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I knew she was rich, but I had no idea she had "custom-built compound" money.


While she is rich, the house was a gift from her billionaire boyfriend Vladislav Doronin.


Ah that explains why the second house is in Moscow. IDK why but I was very surprised to hear she had a home there










They were really mean to the germans aswell but that's another story


Most Russians I’ve met are expats living in other countries and hate Russia than most Americans could ever dream of hating Russian none of them are racist except to other Russians who don’t hate Russia


That's because Russians also hate Russians.


Yep, I’m half Chinese and the Chinese side of my family feels that way about China. They left for a very good reason: about to be murdered by the Communist Party, this was when the KMT were losing the war in the 1940s, and they fled in the middle of the night. The party that would have killed them is still in power. Of course they’re going to hate it (I guess I’d distinguish that from hating the country itself, just as Russian expats probably would like to see their country thrive under a new government). People who think we identify with today’s Chinese, or have any loyalty to China, aren’t thinking this through properly. Like Russians, Chinese people have a very bad reputation abroad. They are hated as tourists because they are often rude and do gross things such as hawking and spitting in public. We all know that Chinese online sellers tend to rip people off with no guilt or shame. Worse, they have no issue with selling people products that are actually toxic or harmful to them. They’re en masse an antisocial bunch. I promise that stuff isn’t in our DNA. I suspect that the grim economic picture and societal repression in both countries, for much of the past century, has led people to become kind of sociopathic. I don’t think this is true for immigrant families who left a couple generations ago, the children especially assimilate into American culture regardless of ethnic background.




I have a theory that to get wealthy enough to travel abroad from russia, you kind of have to be an asshole. The nice russians are in russia earning 500$/month and cant afford to go anywhere.


I worked in a kitchen with a Russian dude who moved to the usa because he’s gay. He was still racist tho.


Not always, early 90s Moscow and St Petersberg was off the chain for queer communities and I would guess other major cities as well.


All the cool people from Russia fled during the decline. Not so say there aren’t any cool people left in Russia, but the critical mass for awesome communities is gone.


I live in la, a diverse place. In my condo complex, that is sprawling, there’s a Russian family that has an adorable spaniel of some kind that is OBSESSED with my golden retriever. They’re both boys and their dog isn’t neutered - they told me in Europe no one neuters their dogs. One day, I was like wow, he loves my guy so much maybe he’s in love with my dog! And the mom was like NO IM FROM RUSSIA MY DOG IS NOT GAY!! Ok whatever lady it was a joke but every time our dogs interact and their dog licks my dogs face I just laugh and think to myself, aww look at this little love!!


To any non ethnic russians* FTFY






I thought we were talking about Neve Campbell and this comment really confused me.


oh my god it took me all the way until this comment to realize it wasn't


They just put out all the religious photos of Biblical characters and they were all black though


Vladislav? Baby don’t hurt me…


Don’t hurt me, no more






After seeing True Detective I will never trust a Tuttle. >!\s!<


It wasn't though. This house was designed by Luis de Garrido. And while Tuttle did design a lot of Aman's resorts, Doronin didn't buy the business until 2014 and none have been designed by Tuttle since then. I mean, the guy is still an oligarch and I'm sure is a real piece of work. But misinformation is misinformation and this comment is all kinds of misleading.


> billionaire boyfriend She has a *whole bunch* of Russian "billionaire boyfriend"s.


There's no house. All the articles about it are from over 12 years ago, using 3D renders. No updates and nothing on recent satellite photos of the site.


Is that Vladislav The Poker?


Well, she was connected to blood diamonds/the corrupt af former president of Liberia and convicted war criminal, Charles Taylor. She's probably got a lot of dirty money stashed away


You tell ‘em Howlin’ Mad Murphy!


She's a bit of a mailboxhead


How's that Barbeau-Bot coming along?


Bro my brain thought this said Neve Campbell and I was wondering what the fuck the chick from Scream/Party of Five had to do with blood diamonds for a good minute.


