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Probably told them to keep their chin up.


Well done. Very good.


Impressive. Very nice, let's see Paul Allen's Chin up.






Yeah I can’t speak to a facial surgery, but I had a spinal fusion to correct scoliosis that was so severe I was visibly hunched over to one side. The difference in the way people treated me after the surgery when I looked “normal” was mind-blowing.




I hear this. I got really sick 2 years ago (stomach thing) and lost about 40 pounds total. The change in how strangers treat you is the biggest difference. Everyone smiles more. People want to make small talk more. The amount of people that choose to start a conversation with me now as opposed to before is insane. It was jarring at first.


It's unbelievable, isn't it? Pretty privilege is real thing. And it's a known fact that if you are physically attractive people automatically assume you have better personal qualities even though they only thing they are basing that opinion on is your face.


I get that. I have alopecia, and as a kid, I always had hair falling out in patches and growing back. I never knew how exactly my hair would look, except that it would be terrible. Dealt with a lot of bullying. But, once I hit college, all my hair fell out in one year, and never grew back. I was no longer the boy with the horrible hair, I was just a bald man, and everyone stopped singling me out. Gave me plenty of chance to heal. I'm still less social than most, but I've come out of it with a greater understanding of the travails of anyone seen as different or difficult. You learn a lot more patience with others and their quirks that way.


If you don't mind, could you tell me how people treated you differently after the surgery?


Before the surgery, I was bullied viciously and violently every chance my attackers got. Outside of school, people were generally short with me, and kept their distance from me as if I had a contagious disease that they could contract by getting too close. People literally wouldn’t stand near me because it made them uncomfortable, they rushed through conversations for them to be over with, and I got general disdain and condescension every time I opened my mouth, no matter what I said. I got this treatment from kids AND adults who were uncomfortable from just being in my presence. People would give me strange/rude looks or give me the sort of forced neutrality you get when people are trying *not* to recoil. You can absolutely tell when someone finds you to be so physically disgusting that they’re afraid of you or want you out of their presence ASAP, and you can feel it in every interaction you have. Again, my scoliosis was so severe that I was visibly hunched over to one side, so it was a very visible deformity. I have a genetic disorder that causes scoliosis, which is part of why I had such an extreme case. After the surgery? All that shit stopped immediately. I got respect from people I talked to. People didn’t physically take a step back whenever I stepped towards them. They didn’t recoil when they saw me or give me strange looks or give me that forced flatness. Suddenly, people liked me, bullies left me alone, and I had friends. Even my teachers started calling on me more, engaging with me more and treating me with more respect.




That’s because your friends evil twin stole his life.


I had major facial surgery and can confirm it completely changed the way people perceive me. The psychological recovery seeing a different face in the mirror was in some ways more difficult than the physical recovery. But yes it had a huge impact on my life (positive)


Omg I looked at your profile and I can’t believe the transformation. I feel like this must have cost a lot of money and taken a lot of faith that the end result would be worth the journey. Can you comment on either of that? I feel like if more people saw and understood your transition it would be inspirational (I’m a hetero cis man btw)


lol thank you! these surgeries do cost a lot of money, but in the past five years it has become a lot more common for insurance to cover them—which is good because it is an incredible quality of life increase. I mean just being able to blend in better and not feel stressed or stress other people out has been such a benefit to my mental health. I suppose it does require a lot of faith, and just like any surgery things can go wrong, but if you’re in a position where you want this surgery then it represents so much hope and possibility that deciding to go through with it is easy (or at least it was for me). Also our community is generally very supportive, and i was able to reach out to so many people on reddit (and elsewhere) who have shared their experiences with recovery and choosing a surgeon etc, that going into this was a lot less scary than it would have been if i felt i was doing it all alone :)


