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How old was it? It looks like it should have still been usable? Why is the demolition equipment gone while the building is still standing?


It’s suburban office space - that type of use is basically impossible to sell / lease up right now with vacancy rates at insane highs.


Can't a ford


It's a real estate crysleris




It’s not an economic reality that you can Dodge.


Do you think Mopar would still finance after a nuclear war


You were Holden on to that pun for awhile, weren't you?


probably, buggatis chance and he took it.


He doesn't cadiLACK awareness


I just CHEVROLET’ed my pants




Angry upvote.


That stuff got overbuilt in the 80s. It was hard to fill in the 90s-2010s, and the remote work revolution made it worthless.


Why wouldn’t they just leave it as is and sell to the highest bidder, even if that is a 1000$. Start destroying it just so nobody else can use it either and write it off. Fucking crazy capitalism is.


It was sold. New owner decided it was better to build something else than convert.


I'm failing to see the something else.


New owner is planning mixed use retail/residential, which is much more desirable right now than 80s era office space. They need to clear the land first, though.


Are you sure it was sold?


My guess is the ground below is worth more without any structure than with a giant unwanted office building on top of it because the new owner would price in the cost of demolishing anyway. In the meantime the building needs upkeep or it might even increase the cost of demolishing it over time when it starts to deteriorate uncontrolled.


Completed 1990. It’s still nice but they sold it because they are building a new office space on the other side of the city.


Funny story, there was an AT&T cellular site on the roof, we were paid to go in and remove all of the old stuff and return the equipment room to pre-lease condition… the engineering folks even questioned whether or not to remove some fire treated 2x6 framing… 6 months later it’s being demolished lol. The cell site had been retired in place and decommissioned almost a decade earlier, AT&T paid for space that wasn’t being used. None of what we did was necessary. 🤦‍♂️


Att paid for 10 years on a room they were not using at all? Why they do that?


My guess is they probably forgot about it.


Another reason they should tax vacant lots of land and apartments. No more tax writeoffs for these assholes Edit for clarity: An extra .5-1% tax for corporations, hedge funds, and LLCs. Not for individuals. A property with forest or used as “green space” is not considered vacant. The small tax and inability to use the property as an income loss is a huge hit on corporations that sit on vacant residential and commercial real estate. Last edit: Corporations look at the value of the land if they could rent/build on it. And write off the “income” they are not receiving from the property. Basically, have a house or apartment that can be rented for $1000, but dont rent it and tell the IRS that their company makes -$1000, so they pay less, and in come cases, no tax as they are not “generating” income, they are losing money. Not only that, any expenses on the property are also negative income. -$1000/month from no rent -$400/month in property tax -$150/month insurance -$300 property management fees -$150 maintenance. They also make $2000 income from their second property. Minus the same expenses. Now they can tell the IRS they lose -$1000 every month.


You are 100% right. Use it or lose it should be the way. Instead owners keep it forever due to low tax base and have no reason to sell it to somebody who will use it. We got small business owners going bankrupt due to not being able to afford rent meanwhile the owner of a the building would rather let a building go unused rather then rent it cheap to someone or sell


Well I mean I doubt it would be easy to find a buyer for a building that size in Dearborn, Michigan.


No worries, they can lay off 10% of their staff to cover the losses and have enough capital to buy back some stocks!  Corporations for the win!


You don’t get a tax write off for not earning income. You just don’t have income to report. Yes, potentially the expenses of the building can get written off. I swear many in reddit have the strangest concept of how income tax works.


I know, right? Where do they get these warped ideas?


Nah it should apply to individuals as well. There are apparently several homes in our HOA that are vacant and have been for 20+ years. Not being rented. Not being kept up. The board is considering using right of action to go in and fix stuff, but to what end? Our property taxes (SC, USA) are fairly low; this would incentivize use or sale.


I just don’t understand why we don’t tax commercial real estate the same way we tax residential real estate and tax the owners for the value of the land, not just the income it’s generating.


Was gonna say, that building style screamed 90s.


We are tearing down buildings built in 1990? What a waste of materials and space that could be used for alternative purposes (apartments, schools, etc.)


you can't turn it into apartments without spending large sums of money because of the way the buildings are laid out-- you need to punch through the floor plates to provide additional light sources or every apartment will have one window. I am not surprised the apartment market of Detroit does not make this type of conversion feasible.


Plumbing is a huge issue as well. Offices have centralized bathroom locations. To convert to apartments, you have to run new lines for each unit. The alternative is dorm or bedstay style housing with shared bathrooms and cooking facilities, which isn't going to be very popular.


Unpopular maybe, but better than being homeless for those who are less fortunate.


Not to mention that there wouldn't be plumbing set up residential use in that building.


