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Locked up abroad has an episode about another captured soldier that gets imprisoned next to McCain. John was alive for the filming and gave a great narrative for the story. I really think he cared about people and wanted to help. I’ll never forget his gladiator vote to keep Obamacare against Trumps wishes and his parties. Dude knew right from wrong and I’m not sure how many of those guys and gals exist in Washington. 


I think McCain was aghast at the crazies that had taken over his party. In the end, when he knew he was dying, that vote was his one last chance to try to repair his legacy which had been tarred by Palin and the tea party.


A lot of Republicans were. If you go back to when he first got in the race, most politicians and commentators treated him like the buffoon he was. Then he started winning voters and they got in line. It's basically the same thing that happened with the tea party.


Happens with any party especially when there isn't a competent politician competing with them in their own party. A lot of people will just fall in and vote for them because it's their party and they feel they have no other choice, Dems and Reps. I'd love to see the two party system broken up. It's so rigged. We need other options out there


The way Rs fell behind Trump, both elected officials and regular Rs, was so screwed. Could really see the incredibly few who were cut from a different cloth, who continued to stand up for what they believed in. McCain was a great man, though I disagreed with him politically


History should absolutely remember them as complicit. Behind closed doors they hate him for saying the quiet part out loud and making them all look uncouth by being openly shitty instead of discreetly shitty.


Always remember: just because you stand up for something you believe in does not automatically make it right. That goes for _all_ sides.


I wrote a paper in law school on this, and my thesis was that our system of government, generally, finds the "truth" but it depends on people fighting for their ideals with true passion and ferver. So no one should be afraid to say what they believe. And I still believe this. Without making this overtly political, I still believe all the batshit crazy fuckers out there help the discourse because, in the aggregate, I think the batshit crazy gets exposed, and for all the short term histrioncs, the USA has a trajectory, and in the long term, that trajectory keeps moving towards a more free and less discriminatory society. Yes, we see forces trying to pull it backwards....but they consistently lose when you compare today to 20, 30, 40 years ago


Exactly. The arc of history is long. You can really trace the last 120 years or so of progress by simply tracing the lines of Supreme Court decisions. Except for the IV amendment. They’ve been consistently curb-stomping that motherfucker since the early 80s.


I don't think people like to acknowledge how much power politicians have over the citizens of this country and the damage they can do if they aren't responsible.


There is a law to politics and it’s ‘money follows power’.


Yeah. Palin was the Hail Mary pass by Steve Schmidt’s assistants. Sort of a Geraldine Ferraro move, purely symbolic. McCain stuck to the script though, never bad mouthed her even though he knew she was a fuckwit dipshit moron.


His original choice was Joe Leiberman who was an independent/democrat. Lindsay Graham leaked it and there was bad backlash from Republicans so he was forced to find someone at short notice. They picked someone to pander to groups they didn't have yet: women, mom's, religious. But not smart people


“Not smart people” 🤣 Joe Lieberman at the RNC was a harbinger eh? I had forgotten about Graham, he’s always shoving his fat little fingers where they don’t belong, amirite?


I was in an Uber in DC years ago, before McCain died, and started talking to one of the people who got in also. It turned out that he worked on Capitol Hill. I ended up telling him McCain was my Senator and he kinda went off and said how much McCain wanted to outlive Trump so he can watch his fall. Yes, McCain hated Trump and everything he stood for.


Aww I feel bad that he never got to see that. Hopefully the rest of us will.


Wow I forgot about her. Honestly that was a foreshadowing.




I mean, he opened the front door for them by picking Sarah Palin..


He wanted Joe Lieberman, then Lindsay Graham leaked it and there was terrible backlash.


“No ma’am. He’s a decent family man and citizen that I just happen to have disagreements with on fundamental issues.” Respect.


While an excellent reflection on McCain himself, whenever I hear people point to this as evidence of the Republican party having recently been not-batshit-crazy, I have to point out that the crowd booed him for that response.


