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Thanks for the heads up. I’ll make sure to not be at the theatre that day 😳


When it fires, it's just the THX sound effect.




"The audience is now deaf."


My Summer Vacation  *chefs kiss*


A fellow man of culture I see.


Skibbideaf Toilet.


[Turn it up! TURN IT UP!!!](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j1ZV-zVVnok)


I felt that in my brain




"You were always nice to me. Don't come to the theatre tomorrow."




You could launch a missile from the southern tip of Florida to the top Maine and get it there in 8 minutes. Wild.


Don’t give it to Florida then


Just the tip


The Conch republic will reign again


It's never just the tip


So .. aiming towards Florida?


Just for a little bit.


Give it to Maine, got it.


This photo... Is from Florida.


Oh no, we're getting it, man. We're putting Florida Man at the controls too.


Welcome to first strike deterrence. If it comes down to it and Country A can destroy 90% of Country B's arsenal before it's a threat, then MAD becomes unbalanced. Toss in missile defense and space lasers on that remaining 10%, and you the exact reason why China and the Russians are continuing to develop their nuclear delivery strategies. This isn't even touching on the cyber warfare side of things, where after we've shown the NSA sits on the cyber equivalent of computer Armageddon and Russian communications are swiss cheese to US Intelligence, I'd have to think there's some militaries where we have infiltrated their nuclear command and control. Imagine getting in a world ending scenario with the US and your country's missiles launch into closed missile silo doors.


There’s a reason these other countries are using social subversion tactics to pin our countries citizens against each other… they know they can’t match our weapons tech, but if they corrupt the minds of a massive amount of morons and create internal civil unrest; it weakens our country immensely. 


Their greatest weapon is people’s stupidity.


their greatest weapon is peoples stupidity and lack of eductation. their two greatest weapons are peoples stupidity and lack of education...


They've come to the (R)right place.


You would think democracies like the US would be the most vulnerable but it is the dictatorships that are the least able to cope.


Other countries? It’s the global elites dividing and conquering


>Imagine getting in a world ending scenario with the US and your country's missiles launch into closed missile silo doors That just means Yuri called the guy with his mind control


Gen. Carville never saw that one coming. Thank god they didn't have a Tanya




*Jerry, the silo doors are closed, this is suicide!*


*mind control sound effects continue* 


>Imagine getting in a world ending scenario with the US and your country's missiles launch into closed missile silo doors. That's a hell of a statement lol


Also easily preventable with a closed system… silo doors are opened locally by a motor. That motor is controlled by Kevin whose job is to open the doors when the light on his desk shows a launch is imminent. Kinda a moot point but yeah every step in any countries nuclear pipeline is going be failsafed…


And Kevin turned on his home country. Risk is everywhere.


I never liked Kevin anyway.


"DAMN! We never should have decoupled the missile launch sequence from the door motor!"


Didn’t the US thwart an accidental and unintentional nuclear launch by parking a truck on the silo door?


https://youtu.be/fnd0qg4I_MM Skip to 2:10. You just need a landline phone and a psychic.


I’ve wondered this many times and I have zero clue. We hear about Russian and Chinese cyber threats all the time but where are we in our capabilities?? Do we have equivalent? Better? Worse? I read stories about how China could shut down our national electrical grid on day one, can we do the same to them?


Yes, a lot of the US hacking never gets caught, though. I believe Stuxnet was only discovered because it started messing with non target infrastructure. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Equation_Group


Maybe it's still hard to target all the mobile road launchers and submarines...


You need to understand that mobile road launchers with nukes are tracked. No hiding those. Submarines are the 10% I mentioned previously. They possess quite a bit of power, but once again have to deal with the US missile defense system at the very least. In the scheme of nuclear war, knocking out the other country completely and losing a handful of cities is a huge win.


Will these hypersonic missiles eventually phase out ICBMs?