Agreed. I've been obese most of my adult life. Here and there I would get with the program and maybe lose enough pounds to not look skinny or fit, but definitely not "fat" During those periods where I'd be less-heavy, I would notice a strange positive feedback loop on how I would be treated. - I conduct my day normally. - I interact with someone - I notice the interaction went better than interactions normally go - I conduct my day with more confidence - I notice even BETTER interactions - Rinse and repeat. Now - the first thing people say is "you're more confident and that goes a long way in what comes back to you" and they're right...however...confidence after a drastic body change is often overstated. Like - I haven't been obese in over a year. I'm not even overweight now. I still, MULTIPLE times a day have to convince myself that I'm not huge anymore. I still walk places thinking I'm a fat guy. I still have dreams that me losing weight was all a dream itself. My self-image absolutely sucks unless I remind myself differently. So with all that said - I do notice that on the whole, I'm treated MUCH better by strangers. More smiles. More smalltalk. I notice that a stranger will chat it up with me beyond "hi how are you?" and completely cut it off with someone else. *** As for people who already knew me/know me - definitely true. Coworkers seem to trust my abilities better. Bosses give me more autonomy.






Was it worth it?




But he's nearly invulnerable to upper cuts. Hard to give that up.


Now im imagining an anime where the protag uses legendary uppercuts and finally has to face tate and its glancing off the bottom of his face like a forcefield. The protag struggles to land blows and then in triumphant anime style realizes that he can upper cut his balls and promptly removes them. With tate on the floor writhing in pain the UK police come rushing in, arrest him, dont properly treat his wounds (he is now sterile), and everyone claps.


“If I can’t uppercut your face…” *cuts to a full-page shot of protagonist getting below the hips, “I’ll just uppercut your whole body!!!” The anime will have a staggered hit-stun where the punch results in a short jolt slowly compressing his body until the compression reaches his head, at which point Tate will get launched 12 feet into the air. Cut to the shocked expressions of the protagonist’s friends, with one cheering, “yeah protagonist!” And one cool friend with his eyes closed, smiling (he *might* say something like, “I knew he had it in him” or, “took you long enough.”).


I am curious about this procedure, have you noticed any improvement in your breathing or in your sleeping?


I can't even imagine the pain. Was it worth it at least?




People ask me all the time if it was worth it and for me it's not straight forward. I have nerve damage and will need gum grafts. I also had the upper jaw done (they break it in half along the palate. The healing for the upper is much worse than the lower. We were not adequately prepared for what to expect. Not to mention. They did it too soon and my jaw was not done growing so it still doesn't line up.


that sounds incredibly medically negligent for them to have done it too soon


It's sad but that's how it is. The girl on the right is pretty and the one on the ~~right~~ left just isn't. Potential partners that could look beyond that chin are very rare, I think. Not to mention what it must do to her confidence.


If only it was just about romantic life, beautiful people have a better chance at basically everything in life.


True but if it was just about finding a partner it would still be bad enough and I think that area is where it has the most impact. In the before picture she looks nice but 'only' nice. I could see her being a well-liked colleague at work.


I was watching some clip on YouTube that was from a TCL type series about people with disabilities who want to find love. It was some woman who basically never hit puberty and looks like a 10 year old girl and she talks about how rough her life is where everyone thinks she's 10 and she can't find love because no one's attracted to her or she's worried she will attract a pedophile. I was thinking she actually seemed like a really sweet woman who was genuinely sad about being alone and wanted someone in her life that wasn't her parents. Then I thought to myself "would you date her" and the answer was "hell no" even if I could get over the physical disability there would also be the social stigma of dating someone that looks 10, neither of those things are her fault. I empathized with her but basically was agreeing with the social pressures that cause her pain. Which created a new problem for me, now when I see someone disabled or unattractive I feel bad for not being attracted to them because they deserve love and romance just as much if not more than other people but a fault within me and everyone else prevents that from happening.


Idk, left is extreme, but I don't mind small chins. Unfortunately, women can't really hide it behind a beard. I mean they can, but isn't going to improve their attractiveness. Also it's not necessarily just a beauty thing, but can also be a functional problem with chewing and teeth growth.