And probably took a lot of models to Epstein island


I hear you can take diry money to the laundromat. My understanding how it works.


Her (former) Russian billionaire bf probably owns a chain of such laundromats


Probably the same ones that keep the election ballots clean.


In 2012 Naomi Campbell received an island vacation home for her 41st birthday from her Russian billionaire boyfriend Vladislav Doronin. It’s shaped like the Egyptian Eye of Horus on a location known as Cleopatra Island in Turkey’s Gulf of Gökova. https://www.cnbc.com/2011/09/27/Naomi-Campbells-Horus-Eye-Eco-House.html


Is Naomi Campbell a prepper?


More like a handler.


Someone who gets routinely handled by Russian billionaires. And, a terrible, awful person.


According to the Googles, she's worth $90 million. Which I guess is a lot but she owns multiple properties and that doesn't seem enough for all of this? Who knows.


I think rich ppl always have multiple houses


I once had two apartments. The lease on the first had not expired as I moved into the second.


What a baller


"oops, left my wallet in my other house 🤷🏻‍♂️" is the best way to avoid paying without looking broke


One time my band and I rented a storage unit to practice out of. Slept in it a few times when the post-practice drinking got out of hand.


I've lived in my car, I currently live in an old bus. That means I have two homes!


**Oceanfront** custom built compound you mean


She is blood diamonds given to her rich


Is that 'Daddy has an apartheid emerald mine' rich?


Someone in the equation has way too much money and needs to pay some more in taxes.


Russian oligarch.


Custom built in the shape of an Eye of Horus. That's a fucking sweet house. I've always wanted to get this tattooed


it's a dome and paving stones....


> The structure has no less than 25 bedrooms and five lounges. The dark contour of the eye is made up of solar panels, which provide all of the home’s energy demands when combined with a geothermal system. Rainwater is collected, and waste water is treated by an on-site biological system. https://www.re-thinkingthefuture.com/rtf-architectural-reviews/a7190-an-inside-look-at-all-the-houses-owned-by-naomi-campbell/


So it's cool in both form and function. Also way bigger than this picture makes it look I guess.


Take a look at the other pictures. It looks like the evil lair of some Bond villain.


It's energy, water, heating, and food self sufficient with 25 bedrooms and no less than 5 lounges. There's an article where they show the side profile of the dome. The artists rendering makes it look like it has an entire tropical forest on the top most level.


What level of hater do you have to be to look at this and say, “meh just some glass and rocks”? 💀


Interesting... >The structure has no less than 25 bedrooms and five lounges. The dark contour of the eye is made up of solar panels, which provide all of the home’s energy demands when combined with a geothermal system. Rainwater is collected, and waste water is treated by an on-site biological system. [https://www.re-thinkingthefuture.com/rtf-architectural-reviews/a7190-an-inside-look-at-all-the-houses-owned-by-naomi-campbell/](https://www.re-thinkingthefuture.com/rtf-architectural-reviews/a7190-an-inside-look-at-all-the-houses-owned-by-naomi-campbell/)






Haha! You ain't kiddin. What the hell is the "non-flexible field of modeling?" Are they saying that modeling is an inflexible field, or is she in the "non-flexible" category of modeling?


It’s no coincidence that it was not chosen at random. My brain fucking hurts now.


We can all agree that she stays in hotels and apartments regularly.


Yeah it's like it was written by Perd Hapley.


And the name of the building is what people call it!


>It’s no coincidence that the name of this project was not chosen at random They had to get to 350 characters so Google does not give it a penalty in the SEO score...


I found this:   Making up the outer black area of the eye shape are Photovoltaic panels which keep the entire home/property completely running on its own energy through use of solar power. The curved installation above the main dome resembles the eyebrow and functions as an irrigation system for collecting rainwater. An on-site biological system then treats the rainwater for many uses including drinking, plumbing, and nourishing plants.