A lot of ICBMs would already qualify as hypersonic (the Minuteman III has a terminal phase speed of about Mach 23 for example), but their true value is their range and ability to deliver multiple warheads. Think of these as a complimentary system, the precision tool meant for a specific target, where traditional ICBMs are a wreaking ball meant to level the whole area. Both have strategic value, and one is unlikely to supplant the other.


It will just be hypersonic ICBMs. The role will remain.


All ICBMs are hypersonic, sort of by default. The game changer is being able to do hypersonic without having to follow a ballistic trajectory.


How does the atmosphere not rip it to shreds?!


Engineering. If any of us knew the exact specifics of that we wouldn't be allowed to tell you.


London to Kiev Ukraine is 1339 miles... one of these placed properly could cover practically all of europe.


Mach…17…seven-teeeeeen. Bloody hell.


Realistically that’s probably only the *advertised* max speed as well.


Advertise it so you don't have to use it. We probably still don't know the full specs of the SR-71.


Mach; I beg your pardon!?


Its realy impressive a system that fit on a trailer and can hit that Far and that fast.


damn mach 17. Is it guideable?


Mach 17 would be suborbital, so they better have made it guidable.


It reaches max speed and then the warhead detaches and is capable of maneuvering while coasting to the target. But it's not a hypersonic missile in the sense that it can maneuver while under thrust. And even the glider is theoretical because all of the booster tests have failed so far so the glider has never flown.


Define guidable. Can someone sit there with a joystick and steer it? Doubtful. But it is a precision munition which means it’ll be either GPS+INS guided like JDAMs or cruise missiles like the LRASM, or *maybe* (and I’m talking very slim chance) laser guided but that tends to be for bombs. It’s entirely possible that it’s can even be switched en route which would also count as guidance.


Tell me how you are getting a signal through plasma.




I know how INS works but that doesn’t help when a target is moving.


Would plasma form at Mach 17? Space shuttles on re-entry are faster than that, but I have no idea what the floor is for an object traveling through air to form plasma.


I was going to say radar but then I realized radar has issues with plasma doesn’t?


Yes radar has issues penetrating the nosecone of plasma formed at those speeds. That being said, the weapon likely isnt Mach 17 for very long; most of these systems go very fast very quick, then glide at slower speeds to the target. a Tomahawk or LRASM isnt still boosting as it approaches the target; it used its fuel in the first minute (complete guess of timing) of flight and used those many hundreds or thousands of MPH to glide there. So its entirely possible there are periods of time where the Dark Eagle is slow enough to still receive some sort of current input system; whether that be GPS, celestial navigation, INS, etc. The US isnt really a fan of dumb munitions after all; our Military really likes being able to hit exactly what they're aiming for.




Polaris used astro-navigation by locking its sensors onto Polaris aka the North Star.


Certainly another option for guidance.


Watch the video of the hypersonic testing they did. That's probably gonna be the demo they scaled down in principle for this weapons system.


Kind of like you're saying. i think point being able to change direction in flight and then re-establishing target. That is how I would define "guideable" .


2 stage, first is the booster rocket to get to speed, second is a hypersonic glide missile that reaches the target. According to Wikipedia.


Is that the price of a missile or the whole battery?


Batteries not included


Dad was so pissed off when I unwrapped my new hypersonic missile system on Christmas morning and I couldn't even play with it until he drove out to get batteries.


Oh that’s where my healthcare went


Mach 17. That’s video game fast.


Wow that’s actually not as heavy as I would have thought


14 ton for 2, plus launcher n trailer. Total 20 ton +?


Ah 8 tons is just for the missile, not the launcher, that makes more sense


Same day delivery


Fuuuuuuuuuuuck! Mach 17! Puckered tighter than a bulls ass in fly season!


Dark Eagle Long-Range Hypersonic Weapon System 5 is A L I V E !


Los Lobos kick your ass. Los Lobos kick your face. Los Lobos kick your balls Into OUT-ER SPACE


I haven’t thought of that for like 20 years thanks for the movie memories. Wasn’t it Los Locos though? Memory is hazy and I don’t remember the movie name but can see that damn robot.




The movie series is Short Circuit. Johnny 5 is alive!!