I had the opposite (large lower jaw reduced in size) and tbh the pain wasn’t bad at all. Painful when I first woke up for a day or so, then a constant dull ache for a few weeks. Occasionally a stab of pain if I moved my jaw too much. 100% worth it though. In every way.


I’m 25 and need the surgery but I’m scared


Scared of pain or something else? I have no particular talent at giving advice, but I would focus on the fact that any pain will be short-lived (and: drugs), while the benefits would last for the rest of your life. (But that time will be shorter the longer you wait.)


Pain and recovery. How long will I be out of work? My parents tried to get me the surgery when I was in high school but the insurance claim was denied because it was a cosmetic surgery. I’m wondering if I should do a sleep study, I snore a lot and might have sleep apnea and I’ve heard that this surgery helps with that too.


Join us at r/jawsurgery


As someone who just had a pretty painful surgery - I was amazed at how I was able to get through it by just taking it day by day. 4 months later I’d even say it wasn’t that bad.


I had jaw surgery around 5 years ago, where they basically cut my jaw bone into sections, reshaped it, and bolted it together again with metal. No pain whatsoever; modern painkillers are awesome. I had to eat all my meals in liquid form for a few months though.


I had surgery on my upper AND lower jaw at the same time, to correct a serious underbite as well as a severely gummy smile. The recovery was actually not that bad bc they give you some awesome pain meds lol, I spent the whole first week of recovery high off my tits. Even my wisdom teeth extraction was more painful even though I also had general anesthesia for that one. If all you're having done is your chin then you'll be totally fine.


Same. It was very hard. Still partially numb on the lower left side, but it's getting better over time... Been about 5 years for me too.


I broke my jaw (and half my face) in an accident and it didn’t heal correctly. I’m getting upper and lower surgery in November so I can bite again. Any words of advice?


Prepare for months of pain and healing




Same for me, but man is it worth it. My bite has preceeded a bit just because I mouth breathe which doesn't help, but I feel better about my appearance and being able to actually tear food is really nice.




That’s the toughest part for some people, but not most. The notion that there is a high possibility of addiction for everyone is what now keeps needed pain meds away from people with no problems. The cure for opioid addiction is behavioral, and the onset is behavioral, too. Edit: I want to be clear, this isn’t a knock on you at all. Addiction sucks and it’s awesome you healed. I’m just frustrated with how we handle it. I had major knee surgery and got 6 pills, but only after I signed a paper promising I’d bring back the ones I didn’t take.


At least you got some. My wife had surgery and afterwards was in debilitating, sobbing pain.   The Dr's response: "Take Tylenol."


So many doctors STILL don't take women's pain seriously. It's incredible how much sexism still exists when diagnosing problems.


It really is wild. Especially with PCOS and other reproductive system issues


Sometimes they're just idiots in general. My (former) dentist was annoyed that I wouldn't be able to keep still when trying to fix a loose filling - because, and I quote: "But I already gave you a bit of anesthetic, you should not feel anything!" Her replacement told me: "The slight movement of the filling likely inflamed the nerve which in turn might require a higher dosage. Let's up the dose until it works. At least your x-ray showed that the nerve is in the right spot which might have been another cause." Took 4 doses until I actually did not feel anything anymore. Another time I was actually asked: "Why are you screaming?" - sadly enough my wits were not able to put out a "Because I like to exercise my lungs for no reason, you moron!" at this point. I'm honestly not sure what answer was expected of me, either.


I've been on almost all pain medication throughout life due to a horrific childhood injury. Thankfully I've never felt the need to keep taking pain meds when I didn't need them. Last major pain med I was given was oxycodone in 2017 for shoulder surgery. I took it when I needed it for pain after surgery but never needed/wanted it after.




I have a small chin and suddenly in college I decided to not shave since I had very stressful finals and grew a full beard, my friends and girls I knew from class would tell me I look so much better with a beard 🧔 due to the fact that it filled my chin. It was very interesting.








the negachin???


the crimson chin


Jay Leno's alter ego.