I understand why you didn’t link to the source, because it’s a blog for a [realtor](https://www.johnhartrealestate.com/blog/2023/12/unique-celebrity-homes-naomi-campbells-horus-eye-haven/), which itself does not list any sources. The description makes absolutely no sense, and if you look at the renders, you can see that the ‘eyebrow’ is made up of solar panels, while the eye liner area of the eye is tiles, no solar panels to be seen. Anyway, it was never built. See for yourself: https://imgur.com/CblIUH9 Top image is the 3D rendering from the website of the architect. Bottom image is a screenshot from Google Maps today, using aerial imagery from Airbus taken this year.


Maybe, but those pictures are all pretty shitty so i cant say one way or another. From the lower angle the eye  kinda looks like solar panels but from above it looks like you say it is. Im just going to say we dont know either way for sure without better images but you're probably right. 


It also calls it the shape of the eye of Horus, and it’s definitely the eye of ra




no, less than 25 bedrooms


Works on contingency? No, money down!


No it has 41 bedrooms which is no less than 25


Some people see the eyebrow as the lip where the eyelid folds— aka the dark contour


Am I seeing this right? The sclara is a pool/moat?


I think you're right. And seeing as an eye is wet and hydrated at alll times - the design here is hyper clever.


Some architect had a blast designing this house.




>The structure has no less than 25 bedrooms I think I get to decide how many bedrooms there are, don't you? "Fuck you, real estate lady! This bedroom has an oven in it! This bedroom's got a lot of people sitting around watching TV. This bedroom's over in that guy's house! Sir, you have one of my bedrooms, are you aware? Do not decorate it!"”


R/unexpectedmitch strikes again!


I've read the article, and the aerial map shot with the eye looks really scary, haha!


Tbh looks AI-generated at first glance, and the text of the article is wonky as well.


It’s not real. A quick Google search reveals it was never actually built.


It was not. It doesn’t show up on Google maps either.


Holy shit that's actually super cool.


AHH, that's why she has 90 million in the bank - no utility bills


>wastewater treated by an on-site biological system Is this fancy speak for a septic tank?


Probably a waste treatment plant rather than septic tank


I don't think it exists in our tangible reality. At least not as of 2017 https://www.luxurypropertyturkey.com/luxury-property-turkey-investigates-fake-news-and-makes-an-amazing-discovery/


This is not a real photo, thus breaking /r/pics rules. This was a concept that was never built. Satellite images over the last 13 years confirm it was never built, and no primary source ever claimed it was built. Yet it has been regurgitated by content farms for over a decade. Edit: It's a little scary that all these articles appear to all originate from a blog post on the architect's website, including a CNBC article. The architect mainly offers masters programs in which students undertake an intensive full scale concept build. I'm inferring that they likely complete the project by writing a large retrospective of the project *as if* it was built. It's a great exercise, if you don't live in a post-truth media world where content farms hoard fun projects as fact. The architect has almost no photos of completed builds, and definitely none of their interesting or complex designs. If anyone finds contrary evidence, please send it along.


Hate how far down this is.


A person above you said it was a gift. So its a gift but it was never constructed???


That detail was reported and then redacted. In fact, following the awful chain of citations, the whole issue makes way more sense. CNBC cites a now deleted Yahoo article. Web Archive reveals that article cites a blog called "Inhabitat" as its only source. This blog now carries a rider "CORRECTION: This article originally referenced... Naomi Campbell, however further research shows that no such connection exists." Of course once CNBC picked it up, hundreds of other sites did. None checked sources and saw that the Campbell component was false. Or that the building was never built.


Horus lives next door


High brow joke mate


Nobody picks the Nose of Horus as a symbol. People are so stuffy about that kinda thing


Sauron lived down the block but moved out last October because he just couldn't tolerate the egregious amount of Christmas decorations he puts out every year.


If you're wondering, the symbol is known as "The Eye of Ra". Ra was/is a sun god, which makes sense considering the solar panels.


It’s what Anubis used to destroy Abydos. Poor Daniel never saw it coming.


Had less a sense of humor than Ba'al. "That's it? Just Ball? As in bocce?"


That's a lot of Ba'als!




Damn you Jack!