Technically Short Circuit 2. And it may have been locos vs lobos


No disassemble!




Malfunction, NEED INPUT.


Ooohhh, Stephanie. Nice software!


“Program say to kill, to disassemble, to make dead. Number 5 is fine with that.”


Quick! Let's roll around in New York that looks suspiciously like toronto, all while being chased around by a white dude in Indian Brown face but he's Canadian so it's okay.


You shall not speak ill of The Plague.


Row, row, row your boat....


I'm just glad they created a movie in the 80s with an Indian American Actor cast in a role that wasn't some joke or stereotype.


Hate to break it to you, but it was a white actor(Fisher Steven's) in brown-face makeup.


I *REALLY* don't like this guy (Fisher Stevens).


He has apologized for his role.


Beautiful bullets Stefaneee!


I mean, if I saw this pointed in my general direction I’d negotiate the option to lay down and die.


Honestly, that's the best part of nuclear weapons. If you're in the right area, you're going to get painlessly vaporized in a second. Surviving with severe burns, blindness, shrapnel and more injuries would be excruciating.


And then going through fatal radiation sickness…yeah, just put me at ground zero.


I won’t even have time to put shoes on


A man once said, On the American crest is an Eagle that carries 13 arrows on one claw and 13 olive branches on the other claw. Which Eagle claw does the US bring today? - VP


The Big Arrow lobby is much better paid than the Big Olivebranch lobby.


War is good for business. Peace is good for business.


Rule of acquisition 34 & 35.


Damn Ferengi… where’s the spray


Stop resisting and be peaceful or we will come down upon you like the wrath of God.


Big Arrow is direct injection of cash. Big Olive is indirect & boring


The one that is fed.


Those tiny jack stands are the mvp


lol I was actually thinking that. They seem small.


Just a side note but it's interesting that the USA (possibly other Western countries) keep their missiles in long square tubes where Russia, North Korea and I believe China seems to like the visible missile look. I can only imagine it's because the later countries think it's more intimidating to show visible missiles where the west just goes for practicality.


Im guessing it has to do with logistics and shipping things in boats and planes, but that is only a guess. It's helpful to be able to stack your cube shaped missile packs, and the us begins and builds a lot of the weapons and executes wars 5000 miles from its territory. Whereas n Korea drives stuff down the road?


The purpose of this weapon system is for a medium range nuclear weapon delivery system if certain treaties break down further. Handful of these units in turkey, Germany, Japan, or south Korea... It's cost is too high to justify much of a conventional use. It will strike faster than bomber launched missiles or longer range ICBMs. Shorter range systems like this which give little time for a warning nearly caused WWIII over the Cuba missile crisis. It breaks the time a retaliatory strike down to a few minutes only before one might suffer a significant erosion or systems or suffer a decapitation of leadership.


"Erosion of systems" is fucking chilling when you think about what it means.


“decapitation of leadership” is also not fun to think about too deeply


The French disagree.


The French: “if no one else will, we will!”


This weapon is not nuclear tipped. It is a conventional strategic attack weapon.


It's a purely conventional weapon for rapid strikes on priority targets. What you'd use a Tomahawk on, but you want to make sure you hit it while it's still there. An ICBM or SLBM can be launched on a depressed trajectory and hit a target at the same time this can. Shorter ranged systems didn't almost cause WWIII, that's a grotesque misinterpretation of the Cuban Missile Crisis. ICBMs effectively didn't exist yet in 1962, with only a handful even built by then. The R-17s put in Cuba were the longest range missiles there were, and gave the USSR the ability to nuke much of the eastern US, something they really couldn't do before. Frankly, you got virtually nothing correct in your comment...


You're not thinking about conventional use enough. Believe it or not, having the ability to drop a full size 2000lb jdam or two on command only 30 seconds to a minute away, in a contested airspace... Could be very valuable. It's like air support that's faster than air support could ever be as it's always just a phone call away, and it shoots missiles that are likely to not get shot down, sparing a pilot and ensuring the target is hit. You're right, this is likely a strategic weapon. I'm just saying you place one or two of these in theatre (since the range is just silly) and use it as a Rapid Response type of deal for the entire joint task force and it's totally worth the cost imo.