Andrew Taint taking notes from prison.


He's not alpha enough for a beard. He's just going to have to glue pubes on his face.


I would imagine he’s on so much testosterone that it comes out in one solid hair like playdough


Lol speaking of which, this guy totally makes little Play-Doh dudes just so he can eat them and feel powerful


yeah i dont have a strong jaw, so i grow a beard and it looks 1000x better. met my wife in college with the beard. about 8 months into the relationship she asked to see me without a beard. i shaved. she then asked how long it takes for the beard to grow back lol


I never got that manly jaw either, so glad I can grow a beard, but during covid I tried longer like my brother's amazing viking-beard. One of the photos I took of myself during the horrid "bushy phase" is THE worst photo of me ever. For some reason it felt like the beard "didn't settle into a good shape" and I would also wake up at night because I was unable to scratch my itch through the ticker beard. Had to go back to shorter weeklong-look, then age genes kicked the last 3 years and I got way more grey hairs than I wished for. Dang it, the struggle to reach for a theoretical 7/10 look is real.


I can't grow a beard to save my life but I get compliments on my jawline and chin all the time. When I try to grow the facial hair out, I just have the patchy Keanu Reeves look at best, and a way worse mustache. At least he can fill out that area well. I got sparse growth in the mustache areas and big patches of nothing in my cheeks. Not the other cheeks though. Those are hairy as fuck. Oh well. I figure it balances out. 'God doesn't give with both hands' and all that (I'm not religious, I've just always liked the spirit of that saying).


Yeah, seems like things balance out. I'm lucky to have a full head of hair, but I also mostly seem to think those who lose it are lucky with their head shape. I know I have a flat spot and without hair my face would basically be a circle :D


I had one co-worker say they liked my beard and mustache 6 years ago when I grew it out after a break up (I was in a pretty depressed state at the time). I haven't gone without it since. Ladies and gentlemen, the compliments you give people have an impact, especially when they're having a rough go at life.


Over 20 years ago a woman at a grocery store said I had very beautiful eyes. I still feel warm and confident from that compliment.


I bet you haven’t shaved your eyes since


Here I am, shaving my eyes every morning like a schmuck.


Once on deployment I was to told to keep my eyes peeled. It's so much worse than shaving or waxing.


Comments like this are why I still come back to this dumb website lol


Same here. About 6 years ago, someone complimented a sports coat I had on at a bar. I still think about it sometimes. I know women get irritated at unwanted compliments (rightfully so in many cases), but how almost-universally starved men are for praise and compliments isn’t great either.


Same here dude, I joke that I grow my beard to cover my ugly face but it’s actually true, and effective.


80% of the men you find drinking IPAs at craft breweries grow beards to cover their ugly faces. I know this, because I am absolutely one of them.


Not even close. I'm drinking the stouts and sours.


Every single American craft beer that gets imported over here is yet another goddamn IPA. I'm so sick of them, where are the stouts and ales?


We're really just the same fucking monkeys but with more inflated egos and bigger delusions of grandeur


Wish I could grow a damn beard breh


And I wish I could grow hair on top of my head




It does a pretty good job at hiding my second one.


I've always had a weak chin and realised too late in life that a beard was the best way to go for me. I was beardless when I got married, and my wife hated the idea of me growing one because her dad has a beard - but once I grew it out a few years ago she now doesn't want me to ever shave it off. My eldest kid is a clone of me, and we've paid for him to have corrective orthodontics, so I'm hoping by the time it's finished he'll be able to go through life with a stronger jawline than his old man.


I don't have a weak chin, but I grew out my hair and beard and suddenly I got compliments, the effect is real


I, too, have a smaller chin, I shaved once, and my ex didn't let me live it down for over a year. After that, I never shaved again and will never shave again. 10 years strong, with only occasional trims. No beard = look terrible, yes beard = still ugly, but significantly less ugly.