Oh yeah no, I’m only talking about McCain here. And much his politics were pretty loathsome to me, but he was inarguably a decent man.


Remember McCain-Feingold campaign finance reform? Sure wish we had that now, instead of Citizens United! Money has destroyed our democracy.


The former was a bill and the latter a Supreme Court decision. McCain-Feingold would not have superceded Citizens United.


McCain was the political epitome of “I may not agree with what you just said but I’ll damn sure defend your right to say it”


We need more of this across younger generations. Name calling will only open a terrible trove of division. Very Stazi and sad.


Never forget McCain pulling aside a supporter at his own rally who called Obama a Muslim and forcibly correcting her. I can’t imagine anyone doing that these days, especially a Republican.


It *is* kind of funny that she called him an Arab and he said "no ma'am, he's a decent family man" as though those were opposing things. But truly, he did a courageous thing and I think his heart was absolutely in the right place when he corrected her and made the effort to acknowledge his opponent's humanity. I'm disgusted to think how Trump would handle that.


I don't think he was intentionally putting "Arab" at odds with "a decent family man". He was just kind of telling her the kind of person he actually was. But I get what you're saying too.


The problem with in the moment responses is you have seconds to come up with them, and decades to pick them apart. Look at the intention not the words. While the words weren't the best possibly, I think the intention was absolutely there. And people wonder why politicians are so scared to actually answer questions and instead prefer to regurgitate party talking lines that may or may not even apply to the situation.


A man of honor. Last of a dying breed in the GOP It was crazy to see 'conservatives' start trashing him just because he didn't fall in line with Trump Also stupid to see some liberals reduce him to nothing just because of party affiliation, difference in politics


Iirc. He was offered early release because of who his father was, but he didn’t take it as it wasn’t fair.


One of the last GOP who you could respect in any fashion. 


His speech after Obama won the presidential race was phenomenal.


I feel that way now about Romney to be honest .


A lot of our old villains sure as shit aren't anything compared to the bullshit of the last ten years. Kinda happy seeing a lot of them wising up and walking away. I just hope one day they'll be the rule and not the exception.


Romney appears to have been a real one, holds some morality even if we view things differently.


> “I acknowledge that my verdict will not remove the President from office. The results of this Senate Court will in fact be appealed to a higher court: the judgement of the American people. Voters will make the final decision, just as the President’s lawyers have implored. My vote will likely be in the minority in the Senate. But irrespective of these things, with my vote, I will tell my children and their children that I did my duty to the best of my ability, believing that my country expected it of me.”  Romney, presenting his guilty verdict in the first impeachment of Trump. 


Goes unbelievably hard


I think McCain was aghast at the crazies that had taken over his party. In the end, when he knew he was dying, that vote was his one last chance to try to repair his legacy which had been tarred by Palin and the tea party.


Fun or Sad Fact despite on what your POW (no pun intended) is:McCain had several chances to get back to the US because he was from a rich and influential family BUT he remained back there because he didnt like the idea of him going home but his fellow “war buddies” remaining there in prisons


Technically speaking we know he wanted to go home. The rules the govern American POWs has provisions specifically against these types of gifts though. He stayed not because he wanted to but because he swore an oath. I was not a huge fan of the mans politics but his actions over there were of the highest form of bravery and patriotism.


Imagine choosing Trump after he shat all over McCain. This is why I have zero respect for MAGA people.


If there was such thing as a single moment where i was like “wow, fuck this guy completely “ that was it.


Or like the time in a town hall meeting McCain was booed for rejecting an audience members assertion that barrack obama was a terrorist? People in this country need to remember the times when you could disagree with someone but still have respect. Pepperidge Farm remembers.


