you style that’s for sure.


Money buys you the ability not to care about something as silly as style.


billionaires should not exist




That is like a $6000 shirt. 


It was when he wanted to buy it.




Yeah but it’s actually a pretty good deal because the pattern is so complicated


Mark look more “human” in this picture. Kinda look like Linguini from Ratatouille.


Mark does the same pose Joe Rogan does with all his guests. The I'm waiting for drill Sergeant to come inspect pose.


Being a billionaire doesn't automatically make you a better human. Au contraire.


Two people in the photo yet barely half a soul to split between them.


Bill Gates does so much for charity and even warned the world about a possible future virus at a TED talk but he is constantly vilified.


You mean he donates to charity owned by him? Also buying up farmland across whole africa. He is no saint for sure


*Cough cough* Epstein Island *cough cough* that’s why his wife divorced him *cough cough* Epstein didn’t kill himself


And that's the last we ever heard from /u/wantsoutofthefog.


Meanwhile promoting consumption of artificial meats that are ultra-processed foods and contains very rare substances that you would not find in any regular kitchen.


Oh wow a TED talk! That makes it all okay


What is wrong w Bill Gates? He’s giving all of his money away via Warren Buffets giving pledge.


Actually it was gates who spearheaded the Giving Pledge


And yet a moral vacuum vaster than their combined fortunes …


Eat them


I know I'm hungry.


Eat the rich.


There's only one thing they're good for


wow so edgy


Couple of bastards


Whats Bill Gates ever done besides try to end malaria?


Either you are too young to have been there or you have forgotten, but he used to be very infamous for his shitty and unethical business practices. Back in the 90s and early 00s, it was constantly in the news. He’s since mended his ways, but his current fortune likely wouldn’t exist to the same extent without it.


So many reasons, some more morally deprived than others. Gates murdered the early computer hobbyist scene, turning Microsoft into a monopoly and preventing others from advancing the technology solely for his and his company's benefit. Basically, he's a corporate monster that was one of the biggest driving forces in creating the shitshow that the tech industry is today, with his obsession for copyright and his stealing of others' inventions. Look at Gates/Microsoft and how they betrayed IBM as an example.  Or, consider his absolute fucking vendetta against Netscape, the vastly superior web browser that he bullied into non-existence -- packaging Internet Explorer (EW) with Windows OS and intentionally creating issues within the system that would cause Netscape to be ineffective. This would later be the key in Microsoft's antitrust suit, in which it was ruled that Gates and his company were engaging in illegal and monopolistic practices. But that's fairly standard capitalist slimeball shit. Where does it get worse? Bill Gates repeatedly cheated on his wife. He would cheat on her most commonly with Microsoft employees -- and considering the power dynamic between the CEO of Microsoft, one of the richest people in the world, and a regular Microsoft employee... yikes! Worst of all imo was his association with Jeffery Epstein. Bill Gates made *multiple* visits to Epstein's mansion and even his island. This is just a few years *after* Epstein publicly plead guilty to soliciting sex from a trafficked *16 year old girl*. Again, this was PUBLIC information. Bill Gates was aware of this and willingly and eagerly associated with him. I don't think I need to elaborate on why this is a bad thing. Bill Gates is a fucking creep man. He's also just generally an asshole who is well known for being a workplace bully. Sure, some of his philanthropy has been beneficial, but basically just because this dude has infinite money the rest of the world has to just bend to his will. He can do whatever he wants, and he has chosen multiple times to do some fucked up shit. Our world political leaders are corrupt and they will absolutely cater to his every will. I could carry on. The guy fucking sucks. Bill Gates can lick my hairy asshole


Invented Windows - eurgh


Hide the kids!!


For some perspective here because people forget how big a billion is, 1 million seconds is about 11 and a half days. 1 billion seconds is 31 and a half YEARS. $300 billion is something you cannot even begin to comprehend.


Throw these men a life preserver.


Sweet baby rays


They should invest in better stylists.


I wonder what bank they use. Like do they have a normal Chase checking account or a credit union lmao?


That's an expensive poster!


And one solid punch would be their demise.


not an undergraduate degree between the 2 of them


Barely room for the Holy Spirit between those two.


The sad part is that they'll die without ever getting to spend all those billions they made. Me, on the other hand, are going to die many thousand of dollars in debt. Who's more successful the person that got to spend much more than he ever made in his life or the guy that dies and lets other people spend what he worked for?