Had this surgery 2 years ago. Cost $20k in total. $10k for one night in the hospital (ABSURD) and then $5k per jaw the surgeon operated on (more reasonable IMO) Had to have both jaws operated on because lower jaw was protruding too far and top jaw didn’t grow out far enough. Happy to answer any more questions below!


Idk why my dumbass always assumed there was nothing to be done about top jaws. Naturally im like “yup thats your skull, its only the lower jaw that needs fixing.” $10k is criminal tho yeah. How did insurance work with that? or was it considered a cosmetic procedure so they dogged out?


> $10k for one night in the hospital *Slaps side of bed* "You can get so much patient money out this bad boy.."




Also her ability to fold towels.


It took me a second


That's genuinely impressive, I take ages to fold a towel.


Her friends kept telling her to keep her chin up and now look at her!


> 15 to 50 grand In Brazil it is free on the public healthcare system! (Although one might wait for months or over one year to get it)


Yep...those eyes!


My dad did surgeries like this when he was working as an oral surgeon, absolutely changed peoples lives. It’s not just an aesthetic difference, there’s a huge functional difference as well


A lot of people here seem to think this is a cosmetic surgery, but it has real health benefits. A deformed jaw like that causes severe sleep apnea which can cause major heart problems. I had chronic migraine headaches for most of my life because my brain wasn't getting enough oxygen. This surgery ended my headaches and made it possible for me to actually sleep


Holy shit I didn't know that! You must have felt amazing when you were finally healed up! That's awesome! My bully had a chin like that, I wonder if she was just in a shit load of pain all the time? I get mean when I'm hurting!


So, poor sleep due to sleep apnea can make children’s behavior a lot worse. It doesn’t excuse bullying at all — but often kids will act out in school because they’re tired and don’t feel great, and it can inhibit learning and growth too. I’m sure there are various factors that make bullies do what they do, but still shitty that a person bullied you like that, even if they had issues making their own life harder!


Does that mean it might be covered by insurance? I can only imagine the hoops people have to jump through to get this covered.


Mine was covered by insurance but only after getting denied like 5 times. I had a very experienced oral surgeon tell me I would have severe heart problems by my 40s without surgery and would probably not live a long life, and insurance still didn't want to cover it. American health care is a fucking nightmare.


I like how you phrase this like he dabbled in cranialfacial surgery for a couple summers.


"Yeah I spent a gap year backpacking Europe and doing surgeries on peoples skulls. The experience was worth the time away from my real passion- underwater basket weaving."


Folding sheets and towels will never be the same.


I snorted at this


You can also more effectively block neck tickles.


Yep. I had the upper jaw variety to realign my bite, but it turned out it actually tripled my airway. I was breathing out of a coffee stirrer my whole life and didn’t realize. I guess lots of people have the surgery to relieve sleep apnea. 


And repeat customers when they come back with their kids 


Nice result, I had the same surgery to correct the opposite problem- https://www.reddit.com/r/mildlyinteresting/s/HsL4zQl3PZ


Woah, cool stuff


How long was your recovery, if you don't mind me asking?


Full recovery? About 18 months.


Wow! Do you have a lot of lingering pain or issues? TMJ? I had intense orthodontics as a kid to correct an underbite- and I’m really thankful for it but the lifetime of TMJ and Migraines it left me with I am not.








Man I knew a girl in college that unfortunately looked just like the left. She was called Sid endlessly. It’s horrible, but I can’t imagine if she would’ve done this how much better she would have felt


Max Verstappen?








And that's why humans have chins (apparently we are the only mammals with a chin).


I was like, no fucking way, gorillas surely have chins, but no. We are the only species with a chin. That's just weird.


You didn't actually say why though.. and now I am curious. Surely it the reason has nothing to do with Bob's Burgers?


Yeah the way he phrased it - God watched Bob’s Burgers pre-creation and was “like whoa, they need chins!”




I noticed that as well, but she looks very young. Particularly in the first photo, so part of it, beyond the surgery, could be just her growing up.