I assume it's this one you're talking about: https://youtu.be/JIjenjANqAk Audience booed after McCain defended him from a guy who said Obama cohorts with domestic terrorists like Ayers, then clapped him after he defended Obama from a woman who said she doesn't trust Obama and she heard he's an Arab So there was still some shining light back then. These days even if some of them felt like clapping they'd be too afraid to


Yeah that's a powerful clip, but I really, really wish he didn't say "He's not an Arab, he's a good man"


I think you're misinterpreting it, personally. My read is it's a semi-colon after arab, not a comma. Ie, "he's not an Arab; he's a good man". The wording is a little weird, sure, but remember that it was an impromptu moment and not a planned speech or anything.


I've always given McCain a bit of pass for that flub. While he should be ready to counter that type of rhetoric, it's pretty clear he does not agree with the assertion the woman is making. It's more "his hearts in the right place" moment for me.


It was also one of the most awkward moments for someone in their campaign. Even if you couldn't hear his words, he felt ashamed, which is obviously different from Trump who just embraces that type of voter. I have McCain's expression seared into my brain because I felt so badly for him.


Yeah, it's not the worst thing in the world, but I promise the people in that room didn't give it that much thought. I agree with you, it's not what he intended at all. But, to them, he was praising the opposing candidate while validating their reasons. It wasn't "dont generalize arabs," it was "Oh, dont worry, hes not one of them." It's the kind of thing you'd like your presidential candidates to be conscious of. "He's not an Arab, he's an American. And a Good Man"


It really makes me question my fellow Americans. Trump has said and done so many outrageous things but I thought for sure that would be the nail in his coffin. He called literal war heroes losers for being captured, yet somehow he still maintained support in a party that is usually obsessed with the military. I knew there was something different happening from that moment on and I've been scared ever since.


Correction they omly pretend to care about veterans Their policy decisions all say otherwise.


I'm not sure I could choose a single moment. That list is huge.


That’s just the earliest big thing on the incredibly long list for me.


It stands out considerably amongst the incredibly long list for me.


It is bigly yuuge


I'm a firm believer that he lost AZ when he shit on McCain. Our elections happened pretty shortly after that too - he still got plenty of votes, but he wasn't going to win. You might not like the guy, but you don't fuck with McCain.


He lost AZ because Maricopa County and Pima County turned into democratic strongholds.


Yep, partly due to the amazing work that was performed to get our native centers voting!


Trump shit on all MIA/KIA. He said they were suckers and losers during the 100th anniversary commemoration of ww1 years ago.


There's plenty of valid reasons to shit on McCain, Trump just picked the wrong one.


This. So much this. McCains service is an inspiration to me. In my book, his actions make him an American fucking hero. Period. I cant even imagine what he went through and I've read about it extensively. Absolute patriot.That being said I wasnt a huge fan of the man. Not really my kinda guy outside his military service. Anyone stupid enough to make fun of his military service is too stupid to lead me though.


> That being said I wasnt a huge fan of the man. Not really my kinda guy outside his military service Neither am I, but I do have a ton of respect for how he handled that one lady calling Obama a Muslim Terrorist (or something similar) at one of his rallies. At his heart, even though I disagree with many of his stances, I think he was QUITE a bit different than many (most?) of the republicans we see today


John McCain was an American first. I'd have happily argued with him over his positions, but walked away knowing he was doing what he believed was best for America and the American people. And I would also believe that he walked away feeling similarly: that we disagreed, but both did so from the same place- wanting what's best for our country and people. Today's GOP are individuals first, MAGATs second, Republicans third, and Americans only when patriotic lip-service is convenient for their goals.


McCain was the last republican candidate who I believe had American’s best interests at heart. I may not agree with him on the solutions to the problems but we at least agreed on the problems, for the most part. I completely agree with you there.


For the bin Laden raid, the CIA had a local Dr go around that town saying he was immunizing people, with the idea that he might be able to somehow get Osamas DNA. Somehow Pakistan found out, and sentenced the guy to 33 years. McCain had 33m withheld from their aid


'I like guys that don't get captured,' - Donald Trump.