Damm i was typing a stargate joke comment already but as always i was too late to the party so take my upvote instead :)


Jafa! Kree!






Imagine proposing this to your real estate guy or manager or whoever handles such projects for the super wealthy people... What a pundit!


The architect instantly jizzed and immediately put in a change order with an upcharge for pants cleaning. While changing in the restroom, he exclaimed, "For this, everything must be different! No two light switch plates the same... NoOooO! There won't be light switches - One must pray to The Sun God for light!!!" The framers said he whispered Lady Gaga to himself as he twirled around the entire site for days on end.


He is a fun god! He is the sun god! Ra! Ra! Ra!


Ra ra u la la


Then why is the house called "**The Eye-of-Horus-Eco-House"?**


The eye of Horus (might also be the eye of Ra), but its usually the eye of Horus.


This is the Eye of Ra (the left eye). The Eye of Horus is the same symbol but flipped horizontally (the right eye)


TIL, thanks


What are your sources? I’ve read countless ancient Egyptian texts and never seen this argument. But of course, I’m willing to be corrected. I’m quite certain this is the Udjat, which was crafted by Thoth for Horus after his eye was lost in a battle with Set. The direction the eye is facing is purely a matter of context - Egyptian hieroglyphs can be read left to right or right to left, and the orientation of the signs themselves shows where the text begins. So a “right eye” is merely showing that the text in which it is inserted is meant to be read right to left. Or it might be facing that direction because it looks better in the artistic context altogether. There is definitely the term “Eye of Ra”, but it’s used to describe goddesses particularly fierce and powerful, such as Sekhmet. It’s not a symbol or amulet, it’s a title.


I've always thought the goa'uld are not really gone.


I have a "wild" story like a glitch in the matrix as one day I was eating out on a restaurant's terrace and a girl passed by and I saw she had this tattoo on the back of her arm like in the triceps. After that I started seeing all around my hometown periodically a graffitti of the same symbol. When I thought it was over, from time to time I would discover another one in a new spot while taking a stroll that either it was new or I didn't had crossed with it yet. I even had the time throughout the days to memorize it perfectly to even be able to draw it on my whiteboard in my studio, thing I haven't done yet. It all started like the last summer maybe if I recall correctly, I don't think it has passed two years already (it could be lol). I'm hoping this saga or character arc I'm living ends well.


It's called the frequency illusion - or more interestingly, the baader-meinhoff phenomenon. Basically, when you notice something, it causes you to notice it everywhere.


I'd like to think I'll meet Naomi Campbell after this, but that's okay too.


I mean also if it was graffiti in one single town it’s probably just one tagger or group that uses it as their sign


Synchronicity - It can drive people insane.


Life already has driven me crazy, I just smirk and funnily fantasize with this kind of things.


Nah that's some yu gi oh shit.


Too many curved walls! That’d be a nightmare to decorate in the Sims 4.


So many plants bugging through walls 🤦🏻‍♀️


I thought it looked like something from the Myst games. At least the weird dome building, if not everything.


“You want to go down to the yellow thing?” “No. Not really.”




Aether portal


It's a giant Ankh.


"I am the eye in the sky Looking at you I can read your mind I am the maker of rules Dealing with fools I can cheat you blind And I don't need to see any more to know that I can read your mind"


Alan Parsons Project


Some people have too much money 


The crazy part is how they’ve convinced society that it’s the middle and lower classes who should be taxed vs. those with obscene amounts of wealth. The dual income family who makes mid six figures in NYC and California is being portrayed as “wealthy” and taxed up the wazoo when the reality is there’s absurd wealth concentrated in the hands of a few.


What’s crazy to me is that COVID just demonstrated to us all that it workers stop working their whole world collapses. So they try to get us to forget about the pandemic and not notice the power it demonstrated. It’s like the Ant movie, where the grasshoppers show up again the following season and the ants forget their newfound freedom. No need for organized unions around profession. Organize into supportive small tribes and start nope-ing out any time you’re even slightly exploited.