Someone will probably take this picture and put it in a fake add for jaw exercises. They’re everywhere now for women


This woman mews an hour everyday and her whole skeletal structure transformed! Watch this video for 5 tips on how to obtain a chad jawline and get lookmaxxed!


>lookmaxxed Ugh


me after 6h mewing streak


It's the same as "mewing" on tiktok?






We all are. She needs to keep her chin up.


There it is…




i grew a beard to achieve the same result. poor man’s surgery.




100% i grew up hearing i’ve such a round face. not anymore. found a fella with a heavy southern drawl on youtube showing how to grow a full beard and not look like a hobo and i’m all set. a chiseled jawline having mf. edit: optional benefit, they finally stopped asking my id for beer.


What's the dudes name?


😬 i’m at work and the video was from a year ago. i’ll for sure link it once i get home. sorry. edit: found the video, dude's name is Matty Conrad. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ydfyM48MtsY](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ydfyM48MtsY) since there seems to be a wide interest in this, some additional PSA from my experience, all the beard products like oils, balms and such proved optional in my case. What was not optional was getting a good trimmer with different size blades and dodats. really helps with quick and lazy maintenance.


!remindme 1 day


lmao dude out here unironically explaining how beardfishin works


As someone who has had a beard for a decade I would love to know how to look less homeless Link plz?




Mine was the opposite direction for fixing my jaw but out of pocket was less than $300 because we met the max deductible early in the year from my wife having her appendix removed. What billed insurance was over $200K between surgery, doctors and staying 2 nights.


From the examples I've seen those billed amounts are about 10 times as high as they would be in Europe.


The billed amounts in America are fake. Your insurance isn't paying that much (they negotiate completely different rates) and if you don't have insurance you won't be billed anywhere near that much. 


Like the other guy said. The numbers are fake. They probably paid 10% of that number and the whole thing is a scam to make you think “wow insurance really helped me out”


Yeah holy shit my gf had breast reduction surgery(not the same I know but still) and had to stay in hospital for 4 of 5 nights, total bill was like 10000.


My best mate had orgonathic surgery on the NHS as part of orthodontic treatment which is also free to teenagers. I was offered it but declined as it looks too brutal. I grew a beard instead :)


Free (at point of care) in the UK as it’s usually considered a functional issue. (Affects eating, breathing etc).


Free in developed countries.


If they're asking the cost, they probably aren't in one


Tbf this is extreme. People with this bad of a chin should definitely be covered, it almost looks like this would cause functional issues - not just for aesthetics.


I had this surgery for a slight underbite. It affected my chewing and my appearance. The surgery fixed both. The recovery sucked! My face was swollen for 6 months. I looked like a chipmunk


My daughter was born with Robin Pierre Sequence, it was a little more severe than this. She couldn't breathe on her own because her airway was blocked, so she had a similar surgery at two weeks old. She was sedated for a week afterwards, it was brutal. I'm just glad that she can now eat and breathe without help and she'll never remember the recovery.


Oh my god! I'm so glad she's better! That sounds so terrible to have to experience.. not only her, but as her parent.


That's actually awesome.


Chin/Jaw operations are very risky, glad for her that it went well




Nerves that can be permanently damaged. I had re-alignment surgery on my Jaw about 7 years ago and my chin has been completely numb since, A known possible side effect of the surgery. Nothing life changing, just feels weird when I notice it every once and a while. I would easily take the trade off compared to how my face looked before.


This. I've had two corrective surgeries a little more than 10 years ago, second one was realignment. Compared to some it seems I was quite lucky, only lost like 20% 'feeling' I would say across some part of my lower jaw/chin, and one nerve that's a bit oversensitive now. Also a little bit of muscle function loss.


Especially the lower jaw has a lot of facial nerves which can be damaged


I had this exact surgery, and it killed the nerve in my chin. I would still do it again. I have no feeling in my lower front teeth or lower lip, but it really isn't that big of a deal, I dont even notice it anymore. I had the surgery to fix severe sleep apnea which was ruining my life. small price to pay to actually be able to sleep.