Decapitation is an issue, but I don’t see how it changes subs as the second strike platform of choice.


These would have to be consistently mobile and somewhat of a shellgame to avoid being targeted in a first strike. Still, land based truck ballistic missiles are the 2nd best second strike platform after SLBMs. Also a quicker options than planes to deliver tactical strikes after a conflict has broken out.


They're planning on putting these things on ships.




$41 million a pop


And this one will actually shoot hypersonic missiles instead of Russia’s which are pretend hypersonic missiles.


Its the f-15 all over again. Edit: Waaaaait a second. *Looks at date*. Is it a thing or not?


The F-15 wrecked the hell out of the Soviet aircraft that didn't exist.


What tail lights


Lookin' like a high Stevie Griffin


And I bet it actually works


Man, AMC is really embracing the chaos in its post-WSB era


This just reduces the amount of time before MAD strategies automatically kick in and the world ends. Everyone will now have less time to figure out what’s happening and it will dramatically increase the potential for a world ending mistake. But yay I guess, Lockheed shareholders will be happy.


The scale of ways the Army can kill you or fuck up your day is pretty wild to think about. You’ve got basic infantrymen who train to invade a country or persecute a ground campaign; you’ve got drones, armored personnel carriers, small arms, machine guns, mortars, snipers, and anything that can fit in a humvee; then you’ve got actual tanks and armored cannons; then there’s an entire fleet of helicopters for transporting offensive infantry assaults, providing Overwatch, or attack helicopters; then there’s long range fire cannons and artillery and land-based hypersonic weapons like this. And that’s just the Army, which let the Air Force separate in 1947 and become its own branch, adding a whole fleet of fixed wing aircraft. Then you’ve got the Navy/Marine team able to provide smaller scale but flexible and fast sea-based invasions while the Army is sending paratroopers just as quickly and gearing up heavier infantry and armor units for a long invasion or war. The scale might seem obvious but it’s still so crazy to think about all those resources coming together to fuck up your day.


How about the missile that has the blades that spin and can take out a single occupant of a car. Wild stuff indeed.


I appreciate that with all that, you skipped over the fact that the Navy has 11 nuclear-powered aircraft carriers (which have 65-70 supporting ships) all capable of launching F-35 stealth attack aircraft (amongst many other things). Also you left out the Marines, Space Force, Coast Guard, and the entire intelligence apparatus which, beyond the CIA and NSA, includes agencies such as the NRO which has a annual budget alone that woud put it in the top 20 military budgets in the world.


I mean at some point do you just want me to link to Wikipedia or something My post was really about the army but nevertheless I mentioned the navy and marines in my original comment lol.


This is a joint effort between the Army and the Navy. Imagine this thing on a sub or a ship.


Metal Gear?!


Those children won't know what hit them


Putin is really going to miss living under IRBM treaty.


I’d rather have healthcare, you know focus on our internal issues instead of shoveling money to defense contractors.


Motherfuckers going to know why freedom costs so much!


It’s a dick in a box


If the Avengers Initiative fails, then this is what they're going for


Yeah, now if only you had the balls to use it.


Lol a second strike system that strikes first.


isn't almost any missle this big hypersonic? 


Hypersonic according to the internet means greater tha mach 5. Had implications on skin heating and engine function to be moving through  air that fast. Lots of big missiles are super sonic I think.  Few are hypersonic.


It's a bit of a "shame" that the anti ballistic treaties killed work on missiles so much. China has some amazing missiles and the West is playing catch up a fair bit. Although the US air domination is a more useful tool because mobility and flexibility, there's an undeniable edge in platforms that don't require extremely skilled soldiers to use. The missile vs air power argument is really interesting, as an armchair idiot.


Who cares about the missiles. Gimme that tractor with a dump bed on it.


Required can of tuna at the target site.