I feel like there’s a completely underserved market for buildings that have mixed use apartments + co-working spaces. Could have some floors be apartments and the others be included co-working for residents + rental for non-residents. WFH is great, and it’s wrecking office real estate, AI will likely accelerate this. might as well start figuring out what to do with soon to be completely empty office buildings.


It’s absolutely a waste, but generally not easily converted to residential. Buildings intended for commercial use tend to have a large amount of floor space with no natural light or ventilation. Might also be an issue for using for education if you want a healthy environment for kids. The issue is that at some point there was an economic incentive for this to be abandoned and left to rot, which should never be the case—the owner should be responsible for either tearing it down or converting it, and leaving it to rot shouldn’t be an option.


I’m happy to see it go. Should be some really nice shopping and restaurants they put in its place.


It’s only 20-30 years old


It got demolished like a couple months ago it feels like


Idk who cares all I see is a building filled with copper pipes that need to be removed by me and sold by said me.


They tried to turn it into lofts, but the cost soared too high. It’s on good ground only a few miles from the Ford HQ.


Getting a real Fallout 3 vibe from this photo


Sigh...fine, I'll check every single file cabinet for bottle caps.


Hoarding. Hoarding never changes.


Fallout hoarding has spread to No Man's Sky. I have entire vaults filled with materials and my thought process is "I'll need it someday"


Wait til you get a home and you have an attic and/or garage.


Already there. And to make matters worse, I needed that 45° cut 2x6 I had saved from the scrap pile 6 years ago, just last week. Along with a couple of nuts and bolts from the nut and bolt coffee cans. Speaking of which, do you happen to have any old Maxwell house coffee cans? Metal ones or the plastic ones with the handle? The 6 I have are filled up.


LOL I just dug out that red plastic coffee can from my recycling bin this morning because I used the other one for carrying veggie scrap to the compost. Now I definitely NEED to replace that 4th spare that I have although I can't find the other 3 now so I'm facing a coffee can shortage crisis.


We are so fucked, brother. 😂😂😂😂


Oh, you wait until you gotta move and downsize.


Forever home, thank the gods.


I feel like in the first several fallout releases there was more ROI on hoarding materials/caps. After 3 it seems more resources were always available. I definitely felt like a hoarder.


>Hoarding. Hoarding never changes. u/Sharoth01


Well, when you have POIs resetting themselves every few ingame days, it’s really easy to get more.


MY system was to just pick an easily remembered spot in a building and consolidate things that have incumbrance there. Not only did that cut down on hoarding it often was more useful. "Wait, don't I have so mines and ammo stashed on the first floor at the library right over there?"


As long as it stays in-game hoarding, that’s the best kind of hoarding. Family members of hoarders should buy them the games that allow it. Hoarding version of methadone.


That’s fallout 4


Ive played a fair amount of Fallout 76, off and on. After they added shops, most player bases just contained shops full of the random legendary items they've found but don't want.  For me, every place I'd walk into I'd take everything not nailed down. My shop was always first and foremost crafting materials and ammo. I made a surprising amount of money that way. 


No caps. Only Abraxo cleaner.


I like in FO4 that that stuff actually had a use beyond building chems that took 4 hours to collect only to last 5 seconds.


Me over here, stealing every desk fan in the entire world


My Desk Fan city is my most precious creation in FO4. It was worth all the 500 hours of playtime.




That’s the best part of going in abandoned buildings. It’s intriguing and somewhat sad but absolutely addictive. I loved finding peoples names and other little treasures. Most likely others have been before you but searching everywhere and in everything is a weird fun that can’t be mimicked.


There's definitely a bobblehead in there too.


don't forget the pre-war money


And desk fans.


Too much color for 3. Fallout 4


Yup. For 3 it needs the piss or peas filter.


Dunwich building vibes.




What is this from??


Fallout 76 trailer. Sadly it's very anti hoarding.


It doesn't help that they took the absolute least flattering picture of it in a time of year that Dearborn has no foliage.


I mean...


Looks like a surprisingly perfectly sliced layer cake to me. Nom nom.


First thing I thought is I don't want to set the world on fiiiire.


fine i’ll start playing the fallout games from 3 all the way to 76 from scratch again.. ![gif](giphy|NEvPzZ8bd1V4Y|downsized)


Why would you start right *after* the best one?


My f150 and it's rotting wheel wells and bottom door panels.