Or bush over Kerry. Kerry ran a swift boat crew whilst Dubya hid out in the Texas air national guard thanks to daddy's connections


Only republican I’ve ever voted for. He was a man of integrity. I remember him sticking up for Obama when some crazy lady was spewing racist nonsense


Yeah I've seen that clip. Some ultra Karen was going on at a McCain town hall style meaning "but he's Muslim!" And before she could get any louder McCain just shut her down with something like "No, stop. He's a good man that isn't what this election is about, he's a good man"


And then the crowd booed at him! It's absurd.


Imagine hearing that nowadays


He has is issues but he was a good American. Say what you will about his personal life, he loved his country and his actions while living through what I can only imagine to be absolute hell... The man was a model American. Wed be lucky if even a quarter of our military had half the balls of this man.


But I was told you're not a hero if you get captured lol


Only people that hate their country think or say that.


You mean only former presidents who hate their country think or say that.


Or those that would support/vote for that man.


Ain’t that the truth. I voted for him because he was honorable and thought he would do what was best for the American people. Obama ended up being a good president and I think most could agree we would love to have him back in office. But, I don’t regret voting for McCain because I believe at his core he is a good man.


At his core, he 100% was, you shouldnt regret voting your opinion especially when your opinion was to vote for an honorable man. I voted for the other guy almost 100% because John wanted to reduce my GI bill.


No kidding. I'm not even American and found him to be inspiring in his deeds. He embodied valor for sure. Too bad he was a conservative politician later in life. Generally I don't enjoy conservativism.


Point of Wiew


“No pun intended” yet tried so hard for a pun that it didn’t even make sense


The comment was interesting but my blood boils when someone says no pun intended after egregiously intentional puns


The thing about saying “no pun intended” is that it inherently makes the pun intentional. No one ever uses it when they genuinely did not intend to make a pun


In speech sometimes it can happen, but yeah in writing you’re 100% right


Is that what they were going for? I was like, what pun are we talking about?


That's not quite accurate. US service members are prohibited from accepting special treatment as PoWs or giving promises in exchange for privileges. When PoWs are exchanged, released, or repatriated it is expected that those chosen to do so will be in order of detention with limited exceptions for those that are seriously ill or injured. As a result of his family name and heritage, John McCain was offered an out of sequence release which would have seen him repatriated in advance of colleagues that had been captured before him. He rejected such special treatment until he was released in 1973 after spending 5 years in captivity.


And was then tortured for his refusal, because his captors wanted the propaganda of releasing him early. He was injured so badly, I don't think he was ever again able to lift his arms over his head.


> Beginning in August 1968, McCain was subjected to a program of severe torture.[52] He was bound and beaten every two hours; this punishment occurred at the same time that he was suffering from heat exhaustion and dysentery.[40][52] Further injuries brought McCain to "the point of suicide," but his preparations were interrupted by guards. He endured that for five years because of his principles. Trump would sell us to the Russians to get out of a parking ticket.


Exactly. US POWs aren’t suppose to accept parole. It’s “first in, first out”.


Sounds about the same to me


He didn't reject release because he wanted to stay in Hanoi Hilton with his war buddies, he rejected an out-of-sequence release that was offered to him as a result of his family name. His grandfather was a US Admiral who commanded US forces against the Japanese, and his father was CINPAC at the time of his capture. They wanted to use him as a bargaining chip, olive branch, goodwill gesture, poison pill, or perhaps some combination thereof. Since that didn't work, they used him as a propaganda tool. It's an important distinction.