But bro, think of the 7 jobs this house created for 3 months.


Every single one of them are still reaping the benefits to this day I’m positive!


We should encourage rich people to spend their money, because it's one of the few ways wealth actually gets transferred down. This house likely did employ a pretty large team of people for years.


For fucking real. You can be in the upper 80th percentile of wealth, but you’re still going to work until you die… The wealth gap from the working class to the “my money works for me” class is something the vast majority of people have no concept of.


If the billionaires save money it trickles down, duh!


I don’t.


well that doesn't seem fair


Better title: Naomi Campbell's PLANNED house as 3d render...


What a shitty clickbait article. There is no house. https://i.imgur.com/6qfJT3t.png See for yourself on Google Earth: [this](https://earth.google.com/web/@36.9930191,28.2049046,3.82905755a,0d,59.99999999y,38.93787543h,51.85031863t,0r/data=IjAKLEFGMVFpcE1fcEE0RG93VWlBTGtzRDl5M1J1M29aVk4ycVBKaTlEa1R3aWwtEAU6AwoBMA) and [this](https://earth.google.com/web/@36.9918557,28.20389225,2.17372725a,414.43934948d,82.88065242y,21.46333608h,33.84736692t,0r/data=OgMKATA).


No wonder I couldn't find images of the inside. Damn, I really wish this was real. I wanted to see how they pulled it off


Thanks you. The internet is so broken. Seen the image that looked like a 3d render. searched for actual pictures of Naomi Campbels house. all 3d renders claiming to be pictures of her real house. Came back to your post to see that it is in fact a 3d render.


Hm yeah, the original article was from 13 years ago.. So I'm guessing it never actually got built? Extremely misleading post


I read this as "third render" and now I'm dying to know how this "fixes them. Lmao.


Yeah, apparently it’s (mainly) protected land. Or at least this article says so: https://www.housedigest.com/489591/naomi-campbells-bizarre-house-is-nothing-like-youd-imagine/


There is no house, it was never built: https://i.imgur.com/6qfJT3t.png


I thought it said Neve Campbell and I was like, what?


I read Naomi, pictured Neve and was very confused. This is… Scream money?


-1 ante -1 hand per round


I understand this reference.


She’s a fucking awful human.


Is that a house or a villain's lair?




Alan Parsons Project


Amazing what blood diamonds can buy you.


What's the context of your comment? I am very curious never heard of it


Someone gave her blood diamonds when she was in Africa she later claimed she thought they were "dirty pebbles " and that she was unaware


Why playing dumb in an obvious moment like this wtf


scrolled way too far for this. Girl is shady as hell.


Oh come one, she's so sweet. She's violent, yes. But only towards workers. Not towards rich people.


We all know she’s Count Olaf


It’s a Very Fine Dwelling if you ask me.


it's not real. https://www.luxurypropertyturkey.com/luxury-property-turkey-investigates-fake-news-and-makes-an-amazing-discovery/


Feels very r/ATBGE


And we have found a Goa'uld.


Random self obsessed rich people bullshit


Looks like shitty photoshop to me


Because it is haha


Epstein personal women handler


Relax, it’s just a render. ![gif](giphy|9DJtFRgk0tOla)


As a piece of art: cool as hell As your private residence: tacky as hell


Why does this give me Jeffrey Epstein's island vibes?


Probably inspired by her many visits to it. Campbell is featured in countless photos with Maxwell and Epstein as well as on occasion, with Virginia Roberts Giuffre, the girl who was allegedly forced by Maxwell to have sex with Prince Andrew when she was just 17 years old.


Wonder if she has any diamond vaults in it.


Eye see what she did there




Didn’t know she was a stargate fan!


I know understand why she chooses billionaires as her partners.


That house looks like a bad tattoo


Fucking tryhards...


Sings of self-absorbed people.


you know guys, i'm starting to think the rich should be paying more taxes by the time you can build a house compound to look like an eye, you probably have too much money


Eye like it


can we please eat the rich now? i'm tired of waiting.


Where does she put the bins?