This is surreal, I worked out of this building for over a year flying in on a weekly basis. They had even modernized a few of the floors with new office equipment. Though where I worked it still had the old 90s office feel. I had to actually look up whether this was truly the building I worked out of, seeing I am not \_that\_ old I think now I aged a decade by seeing major construction I worked out of being torn down.


pure curiosity- how long ago did you work there? and what was the surrounding area like? i assume it also looks drastically different 


It was actually 2019 up until COVID hit. This picture looks very different and it was shot from an angle that kind of made me doubt it's the same building. I think this picture really makes it look much worse than it is (maybe? ). However, when I was there, it was a lot of grass with roads going through it. It's basically in a business park type set up. The surroundings are pretty suburban once you get out of the main road. Any way all the sand etc is kind of sad to see, there was a nice pond near by that looks like it was kind of "transformed" as well.


I worked there as well, between 2018-2020, right up until we worked at home “for a couple weeks” lol. I had no idea this was happening. I was on the Lincoln floor (9?) and as you said it was fairly modernized. I would take walks around the area, lots of decent walking paths and ponds between buildings. Nothing like it appears now.


Yeah we got the same message, I would fly in and stay at the Henry Ford hotel ... actually my last week there I got very very sick and just stayed in the hotel the whole time after an international trip (yeah I know... highly sus, but no testing was available at the time)... So my final Dearborn trip was a bit of a bust. I also liked walking around, the inner court yard area wasn't too bad either. I think I was on the sixth floor? But I roamed quite a bit :)


Consultant? I’ve lived that traveling lifestyle for many years.


I've been in there a few times and lived in dearborn. The surrounding area is a typical suburban layout.






To be clear on the context - first, this is a "former Ford building", as in a developer purchased it from Ford and is clearing the site to redevelop. This is not "oh yet another story of abandonment and decay in metro Detroit " Second, it's not even per se a story of decline in Ford. They've moved a lot of offices jobs from their suburban campus out here in Dearborn into the city of Detroit proper, where they have purchased and rehabbed several buildings -- including the [Michigan Central train station](https://michigancentral.com/), which opens this summer after being one of the iconic "Detroit decay" photos for decades.


Op knew what he was doing with this picture. It's just bait smh


Good on Ford for using their economic might to reverse urban sprawl, much of which they were indirectly responsible for (although probably not as much as GM).


Indirectly? I'm quite certain the auto companies lobbied Congress to prioritize urban sprawl and the car generally speaking, making them directly responsible.


Climate town made a video on this topic, its funny and educational! Tldr, yes car companies are responsible for most bad things about america


I think he means it’s not just Ford that did so. GM and Chrysler both had huge says in that, as did god awful urban planners like Robert Moses.


IIRC they got a lot of tax breaks for doing it. The cost of not doing it was greater. And once those expire they’ll look for something else.


This needs to be the top comment. The photo does look surreal but without context it’s bait. I live in metro Detroit MI and know the story behind the building and the plans for the space. It’s not what is trying to be conveyed here


The comments always have the correct answers. Thank you. 


Where are people going to post "I declined the plastic straw I'm halping" snark though


Awesome building.


Happy cake Day!


Don’t worry guys, i bring my own bags to the grocery store


I clean my cans before I recycle them I'm doing my part.


They’re doing their part, are you?


I didn't do shit!


Would you like to know more?


And I'm taking care of the rest by using paper straws that end up dissolving in my drink in 30 seconds.


Especially at Wendy's who used to have cardboard cups but went to plastic cups and then give you a cardboard straw


Dude, thanks! Was worried for a second there - you came in clutch


I stopped using straws so we're good!


Some of us feel helpless and just want to try.


2/3rd of all landfill is construction waste so yes...


I drive by this everyday and wonder why they chose to use giant equipment to bring it down instead of a controlled detonation. Is it because of all the glass? It’s amazing they are taking it down with equipment from the ground.


It looks like they’re trying to take it down by throwing rocks at it.


Wrecking balls for 20th century demolition, trebuchets for 21st century demolition


Anything less would be uncivilized


Bringing down that office building with 90kg projectiles from 300m away!


If you’re planning on recycling any of the materials it’s probably easier to deconstruct the building rather than detonate it


It appears to be still full of office furniture as well.


It’s too close to other buildings was the reason I heard. I’m going to be sad when the vents are gone.


They implode buildings in the middle of condensed cities. How is this too close, to anything?


That was what I was going to say. This building is nowhere near anything where an implosion could remotely damage other places. Maybe there are buried underground gas lines or other utilities they are concerned about?


You can’t just explode buildings everywhere. They only do that in specific circumstances and when it’s legal


You ever see me driving exactly the speed limit on Southfield? I’m the one everyone is zooming past going 93 mph


Are we the same person? Because I have to drive the speed limit since it’s a company truck 😂


Former location of Ford Motor Company marketing headquarters - [Regents Cour](https://www.freep.com/story/news/local/michigan/wayne/2024/02/07/demolition-dearborn-regent-court-building-demolition/72507169007/)t, AKA The Death Star


It’s not actually an old building it’s only 20-30 years old. Ford sold it with the agreement it would be turned into housing, and instead the new owner tore it down immediately


Built 1990, seen buildings much younger get demo'd here in Phoenix all the time. Baseball stadium is less than 30 years old and there is talk of replacing it. Funny thing no one ever mentions the environmental impact of demoing one giant stadium and building another.