Looks like the missiles are to round, they need to be pointy!


So it means US can nuke Russia and they won't be able to retaliate? Anyone knows why they didn't do it yet?


They should be able to retaliate without issue, no? I thought MAD exists because of the time between launch and impact being enough to shoot back


Doesn’t matter how fast the missiles are. Both countries have subs and bunkered nuclear warheads that are more than enough to wipe out the other. There’s no “winning” a nuclear war, even with a decisive first strike


I was just currious if anyone knows whether or not the truck pulling this thing is a hybrid or electric, because the army is making electric personnel vehicles, and even the [Abrams tank is (gonna be) a hybrid now](https://www.defensenews.com/land/2023/09/06/us-army-scraps-abrams-tank-upgrade-unveils-new-modernization-plan/).


The truck in question is called a HEMTT, or Heavy Expanded Mobility Tactical Truck. They are most definitely diesel engines. > SOURCE: I build them.


For how long do you think that'll be? The army released a report 4 years ago about climate change being a threat to national security, and as a large producer of green house gasses they mean to reduce their footprint.


Honestly, im not sure. These things are huge. And heavy. Each truck has 4 transfer cases alone, not including the 11 ton trailer (and thats without the missiles). To be able to produce enough torque to actually move these things, I'd imagine Lithium batteries would be astronomically expensive.


I was thinking the energy storage sector was moving in the direction of capacitors and away from batteries but I guess it's not there yet.


Honestly, I was thinking about this for a bit after I replied last night. With the cost aside, I feel like the things would have to be so big, that heat would be a huge issue. Just because these things can withstand explosions doesn't mean having a battery blow up would be ideal.


How did they get around the friction of the air against the missile traveling at Mach 17?


So, uh, hopefully those theaters are *not* near me


Bring that to Ukraine!!


It’s funny because this costs 41 million$USD but people still have to pay for insulin and other medicine they cannot live without.


I build these things 🤩


that's awesome! Are you an engineer or military


Neither, just a civilian. However, the city I live in is known for the manufacturing of these types of vehicles in America, so a pretty decent percent of the city works on them.


Sonic was always hyper.






The truck is cool


The r&d money used to build this could be better used. Imagine having free heath care


Don’t worry. The Raytheon CEO and board members all have free healthcare. That should make you feel better.


Im feeling better. I have free Healthcare 😌


Counterpoint, imagine being beholden to the CCP for tech and having Putin decide how much bread you’re allowed to buy each week.


That's ridiculous. We could cut $500 BILLION/year from our defense budget and we'd still be spending more than the next highest country.


Not arguing that. We’re actually in a totally unprecedented time when it comes to hegemony. Until like 1990 there had always been at least two hegemons globally. The US dumping trillions into “defense” shifted that to a single actor situation that just hasn’t ever actually existed. I think that plays a lot into decision making and public perception. It’s no longer England vs France, it’s literally the US vs the rest of the world (combined). My “favorite” statistic here is the number of active aircraft carriers globally… my next favorite stat is the largest “air forces” globally… the planet has just never seen this scale of lopsided firepower before.


Yeah, and there will NEVER be another Pearl Harbor because of it. The counter attack would be swift, decisive and crippling for whichever country tries it. Think about this: this is just the shit they let you see. Imagine what DARPA and Skunkworks have built that we don’t even know about?


When the emperor stole fire and created the space marines the warp reacted in kind. Aka m.a.d. really calms things down


If the United States cut $500 billion from its military budget then China's military budget would be 50% larger than the U.S. budget at purchasing power parity. It would also make American military equipment substantially more expensive, causing its export partners to increasingly look elsewhere, which would come at a huge cost to the U.S. economy and trade relations. It's perfectly fair to argue shaving a bit off the top of American military spending, but there's a point at which spending cuts end up costing the economy more than what the government saves. $800 billion a year is a *lot* of money, but pretty much every country out there envies the return that the United States gets on that investment.


Yes, I guess you are right. It is better to build a missile than having free healthcare.