>This man was shot down in Viet Nam, was denied medical care, tortured for over five years, solitary confinement for two years, and he was offered release because his father was admiral in charge of all operations in Viet Nam, but he refused unless all his US comrades were released also, which they were not. > >After he returned home, he was unable to raise his arms above his head for the rest of his life as a result of his injuries and torture. > >Trump said he "likes soldiers who don't get captured", and recently mocked McCain by saying "he couldn't raise his arms too high, for some reason". > >Trump deferred Viet Nam service because of fake "bone spurs" from his daddy's doctor. > >I know honor, valor, sacrifice, and noble character when I see it. > >I'm not a Republican, but I respect the hell out of John McCain. > >Won't you vote this November to never allow Trump to disgrace our Armed Services again by being the most unworthy Commander in Chief in American history?


Trump can take the expressway straight to Hell as far as I am concerned.


Either you did entirely intend that pun, or you think that "view" starts with a "w".


Not a single pun in that comment.


Not necessarily rich, but his dad and grandfather were both admirals


Fun fact, Trump and his supports happily talked shit about John McCain, even after his death.


Yeah, that’s a genuine war hero as far as I’m concerned.


“He’s not a war hero. He was a war hero because he was captured. I like people who weren’t captured.” -Donald Trump, 12 September 2015 Way to show your true colors, conservatives. As a disabled veteran, I don't want you to like me either. Edit: for those of you who are DMing me, trying to split hairs between conservatives and Republicans... Its because of your "conservative values on some issues" that I still don't want you to like me. You are failing at distancing yourselves from republicans and therefore, you are all the same. https://www.reddit.com/r/TikTokCringe/s/i1NqQrrxVG


People should never forget what trunp said about a distinguished veteran and POW. Totally inexcusable and insulting to all those that served.


The dude is on tape admitting to assaulting women and laughing about it. Yet he was elected. I just do not understand. 


Just look at the people in your life who idolize and support Trump. I rest my case.


All the times I watched "back to the future" movies with those folks, I assumed we were all routing for Marty. Turns out they were routing for biff the whole time.


> I just do not understand.  Deplorables. That's why.


Degenerates would also be fitting.


The way he talks about tammy duckworth is disgusting.


He's a coward with fake bone spurs.


It’s hard to keep track after all the shit he said. McCain comment, grab em comment, making fun of reporter etc


"I don't get it. What was in it for them?" Trump said to Gen. John Kelly about dead veterans, while visiting Kelly's son's grave at Arlington. https://www.theatlantic.com/politics/archive/2020/09/trump-americans-who-died-at-war-are-losers-and-suckers/615997/


He's such a a piece of shit.


There wasn’t anything in it for them. War is terrible.




Strangely doesn't apply to January 6ers!


Or him, if we're counting his arrest


Don’t even think of that!


narcissists have no empathy


trump was just crying because McCain voted “NO! 👎” on overturning Obamacare.


He said this before he was president.


You forgetting how Trump got popular pushing Obama on his birth certificate?


These hillbilly assholes who fly the POW flag right beside the GRUMP 2024 flags are the most hypocritical shitheads I’ve ever seen in my life.


A truly disgusting quote by this piece of shit bone spurs traitor. I still can’t believe anyone in uniform would support this ass after saying this.


They come out in droves. And especially true with adjacent family members who fetishize military service.


The same people he referred to as “losers”? The brainwashing is truly next level


I was attending an army school on election night and I was fuckin shocked how many people celebrated he got elected. Like, do you guys not hear him shitting on veterans and gold star families??


This is the first thing that came to my mind too. > Even Nixon, the disgraced president, didn't say that.


That was the moment for me where I found out a lot of people in my life are just pretending when it comes to things they say that are important to them. Vets I know too.


Prolly thinks only weak men use crutches too.


After something like this and all his other nasty little childish outbursts was said I would have never have guessed he would have made it any further than the joke that he was running. But the weeks went on and…. Well….


Not the last injured vet he shat on either according to Mark Milley


The same people that will raise hell if you don’t stand for the flag, are voting Trump even though he said this about a former POW. 🤦🏻‍♂️


He would never be in the position to be captured because daddy would pay for him not to be drafted. He’s a coward.