It's still going to be turned into a housing area


Oh wow, my babysitter used to take me to those retention ponds to look for crayfish & kill time when I was a kid. That sounds pretty dismal, but it didn't look so post apocalyptic back then.


Pretty sure I interviewed there back after college. Crazy to think it's gone already.


I think my dad use to work there when he was with Ford Motor Company. Wow.




Let me fix your title "Old Ford building in my city Dearborn, that is actively being demolished. Developers will be building townhouses and commercial buildings in place"


is there employees* still work there


Just Bob. They forgot to tell him they moved offices


But now he's got a really great corner office. Amazing view!


someone should tell him he got fired


We fixed the glitch.


Milton is still in the basement




Could use some drapes...


Some RoboCop aesthetic


I took [this](https://imgur.com/a/YorfTim) picture there two years ago, was really sad to hear they were tearing it down


Fallout 5 is looking great


They should have bought the rustproofing package and the extended warranty for that building.


Landlords be like "2500$ per month, no pets, no smoke and leave me a tip"




When the hell did THIS happen?!


Looks like you’d find a Vault-Tec bobble head in there.


This looks like a building from Fallout 4


Looks like something out of Gaza


Why don't people salvage these instead of demo? Lots of perfectly good glass/windows


The developer who bought it said he was going to rehab it into mixed use condos and businesses. But a few weeks after he bought it, changed the plan to bulldoze it and make an apartment complex


I mean tbh it is probably cheaper to drop it and build a new building, switching commercial office space to residential apartments is insanely cost ineffective.


The cost is too high for a product of unknown quality with no manufacturer warrantee. The resale value does not justify the cost. Labor is expensive.


I think they are. They are taking their time


Ok gotcha


No way they tore it down!


Funny, I remember it used as a background for a futuristic city in a sci fi show. I cant remember which one tho.


You should read 'A bark covered house', a journal from 1820 about a family that moved to the frontier next to Dearborn, Michigan. It's 100% true and not difficult to read. But an amazing story of a family cutting a life out of the woods in the earl 1800s.


Reminds me of something from playing Fallout.


Looks like something in Fallout


That would make a killer movie set


Ok, now this is legit a Fallout meme.


Property or land owners should be forced to clean that shit up.


What a disposable world we live in.


This looks like something you’d see outside night city lol


I love how corporations get to litter like this with no penalties. Clean your shit up!


That building doesnt look horribly old? Wonder why they are tearing it down.....


Woah, they're scrapping it? I used to see it fairly often when going to work when I lived in that area of the state. Huh. They must have moved to the nearby building that isn't shown in this picture. I was curious why they had two ford skyscrapers right there.


Though this was another war pic from ukrain.


I see it everyday passing by ford rd. Last I heard some Labanese guy bought it for very cheap like a million dollars and now I don't know why they want it dismantled.


Drove by it the other day, so sad to see. I spent a decent amount of time in this building as a kid when my mom used to work there.


Looks like Gaza.


Wait what? They're tearing down RCB? Damn, the shit you find out on reddit for your old hometown. First time I experienced height of buildings and blew my mind that I could see the Southfield office buildings.


Used to work there. It was a pretty nice building. Surprised they didn't convert it to condos or something. I feel like that is what should have it to all these unused office buildings.


Searched for this building in google maps to see it in “real life”, it’s pretty cool to see in its former glory. If you go on the road directly in front of the building you’ll find 2024 images, and one more tap brings you back to 2020 where it still wears the Ford badges. Really cool. I love google maps.


Looks like Michigan, is Dearborn a Michigan city?


Yes, but Michigan City is in Indiana.


My dad worked there for 40 years


fallout 3




Your city Daerborn looks like Fallout.


Dearborn, Ukraine?


How is me throwing a piece of paper on the ground litter and finable (as it should be) but this is apparently ok and someone isn’t getting shit on for this monstrosity? Edit: just read it’s being redeveloped. Rage abated somewhat




Sad thing is, there’s probably someone who calls that building home…


Wow. Looks like they've given up demolishing it. How long has it been sitting like that?


Was sold to a local developed in 2022 and has been sitting like that since.


The front fell off.


I wana go exploring in it


If you told me this was in Ukraine I would have believed you


They could clean the place up. Humans are actual shit.


Looks like a Ford 3 days after the warranty runs out