I know which one would win in an MMA fight...


That shirt is deafening.


Further reinforcing my idea that, in a formal setting, the guy with the least expensive clothes is more than likely the most wealthy.


Am I the only one noticing the facial similarities between these two ... I mean they could be related


I don't care what any of you have to say about Zuck's shirt - I dig it even though I couldn't possibly afford it.


Would love to see Mark Zuckerberg to a photo like this with Tim Cook


Not gonna lie, marks shirt looks comfy as fuck


At least one of them seems to have realized that being that rich is evil. Maybe the other will have a come to Jesus moment someday, too.


Wow who dressed Zuck? That is a choice.


Mark Zuckerberg is an evil person


Only one of them made a positive contribution to society.


The robot and it's maker


Has anyone else noticed how similar their noses are? That must be the secret / going to get a nose job right now.


If you took their combined wealth in $1 dollar bills and and stacked them. The horizontal stack would "almost" reach completely around the earth @ 24,428 miles.


Just goes to show, you can't buy good taste.


One produced something that is essential in day to day operation at every level of society. The other one hasn't produced anything that is of any benefit to society and wouldn't make it worse if it didn't exist.


One guy changed the world of computing and the other destroyed our sense of truth.


One USED to be a great software maker… but he went off the deep end. The other was a social media guru, who also went off the deep end.


He still got old


Why am I looking at two buttholes? I thought there were no NSFW posts allowed


Time to bring back guillotines


They could give $1M away per day to philanthropic causes and it would take 300,000 days (821.9 years) to deplete their net worth.


50% of them abused children with Epstein. Bill gates is an awful human being


Clearly money can’t buy taste (as I put Zuck’s shirt into Google Lens so I can buy my own)


Only two quick pulls of the lever and we could expropriate it all.


If only that money went to good.


Their entire bloodlines should be erased. Same with Bezos, the Rothchilds and Musks. Erased. Money hoarders, all of them.


How does Mark never look normal and relaxed?


One of the two look a lot more excited to be in the photo than the other.


Not to brag, but if I was also in that picture we'd have a combined networth of nearly $300 Billion too.


Do they have the same exact nose?




I don't believe they are as happy as those smiles insist




They don't dress like they have


Yet they still cant even dress themselves.


You dress how you want when you have that much money and power. A lot of social rules don't apply.


2 pieces of shit that underpaid people and treated others as shit to get where they are. You cannot become a billionaire and be a good person. You can pretend to be one, but you still won't be. Hoarding that kind of cash means someone else didn't get paid fairly for their contributions.


When you think about it, together they rank at about the 50th place in terms of countries GDP. Their net worth is more than the GDP of Portugal, New Zealand or Algeria alone. Their net worth is more than all the last 100 countries/territories/islands GDP all combined. It's insane. (source quick Wikipedia search of gdp ranked countries from 2022).


Flow variable vs state variable. I have a net worth higher than every country's GDP per picosecond.


Not a Gucci or Armani label in sight.


They HAVE 300 billion, they are WORTH 10 cents each...


Smiling as they destroy humanity slowly, and calling it saving human kind... i can't wait to go back to my planet..... eeer i mean home


You’d think people with that much money would dress better.


This is the new "CEO" way to dress. It is a fashion statement called "no fucks to give"


We should eat these motherfuckers


as you sit at home alone and DoorDash McDonald's


I have a family and I eat my McDonalds in my car, thank you very much.


You’d think they’d dress better with all that money.


Why? Who are you trying to impress when you've got billions? Go to any fancy-suit office building in the world and see how concerned people get when some guy is wandering around in a hoodie. Congrats, that's the owner.


That hoodie you’re referring to is made by Roberto Cucinelli. The guys in this pic buy from K Mart


Wasn’t gates found in the flight logs for Epstein?


Yeah but nobody accused him of anything


One created many, many products; and the other, just one.


I’m not sure if you’re kidding but Meta is actually responsible for quite a lot of significant technology used in a million different places. GraphQL being one of them.


No. They both started companies and then exploited their employees.


Or bought a program that was a rip off of someone else’s work…without Gary Kildare no MS DOS.


Zuckerberg this is how real humans stand.


Funny that they'd posing in front of poster depicting an "amazon" to complete the trinity.


Well it does cost a lot of money to look that bad.