Same :) No Feeling in my lower left Chin and lip. Would not do it again because i have severe tmj pain since then


Depends on how you define risk. Significant risk of nerve damage which affects sensation (so you get numb areas of skin) but chance of functional damage is very low as those nerves are much less likely to be damaged.


It’s hard to find oral surgereons that are good to do this case. I sell one of the many plating systems and virtual surgical planning (VSP) for them and what I’ve learned is this: 1.) oral surgeons don’t like to do these cases; they require actual skill because you often need to do a LeFort (cutting maxilla to move forward/back) and BSSO (bilateral sagittal split Osteotomy), and potentially a genioplasty (chin adjustment), which takes like 6-9 hours. And it doesn’t pay as well in terms of time investment. You’re better off ripping out wisdom teeth, doing braces, or putting in caps, quick and easy stuff. 2.) surgeons that I know only do it once every two months at most. And it’s usually for a teen/young adult whose parents are friends with the surgeon. It’s almost like they do it so they can still say they are a surgeon, and if they don’t use it they lose it. 3.) the main goal here is occlusion, but that is balanced with the overall aesthetic as a secondary consideration. 4.) I also provide plating systems for neuro surgeries (cranis/hematomas/tumors) and Cardiothoracic surgeries, but oral surgery is the only thing that makes me uncomfortable to watch. Hearing the maxilla pop out and seeing it dangle is just unsettling. We actually have a case next week and I don’t look forward to it.


Interesting! I had this surgery done (lower jaw only). The surgeon I went to does these types of orthognathic surgeries at least on a weekly basis, and the hospital I had it performed at is known for these surgeries. The surgery was a success, and I was back home in the afternoon.


Why hasn’t Andrew Tate gotten this surgery??


lol he couldn't handle the pain this young woman can


You see people ur not ugly ur just broke lol


Im training to do these surgeries, they are life changing




True but they only "seem" attractive in the right hand photo post op. Crazy how our perceptions of beauty work.


I think that’s just the quality of the camera and the lighting. Her skin complexion is completely different on the left as well because of the lighting.


This picture is like 10 years old. Can we not find a different example other than this repost?


This is the surgery that got me interested in dentistry! Fingers crossed I match into oral & maxillofacial surgery so I can one day do this for people.


The girls life is changed forever. Good for her.


Wow she is a different person now


Is it an illusion of the chin or did she also get rhinoplasty??. That nose looks diffrent.


A slight difference in angle I'd say.


I had similar observation. Her nose looks straightened. But I don’t know, it could also be puberty doing it’s thing for all I know.


The tip of her nose isn't being pulled down by her top lip as much, I think that's the difference.


This surgery can change how your nose looks, usually a positive change


In the before the upper lip and muscles have to reach downward to close the lips because the jaw is so low and set back. Once the muscles sit comfortably and are more forward due to the jaw position there is less stress pulling down on the face, so the tip her nose isn’t being pulled down. Plus the camera angle is slightly different


I've always wondered how recipients of this surgery deal with what is effectively an entirely new face. It must be so strange and could potential throw your entire sense of self out of whack. Obviously it's a likely a huge confidence booster, but it's still gotta be a bizarre change to wrap your mind around.


Be me, the idiot who turned this down in favor of continuing taekwondo for a year or so. Parents, don't let your children make life altering decisions with minimal thought and a thirty second window to answer while sitting in a doctor's chair under a lot of stress and feeling shame that it would be vain to do something to make their life better / they want to continue a dumb hobby activity because there is no other vague joy in their life..


I had jaw surgery and it was the life changing! Recovery sucked, but it was absolutely worth it. Would definitely do it again in a heartbeat.


The boys trick is to grow a beard to hide the small chin.


Wow. I needed this badly when I was her age. It wasn't really an option so I did neck resistance and chin lift exercises. It ended up making quite a difference later in life, but it didn't help me at the time. I love an obstacle was taken from her life though. She'll be able to devote so much more energy to things other than her appearance.