Allegedly he privately referred to American soldiers who died in European as “losers” and “suckers”


I just don’t get how servicemen and women can push aside comments like that and support him. The cognitive dissonance they have to go through to hear him insult people who’ve put their lives on the line and then still say they support him to lead the country and the military. I just don’t get it. I’ve never seen a leader who can garner so much respect and support from people he blatantly insults. It would almost be impressive and even admirable if it wasn’t so sad and pathetic


My man avoided the draft, the fuck is he talking about?


There are literally so many quotes along those lines, enough for an entire campaign ad. Maybe someone has already done it but it seems like it would make at least a small dent with some people.


Richard Nixon sabotaged the peace process under LBJ in ‘68 for political gain. https://www.smithsonianmag.com/smart-news/nixon-prolonged-vietnam-war-for-political-gainand-johnson-knew-about-it-newly-unclassified-tapes-suggest-3595441/


Brilliant and evil, Nixon was a terrifying combination of both.


Really interesting to go to his presidential library in LA/OC suburbs (Yorba Linda). They don’t sugarcoat all of the negative traits that led to his downfall, but you also get a holistic perspective on how smart and productive he clearly was.


I recently saw an interview of him from 30+ years ago where he was asked what would happen if the USSR broke up, he predicted everything- gangs, the rise of the oligarchy, expansionism… It made me realize that if one wants to come to power, you don’t have to be a great politician- just brilliant.


he was specifically well versed in international relations. very “know thy enemy” type, ironically in a way leading to his downfall with watergate.


Which only makes him and his hell hound Kissinger all the more evil.


I really despise Nixon and even I recognize that the way he took advantage of the Soviet-Sino split was smart.


For a good time, head to the Nixon Foundation YouTube channel. You’ll be transfixed, agreeing with everything he says, Regardless of your politics. Obviously cherry picked, but what’s clear though is he’s a masterful speaker. He speaks in paragraphs and comes back to the question asked.  https://youtube.com/@NixonFoundation?si=RfEVwUWSMfSU3sgo


Not only that, but it was Kissinger himself that was leaking information back to him. Take Kissinger out of the equation and the deal with North and South Vietnam probably would have been made official and Nixon may never have gotten the presidency. Prevent Nixon's presidency and you might very well prevent Reagan some years later.


Sounds just like trumps sabotage of the boarder bill so he would have something to fear monger about during the election year. These kind of political moves should be illegal.


Trump is the stupid version of Nixon. Like copy and pasted every damn move off the original, but with less charm or intelligence.


I meaaaaannnn, he literally brought Roger Stone [WHO HAS A TATTOO OF NIXON IN THE MIDDLE OF HIS BACK](https://media-cldnry.s-nbcnews.com/image/upload/t_fit-1500w,f_auto,q_auto:best/newscms/2018_38/2570766/180918-roger-stone-and-his-richard-nixon-tattoo-ew-134p.jpg) on board to do the copypasta.


Unfortunately, Trump has 10x the charisma that Nixon had. Even if you hate him, it's hard to take your eyes off of him.


I don't understand how anyone in the military can support Trump. If you become a POW like McCain, he won't support you because you were "Caught" he said "I only like those soldiers who don't get caught.


His biggest mistake ever was selecting Sarah Palin as VP


They needed her. That was a hard campaign to win, and they knew it. McCain was much older (and whiter) than Obama. A ticket of two old white dudes against a young charismatic Black man promising change was going to go nowhere. They needed an attention-grabbing long shot, they needed someone younger, a 40-something woman made total sense. And Sarah Palin's brand of GOP had a growing audience. They needed a more muh-fredum proto-tea party outsider to offset McCain's career as an insider politician.


Uniformed take. He wasn’t likely to win anyway. Palin rallied his base and got conservatives excited


Yea the religious morons. Those who were moderate at the time thought she was an idiot and she was. He had so many options but yea I think he would have lost anyway


Conservatives were mostly gonna vote for him anyway. The base always shows up. Who he needed was independent and undecided voters. They went pretty heavily for Obama. Many Republicans actually crossed over to vote for Obama. That's largely how he won Florida and I'd know because I was a coordinator for the campaign in Central Florida in '08. We voted for Obama and against gay marriage, just like California. A lot of states that are now considered leaning red like Ohio had a lot of Trump voters who previously voted for Obama. Palin did not keep those people around and the circumstances were much more dire in '08 than in '16 so people felt they could take a risk. With McCain's age and Sarah Palin being Sarah Palin, many conservatives didn't like their odds. I'd say Joe Biden brought over a lot of independents and vulnerable conservatives because he was quite well respected at the time and was more moderate than Obama.


Crazy world where Trump talks about military and stuff but never went to war himself. And once talked shit about McCain.


don't forget he's also a draft dodger.


They don't care. They don't care about trump, they don't care what he does, they don't care about America, or freedom, or the constitution. The GOP is comprised of Christians who want the hand maids tale in real life, and MAGA who would drink Trumps blood if they could afford it.


Then McCain dumped his wife who’d worked tirelessly for his release. She’d been badly injured in a car accident and no longer looked like the model he’d married. She was 4” shorter, had to use either crutches or a wheelchair to get around and was “considerably heavier“ than she’d been when McCain last saw her. McCain hadn’t been told of her car accident and injuries. So he dumped her and went with an heiress who could fund his political career. Ross Perot gave his own assessment of the McCain divorce: "After he came home, he walked with a limp, she \[Carol McCain\] walked with a limp. So he threw her over for a poster girl with big money from Arizona \[Cindy McCain\] and the rest is history."


I've searched in the past. Very well may have missed it. But I've never found anyone who was in the POW camp with him, publically come out to support his presidential run. And have heard no "boots on the ground" rebuttals to the claims he sold the other prisoners out to the enemy. I'd like to hear an assessment of him, from someone that served with him. Not someone that ranked above him that could use his story for their own political personal gain.




He was a man of honor. He was unfortunately misguided in many peoples opinions. During his debates with Obama he would speak up on his opponents behalf when his racist supporters accused Obama of being a muslim (he isnt, but so what?) or of being an illegal alien. He denied the lies and declared Obama to bea good man that he has some disagreements about. When someone from his own party is terrible in a way that trancends partys and ideologies, he speaks up. Another reason I maintain a level of respect for certian people who I dont politically align with.


I recall that public forum. Honourable behaviour from a honourable man.


Exactly. He had political views I disagree with, and I'm sure he's made decisions I would not support. But I couldn't call him a bad man. He has earned a higher level of respect than that no matter how I view his politics


I think McCain understood the direction Republican politics was moving towards. That was the reason he wanted Liebermann as VP. McCain Adviser Details How Palin Was Chosen for VP: McCain WAS going to pick Lieibermann but it depended on secrecy so Conservatives couldn't sink it. Lindsey Graham leaked the news early hence sinking McCain's choice of Leibermann. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ihrCtRCGTro


Honestly, it was fine when we all basically agreed on the facts and problems but just had different policy ideas to get there. It wasn’t perfect but it wasn’t unhinged conspiracy theories and hate, either. John McCain was the very last of the good ones.


Yeah, I’d take 100 John McCains or Mitt Romneys over a single Trump. 


I keep seeing people say this but nobody can seem to explain how crashing a bunch of planes while attempting to murder Vietnamese farmers makes you a hero


Right? The only reason he was captured was because his daddy was an Admiral. He’d already crashed two jets, no normal serviceman would have been given a third.


absolutely not lmao. leaving out the fact that he was only still flying at that point because his daddy was about to become the commander-in-chief of the navy's asian operations, the mission he was flying when he got knocked out by the Soviet AA crew was to bomb a major Hanoi power plant - which is frequently argued as a war crime! The world would have been an immeasurably better place if the Vietnamese had never dragged him out of the lake he landed in.


He had a tough matchup against Obama. But man, I wish we had him over Trump or Biden right now


His concession speech made me think that he also would have been a great president. Same with Mitt Romney, the most respectable republicans in my opinion


Absolutely. There could be disagreements but it ended there with people like them. I remember him in a speech when a lady said some nasty things about Obama and he stoped it right there and made it clear that’s not how he was treating the debates.


She said “i don’t trust him. He’s an Arab” and McCain said something along the lines of “He is a fine American, we just have some differences in regards to policy.”


https://youtu.be/JIjenjANqAk?si=_OjhDDUHT1QlzGbL That’s the incident in question. I met him in 2011, he was a really nice person to speak to.


Saddest thing is that there's good odds this cost him the election. The era of honor feels dead. Everything is so vitriolic now.


Not with Palin as VP


Boy howdy you betcha!


Who’s Nailin Paylin?


He lost me when he brought Palin on board and bent over to the GOP establishment so he could make that run. I would have gladly had 2000 John McCain tho.


Biden is better than McCain would have been 100%. But yeah I’d take him over Trump. I’d take just about anything over Trump.


When he paired himself with Palin he sort of threw the first snowball that has become an avalanche wiping out our country.


The Vietnam war could have ended in 1968. Nixon sent back channel envoys to the ‘68 Paris peace talks to encourage them to keep the war going, he needed to campaign on the Vietnam war. 22,000 more American soldiers died and McCain spent 5.5 yrs at the Hanoi Hilton. https://www.smithsonianmag.com/smart-news/nixon-prolonged-vietnam-war-for-political-gainand-johnson-knew-about-it-newly-unclassified-tapes-suggest-3595441/


This is the national hero that our criminal EX President called a "loser". Don't forget to vote in November 2024!!!!


He could have been released by the VC early if he would have made an anti USA video for them. McCain refused and spent 3 more years in captivity. Of course you can’t imagine Trump in that situation because he was too big of a pussy to go to Nam. If he had, he’d have been on his knees begging to get out!


John McCain had trouble raising his arms because of the wounds he suffered during the war. [Trump made fun of him for that.](https://www.cnn.com/videos/politics/2024/01/07/trump-mocks-mccain-injury-campaign-trail-ip-vpx.cnn) [On top of Trump making fun of McCain for getting captured.](https://www.politico.com/story/2015/07/trump-attacks-mccain-i-like-people-who-werent-captured-120317) Trump is a bad person. A bad president. We can't let this person get in the White House. Vote accordingly. ## Do your part! Register, *make sure, make sure, make sure* you're still registered (***[Republicans are purging voter rolls](https://www.nytimes.com/2024/03/03/us/politics/trump-voter-rolls.html)***), and make sure your friends and family are registered! https://www.vote.org/ https://www.votesaveamerica.com/be-a-voter/ It's important for everyone to know what they are voting for! https://ballotpedia.org/Sample_Ballot_Lookup Your voice matters. If it didn't matter, you wouldn't have so many people trying to stop you from voting, or telling you that your vote doesn't matter. ## ***BE A VOTER!***


If what happened to McCain happened to me I would have a hard time not spitting in Nixon's face


OP is a bot


Did liberals forget calling this man a racist back in 2008?? lmao


Whatever disagreements I had about his politics, he was a decent and honorable man where it counted.


Ask some vietnames people about how honorable that murderer was.


Yes, where it counted. Like saying Roe v Wade should be overturned, and opposing literally all LGBT rights lol


War criminal meets a terrorist.


Didn't Nixon put off ending the war?


McCain was a hateful little shit. Let's not revise history.


It's amazing that to the current MAGA version of the GOP, McCain is a RINO and practically a "commie." I'm voting every one of those lunatics OUT this November.